Saturday 18 June 2022

The Holodeck Door

You ever notice how 
The Door onto The Holodeck 
looks just like a BANK Vault….?

Because Christopher Nolan has 😀

It’s about six-inch thick, reinforced steel-Titanium, with an ENORMOUSLY heavy locking mechanism….
and you just look at it, 
and you think —

“WHY would you need to build 
such a SECURE Door….?”

A. : To keep all of The Reality in.

Otherwise it might start 
to leak out.
Contaminate other areas 
of The Ship —

Disrupt the Power Distribution Systems, or whatever.

I watched Inception today, properly, for the first time —

And the inner core at the centre of Cillan Murphy’s subconscious is represented by 
an enormous bank-vault door —

And when he goes 
all the way right down there, 
and breaks in….

I swear to God,
The •inside• of it, looks like THIS :

Unable to Function

"In the following pages, 
I shall prove that the entire 
psychology of Man 
can only be understood 
with reference to 
The Science 
of Navigation."

[Klingon courtroom]
Gen.CHANG: (in Klingonese) :
The Enterprise fired on Kronos One without provocation. 
The Chancellor and his advisors, 
having been lulled into 
a false sense of security 
by an invitation to a state dinner 
aboard Captain Kirk's vessel 
at precisely nineteen thirty hours 
that same evening.

Call your first witness.

Brigadier KERLA :
After the first shot we lost our gravitational field. 
I found myself weightless 
and unable to function.
Then two Starfleet crewmen came walking towards me.

Or perhaps they merely 
wore Starfleet uniforms.

That remark is purely speculative. 
I move that it be stricken.

KLINGON JUDGE (on viewscreen): 
Colonel Worf, we are interested 
in facts, not theories.

[Klingon courtroom]

If the gravitational field was not functioning
How could these men be walking?

Brigadier KERLA : 
They appeared to be wearing magnetic boots.

[Enterprise-A bridge]

Gravity boots.….

Lieutenant — The torpedo hit, 
once again, please. 


It is Enterprise. We fired.

That is not possible
All weapons visually 
accounted-for! ….sir.

[ He means, he has been down to the torpedo bay and counted them all himself (rather than relying on The Computer Inventory record of what SHOULD be there. ]

An Ancestor of Mine 
once maintained that if you 
Eliminate The Impossible 
whatever remains
however improbable
must be The Truth.

What exactly does that mean?

It means that if 
We cannot have 
fired those torpedoes, 
Someone Else DID.

Well they dinna fire on themselves. 
There were no other ships present.

There was an enormous neutron energy surge.

Not from us!

A neutron surge that big could 
only be produced by —
….another ship!

Kronos One..?

…Too far away. Very near us. Possibly, beneath us.

 If there were a ship beneath us, 
The Klingons would have seen it.

….would They?

….A Bird-of-Prey?

A Bird-of-Prey.


Bird-of-Prey cannot fire 
when she's cloaked!

All other things being equal, 
Mister Scott, I would agree —
However, all things are not equal :
This one, can.

We must inform Starfleet Command.

Inform them of what!?
A new weapon that is invisible??

Raving lunatics, that's 
what they'll call us! 

They'll say that we're 
so desperate to 
exonerate the Captain 
that we'll say anything.

And they would be correct
We have no evidence
Only a Theory, which happens 
to fit the facts.

Assuming you're right, Mister Spock, 
Why would they fire on their own President?

Indeed. This ship will be 
searched from bow to stern. 
Lieutenant Valeris, 
you'll be in charge.

Aye sir.

I do not understand — 
If there was a ship underneath us, 
surely the assassins beamed aboard 
from that wessel, not Enterprise.

You're forgetting something, Mister Chekov —
According to our own data banks this ship fired those torpedoes :

If We did, The Killers are here;
if we did not, whoever 
altered the data banks 
is also here. 

In either case, what we are 
looking for is here.

What are we looking for, Mister Spock…?


Two pairs of 
gravity boots.


Any progress?

None. We have got a crew of three hundred turning their own quarters inside out, 
but The Killers may still be among them. 

Surely they have disposed of these boots by now —
Would it not have been logical to have left them on Gorkon's ship?

Even Logic must give way to Physics — 
Gravity had not been restored 
by the time they escaped. 
Without the boots they would have 
just floated off the Klingon transporter pads.

Why not simply — 
waporise them?

Like this?


At ease. As you know, Commander Chekov, 
no one can fire an unauthorised phaser aboard a starship. 
...Suppose when they returned 
they threw the boots into the refuse?

I'm having the refuse searched. 

If my surmise is correct 
those boots will cling to the killers' necks like a pair of Tiberian bats —
They could not make their escape without them, 
nor can they simply throw them out a WINDOW for all to see — 
Those boots are HERE, somewhere.

Did someone fire off a phaser?

It's all right. It's nothing.

Mister Spock, Starfleet is screaming for us to return to port.

Who fired tha...

Ah! Mister Scott, 
I understand you're having difficulty with the warp drive. 
How much time do you require 
for repair?

There's nothing wrong 
with the bloody thing.

Mister Scott. 
If we return to Spacedock, 
the assassins would surely find a way to dispose of their incriminating footwear 
and we will never see 
The Captain and Doctor McCoy 
alive again.

Could take weeks, sir.

Thank you, Mister Scott. 
Valeris, please inform Starfleet Command 
our warp drive is inoperative.

A lie?

An error.

Friday 17 June 2022


“ Bob Hare was spending the night at the Heathrow Airport Hilton. He e-mailed me to ask how things had gone with Al Dunlap. I replied that I’d tell him in person. I met him in the hotel bar. He was more in demand than ever, he said, now that a big study he’d coauthored, “Corporate Psychopathy,” had just been published. 

In it, 203corporate professionals” were assessed with his checklist — “including CEOs, directors, supervisors,” Bob said — and the results showed that while the majority weren’t at all psychopathic, “3.9% had a score of at least 30, which is extremely high, even for a prison population, at least 4 or 5 times the prevalence in the general population.” 

Bob clarified that we don’t have a lot of empirical data for how many psychopaths are walking around in the general population, but the assumption is that it’s a little less than 1 percent. And so, his study showed, it is four or five times more likely that some corporate bigwig is a very high-scoring psychopath than someone just trying to earn an okay living for their family.

Over a glass of red wine I briefed him on my Al Dunlap visit. I told him how Al had pretty much confessed to a great many of the psychopathic traits, seeing them as business positives, and Bob nodded, unsurprised. “Psychopaths say there are predators and prey,” Bob said. “When they say that, take it as factual.” “It’s funny you should mention predators,” I said. “Try and guess what his house was filled with.” “Eagles,” said Bob. “Bears . . .” “Yes!” I said. “Panthers. Tigers. A whole menagerie. Not stuffed. Statues. How would you know that?” “I have a few insights here,” he said, pointing at his skull. “I’m a researcher but I have clinical insights.” Then I frowned. “But he did tell me he cried when his dog died,” I said. “Yeah?” said Bob. “Yes,” I said. “We had just had a conversation about Shallow Affect. 

He said he didn’t allow himself to be weighed down by nonsense emotions

But then I was admiring an oil painting of his dog Brit and he said he cried his eyes out when it died. He said he cried and cried and cried and that meant he couldn’t be a psychopath.”

I realised I was admitting this to Bob in an almost apologetic manner, as if it was sort of my fault, like I was a casting agent who had put forward an imperfect actor for a job. 

Oh, that’s quite common,” said Bob. 

“Really?” I said, brightening. 

“Dogs are a possession,” Bob explained. “Dogs — if you have the right dog — are extremely loyal. They’re like a slave, right? 

They do everything you want them to. 

So, yeah, he cried his eyes out when his dog died. 

Would he cry his eyes out if his cat died?” 

I narrowed my eyes. “I don’t think he has a cat,” I said, nodding slowly. 

“He’d probably cry his eyes out if he got a dent in his car,” said Bob. “If he had a Ferrari or a Porsche—and he probably does — and someone scratched it and kicked it, he’d probably go out of his mind and want to kill the guy. 

So, yeah, The Psychopath might cry when his dog dies and you think that’s misplaced because he doesn’t cry when his daughter dies.” 

I was about to say, “Al Dunlap doesn’t have a daughter,” but Bob was continuing. 

When my daughter was dying, it was killing me inside. She was dying of MS. 

I put myself inside her skin so many times and tried to experience what she was going through. 

And many times I said to my wife, ‘Boy, what an advantage to be a psychopath.’ 

A psychopath would look at his daughter and say, ‘This is really bad luck,’ and then go out and gamble and . . .” 

Bob trailed off. We ordered coffee. 

With corporate psychopathy, it’s a mistake to look at them as neurologically impaired,” he said. “It’s a lot easier to look at them from a Darwinian slant. 

It all makes sense from the evolutionary perspective. The strategy is to pass on the gene pool for the next generation. 

Now, they don’t consciously think that. They don’t think, ‘I’m going to go out and impregnate as many women as I can,’ but that’s the genetic imperative. So what do they do? They’ve got to attract women. They like women a lot. So they’ve got to misrepresent their resources. They’ve got to manipulate and con and deceive and be ready to move on as soon as things get hot.” 

“Ah,” I said, frowning again. “With Al Dunlap that really doesn’t hold up. He’s been married for forty-one years. There’s no evidence of affairs. None at all. He’s been a loyal husband. And a lot of journalists have dug around —” 

“It doesn’t matter,” interrupted Bob. “We’re talking in generalities. There are lots of exceptions. 

What happens outside the marriage? 
Do you know? Do you have any idea?” 

“Um,” I said. 

“Does his wife have any idea what goes on outside the marriage?” Bob said. “A lot of these serial killers are married to the same person for thirty years. They have no idea what goes on outside The Marriage.” ”

Those People

The Allies wanted ANSWERS -- 
"How had arguably one of 
the most technologically-advanced 
and civilised nation in Europe 
descended into The Pit of HELL?

Who WERE These Men?
Were They MADMEN...?

Worst of all, if it could happen over there,
could it happen here...?

The Psychiatrists who studied The Prisoners at The Nuremberg Trials wrote their collective portrait :

"Their collective I.Q. is 140; 
They have a rigid view of the World - 
Black and White, without Grey.

They were born-Followers, who needed someone 
to tell them What to Think;
Though they had unusual personalities among them, 
they were NOT Insane."

The Answers The Allies recieved were NOT The Answers they were prepared to HEAR;
"NO, They were NOT Madmen; and, YES, it COULD Happen Here."

The Psychiatrists noted that there were plenty of similar individuals in The United States, 
who would GLADLY step over 
half the bodies 
of their fellow countrymen
to Control the remainder.

Capt. Gustav Gilbert
A rat catcher catching rats". 
Is that the kind of thinking it takes to carry out state sanctioned mass murder? 
Not just blind obedience but also 
a belief that your victims 
are not human? 

Reichsmarschall Hermann Wilhelm Göring
Let me ask you this :
What was Hiroshima? 

Was it not your medical experiment? 

Would Americans have dropped bombs as easily on Germany as it did upon Japan killing as many civilians as possible? I think not

To an American sensibility, 
a Caucasian child is considerably 
more Human than 
a Japanese child. 

Capt. Gustav Gilbert
America was at war with Japan,
a country that had attacked it without provocation —
You murdered millions 
of your own citizens. 

Reichsmarschall Hermann 
Wilhelm Göring
And what about the American citizens of the Japanese race who were put into protective custody in your own concentration camps? 

Capt. Gustav Gilbert
That was Wrong. 

Reichsmarschall Hermann 
Wilhelm Göring
Then why was this not done to citizens 
of German or Italian descent? 

Capt. Gustav Gilbert
I said it was wrong. 

Reichsmarschall Hermann Wilhelm Göring
What about the negro officers in your own army? 
Are they not allowed to command troops in combat? 
Can they sit on the same buses as the whites? 

The segregation laws in your country 
and the anti Semitic laws in mine, 
are they not a difference of degree?
Let me tell you —
From the beginning of the century, 
through the first war, 
until the rise of Hitler, 
the freemasonry of the Jewish merchants 
consistently undermined 
the German economy and 
nationhood of the Fatherland —
That is WHY we made 
anti-Semitic laws and
 why you, my friend 
could never understand 
anti-Semitism, why? 
Because you are a Jew. 

“I am suggesting that 
a Set of Ideals 
was primarily responsible 
for the rise of Nazism.

I think those Ideals 
are extraordinarily false 
and terribly destructive—
but that is NOT how millions of intelligent, educated, even in many cases well-meaning Germans saw them. 

But why do I call them 
a ‘Set of Ideals’

Why not just say :
“The Nazis had some 
[very Bad & Wrong] Ideas
of course they had some ideas with which to bewitch the masses —
but basically They just wanted Power 
and were effective at using 
those ideas to get Power”

Well, of course 
The Nazis wanted Power. 
What politician doesn’t 
want aPower? 

But if you are only out for power, 
think about how you go about getting it in a Democracy

The best way is to identify the established political parties, 
join one of the powerful ones, 
and work your way 
up the ranks to the top. 

Here is an analogy: 
In the United States, the two 
major parties are the Democratic 
and Republican parties. 

So if you are young and ambitious and you want a realistic chance at becoming a Senator or even President in your lifetime, 
you join one of those two parties. 

What you do not do 
is join a fringe party. 

What you do not do 
is start your own party—
say, the Midwestern Farmer’s Union Party, out in the middle of nowhere. 

The only reason you would start the Midwestern Farmer’s Union Party 
is that you are a True Believer 
in the ideals of Midwestern Farming 
and think you cannot 
achieve your ideals 
by joining the established parties. 

But that describes 
the Nazis exactly
They did not join 
the Social Democrats 
or any of the established 
political parties. 

They set up their own fringe party, initially based 
in the south of Germany 
and away from the 
centre of power in Berlin. 

They were true 
believers in a cause. 
They did not want power if it meant compromising their ideals by joining with an established party. 

They wanted Power—
but Power to achieve 
what they took to be 
high ideals

Loki :
Kneel before me. 
I said kneel

Is not this simpler
Is this not your natural state? 

It's the unspoken truth of Humanity, that you crave subjugation

The bright lure of Freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for Power, for IDENTITY. 

You were made to be ruled
In the end, you will always kneel. 

German Elder :
Not to Men like you. 

Loki :
There are no Men Like Me. 

German Elder :
There are always men like you. 

Loki :
Look to your elder, people. 
Let him be an example. 

The Captain :
You know, the last time 
I was in Germany, 
and saw a man standing 
above everybody else, 
giving orders —
we ended up disagreeing. 

Frau Goering :
Good afternoon, Captain.

The prisoners aren't allowed visitors.

Frau Goering :
I am the wife of Reichsmarschall Göring.
This is His Daughter.

No exceptions, madam.

Frau Göring.
- My name is Captain Gilbert.

Frau Goering :

Nice to meet you. Would you have a
moment to spend with me, to talk?

Frau Goering :

- Very good.
- This is Edda.

Hello, Edda. 
I'm Captain Gilbert. 
Do you like chocolate?

It must have been very difficult
for you these last few months.
Especially with your little girl.

It could have been worse, I suppose.
Hitler could have survived.

You've obviously come to
terms with The Truth.

I wish your husband
could do the same.

But he persists in remaining
Loyal to Hitler's Memory.

Yes, I cannot understand it, either.
Such Loyalty to a man
who wanted us dead.

I'm sorry?

Hitler’ [Boorman, via the Hitler-Clone decoy double] 
ordered all of us to be shot.
Hermann, myself...
our precious child.

That is why we surrendered
to The Americans.
Why else would we have
done such a thing?

I went through my notes last night.
I've spent all these months trying
to find a way inside Their Minds.

Hoping to understand
How Those People
could commit such atrocities
against My People.

I believe there are a couple of
factors that explain a lot of it.
First, Germany is a country where
people do what they're told.

You obey your parents, teachers,
clergymen, superior officers.
You're raised from childhood
not to question Authority.

When Hitler comes to Power, 
he has an entire nation 
that believes it's 
perfectly natural to do 
whatever he says.

Second, propaganda.
For years, Germans have been
bombarded with ideas like:
"Jews are not real Human Beings," or
"They're a corruption of The Race."

When The Government
says it's permissible
to deny Jews their rights,
and then says it's imperative to
kill these inferior people,
they comply.

Even if they've been your
friends or neighbours.

Anything else?

I told you once that I was searching 
for The Nature of Evil.

I think I've come close 
to defining it :
A Lack of Empathy.

It's the one characteristic that
connects all the defendants —

A genuine incapacity to
feel with their fellow man.

Evil, I think, is 
The Absence of Empathy.

Wednesday 15 June 2022

The Destruction of The World

“What I’m going to say is is going to be seem radical to some, but what we're seeing in this process is the actual Destruction of The World;

And it's actually going to this type of thinking which can actually Destroy The World or lead to Absolute Tyranny, one or the other, or maybe one, causing the other, because —

So, imagine you have a basketball team, right, you have a basketball team — The Purpose of The Team is to play basketball, to win a championship to do this, and then [hopefully, ultimately] be able to do that, but then you say,

“No, no, no — The Purpose of The Team is ‘Inclusion’.”

Monday 13 June 2022

That's The Same Atrocious Aftershave You Wore in Court --


The so-called Pure Universe comprising the top five tattvas is Not A Place; it is the divine Reality that pervades the whole of the manifest universe. 

The top five tattvas are essentially a description of God/dess. 
Though divided into five levels, they are all aspects of The Divine and are referred to as phases of God’s awareness. 

The differences between them are differences of perspective and emphasis. 

To reach any of the five tattvas of the Pure Universe is to attain complete liberation and awakening. 
The level of Pure Wisdom is also the level of mantra (besides meaning “wisdom,” vidyā is also the feminine word for “mantra”). 

The wisdom spoken of here is not any type of intellectual knowledge but rather the various phases of Śiva-Śakti’s self-awareness expressed in the form of the seventy million mantras— all the mantras that have ever existed or will ever exist. 

For the Tantrik tradition, mantras are actually conscious beings, analogous to angels in the Western religions. 

Someone who attains liberation on the level of tattva #5 becomes a mantra-being. 

We know that this doctrine, that mantras are conscious, was taken seriously because the texts tell us that if A Guru grants initiation into The Tantra to someone who subsequently falls from The Path, then that guru must perform a special ritual to apologise to The Mantras for putting them to work needlessly

It is absolutely crucial to understand that in this tradition A Mantra, its Deity, and its Goal are all one and the same.

Thus, for example, Lakṣmī’s mantra OṂ ŚRĪṂ MAHĀLAKṢMYAI NAMAḤ is the Goddess Lakṣmī in sound form; it is her sonic body.

Nor is her mantra something separate from the goal for which it is repeated, i.e., to cultivate abundance, for it is the very vibration of abundance (and, as well, the other qualities of Śrī: elegance, charm, grace, beauty, prosperity, and auspiciousness). 

So, all the various “deities” of Indian spirituality exist on the level of the Śuddha-vidyā tattva as phases of Śiva-Śakti’s awareness, the many facets, if you will, of the One jewel. 

Further, there are countless mantra-beings on the Śuddha-vidyā level that do not correspond to known Indian deities; perhaps we can suppose that the deities of all spiritual traditions exist on this level, insofar as they can be understood as having sonic forms. 

One who reaches liberation on this level sees the entire universe as a diverse array of energies, but with a single essence. 

She sees no static matter, experiencing everything as interacting patterns of vibration. 

The wonder of that which she sees takes precedence over her I-sense, though there is unity between them: “I am this!” (idam evāham). 

The divine Power that corresponds to this level is kriyā-śakti, the Power of Action. 

This is so because the primary characteristic of mantras is that they are agents of transformative change, i.e., of action. 

I Own The Keys to Lektor’s Mind


That's The Same Atrocious Aftershave 
You Wore in Court --

Ma'am, are you all right?

Molly Graham, 
Wife of Will :
What? What is it?
What is it? What's going on?

Ma'am, I think
you should come back inside.

Molly Graham, 
Wife of Will :
What's going on?

Come back inside. Please.
I think you should come back inside.

Will Graham :
I'm sorry, Molly.
I'm sorry about all of this.
This place is fine.
We'll be fine.

Molly Graham, 
Wife of Will :
He's after you now, isn't he?

Will Graham :
It's just a precaution.
Kevin, why don't you run down
to the water, check out the dock?

Kevin, Son of Will Graham :
I want to hang around here.
I'm in the kitchen, Mom.

Molly Graham, 
Wife of Will :

Will Graham :
What is that about?
What, he's afraid to leave 
you alone with me now?

He saw the article
in the Tattler, right?

Molly Graham, 
Wife of Will :
I wanted to talk with him about it,
but he said he wanted
to bring it up to you, face to face.

Will Graham :
Good for him.

Kevin, come on,
help me unpack, will ya?
Then we'll go get some groceries.

Will Graham :
You and Mom are very 
well-protected, you know.
No one's gonna find out where you are.

Kevin, Son of Will Graham :
Is there anything I need to know 
to see about Mom?

Will Graham :

Kevin, Son of Will Graham :
This Guy is trying to Kill Us?

Will Graham :
We don't know that.

Kevin, Son of Will Graham :
When are you going to Kill Him?

Will Graham :
I'm not. It's only My Job to find him.

Kevin, Son of Will Graham :
Barry's mom had this newspaper.
It said you were in a special hospital.

Will Graham :
Well, it was a regular hospital,
then I was transferred into the psychiatric wing.
That bothers you, doesn't it?

Kevin, Son of Will Graham :
I don't know --
Was it because in the papers it said 
it was this man Lecktor?

Will Graham :

Kevin, Son of Will Graham :
What Happened?

Will Graham :
Well, Lecktor was attacking college girls,
then he killed them.

Kevin, Son of Will Graham :

Will Graham :
In bad ways.

He was a Psychiatrist.
One of the girls was His Patient,
and I went to talk to him about her.

I tried to build Feelings in My Imagination 
like The Killer had so that I would know
WHY He Did What He Did,
because that would 
Help Me find him.

When I was sitting in Lecktor's Office 
and I looked up, I saw a book on his shelf.

It had pictures of war wounds in it.
And I knew it was him.

So I went to a pay phone down the hall 
to call The Police, 
and that's when he 
attacked me.

You and Mom, came to 
see me in the hospital,
and that helped a lot.

But after My Body got okay,
I still had His Thoughts 
going around in My Head.
And I stopped Talking to People.

And a Doctor-Friend of mine, 
a Dr. Bloom, asked me 
to get some help.
And I did.

Then after a while, I felt better,
and I was okay again.

Kevin, Son of Will Graham :
And The Way He Thought 
felt that bad?

Will Graham :
Kevin, they're The Ugliest 
Thoughts in The World.

Kevin, Son of Will Graham :, what kind of coffee 
do you like?

Will Graham :

Kevin, Son of Will Graham :
You like that Folgers stuff, right?

Will Graham :

Kevin, Son of Will Graham :
Mom likes that, too.....
When can we go home, Dad?

Will Graham :
I don't know, Kevin.

Molly Graham, 
Wife of Will :
So, where are things?

Will Graham :

Everything we've tried is either
a dead end or it's backfired.
Crawford's already planning
the next crime scene
so that we get it fresh.
We've got about six more days
till the next full moon.

Molly Graham, 
Wife of Will :
Can you quit?

Will Graham :

Molly Graham, 
Wife of Will :
What's next?

Will Graham :
I go to Atlanta.

Molly Graham, 
Wife of Will :

Will Graham :
No. I have to be alone.

Molly Graham, 
Wife of Will :
You're talking about doing exactly 
what you said you...

Will Graham :
This Killing, it's gotta stop.

Molly Graham, 
Wife of Will :
William, you're gonna make yourself sick
or get yourself killed.

Will Graham :
You and Kevin should go to Montana.
Go see your dad.
He hasn't seen Kevin for a long time.
And I'll come up and get you afterwards.