Wednesday 7 December 2016


Yes. You know, the Egyptians called him the Typhonian Beast...
“As the ‘V’ sign is made, the Adept says: ‘The Sign of Apophis and Typhon.’ 
These are other names for Set, the brother and murderer of Osiris.’” (pg. 13)

Scissors cut Paper

Stone blunts Scissors

Paper wraps Stone

E.O.G.D. Teachings on Typhon-Set

SetIn the universe there exists such a force, which is destructive in nature, breaking down all which lie in its path, leaving devastation in its wake. Its influence traverses the expanse of the universe; its impact is felt here on earth and expressed as disaster and storms. It also exists within us as individuals; it rises like a storm and wreaks havoc on our highest aspirations and it lays to waste the good we wish to create in our lives. This destructive force can make us our own worst enemy; it can cause us to act contrary to our own goals and interests, toppling the creation of our hands like a house of cards. It is subtle and insidious; it often appears to be well beyond our control, but in truth it is both our right and responsibility to place it under will. This force has been understood since the dawn of man; the Greeks named this phenomenon Typhon, the Egyptians called it Set and the Jews and Christians knew it as Satan or the Devil.
Typhon is said to have warred with Zeus, the benevolent ruler of the Olympic gods. Zeus through his strength and wisdom kept peace and order among the gods of Olympus and he banished the chaotic Titans to Tartarus, but his wife Hera became angry with him over this and vowed to bear a child apart from Zeus, so she brought forth Typhon from Gaia, the Earth and from Tartarus, the pit; he became the storms and the chaos, which plagued mankind. Notice that Zeus, Hera and Typhon seem to be from the same substance, the same family; they are related. If we let Zeus represent our Higher Genius, which banishes the chaotic, unbalanced forces, the Titans from our sphere of sensation, and Hera represents our ego, which could become angry at the loss of our former way of life, which changes at the banishment of the Titans, because life can seem more exciting with chaos in it and they can represent destructive habits that give pleasure. Then Typhon could represent the evil persona, particularly the Stooping Dragon, which incites the ego to look longingly at the world of Titans.
Typhon rises from the world of the Titans and reaches mankind through the Earth at the behest of Hera, the ego, married to Zeus, the Higher Genius. The Titans exist just below the Earth or beyond the throne of the West in the world of the Qliphoth, so our ego resists the calling of our Higher Genius and in doing so, opens the door way for our Evil Persona to enter our sphere of sensation through our earthly Nephesh or our animal nature, which seeks only fleshly gratification. Once in our sphere of sensation Typhon becomes the chaotic storm, which rages through our life, destroying all the good we wish to create; Typhon is even said to have injured Zeus taking some of his muscles or strength, thus the evil persona can for a time weaken the Higher Genius, but Zeus recovered and became stronger than before and defeated Typhon. ( ( )
The legend of Isis, Osiris, and Set is in essence a different aspect of the same story; Set is also believed to have been the god of chaotic storms and he was represented as having the head of various animals, which were feared and hated throughout Egypt. Osiris and Set were brothers and Isis was their sister and the wife of Osiris, so in this case also, they were of the same substance; they were related. Set hated Osiris, he killed his brother and tore him to pieces; Isis in mourning turned herself into a bird and flew over the land of Egypt collecting his remains. She brought him back to life and they bore the child Horus, who later avenged his father, defeating and banishing Set from Egypt. The relationship between Isis and Osiris is represented as a much closer one than that of Zeus and Hera, since they are siblings as well as a couple; Isis can represent the Higher Genius and Osiris, the perfected man, who undergoing death and resurrection emerges alchemically purified. This is the initiated candidate who finds union with his Higher Genius through trial and suffering. Horus can represent the lower self, brought under the will of the higher through alchemical fire, thus defeating the raging Set or the evil persona. In the story of Typhon, the ego gives license to the evil persona to run rampant through the sphere of sensation, thus progressing far enough to attack the Higher Genius and the natural world remains chaotic despite the banishment of the Titans. In the story of Set, the ego resists the evil persona and is broken down by it; the Higher Genius then resurrects the ego as perfected, and the ego places the lower nature under will and it is able to rule the natural world. However, the character of Typhon and Set represent the same factor: the aspect of the personality, which seeks to destroy one’s higher aspirations, and to create great havoc in one’s life. In fact, Typhon and Set are often mentioned as one and the same. ( (
The story of Satan is similar in many ways to the story of Set; Set was originally the ruler of Upper Egypt until he became evil, and Satan was believed to be the angel Lucifer and at one time he even watched over the Garden of Eden until he turned against God. Set hated his brother and killed him; Lucifer was a good angel, serving God and Christ before the fall and he hated Christ and ensured his Crucifixion. Both Osiris and Christ were raised from the dead more elevated than before, so both Lucifer and Set inadvertently advanced the alchemy of the one they hated. The evil persona hates the ego, which would resist its will, but it cannot defeat the ego, which submits to its Higher Genius; the ego is resurrected purified and stronger than ever before. Most of us vacillate between the role of Hera and Osiris, in that despite our best intentions, we sometimes give in to our lower natures and invite the chaos and storms, which follow on the heels of Set/Typhon, but when we pick ourselves up from the rubble, which we sometimes make of our lives, we can continue in the course of Osiris and one day reach our alchemical perfection. (
The evil persona has been known to create chaos in people’s lives since early civilization: the Egyptians called it Set, the Greeks, Typhon and even to this very day many call it Satan. Although the names have changed, the concept has remained consistent throughout history: there exists an evil within us that must be resisted and alchemically brought under will, and this can only occur when one continuously pursues a bond with his or her Higher Genius. If you find yourself in a self destructive cycle wherein you never quite get what you want in life; where despite your best efforts things just seem to blow up in your face at some point, then you are a victim of this self defeating evil persona. The path of initiation is one powerful way of breaking this cycle and freeing yourself from the power of Set/Typhon. If you would like to learn more about this liberating path of initiation: click here:
A Quote from the Portal initiation of the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn: 
"The 13th Key of the Tarot represents the figure of a skeleton, upon which some portions of flesh still remain.  In a field he is reaping off with the Scythe of Death the fresh vegetation which springs from corrupting bodies buried therein, fragments of which, such as hands, heads and feet appear above the soil.  Bones also are strewn upon the surface.  One of the heads wears a kingly crown; another is apparently that of a person of little note, showing that Death is the equalizer of all conditions.  The five extremities, the head, hands and feet, allude to the powers of the number five, the letter Heh, the Pentagram, the concealed Spirit of Life and the four elements, the originator of all living form.  The Sign of Scorpio especially alludes to stagnant and foetid water, that property of the moist nature which initiates putrefaction and decay.  The eternal change from life into death through death into life, is symbolized by the grass which springs from and is nourished by putrefying and corrupting carcasses; the herbiage, in its turn affords food to animals and man, which again when dead, nourisheth vegetable life and bring to growth and perfection the living herbiage.  This is further shown by the figure itself putrefying and decaying as it reaps the grass of the field.  'As for man, his days are as grass, as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth.'  The top of the scythe forms the Tav Cross of Life, showing that what destroys also renews.
The whole is a representation of the eternal transmutation of the life of nature, which reforms all things into fresh images and similitudes.  This symbol represents the corrosive and destructive action of the infernal Fire as opposed to the Celestial, the Dragon of the Waters, the Typhon of the Egyptians, the slayer of Osiris, which later yet rises again in Horus.  The Scorpio, Serpent of Evil, delineated before the figure of Death in the more ancient form of the Key, refers to the mixed and transforming, therefore deceptive, nature of this emblem.  Behind him, is the symbol of the Nameless One, representing the seed and its germ, not yet differentiated into life, therefore incapable of definition.  The scorpion is the emblem of ruthless destruction; the snake is the mixed and deceptive nature, serving alike for good and evil; the eagle is the higher and Divine nature, yet to be found herein, the alchemical eagle of distillation, the Renewer of life.  As it is said: 'Thy youth shall be renewed like the eagles.'  Great indeed, and many are the mysteries of this terrible Key."
Quoted from Israel Regardie’s “The Golden Dawn”

“As the ‘V’ sign is made, the Adept says: ‘The Sign of Apophis and Typhon.’ These are other names for Set, the brother and murderer of Osiris.’” (pg. 13)
“The Invisible Station corresponding to the Yesod, the 9thSephirah on the Tree of Life, immediately East of the Altar which is the upper region of Malkuth in the 0=0 temple, is the abode of a Set-like god-form associated with the Evil Triad and at the same time with a dark reptilian god associated with Typhon. He is the Accusor, the Evil Genius, who would bind the candidate’s soul in darkness with forces of the Qlippoth. In the Neophyte Initiation the Accusor rises from the base of the Altar at the time of the soul’s greatest danger.” (pg. 114)
“Omoo-Sathan, Typhon, Apophis, Set. The Evil Persona is a composite figure of the powers arising from the Qlippoth. It rises from the base of the Altar standing East of the Altar facing West, in the Sign of Typhon.” (pg. 357)
In light of the logical discussion on the nature of Typhon/Set and the above quotes from the Portal Initiation and Regardie’s manifesto on the Golden Dawn, it would be disastrous for a candidate to be initiated with Typhon/Set as the god form in the station of the Hierus. Having Horus in the throne of the Hierophant and Typhon/Set in the Hierus throne is a perfect formula for invoking the Evil Persona into the candidate’s sphere of sensation and sealing there. It is a recipe for disaster for the candidate, as it would be far more dangerous than passively allowing the evil persona to effect one’s life and create havoc; it creates a powerful ritual to fully integrate Typhon/Set’s destructive power into the very soul of the initiate. It would align one’s mind, heart and soul with the nature of Typhon/Set such that evil would seem good and good would seem evil and all good virtues and true magical power would be lost. In Golden Dawn tradition, there would be NO protection from the Qliphoth.
G.H. Frater P.D.R. ( Robert Zink)
Imperator General of the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn
Chief Adept of the Second Order of the R.C.

One Response to “E.O.G.D. Teachings on Typhon-Set”

"Strength was with his hands in all that he did and the feet of the strong god were untiring. From his shoulders grew a hundred heads of a snake, a fearful dragon, with dark, flickering tongues, and from under the brows of his eyes in his marvellous heads flashed fire, and fire burned from his heads as he glared. And there were voices in all his dreadful heads which uttered every kind of sound unspeakable; for at one time they made sounds such that the gods understood, but at another, the noise of a bull bellowing aloud in proud ungovernable fury; and at another, the sound of a lion, relentless of heart; and at another, sounds like whelps, wonderful to hear; and again, at another, he would hiss, so that the high mountains re-echoed."

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