Wednesday, 3 September 2014

BotWatch - Me and My Case Officer

The Agent assigned to keep tabs on me has recently changed tactics (and faces).

Previously, and most recently, she called herself "Amanda Wild" (not Amanda Huggenkiss, but pretty close), and she used to look like this:

She now looks like this.

Forgive me for thinking I am being profiled, here.

If you haven't already read my critique of legendary researcher (and my personal hero), John Judge, who became duped into becoming champion of the fraudulent "9/11 VicSims Families", I highly recommend it as back-grounding for this kind of psychological warfare operation, and how one can be so easily blinded by the Veil of Tears into propagandising for The Beast;

One whiff of pussy, they had poor John saying that Black was White, and White was black....

Just finally, a quick word as regard to the "ego" aspect implied in the charge of paranoia;

Who am I to warrant such special attention? 

What makes me worth hiring someone to keep an eye on me and actively (as opposed to passively) monitor my online activities?

Why am I worth the budget necessary to spy on me? , when you get down to it - this is a very good and insightful question - my answer, I hope you will concur, is equally insightful.

You have to ask yourself eventually, as I was finally forced to, some four years ago now : Why is someone clearly spending money, and has assigned resources and funds on an ongoing basis to insist that Mark David Chapman is guilty in the Comments Section on YouTube videos...?

That may sound like the stupidest, most outlandish and random question anyone could ever hope to ask, but take 5mins, look for yourself, participate in the discussion, question his guilt and it's clearly true...

The "Why...?" is not as important as the fact that it's clearly happening - the "Why...?" comes later, and that is a more nuanced question to answer - but very obvious once you know some history.

You have to understand the concerns and control-structures of the ultra-rich - Those Who Conisder Themselves the Rightful Heirs to a Global Feifdom, in the Progressive Era, to protect their vast wealth and retain their privilege from fair redistribution amongst the starving masses invented Philantrophy.

At the same time they were concocting and promoting the perverted race science of Eugenics, they also were running a symltaneous Track B. They invented something called Social Work.

Why do the powerful of every nation spend millions and millions of pounds to watch alcoholics...?

Not because they want to treat and cure alcoholism - the truth is, drunks are unpredictable, they might do anything... Go down to Bishopsgate or Fenchurch Street and disrupt business, or head down to The Mall and start cussing out the Queen in the street, startling all the tourists.

Why are heroin addicts never just left and allowed to go Cold Turkey, by far the most healthy thing they could do, and the best use of resources...? You ever hear of a Revolution or a riot amongst Methadone addicts...? 

Social Work is a mechanism of control, and intelligence gathering.

Why, then, would they not be watching what people say online and assigning people to keep tabs on any potential troublemakers...? 

So, to be clear - I am not delusional or self-aggrandising- I am not unique or exceptional in this regard;

I do not warrant particularly special attention.

I just happen to have noticed.

I'll tell this story from the beginning, but to understand that I'm not paranoid and this is real, it's important to start this story in media res, to understand what I'm getting at.

Or, in other words - "Skip to the End".

You have to admire the pure audacity of that as a Hail Mary pass :

"I am real, I just want your friendship, I am real"-BREASTS.

This one's a real closer, you have to give her that...

I always find it interesting that whenever you say certain things, there is no shortage of people and voices that suddenly come out of the woodwork and pretend not to have heard everything that you just said...

Let's go back to the beginning, though...

Able Danger & Door Hop Galley - Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer is a Liar

I have personally been called a Conspiracy Theorist by an agent of the Shaddow Government - after I caught him out lying to The People.

The Way that the Shadow Government applies pressure to control Presidential Administrations in their second term is not through coups, or false flags, or October Surprise, but through scandals; the Vicuña Coat, Vietnam the Liberty Incident, Watergate, Iran-Contra, the Lewinski nonsense... Benghazi, the IRS, shutting down the government.

And Able Danger.

By late 2013, former Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer (Ret.) of the Defense Intelligence Agency was a heavy promoter of the "Obama Did It" Benghazi camp, although clearly he knows better, demanding the immediate impeachment of President Obama for murder - something he notably failed to do in 2005 when charging that Bush Administration Officials apparently let 9/11 happen (although there was an extremely subtle effort to pin this all on decisions made by and during the Clinton Administration).

The point is, it was the military that destroyed this information without showing it to anyone, and it was Clinton Appointee FBI Director Louis Freeh of Opus Dei (who I believe to be an honest broker) who stated clearly under sworn testimony that had he had this information from DIA, they could have prevented "hijackings" by rounding up all the patsies during 2000 and 2001.

from Spike EP on Vimeo.

"WELDON: Door Hop Galley which is another classified program.

In the course of that briefing — and there was a Navy admiral in the room, Admiral Wilson, in charge of DIA, and Richard Schiefren (ph) was in the room. Richard Schiefren (ph) was an attorney at DOD.

In the course of that discussion, Richard Schiefren (ph) discussed Able Danger. I did not know that up until I watched the Heritage Foundation speech that I gave in 2002, where I document the meeting, in the briefing that was done for General Shelton. When I asked Tony Shaffer this morning about that, he said, “Yes, I briefed General Shelton. I was also involved in a Door Hop Galley (ph) brief, where Steve Cambone” — he was not in the position he’s in today. He was a special adviser to Don Rumsfeld.

My concern is if there were 2.5 terabytes of data that were destroyed in the summer of 2000, there had to be material in 2001 if you briefed General Shelton. Where is that material? Where is that briefing?

In addition, there is a question about the possibility of additional data that was in Tony Shaffer’s office that was removed, not all of which was turned over to the 9/11 Commission.

As most of you know by now, when Tony Shaffer returned in January of 2004, Tony Shaffer — or 2003, get my dates right, 2003 — 2004 — in January 2004 — right, because it was in October of 2003 when he first briefed the 9/11 Commission’s staff over in Baghram."

"I wanted to bring Tony Shaffer in to talk to you about the briefing that he was involved with with General Shelton in January of ’01 and the briefing — again, this second briefing, as Tony will tell you, was not specifically about Able Danger. It was about a program called Door Hop Galley (ph).

But during that briefing with Admiral Wilson and with Richard Schiefren (ph), the topic of Able Danger came up and Richard Schiefren (ph), who was the legal counsel at the Pentagon, knew about Able Danger."

And that's all she wrote...

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Jim Davidson

"Both Jesus Christ and God are very important in my life but I don't like the Christianity that links the two. I have found a lot of the answers to my questions in Freemasonry." 

Jim Davidson
Hello Magazine
June 1996

Ukraine - You Didn't Build That

In 1997, amid the wreckage of the USSR, Russia & Ukraine signed a Partition Treaty determining the fate of the military bases and vessels in Crimea. The deal sparked widespread officer ‘defections’ to Russia and was ratified by the Russian & Ukrainian parliaments in 1999. Russia received 81.7 percent of the fleet’s ships after paying the Ukrainian government US$526.5 million.

Moscow annually wrote off $97.75 million of Kiev’s debt for the right to use Ukrainian waters and radio frequencies, and to compensate for the Black Sea Fleet’s environmental impact.

The Russian navy was allowed up to

- 25,000 troops,

- 24 artillery systems with a caliber smaller than 100 mm,

- 132 armored vehicles, and

- 22 military planes, on Crimean territory.

Authorities in the Ukrainian Autonomous Republic of Crimea requested Moscow’s assistance after the self-proclaimed government in Kiev introduced a law abolishing the use of languages other than Ukrainian in official circumstances.

Partition Treaty on the Status and Conditions of the Black Sea Fleet  (1997) (archive link: )

between the Russian Federation and Ukraine about the status and conditions of the Black Sea Fleet Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine

Russian Federation and Ukraine, hereinafter referred to as the Parties, Aiming to further develop and strengthen friendship and cooperation Have agreed as follows below:

Article 1
Status of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation on Ukraine is determined by this Agreement and other agreements between the Parties, is the development of this Agreement.

Article 2
For the purposes of this Agreement, the following terms mean: 1. "Military formations" - the military units Russian Black Sea Fleet stationed in territory of Ukraine. 2. "Companies, organizations and institutions of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation "- stationed on the territory of Ukraine objects of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation, staffed by military personnel and civilians, and engaged in production and business, medical recreational or other similar activities the interests of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation. 3. "The place of dislocation" - defined area, water area, that host military units. 4. "Those members of the military formations" - servicemen of the Russian Federation, extending military service composed of military units, as well as sent to military formations of the Russian Federation. 5. "Family members, members of the military formations "- spouses, children. other permanent residents with relatives of these persons, as well as their dependents face.

Article 3
The Russian Party shall promptly notify the Ukrainian Side through diplomatic channels on the appointment of the Commander Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation.

Article 4
1. The total number of personnel, the number of ships ships, weapons and equipment of the Black Sea Fleet Russian Federation who are pas territory of Ukraine, not will exceed the levels specified in the Agreement between Russian Federation and Ukraine on the parameters section Black Sea Fleet from the "28" in May 1997. 2. The Russian Party shall annually, before January 1, according to list agreed by the Parties shall inform the Ukrainian side of the total number of personnel and the main armament Russian Black Sea Fleet located at territory of Ukraine.

Article 5
Russian Party undertakes not to have nuclear weapons Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation located on the territory of Ukraine.

Article 6
1. Military units operate in places of deployment in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, respect the sovereignty of Ukraine, observe its legislation and do not allow interference in the internal affairs Ukraine. 2. Economic activity of enterprises, organizations and institutions the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation shall not contradict the legislation of Ukraine. 3. Public authorities to respect the status of Ukraine military formations, shall take appropriate and consistent with their command safety measures personal composition, protection of property rights and property military units, and do not interfere in their internal life. 4. Relationships of persons belonging to the military formations and their families with legal and physical Ukraine faces is governed by the relevant locations of the Parties treaties and laws of Ukraine.

Article 7
Construction in areas of deployment of military forces roads, bridges, buildings and other facilities shall be Russian Party in consultation with the relevant authorities Ukraine.

Article 8
1. Contents of the constitution of the military on the territory of Ukraine, their recruitment, financing and all kinds of supplies and stocks of the Russian Federation. 2. Military forces conduct exercises and other combat and operational training within training centers, landfills, positional areas and areas dispersal, shooting ranges and, in restricted areas, in designated areas of airspace in coordination with the competent Ukrainian authorities. Warships and military formations to court prior notice to the competent authorities of Ukraine can of sailing in the territorial waters of Ukraine in order to call (output) ports of Ukraine, which are deployed military formations. 3. Referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article polygons positioning areas and dispersal areas, shooting ranges and airspace designated areas may also shared by military units and Naval Forces of Ukraine by agreement between the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Defence. 4. Military units may in their locations and movements implement protection measures in accordance with the procedure established in the Armed Forces Federation, in cooperation with the competent authorities of Ukraine. 5. The procedure for using the navigation-system Parties hydrographic safety of navigation in the Black and Azov is determined by a separate agreement.

Article 9
1. Exclusion zones for aircraft flights military formations in Ukrainian airspace determined by the competent authorities of Ukraine, taking into account needs of these military formations. If necessary, can establish additional aircraft flight corridors of military formations. 2. The Parties shall cooperate in the field of security aircraft flights military formations. Policies and forms of such cooperation shall be determined by individual agreements.

Article 10
1. Ukraine reserves the right to military units contain and use of radio electronic facilities and funds accordance with the existing rules on the day of signing this Agreement. Reconstruction of existing and creation new electronic objects via separate agreements. 2. To avoid mutual interference Use frequency spectrum and radio frequencies electronic facilities are regulated by the formation of military separate agreement.

Article 11
Persons belonging to the military units outside places dislocations can be installed in a way they dress in accordance with the procedures applicable in the Armed Forces The Russian Federation.

Article 12
1. Service vehicles of the Black Sea Fleet Russian Federation must have a registration number and a clear sign. Use of official vehicles for license Ukraine signs are not allowed. 2. When operating vehicles of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation observed operating in Ukraine traffic rules, including the rules of conduct in place accident, as well as rules on the transport dangerous goods. Control over compliance with these rules by the competent authorities of Ukraine and the command Russian Black Sea Fleet. 3. Moving and lifting heavy equipment Russian Black Sea Fleet, including crawler machine outside the agreed routes provided rail or pas trailers.

Article 13
1. Persons belonging to the military units cross the Russian-Ukrainian border on presentation identity soldier (military tickets) adult members of their families - passports and minor members of their families - on the record in these documents. 2. Parties grant to the persons entering into the military units, and following them to their families, crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border in connection with the change duty station, disposable carry their personal belongings without charging duties and other taxes of equivalent effect and fees.

Article 14
1. Funds allocated from the budget of the Russian Federation for financing military formations of the Black Sea Fleet Russian Federation and individuals within them, are not subject to income tax in Ukraine. Businesses, organizations and Institutions Russian Black Sea Fleet produce tax deductions in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine. 2. Russian Federation's participation in socio-economic development of Sevastopol and other settlements, in which deployed military units of the Black Sea Fleet Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine is carried out on basis of a separate agreement.

Article 15
1. Transport troops, persons belonging to the military formations, following a single procedure and in part of military formations, weapons, military equipment and other logistical resources, and guard specialists, their attendants, all modes of transport, which are executed in the interests of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation, implemented on a priority basis to meet border, customs and other types of state control when crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border in accordance with the Ukrainian legislation. 2. Transport of dangerous goods and discharge are carried out in accordance with the signed December 23, 1993 in Ashgabat in within the Commonwealth of Independent States Agreement interstate transport of dangerous goods and discharge. 3. Special transport and military products appointments are made ​​in accordance with the contract May 26 1995 in Minsk within the Commonwealth of Independent States Agreement on the transport of goods and special products for military appointment. 4. Transportation using ships Navy, civilian agencies of the Russian courts Federation of Ukrainian ports were in compliance with Merchant Shipping Code of Ukraine, the corresponding port rules, rules of safety of navigation and environmental protection Fisheries and Ukraine. 5. Movement associated with the activities of military units outside their areas of deployment are carried out after coordination with the competent authorities of Ukraine.

Article 16
Questions to visit places of deployment of military forces representatives of third States are resolved by agreement between the competent authorities of the Parties.

Article 17
Persons entering into military formations, paid salaries and wages and Ukrainian currency.

Article 18
1. Russian Party will reimburse the damage that can be caused by acts or omissions of military formations or persons therein in the performance of their official responsibilities of citizens or legal entities of Ukraine, citizens or entities of third countries who are on territory of Ukraine, in the amount established on the basis of presented in accordance with Ukrainian legislation claims. 2. Ukrainian party will reimburse any damage that may be caused by troops on the territory of Ukraine acts or omissions of individuals or legal entities of Ukraine, in the amount established on the basis of presented according with Ukrainian law claims.

Article 19
Jurisdictional issues associated with the presence of military formations on the territory of Ukraine shall be governed by the following follows: 1. In cases of crimes committed by persons forming into military formations or members of their families territory of Ukraine, the law of Ukraine and act courts, prosecution and other competent authorities Ukraine. 2. Paragraph 1 of this Article shall not apply to: a) in case of persons who are members of the military formations, or their family members - citizens of the Russian Federation - crimes against the Russian Federation, as well as against persons belonging to the military units or members their families - the citizens of the Russian Federation; b) in case of persons who are members of the military formations crimes while on duty in places where military formations. In the cases provided for in this paragraph shall apply legislation of the Russian Federation and the courts operating, prosecution and other competent authorities of the Russian Federation. 3. The competent authorities of the Parties may refer to one another with a request for surrender or acceptance of jurisdiction over individual cases provided for in this Article. Such requests will be dealt with immediately and favorably.

Article 20
1. Ukrainian Party reserves the persons entering and composition of military units and their families right Ownership of immovable property owned by them (residential home, summer and garden buildings, garages, etc.). 2. Persons entering into military formations, and members of their families traveling outside Ukraine for permanent residence, Ukrainian Party shall provide an opportunity to export or selling their property.

Article 21
Servicemen of military units provided Command of military units service the residential area at its disposal.

Article 22
The Parties shall ensure to persons belonging to the military formations and their families equal rights with citizens of Ukraine right to education in the schools of general education. primary, secondary and higher education, admission to kindergartens, as well as protection health and other social services. Order payments in connection with the implementation of this Article is determined separate agreement.

Article 23
Russian Black Sea Fleet, located at Ukraine undertakes to take all necessary measures to Under Ukrainian law, the conservation ecosystems and pollution prevention in the field of its disposition, reacts to this end with the relevant authorities Ukraine.

Article 24
To resolve disputes concerning the interpretation and application this Agreement, a Joint Commission. The Mixed Commission shall act in accordance with adopted its rules. If the Joint Commission can not resolve dispute referred to it, it will be settled through diplomatic channels in soon as possible.

Article 25

This Agreement shall be applied provisionally from the date of its signature and shall enter into force on the date of the last notification completion of their internal procedures necessary for its entry into force. * The notifications that the procedures necessary for entry into force of this Agreement will be performed notifications simultaneously with the exchange of the Parties to internal procedures necessary for the entry into force of the Agreement between the Russian Federation and Ukraine parameters of the division of the Black Sea Fleet of the "28" in May 1997 and Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and Government of Ukraine on mutual relating to section Black Sea Fleet and the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine of "28" in May 1997.
This Agreement is for 20 years, measured from the start date of its provisional application. Term of Agreement will be automatically renewed for successive periods of five periods, unless either Party notifies the other in writing Side of termination not later than one year before it expires.

Done at Kiev "28" in May 1997, in duplicate, in the Russian and Ukrainian languages, both texts being equally authentic.

Ratified by the Federal Assembly (Federal Law July 3, 1999 N 124-FZ - Collected Legislation Russian Federation, 1999, N 27, st.3186)
  • The Agreement entered into force on 12 July 1999.

"So here they are, the facts:

1) A Russian naval presence in Crimea dates to 1783 when the port city of Sevastopol was founded by Russian Prince Grigory Potemkin. Crimea was part of Russia until Nikita Khruschev gave it to Ukraine in 1954.

2) In 1997, amid the wreckage of the USSR, Russia & Ukraine signed a Partition Treaty determining the fate of the military bases and vessels in Crimea. The deal sparked widespread officer ‘defections’ to Russia and was ratified by the Russian & Ukrainian parliaments in 1999. Russia received 81.7 percent of the fleet’s ships after paying the Ukrainian government US$526.5 million.

3) The deal allowed the Russian Black Sea Fleet to stay in Crimea until 2017. This was extended by another 25 years to 2042 with a 5-year extension option in 2010.

4) Moscow annually writes off $97.75 million of Kiev’s debt for the right to use Ukrainian waters and radio frequencies, and to compensate for the Black Sea Fleet’s environmental impact.

5) The Russian navy is allowed up to

- 25,000 troops,

- 24 artillery systems with a caliber smaller than 100 mm,

- 132 armored vehicles, and

- 22 military planes, on Crimean territory.

6) Five Russian naval units are stationed in the port city of Sevastopol, in compliance with the treaty:

- The 30th Surface Ship Division formed by the 11th Antisubmarine Ship Brigade. Comprises the Black Sea Fleet’s flagship guard missile cruiser Moskva as well as Kerch, Ochakov, Smetlivy, Ladny, and Pytlivy vessels, and the 197th Landing Ship Brigade, consisting of seven large amphibious vessels;

- The 41st Missile Boat Brigade includes the 166th Fast Attack Craft Division, consisting of Bora and Samum hovercrafts as well as small missile ships Mirazh and Shtil, and 295th missile Boat Division;

- The 247th Separate Submarine Division, consisting of two diesel submarines – B-871 Alrosa and B-380 Svyatoy Knyaz Georgy;

- The 68th Harbor Defense Ship Brigade formed by 4 vessels of the 400th Antisubmarine Ship Battalion and 418 Mine Hunting Ship Division respectively.;

- The 422nd Separate Hydrographic Ship Division boasts the Cheleken, Stvor, Donuzlav and GS-402 survey vessels and hydrographic boats.

7) Russia has two airbases in Crimea, in Kacha and Gvardeysky.

8) Russian coastal forces in Ukraine consist of the 1096th Separate Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment in Sevastopol and the 810th Marine Brigade, which hosts around 2,000 marines.

9) Russian naval units are permitted to implement security measures at their permanent post as well as during re-deployments in cooperation with Ukrainian forces, in accordance with Russia’s armed forces procedures.

Authorities in the Ukrainian Autonomous Republic of Crimea – where over half the population is Russian – requested Moscow’s assistance after the self-proclaimed government in Kiev introduced a law abolishing the use of languages other than Ukrainian in official circumstances.

Last week, Russia’s Federation Council unanimously approved President Vladimir Putin’s request to send the country’s military forces to Ukraine to ensure peace and order in the region “until the socio-political situation in the country is stabilized.”

However, the final say about deploying troops lies with Putin, who hasn’t yet made such a decision, stressing that deploying military force would be a last resort.