Sunday, 6 October 2013

Natural Born Killers: Drones vs. Men

On any given day, a targetted strike by an armed Predator UAV will kill far less innocent people in general, and innocent Muslims in particular than an armed ex-Blackwater CIA contract agent stuck in traffic with road rage.

We have hard numbers on this.

"...a nearly-six-month-long investigation recently published by Sebastian Abbot of the Associated Press suggests that the majority of those killed in the strikes are militants.

An AP reporter talked to about 80 villagers in areas of North Waziristan where 10 of the most deadly drone attacks in the past year and a half took place, and found that about 70 percent of those killed were militants. Notably, villagers reported that militants were killed in each of the 10 strikes; four of the strikes also killed civilians.

The New America Foundation’s drones database, which relies on “accounts from reliable media organizations with deep reporting capabilities” in Pakistan, calculated a 17 percent non-militant casualty rate since 2004.

The majority of civilian deaths in the strikes studied by the AP occurred in one controversial attack on March 17, 2011, one day after the release of Raymond Davis, a CIA security officer who shot two Pakistanis dead on a crowded Lahore street and was held in a jail there for seven weeks."

Ray Davis kills on average way more innocent civilians (and therefore "creates" far fewer terrorists than an armed Predator UAV.

"There are estimates as high as 98% of drone strike casualties being civilians (50 for every one "suspected terrorist"). The Bureau of Investigative Journalism issued a report detailing how the CIA is deliberately targeting those who show up after the sight of an attack, rescuers, and mourners at funerals as a part of a "double-tap" strategy eerily reminiscient of methods used by terrorist groups like Hamas."

This is actually laughable. This is 100% planted story and these figures quoted verbatim from ISI propaganda.

AP reporters on the ground in Waziristan say drones hit their target and kill no-one else 70-80% of the time - this far more frequently quoted figure, obtained by someone writing the story in Washington calling up a Pakistani government spokesperson in Islamabad claims they are only 2% accurate, and the highly trained CIA Operators employ terror tactic methodology inspired by  Hamas suicide bomber with intent of winning local hearts and minds by double-tapping paramedics and other first responders.

Not that there ARE any paramedics or rescue teams - these villages and camps are waaaaaay up in the Hindu Kush, about half a day's drive from the nearest paved road....

In short, this is a completely made-up story from early 2012 that quotes Petreaus directly whilst portraying Obama as a War Criminal - even though at that time, that armed Pedator Targetted Killing program at that time was under the direct, personal command of the Director of Central Intelligence, with complete and exclusive executive control of the entire US dronestrike capability existing completely outside of either the Executive, the military command structure or the lawful elected government.

Which, is exactly how Petreaus wanted it. So, he got it. King David.

All this, whilst conspiring with Roger Ailles and Rupert Murdoch's envoys, harbouring private Presidential aspirations of his own....

@Ted Rubenstein

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