Showing posts with label Picard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Picard. Show all posts

Friday 2 August 2019

You're Supposed to Be Wise

So that's The Story. 
That's how I ended my career. 

Backhand volley. 


That's how I did it. 
Geordi kept hitting to my backhand at the net. 

Guinan, two people died on this ship. 
Two lives that ended horribly and you're worried about your tennis game? 

Are you upset? 

I don't know. You tell me. 
You're supposed to be Wise. 

Well, if you are upset, why are you moping around here? 
Why don't you do something about it? 

I've done everything I could think of. 
It got me fired. 

Do you think Doctor Reyga killed himself? 


Do you think there's a murderer on board? 


Then why are you still sitting here? 

Don't you get it? 
If I start digging around again.... I 

You could be relieved of duty.

CRUSHER [on viewscreen]: 
I think Doctor Reyga was right about his shield.
The only reason it failed is because it was sabotaged, and I'm going to prove it. 

But you can't be certain of that. 
You're betting your life on a hypothesis. 

CRUSHER [on viewscreen]: 




We've arranged for a shuttle to take you to Starbase twenty three. 
You can leave the ship at oh seven hundred hours tomorrow. 

Thank you. 

About everything that's going on. I'm sorry. I'm sure it will all work out. 

Yes, of course. 

You know the inquiry's just a formality, and 
Captain Picard will do everything he can for you. 

I'm sure that'll help. 

But if you do anything foolish before that inquiry. 
It's not going to look good for you. 

I don't know what you mean. 

I think you do know what I mean. 
The best thing for you to do right now is go to your quarters and read a good book. 
If you do anything to make the situation any worse it's going to be that much harder on you. 

[ Because He Believe That She is WRONG. And Guilty. ]

Thank you, Commander. 
Your concern is noted. 

Beverly. I'm saying this to you as a friend. 

Yes, Will, I know. 
But, as a friend, please try to understand —
I can't quit now and I don't want you to become involved in this.

[Crusher's office]

Computer, access ship's medical logs and download current autopsy files. 

Autopsy files are restricted to active medical personnel only. 
Access denied. 


Doctor Crusher? What do you need the autopsy files for? 

Don't worry. I know I'm not supposed to be here. I'll go. 

Computer, access autopsy files. 

I assume you'll need the files on Doctor Reyga and Jo'Bril? 


I can see how important this is to you. 

[ She Doesn’t CARE if She’s Wrong— She wants to help her friend. ]

I don't want you to get involved in this. 

Is that an order, Doctor? 


Too bad you're not my boss now. 

Saturday 13 July 2019

The Key to Time is a Perfect Cube

Mister Worf, dispatch a subspace message to Admiral Hanson.
We Have Engaged The Borg.


Captain -- 
YOU are Being Hailed.


I am?

Yes, Captain. By Name.

Data, is it the same ship we faced at J two five?

Uncertain, Commander, but 
The Dimensions are PRECISELY The Same.

What is it, Number One?

We've picked up A Vessel on the long range scanners, headed this way.


The Vessel is traveling at warp seven point six.
Mass two point five million metric tons.

Configuration : Cubical.

Soran doesn't care about Weapons or Power.
He just cares about getting back to The NeXus.


What's 'The NeXus'?

The energy ribbon that destroyed that ship was just not some random phenomenon travelling through The Universe. 

It's A Doorway to Another Place 
That We Call The NeXus.
And it's A Place that I've tried very, VERY hard to forget.

The Macintosh, Apple's near mythological home computer, has gotten off to a rocky start in its battle with industry titan IBM.
With sales originally projected to be a million in the first quarter, Apple has sold only 35,000 of the user-friendly machines in the months since it's been available to customers.

The insistence by Steve Jobs that it have what's called end-to-end control, which is a way of saying that it's not compatible with most outside hardware or software, is the Shakespearean flaw in a machine that had potential.

Apple Computers closed two of its factories today in the wake of disappointing sales.

Do you know how many Macs were sold last month? 500.
In a move that surprised some but not all on Wall Street, the board of directors of Apple Computers voted today to fire its cofounder Steve Jobs.

Did he jump or was he pushed?

His ex-boss, Apple CEO John Sculley, refused to comment.

However, in an exclusive interview, Steve Wozniak has slammed the integrity of his old friend Steve Jobs.

He calls Jobs an insulting and hurtful guy.
Jobs is hitting back with a new company and a new computer.

Apple has a new competitor.
Steve Jobs's Black Cube is aimed at the education market.

Few people have the ability to make the world wait, but that is just what Jobs is doing with his new company, NeXT.

Hang on.
You were supposed to go to school an hour ago. 
I thought you left.
LISA, Daughter of Steve Jobs 
(according to some) :
I didn't wake up My Mom on time this morning.

It's happened before too.

I wake up with the alarm and then I get dressed and eat breakfast, but sometimes I forget to see what time it is after that.

Why doesn't Your Mom just set her own alarm clock?

LISA, Daughter of Steve Jobs 
(according to some) :
It's one of My Chores.

I don't understand what that has to do with why you're still...
Where's Your Mother?

LISA, Daughter of Steve Jobs 
(according to some) :
She went to find a pay phone.

An hour ago, she said...
You don't have to raise your hand.

LISA, Daughter of Steve Jobs 
(according to some) :
You said it was off by a little.

It is.

LISA, Daughter of Steve Jobs 
(according to some) :
I just measured it.


LISA, Daughter of Steve Jobs 
(according to some) :
Exactly a foot on all four sides.

There are six sides.
But you're not supposed to be here right now.

LISA, Daughter of Steve Jobs 
(according to some) :
We know if four of the sides are equal to each other, the other two must be equal as well.

The top, bottom, right and left are about a millimeter shorter than the front and back.

LISA, Daughter of Steve Jobs 
(according to some) :
They're not. I measured them.

Lisa, I'm kind of An Expert in Design.
And that's a 20-cent ruler. 
You think there's a chance it could be off?

LISA, Daughter of Steve Jobs 
(according to some) :
If I had another ruler, I would measure this ruler, but I really doubt it's off.

When Your Mother comes back, you have to go to school.

LISA, Daughter of Steve Jobs 
(according to some) :
Because it's a ruler! 
Why is it off?
Did you hear what I just said?


LISA, Daughter of Steve Jobs 
(according to some) :
  Because sometimes it seems like you just keep saying what you want without listening.

I'm Listening.
Is there Something You Need?
[Her Father.]

LISA, Daughter of Steve Jobs 
(according to some) :
Why isn't it A Perfect Cube?

You've asked me before.

LISA, Daughter of Steve Jobs 
(according to some) :
I forget what it is.

It's an optical anomaly.
To The Human Eye, A Perfect Cube doesn't look like A Cube, so we made it roughly a millimeter shorter than a foot on two sides.

LISA, Daughter of Steve Jobs 
(according to some) :
What's an anomaly?

You've asked me that before too.
I don't know why you keep doing that.
[Because she likes to hear YOU explain it.]
It's an exception. Something that doesn't fit a pattern.
You have to go to school. Come in!

I think you two have met.

We're off the record, and Joel's always been good at understanding nuance.

What's left to finish?

I guess, in layman's terms, you'd have to say we don't have an OS.

An Operating System?


What do you mean?

Well, the OS is what runs The Computer.
In fact, it sort of is The Computer.

How has it been running? How's it gonna run this morning?
What do you mean, you don't have an OS?

It's like this. 
Avie Tevanian is our chief software designer, and he wrote a demo program.
It's like we built a great car, but we haven't built The Engine.
So we put a golf cart battery in there to make it go for a bit.
All this computer knows how to do right now is demonstrate itself.

You're telling me the only thing you've built is 
A Black Cube?

Yes. Yeah.
But isn't it The Coolest Black Cube you've ever seen?

Is this... We're off The Record.
Is this a Strategy or a Problem? If it's a Problem...

Do not share proprietary knowledge with that man.

It's not a Problem.
I wouldn't understand it anyway.

I don't understand it either, and my name's on the patents.

It's got e-mail.

Well, e-mail's not just for tech specialists anymore.
Well, it is, but it won't be.

And I assume an e-mail sent on a NeXT computer can only be received by a NeXT computer?
Closed, end-to-end.
The new trash can is wrong.
I wanna tell you I appreciate all the hours you put into it, 
but I can't because of how terrible it is.
Go back to the other one.
Why are we still giving three options on The Clock?

How many options do you want to give?

Buy it or Don't.

Can I talk to you for a second?


Uh, look, man. Avie's been recompiling, but he says there may be some glitches this morning.
If all there are are some glitches, it'll be a triumph of miraculous magnitude.
Why are you translating for Avie?

I-I didn't want him to find out the hard way your position on glitches in a demo, but it sounds like you've mellowed.

I've been growing, Andy. 
I've been learning to love myself.

Hmm. I wouldn't have ever dreamed that was a problem.

Fantastic burn.

Steve Wozniak: 
I was angry. You were saying things about the Apple II, 
and the way you were treating the team... 

Steve Jobs: 
Woz, you get a free pass for life. 
I gotta get back on stage; we got like, two minutes of rehearsal time left. 

Steve Wozniak: 
Do you understand how condescending that just was? 
Maybe you don't... 

Steve Jobs: 
I don't wanna see you get dragged off... 

Steve Wozniak: 
I get a free pass for life from you? You give out the passes? You give them to me

Steve Jobs: 
You're gonna have a stroke, little buddy. 

Steve Wozniak: 
What did you do? What did you do? 
Why has Lisa not heard of me? 

Steve Jobs: 
How many fourth graders HAVE heard of you? 

Steve Wozniak: 
You can't write code... you're not an engineer... you're not a designer... you can't put a hammer to a nail. 
I built the circuit board. 
The graphical interface was stolen from Xerox Parc. 
Jef Raskin was the leader of the Mac team before you threw him off his own project! 
Someone else designed The Box! 
So how come ten times in a day, 
I read Steve Jobs is a genius? 

What do you do? 

Steve Jobs: 
I play The Orchestra, and you're A Good Musician. 
You sit right there and you're The Best in Your Row. 

Steve Wozniak: 
I came here to clear the air. 
Do you know why I came here? 

Steve Jobs: 
Didn't you just answer that? 

Steve Wozniak: 
I came here 'cause you're gonna get killed
Your computer's gonna fail
You got a college and university advisory board telling you they need a powerful work station for two to three thousand. 

You priced NeXT at sixty-five hundred, and that doesn't include the optional three thousand dollar hardrive which people will discover isn't optional, because the optical disk is too weak to do anything, and the twenty-five hundred dollar laser printer brings the total to twelve thousand dollars, 
and in The Entire World you are 
The Only Person That Cares 
That it's housed in A Perfect Cube. 
You're gonna get Killed. 
 And I came here to Stand Next to You while that happens 'cause That's What Friends Do... 
That's What Men Do. 
I don't need your pass. 
We go back, so don't talk to me like I'm Other People. 
I'm The Only One That Knows that 
This Guy Here is someone you INVENTED
I'm standing by you because that Perfect Cube - that does nothing - is about to be the single biggest failure in the history of personal computing. 

Steve Jobs: 
Tell me something else I Don't Know.

Thursday 4 July 2019

Wrestling With Shadows

1.  (noun): Anything planned to happen, or a “rationalized lie”. The opposite of shoot.

2.  (verb): To methodically attack a single body part over the course of a match or an entire angle, setting up an appropriate finisher.

3.  (verb): To deceive or manipulate an audience in order to elicit a desired response.

"It took me a long time to reconcile myself to the idea that almost all my thoughts weren’t real, weren’t true – or, at least, weren’t mine.

All the things I “believed” were things I thought sounded good, admirable, respectable, courageous. They weren’t my things, however – I had stolen them. Most of them I had taken from books. Having “understood” them, abstractly, I presumed I had a right to them – presumed that I could adopt them, as if they were mine: presumed that they were me. My head was stuffed full of the ideas of others; stuffed full of arguments I could not logically refute. I did not know then that an irrefutable argument is not necessarily true, nor that the right to identify with certain ideas had to be earned.

I read something by Carl Jung, at about this point, that helped me understand what I was experiencing. It was Jung who formulated the concept of persona: the mask that “feigned individuality.” Adoption of such a mask, according to Jung, allowed each of us – and those around us – to believe that we were authentic. Jung said:

“When we analyse the persona we strip off the mask, and discover that what seemed to be individual is at bottom collective; in other words, that the persona was only a mask of the collective psyche. 

Fundamentally the persona is nothing real: it is a compromise between individual and society as to what a man should appear to be. He takes a name, earns a title, exercises a function, he is this or that. In a certain sense all this is real, yet in relation to the essential individuality of the person concerned it is only a secondary reality, a compromise formation, in making which others often have a greater share than he. 

The persona is a semblance, a two-dimensional reality, to give it a nickname.”

Despite my verbal facility, I was not real. 

I found this painful to admit."

Hitman Hart: Wrestling With Shadow

The Man of Strength hero archetype is further characterised by their tendency to be arrogant, supremely overconfident oafs who are punished and forced to learn to think by submission through trial by ordeal :

• Thor is total oaf who Loki constantly makes a complete fool of.

• Heracles is forcibly humbled by being tricked into being responsible for the deaths of his wife, his children and his best friend, Abderis.

• Samson : Worst Priest EVER....

So there *is* a wrestling connection to the Montreal Screwjob with the finishing submission-Hold — in the documentary, Brett Hart (The Man) maintains that Brett ‘Hitman’ Hart (The Character) never submitted in his final bout against Bad Guy Wrestler Shawn Michaels, which is True.


(Troi rings the bell of 08-1402 and Timothy opens the door. He's wearing a jumper with a gold body section like a starfleet uniform) 
TROI: Hello, Timothy. Are you ready to go? 
TIMOTHY: Yes, Counsellor. I am ready. 
TROI: How are you feeling? 
TIMOTHY: I am functioning within established parameters. 
TROI: Established parameters? You sound like Data. 
TIMOTHY: I am an android. 
TROI: I see. Well, let's go for our walk, shall we? 
TIMOTHY: That would be acceptable.

[Ten Forward]

TROI: So, what would you like? 
TIMOTHY: Androids do not need to eat or drink. (spots a dessert being carried by a waiter) However, sometimes we like to taste things. A Tamarin frost, please. Would you like anything, Counsellor? 
TROI: No, I'm fine, thank you. 
TIMOTHY: As you wish. 
TROI: So you're no longer a human? 
TIMOTHY: I'm an android. 
TROI: When did this happen? 
TIMOTHY: I've always been an android. 
TROI: What's it like being an android? 
TIMOTHY: I am designed to exceed human capacity, both mentally and physically. But I do not experience emotions. 
TROI: You don't? No emotion at all? 
TIMOTHY: That is correct.

[Ready room]

(Data is included in the meeting) 
PICARD: An android? 
TROI: I know it sounds unusual, but it is understandable. Technically, it's called enantiodromia. Conversion into the opposite. Timothy went from human to machine, from being emotional to being emotionless. But the underlying trauma is still there. He's just found a new way to suppress it. 
PICARD: Counsellor, how long will this behaviour last? 
TROI: As long as he needs it to. Timothy is rebuilding his identity as best he can. The android persona is just one step along the way. As soon as he feels stronger and more sure of himself, it should drop away naturally. 
PICARD: I assume this is not a time to confront him about what happened to his ship. 
TROI: Not yet. The best thing we can do right now is to let Timothy take us where he wants to go. We should support the process and even encourage it. 
PICARD: Data, I would like you to make Timothy the best android he can possibly be.

[Timothy's quarters]

(Data checks his appearance in the mirror, then tries to brush Timothy's hair to match his own) 
DATA: Timothy, your head movements are counterproductive. Can you be still? 
TIMOTHY: But you do it. 
DATA: The servo mechanisms in my neck are designed to approximate human movements. I did not realize the effect was so distracting. 
TIMOTHY: I like it. Data, are there any other androids in Starfleet? 
DATA: No. I am the only one. 
TIMOTHY: How come you're not Captain? 
DATA: My service experience does not yet warrant such a position. 
TIMOTHY: Data, what's the scariest thing that ever happened to you? 
DATA: Fear is a quality that I do not possess. 
TIMOTHY: Because it's an emotion? 
DATA: Correct. 
TIMOTHY: But what if you had a nightmare? 
DATA: I have never had a nightmare. I do not require sleep. Timothy, are you having disturbing dreams? 
TIMOTHY: I do not require sleep. 
DATA: Is that satisfactory? (the hair) 
TIMOTHY: It's perfect.


Transfer circuits are functioning properly. 
TIMOTHY: Within established parameters? 

Absolutely. Input processing, pattern recognition, all within established parameters. 

Thank you, Doctor.

[Data's quarters]

(They are both painting - Data is doing a traditional pastoral landscape whilst Timothy's image is, well, angry) 

I ran out of red ochre. 

You may use mine. 

Thank you.

Perhaps you should return to your quarters. 

I'm fine. 
The servo mechanisms in my mouth are designed to approximate human movements. 

(Data tries a yawn) 

That is not bad. 

Thank you. 
(re painting) 
It is very expressive. 

Thank you. 

Is your painting representative of something? 

It's just a painting. 

Timothy, you understand that you may speak with me about anything you wish? Any subject? 

I understand. 
At times, I too find it difficult to share my thoughts with others.
 I am not always confident that I am expressing myself in a manner which humans can comprehend. 
But do I know that —

(Data sees that Timothy has fallen asleep and carries him to the couch)