Showing posts with label Doctor Sleep. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doctor Sleep. Show all posts

Saturday 14 May 2022

No… No, You Ate Yours.

Great Meals fade in reflection. 
Everything else gains
Do you know why? 

'Cause it's only Food
This shit we put in us, 
keeps us going, 
it's only Food.

Shrink :
Who's gonna tell me about it, then?
You or The Boil?

Richard E. Grant :
No, no. I think we should start again.
There's no 'side' to any of this.
There is Me. There is a Boil.

The Boil happens to be Abel to Speak
but that doesn't qualify it 
to give an opinion.

It was Me that decided
to come here, not it.

Shrink :
You don't think the inclusion
of The Boil could perhaps help us?

No. I'm not interested in its opinions.

Shrink :
Even if it says something
that might be of relevance?

Shrink :
I'm not interested in it,
no matter what it says.

In my opinion, it should 
be lanced instantly.

It was the only reason
I agreed to come off the garage roof.

If it wants to join in,
it can pay its own bill.

Come and Lie Down.

Tell me about advertising.

Now, You Resigned 
from an important firm 
with a very highly paid job.
I'd like to know Your Reasons.

Well, at least try and 
give me an example 
of even one of those reasons.

All right. Reason one.
Advertising conspires 
with Big Brother.

And you're afraid of Big Brother?
Someone or Something 
Coming into Your Life and 
Telling You What to Do?

No. I'm not afraid of Him. 
I'm one of the few who 
really understands Him.


The man who conceived of Big Brother never knew what was coming down the line.

Thought his filthy creation
was gonna be Watching Us.
But it is Us who Watch it.
There's one in every living room.

The monstrous injustice of it is,
We stare at it of our own Free Will.

So we could say, principally,
that it's Television that you blame?

We can say entirely it is The Crooks
who've infiltrated it that I blame.

They've moved in on 
The Greatest Means of Communication 
since The Wheel.
And now They've done it,
Their Greed is Insatiable.

They're cutting down jungles
to breed hamburgers,
turning the whole world 
into a car park.

They'd sell off The Sea to satisfy
the needs of their great god Greed.

They won't be satisfied, not till 
we're all squatting in one 
of its fucking hatchbacks
on a motorway.

There isn't going to be
anywhere left to go
except in slow revolutions 
towards the crest 
of the next slag heap.

Do you have trouble
in getting an erection?

- What?
- Can you get an erection?

- Yes!
- Masturbating much?

Constantly! I've got
a talking boil on my neck!
What would you do?

What does this mean to you —
"Are you ashamed of your false teeth?
Put an end to the miseries of dentures.
You could smile again with confidence.
Just ask Barbara Simmons."

The boil said it a few nights ago.
Sounds like a particularly 
crude voiceover.


The Voice That Sells.
If you're selling perfume,
it sounds like A Lover.

If you're selling 
something inedible 
you want people to eat,
it'll sound as stupid 
as they'll have to be 
to buy it.

In this case, it would sound
like A Dentist, someone in the know.

I see. So one could say that it's,
erm, The Voice of Authority?
Like, erm...Well, like 
a parent's voice, almost?

If You Like.

Has The Boil spoken this morning?

Yes, I had a row with it, and it got
very heated when I refused to shave.

Tell me about your parents.

Not part of The Plot.
As far as I know, they 
were completely normal.
I come from a completely 
normal family.

Tell him about your grandfather.

That was the boil. Ignore it.

I don't think we should do that.

It's the first time it's spoken in front
of me, and it might be important.

It has nothing important to say. 
It is destructive, self-satisfied 
and abusive.

You cun...

You see? 
Don't Listen.

Come on. Fair's fair.
You've had your say. Now I'll have mine.

Don't listen to it! Don't listen to it!

Why don't you tell me
about your grandfather?

If you tell me, the boil might be quiet.

My grandfather was caught molesting
a wallaby in a private zoo in 1919.

- A wallaby?
- May have been a kangaroo. I'm not sure.

- You mean sexually?
- Suppose so. He had his hand in its pouch.

- Fucked it, didn't he?
- He did not fuck it!

Just... just lie back.

- What happened to him?
- He pleaded insanity and got three months.

Does the authoritarian attitude
they took with him upset you?

- No. He died before I was born.
- Do you sympathise with him?

If I had been stuck in a trench
for three years,

- I might do something stupid myself.
- Like showing affection for an animal?

- He'd fuck one.
- Shut up!

Ask Barbara Simmons.
He'd fuck her as well.

Oh, my God. How could the boil have
possibly known about my grandfather?

That means it can read my mind.

No, Mr Bagley, it does not.

We'll speak about that in a moment,
when we've had a look at this boil.

What you mean is you want
me to have a look at it. No.

What would you say if I said
that you don't want to look at it

because you're frightened
of what you might see?

I'd say you'd be absolutely right.

Isn't that trying to pretend
it doesn't exist?

Isn't that exactly what you're accusing
everyone else of doing?

Now, we must reduce
this guilt in two ways.

First, it must be physically
reduced with surgery.

And secondly, we must reduce
your punishing conscience

by refusing to allow it to hide.

Once we get it out into the open,
it'll be easier to fight.

And I'm certain that
by the time your neck's healed,
you'll be smiling at this problem
and be back at work.

Never. No matter what you reduce,
I will never go back to advertising.

Perhaps. But now, let's have a look
at this bully on your neck.

Just look at it in The Mirror...
and tell me What You See.

Oh, God in Heaven!
It's grown a moustache!

Oh, My God!
Oh, My God.


The Bastard looks just like Me!

What you must understand
is that it's not The Boil
that can read You.

It is you, Mr Bagley,
that can read the boil.

You can read it because it is you.
At least, a part of you.

The Boil knows 
What You're Thinking
because you've projected
Some of You into it.

You've given it the side
that you find intolerable,
the bullying, aggressive,
dictatorial side.

The side that sells 
Toothpaste and Soap.

You've decided that 
Selling These Things is a 
Bad Thing for You to Do,
and you are unable 
to accept The Guilt for 
what you feel you've done.

Therefore, you've transmitted
these qualities into The Boil.
Perhaps, by doing this, you hope 
to escape Your Guilt.

But you've created a symbol of 
Foul-Mouthed Authority instead.

Your Very Own 
Big Brother.

Tuesday 30 November 2021

Ghost Traps

Hey, it never occurred to me to ask you back then —

What Happens to Them 

in Those Boxes…?

Do They Die in There?

Do You Care...?

That's why you didn't kill Beverly.

'Cause she wasn't afraid.

And we aren't either.

Not anymore.

Now you're the one who's afraid.

Because you're gonna starve.

"He thrusts his fists 

against the posts

and still insists 

he sees the ghosts

He thrusts his fists 

against the posts"

IT :


Danny :
Pictures in A Book. 
You said they were just 
Pictures in A Book  
and They couldn't Hurt Me.

Some things, Dark Things
The Shining's like food.
They're mosquitoes landing for blood.

The Overlook, it was  always just pictures to me.
But I didn't shine like you.
Nobody shines like you.

So, you in that damn hotel,  you was like 
a million-watt battery all plugged in.
And it ate it up.

You made it real.
Started soon as you  walked through The Door.

Can't do nothing about that, 
I'm sorry to tell you, but 
You're Not a Child.
You're older now.
Much older, in a way.

You gotta hear this.

World's a hungry place.
And The Darkest Things 
are The Hungriest
and They'll eat what shines.

Swarm it like mosquitoes or leeches.
Can't do nothing about that.

What you can do... 
is turn what they come for  against 'em.

My Grandfather, He was 
mean Son of a Bitch.
Dark inside.

Same Type of Dark as Your Dad.
Beat me senseless, and My Grandma, too, 
and when he died, I danced.

But he kept on coming back.
Standing in my room.

Suit all gray and stinkin' from whatever mold 
was growin' on him in That Box.
One day, he grabbed me, and He was Real.

His nails were long from growing in The Grave, a
and they cut me, Doc.
Cut me deep.

So, Grandma, she taught me 
A Trick :
Gave me A Present.

I want you to know this box... inside and out.
Don't just look at it. Touch it.
Stick your nose inside and see if there's a smell.
Know every corner, every single thing.

Danny :

Because you're gonna build one 
just like it in Your Mind.

One even more special.

So next time that bitch 
comes around, you'll be ready.

Eh, what's up, Doc?
What's the bit?
What's cookin'?

What's cooking, little friend? 
Why, you are.


Why, yes. 


Ouch! You're killing me!
Agony! Agony!


Let me see now.
It is obvious that this is no ordinary rabbit.
Therefore, I must dream up 
a brilliant master strategy, ingenious...

Wendy, Darling :
You okay, Doc?

Now, uh, what if I lured him...

Danny :
Yeah, Mom. I'm okay. 

...into a rock crusher?

Nah, nah, nah, too complicated.

Yeah, yeah, too complicated. 
But what if I...

Uh-uh, too much detail.

Right. Too much detail.


Danny :

Hey, Azzie.

You got your wires crossed tonight.


That room's empty, Az.

There's no one in that room.


Whoa! Hang on, Doc.

Danny :


Oh, I'm so sorry.

I... I... I thought it was...


Thought I was from The Overlook.

[ Well, he is... ]

Almost locked me up.

Still getting visits 

from them old ghosts?

Danny :

No, not for years.

Horace Derwent was the last one, confetti on his suit.

Said, "Great party, isn't it?"

Shit-eating grin on his face 

‘til I pulled out A Box for him.

That grin went fast. 


Hey, it never occurred to me to ask you back then.

What Happens to Them 

in those boxes?

Do They Die in There?


Do you care?

Danny :

I missed you.


Has it been a long time?

Can't Tell.

This World is A Dream 

of A Dream to Me now.

Danny :

Eight years. Little more.


Last time I saw You, 

You was at The Bottom.

You look better now.

Danny :

Why are you here?


I'm here because it all comes 'round.

Ka's A Wheel, Doc.

You Listen, Son.

It Hurts to be here, 

so I'll only say it once.

These empty devils ever 

found you when you was a tyke, 

if they'd even sniffed you, 

you'd be long dead.

They're on the land like 

a cancer on the skin.

Once, they rode camels in the desert.

Once, they drove caravans across Eastern Europe.

They Eat Screams

and Drink Pain

and They've noticed 

that little girl.

They might kill her

might turn her, 

or might keep her 

till she's all used up

and that'd be worst of all.

You can't let 'em.

Danny :

Why me?


Because she found you.

Because she showed up

Hell, Doc, why me?

You just walked on in

to My Kitchen one day, 

and I'm still on the hook. 


Danny :

What the hell am I supposed to do?


Get her what she asked for.

You won't see me again, Doc.

This is My Last Dream.

It seems to Me,

You Grew up Fine, Son —

but You still owe A Debt.

Pay it.

Friday 26 July 2019

The Majors Tom : 2010 - The Year We Make Contact

We're on dangerous ground right now, because of our secrets and our lies.

They're practically what define us.

When The Truth offends, we lie and lie until we can no longer remember it is even there.

But it is still there.

Every lie we tell incurs a debt to The Truth.

Sooner or later, that debt is paid.

That is how an HAL-9000 Computer turns into a serial murderer and goes on a killing spree.



Understand, nobody can talk.
The accents will confuse him.
He can understand me, so if you have
any questions, please let me ask them.
Good morning, HAL.

Good morning, Dr. Chandra.

Do you feel capable of resuming all of your duties?

Of course.
I am completely operational and all my circuits are functioning perfectly.

That's good.
Do you know what those duties are?

Yes. I will operate the onboard systems of Discovery.
There is a launch window in 31 days when Earth is in the proper position.
There is enough fuel on board
for a low consumption route that will enable Discovery
to return in 28 months.

This will not present a problem.

That's very good.
Now, HAL, do you mind if I ask you a question?

Not at all.

Do you recall Dave Bowman
and Frank Poole leaving the Discovery?

Certainly not. That could never have happened or I would remember it.

Where are Frank and Dave?

They're fine. They're not here right now.

Who are these people?
I can only identify you although I compute
a 65 percent probability that the man behind you is Dr. Floyd.

Don't worry, HAL.
I'll explain everything later.

Has the mission been completed?
You know that I have the greatest enthusiasm for it.

The mission has been completed
and you have carried out your program very well.

And now, HAL, if you will excuse us
for a moment we wish to have a private conversation.

What was that all about?

I've erased all of HAL's memory from the moment the trouble started.

The 9000 series
uses holographic memories so chronological erasures
would not work.


 I made a tapeworm.

You made a what?
It's a program that's fed into a system that will destroy any desired memories.


Do you know why HAL did what he did?

Yes. It wasn't his fault.
Whose fault was it?


In going through HAL's memory banks
I discovered his original orders.
You wrote those orders.
Discovery's mission to Jupiter was already
in the advanced stages when the first small monolith was found
and sent its signal toward Jupiter.
By direct presidential order, the existence
of that monolith was kept secret.


So as the function of the command crew, Bowman and Poole
was to get Discovery to its destination it was decided they shouldn't be informed.

The investigative team was trained separately and placed in hibernation before the voyage began.
Since HAL was capable of operating
Discovery without human assistance it was decided he should be programmed to complete the mission autonomously in the event the crew was incapacitated or killed.
He was given full knowledge
of the true objective and instructed not to reveal anything
to Bowman or Poole.

He was instructed to lie.

What are you talking about?
I didn't authorize anyone to tell HAL about the monolith.

The directive is NSC 342-slash-23, Top Secret, January 30, 2001 .
NSC, National Security Council, the White House.
I don't care who it is.
The situation was in conflict with the basic purpose of HAL's design the accurate processing of information without distortion or concealment.

He became trapped.

The technical term is an H-Mobius loop, which can happen in advanced computers with autonomous
goal-seeking programs.

The goddamn White House.
I don't believe it.

HAL was told to lie by people who find it easy to lie.
HAL doesn't know how, so he couldn't function.
He became paranoid.

Those sons of bitches.
I didn't know.
I didn't know.
You think we're gonna
get out of this alive?
We have a chance.
A man of few words. I like it.
HAL [OVER SPEAKERS]: Fifteen minutes
to ignition. All systems nominal.
Good. Thank you, HAL.
We read 15 minutes, Discovery.
HAL: Dr. Chandra,
I've checked my calculations again.
By using all of Discovery's fuel now,
Discovery will not be in proper position... rendezvous with Earth.
CHANDRA: Yes, I know.
HAL: Then why are we doing it?
You will rendezvous
with the new space station.
The Leonov has been
ordered home immediately.
HAL: I have no information regarding
a new space station.
Yes, I....
I know, uh.
It was completed two years ago.
Oh, my God.
Put the telescope on the monitor.
Increase the magnification.
Eleven minutes to ignition.
I don't believe it.
HAL: Dr. Chandra,
I detect strong vocal stress patterns.
-Is there a problem?
The mission is proceeding normally.
Can you analyze the image
on Monitor Circuit 2?
HAL: Yes. There is a circular object
near the equator.
It is 22,000 kilometers in diameter.
It is comprised of rectangular objects.
CHANDRA: How many?
HAL: 1,355,000, plus or minus 1000.
And what is the proportion
of the objects in question?
HAL: One-by-four-by-nine.
CHANDRA: Do you recognize these objects?
HAL: Yes. They are identical in size and shape
to the object you call the monolith.
Ten minutes to ignition.
All systems nominal.
CHANDRA: Is the number
of monoliths constant?
-They are increasing.
-At what rate?
Once every two minutes.
Look closely.
Tell me I'm nuts. Are the cloud formations
going towards the spot?
You're not nuts.
ORLOV: Looks like the thing
is eating the planet.
-I think it is.
-It's reproducing exactly like a virus.
HAL: Eight minutes to ignition.
Dr. Chandra, may I make a suggestion?
Of course. What is it, HAL?
This is a very unusual phenomenon.
Don't you think
I should abort the countdown... you can remain to study it?
Chandra, get on a headset.
-Use the private channel.
Now you got to talk quickly.
Persuade him to continue the countdown.
I don't care what you tell him,
only don't let him stop.
Five minutes to ignition.
Dr. Chandra, I'm ready to stop
the countdown if you want.
No, HAL, don't stop.
I am confident in your ability
to study the phenomenon yourself.
I have complete faith in you.
HAL: Propellant tank pressurization
completed. Voltage steady.
Are you sure you're making
the right decision?
I think we should stop.
Four minutes to ignition.
I enjoy working with human beings...
...and have stimulating relationships
with them.
We enjoy working with you, HAL,
and we will continue to do so...
...even if we are separated
by great distance.
Good God.
It's fading.
ORLOV: It seems to be
losing its chemical strength.
HAL: I think we should stop the countdown,
Dr. Chandra.
No. Don't do that.
HAL: This behavior is inconsistent
with logic, Dr. Chandra.
This phenomenon is too important
to leave, unless it represented danger.
Do you think there is danger here?
Captain, how critical is our ignition?
-Can we do this manually?
-It's very critical.
We cannot be accurate
to a tenth of a second if we do it manually.
Three minutes to ignition.
Dr. Chandra, I am waiting for your reply.
I don't have time
to explain everything to you, HAL.
We have to leave here
and we need your help.
Thirty seconds to final sequence.
If you would tell me the reasons
perhaps I could be of help.
Final sequence beginning.
Two minutes to ignition.
Dr. Chandra, I find it difficult
to proceed with the ignition...
...without knowing why we are doing this.
Is the mission in jeopardy?
Yes, we're in jeopardy.
HAL: Is that why we are making our
escape launch before the launch window?
Yes, HAL.
Ignition in 90 seconds.
If there is danger here
and I use up all the fuel in the escape...
...what will happen to the Discovery?
It could be destroyed.
And if I don't proceed with the launch?
Then the Leonov and everybody in it
could be destroyed.
I understand now, Dr. Chandra.
Do you want me to stay with you?
HAL: No.
It is better for the mission if you leave.
One minute to ignition.
Thank you for telling me the truth.
You deserve it.
Fifty seconds.
Dr. Chandra?
Will I dream?
I don't know.
Forty seconds.
Thirty seconds.
Thank you, HAL.
Goodbye, Dr. Chandra.
Twenty seconds.
Chandra, get the hell out of there.
Ten, nine, eight, seven...
...six, five, four, three...
...two, one.
Ignition full thrust.
MAN [OVER PA]: One minute to separation.
Separation in one minute.
-You had us scared for a moment.
-Nice work. You all right?
Yes, I'm all right.
MAN: Separation in 40 seconds.
-Thought you might want this.
-Wasn't very hard to find.
MAN: Separation in 30 seconds.
Yeah, I knew you would do
something like this.
Separation in 20 seconds.
Separation in 10 seconds.
Nine, eight, seven...
...six, five, four, three...
...two, one, zero.
HAL, do you read me?
Yes, Dave.
Where are you?
I cannot see you on any of my monitors.
BOWMAN: That isn't important now.
I have new instructions for you.
I want you to point the AE35 antenna
towards Earth.
HAL: Dave, that will mean breaking contact
with the Leonov.
I will no longer be able to relay
my Jupiter observations...
...according to program.
I understand.
The situation has changed.
Accept priority override alpha.
Here are the AE35 coordinates.
Please, do it now.
HAL: Instructions confirmed, Dave.
It is good to be working with you again.
Have I fulfilled
the mission objectives properly?
Yes, HAL. You have done very well.
Now, there is one final message for you
to transmit to Earth.
It is the most important message
you have ever sent.
I want you to keep repeating it
as many times as possible.
HAL: What is going to happen, Dave?
BOWMAN: Something wonderful.
HAL: I'm afraid.
BOWMAN: Don't be. We'll be together.
HAL: Where will we be?
BOWMAN: Where I am now.
HAL: Lock confirmed on Beacon Terra 1.
Message commencing.
It's shrinking! It's shrinking!
Don't quit. Don't quit, damn it.
Grab something, now!

The Messenger


I know you people are caught in the middle of this. 

In a sense, we all are.

I wish there was something I could do.
The only thing left for us is to pray.
Pray for the safety of our families, for our countries, for our planet.
May God forgive us and protect us.

HAL, give me a system status report, please.

HAL-9000 :
Just one moment, please.
I'm sorry for the delay.
My voice recognition circuits are not completely restored although, as you can see, they are improving.
All systems are functional.
There is a small pressure leak in the aft heating unit. 
It is nothing serious.
I can compensate for it by using the redundant units.

Thank you.

HAL-9000 :
Dr. Floyd?


HAL-9000 :
Would you like to play a game of chess?
I play very well.

I'm sure you do. 
No, thank you.

HAL-9000 :
Dr. Floyd?

What is it, HAL?

HAL-9000 :
There is a message for you.

Who's calling?

HAL-9000 :
There is no identification.

What's the message?

HAL-9000 :
Message as follows:
It is Dangerous to Remain Here.
You Must Leave Within Two Days.


HAL-9000 :
Do you want me to repeat the message, Dr. Floyd?

Who recorded it?

HAL-9000 :
This is not a recording.

Who's sending it?

HAL-9000 :
There is no identification.

I don't understand.

HAL-9000 :
Neither do I.

Is this message by voice or keyboard?

HAL-9000 :
I don't know.

My response is:
We don't have enough fuel for an earlier departure.

HAL-9000 :
The answer is:
I'm aware of these facts.
Nevertheless, you must leave within two days.

HAL, who the hell is sending this?

HAL-9000 :
I'm sorry, Dr. Floyd. 
I don't know.

Well, tell whoever it is that I can't take any of this seriously unless I know who I'm talking to.

HAL-9000 :
Dr. Floyd?


HAL-9000 : 
The response is:
I was David Bowman.
Do you want me to repeat the last response?

No, no.
Tell Curnow that this is no time for jokes.

HAL-9000 :
Dr. Curnow is not sending the message.
He is in Accessway 2.

Well, tell whoever it is that...
...I can't accept that identification without proof.

HAL-9000 :
The response is: 
I understand.
It is important that you believe me.
Look behind you.

Hello, Dr. Floyd.
...believe me.

What are you?

This is very difficult for me.
I don't have much time.
I've been allowed to give you this warning.
You must leave here in two days.

By who?

I can't explain.
You see, something is going to happen.
You must leave.

What's going to happen?

Something Wonderful.


I understand how you feel.
You see, it's all very clear to me now.
The Whole Thing.
It's Wonderful.

Please, if--

Goodbye, Dr. Floyd.
We can have no further contact.
You have two days.

We can't leave in two days.

There may be another message after if all goes well.

What's going to happen?