Monday, 15 February 2021

K-7 Bar

 In which four characters, in search of a Klingon spy, sit and watch Star Trek -- from The Other Side of The Room.

[K-7 bar]

(Bashir and O'Brien join Worf and Odo at their table.)


Clearly we've been going about this search business all wrong, Chief.


You're right. 

Why bother searching thirty decks, when you can just plonk yourself down at a bar and wait for Darvin to come to you.


We have reason to believe that he'll return to this area.


Ah, yes. The raktajino.


A vital clue that others might've missed. 

How fortunate it is that it has kept you stuck at this bar for the past three hours having drinks while we've been crawling through conduits.

(Scott, Chekov, and Freeman enter.)


My God, that's him.








On the left, in the Gold, 

just sitting down.


[ squinting ]

That's Kirk?


It would be an honour to meet him.


....let's buy him a drink(!)


Gentlemen, no one's buying anyone a drink.


He's right. 

We can't risk altering the timeline.


 What'll it be, boys? 

And don't ask for raktajino -- 

If I have to say we don't carry that one more time....


Who ordered raktajino?


The Klingons.




Over there, and over there.


Those are Klingons?


All right. You boys have had enough.


.....Mister Worf?


[ The Jaw starts going, very quietly... and self-consciously. ]

They are Klingons --

and, it is A Long Story.


What happened

Some kind genetic engineering?


A viral mutation?


We Do Not Discuss it with Outsiders.


...delusions of Godhood.

SCOTT: Take it easy, lad. Everybody's entitled to an opinion.

KORAX: That's right. And if I think that Kirk is a Denebian slime devil, well that's my opinion too.

SCOTT: Don't do it, mister, and that's an order.

CHEKOV: But you heard what he called the Captain.

O'BRIEN: Look at the way Kirk is ignoring that Klingon. He's letting the security officer handle it.

BASHIR: Chief, are you sure that's Kirk?

O'BRIEN: Absolutely.

BASHIR: Why is he wearing lieutenant's stripes?

ODO: I think we've got bigger problems than a case of mistaken identity.


.....garbage scow. 

Half The Quadrant knows it. 

That's why they're learning to speak Klingonese.


Mister Scott....


Laddie, don't you think you should --

rephrase that?


You're right, I should. 

I didn't mean to say that The Enterprise should be hauling garbage. 

I meant to say that it should be hauled away as garbage.

(Scott gets up, punches Korax across a table and the brawl begins. Bashir and O'Brien stand.)

ODO: What are you doing?

(The three are attacked by 'Klingons'. Only Odo stays out of trouble, along with a few bystanders and Jones who helps himself to drinks. Finally security run in and Jones gets his stolen drink taken back by the bartender. Odo spots a familiar face outside the door and helps Worf.)

ODO: It's Darvin!

(O'Brien and Bashir are rounded up by Enterprise redshirts.)

[Captain's office]

DULMUR: Your men could've avoided that fight, Captain.

LUCSLY: Regulation one fifty seven, section three, paragraph eighteen. Starfleet officers shall take all necessary precautions to minimise any participation in historical events.

SISKO: All right. It was a mistake. But there were no lasting repercussions.

DULMUR: How do you know that? For all we know, we could be living in an alternate timeline right now.

SISKO: If my people had caused any changes in the timeline, we would have been the first to notice when we got back.

LUCSLY: Why do they all have to say that?

DULMUR: So, your men were arrested.

{Enterprise briefing room]

SISKO [OC]: That's right, but instead of being taken to the brig, they were brought in for questioning.)

KIRK: I want to know who started it.

(O'Brien and Bashir are merged nicely into the line of crewmen.)

KIRK: I'm waiting.

(Kirk stops in front of O'Brien, who has replaced Freeman from the original.)

KIRK: Who started the fight?

O'BRIEN: I don't know, sir.

KIRK: All right. Chekov, I know you. You started it didn't you?

CHEKOV: No, sir. I didn't.

KIRK: Well who did?

CHEKOV: I don't know, sir.

KIRK: I don't know, sir. I want to know who threw the first punch. All right, you're all confined to quarters until I find out who started it. Dismissed.

[Enterprise corridor]

BASHIR: That was close.


Me. Of all the people in the lineup, he asks me who threw the first punch.


And you lied to him.


I lied to Captain Kirk

I wish Keiko could have been here to see it.

?!? WHY ?!?

Sunday, 14 February 2021


Sheila the mecha secretary - AI Artificial Intelligence (2001)

[Ood Conversion]

(The Doctor sonics the door lock.)

DONNA: Hold on. Does that mean we're locked in?

DOCTOR: Listen. Listen, listen, listen, listen.

(The ethereal music.)

DOCTOR: Oh, my head.

DONNA: What is it?

DOCTOR: Can't you hear it? The singing?

(Groups of Ood are sitting in cages. They turn away from the Doctor and Donna.)

DONNA: They look different to the others.

DOCTOR: That's because they're natural born Ood, unprocessed, before they're adapted to slavery. Unspoilt. That's their song.

DONNA: I can't hear it.

DOCTOR: Do you want to?

DONNA: Yeah.

DOCTOR: It's the song of captivity.

DONNA: Let me hear it.

DOCTOR: Face me.

(The Doctor makes a mind meld with Donna.)

DOCTOR: Open your mind. That's it. Hear it, Donna. Hear the music.

(The song is sad and beautiful. Donna cries.)

DONNA: Take it away.


DONNA: I can't bear it.

(The Doctor disconnects her from the telepathic field.)

DONNA: I'm sorry.

DOCTOR: It's okay.

DONNA: But you can still hear it.

DOCTOR: All the time.

[Outside Ood Conversion]

HALPEN: Come on. What's the hold up?

RYDER: It's the experimentation lab. Maximum security. He's fused the system.

HALPEN: Don't just stand there, get the bolt cutters. Rip that door off. Solana, go back to the reps, I don't want any of them wandering off and seeing this. And get them away from the Ood, just in case. Hurry up!

SOLANA: Yes, sir.

[Ood Conversion]

(The Doctor sonics open the cage.)

DONNA: They're breaking in.


Ah, let them.

(The Ood cower in the corner.)


What are you holding? 

Show me. Friend. 

Doctor, Donna. 

Friend. Let me see. 

Look at me. 

Let me see. That's it. 

That's it, go on. Go on.

(The Ood opens his hands. He is holding a small brain.)


Is that....?


It's a brain. A hind brain. 

The Ood are born with a secondary brain. 

Like the amygdala in humans, it processes memory and emotions. 

You get rid of that, you wouldn't be Donna any more. 

You'd be like an Ood. 

A processed Ood.


So The Company cuts off their brains?


And they stitch on the translator.


Like a lobotomy. 

I spent all that time looking for you, Doctor, because I thought it was so wonderful out here. 

I want to go home.



They're with the Ood, sir.

(The Doctor locks himself and Donna in with the Ood.)


What you going to do, then Arrest me? 

Lock me up? Throw me in a cage? 

Well, you're too late. Ha!


(The Doctor and Donna are handcuffed to some pipes.)


Why don't you just come out and say it? 

FOTO activists.


If that's what Friends Of The Ood are trying to prove, then yes.


The Ood were nothing without us, just animals roaming around on the ice.


That's because you can't Hear Them.


They welcomed it!

It's not as if they put up a fight.


You idiot. 

They're born with their BRAINS in their HANDS. 

Don't you see, that makes them peaceful

They've GOT to be, because a creature like THAT would have to Trust Anyone it Meets.


Oh, nice one.


Thank you.


Does it bother you.
What we do? Morally?



Oh right.

The electrons that make up this car were part of a star once.
A star that exploded billions of years ago, killing any and all life that may have existed on hundreds of planets.

Or did it? 

My Point
If those atoms still exist, 
if they are holding this car together as we speak, then --

Perhaps The Idea of Life and Death
is obscene.


Wait, maybe not obscene, but irrelevant.
What were we talking about again? 

Morality of Killing 

Because you and I, 
We are Not Human.

The Lion.
Does A Lion ask the morality of killing a deer, or a mantis of killing a hummingbird? 
Homo supérieur 


So, you see The Morality 
is not The Problem.

....I'm going to kill you, you know.


Silence - The Deconstruction of Faith

Manson’s Dark Reflection on America

“Everyone has wanted to make him small. 
Yet, a Monster.
With Hypnotic Powers.
A Fascist, 
and a Commie.
A prejudiced N***erlover.
A Macho-Punk. 
BOTH Christ AND The Devil.
Or – 
On The Opposite Side of Everything

— Lynette “Squeeky” Fromme, 
on Manson, 
The Fool.

 Now... There usually are Questions.

Um... Do you have a reflection?

I’m sorry? 

The Mirror — 
They don't have reflections in the films, vampires.

Do I •LOOK• like someone who can't see himself in the mirror? Hmm?


•Most• of the vampire legends
are wrong...or misunderstood.

But mirrors...

I don't see •any• less in a mirror than you do — 

[ Which is why there are none in Castle Dracula — he smashes them all to avoid having to look himself in the eye, because he is ashamed — ashamed  of being a Warlord who failed to die in battle, as his forefathers all had (amongst other things.) ]




He'll feel RESPONSIBLE for Your Rescue, you see.

[ Which is why she kidnapped The Prime Minister's WIFE, not The Prime Minister ]

He's LIKE that.

I want him to see how EASILY I can make him do exactly What I Want.

The Dark Knight is coming! 

Get ready to --

How SAFE Do YOU Feel?

Skyfall 2012 - Tennyson - Full Scene

Today I've repeatedly heard how irrelevant my department has become. 

Why do we need agents? 
The Double-O section? 
Isn't it all rather quaint? 

Well, I suppose I see a different world than you do. 
And the truth is that what I see frightens me
I'm frightened because our enemies are no longer known to us. 

They do not exist on a map. 
They're not nations. 
They are individuals. 
Look around you. 

Who do you fear? 
Can you see a face? 
A uniform? A flag? No. 

Our world is not more transparent now. 
It's more opaque. 

It's in the shadows. 
That's where we must do battle. 

So, before you declare us irrelevant, ask yourselves, 
"How safe do you feel?" 

I've just one more thing to say. 
My late husband was a great lover of poetry. 
And, um... I suppose some of it sunk in, despite my best intentions. 
And here today I remember this, 
I think from Tennyson. 

We are not now that strength, which in old days moved earth and heaven. 

That which we are, we are. 

One equal temper of heroic hearts, 
made weak by time and fate, 
but strong in will. 

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield. 

Thursday, 11 February 2021


Before The Law, 
There Stands A Guard


Before The Law, 
There stands A Guard. 

A Man comes from The Country, 
begging admittance to The Law. 

But The Guard cannot admit him. 

May he hope to enter at a later time? 
That is possible, said The Guard. 

The Man tries to peer through The Entrance. 
He'd been taught that The Law was to be accessible 
to every Man. 

"Do not attempt to enter without My Permission", 
says The Guard. 

"I am very Powerful. 
Yet I am The Least of all The Guards. 

From Hall to Hall, 
Door after Door, 
Each Guard is more Powerful 
than The Last.”

By The Guard's Permission
The Man sits by The Side of The Door
and there he waits

For YEARS, He waits. 

Everything He has
He gives away in The Hope of bribing 
The Guard, who never fails to Say to Him : 
“I Take What You Give Me, 
only so that You Will Not Feel 
that You Left Something Un-Done." 

Keeping His Watch during the long years, 
The Man has come to know 
even The Fleas on The Guard's fur collar. 

Growing childish in old age, 
He begs the fleas to persuade The Guard 
to change His Mind and Allow Him to Enter. 

His Sight has dimmed, but in The Darkness 
He perceives a radiance streaming immortally 
from The Door of The Law. 

And now, before He dies
all He's experienced condenses into one Question, 
A Question He's never asked

He beckons The Guard. 

Says The Guard, 
"You are insatiable
What is it now?" 

Says The Man, 
"Every Man strives to attain The Law. 
How is it then that in all these years
no one else has ever come here, 
seeking admittance?" 

His Hearing has failed
so The Guard YELLS into His Ear :

"Nobody Else but You 
could EVER have 
obtained admittance. 

No-one else could 
Enter This Door!" 

"This Door," He Says,
"was intended,  

And, Now — 
I'm going to close it." 

This Tale is Told during 
The Story called 
"The Trial". 

It's been said that 
The Logic of This Story 
is The Logic of a Dream... 
Or a Nightmare.

Poirot. I need your help, my friend. 
You have to find who did this. 
Please, I implore you, on behalf 
of The Orient Express. 

When The Police arrive, 
we can present them 
with the case closed. 

You are the only one who can Save Me. 

Hercule Poirot :
Your Faith touches me, mon cher. 
But I must have this rest. 

Well, think of it as a little 
beachside puzzle. 

That's nothing to your mind! 

You look up the antecedents 
of the passengers. 

You establish their bona fides
Then you do What You Do. 

You... You... You... 
You sit in a chair and you eat your cake... 
and you think until the solution presents itself. 

What else are you going to do 
while we sit here in the snow? 

Without constant stimulation
your little gray cells will 
starve and die. 

Hercule Poirot :
You think that is what I do? 

I sit in a chair and I have a little piece of cake, 
and then I come up with a great idea? 

I don't know what you do. 

Hercule Poirot :
I have my Dickens. 

Damn your Dickens! 
If we leave this to The Police, 
they will choose a culprit, 
Right or Wrong
and they will hang him

Most probably Mr. Marquez, 
for no other reason than 
his name is 'Marquez'. 

Or Dr. Arbuthnot for the colour of his skin. 
You are the only one who 
can bring Justice. 

Hercule Poirot :
.....let me have a map of this coach. 

Of course. 

Hercule Poirot :
Every passport. 


Hercule Poirot :
Interviews arranged with 
all of our passengers. 

Evidence, Order and Method, 
until one culprit emerges

I do not approve of Murder, my friend. 

Every day, we meet people The World 
could do better without 
yet We Do Not Kill Them. 

We must be better than The Beasts. 

So let us find this Killer. 

Jordan Peterson pulls Christianity out of Sam Harris' reductionist hat

"Because -- a Forgery that is materially the same as a great masterpiece, is essentially worthless."

No. It's Priceless. Because you cannot sell it. It's worth a very great deal, indeed.

Miss Debenham :
It's freezing! 
Are we stuck? 
You asked for me? 
Another interrogation? 

Hercule Poirot :
Oh, no. I enjoy your company. 
Merci, Bouc. 

Uh, please. I have a list of 10 Questions 
I am no nearer to answering, 
and the train is about to leave. 

You have a clear mind, and I thought that you might produce an insight. Please

Miss Debenham :

"The Handkerchief." 

"The Pipe Cleaner."

"The Scarlet Kimono." 

"The Uniform." 

"The time on The Watch." 

"Was he murdered then?" 

"Earlier or later?" 

"By one person or more?" 

"Which of them?" 

Sorry, I can't help you. 

Hercule Poirot :
Uh... Merci. 

Miss Debenham :
Perhaps there is 
An Eleventh Question 
you don't know to ask yet 
that will give you 
The Answer to the rest.


Hercule Poirot :
Perhaps. I could point an easy finger 
at the, uh, Countess Andrenyi. 
I discovered she was 
Sonia Armstrong's sister. 

Are you certain? 

Hercule Poirot :
Yes. I suspect she may perhaps 
be innocent. Perhaps. 

But so many people have lied to me on this train and do not seem to mind. 

You yourself did so effortlessly


Hercule Poirot :
You told me you had 
never been to America. 
You also concealed the fact that 
at the time of The Tragedy, you 
were living in The Armstrong Household 
as Governess to Their Daughter. 
And you know this. 

I have my living to get. 
A Girl detained in connection 
to a murder case, no decent 
class family would engage me. 

Miss Debenham, you planned 
Ratchett's murder. 
And then you sent for 
The Countess to witness it. 
If she saw him dead, 
the Helena you knew might return. 

You waited for your roommate to sleep, 
but she did not. You drugged her. 
But the barbital only gave her a headache. 
She begged for an aspirin when The Train
stopped, when The Conductor 
was on The Station, when the coast w
as clear at last, when you were 
allowed to enter 
Ratchett's compartment, unseen. 
You loved Daisy Armstrong. 
You killed Cassetti. 

Miss Debenham :
Cassetti was a pig
He deserved to die. 

You read The Bible, Ringo? 

Not regularly, no. 

Well, there's this passage I got memorized. 
Ezekiel 25:17. 

"The Path of The Righteous Man 
is beset on all sides 
by the inequities of The Selfish 
and The Tyranny of Evil Men. 

Blessed is he, who in the name 
of Charity and Good Will, 
shepherds The Weak 
through The Valley of Darkness, 
for he is truly His Brother's Keeper 
and The Finder of Lost Children.

And I will strike down upon thee with great Vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. 

And you will know I am the Lord... 
when I lay my vengeance upon you." 

Now, I been sayin' that shit for years — 
and if you heard it, that meant your ass. 

I never gave much thought 
to what it meant

I just thought it was some coldblooded shit to say to a motherfucker before I popped a cap in his ass. 

But I saw some shit this morning 
made me think twice. 

See, now I'm thinkin' maybe it means... 

You're The Evil Man, and 
I'm The Righteous Man, 
and Mr. 9-millimeter here
he's The Shepherd, protecting 
my righteous ass in 
The Valley of Darkness. 

Or it could mean... 

You're The Righteous Man
and I'm The Shepherd, 
and it's The World that's 
Evil and Selfish.

Yeah, I'd like that. 
But that shit ain't The Truth

The Truth, is —
YOU’RE The Weak... 
and I'm The Tyranny, 
of Evil Men. 

But I'm tryin', Ringo. 

I'm tryin' real hard... 
To be The Shepherd. 


It appears there are no end to the lies manufactured just for me.

-- Hercule Poirot

Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Middle-Management : The Management of The Middle

“It does not matter whether The War is Actually Happening, and, since no decisive Victory is possible, it does not matter whether The War is going Well or Badly. 

All that is needed is that a State of War should exist. 

The splitting of the intelligence which The Party requires of its members, and which is more easily achieved in an Atmosphere of War, is now almost universal, but the higher up the ranks one goes, the more marked it becomes. 

It is precisely in The Inner Party that War Hysteria and Hatred of The Enemy are strongest. 

In his capacity as An Administrator, it is often necessary for a member of The Inner Party to KNOW that this or that item of War News is Untruthful, and he may often be aware that The Entire War is spurious and is either Not Happening or is being waged for Purposes quite other than the declared ones : but such knowledge is easily neutralized by the technique of doublethink. 

Meanwhile no Inner Party member wavers for an instant in his mystical belief that The War is Real, and that it is bound to end Victoriously, with Oceania The Undisputed Master of The Entire World.”