Friday 8 September 2017

Texas Sanctuary Cites and The Bell Riots of 2024

"By late 2024, the twenty square blocks that made up Sanctuary District A had become overcrowded slums. 

With the records of people inside the Sanctuaries not uploaded to the planetary computer network (and therefore not accessible using an Interface), the true conditions inside were unknown to the general public. American society believed that, despite the political upheaval affecting Europe at the time, the United States was stable and had found a way to successfully deal with the social problems that had been the genesis of the Sanctuaries. 

An "out of sight, out of mind" mentality had set in. 

People in the district started to believe that their needs were forgotten."

Inter-War Pre-Warp Earth History
UFP Archive,
Memory Alpha

(Sisko is lying on the floor being prodded with a weapon.

Okay buddy, come on, 
rise and shine. Come on. 
Well, look what we have here. 

Who are you? 

Who am I? Do you believe this? 
Sleeping Beauty's asking me questions. Up. 

Hey Vin, we've been working all night, 
why don't we forget these guys? 
I just want to go home and see Sonya 
and the kids and get some sleep. 

What are you, an anarchist? 
There's A Law against sleeping in the streets. 
Though I do like the matching pajamas. 
All right, let's see some logo. 


ID. Identification. 
UHC Card? 
Transit pass

 Where are we? 
What happened to Starfleet Headquarters? 

Oh, perfect. Just what we need. 
Two more dims. 

Those shotguns and uniforms. 
There's something very familiar about this. 

Yeah, probably from the last time you were 
in a Sanctuary District. 

Sanctuary District
What year is this? 

Same year as it was yesterday. 
2024. Let's go. 

How do they find us? 

We pan down the Trans Bay tube 2 subway steps to an unconscious Dax, 
who still has her comm. badge 
unlike Sisko and Bashir. 

After the opening titles, 
she is woken by a passerby.

Are you okay? 

Oh, my head. 

What happened? 
Did you get jacked or something? 


You know, robbed? 
Did they get your credit chips, your ID? 

It looks like they got everything --

Except my brooch. 

Do you live near here? 
Can you get home? 

I was travelling with some friends 
and I guess we got separated. 

Well, you shouldn't be 
walking around without ID. 

You'd better order some replacements. 
You can use my Interface terminal if you wish. 
My office is just round the corner. 

That's very kind of you. 

Chris. Chris Brynner. 


That's a pretty name. 
What is that, Dutch? 

Something like that. 
It's very kind of you to help me. 

Oh, don't mention it. 
It's not everyday that I get to rescue a damsel in distress. 
Let me help you.


It's just this way. 

(Up the steps to 599 wherever, just across from Candystick something.)

[Sanctuary District Street]
(Basically, it's a slum.


What is this place? 


A Sanctuary District. 

Twenty first century history is not one of my strong points. 
Too depressing. 


It's been a hobby of mine. 
They made some ugly mistakes, but they also paved the way for a lot of the things we take now for granted. 

I assume this is one of those mistakes. 


A bad one. By the early twenty twenties there was a place like this in every major city in the United States. 

Why are these people in here? Are they criminals? 

No. People with criminal records weren't allowed in the Sanctuary Districts. 

Then what did they do to deserve this? 


Nothing. They're just people without jobs or places to live. 

So they get put in here? 


Welcome to the twenty first century, Doctor. 

Hold it right there. (to Bernardo
If you want to go home, go home. What do I care? 

Thanks, Vin. 

Shall we?

[Chris's office]
(Meanwhile, Dax is seeing how the other half live, using a pointer on a touchscreen.


Hi. Sorry to keep you waiting. 
Were you able to order new ID? 


Just finished. 
It took me a while to convince them I was who I said I was. 
They'll be expressing a transit pass and a couple of credit chips in a few hours. 
I asked them to send it here. I hope you don't mind. 


No problem. 

Thanks for letting me use your terminal and your account. 

Glad I could help. You know, those are very unusual. 

Oh, you mean my tattoos. 

It's amazing work. 
Where did you have them done, Japan? 

How did you guess? 


Well, I used to have one myself. 
A Maori tribal pattern used to go all the way down my arm. 

Got it in high school back in the nineties just like everybody else

Of course, I had to have it removed. 

Well, you know how it is. 

To get the Government contracts, you have to look like all the rest of the drones. 

So I guess that makes me a sell-out. 


Not necessarily. 
What kind of business do you do? 


 You don't know? 
Well, I guess I'll have to have a talk to my public relations people. 
I'm Chris Brynner. Brynner Information Systems? 
You know, Interface Operations, Net Access, Channel Ninety. 

That Chris Brynner! 

So what do you think?

Does that make me a sell-out or not? 

Probably, but I won't hold it against you. 

These friends of yours that you told me about.
Is there any way for you to get a hold of them? 

I wish I could.

[Processing Centre]

(Sisko is having his palm prints scanned and picture taken.


Left hand. Other hand. 
Look straight ahead. 
Now stand over here. 


Welcome to SafeTech's fingerprint database. 
Your government discount has been accepted. 
Remember our new retinal scan services, now accessible on channel one seventy eight. 

Yeah, yeah. Save the commercial. 

We are sorry but the fingerprints you have provided are not on record. 

No ID, no fingerprint record, no Interface account. It's like you two don't exist. 


Since we don't exist, why not let us go? 


Yeah, well, let's see. 
You don't have any ID, you don't have any money, and you're both dressed like clowns. 
You figure it out. 

(Vin gives them clipboards with forms


Please fill out these forms. Answer all questions to the best of your ability. 
If you cannot speak English an interpreter will be provided. 
If you cannot read, questions will be given to you verbally. 
If there is any part of this form you do not understand, ask one of our staff for assistance. 
Now sit down, shut up, and fill out the forms. 
And if you've got any problems, don't come to me with them. 

Thank you very much. 

Known as the Father of Earth's Post-Modern Reformism, Bell galvanized the people and government of the United States of America when he led an uprising in San Francisco's Sanctuary District "A." Besides arranging for food and medical supplies for the hostages, Bell was able to establish a wide broadcast data link through the planetary communications system, "Interface." Through this broadcast, residents of Sanctuary District talk of their day-to-day struggle to survive. Bell was [...] by National Guard troops as they attempted to reach the hostages.

[Processing Centre]
(A man is doodling on Sisko's trouser leg. When Sisko stops him, he turns to the hand of the woman on the other side.

This is ridiculous. 
I mean, we've been here three hours and the line has barely moved at all. 

I got one word for you, pal. 
Plenty of overtime. 

That's three words. 

Hey, for a dim, you're pretty smart. 
Now go back and take a seat. Oh boy. 

(A calendar on the wall says today is Friday 8/30/24, temperature 15 degrees, and Sisko is thinking.

BASHIR: Some of these people are mentally ill. They need proper medical treatment. 

SISKO: I know, but they're not going to get it. Not now anyway. 

BASHIR: What? What is it? 

SISKO: That calendar over there. It says August thirtieth, twenty twenty four. 

BASHIR: I'm not sure I understand. 

SISKO: You ever hear of the Bell Riots? 

BASHIR: Vaguely. 

SISKO: It was one of the most violent civil disturbances in American history, and it happened right here. San Francisco, Sanctuary District A, the first week of September, twenty twenty four. 

BASHIR: That's only a few days from now. 

SISKO: Which means if we don't get out of here soon, we'll be caught right in the middle of it. 

BASHIR: Just how bad are these riots going to be, Commander? 
SISKO: Bad. The Sanctuary residents will take over the District. Some of the guards will be taken hostage. The government will send in troops to restore order. Hundreds of Sanctuary residents will be killed. 


Hundreds? And there's nothing we can do to prevent it. Starfleet's temporal displacement policy may sound good in the classroom, but to know that hundreds of people are going to die and to not be able to do a thing to save them 


I sympathise, Doctor, but if it will make you feel any better, the Riots will be one of the watershed events of the twenty first century. 
Gabriel Bell will see to that. 



The man they named the Riots after. 
He is one of the Sanctuary residents who will be guarding the hostages. 

The Government troops will storm this place based on rumours that the hostages have been killed. 

It turns out that the hostages were never harmed, because of Gabriel Bell. 

In the end, Bell sacrifices his own life to save them. 
He'll become a National Hero. 

Outrage over his death, and the death of the other residents, will change public opinion about the Sanctuaries. 

They'll be torn down and the United States will finally begin correcting the social problems it had struggled with for over a hundred years. 


And all of this is going to happen in the next few days. 


Which means if we warn these people about what's coming, if we try to help them in any way, we risk altering a pivotal moment in history. 
And we can't let that happen. 

Hey, I hate to break up your intimate conversation, but you're next.

[Processing Centre - Cubicle]

 Is there something wrong? 

LEE: (a woman) 

Well, according to these forms, you're supposed to be dims. 
But you're not, are you? 


I hope you're not disappointed. 


Pleasantly surprised is more like it. 
I guess I owe you an apology. 
If I'd known you were gimmies, I could've processed your application much sooner. 




They're American slang terms. 


I try not to use them, but it's a bad habit. 
Gimmies are people like you. People who are looking for help, a job, a place to live. 


And what about the dims? 
Don't they need help? 


The dims should be in hospitals, but the government can't afford to keep them there, so we get them instead. 
I hate it, but that's the way it is. 
I see here that you both have just arrived in San Francisco. 
Do you have any jobs lined up? 

No. Actually we weren't planning on staying here very long. 

LEE: Have you got a place to stay or anyone who can vouch for you? 


 No. We were travelling with a friend but we were separated right after we arrived. 


Do you have any way of contacting this friend of yours? 

SISKO: Not at the moment. 


Well, in that case, I'm afraid you're going have to stay here in the Sanctuary for the time being. 


You mean we can't leave? 


It's for your own safety. 




And it's the law. 


What about jobs? 
How are we supposed to find a place to work and somewhere to live if we're stuck in here? 

LEE: One of the services we provide is job placement. 

SISKO: And how long's that usually take? 


I wish I could give you a definite answer, but jobs are hard to come by right now, what with the economy and all. 
My advice is to be patient. 
In the meantime, take these. (cards) They're your ration cards. 
You can use them to get food and water at any of the distribution points in the district. Hang on to them. 


 Where are we supposed to stay while we're here? 


Anywhere you like. 
The buildings in the district are there for everyone to use. 


Thanks for your help. 


One more thing. A little advice. 
Stay away from District Security. They've had their budget cut again. 
They're overworked and underpaid. Just give them a lot of space. 
And watch out for ghosts. 



LEE: That's what we call people who haven't integrated well into the Sanctuary. They can be dangerous, and they tend to prey on other residents. 


Thanks for the warning. We'll stay away from them.

Ira Behr also states that there is a subtle examination of racism in this episode. 
When Dax is discovered, she is treated like royalty, but when Sisko and Bashir are found, they are treated like criminals. 
Of this situation, Behr says 
"the simple fact is that a beautiful white woman is always going to get much better treatment than two brown-skinned men."

(It's party time and Dax has been shopping. The place looks very like Ten Forward, right down to the steps and windows.


We had to cancel our trip to the Alps this year because of the student protests in France. 

CHRIS: I thought the Neo-Trotskyists were going to put a stop to that. 


They're not having any more luck that the Gaullists did. 


Europe is falling apart. 


Well, at least we don't have to worry about that kind of thing here. 


Don't count on it. 


You'll have to excuse Jadzia's cynicism. 
She was just mugged yesterday. 
That kind of thing's bound to give a negative impression of the future. 


So, who mugged you? Did you see them? 


It doesn't really matter. I'm just glad that I wasn't hurt. 


Well, whoever it was did a very thorough job. 
They took everything she had, even her ID. 


Chris rescued me and let me use his computer to get my replacement ID. 


You're lucky the police didn't find you first. 
If they'd caught you on the street without ID, you might have ended up in a Sanctuary District. 


I thought they stopped doing that. 


Why would they? It's the only way to keep those people off the streets. 


Excuse us a minute. 

(Dax and Chris move away.) 


Is that true? 


Is what true? 


About taking people without ID to a Sanctuary District. 


Yes, it is. Why? 


I still haven't found my friends. 


And you think they might be in a Sanctuary District? 


It's possible. 
If you hadn't found me, I might've wound up in one. 
Can we check and see if they're inside? 


Well, that might take some doing. 
The Sanctuary District records are not posted on the Net. 
But I might be able to pull in some favours.


The King is full of grace and fair regard.

And a true lover of the holy church.

The courses of his youth promised it not.
The breath no sooner left his father's body,
But that his wildness, mortified in him,
Seem'd to die too; yea, at that very moment
Consideration, like an angel, came
And whipp'd the offending Adam out of him,
Leaving his body as a paradise,
To envelop and contain celestial spirits.
Never was such a sudden scholar made;
Never came reformation in a flood,
With such a heady currance, scouring faults
Nor never Hydra-headed wilfulness
So soon did lose his seat and all at once
As in this king.

We are blessed in the change.

Hear him but reason in divinity,
And all-admiring with an inward wish
You would desire the king were made a prelate:
Hear him debate of commonwealth affairs,
You would say it hath been all in all his study:
List his discourse of war, and you shall hear
A fearful battle render'd you in music:
Turn him to any cause of policy,
The Gordian knot of it he will unloose,
Familiar as his garter: that, when he speaks,
The air, a charter'd libertine, is still,
And the mute wonder lurketh in men's ears,
To steal his sweet and honey'd sentences;
So that the art and practic part of life
Must be the mistress to this theoric:
Which is a wonder how his grace should glean it,
Since his addiction was to courses vain,
His companies unletter'd, rude and shallow,
His hours fill'd up with riots, banquets, sports,
And never noted in him any study,
Any retirement, any sequestration
From open haunts and popularity.

The strawberry grows underneath the nettle
And wholesome berries thrive and ripen best
Neighbour'd by fruit of baser quality:
And so the prince obscured his contemplation
Under the veil of wildness; which, no doubt,
Grew like the summer grass, fastest by night,
Unseen, yet crescive in his faculty.

It must be so; for miracles are ceased;
And therefore we must needs admit the means
How things are perfected.

Thursday 7 September 2017

A Lover's Complaint

A Lover's Complaint

FROM off a hill whose concave womb reworded
A plaintful story from a sistering vale,
My spirits to attend this double voice accorded,
And down I laid to list the sad-tuned tale;
Ere long espied a fickle maid full pale,
Tearing of papers, breaking rings a-twain,
Storming her world with sorrow's wind and rain.
Upon her head a platted hive of straw,
Which fortified her visage from the sun,
Whereon the thought might think sometime it saw
The carcass of beauty spent and done:
Time had not scythed all that youth begun,
Nor youth all quit; but, spite of heaven's fell rage,
Some beauty peep'd through lattice of sear'd age.
Oft did she heave her napkin to her eyne,
Which on it had conceited characters,
Laundering the silken figures in the brine
That season'd woe had pelleted in tears,
And often reading what contents it bears;
As often shrieking undistinguish'd woe,
In clamours of all size, both high and low.
Sometimes her levell'd eyes their carriage ride,
As they did battery to the spheres intend;
Sometime diverted their poor balls are tied
To the orbed earth; sometimes they do extend
Their view right on; anon their gazes lend
To every place at once, and, nowhere fix'd,
The mind and sight distractedly commix'd.
Her hair, nor loose nor tied in formal plat,
Proclaim'd in her a careless hand of pride
For some, untuck'd, descended her sheaved hat,
Hanging her pale and pined cheek beside;
Some in her threaden fillet still did bide,
And true to bondage would not break from thence,
Though slackly braided in loose negligence.
A thousand favours from a maund she drew
Of amber, crystal, and of beaded jet,
Which one by one she in a river threw,
Upon whose weeping margent she was set;
Like usury, applying wet to wet,
Or monarch's hands that let not bounty fall
Where want cries some, but where excess begs all.
Of folded schedules had she many a one,
Which she perused, sigh'd, tore, and gave the flood;
Crack'd many a ring of posied gold and bone
Bidding them find their sepulchres in mud;
Found yet moe letters sadly penn'd in blood,
With sleided silk feat and affectedly
Enswathed, and seal'd to curious secrecy.
These often bathed she in her fluxive eyes,
And often kiss'd, and often 'gan to tear:
Cried 'O false blood, thou register of lies,
What unapproved witness dost thou bear!
Ink would have seem'd more black and damned here!'
This said, in top of rage the lines she rents,
Big discontent so breaking their contents.
A reverend man that grazed his cattle nigh--
Sometime a blusterer, that the ruffle knew
Of court, of city, and had let go by
The swiftest hours, observed as they flew--
Towards this afflicted fancy fastly drew,
And, privileged by age, desires to know
In brief the grounds and motives of her woe.
So slides he down upon his grained bat,
And comely-distant sits he by her side;
When he again desires her, being sat,
Her grievance with his hearing to divide:
If that from him there may be aught applied
Which may her suffering ecstasy assuage,
'Tis promised in the charity of age.
'Father,' she says, 'though in me you behold
The injury of many a blasting hour,
Let it not tell your judgment I am old;
Not age, but sorrow, over me hath power:
I might as yet have been a spreading flower,
Fresh to myself, If I had self-applied
Love to myself and to no love beside.
'But, woe is me! too early I attended
A youthful suit--it was to gain my grace--
Of one by nature's outwards so commended,
That maidens' eyes stuck over all his face:
Love lack'd a dwelling, and made him her place;
And when in his fair parts she did abide,
She was new lodged and newly deified.
'His browny locks did hang in crooked curls;
And every light occasion of the wind
Upon his lips their silken parcels hurls.
What's sweet to do, to do will aptly find:
Each eye that saw him did enchant the mind,
For on his visage was in little drawn
What largeness thinks in Paradise was sawn.
'Small show of man was yet upon his chin;
His phoenix down began but to appear
Like unshorn velvet on that termless skin
Whose bare out-bragg'd the web it seem'd to wear:
Yet show'd his visage by that cost more dear;
And nice affections wavering stood in doubt
If best were as it was, or best without.
'His qualities were beauteous as his form,
For maiden-tongued he was, and thereof free;
Yet, if men moved him, was he such a storm
As oft 'twixt May and April is to see,
When winds breathe sweet, untidy though they be.
His rudeness so with his authorized youth
Did livery falseness in a pride of truth.
'Well could he ride, and often men would say
'That horse his mettle from his rider takes:
Proud of subjection, noble by the sway,
What rounds, what bounds, what course, what stop
he makes!'
And controversy hence a question takes,
Whether the horse by him became his deed,
Or he his manage by the well-doing steed.
'But quickly on this side the verdict went:
His real habitude gave life and grace
To appertainings and to ornament,
Accomplish'd in himself, not in his case:
All aids, themselves made fairer by their place,
Came for additions; yet their purposed trim
Pieced not his grace, but were all graced by him.
'So on the tip of his subduing tongue
All kinds of arguments and question deep,
All replication prompt, and reason strong,
For his advantage still did wake and sleep:
To make the weeper laugh, the laugher weep,
He had the dialect and different skill,
Catching all passions in his craft of will:
'That he did in the general bosom reign
Of young, of old; and sexes both enchanted,
To dwell with him in thoughts, or to remain
In personal duty, following where he haunted:
Consents bewitch'd, ere he desire, have granted;
And dialogued for him what he would say,
Ask'd their own wills, and made their wills obey.
'Many there were that did his picture get,
To serve their eyes, and in it put their mind;
Like fools that in th' imagination set
The goodly objects which abroad they find
Of lands and mansions, theirs in thought assign'd;
And labouring in moe pleasures to bestow them
Than the true gouty landlord which doth owe them:
'So many have, that never touch'd his hand,
Sweetly supposed them mistress of his heart.
My woeful self, that did in freedom stand,
And was my own fee-simple, not in part,
What with his art in youth, and youth in art,
Threw my affections in his charmed power,
Reserved the stalk and gave him all my flower.
'Yet did I not, as some my equals did,
Demand of him, nor being desired yielded;
Finding myself in honour so forbid,
With safest distance I mine honour shielded:
Experience for me many bulwarks builded
Of proofs new-bleeding, which remain'd the foil
Of this false jewel, and his amorous spoil.
'But, ah, who ever shunn'd by precedent
The destined ill she must herself assay?
Or forced examples, 'gainst her own content,
To put the by-past perils in her way?
Counsel may stop awhile what will not stay;
For when we rage, advice is often seen
By blunting us to make our wits more keen.
'Nor gives it satisfaction to our blood,
That we must curb it upon others' proof;
To be forbod the sweets that seem so good,
For fear of harms that preach in our behoof.
O appetite, from judgment stand aloof!
The one a palate hath that needs will taste,
Though Reason weep, and cry, 'It is thy last.'
'For further I could say 'This man's untrue,'
And knew the patterns of his foul beguiling;
Heard where his plants in others' orchards grew,
Saw how deceits were gilded in his smiling;
Knew vows were ever brokers to defiling;
Thought characters and words merely but art,
And bastards of his foul adulterate heart.
'And long upon these terms I held my city,
Till thus he gan besiege me: 'Gentle maid,
Have of my suffering youth some feeling pity,
And be not of my holy vows afraid:
That's to ye sworn to none was ever said;
For feasts of love I have been call'd unto,
Till now did ne'er invite, nor never woo.
''All my offences that abroad you see
Are errors of the blood, none of the mind;
Love made them not: with acture they may be,
Where neither party is nor true nor kind:
They sought their shame that so their shame did find;
And so much less of shame in me remains,
By how much of me their reproach contains.
''Among the many that mine eyes have seen,
Not one whose flame my heart so much as warm'd,
Or my affection put to the smallest teen,
Or any of my leisures ever charm'd:
Harm have I done to them, but ne'er was harm'd;
Kept hearts in liveries, but mine own was free,
And reign'd, commanding in his monarchy.
''Look here, what tributes wounded fancies sent me,
Of paled pearls and rubies red as blood;
Figuring that they their passions likewise lent me
Of grief and blushes, aptly understood
In bloodless white and the encrimson'd mood;
Effects of terror and dear modesty,
Encamp'd in hearts, but fighting outwardly.
''And, lo, behold these talents of their hair,
With twisted metal amorously impleach'd,
I have received from many a several fair,
Their kind acceptance weepingly beseech'd,
With the annexions of fair gems enrich'd,
And deep-brain'd sonnets that did amplify
Each stone's dear nature, worth, and quality.
''The diamond,--why, 'twas beautiful and hard,
Whereto his invised properties did tend;
The deep-green emerald, in whose fresh regard
Weak sights their sickly radiance do amend;
The heaven-hued sapphire and the opal blend
With objects manifold: each several stone,
With wit well blazon'd, smiled or made some moan.
''Lo, all these trophies of affections hot,
Of pensived and subdued desires the tender,
Nature hath charged me that I hoard them not,
But yield them up where I myself must render,
That is, to you, my origin and ender;
For these, of force, must your oblations be,
Since I their altar, you enpatron me.
''O, then, advance of yours that phraseless hand,
Whose white weighs down the airy scale of praise;
Take all these similes to your own command,
Hallow'd with sighs that burning lungs did raise;
What me your minister, for you obeys,
Works under you; and to your audit comes
Their distract parcels in combined sums.
''Lo, this device was sent me from a nun,
Or sister sanctified, of holiest note;
Which late her noble suit in court did shun,
Whose rarest havings made the blossoms dote;
For she was sought by spirits of richest coat,
But kept cold distance, and did thence remove,
To spend her living in eternal love.
''But, O my sweet, what labour is't to leave
The thing we have not, mastering what not strives,
Playing the place which did no form receive,
Playing patient sports in unconstrained gyves?
She that her fame so to herself contrives,
The scars of battle 'scapeth by the flight,
And makes her absence valiant, not her might.
''O, pardon me, in that my boast is true:
The accident which brought me to her eye
Upon the moment did her force subdue,
And now she would the caged cloister fly:
Religious love put out Religion's eye:
Not to be tempted, would she be immured,
And now, to tempt, all liberty procured.
''How mighty then you are, O, hear me tell!
The broken bosoms that to me belong
Have emptied all their fountains in my well,
And mine I pour your ocean all among:
I strong o'er them, and you o'er me being strong,
Must for your victory us all congest,
As compound love to physic your cold breast.
''My parts had power to charm a sacred nun,
Who, disciplined, ay, dieted in grace,
Believed her eyes when they to assail begun,
All vows and consecrations giving place:
O most potential love! vow, bond, nor space,
In thee hath neither sting, knot, nor confine,
For thou art all, and all things else are thine.
''When thou impressest, what are precepts worth
Of stale example? When thou wilt inflame,
How coldly those impediments stand forth
Of wealth, of filial fear, law, kindred, fame!
Love's arms are peace, 'gainst rule, 'gainst sense,
'gainst shame,
And sweetens, in the suffering pangs it bears,
The aloes of all forces, shocks, and fears.
''Now all these hearts that do on mine depend,
Feeling it break, with bleeding groans they pine;
And supplicant their sighs to you extend,
To leave the battery that you make 'gainst mine,
Lending soft audience to my sweet design,
And credent soul to that strong-bonded oath
That shall prefer and undertake my troth.'
'This said, his watery eyes he did dismount,
Whose sights till then were levell'd on my face;
Each cheek a river running from a fount
With brinish current downward flow'd apace:
O, how the channel to the stream gave grace!
Who glazed with crystal gate the glowing roses
That flame through water which their hue encloses.
'O father, what a hell of witchcraft lies
In the small orb of one particular tear!
But with the inundation of the eyes
What rocky heart to water will not wear?
What breast so cold that is not warmed here?
O cleft effect! cold modesty, hot wrath,
Both fire from hence and chill extincture hath.
'For, lo, his passion, but an art of craft,
Even there resolved my reason into tears;
There my white stole of chastity I daff'd,
Shook off my sober guards and civil fears;
Appear to him, as he to me appears,
All melting; though our drops this difference bore,
His poison'd me, and mine did him restore.
'In him a plenitude of subtle matter,
Applied to cautels, all strange forms receives,
Of burning blushes, or of weeping water,
Or swooning paleness; and he takes and leaves,
In either's aptness, as it best deceives,
To blush at speeches rank to weep at woes,
Or to turn white and swoon at tragic shows.
'That not a heart which in his level came
Could 'scape the hail of his all-hurting aim,
Showing fair nature is both kind and tame;
And, veil'd in them, did win whom he would maim:
Against the thing he sought he would exclaim;
When he most burn'd in heart-wish'd luxury,
He preach'd pure maid, and praised cold chastity.
'Thus merely with the garment of a Grace
The naked and concealed fiend he cover'd;
That th' unexperient gave the tempter place,
Which like a cherubin above them hover'd.
Who, young and simple, would not be so lover'd?
Ay me! I fell; and yet do question make
What I should do again for such a sake.
'O, that infected moisture of his eye,
O, that false fire which in his cheek so glow'd,
O, that forced thunder from his heart did fly,
O, that sad breath his spongy lungs bestow'd,
O, all that borrow'd motion seeming owed,
Would yet again betray the fore-betray'd,
And new pervert a reconciled maid!'



Every time the Doctor gets pally with someone, I have this overwhelming urge to notify their next of kin. 
(laughs then flinches
Ooo. Sorry. The last time I said something like that, you hit me with your shoe. 
And you literally had to sit down and unlace it first. 

What exactly happened to him? 

He died. 

You are a medical doctor, aren't you? You haven't just got a degree in cheese-making or something. 

No! Well, yes, both, actually. I mean, there is no cause. 
All his vital organs simply stopped, as if the simple spark of life, his loves and hates, his faiths and fears were just taken, and this is a cup of tea. 

Of course, I'm British, it's how we cope with trauma. 
That and tutting. 

But how did you make it? 

All hotels should have a well stocked kitchen, even alien fake ones. 
I heard you talking when you arrived. 
Look, it's no more ridiculous than Howie's CIA theory, or mine. 

Which is? 

This is Jahannam. 

You're a Muslim. 

Don't be frightened. 

Ha! You think this is Hell. 

The whole '80s hotel thing took me by surprise, though. 

And all these fears and phobias wandering about, most are completely unconnected to us, so why are they still here? 

Maybe the cleaners have gone on strike. 

Ha! I like you. You're a right clever clogs. 
But this isn't Hell, Rita. 

 You don't understand. I say that without fear. 
Jahannam will play its tricks, and there'll be times when I want to run and scream, but I've tried to live a good life, and that knowledge keeps me sane, despite the monsters and the bonkers rooms. 
Gibbis is an alien, isn't he? 

Yeah. Sorry. 

Okay. I'm going to file that under Freak Out About Later.