"It will give our young people a comprehensive education... to make up for their Comprehensive Education."
- Hacker
The universally maligned, slaughtered and abused Iraqi Armies of 1990-1 and 2003, (at the time of Desert Storm, the fourth largest Army in the world), was comprised for it's enlisted ranks almost entirely of teenaged conscripts, commanded by experienced, battle-hardened officers, schooled in Soviet war doctrine, who were all veterans of a major and very attritional war.
Demolished Iraqi vehicles line the Highway of Death on 18 April 1991.
Demolished vehicles line Highway 80, also known as the "Highway of Death", the route fleeing Iraqi forces took as they retreated fom Kuwait during Operation Desert Storm. The tank visible in the center of the picture is either a Type 59 or a Type 69 as evidenced by the dome-shaped ventilator on the top of the turret and the headlamps on the right fender.
They are all dead now.
Most of them, very violently, and long before their proper time.
The Syrian Arab Army, still, is organised along almost exactly the same principles - they are the same set of principles upon which the Israeli Defence Forces have been organised since [about 46 years before] the foundation of the Zionist State;
That is to say, compulsory National Service, a fully deputised civilian citizenry of potential reservists with military training to call on in the event of invasion, attack or other national emergency, and a firm and central indoctrination into all citizens of the Republic of "the Myth of the Nation", as NeoConservatives term the Social Contract.

Military colleges use the term "Nation Building", and the Anglo-American Power Structure and Military-Industrial-Entertainment Complex have agreed in universal, lock-step consensus that this is something that they should never-ever try to do - anywhere.
Because it is "not our job".
In other words, the Monopoly of Law and Force, which is the hallmark of all modern Nation States, and not the hallmark of the Global Zionists of the New World Order, or absolutist tyrannies, military juntas and dictatorships like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Thailand, North Korea or rural Nevada.
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