Monday 2 September 2019

There’s Something Funny About Marc McClure....

Fun Fact :

Marc McClure is in more Superman movies than Christopher Reeve — because his is the only actor whose character is in all five classic-era Superman movies (or six, if you count the one which they made twice) — Superman-Superman IV, plus Supergirl and The Other Superman II

And, he was in two movies that got made TWICE — Superman II and Back to The Future

The River in The Middle of The Rock in The Middle of The River

Lorelei Ambrosia
Ross’ assistant and girlfriend. 
Lorelei, a voluptuous blonde bombshell, is well-read, articulate and skilled in computers, but conceals her intelligence from Ross and Vera, to whom she adopts the appearance of a superficial fool. 
As part of Ross’ plan, she seduces Superman.

RAW: Well, to start from Joyce.  Joyce was probably the greatest anthropologist who ever lived, and it’s a scandal that he’s not taught in all anthropology classes.  And it was through the study of Joyce that Joseph Campbell developed his unique approach to anthropology.  The first book he wrote after “The Skeleton Key” was “The Hero of a Thousand Faces”, and that book would be impossible without “The Skeleton Key”; “The Skeleton Key” gave him the monomyth, the archetype behind all the other archetypes that he uses in “The Hero with a Thousand Faces” and then develops in his later books like the four-volume “Masks of God”.  But Joyce was Campbell’s guide, just as he’s the guide to quantum mechanics in many senses.  Murray Gell-Mann, the Nobel Prize winner, got his three-quark model out of FW.  The three quarks are the three major characters in FW: the two twins who are opposite, and the third who was both twins combined and still a third independent character.  To understand thoughts like two twins who are the opposite of a third who combines both twins together, you’ve got to think in a Taoist way.  Like the joke: how many Zen masters does it take to change a light bulb?  Two: one to change it, and one to not change it.  Well that’s the logic of the Sham-Ham-Japheth relationship in FW, which is also the Bacon-Shakespeare-Raleigh relationship and the Tom-Dick-and-Harry and the many other types of trilogies in the human mind, including the Holy Trinity and Dogfather-Dogson-and-Co, which sounds like an English company name, but it’s actually Charlles Dodgson - Lewis Carroll - the two twins who are opposite, Charles Dodgson the logician and Lewis Carroll the fantasist are united in one body: a certain man, who was Dodgson part of the time and Carroll part of the time, like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.  He wrote treatises on the pure mathematical foundations of logic with one part of his mind and he wrote “Alice in Wonderland” with the other part.  So Dogfather-Dogson-and-Co is Dodgson divided up into three parts, like the holy trinity - the Father, the Son, and - Coo! - the Holy Pigeon.

I: That’s like James Keys and G. Spencer Brown.  G Spencer Brown is a mathematician and James Keys is the expression that develops his anima.  He’s from England - Oxford I believe - have you ever run into him?

RAW: No, I haven’t.  But I’ve read “The Laws of Form”.

RAW : Joyce is so complicated.  There have been books written claiming that Joyce hated women, and the reason such books can be written is that Joyce’s characters are so complicated.  Every one of his female characters is marvelous and terribly flawed and full of imperfections, but that’s true of his male characters, too.  And so even though Joyce, to me, appears one of the great male feminists, his female characters are certainly not idealized any more than his male characters.  Joyce was the world’s staunchest enemy of idealism.

I: But they’re strong - the women are.

RAW: Yes, and they are tremendously flexible.  In the symbolism of FW, the woman is the river and the man is the mountain, and the mountain seems strong, but it’s kind of frozen, and the river is alive and dancing.  This is very much like the Yang and the Yin principles in the I Ching.  FW is isomorphic to the I Ching; I have an essay about that in the latest issue of “Semiotext(e)”.  It’s kind of hard to pursue verbally these mathematical symbols to show the full isomorphism.

Saturday 31 August 2019

Capes and Capers

The Exorcist :
Colonel, do me a favor? Please?

Explain to this moron here that 
in none of the plays of Shakespeare 
can there be a part for Superman.

Sunshine Superman :
There could be, the way I explained it.

The Exorcist :
The way you explained! Jesus!
You know what he wants? You want to hear?

When the conspirators draw their knives, 
he wants to rescue Julius Caesar!

Ready? Swoop down like a rocket, pick him up 
and go hurdling mighty temples 
in one single, incredible bound!

Jesus, Nammack. Are you crazy?

Maybe we do need a few restrictions.

The Exorcist :
I'm in Trouble, I need help. 
Immediate help.

Take an enema; call me soon.
Dr. Fell, you're wanted in surgery.
I've been having an argument, a monster... 
and I'll like you to settle it once and for all.

Some Shakespearean -
Hold this please.

Some Shakespearean scho -
Thank you.

Some Shakespearean scholars say, that when Hamlet is pretending he's crazy... 
He really IS crazy,

That's right.

The Exorcist :
Now, other Shakespearean scholars say, that when Hamlet...

Other Shakespearean scholars say that 
when Hamlet is pretending to be nuts... 
he really isn't nuts, its an act.

Please give me your opinion.

I would like to hear your's first.

The Exorcist :
(To the dog, Sir Lawrence, 
who is the one he is having the argument with.)
Terrific psychiatrist.
That's class.

Dr. Fell 
(No, really, he did) :

The Exorcist :
Why don't you go inoculate a fucking armadillo, Fell?

Doctor Fell 
(No, Really, he did.) :
No really, I'm interested. 
I'm terribly interested.

The Exorcist :
Your interests are coextensive 
with on Nero's ass on Sunday morning.

Heady concept, Frankie.

The Exorcist :
Now listen, Colonel — 

Considering how Hamlet is acting... 
is he really and truly crazy?

Kane :

Fell :

The Exorcist :
You're BOTH wrong.

Now think what happens:
First The Father dies; 
then His Girl leaves him flat.

Then, there's the appearance by 
His Father's Ghost...

Bad enough, but then 
The Ghost says he was murdered.

And by whom?

By Hamlet's Uncle, 
who recently married Hamlet's Mother!

Now that, by itself is a helluva hangup — 
because Hamlet LIKED His Mother... a LOT!

Kane :
But then we agreed that Hamlet's insane.

The Exorcist :
No, he's not.
He is pretending, but...

If Hamlet HADN’T pretended to BE crazy, 
he would have GONE crazy.

See, Hamlet isn't psycho.
He's hanging on a brink.

A little shove, a little teensy eensy little eensy push, 
and the kid's gone! Bananas! Whacked out!

So his unconscious mind makes
him do what keeps him sane... namely 
acting like he's nuts!

See 'Cause acting crazy...
is a way to let off steam; 
a way to get rid of your 
fucking aggression. 

A way to get rid of your 
fears and your terrors...

If I did what Hamlet does in this play, 
They'd lock me up

They'd put me in prison.
They'll punish me, sure!

But Him

Prince Royal Garbagemouth 
gets away with murder

And why?

Because nuts are not responsible!
Meantime, the crazier Hamlet acts... 
The more he indulges himself, 
the healthier he gets!

Kane :
Yes. I think...

The Exorcist :
I'm waiting.

Kane :
I think I agree with Your Theory.

The Exorcist :
Yes! There!
(to Sir Lawrence, The Dog)
You see? You understand that now,
you dumb stupid idiot?

From Now On, We Do The Scene My Way!
Come On, Sir Lawrence!

God bless your veins and your arteries, Colonel.
Sir Lawrence, you don't know shit...

Capt. Billy Cutshaw :
Did he buy it?

The Exorcist :
Did he buy it?
Hell, I bought it.

Billy, I think there is something wrong with us.

Kane, The Killer :
Groper, get off the line.

The Hamlet Theory is Correct.

The Girl Who Was Death

Friday 30 August 2019

It Takes Strength to Know What's Right

It Takes Strength to Know What's Right.

And Love isn't something that Weak People do.

Being a Romantic takes a hell of a lot of Hope.

Want me to suck your cock while driving? 

Cliff Booth: [thinks for a bit] 
How old are you? 


Cliff Booth: 
How old are you? 

Wow, man — First time anybody asked THAT in a LONG time....

Cliff Booth: 
What's The Answer? 

Okay, we gonna play kiddie games? 
Feel better? 

Cliff Booth: 
You got some I.D., you know, like, a driver's license or something? 

Pussycat: [laughing] 
Are you joking? 

Cliff Booth: 
No, I'm not. 
I need to see something official that verifies that you're eighteen, 
which you don't have, 
because you're not.

Wednesday 28 August 2019

Thanos, The Merely-Just-Mistaken Titan

"Little One, it's a simple calculus.
Which is Wrong.

The Universe is finite
It isn’t.

It's resources finite.
They aren’t.

If Life is left unchecked, Life will cease to exist.
It won’t, and it doesn’t.

It needs Correction."
How often..?

You Don't Know That!

"I'm The Only One Who Knows That.

At least, 
I'm The Only One with The Will to Act on It."

The Key to Time is a Perfect Cube
which maintains the equilibrium of Time itself. 

It consists of six segments, and these segments are scattered and hidden throughout the cosmos. 

When they are assembled into the cube, they create a power which is too dangerous for any being to possess. 

There are times, Doctor, when the forces within The Universe upset the balance to such an extent that it becomes necessary to STOP everything. 

STOP Everything...?

Er, for A Brief Moment Only.


Such a Moment is Rapidly Approaching.

“If Kirby’s Promethean dialectic was informed by his experiences in World War II, Starlin’s came courtesy of the post–Vietnam War counterculture. 

Thanos was Darkseid not as galactic tyrant but as thwarted lover, a gnarled and massive embodiment of the death wish that had overwhelmed so many young Americans in the sixties. 

To make sure no one missed the point, Thanos even courted Death itself in the alluring form of a robed, hooded, voluptuously breasted female figure that followed him around like some ghostly Benedictine groupie. 

Kirby’s Satan was a monster of tyranny; Starlin’s was a frustrated nihilist, wooing Death like a lovesick puppy. 

Thanos was a Gothic teenage villain who spoke to a generation that couldn’t care less about Hitler or the will to power.”