Sunday 9 June 2019

A is for Atom

“Those That Ran The Soviet Union

Believed that they could plan, and manage a new kind of Socialist Society.

They had discovered that it was impossible to control and predict everything — and The Plan had run out of control.

But rather than reveal that reveal this, The Technocrats decided to pretend that everything was still going according to The Plan.

And what emerged instead was a 

Fake Version of The Society.

The Soviet Union became a Society where everyone knew what their leaders said was   

Not-Real, because everyone could see with their own eyes that the economy was falling apart —

But Everybody Had to Play Along, 

and pretend that it was Real —

Because No-One Could Imagine an Alternative.

One Soviet called it 


You were so much a part of The System that it became impossible to see beyond it — 

The Fakeness was HyperNormal.”

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