Showing posts with label Orchids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Orchids. Show all posts

Sunday 16 April 2023


Okay. Um... But it's not 
only about flowers, right?
You have the crazy plant-nut guy?

He's funny. Right?

"There's not nearly 
enough of him
to fill a book."
So Orlean "digresses 
in long
Blah, blah, blah.
"No narrative unites 
these passages." 
— New York Times 
Book Review.

I can't structure this.
It's that sprawling 
New Yorker-shit.

[Not Listening] Oh, man, 
I'd fuck her up the ass….

The Book has No Story.

All right. Make one up.
I mean, nobody in this town
can make up a crazy story like you.
You're The KING of that.

No, I didn't want 
to do that this time.
It's someone else's material.
I have a responsibility 
to Susan...

Anyway, I wanted to 
grow as A Writer.
I wanted to do 
something simple.
Show people 
how amazing
flowers are.

….ARE they amazing?

…I don't know
I think they are….
I need you to get me out of this.

All right. Charlie, you've been stringing them along for months.
Not to give them anything at this
point would be a terrible career move.

“Hey, let's not get off The Subject.
This isn't a pissing contest.

The Point is, what's so wonderful 
is that all these flowers have a 
specific relationship with the 
insect that pollinates it.

There's a certain orchid looks 
exactly like a certain insect.

So the insect is drawn to this flower, 
its double, its soul mate, 
and wants nothing more 
than to make love to it.

After the insect flies off, 
it spots another soul-mate flower 
and makes love to it, pollinating it.

And neither The Flower 
nor The Insect will 
ever understand 
the significance of 
their lovemaking.

How could they know that 
because of their little dance, 
The World lives?

But it does.

By simply doing what they're designed to do 
something large
and magnificent happens.

In this sense, they show us
How to Live.

How the only barometer 
you have is Your Heart.

How when you spot Your Flower,
you can't let anything 
get in your way.

"You would have to want something very badly to go looking for it in the Fakahatchee Strand. The Fakahatchee is a preserve of sixty-three thousand coastal lowland acres in the southwestern corner of Florida, about twenty-five miles south of Naples, in that part of Collier County where satiny lawns and golf courses give way to an ocean of saw grass with edges as sharp as scythes. 

Part of the Fakahatchee is deep swamp, part is cypress stands, part is wet woods, part is estuarine tidal marsh, and part is parched prairie. The limestone underneath it is six million years old and is capped with hard rock and sand, silt and shell marls, and a grayish-greenish clay.

Overall, the Fakahatchee is as flat as a cracker. Ditches and dents fill up fast with oozing groundwater. The woods are dense and lightless. In the open stretches the land unrolls like a smooth grass mat and even small bumps and wrinkles are easy to see. Most of the land is at an elevation of only five or ten feet, and it slopes millimeter by millimeter until it is dead even with the sea. 

The Fakahatchee has a particular strange and exceptional beauty. The grass prairies in sunlight look like yards of raw silk. The tall, straight palm trunks and the tall, straight cypress trunks shoot up out of the flat land like geysers. It is beautiful the way a Persian carpet is beautiful—thick, intricate, lush, almost monotonous in its richness. People live in the Fakahatchee and around it, but it is an unmistakably inhospitable place. In 1872 a surveyor made this entry in his field notes: "A pond, surrounded by bay and cypress swamp, impracticable. Pond full of monstrous alligators. Counted fifty and stopped." 

In fact, the hours I spent in the Fakahatchee retracing Laroche's footsteps were probably the most miserable I have spent in my entire life. The swampy part of the Fakahatchee is hot and wet and buggy and full of cottonmouth snakes and diamondback rattlers and alligators and snapping turtles and poisonous plants and wild hogs and things that stick into you and on you and fly into your nose and eyes. Crossing the swamp is a battle. You can walk through about as easily as you could walk through a car wash. The sinkholes are filled with as much as seven feet of standing water, and around them the air has the slack, drapey weight of wet velvet. Sides of trees look sweaty Leaves are slick from the humidity. The mud sucks your feet and tries to keep a hold of them; if it fails it will settle for your shoes. The water in the swamp is stained black with tannin from the bark of cypress trees that is so corrosive it can cure leather. 

Whatever isn't wet in the Fakahatchee is blasted. The sun pounds the treeless prairies. The grass gets so dry that the friction from a car can set it on fire, and the burning grass can engulf the car in flames. The Fakahatchee used to be littered with burned-up cars that had been abandoned by panfried adventurers—a botanist who traveled through in the 1940s recalled in an interview that he was most impressed by the area's variety of squirrels and the number of charred Model T's. The swamp's stillness and darkness and thickness can rattle your nerves. In 1885 a sailor on a plume-collecting expedition wrote in his diary: "The place looked wild and lonely. About three o'clock it seemed to get on Henry's nerves and we saw him crying, he could not tell us why, he was just plain scared." 

Spooky places are usually full of death, but the Fakahatchee is crazy with living things. Birders used to come from as far away as Cuba and leave with enough plumes to decorate thousands of ladies' hats; in the 1800s one group of birders also took home eight tons of birds' eggs. One turn-of-the-century traveler wrote that on his journey he found the swamp's abundance marvelous—he caught two hundred pounds of lobsters, which he ate for breakfasts, and stumbled across a rookery where he gathered "quite a supply of cormorant and blue heron eggs, with which I intend to make omelets." That night he had a dinner of a fried blue heron and a cabbage-palm heart. 

In the Fakahatchee there used to be a carpet of lubber grasshoppers so deep that it made driving hazardous, and so many orchids that visitors described their heavy sweet smell as nauseating. 

On my first walk in the swamp I saw strap lilies and water willows and sumac and bladderwort, and resurrection ferns springing out of a fallen dead tree; I saw oaks and pines and cypress and pop ash and beauty-berry and elderberry and yellow-eyed grass and camphor weed. When I walked in, an owl gave me a lordly look, and when I walked out three tiny alligators skittered across my path. I wandered into a nook in the swamp that was girdled with tall cypress. 

The rangers call this nook The Cathedral

I closed my eyes and stood in the stillness for a moment hardly breathing, and when I opened my eyes and looked up I saw dozens of bromeliad plants roosting in the branches of almost every tree I could see. The bromeliads were bright red and green and shaped like fright wigs. Some were spider-sized and some were as big as me. The sun shooting through the swamp canopy glanced off their sheeny leaves. Hanging up there on the branches the bromeliads looked not quite like plants. They looked more like a crowd of animals, watching everything that passed their way. 

I had decided to go to the Fakahatchee after the hearing because I wanted to see what Laroche had wanted. I asked him to go with me, but because the judge had banned him from the swamp until the case was over I had to look around for someone else. I suppose I could have gone alone, but I had heard the Fakahatchee was a hard place and even a few brave-seeming botanists I'd talked to told me they didn't like to go in by themselves. At last I was introduced to a park ranger named Tony who said he would go with me. I then spent the next several days talking myself into being unafraid. 

A few days before we were supposed to go, Tony called and asked if I was really sure I wanted to make the trip. I said I was. I'm actually pretty tough. I've run a marathon and traveled by myself to weird places and engaged in conversations with a lot of strangers, and when my toughness runs out I can rely on a certain willful obliviousness to keep me going. 

On the other hand, my single most unfavorite thing in life so far has been to touch the mushy bottom of the lake during swimming lessons at summer camp and feel the weedy slime squeeze between my clenched toes, so the idea of walking through the swamp was a little bit extra-horrible to me. 

The next day Tony called and asked again if I was really ready for the Fakahatchee. At that point I gave up trying to be tough and let every moment in the lake at Camp Cardinal ooze back into my memory, and when I finally met Tony at the ranger station I almost started to cry. 

But I was determined to see orchids, so Tony and I went deep into the Fakahatchee to try to find them. 

We walked from morning until late in the afternoon with little luck. The light was hot and the air was airless. My legs ached and my head ached and I couldn't stand the sticky feel of my own skin. I began having the frantic, furtive thoughts of a deserter and started wondering what Tony would do if I suddenly sat down and refused to keep walking. He was a car-length ahead of me; from what I could tell he felt terrific. I mustered myself and caught up. 

As we marched along Tony told me about his life and mentioned that he was an orchid collector himself and that he had a little home orchid lab, where he was trying to produce a hybrid that would have the wraparound lip of an Encyclia but would be the color of a certain Cattleya that is maroon with small lime-green details. He said that he would find out if he had succeeded in seven or eight years, when the hybrid seedlings would bloom. 

I said nothing for the next mile or so. 

When we stopped to rest and Tony tried to figure out what was wrong with his compass, I asked him what he thought it was about orchids that seduced humans so completely that they were compelled to steal them and worship them and try to breed new and specific kinds of them and then be willing to wait for nearly a decade for one of them to flower. 

"Oh, mystery, beauty, unknowability, I suppose," he said, shrugging. "Besides, I think the real reason is that life has no meaning. 

I mean, no obvious meaning. 
You wake up, you go to work, you do stuff. 

I think everybody's always looking for something a little unusual that can preoccupy them and help pass the time." 

The orchid I really wanted to see was Polyrrhiza lindenii, the ghost orchid. Laroche had taken more of other orchid and bromeliad species when he went poaching, but he told me that the ghost orchids were the ones he had wanted the most. 

Polyrrhiza lindenii is the only really pretty orchid in the Fakahatchee. Technically it is an orchid of the Vandaneae tribe, Sarcanthinae subtribe; Polyrrhiza is its genus (the genus is sometimes also called Polyradicion). The ghost is a leafless species named in honor of the Belgian plantsman Jean-Jules Linden, who first discovered it in Cuba in 1844. It was seen for the first time in the United States in 1880 in Collier County 

The ghost orchid usually grows around the trunks of pop ash and pond apple and custard apple trees. It blooms once a year. It has no foliage—it is nothing but roots, a tangle of flat green roots about the width of linguine, wrapped around a tree. The roots are chlorophyllus; that is, they serve as both roots and leaves. The flower is a lovely papery white. It has the intricate lip that is characteristic of all orchids, but its lip is especially pronounced and pouty, and each corner tapers into a long, fluttery tail. In pictures the flower looks like the face of a man with a Fu Manchu mustache. These tails are so delicate that they tremble in a light breeze. The whiteness of the flower is as startling as a spotlight in the grayness and greenness of a swamp. Because the plant has no foliage and its roots are almost invisible against tree bark, the flower looks magically suspended in midair. People say a ghost orchid in bloom looks like a flying white frog — an ethereal and beautiful flying white frog. 

Carlyle Luer, the author of The Native Orchids of Florida, once wrote of the ghost orchid: "Should one be lucky enough to see a flower, all else will seem eclipsed." Near a large sinkhole Tony pointed out some little green straps on a young tree and said they were ghost orchids that were done blooming for the year. We walked for another hour, and he pointed out more green ghost-orchid roots on more trees. 

The light was flattening out and I was muddy and scratched and scorched. Finally we turned around and walked five thousand miles or so back to Tony's Jeep. It had been a hard day and I hadn't seen what I'd come to see. I kept my mind busy as we walked out by wondering if the hard-to-find, briefly seen, irresistibly beautiful, impossible-to-cultivate ghost orchid was just a fable and not a real flower at all. Maybe it really was a ghost. 

There are certainly ghosts in the Fakahatchee — ghosts of rangers who were murdered years ago by illegal plume hunters, and of loggers who were cut to pieces in fights and then left to cool and crumble into dirt, and for years there has been an apparition wandering the swamp, The Swamp Ape, which is said to be seven feet tall and weigh seven hundred pounds and have the physique of a human, the posture of an ape, the body odor of a skunk, and an appetite for lima beans. 

There is also an anonymous, ghostly human being whom the Fakahatchee rangers call the Ghost Grader, who brings real — not imaginary — construction equipment into the swamp every once in a while and clears off the vine-covered roads. 

If the ghost orchid was really only a phantom it was still such a bewitching one that it could seduce people to pursue it year after year and mile after miserable mile. If it was a real flower I wanted to keep coming back to Florida until I could see one. The reason was not that I love orchids. I don't even especially like orchids. What I wanted was to see this thing that people were drawn to in such a singular and powerful way

Everyone I was meeting connected to the orchid poaching had circled their lives around some great desire — Laroche had his crazy inspirations and orchid lovers had their intense devotion to their flowers and the Seminoles had their burning dedication to their history and culture — a desire that then answered questions for them about how to spend their time and their money and who their friends would be and where they would travel and what they did when they got there. It was religion. I wanted to want something as much as people wanted these plants, but it isn't part of my constitution. I think people my age are embarrassed by too much enthusiasm and believe that too much passion about anything is naive. 

I suppose I do have one un-embarrassing passion — I want to know what it feels like to care about something passionately

That night I called Laroche and told him that I had just come back from looking for ghost orchids in the Fakahatchee but that I had seen nothing but bare roots. 

I said that I was wondering whether I had missed this year's flowers or whether perhaps the only place the ghost orchid bloomed was in the imagination of people who'd walked too long in the swamp. 

What I didn't say was that strong feelings always make me skeptical at first. What else I didn't say was that his life seemed to be filled with things that were just like the ghost orchid — wonderful to imagine and easy to fall in love with but a little fantastic and fleeting and out of reach. 

I could hear a soft puckery gulp as he inhaled cigarette smoke. Then he said, "Jesus Christ, of course there are ghost orchids out there! I've stolen them, for Chrissake! I know exactly where they are." The phone was silent for a moment, and then he cleared his throat and said, "You should have gone with me." 

Orchid Fever 

The Orchidaceae is a large, ancient family of perennial plants with one fertile stamen and a three-petaled flower. One petal is unlike the other two. In most orchid species this petal is enlarged into a pouch or lip and is the most conspicuous part of the flower. There are more than sixty thousand known orchid species, and there may be thousands more that haven't yet been discovered and maybe thousands that once lived on earth and are now extinct. 

Humans have created another hundred thousand hybrids by cross-fertilizing one species with another or by crossing different hybrids to one another in plant-breeding labs. 

Orchids are considered the most highly evolved flowering plants on earth.

Tuesday 27 September 2022

Adopt, Adapt and Improve


Orchid hunting is a mortal occupation. 

Victorian-era orchid hunter William Arnold drowned on a collecting expedition. 

Osmers vanished without a trace in Asia. 

Augustus Margary survived toothache, rheumatism, pleurisy and dysentery
only to be murdered when he completed his mission and traveled beyond Bhamo. 

Laroche loved orchids, but I... 
I came to believe he loved the difficulty and fatality of getting them almost as much as he loved the orchids themselves. 

John Laoche, Orchid Hunter :
I've been a professional horticulturist for like 12 years. 
Uh, I owned my own plant nursery
which was destroyed by the hurricane. 
I'm a professional plant lecturer
I've given over, like, 60 lectures 
on the cultivation of plants. 
I'm a published author
both in magazine 
and book form. 
And I have extensive experience with orchids 
and the asexual micropropagation of orchids 
under aseptic cultures. 

That's laboratory work. 
It's not at all like your 
nursery work. 
I'm probably the smartest person I know.

Friday 23 September 2022


Susan Orlean :
Hi. I'm looking for John Laroche. 

Matthew Osceola :

Susan Orlean :
Hi. I'm writing an article 
on John, and I stopped by. 
Hoped I could see him. 

Matthew Osceola :
John's not here. 

Susan Orlean :
Oh. Well, you were at The Swamp 
with him, weren't you? 
Saw you at the courthouse, 
that's how I know. 

Matthew Osceola :
I'm Matthew Osceola. 

Susan Orlean :
Susan Orlean. Nice to meet you. 
Maybe I could talk to 
you for a second. 
I'm just trying to get a feel 
for the whole operation... 

Matthew Osceola :
You have very beautiful hair. 

Susan Orlean :
…Thank you very much. 
Thank you. I just... 
I just washed it this morning. 
I just used a new conditioner. 

Matthew Osceola :
I can see Your Sadness
It's lovely

Susan Orlean :
....Well, I'm just tired, that's all. 
That's my problem. 
So maybe we could chat a little bit, 
and I could get some background...

Matthew Osceola :
I'm not going to 
talk to you much. 
It's not personal. 
It's The Indian way. 

John Laroche :
Angraecum sesquipedale. Beauty! 
God! Darwin wrote about this one. 
Charles Darwin? 
Evolution guy? Hello
You see that nectary down there? 
Darwin hypothesized a moth 
with a nose 12 inches long 
to pollinate it. 
Everyone thought he was a loon. 

Then, sure enough, they found 
this moth with a 12-inch proboscis. 
"Proboscis" means nose, by the way. 

I know what it means. 

Hey, let's not get off the subject. 
This isn't a pissing contest
The Point is, what's so wonderful is that 
all these flowers have a specific relationship 
with the insect that pollinates it. 

There's a certain orchid looks exactly like a certain insect. 
So The Insect is drawn to This Flower, its double
its soul mate, and wants nothing more 
than to make love to it. 

After The Insect flies off, 
it spots another 
soul-mate flower 
and makes love to it, 
pollinating it. 

And neither The Flower 
nor The Insect 
will ever understand the significance of their lovemaking. 
How could they know that because of 
their little dance, The World lives
But it does. By simply doing 
what they're designed to do 
something large 
and magnificent happens. 

In this sense, They show Us 
How to Live. 
How the only barometer 
you have is Your Heart. 
How when You spot 
Your Flower
You can't let anything 
get in Your Way. 

He's really quite a character. 
No front teeth. 
Doesn't seem to bother him at all. 

Why doesn't he get them fixed? 
It seems almost Sociopathic 
to make everybody look at that. 

Yeah, but he gives a great blowjob, honey. 
He is a fascinating character, though. 
Sounds like a gold mine, Sue. 

Susan Orlean :
It could be. I don't know, you know? 
He's, uh... 

He lives with his dad, he's obsessed 
with his dead mother, and... 

He wears his sunglasses on a little 
dingle-dangle around his neck. 

Loving it. Tell them about the van. 

Okay, the van. The van. 

Susan Orlean :
I can't tell about the van. I gotta pee. 

No, tell us about the van. 

It's amazing. It's... 

What's in it? 

You did it in the van. 

Susan Orlean :
Shut up. David, you tell... 
Don't you tell them. Don't tell them. 

Okay, the van. David! 
This van was filled with junk... 

Susan Orlean :
Shut up! 

Potting soil. Shovels. 
Food wrappers. Fertilizer. 
Susie said she hoped it was fertilizer, anyway. 
Said she couldn't be sure. 

Laroche had a certain aromatic look about him. And she said...
She said perhaps his obsessiveness 
didn't leave room in his schedule 
for personal hygiene. 

Maybe the orchids got all the available water. 

Susan Orlean :
I wanted to want something 
as much as people wanted these plants
But... it isn't part of my constitution. 
I suppose I do have one unembarrassed passion. 
I wanna know what it feels like 
to care about something passionately. 

"Should one be lucky enough to see a ghost orchid, all else will seem eclipsed." 
If the ghost orchid was really a phantom, 
it was such a bewitching one 
that it could seduce people to pursue it 
year after year and mile after miserable mile. 

If it was a real flower, I wanted to see one. 
The reason wasn't that I love orchids. 
I don't even especially like orchids. 
What I wanted was to see this thing 
that people were drawn to in such 
a singular and powerful way. 

Susan Orlean :
So how many turtles did you end up collecting? 

John Laroche :
Oh, I lost interest right after that. 

Susan Orlean :

John Laroche :
I dropped turtles when I fell in love with Ice Age fossils. Collected the shit out of them. 

Fossils were the only thing 
that made sense to me 
in this fucked-up world. 

I ditched fossils for resilvering old mirrors. 
My Mom and I had the largest collection of 19th-century Dutch mirrors on the planet. 
Perhaps you read about us. 
Mirror World, October '88? 
I got a copy here somewhere. 

Susan Orlean :
I guess I'd just like to know 
how you can detach from something that 
you've invested so much of your soul in. 

I mean, didn't you ever miss turtles? 
The only thing that made 
your 10-year-old life 
worth living? 

John Laroche :
Look, I'll tell you A Story, all right? 
I once fell deeply, you know, 
profoundly in love with tropical fish. 
I had 60 goddamn fish tanks in my house. 

I'd skin-dive to find 
just the right ones. 
Anisotremus virginicus, Holacanthus ciliaris, 
Chaetodon capistratus. 
You name it. 

Then one day I say, "Fuck fish.
I renounce fish. 
I vow never to set foot 
in that ocean again.
That's how much "Fuck fish." 
That was 17 years ago, and I have 
never since stuck a toe in that ocean. 
And I love the ocean. 

Susan Orlean :
But.... why

John Laroche :
Done with fish. 

Susan Orlean :
If you'd really loved something
wouldn't a little bit of it linger
Evidently Laroche's finishes 
were downright and absolute. 
He just moved on. 

I sometimes wished 
I could do the same.

Friday 22 October 2021


Maurice Hurley :
“I get a call from Paramount saying 
Come and meet Roddenberry, 
we want to consider you as a writer 
for Star Trek: The Next Generation’ 
I said that's A Joke, that's a JOKE. 

But I want to meet Roddenberry. 
Who wouldn't wanna meet Roddenberry? 

I was coming off two cop shows. 
I was coming off Miami Vice, very good show. 
Equalizer, very good show. 

So he gives me the first episode to rewrite. 
We pass each other in the hallway four or five times a day, 
he won't look at me.

Dorothy Fortuna
Apparently Gene didn't like 
What He Wrote. 
It was probably the first time 
we heard them battle.

Hurley :
And he raises up behind his desk, 
this great bird-like creature 
and he points his finger at me like this 
and he says, 
"YOU don't know the difference 
between SHIELDS 

And that went on for weeks.”

Shatner :
What did that say to you about 
What You Were Confronting? 

Hurley :
He didn't want ME,  
Hurley, The Writer. 

He didn't want me to write Me
he wanted me to write HIM…

You cannot have 
A Protagonist 
without Desire.

It doesn't make any sense.
Any fucking sense.

You follow? Good.
Anyone else?


Kuafman :
What if A Writer is attempting to create 
Story where nothing much happens?

Where people don't change,
they don't have any epiphanies.

They Struggle and are Frustrated,
and nothing is resolved.

More a reflection
of The Real World.

Lektor :
The REAL World?

Yes, sir.

Lektor :
The Real fucking World.

First of all, you write a screenplay
without Conflict or Crisis,
you'll bore your audience to tears.

Secondly, Nothing Happens
in The World?

Are you out of your fucking mind?

People are murdered every day.

There's Genocide, War, Corruption.

Every fucking day,
somewhere in the world,
somebody sacrifices his life
to save somebody.

Every day, someone somewhere
takes a conscious decision
to destroy someone else.

People find love.
People lose it.

A Child watches A Mother beaten
to death on the steps of a church.

Someone goes Hungry.
Somebody Else Betrays His Best Friend 
for a Woman.

If you can't find that stuff in life,
then you, My Friend,
don't know crap about Life!

And why the fuck are you wasting my two precious hours with your movie?

I don't have any use for it!

I don't have any bloody use for it!

Okay, thanks.

Thank you. You're welcome.

No. Thank you.

Thank you so much, Mr. McKee.

This course makes you look at
writing in a whole different way.

Mr. McKee. 


I'm the guy you yelled at this morning.

….I need more.

I'm the one who thought
things didn't happen in life.

Ah. Right. Okay.

Nice to see you. 

I need to Talk.

Mr. McKee, my even standing here is very scary.
I don't meet people well.
But what you said this morning
shook me to the bone.

It was bigger than my screenwriting choices.

It was about my choices as 
A Human Being. Please.


Well, you know, I could
sure use a drink, My Friend.

"...but a little fantastic
and fleeting and out of reach."

Then what happens?

Well, that's the end of the book.
I wanted to present it simply without big character arcs or sensationalizing the story.

I wanted to show flowers as God's miracles.

I wanted to show that Orlean never
saw the blooming ghost orchid.

It was about disappointment.

I see. That's not A Movie.

You gotta go back,
put in The Drama.

I can't go back. I've got pages of
false starts and wrong approaches.

I'm way past my deadline.
I'll tell you a secret.

A last act makes a film.

Wow them in the end,
and you got a hit.

You can have flaws, problems,
but wow them in the end
and you've got a hit.

Find an ending. But don't cheat.

And don't you dare bring in
a deus ex machina.

Your characters must change and The Change 
must come from them.

Do that and you'll be fine.

You promise?

Mr. McKee.

Have you taken my course before?

My Brother did.

My Twin brother, Donald.
He's the one who got me to come.

Lektor :
Twin screenwriters? 


Lektor :
Well, Julius and Philip Epstein,
who wrote Casablanca,
they were twins

You mentioned that in class.

Lektor :
Finest screenplay ever written.

Great writers' residence.

Hey, how's your trip going?

You getting it on with that
lady journalist, you dog, you?


Listen, I'm just calling to say
congratulations on your script.

Isn't that cool? Marty says he can
get me high-sixes against a mil-five.

That's great, Donald.

I want to thank you
for all your help.

I wasn't any help.

Come on,
you let me stay in your place.

And your integrity
inspired me to even try.

It's been a wild ride.

Catherine says
she wants to play Cassie.

Oh, please! Ha, ha, ha.

Please, Donald?

Catherine Keener?

Catherine Keener's in my house?
Yeah, we're playing Boggle.

She's great. You should really
hang out with her, Charles.

Yeah. Um, look...

I've been thinking.

Maybe you'd be interested in hanging
out for a few days in New York.

Oh, my God, yes.


I was gonna show my script
to some people,

and, well, maybe you could
read it too, you know, if you like.

Of course. I'd be flattered.


Thanks, Charles.

Okay, bye.

So, like, what would you do?

The script kind of
makes fun of me, huh?

I'm sorry. I was trying something...
Hey, I don't mind. It's funny.

Good. Okay.

So, what would you do?

You and me are so different,
Charles. We're different talents.

Charlie Kaufman :
I know. Just for fun...
How would the great Donald
end this script?

Heh, heh. Shut up.
"The Great Donald."
I feel like you're missing something.

All right. Like what? 

LookI did a little research
on the airplane.

"Sometimes this kind of story
turns out to be something more, some glimpse of life that expands
like those Japanese paper balls you drop in water and they bloom into flowers and the flower is so marvelous you can't believe there was a time all you saw was a paper ball and a glass of water."

First of all, that's inconsistent.
She said she didn't care about flowers.

For God's sake, it's just a metaphor.

No, it’s NOT, it’s a Similie.

Well, but for what?
What turned that paper ball into a flower?
It's not in the book, Charles.

I don't know. You're reaching.

But I think you actually need to
speak to this woman
To know her.

Charlie Kaufman :
I can't. Really. 

I'll go. I'll pretend I'm you.
I want to do it, Charles.

We'll get to the bottom of this.
We're gonna fix your movie, bro.

Charlie Kaufman :
But you've gotta be exactly me.
I have a reputation to maintain.

You can't be a goofball.
Can't be an asshole.

The Donald :
I'm not an asshole.

Charlie Kaufman :
You know what I mean.
No flirting. No bad jokes.
Don't laugh How You Laugh.

The Donald :
I'm not gonna laugh.
I get to have people think I'm you.
It's an honor.

The Donald :
So I guess I'll bring out
the big guns now.

Do you keep in touch with Larouche?
I felt I detected an attraction to him
in the subtext. 
Care to comment?


Well, our relationship was strictly reporter-subject.

I mean, certainly an intimacy does
evolve in this kind of relationship.

By definition, I was so interested in everything he had to say.

But the relationship ends
when the book ends.

Mendacious deceit



I just have one more question.
If you could have dinner with one
historical personage, living or dead, who would it be?

Uh, well, I would have to say...
Or Jesus.

Very good.
Interesting Answer.

The Donald :
She's lying. 

Charlie Kaufman :
What do you mean?
What happened?

Nothing. She said everything right.
Too right.

Well, maybe because they're True.
Did you embarrass me?

People who answer questions
Too Right are liars.

Everybody says Jesus and Einstein.
That's a prepackaged answer.

"Jesus and Einstein"?
Listen, Charles, I have an idea.
You'll need to buy me
a pair of binoculars.

What's "Jesus and Einstein"?

Come on.

Sing with me.

What the hell do you need binoculars for?

Let's go, let's go.

She hung up the phone.
She's upset.

Stop watching her.
Leave her alone.

She's crying.
She's at her computer.

This is morally reprehensible.

United to Miami.
Eleven fifty-five a.m. Tomorrow.
Thought she was done with Larouche.

Her parents live in Florida.

That was no parent phone call,
my friend.

Don't say "My Friend."

A guy entering.


Must be her husband.

She's acting weird with him, though, right?

Don't you think?

What's she hiding from him?

Maybe she's a lesbian
and doesn't know how to tell him.

What do you think?

Have you checked out Laroche's porn site?

No. I'm trying to read.

Anyway, I'm gonna look at the porn site. Research.

Don't tell my old lady.

You mean Mom?

No, I don't mean Mom.

Still say we should go
to Miami tomorrow.

Forget it.

Some of these chicks look okay.

Hey, guess what.
We're going to Miami tomorrow.

I said, no.
I said, oh, yeah, baby. Come here.

What I came to understand
is that Change is not A Choice.

Not for a species of plant,
and not for me.

It happens, and you are different.

Maybe the only distinction
between the plant and me
is that afterward,
I lied about my change.

I lied in my book.
I pretended with my husband

that everything was the same.

But something happened
in The Swamp that day.

Hey, look —
I told you I'd find
the jewel of the Fakahatchee.

It's A Fower.
Just A Flower.

Well, might as well grab it.
Long as I'm here.

Oh, man.
Boy, my porn site's gonna be big.

Look, something I didn't tell you that 
I want to tell you about The Ghost. Okay?

I think it might help you.

I'd just started at the nursery.
And I went back one night
to pick up something.

They wanted The Ghost
just to extract the drug.

It had been a ceremonial thing,
but the young guys, you know,
they liked to get stoned.

So Matthew?

He was one of the guys who...?

Matthew lived on that shit 
till they ran out.

Because there was this one day
he was fascinated by me.

By my hair and my sadness.

Yeah, well, it does that.
That's what I wanted to tell you.

I mean, I think you'd like it, Susie.
It seems to help people 
be fascinated.

I can extract it for you.
I know how. I watched.

I'm probably 
the only white guy who knows.
I want to do this, Susie.

I'm done with orchids, Larouche.



It's John.

Did you get my package?




Hey, John? Yeah?

Very happy now.

Well, I'm glad.

Very happy.

Um, John? Hm?

Will you go like this...?

No. Keep going.

No. No.

I'm trying to make a dial tone.
And you have to sustain.

And then I will join you, and together...

See, I can't do it by myself.
Which one do you want me to do?

Yes. Yes. Yes. Okay. Here we go.

That's it. We got it.

We got it. That's fucking amazing.

Do you ever get lonely sometimes, Johnny?

Well, I was a weird kid.
Nobody liked me.
But I had this idea...
If I waited long enough, someone would come around and just,
you know, understand me.

Like my mom.

Except Someone Else.

She'd look at me and quietly say,
Just like that.
And I wouldn't be alone anymore.

Oh, I wish I were an ant.
Oh, they're so shiny.

You're shinier than any ant,

That's the sweetest thing
anybody has ever said to me.

I like you, that's why.