Sunday 8 December 2013

Nelson Mandela - Tool of the New World Order

Trouble brewing - President Mandela is greeted by Rev. Jesse Jackson of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Best bit of Mandela hyperbole so far: "Mandela midwifed a world- class constitution that respected all, put in place programmes to reverse effects of apartheid, retired honourably after one term, wasn't corrupt."

I'm not a big supporter of the idea of heaping praise on people for sh*t their expected to do anyway.

Kwame Nkrumah, Patrice Lamumba and Gabdul al-Nasser are three anti-colonialist African leaders who were not corrupt, liberated their nations from white colonial rule and rolled back imperialism - the difference is that THEY were not capitalist stooges to the New World Order...

Prime Minister and President of Ghana, Kwame Nkrumah hosts Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in Ghana during the independence of Ghana celebrations, 6 March 1957.

"We know that the traditional African society was founded on principles of egalitarianism. In its actual workings, however, it had various shortcomings. Its humanist impulse, nevertheless, is something that continues to urge us towards our all-African socialist reconstruction. 

We postulate each man to be an end in himself, not merely a means; and we accept the necessity of guaranteeing each man equal opportunities for his development. 

The implications of this for socio-political practice have to be worked out scientifically, and the necessary social and economic policies pursued with resolution. Any meaningful humanism must begin from egalitarianism and must lead to objectively chosen policies for safeguarding and sustaining egalitarianism. 

Hence, socialism. Hence, also, scientific socialism."

President John F. Kennedy Meets with the President of the Republic of Ghana, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah

Date 8 March 1961

"Mandela, or his double, was an agent of MI6, according to "MI6: Fifty Years of Special Operations", by the 'acclaimed' intelligence expert Stephen Dorril.

MI6 used Mandela to spy on its enemies in Libya, in South Africa and in the United Kingdom.

Nelson Mandela persuaded Gaddafi to hand over the two Libyans to the Scottish Court in the Netherlands, where they faced trial in 1999.

Mandela allowed MI6 to operate in South Africa."

Mandela greets Bandar Bush.

When Nelson Mandela became President of South Africa, crime and poverty increased.

Journalist John Pilger, in his book 'Freedom Next Time', tells us:

1. South Africa is rich in minerals.

2. The average black household income has fallen by 19% since independence.

3. "The unspoken deal was that whites would retain economic control in exchange for black majority rule."

4. "Before 1994, there were secret meetings in Britain between Thabo Mbeki, the white elite and the big global companies with links to South Africa."

5. Mandela said to Pilger:

"We do not want to challenge big business that can take fright and take away their money . . . 

"You can call it Thatcherite but, for this country, privatisation is the fundamental policy."

Pilger writes of Mandela that "as the first liberation president, he ordered a ridiculous and bloody invasion of tiny Lesotho.

"He allowed South African armaments to be sold to Algeria, Colombia and Peru, which have notorious human rights records.

"He invited the Indonesian mass murderer General Suharto to South Africa and gave him the country's highest award . . . He recognised the brutal Burmese junta as a legitimate government."

Mandela mocks idea he was MI6 man

Such claims show 'a contempt for Africa', says anti-apartheid leader after spy-book allegations
  • The Guardian
Nelson Mandela, the former president of South Africa, has reacted angrily to a claim that he was recruited as an "agent of influence" by British intelligence and that he visited MI6 in Britain to thank them for their help in foiling assassination attempts.
"I never visited the headquarters of any intelligence service," he told the Guardian yesterday.
The allegations were made in the forthcoming book, MI6: Fifty Years of Special Operations, by Stephen Dorril, a lecturer at Huddersfield University, and they were met by strong denials earlier this week from Pretoria.
"False and nonsensical allegations against Nelson Mandela appearing in the British media and emanating from shadowy rightwing forces have been repeatedly made in a futile attempt to tarnish his image," the government said.

TAP -  That hardly describes Stephen Dorril, a respected authority on Intelligence Services.  Stephen Dorril is a British academic, author, and journalist. He is a senior lecturer in the journalism department of Huddersfield University and is director of the university's Oral History Unit.[1][2][3] He has written a number of books, mostly about the UK's intelligence services. With Robin Ramsay, Dorril co-founded the magazine Lobster. He has appeared on radio and television as a specialist on the security and intelligence services. He is a consultant to BBC's Panorama programme.

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