Monday 22 July 2019

The Majors Tom : The Right Stuff

I think there is a Power Greater Than Us 
that will place The Opportunities in Our Way.

Who are you guys?

We're aborigines.
Who are you?

I'm an Astronaut.

Well, what do you do here, Astronaut?

I'm here because a buddy of mine is getting ready to fly overhead. Up in outer space.
And I'll be talking to him on that dish.

Fly over?
You blokes do that, too?

You do that yourself?

Not me, mate.
See that old bloke there?
He know.
He know The Moon.
He know The Star.
And he know the Milky Way.
He'll give you a hand.
He know.

We're gonna need all the help we can get.

Stand by for final ten-second count.
The Clock is operating.
We're underway!
Good Lord, ride all the way.
Godspeed, John Glenn.

I was brought up believing that you are placed on Earth...
more or less with a 50-50 proposition.

This is what I still believe.

We're placed here with certain talents and capabilities...
and it's up to each one of us to use those talents as best we can.
And if we use our talents properly...
I think there is a Power Greater Than Us that will place The Opportunities in our way.

Sunday 21 July 2019


Feed The Birds - Mary Poppins 
(Julie Andrews) 

If you were able to get through to Coulson, 
then surely I could get Fitz 
to remember me.

Fitz is not the same.
He's different here.

This Reality may be upside down, but Fitz is still Fitz.
He's still A Good Person.

Who happens to be 
Second in Command at H•Y•D•R•A.

Yeah, which means he has Resources, not to mention FrameWork Expertise, 
which we'll need to get out of 
Radcliffe's H•Y•D•R•A Snowglobe. 

(On the video) .
..we see the final moments of 
Arnold J.  Rimmer.


On the video, Captain HOLLISTER is in the Drive Room 
yelling at RIMMER who is standing at attention.  
A few random officers stand in the back.

(On the video to RIMMER) 
Look, it was Your Job to fix it, Rimmer!  
You can't do sloppy work 
on The Drive Plate!

(On the video
I know, sir, and 
I accept full responsibility 
for any consequences.  
(Executes a Full-Rimmer salute.)

A blinding white light glares and everyone is blown across the room by a tremendous wind.

(On the video
There's an emergency going on.  
It's still going on.  
Will Arnold J.  Rimmer 
please hurry to white corridor 159.  
This is an emergency announcement.

We see RIMMER as he is thrown against a wall, screaming

(On the video
Gazpacho Soup.

RIMMER is blown out of shot until only his arm is visible which falls
into the shattered remains of a snow flurry paperweight 
(echoes of "Citizen Kane").

(The video stops.
“Gazpacho soup”?  
Why were his last words, 
"gazpacho soup?"

The Majors Tom : Capricorn One

“Yeah, man, it's like that dang old Capricorn One a good movie, but they ain't gonna fake no staying on the ground like that little dude, that old Neil Armstrong.”

— Boomhauer

My testimony in Vienna was a lie.
I lied to The World.

I'm not the only one who kept this secret.
There are many.

We were following orders, 
from the KGB, 
from the Central Committee.

And right now, there are 16 reactors in the Soviet Union 
with the same fatal flaw.

Three of them are still running 
less than 20 kilometers away at Chernobyl.

Professor Legasov, if you mean to suggest the Soviet State is somehow responsible for what happened, then I must warn you, 
you are treading on dangerous ground.

I've already trod on dangerous ground.
We're on dangerous ground right now
because of our secrets and our lies.

They're practically what define us.

When The Truth offends, 
we lie and lie until we can no longer remember 
it is even there.

But it is still there.

Every lie we tell incurs a debt to The Truth.

Sooner or later, that debt is paid.
That is how an RBMK reactor core explodes.


In astrology, Capricorn is considered an earth sign, negative sign, and one of the four Cardinal Signs. 

Capricorn is said to be ruled by the planet Saturn. 

In Vedic Astrology Capricorn was associated with the Crocodile but modern astrologers consider Capricorn as Sea Goat. 

Its symbol is based on the Sumerians’ primordial god of wisdom and waters, Enki, with the head and upper body of a goat and the lower body and tail of a fish.

Later known as Ea in Akkadian and Babylonian mythology, Enki was the god of intelligence (gestĂș, literally “ear”), creation, crafts; magic; water, seawater and lakewater.

" Okay, here it is. I have to start by saying that if there was any other way, if there was even a slight chance of another alternative, I would give anything not to be here with you now. 


Bru, how long have we known each other? 
Sixteen years. That's how long. 
Sixteen years. You should have seen yourself then. 
You looked like you just walked out of a Wheaties box. And me, all sweaty palm and deadly serious. I told everybody about this dream I had of conquering the new frontier, and they all looked at me like I was nuts. You looked at me and said, "yes." I remember when you told me Kay was pregnant. We went out and got crocked. I remember when Charles was born. We went out and got crocked again. The two of us. Captain Terrific and the Mad Doctor, talking about reaching the stars, and the bartender telling us maybe we'd had enough. Sixteen years. And then Armstrong stepped out on the Moon, and we cried. We were so proud. Willis, you and Walker, you came in about then. Both bright and talented wise-asses, looked at me in my wash-and-wear shirt carrying on this hot love affair with my slide-rule, and even you were caught up in what we'd done. I remember when Glenn made his first orbit in Mercury, they put up television sets in Grand Central Station, and tens of thousands of people missed their trains to watch. You know when Apollo 17 landed on the Moon, people were calling up the networks and bitching because reruns of I Love Lucy were cancelled. Reruns, for Christ's sake! I could understand if it was the new Lucy show. After all, what's a walk on the Moon? But reruns! Oh, geez! And then suddenly everybody started talking about how much everything cost. Was it really worth 20 billion to go to another planet? What about cancer? What about the slums? How much does it cost? How much does any dream cost, for Christ's sake? Since when is there an accountant for ideas? 

You know who was at the launch today? 
Not the President. The Vice-President, that's who. 
The Vice-President and his plump wife. The President was busy. He's not busy. He's just a little bit scared. He sat there two months ago and put his feet up on Woodrow Wilson's desk, and he said, "Jim. Make it good. Congress is on my back. They're looking for a reason to cancel the program. We can't afford another screw-up. Make it good. You have my every good wish." His every good wish! I got his sanctimonious Vice-President! That's what I got! So, there we are. After all those hopes and all that dreaming, he sits there, with those flags behind his chair, and tells me we can't afford a screw-up. And guess what! We had a screw-up! A first-class, bona-fide, made-in-America screw-up! The good people from Con-Amalgamate delivered a life-support system cheap enough so they could make a profit on the deal. Works out fine for everybody. Con-Amalgamate makes money. We have our life-support system. Everything's peachy. Except they made a little bit too much profit. We found out two months ago it won't work. You guys would all be dead in three weeks. It's as simple as that. So, all I have to do is report that and scrub the mission. Congress has its excuse, the President still has his desk, and we have no more program. What's 16 years? Your actual drop in the bucket! 

All right. That's the end of The Speech. 

Now, we're getting to what they call The Moment of Truth. 

Come with me — I want to show you something. "

Saturday 20 July 2019

" I remember looking at the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia when I was a little kid. That's what I love about illusions; they're right up there in front of you but somehow you don't see them... until suddenly you do... and I saw that I lived in a world where the symbol was more important than the reality. Where the menu was supposed to taste better than the meal. They're bombing planet Hollywood... those terrorists know exactly where the power lies. None of it's real. Kennedy was a good man. Nixon was a bad man. Is that true or is that just what we've been told is true? Half of the stars in Hollywood are gay pretending to be straight... (Walt Disney) was a shit. The moon landings happened in a studio. The America I thought I lived in was a trick; I'd only ever really seen it on TV, in comic books and movies... especially movies. The Rosicrucians who built this country wouldn't know where they were if you brought them here, would they? Not until you showed them Independence Day. That night when I pissed down over Manhattan, I saw time. I saw time itself... America has been in a declared state of national emergency since March 9th, 1933, giving the president powers to suspend freedom of speech and take control away from all communications media at any time. Who cares? Bruce Willis is here to save us all. The more I looked, the less real America became. And the less real it became, the stronger it got. Planet Hollywood.

One of their agents said to me... "however things turn out, you'll be working for us." That's what I was hoping he'd say. When they discover that the liquid processors in the decoy time suit work, they'll have to call me. I'll have to give them all my technology. They haven't quite figured out how to fight the wars of the 21st century yet... too bad. My homeopathic processors will be standard military issue by 2005. I've already installed trapdoor access into all of those systems. 

By 2012 I'll have control of the entire western military industrial complex. "

Notoriously Vicious and Intemperate Disposition

She was a comely young woman and not without prospects. Therefore it was heartbreaking to her mother that she would enter into marriage with William Munny, a known thief and murderer, a man of notoriously vicious and intemperate disposition. When she died, it was not at his hands as her mother might have suspected, but of smallpox. That was 1878.

Some years later, Mrs. Ansonia Feathers made the arduous journey to Hodgeman County to visit the last resting place of her only daughter. William Munny had long since disappeared with the children... some said to San Francisco where it was rumored he prospered in dry goods. And there was nothing on the marker to explain to Mrs. Feathers why her only daughter had married a known thief and murderer, a man of notoriously vicious and intemperate disposition.

I Make My Own Soap Now

Coulson remember me.
You're the closest thing I have to family.

So, we're both from "The Real World," we're S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, our bodies are being held captive, and this is all a virtual prison, built to keep us sedated.
Am I missing anything? 

No, that's about the gist of it.

[ Chuckles ] 
I knew I wasn't crazy.
Hydra lies about everything.
The news? It's all fake.
Take the Cambridge Incident.
It was a setup.
That girl shouldn't have been at that school in the first place.

Where we're from, she died.
This never happened.
[ Chuckles ] [ Door opens ]

History Student : 
Hey, Mr. Coulson, my homework was done, I swear, but then my dad made me —

Coulson :
Amy, we've been over this.
Until first bell, this is my time.

It's okay.

Hydra used Cambridge to take control, in The Name of Law and Order to justify everything.
It wasn't supposed to be like this.

[ Sighs ] 
I knew if anyone would understand, it'd be you.

Coulson :
I would've figured it out a long time ago if it wasn't for the mind-control soap.


Coulson :
That blue soap everyone uses? 
Hydra loads it up with chemicals.
It seeps into our bloodstream.
Implants false memories into our brains.
They want us to believe this is a magical place.
But don't worry, I'm clear.

I make my own soap now.

No, I think that you're talking about Project TAHITI.
They messed with your head a little bit which is why you probably remember some things, uh –
Why don't we put the soap theories on hold just for one second, okay? 


We got a problem.
[ Sighing ] 
Oh, you have no idea.
Something big's going down over here.
They're sending a unit to pick up your teacher friend.
You're gonna need a substitute.
Come on.
Don't quit on me.
Not now.
Not now.

Coulson :

Simmonds :
Oh, hi.

Coulson :
It's me again, Phil Coulson.
I called Hydra on you.
My bad.

Simmonds :
Water under the proverbial bridge.
I'm so glad to see you, sir.

Coulson :
Apparently, in The Real World, I have a robot hand.
[ Chuckles ] 
Pretty cool, right? 

And here, he makes his own soap.
How about that.

I do.
You should, too.

Coulson :
[Sighs ] 
For the longest time, I just wanted someone to believe me 
and tell me I wasn't crazy.

Simmonds :
You are not crazy.

Coulson :
I live alone and make my own soap.

Simmonds :
I - Uh. It's quaint.
Hipster, even.

Coulson :
That's not how my ex-wife saw it.
Who am I kidding? I'm not remotely qualified to be here.

Simmonds :
I know The Real Coulson, and I believe in you, 
even if you don't just now.
You're exactly Where You're Meant to Be.

Friday 19 July 2019

The 3 Stage Model of Trust : Stead

The Patriot - Recruit

They hanged my brother down in Acworth.
Every damned one of them Redcoats deserves to die.

Martin : 
Sign up.

With all my ailments...
I wouldn't make it through the first skirmish. No, sir.
But you can have my Negro.
He'll fight in my stead.

Occam! Get over here.
Ain't overly smart.
But he's strong as a bull.

Can you write?

No, no, sir.

Well, then, make your mark.

I just signed him over to you.

If you're willing, I'd like you to make your mark.
That'll do.

and send a message to King George
he will never forget!

Our first order of business-
And our last, if we vote a levy!
Order, order!
Mr. Simms, you do not have the floor.
First, an address by ColoneI
Harry Burwell of the ContinentaI Army.
ColoneI Burwell.
You all know why I'm here.
I'm not an orator.
And I would not try to convince you
of the worthiness of our cause.
I'm a soldier.
And we are at war.
From Philadelphia, we expect
a declaration of independence.
levied money... support of a continentaI army.
I ask that South Carolina be the ninth.
Massachusetts and Virginia
may be at war...
...but South Carolina is not!
Hear, hear.
This is not a war for the independence
of one or two colonies...
...but for the independence
of one nation.
And what nation is that?
An American nation!
There is no such nation
and to speak of one is treason.
We are citizens of an American nation.
And our rights are being threatened... a tyrant 3000 miles away.
Would you tell me, please,
Mr. Howard...
...why should I trade one tyrant
...for 3000 tyrants one mile away?
An elected legislature can trample
a man's rights as easily as a king can.
Captain Martin...
...I understood you to be a patriot.
If you mean by " patriot," am I angry
about taxation without representation?
Well, yes, I am.
Should the American colonies govern
themselves independently?
I believe they can. And they should.
But if you're asking me am I willing
to go to war with England...
...then the answer is
most definitely no.
This from the same Captain Benjamin
Martin whose fury was so famous...
...during the Wilderness campaign?
I was intemperate in my youth.
Temperance can be a disguise for fear.
Mr. Middleton, I fought
with Captain Martin...
...under Washington
in the French and Indian War.
There's not a man in this room...
...or anywhere for that matter, to whom
I would more willingly trust my life.
There are alternatives to war.
We take our case before the king.
- We plead with him.
- We tried.
Well, then, we try again and again
if necessary to avoid a war.
I was at Bunker Hill.
The British advanced three times.
We killed 700 at point-blank range
and still they took the ground.
That is the measure of their resolve.
If your principles dictate
...then war is the only way.
It is come to that.
Hear, hear.
I have seven children.
My wife is dead.
Now, who's to care for them
if I go to war?
Wars are not fought
only by childIess men.
But mark my words.
This war will be fought,
not on the frontier...
...or on some distant battlefield...
...but amongst us.
Among our homes.
Our children will learn of it
with their own eyes.
And the innocent will die
with the rest of us.
I will not fight.
And because I will not fight,
I will not cast a vote...
...that will send others to fight
in my stead.
And your principles?
I'm a parent. I haven't got
the luxury of principles.
We must vote to levy!
You intend to enlist
without my permission?
Yes, I do.
Father, I thought you were
a man of principle.
When you have a family of your own,
perhaps you'll understand.
When I have a family of my own,
I won't hide behind them.
He's as imprudent as his father was
at his age.
Regrettably so.
I'll see to it that he
serves under me.
Make him a clerk or quartermaster,
something of that sort.
Good luck.

Reverend, with your permission,
I'd like to make an announcement.
Young man, this is a house of God.
I understand that, reverend.
I apologize.
The South Carolina Militia is
being called up.
I'm here to enlist every man willing.
...we are here to pray...
...for the souls of those men
hanging outside.
Yes, pray for them.
But honor them by
taking up arms with us.
And bring more suffering to this town?
If King George can hang those men,
he can hang any one of us.
Dan Scott...
...barely a week ago you railed
for two hours about independence.
Mr. Hardwick, how many times
have I heard you...
...speak of freedom
at my father's table?
Half the men in this church,
including you, Father...
...and you, reverend...
...are as ardent patriots as I.
Will you now, when you are needed most,
stop at only words?
Is that the sort of men you are?
I ask only that you act
upon the beliefs...
...of which you have
so strongly spoken...
...and in which you
so strongly believe.
Who's with us?
Mr. Howard.
...may I have permission to
write to Anne?
- May I have permission to write Anne?
- Yes.
You have permission... write me.
Oh, write her.
Very well.
Thank you, sir.
A shepherd must tend his flock.
And, at times, fight off the wolves.
Are you sure this is the right place
to recruit for a militia?
God save King George!
I think we came to the right place.
- Any bounty?
- No scalp money this time, Rollins.
But you can keep or sell me the muskets
and gear of any Redcoat you kill.

The Patriot - Recruit

They hanged my brother down in Acworth.
Every damned one of them Redcoats deserves to die.

Martin :
Sign up.

With all my ailments...
I wouldn't make it through the first skirmish. No, sir.
But you can have my Negro.
He'll fight in my stead.

Occam! Get over here.
Ain't overly smart.
But he's strong as a bull.

Can you write?

No, no, sir.

Well, then, make your mark.

I just signed him over to you.

If you're willing, I'd like you to make your mark.
That'll do.

I'll kill me some Redcoats.

I believe you would.
How old are you?

Not quite old enough.
But his time will come.

John Billings.
I was hoping you'd turn up.

There's a story going around about 20 Redcoats... got killed by a ghost or some damn thing.
Carried a Cherokee tomahawk.

Aren't you a little old to be believing in ghost stories?

How many did you get?
These men,
they're not the sort we need.
They're exactly the sort we need.
They've fought
this kind of war before.
What about me? Am I one of that sort?
Hell, no.
Your sort gives that sort a bad name.
I want accuracy and precision.
Make ready!
Take aim!
Dear Anne.;
Our force continues to grow.
As long as we continue to fight,
others will come to fight beside us.
I long to see you and speak to you.
I'm hopeful that our duties
will bring me near you.
Until then, I am and will remain
most affectionately yours.
We surrender!
No! God, stop!
For the love of God, we-
These men were about to surrender!
We will never know.
This is murder!
Hell, reverend, they're Redcoats.
They've earned it.
- We're better than that.
- What do you know about war?
I know the difference
between fighting-
Go back to church!
He's right.
Quarter will be given to British
wounded and any who surrender.
They gave no quarter when they fired on
a ship carrying my wife and daughters.
I watched from 200 yards off
as they were burned alive.
- All my sympathy, but my order stands.
- Damn your sympathy.
Who are you to give such an order?
I know what you did
to my countrymen at Fort Wilderness.
We're militia.
This is not regular army.
Every man here is free to
come and go as he pleases.
But while you're here... will obey my command
or I will have you shot.

PHILOSOPHER: From the standpoint of Adlerian psychology, the basis of interpersonal relations is not founded on Trustbut on Confidence

YOUTH : And 'confidence' in this case is ...?

PHILOSOPHER : It is doing without any set conditions whatsoever when believing in others. 

Even if one does not have sufficient objective grounds for trusting someone, one believes. 

One believes unconditionally without concerning oneself with such things as security. That is Confidence.

YOUTH : Believing unconditionally? 

So, it's back to your pet notion of neighbourly love? 

PHILOSOPHER : Of course, if one believes in others without setting any conditions whatsoever, there will be times when one gets taken advantage of. 

Just like the guarantor of a debt, there are times when one may suffer damages. 

The attitude of continuing to believe in someone even in such instances is what we call Confidence. 

YOUTH: Only a naive dimwit would do such a thing! 

I guess you hold with the doctrine of innate human goodness, while I hold with the doctrine of innate human evilness. 

Believe unconditionally in complete strangers, and you'll just get used and abused. 

PHILOSOPHER: And there are also times when someone deceives you, and you get used that way. 

But look at it from the standpoint of someone who has been taken advantage of. 

There are people who will continue to believe in you unconditionally even if you are the one who has taken advantage of them. 

People who will have confidence in you no matter how they are treated. 

Would you be able to betray such a person again and again?

PHILOSOPHER: I am sure it would be quite difficult for you to do such a thing. 

YOUTH: After all that, are you saying one has to appeal to the emotions? 

To keep on holding the faith, like a saint, and act on the conscience of the other person? 

You're telling me that morals don't matter to Adler, but isn't that exactly what we're talking about here? 

PHILOSOPHER: No, it is not. 

What would you say is the opposite of confidence? 

YOUTH: An antonym of confidence? Uh.....

PHILOSOPHER: It is Doubt. 

Suppose you have placed 'doubt' at the foundation of your interpersonal relations. 

That you live your life doubting other people – doubting your friends, and even your family and those you love. 

What sort of relationship could possibly arise from that? 

The Other Person will detect the doubt in your eyes in an instant.

He or she will have an instinctive understanding that 'this person does not have confidence in me'.  

Do you think one would be able to build some kind of positive relationship from that point? 

It is precisely because we lay a foundation of unconditional confidence
 that it is possible for us to build a deep relationship. 

[Conference room]

(The Fifth Doctor is still plucking the harp strings.)
DOCTOR 5: Well, if it is a tune, what could it be? A tune like, a tune like. A tune like the one that's been under my nose all the time perhaps.
(He sits at the harp and plays the tune painted on the portrait. The section of the wall slides away.)

[Secret room]

(The Fifth Doctor looks at the pentagon with the models on it. Dressed in black and wearing the coronet, Borusa looks up from a panel.)
BORUSA: Welcome, Doctor.
DOCTOR 5: Lord President.
BORUSA: You show very little surprise. Can it be that you suspected me? 

Not at first. Your little charade fooled me for a while.

Yes, it was rather neat, wasn't it? 
Such a pity about the Castellan, but then I needed someone to use for a diversion. 

Oh, Borusa. 
What's happened to you? 

You know how long I have ruled Gallifrey, Doctor, both openly or behind the scenes. 

Oh, you've done great service. 
It was only right you should become President.

BORUSA: President? 
How long before I must retire, my work half done. 
If I could continue —

Oh, I understand. 
You want to be President throughout all your remaining regenerations. 

Oh, you underestimate my ambition, Doctor. 
I shall be President Eternal, and rule forever

DOCTOR 5: Immortality? Oh, that's impossible, even for a Time Lord.
BORUSA: Rassilon achieved it. Timeless perpetual bodily regeneration. True immortality! Rassilon lives, Doctor. He cannot die. He is immortal.
BORUSA: Immortal, Doctor. Before Rassilon was bound, he left clues for his successor, whom he knew would follow him. Oh, I have discovered much, Doctor. This Game control room, the casket with the Scrolls, the Coronet of Rassilon.
DOCTOR 5: But not the final secret.
BORUSA: The Secret of Immortality, Doctor? It lies in the Dark Tower, in the Tomb of Rassilon itself. There are many dangers, many traps.
DOCTOR 5: So, you sent me to the Zone to deal with them for you.
BORUSA: I gave you companions to help, an old enemy to fight. 
Why, it's a game within a game.