Saturday 24 August 2013

I Have a Dream

"I call on Washington today. I call on every man and woman of good will all over America today. 

I call on the young men of America who must make a choice today to take a stand on this issue. 
Tomorrow may be too late. 
The book may close. 

And don't let anybody make you think that God chose America as his divine, messianic force to be a sort of policeman of the whole world. 

God has a way of standing before the nations with judgment, and it seems that I can hear God saying to America, 

"You're too arrogant! 

And if you don't change your ways, I will rise up and break the backbone of your power, and I'll place it in the hands of a nation that doesn't even know my name. 

Be still and know that I'm God." "

"Thirty year later at a Press Conference, he slipped...

Because God do baffle your mind, sometimes...."

Bill Pepper's a great lawyer - but in all the 18 years he worked non-stop on James Earl Ray's post-Conviction Defence, he was NEVER given access to the "Ray" Rifle or the bullet fragments - a ballistics analysis never became a realistic topic for discussion and was in any case irrelevant to establishing Ray's guilt - since he was a mile down the street, gassing up his White Mustang at 3 mins to Six, and in any case, the rifle seemed never to have been fired, and only once taken out if its carton.

But the bushes at the back of Jim's gril was ninethkess ninety less

"Jesse Jackson is not the Emperor of Black People!"

"He told my Dad he was...."

Who's blood is that, Jesse...?

But Jesse Jackson helped.

Cut off a little at the end - sorry.

Sourcebook: The Straw Man Attack

The Brennake Gambit: Guarding Against Straw Man Disinformation Stings from Spike1138 on Vimeo.

Old School Journalism - get two sources who will confirm on the record, plus deep background.

Only fight for what you KNOW to be provebly true. Or they with Dan Rather you....

Also referred to as "memogate," Rathergate is the scandal surrounding the 60 Minutes II story aired on CBS in 2004 about George W. Bush's National Guard service. Memos providing the basis for many of the claims in the report were supposedly created in 1973 and found in the files of the late Lieutenant Colonel Jerry B. Killian. Bloggers and blog readers investigated the suspicious looking documents which were made available to the public on the CBS website and found them to almost certainly be poor forgeries created on a modern era word processor. Four CBS employees lost their jobs over the report. Dan Rather famously defended the report, claiming the memos might be "fake, but accurate" and later went into early retirement.
Background: Media treatment of Bush Guard Service

The story of George Bush's Texas Air National Guard service is an integral part of the story of Rathergate. It is the claims regarding the facts of Bush's service that formed the basis for the story that became known as Rathergate. There were five essential claims made about Bush's Guard service.
Ancillary to these claims were additional claims that, as a result of the facts alledged, Bush was "AWOL", "a deserter" and "a coward" and that he "joined the Guard to avoid going to Vietnam". Click on Bush Guard Service for an extensive background on media treatment of George W. Bush's service in the National Guard.

08 24 2004 Burkett offers to meet with Mapes and Smith to share the documents he posses concerning President Bush.
09 02 2004 Burkett provides two documents to Mapes claiming they are copies of originals obtained from Killian's personal files via Chief Warrant Officer George Conn.
09 05 2004 Burkett provides four more documents to Mapes claiming they are copies of originals obtained from Killian's personal files via Chief Warrant Officer George Conn.
09 05 2004 CBS interviews Robert Strong, a friend of Killian's who ran the Texas Air National Guard administrative office.
09 06 2004 CBS interviews General Robert "Bobby" Hodges, a former officer at the Texas Air National Guard and Killian's immediate superior at the time.
09 08 2004 CBS news magazine 60 Minutes II airs story about George W. Bush National Guard service, featuring memos said to be written in 1973 and found in the files of the late Lieutenant Colonel Jerry B. Killian.
09 08 2004 Commenter "Buckhead" at Free Republic website notices that the memos are proportionally spaced font which did not come into common use for office memos until the introduction of word processing software.
09 09 2004 Power Line blog posts The Sixty-first Minute where information is compiled from readers including an IBM typewriter expert. A reader points out the suspicious superscript "th" in the memos, which would have been virtually impossible to create on a 70's era typewriter.
09 09 2004 Charles Johnson of the blog Little Green Footballs copies one of the Killian memos into Microsoft Word and finds it is an exact match to the memo supposedly typed in 1973.
09 09 2004 CBS News releases a statement saying the memos were "thoroughly investigated by independent experts, and we are convinced of their authenticity.
09 10 2004 On the CBS Evening News, Rather dismisses critics of the story, whom he describes as "partisan political operatives."
09 10 2004 A CBS memo reiterates the company's confidence in the authenticity of the documents.
09 11 2004 A CBS News segment states that document expert Phillip Bouffard states that the documents could have been prepared on an IBM Selectric Typewriter, available at the time.
09 13 2004 Rather states that analysts and other experts strongly insist the documents could have been created in the 70s.
09 15 2004 Document authenticators Emily Will and Linda James both stated that the memos were of very poor quality and would not authenticate them.
09 20 2004 CBS stops defending the documents and reports that their source, Bill Burkett, "admits that he deliberately misled the CBS News producer working on the report, giving her a false account of the documents' origins to protect a promise of confidentiality to the actual source."
09 21 2004 CBS News addresses their contact with the Kerry campaign.
11 09 2004 Mary Mapes gives an interview to ABC News correspondent Brian Ross stating that the docuemtns have never been proven to be forgeries.
01 05 2005 Independent Panel Report (Thornburgh Report) released.
01 10 2005 CBS News reports four employees ousted for their roles in the 60 Minutes II story.
01 25 2005 Senior Vice President, Betsy West and Senior Broadcast Producer, Mary Murphy resign.
03 25 2005 Executive Producer Josh Howard resigns.
03 2005 Dan Rather resigns.

Syria: Crunch Time

Obama still says "No."

To Quote Depp on Polanski: "Why Now....?"

"Signed, Shah Reza Pahlavi, Emperor of Persia, King of Kings".

This is an enormous deal.

Forget Syria. Someone is trying to derail something truly historic.

Washington, D.C., August 19, 2013 – Marking the sixtieth anniversary of the overthrow of Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddeq, the National Security Archive is today posting recently declassified CIA documents on the United States' role in the controversial operation. American and British involvement in Mosaddeq's ouster has long been public knowledge, but today's posting includes what is believed to be the CIA's first formal acknowledgement that the agency helped to plan and execute the coup.
The explicit reference to the CIA's role appears in a copy of an internal history, The Battle for Iran, dating from the mid-1970s. The agency released a heavily excised version of the account in 1981 in response to an ACLU lawsuit, but it blacked out all references to TPAJAX, the code name for the U.S.-led operation. Those references appear in the latest release. Additional CIA materials posted today include working files from Kermit Roosevelt, the senior CIA officer on the ground in Iran during the coup. They provide new specifics as well as insights into the intelligence agency's actions before and after the operation.

This map shows the disposition of bands of "ruffians," paid to demonstrate by coup organizers, early on August 19, 1953. The bands gathered in the bazaar and other sections of southern Tehran, then moved north through the capital. Thug leaders' names appear at left, along with the estimated size of their groups, and their targets. (Courtesy of Ali Rahnema, author of the forthcoming Thugs, Turn-coats, Soldiers, Spooks: Anatomy of Overthrowing Mosaddeq in Four Days.)

1000 dead innocents in Syria is but a fraction of the cost Zion is prepared to exact to prevent Persian-Western détente.

NOTE : Operation Ajax (the Mosedegh Coup) was FAR MORE at the creation and urging of Winston Churchill and British Petroleum (US Industry and Corporate America had ZERO interest in Persia) than it was Eisenhower or the CIA;

The British put up the money,

The British requested the assistance of Kermit Roosevelt to lead the coup plot, as the State Dept's Near East Expert.

The British masterminded the installation of the Shah as Absolute Monarch.

The Septics took the blame (thanks in no small part to folks like Ron Paul).

George HW Bush, Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher were ALL in Tehran together at the same time in August 1978 - for some reason.

Thatcher also made numerous minor helpful moves throughout the October Suprise hostage crisis, not least placing a delay on the movements of key funds by the Bank of England in the last hours of Carter's presidency, ensuring the hostages would remain in captivity until 5 mins after Reagan raised his right hand.

The Iranian Embassy siege resolution in London by the SAS is also highly suspect viewed against this backdrop...


Brezynski does damage to Russia for recreation.

And HE says this is a bad idea.

You are risking a nuclear war over Black Sea access and the Dardanelles.

It's sheer folly and madness.
"Too many Allowites in the Government..."

George Galloway Lambasts Gulf Arab Yuppie-Larvae and Wannabe Jihadis for Killing Sons of Syria from Spike1138 on Vimeo.

"There are Arab countries where thre is no freedom, or liberty, at all;
which have one-family rule, who even give the name of their family to their country.

But there is no Jihad in such countries,

But the Jihad is in Syria, and it seems that those who are fighting it are ready to spend an ocean of blood....

"So, when are you starting in Saudi Arabia...?"

"What you are askling us to believe is that a revolution supported by McCain, by Lieberman, by Britain, France, AmericaI, Isreal, Saudi Arabia, by Qatar - is a revolution for the good, for truth?

Are you asking me to believe that Netanyahu is now on the side of haq?"

Webster Tarpley interviewed on Syrian television from Spike1138 on Vimeo.

On the eve of this year’s Bilderberg meeting, the Anglo-French intelligence bosses have clearly shown their hand with two high-profile attacks on Obama. Wednesday, June 5 marked the liberation of Qusayr, the great Stalingrad of the Syrian terrorist death squads deployed by NATO against Assad. With the rout of these terrorists, the main units of the self-styled Free Syrian Army, along with the Nusra branch of al Qaeda, are likely to face annihilation in the short to medium term.

On the same day that Qusayr fell, the British and French governments hysterically demanded that Obama undertake a total bombing campaign against Syria, whatever the consequences in regard to Russia and other powers. To his credit, Obama is continuing to say no to this lunatic Anglo-French neocolonial adventure. 

On that same June 5, the London-based daily The Guardian, in an article by the expatriate American Glenn Greenwald, hyped a court order from the secret FISA panel of federal judges showing that the US National Security Agency was routinely monitoring the telephone records (including time, locations, call duration, and unique identifiers, but not the contents of the conversations) of possibly unlimited millions of Verizon phone subscribers. Back in the US, reactionary talk show hosts began screaming 

“Obama taps your phones!”

On June 6, again in advance of every other newspaper in the world, The Guardian published another article by Glenn Greenwald and Ewen MacAskill revealing that the National Security Agency, under a program called Prism, had obtained direct access to the servers of Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Apple, Youtube, Skype, AOL, and Microsoft, and was busily monitoring the content of e-mails, file transfers, and live conversations. Back in the US, reactionary talk show hosts began screaming, 

“Obama reads your e-mail!”

Under George Bush, warrantless wiretaps and similar illegal programs were revealed by various media organs. These revelations had minimal impact on Bush, whose base was indifferent to civil liberties. 

Obama’s base, by contrast, cares very much, and has been visibly upset by these new reports. 

While strongly condemning these totalitarian programs, we must also not lose sight of who is putting these reports into circulation, and why. 

Phone taps are bad, but a general war in the Middle East leading to a possible Third World War is far worse.

The British and French defense and intelligence establishment (they have virtually merged) want Obama and the American people to take the lead and shoulder the risk in a perilous attack on Syria, in time to preserve the death squads so they can fight another day in another country. 

London and Paris, of course, see themselves as the principal beneficiaries of the breakup of Syria. 

Since Obama is currently blocking their plans, they are bringing up their big guns of scandal, with the center-leftGuardian evidently chosen to take the point, doubtless to obtain more attention among Obama’s leftist supporters. 

Tarpley: Syria, The Shadow Government and Threats to Obama's Life. from Spike1138 on Vimeo.

After the failure of the Benghazi coup and the stealing back of the election, he's really made them MAD now...

All bets are off and no holds barred for the next 3 1/2 years.

Gaps are appearing in the Secret Service cover for him and Michelle and clear (non-verbal) warnings are being issued, clear as day, with a full programme of predictive programming in effect.

Stay Vigilant .

The Road to Damascus: Anglo-French Presumption in the Levant and the Unfulfilled Promise of Pan-Arabism from Spike1138 on Vimeo.

British Officer: "We can't just do nothing, sir..!"

General Allenby, The Butcher of Armageddon:
"Why not, it's usually best... And get us something to drink, Tracey!"

Tuesday 20 August 2013

The British Zionism of Goyim


Lord Shaftesbury takes out a full-page advert in The Times addressed to the Protestant monarchs of Europe and entitled "The State and the rebirth of the Jews", which included the suggestion for the Jews to return to Palestine to seize the lands of Galilee and Judea, as well as the phrase "Earth without people – people without land".


Lord Shaftesbury presents a paper to British Foreign Minister Lord Palmerston calling for the 'recall of the Jews to their ancient land'.

1840 (August 11)

Lord Palmerston writes to Lord PonsonbyBritish Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire:

"There exists at the present time among the Jews dispersed over Europe, a strong notion that the time is approaching when their nation is to return to Palestine... 

It would be of manifest importance to the Sultan to encourage the Jews to return and settle in Palestine because the wealth which they would bring with them would increase the resources of the Sultan's dominions; and the Jewish people, if returning under the sanction and protection, and at the invitation of the Sultan, would be a check upon any future evil designs of Mehemet Ali (of Egypt) or his successor... 

I have to instruct Your Excellency strongly to re-commend (to the Turkish Government) to hold out every just encouragement to the Jews of Europe to return to Palestine."


George Gawler, previously the governor of South Australia, starts to encourage Jewish settlements in the land of Israel.


Nadir Baxter, of the Church Pastoral Aid Society, died in 1842 and donated £1,000 in his will, stating that it be paid "towards the political restoration of the Jews to Jerusalem and to their own land; and as I conscientiously believe also that the institution by the Anglican Church of the bishopric of Jerusalem is the actual commencement of the great and merciful work of Jehovah towards Zion"

The gift was declared void in 1851 in the case of Habershon v Vardon by Sir James Lewis Knight-BruceChancellor of the High Court, who stated "If it can be understood to mean any thing, it is to create a revolution in the dominions of an ally of her Majesty".


Correspondence between Moses Montefiore, the President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews and Charles Henry Churchill, the British consul in Damascus, is seen as the first recorded plan proposed for political Zionism.

Mordecai Noah publishes Discourse on the Restoration of the Jews.


According to one source, the Old Yishuv Jews constitute the largest of several ethno-religious groups in Jerusalem – however estimates approximately 20 years before and 20 years after this date suggest otherwise. See Demographics of Jerusalem.


Rev. Samuel Bradshaw, in his Tract for the Times, Being a Plea for the Jews calls for Parliament to allot 4 million pounds for the Restoration of Israel, with another 1 million to be collected by the Church.


Pastor T. Tully Crybace convenes a committee in London for the purpose of founding a 'British and Foreign Society for Promoting the Restoration of the Jewish Nation to Palestine.' He urges that England secure from Turkey Palestine: 

'from the Euphrates to the Nile, and from the Mediterranean to the Desert'.

Sunday 18 August 2013

Diana : A Manifestation of Zionism vs. Judaism

And did those feet in ancient time.
Walk upon Englands mountains green:
And was the holy Lamb of God,
On Englands pleasant pastures seen!

And did the Countenance Divine,
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here,
Among these dark Satanic Mills?

Bring me my Bow of burning gold;
Bring me my Arrows of desire:
Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold!
Bring me my Chariot of fire!

I will not cease from Mental Fight,
Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand:
Till we have built Jerusalem,
In Englands green & pleasant Land

Okay, here's a thing: the original, pre-Hertzel definition of Zionism was (more or less), expressed as being "The Quest for a New Jerusalem".

That is still true today - it is only Jewish or Israeli Zionists who are of the opinion that the search for the New Jerusalem is to find satisfaction on the site of the Old Jerusalem.

And so they are constantly burrowing down deep beneath al-Aqusa from multiple directions.

But the thing is: the British Branch of Zionism believes that the New Jerusalem is to be founded in London - the House of Windsor, and most of their cousins and aristocratic hangers-on, believe themselves to be the direct descendents of the Tribe of Ephrahim, and some of The Chosen of God's people.

This is where things get interesting - though a member, by birth, of the same Aristiocracy, Lady Diana Spencer was conceived during an affair her mother had with notorious millionaire Jewsish playboy, Sir Oliver Goldsmith - you can see it in their faces, clear as day.


We all know the House of Windsor had the now-divorced Diana, Princess of Wales put to death on a cold, wet Parisian street....

Though no-one in Britain says this or talks about it seriously, we all KNOW over here, exactly what happened and who did it.

The only bullshit surround the event is as to why.


Forget all the bullshit about the landmines - that's just smoke and mirrors.

Even if they banned landmines tomorrow, there would be money to be made hand over first for half a century safely clearing the millions out there currently deployed all over the globe.


The following week, after gaining verbal agreement from Clinton to support the UN vote on the landmine ban...

The following week, she was going to come out HARD in support of the Palestinian cause....

And by the way, she was a blonde-haired, blue-eyed daughter of a wealthy Jew, who was dating, possibly carrying the child of the richest living Egyptian Muslim alive at that time....

Now - Adnam Kohshoggi is Doddi Fayed's Uncle...

Adnan Khashoggi on the Iran-Contra Scandal from Spike1138 on Vimeo.

Hello, Henry - fancy seeing you here!

Alex Jones Plays Dumb About Adnan Khashoggi from Spike1138 on Vimeo.

The SAS Did Diana

Britain's SAS (Special Air Services) trained the Khmer Rouge.

The British Special Air Services (SAS) firm Keenie Meenie Services reportedly trained the Tamil Tigers.

(Southern India, Sri Lanka terrorist groups)

The SAS trained bin Laden's Mujahedin fighters in Scotland

In the early 1970s Rafael Eitan, head of the Mossad hit-squad known as the 'Kidon', toured Northern Ireland and the Special Air Services (SAS) base in Hereford, England. 

Shortly after his visit there were big changes in UK security policy, including the setting up of what was to become the Force Reconnaissance Unit (FRU) . 

The FRU may have been involved in the de Menezes killing. 

Saturday 17 August 2013

In the Crown's Court - Where There's Smoke.... There is an Enemy of theState.

The Most Powerful Men and Women on Earth, from the Highest in the Land right on up...

How is it, people always ask... How is it they manage to always make it look easy?

Some of them even get bored at the thought of their power.

Those are the deluded ones, fools to themselves - they are free to indulge the luxury of boredom because they do not realise even in the clinch, just how illusory and fragile the conditions that made their boredom even possible truly are and just how vulnerable and weak they are without ever knowing it...

Those more versed in the practices of power properly exercised - they have a healthy respect for its untamed and uncontrollable all-consuming fire...

They know fear, though they may never show it.

In a system built upon perceptions, fiat, confidence and folie à deuxieme-billion, appearances are everything.

The attack, an act of merciless and savage public persecution and vilification never openly resembles anything close to the very public punishment beating it assumes the role in its service of the prevailing social order - few shall recognise what they re truly seeing, the forces and parties involved and just what  it is that is being played our in their direct  line of sight, rights around them and on top of them and just how high the stakes really are.,.

There is not now, nor should have there ever been a doubt in my mind that that is true.

Of course it's true - your first impressions are rarely off by much, even when their wrong on the low-level details of the thing.... Your universal, global awareness of the world , of the way things are in the world for the time being, that sense, our instinctual knowledge of the unseen and the unspoken pre-empts any thing so crude and reassuringly rational as the mere vulgarity of Reason.

If, until even very recently, I never committed myself to make the simple connections and easy understandings that would be necessary to understand HOW it was that it was done to her and why, it was only by virtue of the most nihilistic if all ironies -  that by knowing, before even having to be told, that this HAD happened to her, it was a conscious and deliberate act of conscious intent... And not only know who was responsible  why the they found it not just possible, not just conceivable in the dark hearts of men, not just rationable, reasonable, practical and realistic - but actually to feel and believe with unblemished conviction that indeed thus was actually necessary..... 

That is what it is to recognise that we are all of us then, in that moment, in the presence of the psychopathy of Empire - all bets are off, declared null and void, as the world slouches now further down the road to Hell, slouching still always ever closer towards Bethlehem, waiting to be born anew into the world.

And know in the same instant too that just how many people will die or be put to death mercilessly without a single second of remorse or hesitation just to dare to try to speak to us allowed a truth too terrible to be ever spoken allowed and in full, to confirm to us all in words what each of us already know to be the truth unspoken and unvouched for  and undeniable in their own innate truth.

This was done - they did this to her, they did it in purpose and for some higher neaws aim or appeal
Tothe case to gounga ceasless capaign of daily denial aubblicsre the Jealous Sun God'  appeal to to higher authority that he conveyed not  5 weeks earlier ; that we're not all just jittery alarmists, we wee right, and we were not wise enough to heed the warnings of then told back in in order instead to begin instead to do that  plug it's gaps with their supply and delivery structure for petroleum products and their global trade balance.

This was done - and again, like the murder of John, and then Robert and then John Kennedy Jr again, not only was this done, clearly and openly by agents of our State in defence of some abstracted proper they could scrarsely no longer even recognise as a nation in the Gardens of our Collective Gethsemene...

And yet still, we would deny it to ourselves but to the third crowing of the morning cock - knowing that as that final traces of the evidence  become enfolded back into the subsumed memory of that time before the crash, that these frayed loose ends tying back to all that had happened and has happened since are still not yet ours to mourn and make sense of this mad loss to our people, our society and our future promises and hopes all denied, returned by special express courier dispatch  back to their lawful owner of such idle dreams,hurriedly boxed up and slid back inside their original packaging, marked "UGENT - BY HAND - DAMAGED GOODS, RETURN TO MANUFACTURER, marked RECALLED - Defective stock , contains non-standard parks scheduled for periodic renewal of the total assts.

Penn Jones Jr. wrote his first four books written to make sense and meaning of the Shootings in Dallas that November of 1963, writing off the cuff as an instinctual plea or need for the people who experienced those events there at that time : Forgive My Grief...;(Vol, 1-4).

In monarchical oligarchy of power and corrupt influences everywhere about, permeating the very air at times, we in Britain perhaps almost don't even yet feel, even still now, that we have a right to assert our outwardly  vicarious connection to this loss still less to the  unprecedented and unprecedented scale of the loss we show how all feel, and still yet sense for certain has been taken from away from us, whiles sowing seeds fior future doubt that go instead still absolutely nowhere...

She isn't ours, she was theirs too take off the scene and make use of elsewhere at a time convenient to their plans -  her shattered body then existed and blonged to them and to the furtherance if their  global future now has been resulted and steered in her wake;

She wasn't one of us, after all - how dare we be so visibly close to YOUR woodland, so key to the emotionalback that comec into thie whole place

We'reinfomed ahead of time that we shouldn't admit the former FBI Special Agent in Chare of all LA County not to mess around with high profile child abuse cases  and set up your Daycare Managers as Ritualistic Traders in human misery and the Dark Arts.

Because there is no such thing as magick. And power is an illusion of the mind, a product of Self.

They're right about the second part.

This is the most ubiquitous and universally successfully mass mind control technique yet dreamed of by man - they simply compose a sentence for your mass consumption, telling you that this isn't true.

If it were not so obviously true, there would be absolutely no need to do that - just think about it.

They used to say "never believe anything until its been officially denied" Ben Bradlee said that in All the President's Men - that would be Washington Post Editor Ben Bradlee of the CIA's Project Mockingbird, hired by Post heiress Katherine "The Great" Graham, to Bob Woodward of the Washington Post and the Office of Naval Intelligence.

Katherine The Great's Political pedigree is certainly worth glancing over - the constant background hum soft sell of All the Presidents Men and The Last Days, in all of its media forms and incarnations is that the plucky post is a bastion of Left-Liberal Radical anti-establismentism against the fascist thuggery of Richard Nixon - they succeed, almost, in slipping a framed 8 by 4 photo of John Kennedy into the background, on the office wall in almost every other scene.

Well, it wasn't.

Bob Woodward of Naval Intelligence is a lifelong, registered Republican, just as he tells people in both the book and the movie.

Nixon's "Enemeis List" (not authored by Nixon, but by Colson, as a counterintelligence defensive measure to protect his boss from attack) is dominated by names and references not to the Washington Post, but to the New York Times and the Salzberger Family companies;

Even Oliver Stone fell into the temptation to characterise Nixon (at least in private) as thuggish bore and a bigot, who disliked or resented blacks, but more especially Jews - it is, however, not beneath our duty if of care to note the fact, however, that they uniformly it was that disliked and resented him... 

And it's not unfair to note that they started it.

The most suicidal decision Nixon ultimately ever made in professional politics was in hiring Henry Kissinger - of whom, he was profoundly mistrustful and absolutely and rightfully so.

He was Rockerfeller's cooko in the nest throughout two Presidencies and finished both of them off with his intrigues...

As for Katy Graham - she was as Eastern Establishment as the come. All her friends were in the CFR or the Bilderbergers or the CIA or the Knights of Malta, usually all at once.

The Post, like all American Newspapers, supported the War in Vietnam until long after public opinion had turned unequivocally against it.

And the Post/Newseek heiress herself.... It's no exaggeration to say that Katy Graham rise resembles so completely that described by Patrick Troughton's pennitent Priest in The Omen, any comparison with something like Citizen Kane defies satire - 

Alister Crowley called Magick "a Disease of Language" - they are infecting you with the lie, an infection that leads to immediate blindness.