Wednesday 13 July 2016

Ghostbusters Loves The Catholic Church

"Nobody steps on a Church in my town..!!"

"Mike, we're in a real fix, here..!"

One day, about 5 years ago, but more likely 10, it was a Sunday and for SOME reason o felt the need, the overwhelming compulsion to watch the last 25 mins of Ghostbusters, over and over and over again, something like 17 or even 30 times.

I didn't understand that at the time.

I do now.

And when I went to New York City for the first time in my life, I didn't want to see the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, Times Square, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, NONE of that.

The minute I arrived on Manhatten Island, the FIRST thing I wanted to do, the ONLY thing I wanted to do was to go directly to Central Park West and take a look at that building. 
(And the Church that gets - very meaningfully - stepped on by Mr. Stay-Puft. I think it's called St. Patrick's)

I didn't understand that then.

But I do now.

ALL of the occult, Fortean and paranormal references embedded in the original Ghostbusters, along with all of the references to the Rockefellers and the Ford Foundation, Prometheus and their sponsorship of the Eugenics Movement, Sumerian religion and Ziggurats, the Temple on the top of the building, the SCIENCE of spirit entities and nuclear/particle physics is all 100% ACCURATE.

It just wouldn't LOOK like that.

It's also ALCHEMICALLY and MAGICKALLY accurate, far more importantly.

Ghostbusters is also probably second only to The Exorcist as probably being the best possible advert for the Catholic Church in the history of Hollywood.

Not a lotta Irish Catholic studio heads running Hollywood....

But don't quote me on that, Lenny...

The Catholic Church NEVER formally denounced, condemned or disapproved of the study or practice of alchemy, astrology, Angel Magicks, Angelic conversations of the kind conducted by Dee & Kelley in Prague (under the patronage and sponsorship of the Catholic Holy Roman Emperor), or any of the occult arts and sciences of Khemet (ancient Egypt) AS SUCH - in fact, the reality that particularly in the High Rennaissance, such careful study was specifically AUTHORISED by Papal Decry to certain knowledgable and pious learned men, under conditions of tight secrecy and control, we know that in fact the Papacy sought to REGULATE and police such work and such study in the way there were not able to and did not seem to do so in the purely materialist Sciences.

But then, just as things were getting interesting, and they began to make some real progress, they got interrupted by The Reformation, and got forced onto the defensive for the first time....

"The walls in the 53rd Precinct are bleeding - how do you explain that?"

There is a REAL, COFFEE-TABLE-SIZED BOOK of architectural photography, one inch thick, in print, entitled 

"Roof-Top Temples of New York City"

So these Temples are up there.

And the Vice-President of the United States, Henry A. Wallace, with the blessing and support of FDR was one of those people up there conduct "Bizarre Ceremonies" (meaning often sexual, with a young virgin placed upon the apex of the Ziggaurat to become the vessel for The Goddess (usually Ishtar, or perhaps Asherah)), up on the roof.

Spook Central EXISTS.

It was built by The Rockefellers and other New York Old Money "philanthropists" (so-called), at the urging of the Russian Mystic Nicholas Roeich, primarily.

It's called "The Master Building", and it's on the Upper West Side - and where does Janoz say he is from....? 

The Upper West Side.

So it's on Riverside Drive, and NOT Central Park West, right by Rockefeller Centre (30 Rock), and the Spanish-American War Memorial (commemorating the victory of the Big Lie and Dawn of the American Century, the rise of the American Empire and the defeat (for now) of American Repubican ideals))

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