Thursday 1 August 2024



By Washington Irving

               What I write is most true... I have a whole booke of cases
               lying by me which if I should sette foorth, some grave
               auntients (within the hearing of Bow bell) would be out of
               charity with me. —NASHE.

In the centre of the great city of London lies a small neighborhood, consisting of a cluster of narrow streets and courts, of very venerable and debilitated houses, which goes by the name of LITTLE BRITAIN. Christ Church School and St. Bartholomew’s Hospital bound it on the west; Smithfield and Long Lane on the north; Aldersgate Street, like an arm of the sea, divides it from the eastern part of the city; whilst the yawning gulf of Bull-and-Mouth Street separates it from Butcher Lane, and the regions of Newgate. Over this little territory, thus bounded and designated, the great dome of St. Paul’s, swelling above the intervening houses of Paternoster Row, Amen Corner, and Ave Maria Lane, looks down with an air of motherly protection.

This quarter derives its appellation from having been, in ancient times, the residence of the Dukes of Brittany. As London increased, however, rank and fashion rolled off to the west, and trade, creeping on at their heels, took possession of their deserted abodes. For some time Little Britain became the great mart of learning, and was peopled by the busy and prolific race of booksellers; these also gradually deserted it, and, emigrating beyond the great strait of Newgate Street, settled down in Paternoster Row and St. Paul’s Churchyard, where they continue to increase and multiply even at the present day.

But though thus falling into decline, Little Britain still bears traces of its former splendor. There are several houses ready to tumble down, the fronts of which are magnificently enriched with old oaken carvings of hideous faces, unknown birds, beasts, and fishes; and fruits and flowers which it would perplex a naturalist to classify. There are also, in Aldersgate Street, certain remains of what were once spacious and lordly family mansions, but which have in latter days been subdivided into several tenements. Here may often be found the family of a petty tradesman, with its trumpery furniture, burrowing among the relics of antiquated finery, in great, rambling, time-stained apartments, with fretted ceilings, gilded cornices, and enormous marble fireplaces. The lanes and courts also contain many smaller houses, not on so grand a scale, but, like your small ancient gentry, sturdily maintaining their claims to equal antiquity. These have their gable ends to the street; great bow-windows, with diamond panes set in lead, grotesque carvings, and low arched door-ways.

In this most venerable and sheltered little nest have I passed several quiet years of existence, comfortably lodged in the second floor of one of the smallest but oldest edifices. My sitting-room is an old wainscoted chamber, with small panels, and set off with a miscellaneous array of furniture. I have a particular respect for three or four high-backed claw-footed chairs, covered with tarnished brocade, which bear the marks of having seen better days, and have doubtless figured in some of the old palaces of Little Britain. They seem to me to keep together, and to look down with sovereign contempt upon their leathern-bottomed neighbors: as I have seen decayed gentry carry a high head among the plebeian society with which they were reduced to associate. The whole front of my sitting-room is taken up with a bow-window, on the panes of which are recorded the names of previous occupants for many generations, mingled with scraps of very indifferent gentlemanlike poetry, written in characters which I can scarcely decipher, and which extol the charms of many a beauty of Little Britain who has long, long since bloomed, faded, and passed away. As I am an idle personage, with no apparent occupation, and pay my bill regularly every week, I am looked upon as the only independent gentleman of the neighborhood; and, being curious to learn the internal state of a community so apparently shut up within itself, I have managed to work my way into all the concerns and secrets of the place.

Little Britain may truly be called the heart’s core of the city; the stronghold of true John Bullism. It is a fragment of London as it was in its better days, with its antiquated folks and fashions. Here flourish in great preservation many of the holiday games and customs of yore. The inhabitants most religiously eat pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, hot-cross-buns on Good Friday, and roast goose at Michaelmas; they send love-letters on Valentine’s Day, burn the pope on the fifth of November, and kiss all the girls under the mistletoe at Christmas. Roast beef and plum pudding are also held in superstitious veneration, and port and sherry maintain their grounds as the only true English wines; all others being considered vile, outlandish beverages.

Little Britain has its long catalogue of city wonders, which its inhabitants consider the wonders of the world: such as the great bell of St. Paul’s, which sours all the beer when it tolls; the figures that strike the hours at St. Dunstan’s clock; the Monument; the lions in the Tower; and the wooden giants in Guildhall. They still believe in dreams and fortune-telling, and an old woman that lives in Bull-and-Mouth Street makes a tolerable subsistence by detecting stolen goods, and promising the girls good husbands. They are apt to be rendered uncomfortable by comets and eclipses; and if a dog howls dolefully at night, it is looked upon as a sure sign of a death in the place. There are even many ghost stories current, particularly concerning the old mansion-houses; in several of which it is said strange sights are sometimes seen. Lords and ladies, the former in full bottomed wigs, hanging sleeves, and swords, the latter in lappets, stays, hoops and brocade, have been seen walking up and down the great waste chambers, on moonlight nights; and are supposed to be the shades of the ancient proprietors in their court-dresses.

Little Britain has likewise its sages and great men. One of the most important of the former is a tall, dry old gentleman, of the name of Skryme, who keeps a small apothecary’s shop. He has a cadaverous countenance, full of cavities and projections; with a brown circle round each eye, like a pair of horned spectacles. He is much thought of by the old women, who consider him a kind of conjurer, because he has two of three stuffed alligators hanging up in his shop, and several snakes in bottles. He is a great reader of almanacs and newspapers, and is much given to pore over alarming accounts of plots, conspiracies, fires, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions; which last phenomena he considers as signs of the times. He has always some dismal tale of the kind to deal out to his customers, with their doses; and thus at the same time puts both soul and body into an uproar. He is a great believer in omens and predictions; and has the prophecies of Robert Nixon and Mother Shipton by heart. No man can make so much out of an eclipse, or even an unusually dark day; and he shook the tail of the last comet over the heads of his customers and disciples until they were nearly frightened out of their wits. He has lately got hold of a popular legend or prophecy, on which he has been unusually eloquent. There has been a saying current among the ancient sibyls, who treasure up these things, that when the grasshopper on the top of the Exchange shook hands with the dragon on the top of Bow Church Steeple, fearful events would take place. This strange conjunction, it seems, has as strangely come to pass. The same architect has been engaged lately on the repairs of the cupola of the Exchange, and the steeple of Bow church; and, fearful to relate, the dragon and the grasshopper actually lie, cheek by jole, in the yard of his workshop.

“Others,” as Mr. Skryme is accustomed to say, “may go star-gazing, and look for conjunctions in the heavens, but here is a conjunction on the earth, near at home, and under our own eyes, which surpasses all the signs and calculations of astrologers.” Since these portentous weathercocks have thus laid their heads together, wonderful events had already occurred. The good old king, notwithstanding that he had lived eighty-two years, had all at once given up the ghost; another king had mounted the throne; a royal duke had died suddenly,—another, in France, had been murdered; there had been radical meetings in all parts of the kingdom; the bloody scenes at Manchester; the great plot of Cato Street; and above all, the queen had returned to England! All these sinister events are recounted by Mr. Skryme, with a mysterious look, and a dismal shake of the head; and being taken with his drugs, and associated in the minds of his auditors with stuffed sea-monsters, bottled serpents, and his own visage, which is a title-page of tribulation, they have spread great gloom through the minds of the people of Little Britain. They shake their heads whenever they go by Bow Church, and observe, that they never expected any good to come of taking down that steeple, which in old times told nothing but glad tidings, as the history of Whittington and his Cat bears witness.

The rival oracle of Little Britain is a substantial cheesemonger, who lives in a fragment of one of the old family mansions, and is as magnificently lodged as a round-bellied mite in the midst of one of his own Cheshires. Indeed, he is a man of no little standing and importance; and his renown extends through Huggin Lane, and Lad Lane, and even unto Aldermanbury. His opinion is very much taken in affairs of state, having read the Sunday papers for the last half century, together with the “Gentleman’s Magazine,” Rapin’s “History of England,” and the “Naval Chronicle.” His head is stored with invaluable maxims which have borne the test of time and use for centuries. It is his firm opinion that “it is a moral impossible,” so long as England is true to herself, that anything can shake her; and he has much to say on the subject of the national debt, which, somehow or other, he proves to be a great national bulwark and blessing. He passed the greater part of his life in the purlieus of Little Britain, until of late years, when, having become rich, and grown into the dignity of a Sunday cane, he begins to take his pleasure and see the world. He has therefore made several excursions to Hampstead, Highgate, and other neighboring towns, where he has passed whole afternoons in looking back upon the metropolis through a telescope, and endeavoring to descry the steeple of St. Bartholomew’s. Not a stage-coachman of Bull-and-Mouth Street but touches his hat as he passes; and he is considered quite a patron at the coach-office of the Goose and Gridiron, St. Paul’s churchyard. His family have been very urgent for him to make an expedition to Margate, but he has great doubts of those new gimcracks, the steamboats, and indeed thinks himself too advanced in life to undertake sea-voyages.

Little Britain has occasionally its factions and divisions, and party spirit ran very high at one time in consequence of two rival “Burial Societies” being set up in the place. One held its meeting at the Swan and Horse Shoe, and was patronized by the cheesemonger; the other at the Cock and Crown, under the auspices of the apothecary; it is needless to say that the latter was the most flourishing. I have passed an evening or two at each, and have acquired much valuable information, as to the best mode of being buried, the comparative merits of churchyards, together with divers hints on the subject of patent-iron coffins. I have heard the question discussed in all its bearings as to the legality of prohibiting the latter on account of their durability. The feuds occasioned by these societies have happily died of late; but they were for a long time prevailing themes of controversy, the people of Little Britain being extremely solicitous of funereal honors and of lying comfortably in their graves.

Besides these two funeral societies there is a third of quite a different cast, which tends to throw the sunshine of good-humor over the whole neighborhood. It meets once a week at a little old-fashioned house, kept by a jolly publican of the name of Wagstaff, and bearing for insignia a resplendent half-moon, with a most seductive bunch of grapes. The old edifice is covered with inscriptions to catch the eye of the thirsty wayfarer, such as “Truman, Hanbury, and Co.‘s Entire,” “Wine, Rum, and Brandy Vaults,” “Old Tom, Rum and Compounds, etc.” This indeed has been a temple of Bacchus and Momus from time immemorial. It ha always been in the family of the Wagstaffs, so that its history is tolerably preserved by the present landlord. It was much frequented by the gallants and cavalieros of the reign of Elizabeth, and was looked into now and then by the wits of Charles the Second’s day. But what Wagstaff principally prides himself upon is, that Henry the Eighth, in one of his nocturnal rambles, broke the head of one of his ancestors with his famous walking-staff. This, however, is considered as a rather dubious and vainglorious boast of the landlord.

The club which now holds its weekly sessions here goes by the name of “The Roaring Lads of Little Britain.” They abound in old catches, glees, and choice stories, that are traditional in the place, and not to be met with in any other part of the metropolis. There is a madcap undertaker who is inimitable at a merry song; but the life of the club, and indeed the prime wit of Little Britain, is bully Wagstaff himself. His ancestors were all wags before him, and he has inherited with the inn a large stock of songs and jokes, which go with it from generation to generation as heirlooms. He is a dapper little fellow, with bandy legs and pot belly, a red face, with a moist, merry eye, and a little shock of gray hair behind. At the opening of every club night he is called in to sing his “Confession of Faith,” which is the famous old drinking trowl from “Gammer Gurton’s Needle.” He sings it, to be sure, with many variations, as he received it from his father’s lips; for it has been a standing favorite at the Half-Moon and Bunch of Grapes ever since it was written; nay, he affirms that his predecessors have often had the honor of singing it before the nobility and gentry at Christmas mummeries, when Little Britain was in all its glory.

It would do one’s heart good to hear, on a club night, the shouts of merriment, the snatches of song, and now and then the choral bursts of half a dozen discordant voices, which issue from this jovial mansion. At such times the street is lined with listeners, who enjoy a delight equal to that of gazing into a confectioner’s window, or snuffing up the steams of a cookshop.

There are two annual events which produce great stir and sensation in Little Britain; these are St. Bartholomew’s Fair, and the Lord Mayor’s Day. During the time of the fair, which is held in the adjoining regions of Smithfield, there is nothing going on but gossiping and gadding about. The late quiet streets of Little Britain are overrun with an irruption of strange figures and faces; every tavern is a scene of rout and revel. The fiddle and the song are heard from the tap-room, morning, noon, and night; and at each window may be seen some group of boon companions, with half-shut eyes, hats on one side, pipe in mouth, and tankard in hand, fondling, and prosing, and singing maudlin songs over their liquor. Even the sober decorum of private families, which I must say is rigidly kept up at other times among my neighbors, is no proof against this Saturnalia. There is no such thing as keeping maid-servants within doors. Their brains are absolutely set madding with Punch and the Puppet Show; the Flying Horses; Signior Polito; the Fire-Eater; the celebrated Mr. Paap; and the Irish Giant. The children, too, lavish all their holiday money in toys and gilt gingerbread, and fill the house with the Lilliputian din of drums, trumpets, and penny whistles.

But the Lord mayor’s Day is the great anniversary. The Lord Mayor is looked up to by the inhabitants of Little Britain as the greatest potentate upon earth; his gilt coach with six horses as the summit of human splendor; and his procession, with all the Sheriffs and Aldermen in his train, as the grandest of earthly pageants. How they exult in the idea that the King himself dare not enter the city without first knocking at the gate of Temple Bar, and asking permission of the Lord Mayor: for if he did, heaven and earth! there is no knowing what might be the consequence. The man in armor, who rides before the Lord mayor, and is the city champion, has orders to cut down everybody that offends against the dignity of the city; and then there is the little man with a velvet porringer on his head, who sits at the window of the state-coach, and holds the city sword, as long as a pike-staff—Odd’s blood! If he once draws that sword, Majesty itself is not safe!

Under the protection of this mighty potentate, therefore, the good people of Little Britain sleep in peace. Temple Bar is an effectual barrier against all interior foes; and as to foreign invasion, the Lord Mayor has but to throw himself into the Tower, call in the trainbands, and put the standing army of Beef-eaters under arms, and he may bid defiance to the world!

Thus wrapped up in its own concerns, its own habits, and its own opinions, Little Britain has long flourished as a sound heart to this great fungous metropolis. I have pleased myself with considering it as a chosen spot, where the principles of sturdy John Bullism were garnered up, like seed corn, to renew the national character, when it had run to waste and degeneracy. I have rejoiced also in the general spirit of harmony that prevailed throughout it; for though there might now and then be a few clashes of opinion between the adherents of the cheesemonger and the apothecary, and an occasional feud between the burial societies, yet these were but transient clouds, and soon passed away. The neighbors met with good-will, parted with a shake of the hand, and never abused each other except behind their backs.

I could give rare descriptions of snug junketing parties at which I have been present; where we played at All-fours, Pope-Joan, Tome-come-tickle-me, and other choice old games; and where we sometimes had a good old English country dance to the tune of Sir Roger de Coverley. Once a year, also, the neighbors would gather together, and go on a gypsy party to Epping Forest. It would have done any man’s heart good to see the merriment that took place here as we banqueted on the grass under the trees. How we made the woods ring with bursts of laughter at the songs of little Wagstaff and the merry undertaker! After dinner, too, the young folks would play at blind-man’s-buff and hide-and-seek; and it was amusing to see them tangled among the briers, and to hear a fine romping girl now and then squeak from among the bushes. The elder folks would gather round the cheesemonger and the apothecary to hear them talk politics; for they generally brought out a newspaper in their pockets, to pass away time in the country. They would now and then, to be sure, get a little warm in argument; but their disputes were always adjusted by reference to a worthy old umbrella-maker, in a double chin, who, never exactly comprehending the subject, managed somehow or other to decide in favor of both parties.

All empires, however, says some philosopher or historian, are doomed to changes and revolutions. Luxury and innovation creep in; factions arise; and families now and then spring up, whose ambition and intrigues throw the whole system into confusion. Thus in latter days has the tranquillity of Little Britain been grievously disturbed, and its golden simplicity of manners threatened with total subversion by the aspiring family of a retired butcher.

The family of the Lambs had long been among the most thriving and popular in the neighborhood; the Miss Lambs were the belles of Little Britain, and everybody was pleased when Old Lamb had made money enough to shut up shop, and put his name on a brass plate on his door. In an evil hour, however, one of the Miss Lambs had the honor of being a lady in attendance on the Lady Mayoress, at her grand annual ball, on which occasion she wore three towering ostrich feathers on her head. The family never got over it; they were immediately smitten with a passion for high life; set up a one-horse carriage, put a bit of gold lace round the errand boy’s hat, and have been the talk and detestation of the whole neighborhood ever since. They could no longer be induced to play at Pope-Joan or blindman’s-buff; they could endure no dances but quadrilles, which nobody had ever heard of in Little Britain; and they took to reading novels, talking bad French, and playing upon the piano. Their brother, too, who had been articled to an attorney, set up for a dandy and a critic, characters hitherto unknown in these parts; and he confounded the worthy folks exceedingly by talking about Kean, the opera, and the “Edinburgh Review.”

What was still worse, the Lambs gave a grand ball, to which they neglected to invite any of their old neighbors; but they had a great deal of genteel company from Theobald’s Road, Red-Lion Square, and other parts towards the west. There were several beaux of their brother’s acquaintance from Gray’s Inn Lane and Hatton Garden; and not less than three Aldermen’s ladies with their daughters. This was not to be forgotten or forgiven. All Little Britain was in an uproar with the smacking of whips, the lashing of miserable horses, and the rattling and the jingling of hackney coaches. The gossips of the neighborhood might be seen popping their nightcaps out at every window, watching the crazy vehicles rumble by; and there was a knot of virulent old cronies, that kept a lookout from a house just opposite the retired butcher’s, and scanned and criticised every one that knocked at the door.

This dance was a cause of almost open war, and the whole neighborhood declared they would have nothing more to say to the Lambs. It is true that Mrs. Lamb, when she had no engagements with her quality acquaintance, would give little humdrum tea-junketings to some of her old cronies, “quite,” as she would say, “in a friendly way;” and it is equally true that her invitations were always accepted, in spite of all previous vows to the contrary. Nay, the good ladies would sit and be delighted with the music of the Miss Lambs, who would condescend to strum an Irish melody for them on the piano; and they would listen with wonderful interest to Mrs. Lamb’s anecdotes of Alderman Plunket’s family, of Portsokenward, and the Miss Timberlakes, the rich heiresses of Crutched-Friars; but then they relieved their consciences, and averted the reproaches of their confederates, by canvassing at the next gossiping convocation everything that had passed, and pulling the Lambs and their rout all to pieces.

The only one of the family that could not be made fashionable was the retired butcher himself. Honest Lamb, in spite of the meekness of his name, was a rough, hearty old fellow, with the voice of a lion, a head of black hair like a shoe-brush, and a broad face mottled like his own beef. It was in vain that the daughters always spoke of him as “the old gentleman,” addressed him as “papa,” in tones of infinite softness, and endeavored to coax him into a dressing-gown and slippers, and other gentlemanly habits. Do what they might, there was no keeping down the butcher. His sturdy nature would break through all their glozings. He had a hearty vulgar good-humor that was irrepressible. His very jokes made his sensitive daughters shudder; and he persisted in wearing his blue cotton coat of a morning, dining at two o’clock, and having a “bit of sausage with his tea.”

He was doomed, however, to share the unpopularity of his family. He found his old comrades gradually growing cold and civil to him; no longer laughing at his jokes; and now and then throwing out a fling at “some people,” and a hint about “quality binding.” This both nettled and perplexed the honest butcher; and his wife and daughters, with the consummate policy of the shrewder sex, taking advantage of the circumstance, at length prevailed upon him to give up his afternoon’s pipe and tankard at Wagstaff’s; to sit after dinner by himself, and take his pint of port—a liquor he detested—and to nod in his chair in solitary and dismal gentility.

The Miss Lambs might now be seen flaunting along the streets in French bonnets, with unknown beaux; and talking and laughing so loud that it distressed the nerves of every good lady within hearing. They even went so far as to attempt patronage, and actually induced a French dancing-master to set up in the neighborhood; but the worthy folks of Little Britain took fire at it, and did so persecute the poor Gaul that he was fain to pack up fiddle and dancing-pumps, and decamp with such precipitation that he absolutely forgot to pay for his lodgings.

I had flattered myself, at first, with the idea that all this fiery indignation on the part of the community was merely the overflowing of their zeal for good old English manners, and their horror of innovation; and I applauded the silent contempt they were so vociferous in expressing, for upstart pride, French fashions, and the Miss Lambs. But I grieve to say that I soon perceived the infection had taken hold; and that my neighbors, after condemning, were beginning to follow their example. I overheard my landlady importuning her husband to let their daughters have one quarter at French and music, and that they might take a few lessons in quadrille. I even saw, in the course of a few Sundays, no less than five French bonnets, precisely like those of the Miss Lambs, parading about Little Britain.

I still had my hopes that all this folly would gradually die away; that the Lambs might move out of the neighborhood; might die, or might run away with attorneys’ apprentices; and that quiet and simplicity might be again restored to the community. But unluckily a rival power arose. An opulent oilman died, and left a widow with a large jointure and a family of buxom daughters. The young ladies had long been repining in secret at the parsimony of a prudent father, which kept down all their elegant aspirings. Their ambition, being now no longer restrained, broke out into a blaze, and they openly took the field against the family of the butcher. It is true that the Lambs, having had the first start, had naturally an advantage of them in the fashionable career. They could speak a little bad French, play the piano, dance quadrilles, and had formed high acquaintances; but the Trotters were not to be distanced. When the Lambs appeared with two feathers in their hats, the Miss Trotters mounted four, and of twice as fine colors. If the Lambs gave a dance, the Trotters were sure not to be behindhand: and though they might not boast of as good company, yet they had double the number, and were twice as merry.

The whole community has at length divided itself into fashionable factions, under the banners of these two families. The old games of Pope-Joan and Tom-come-tickle-me are entirely discarded; there is no such thing as getting up an honest country dance; and on my attempting to kiss a young lady under the mistletoe last Christmas, I was indignantly repulsed; the Miss Lambs having pronounced it “shocking vulgar.” Bitter rivalry has also broken out as to the most fashionable part of Little Britain; the Lambs standing up for the dignity of the Cross-Keys Square, and the Trotters for the vicinity of St. Bartholomew’s.

Thus is this little territory torn by factions and internal dissensions, like the great empire who name it bears; and what will be the result would puzzle the apothecary himself, with all his talent at prognostics, to determine; though I apprehend that it will terminate in the total downfall of genuine John Bullism.

The immediate effects are extremely unpleasant to me. Being a single man, and, as I observed before, rather an idle good-for-nothing personage, I have been considered the only gentleman by profession in the place. I stand therefore in high favor with both parties, and have to hear all their cabinet councils and mutual backbitings. As I am too civil not to agree with the ladies on all occasions, I have committed myself most horribly with both parties, by abusing their opponents. I might manage to reconcile this to my conscience, which is a truly accommodating one, but I cannot to my apprehension—if the Lambs and Trotters ever come to a reconciliation, and compare notes, I am ruined!

I have determined, therefore, to beat a retreat in time, and am actually looking out for some other nest in this great city, where old English manners are still kept up; where French is neither eaten, drunk, danced, nor spoken; and where there are no fashionable families of retired tradesmen. This found, I will, like a veteran rat, hasten away before I have an old house about my ears; bid a long, though a sorrowful, adieu to my present abode, and leave the rival factions of the Lambs and the Trotters to divide the distracted empire of LITTLE BRITAIN.


“……The Supreme Meaning is The Path, The Way and The Bridge to what is to come. That is The God yet to come. It is not the coming God Himself, but His Image which appears in The Supreme Meaning.

God is an image, and those who worship Him must worship Him in the image of the supreme Meaning. The Supreme Meaning is not a meaning and not an absurdity, it is Image and Force in ONE, magnificence and force together

The Supreme Meaning is The Beginning and The End. It is The Bridge of going across and fulfillment.

The other Gods died of their temporality, yet The Supreme Meaning never dies, it turns into Meaning and then into Absurdity, and out of The Fire and Blood of their collision The Supreme Meaning rises up rejuvenated anew. 

The Image of God has A Shadow. 
The supreme meaning is real and casts a shadow. For what can be actual and corporeal and have no shadow? 

The Shadow is nonsense
It lacks Force and has no continued existence through itself

But nonsense is the inseparable and undying brother of the supreme meaning. Like plants, so men also grow, some in the light, others in the shadows. 

There are many who need 
the shadows and not the light. 

The image of God 
throws A Shadow that is 
just as great as itself.

This is How We Make The Peace

Firefly. Deleted Scene #2

The Infirmary, aboard Serenity,
Night-watch — 
Night 1 :

Shepherd Book :
How is she…?

Dr. Simon Tam, 
Brother of River :
Touch and go —

Shepherd Book :
I might pray over her a bit 
if you don't mind…(?)

Dr. Simon Tam, 
Brother of River :
Of course.

Shepherd Book :
She's a special girl -- we kind of 
got to be friendly right away —

Dr. Simon Tam, 
Brother of River :
….that's A Talent 
I seem to lack

Shepherd Book :
If I can ask -- What made 
you pick this ship? 

Dr. Simon Tam, 
Brother of River :
It looked disreputable -- 

Shepherd Book :
Well, you're not without credible judgment
Didn't happen to look at the name I suppose? 

Dr. Simon Tam, 
Brother of River :
What, Serenity, right?
That's a joke, I believe. 

Shepherd Book :
It's not. 

Simon, you want to get The Lay of 
The Land here; might be what you lack 
isn't psychological insight
might be its History.

Dr. Simon Tam, 
Brother of River :
‘Serenity’ — Read

History Book :
“In The War to Unite The Planets
The Battle of Serenity Valley was among 
the most devastating and decisive
Located on Hera, the valley was considered 
a key position by both sides and 
was bitterly fought over.

The Independent faction
with 16 brigades 
and 20 air tank squads 
held The Valley against 
The Alliance forces 
for almost two months 
until Superior numbers --” 

Zoe Washburn :
…what does it say under 

“-- flank strategy by General 
Richard Wilkins X….”

Dr. Simon Tam, 
Brother of River :
I was just trying -- 

Zoe Washburn :
Not in there — The Book, I mean. 
We're not Generals or Diplomatswe didn't 
turn The Tide of Glorious History 
or whatever that thing 
is supposed to spew.

Dr. Simon Tam, 
Brother of River :
Well, you know What They Say,
History is programmed 
by The Winners.” --

Zoe Washburn :
Nearly half a million people lay dead on that field 
at Day-end -- about 
a third of them, 'Winners'. 

Can you imagine that smell...?
Can you imagine piling up the bodies of soldiers of friends to build a wall cuz you got no cover --

Dr. Simon Tam, 
Brother of River :
Mal was there with you..?

Zoe Washburn :
He was My Sergeant --
Commanded 30-odd grunts 
5 days in, there were 
so many officers dead, 
he commanded 2,000 -- 

Kept us together
kept us fighting; 
kept us sane --

By the time The Fighting 
was over, he had 
maybe 400 still intact 

that's a hell of it --

....I said The Fighting 
was over, but you see --
They left us there, 
wounded and sick 
and near to mad as can 
still walk and talk -- 

Both sides left us there, 
while They negotiated 
The Peace for a week
and we kept dying --

.....when They finally sent in Med-ships, 
he had about 150 left, and of
our original platoon, just Me. 

Mercy; Forgiveness; Trust --
Those are things he left back there;
What he has now, is The Ship;
The Ship, and Us, on it. 

You get Kayleigh through this, 
I think He'll Do right by you.

He won't kill
unless he's got 
no other option 

Dr. Simon Tam, 
Brother of River :
....what if he tells 
You to Kill Me...?

Zoe Washburn :
I Kill you. 

Dr. Simon Tam, 
Brother of River :
.....just getting the 
Lay of The Land --

....if that battle was so horrible, 
Why'd he name The Ship after it....?

Zoe Washburn :
Once you've been in Serenity
you never leave -- just, 
learn to Live there....

The Human Flame

"The World Needs You Too Lois"
(Zack Snyder's Justice League)

Lois Lane :
Who is it?

Martian Manhunter,
doing 'Ma' Kent :

Lois Lane :


Martian Manhunter,
doing 'Ma' Kent :
I went to The Daily Planet to 
finally pick up Clark’s things. 
I don’t know why, nowhere 
to put them now --

I lost The Farm. 
I’d been behind on the 
payments for a while

Truth is, The House is too big for me 
to live in by myself anyway.

Lois Lane :
Well, you know you’re welcome to stay here 
any time for as long as you need.

Martian Manhunter,
doing 'Ma' Kent :
Thank You, Lois. That’s very kind. 
But I’ve found a little place that 
suits me just fine, right by the diner. 
I’m not here for help. I’m here because 
when I saw Mr. Perry, he told me 
that you haven’t been to work 
since Clark died.

Lois Lane :
[sighs softly]
I can’t.

Martian Manhunter,
doing 'Ma' Kent :
The Whole World 
is mourning. [sighs]
Grieving over a symbol. Everywhere I go, 
everywhere I look, I see that “S.”
I hear What People Say. They talk
 like they knew him. 

But they didn’t know Clark. And I can’t stop them 
and look at them and tell them 
how proud I am of My Son. 

You’re the only one who knows. 
Who feels What I Do. 
Burdened by A Secret 
on top of Grief. 

I came all this way, because I wanted… 
because I wanted to see you. 
Tell you… I understand.

Lois Lane :
I… will never love anybody 
the way that I love your son. 
And I just miss him. 
I miss him so much.

[Lois sniffles]

Martian Manhunter,
doing 'Ma' Kent :
So do I, sweetheart.


Lois Lane :
Martha, you know if there’s 
anything you need, I’m here.

Martian Manhunter,
doing 'Ma' Kent :
There is something 
you can do for me, honey. 

Come back to The Living.

[door opens]

[suspenseful music plays]

Martian Manhunter :
The World needs you, too, Lois.



"And so we are left to wonder if Superman was aware of the threat and did nothing, was he then complicit in The Capitol tragedy?" 

Perry White :
Still no Kent? 

"His disappearance 
raises questions." 


"There are still so many unanswered questions. 
Chief among them, whether Superman was involved in the planning of this attack. 
I mean, here's an individual 
who has unlimited Power, 
yet did nothing to stop the bomb 
just a few feet away from him. 
It just doesn't add up for investigators. 

Burn him, burn him, burn him. 
Burn him, burn him, burn him. 

For $20 American, he didn't see you. 
Same for me. 

Now one FBI official familiar with this case 
told me they found, quote, :
"A jackpot of bomb materials 
inside Keefe's apartment. " 

What they need to determine now 
is whether he had any help 
in the planning and execution 
of the bomb. 
And they haven't ruled out the idea that Superman was a co-conspirator

Now, my sources are telling me 
they are getting a barrage of anonymous 
and credible tips with all roads 
in this investigation leading to 
The Kryptonian visitor. 

Gotham Cop :
All right, Lois. 
You gotta go. 

Lois Lane :
He didn't know he was gonna die. 
He just bought groceries. 

The Martian Manhunter :
The Wheelchair and The Bullet 
from The Desert were made 
from the same metal. 

Lois Lane :
I know. The Desert. The Hearing
Everywhere Superman goes
Luthor wants Death

The Martian Manhunter 
ButLuthor goes through 
all of that Trouble..
Creates Bomb out of 
and then alters it to 
reduce The Blast? 

Lois Lane :
What do you mean...? 

The Martian Manhunter 
The inside of The Chair 
was lined with Lead.
Lois Lane :
….You couldn't stop it;
You couldn't see it. 

On a Mountaintop :

Johnathan Kent's Ghost :
Something, isn't it? 
We Men of Kansas live on a pancake, 
so we come to The Mountains. 
All downhill from here, 
down to the floodplain. 
Farm at The Bottom of The World. 

I remember one season 
The Water came bad
I couldn't have been 12. 
Dad handed out the shovels 
and we went at it all night. 
We worked till, I think, I fainted. 
But we managed to Stop The Water. 
We Saved The Farm. 
Your grandma baked me a cake. 
Said I was A Hero. 
Later that day we found out 
we blocked The Water all right. 
We sent it upstream
The whole Lang farm 
washed away. 
While I ate My Hero-Cake, 
their horses were drowning. 

I used to hear them 
wailing in my sleep. 

Clark :
Did the nightmares 
ever stop

Johnathan Kent's Ghost :
Yeah. When I met 
Your Mother. 
She gave me Faith that 
There's Good in This World. 
She was My World. 
I miss you, son. 

Clark :
I miss you too, Dad. 


Alfred :
You know you can't win this. 
It's suicide

Bruce Wayne :
I'm older now than 
My Father ever was. 
This may be the only 
thing do that matters

Alfred :
20 years of fighting criminals 
in Gotham amounts to nothing

Bruce Wayne :
Criminals are like 
weeds, Alfred. 
Pull one up, another 
grows in its place --

This is about 
The Future of 
The World

This is My Legacy

My Father sat me 
down right here. 
Told me what 
Wayne Manor 
was built on. 

real estates, 
and oil. 

The first generation 
made their fortune 
trading with The French. 
Pelts and skins. 
They were Hunters

Alfred : falls The House of Wayne. 

Watch Your Tone

Doctor Who : Rough and Tumble Machine Scene 
Re-Insertion and Breakdown

Wednesday 31 July 2024

The City Centre : The Centre of Town

Joseph Campbell--Mythology of the First City States

"'s hard for Us-Today, to realise what the perilous situation was of the early culture people in the near East the beginnings of Agriculture and domestication of animals for the Western world begins in the near East and the first signs occur somewhere around 10,000 BC we begin to see signs of the domestication of some of the animals of the neighborhood principally sheep and goats to begin with and then the pig comes in. 

Now, there may have been an earlier beginning in Southeast Asia, the finds that are taking place now in Upper in Northern Thailand are really spectacular in Transforming Our picture of the origins of Agriculture and so forth but for the history of civilization in the in the uh in in the Western World this area of the near East is crucial decisive up to let's say 10,000 BC all people were foraging Nomads hunters and uh root and vegetable gatherers around 10,000 BC the idea of domesticating your own food begins to take place as a result of this you have a more substantial and dependable economic base and uh increasingly large communities can begin to build up brings in a whole new problem of cultural organisation you begin to have Specialists you begin to have people whose specialisation is tilling the soil others who are trading people trading for goods uh with other uh centers and You Begin then also to have governing people who govern these uh en large communities specialist tasks the problem of organizing the community and the organized Community the viable unit which consists of one can say principally what turn out to be four casts the governor the uh uh Priestly ones who keep in touch with the Divine sources of uh dream and uh myth and spiritual information the uh trading and Merchant people and the uh toiling uh um peasants uh these are coordinated around a spiritual centre that represents the point that, "We're all differently trained, serving the same Centre, and The City-itself becomes, what we're calling today, a Mandela a sacred circle with a center and we're all related to that -- 

Now, there were two different developments out of the early uh Agricultural and domestication of animal base in the riverlands and in the high mountain valleys where it was possible to raise crops the accent would be on agriculture in the broad grazing lands the accent was on animal domestication and so you have hering people and there is a distinct separation as early let's say as the 8th and 7th centuries the seventh millenniums 8,000 7,000 BC uh between the settled agriculturalists and the still nomadic hering people where you have herders the male is the important person he's the one that is rounding up the animals that is uh killing the animals and protecting this herd against another herd so you have a warrior accent whereas when the toiling is that of Agriculture the relationship is to the Earth which is the mother she brings forth life and she nourishes life and so the female principle is a dominant one there now in this near East Zone there were three main group groups of people in these uh divisions one was the people in the uh riverlands and the high valleys agriculturalist whose principal deity was the goddess who is the world mother and the others were the two great hering communities one in the North in southern Europe the uh indo-europeans who were her as of Caple and who were the domesticators of the horse and invented the war Chariot became people of tremendous uh military power and the other were the people of the Siro Arabian Desert who are the semites and uh these were her as of sheep and goats and later the domesticators of the camel which became then the war camel and so forth and so on I think the earliest representation of the camel that we have in literature is in the Old Testament where Rachel comes on a camel to Abraham so we have uh these two Warrior people fighting in on the relatively peaceful uh settled areas and so we find around the sixth millennium BC that the little settled communities begin to have walls and the protection against these Warrior people who were tough fighting people and ruthless uh whether they're Indo European or semites the same story there comes a time then when the shift of accent goes to these Warrior people who have come in and become the overlords the dominant ones over a toiling community and uh this is what happens when oh 2350 BC we read of sag and the first s of a god this was a Semitic Monarch who comes in over the earlier Sumerian people he comes in around he his dates about 2350 BC then about 2000 BC there's a su Ian restoration and this is the period of building of many building of the great zigurat and most of our Sumerian texts come from this period the very important King important for us because the documents come from his time uh king guda of lagash and it's in uh his libation vase it's a little vase about so big with a symbol on it of a central post and two serpents with seven interlocking this is the earliest example we have is this caducous and then two cherubim that say lion birds birds that are human animal bird like with crowns opening the portals of a gate to reveal this this comes from G of lagash 2000 BC uh it's at that time that we have a Sumerian Resurgence but then income another group of Semitic people and become dominant at the time of U uh hamurabi is around 1750 BC and this is the time of the Gil gamish story and uh the uh loss of the serpent power from the uh individual it goes over to the serpents it's a very interesting story it's connected with the gilgames but that time they the cities are again having to defend themselves against more and more of these invading people the Hebrews come in then uh a good while later as uh raiding people again and you can read it in the Book of Genesis and I me the book of Exodus rather and in the judges of uh and Joshua of what happens to a city when these Warrior people come in and so you can see the wall is a very important protective feature and the city then as the culture unit with its Center and its spiritual life the center is always a temple so that the spiritual information is what coordinates and uh and uh validates the city

When I die. they won’t say anything but. “John Milius. who wrote Apocalypse Now, died this week.”

The screenplay started when I was in USC’s film school – the West Point of Hollywood -with George Lucas. We hadn’t met Francis yet. George and I were the two ringleaders at school, making student films and winning awards. George was sort of the good boy and I was the bad boy. I lived in my car. I was an anarchist surfer, a complete, consummate rebel and an anti-intellectual of the worst kind. I was threatened with dismissal every other day. I’ve always had a problem with authority.

The specter of the Vietnam War was hanging over all our heads. I was the only one who wanted to enlist – everybody else wanted to go to Canada or get married. I figured sooner or later I was going to go. so I signed up for the Marine Air Program, but I had asthma. so I washed out. Then I had to reconfigure my life because I hadn’t planned on living past twenty-six – nobody in the Sixties planned on living very long – and I had assumed my legacy would be a smoking hole in the ground over there.

Today in filmmaking there are mainly people who want to be famous, who aren’t driven by the need to tell a story. They just want the fame. Hack then. I never thought about the potential rewards of anything I did. I didn’t think about whether I was going to be paid, whether I was going to get a new BMW or a house in Bel Air or any of that kind of shit. I had what I needed. I had my surfboard. I was fit. I had girls. I was trained. I was a weapon. I just needed a mission. I was STRAC: Strategic. Tough. Ready Around the Clock.

At USC I had a writing teacher, Mr. Irwin Blacker, who gave that mission to me. He’d tell us exotic Hollywood stories, including one about how many filmmakers had tried to do Heart of Darkness – most notably Orson Welles – but that nobody had been able to lick it. I had read the book when I was seventeen and had loved it.

So that did it. I said. Not only am I going to do my Vietnam movie. I’m going to use Heart of Darkness as an allegory because if you’re going to be passing under the skeleton of an elephant, it will be much better if that skeleton is the tail of a downed B-52. I had the ambitious idea of going to Vietnam and shooting the film there.

When George tells this story, exaggerating everything, he’ll say Milius was really insane. The truth is. they all wanted to go. Cinéma vérité had become a popular idea then with the emergence of films like Medium Cool which had been shot during the riots at the ’68 Chicago Democratic convention.

We were going to do it dirt cheap: shoot a feature film in 16 millimeter in Vietnam while the war was going on -- Who knows, maybe we would have all been killed

Thursday 25 July 2024

This is Who We Are -- Wait. Worry. -- Who Cares?

Millennialism in The Keeper of Traken

"The original idea I had, was uh -- 
-- and this, I Think, was 1980 --
--but it was based on the notion that 
every thousand years, there are 
HUGE disturbances in 
The Social and Political 
universe, as we know it -- 

If you go back to The Time of Christ, that was a huge disturbance; back a thousand years beyond that, to The Fall of The Hittite Empire and everything that flowed from that; and more recently in our time where Islam and Christianity were in conflict and The Dark Ages and The Vikings and all that time of turmoil and stress, so it seemed to have a very respectable precedent --

And so all of these stories need something solid to hook into, and that was the hook for The Keeper of Traken. 

"At the heart of this ancient civilisation, which had worked out a way in which they could remain in harmonious union as -- I don't know whether it was Chris Bidmead's line, or my own but he says, um -- "A thousand years of people, just being terribly nice to each other --" and it's true, they were very nice to each other except, at the end of the thousand years, they started being not so nice to each other --"

Byrne's original concept featured at its centre a villain called Mogan, and the Trakenite people were divided into two factions -- 

"When I first submitted the idea, it had something that was more like The Japanese shogunate, rather than the  Shakespearean type-model that we later developed and it had two contending groups

The two groups were the scientific Grays and the spiritual Blacks with The Keeper in overall control 

"While the position of Keeper was one that controlled a great deal of power. it was one where The Ego-Itself, had to be buried in order for it to be successful, and therefore the choice of who was going to be Keeper was crucial and only the very best would be elevated to this -- 

If issues of personal ambition and power-seeking ever crept into the equation, the results would be catastrophic and of course it so happened, purely by accident that these elements of personal ambition and things, became mixed up in The Transition from one Keeper to The Next, in my story"

Thora and Thessaly

Thessaly :
Well now, I didn't know you two were friends — 

Well, we're fixin
to be friendly

Thessaly :
Fixing to Be Friendly” —
That can be my column-headline 

Tilda Swinton :
I play Thora and Thessaly
who are identical twins  — 

Eddie :
What kind of name 
is ‘Thora’, anyway?

Thora :
It’s a name that NINETEEN 
million readers TRUST —

Tilda Swinton :
 For being twins
people don't know who 
they're talking to —
which is weird.

Thessaly :
Hello Eddie —

Eddie Mannix :
Thessaly, yeah —
I just saw your…. 
….oh never mind.

Tilda Swinton :
They’re Cultural commentators —

Thora :
I'm NOT a GOSSIP-columnist!

Tilda Swinton :
Each is a thorn in 
each other side 

Don’t confuse me 
with my sister!

Tilda Swinton :
They definitely do compete 
for Stories

Thessaly :
That cow - she wouldn't 
know a news story if it 
bit her on the posterior.

Tilda Swinton :
When you read about it this Time
and The Power they had….
the ways in which 
they ruled — certainly the 
public face of The Studios 
— and then you hear about 
what they were 
covering-up underneath : 
it was pretty wild

Thora :
We all know about 
The Womanising and 
The Drinking-jags and those 
trips to San Berdoo… 

Tilda Swinton 
But Dirt is good for them, 
you want The Dirt
because they want to have something to print

Thessaly :
I'd like to know what 
The Hell is going on here

TWENTY-million readers 
want The Truth, Eddie.

Eddie Mannix :
Truth, yeshmm.