Sunday 1 May 2016

What Prince Actually Believes : The Theology and Moral Universe ofTheAfterWorld

As Above,
so Below.

As I think is already quite well-known, it is no big secret that Prince is way into Jesus Christ.

But he has never been a Christian, and never attended regular Christian Church services, even though Christian themes and theology and direct references to Bibical scripture have always been present in his lyrics right from his earliest songwriting efforts in the Minisappolis disco era, years even before Purple Rain, where they very much began pushing  their way up front, transitioning from  being mostly implicit to the explicit, main set of themes that set the tone for each new track - there is also a HEAVY emphasis given to the key tropes of Western Esotericism, cypher and codes, numerology in particular.

To be clear, and for the avoidance of any doubt, Prince was raised as Seventh Day Adventist (which is a non-Christian Crypto-Christian religion) and remained so until 2001, when he "realised" he was a Jehovahs Witness, rather that undergoing a conversion to Watchtower Society doctrine - and they are very similar teachings on several key areas, so everything he was taught by being raised as an Adventist which does not directly clash with Watchtower Society teachings and doctrine, it is safe to say he still believes, since so much of it is the same.

The reason why this is particularly important to understand is because of two crucial shared doctrines of "Christian Mortalism" (The Denial of the Immortal Human Soul) and "Annihilationism" (The Denial of Hell as a place of Everlasting Torment, and the rejection of a Heaven as a Non-Terrestrial Paradise)

Neither faith uses terms like "The Denial of the Human Soul", obviously, but the key codeword terms to be aware of are things such as "Everlasting Life on Earth", "Paradise Earth" (which is the AfterWorld)) 

Good Summary.

Self-Healing and Angel Magick

"Epileptic 'til the age of 7."

- The Sacrifice of Victor

"I've never spoken about this before, but I was born epileptic, I used to have seizures when I was young. 

And my mother and father didn't know what to do or how to handle it but they did the best they could with what little they had.

My mother told me one day I walked in to her and said 

'Mom, I'm not going to be sick anymore.' 

And she said 'Why?' And I said

'Because an angel told me so.' 

Now, I don't remember saying it, that's just what she told me." 

The Jungian-Ericksonian version of this is say :

"What you believe to be true is true - that is what defines the nature of your reality"

This is the same as saying :

In the the biggining was The Word,
And The Word was with God,
And The Word was God.

The Word (or the Sigil) are one and the same, they define and describe exactly one and the other.

This is everything which the Post-Modern Structuralists and Deconstructionists explicitly deny and reject - words, signs and symbols have absolutely no inherent meaning, and have non direct connection to ideas or concepts other than via a sedimentary buildup of meaning, acquired via the action of their continual use : Words only mean things because we think they do.  

This is complete rubbish, obviously.

The Indivisibility of the Body, Mind and Spirit - You soul is in your body, and remains there when you die, to await the Final Day of Judgement.

The Annihilation of the Body of Christ  in the tomb following the Crucifiction.

The Body/Mind/Spirit of Christ was then physically recreated after Easter Monday (several times),

And so, before he can be properly buried, Jesus returns to visit with his friends and followers in disguise, which is why many people fail to recognise him.

And so, again, before he can be properly buried, hr returns to visit with his friends and followers in disguise, which is why many people fail to recognise him, to let them know he is alive.

The Inside of Prince's Kingdom Hall

Why Purple?

This one is difficult to pin down, and indeed there may not actually be one, definitive answer to this question, but since the purple thing is clearly so very basic and keeps on recurring so many times, again and again throughout all of the albums over several decades, it's probably quite worth tackling this one first and up-front, as it seems to act as a kind of thematic glue that holds together much of the underlying worldview created by the teachings he adheres to, so here goes :

On a purely surface, superficial level, in the Ancient World and by the time time of the Early Church and the earliest establishment of the End Times Prophecy,  Apocalyptic tradition,  Purple was solely and exclusively identified with Royalty, and only those most wealthy scions of the Great Familes of theGreek City States and the Roman Republic able to trace a royal lineage in their ancestry were permitted to wear purple robes or other garments in public.

Why is the sky Purple during/after The Apocalypse?

Why is the Rain Purple, and what is this metaphor intended to be? 
Or is it literally Purple water falling from rainclouds in the sky?

The Red and the Blue.

Red and Blue blended together when they meet and clash obvious  produces Purple, but Prince spoke on other occasions, more than once, of the relationship between The Red and The Blue and The Green (which is money).

The Red and The Blue (and The Green) means (at the very least) :

Capitalism and Communism
(and their relation to money)

Republicans and Democrats
(and their relation to money)

"When there’s blood in the sky - red and blue = purple.. purple rain pertains to the end of the world and being with the one you love and letting your faith/god"guide you through the purple rain"

"A CNN crew visits the Kingdom Hall of Prince the Sunday after he 'passed away'."

"We expect Brother Nelson to be resurrected here on Earth, just like the Bible says, when Jehovah cleanses this Earth of all it's evil,there'll be a resurrection and we will welcome him back - and he'll be right [here] like flesh and blood, like you and me are talking here right now.

It's a deep, deep belief that we have."

Plague Panic Politics - Eat Shit and You Will Die

And that's what the doctor hired to be one of the Fox News Commentators hired to supply medical expertise says may well have happened to Prince.

Because they say he had had the 'flu for around 3 weeks before being found dead.

To support this potential diagnosis, he points out that Prince's plane had to make an emergency landing on April 14, requesting an ambulance and paramedics to rush him straight to hospital. The pilot reported that they had a non-responsive male patient on board, and that was the emergency - when Prince arrived at the hospital, he was seen being carried into the Emergency Room.

Then he discharged himself 3 hrs later and flew back home the same night.

He appeared to be completely fine the following morning.

And then he performed a two hour set, playing and signing live on-stage in the Atrium at Paisley Park (which is also his house) in a free party the following night.

And finally, a whole week later after that, night before he died, he performed ANOTHER two hour set at ANOTHER free party for a small group of fans, and anyone that wanted to come along, in the Atrium of Paisley Park (which is his studio, and his practice room, and his house - these were fans he would invite into his home to hear him play to them, and often.)

And right toward the very end of his performance, right at the very end of playing his set, before leaving the stage, he spoke to the audience, addressing his fans and all of the people that love him and said something really strange, that didn't appear to make much sense, but which he clearly wanted everyone who was there to remember him saying to them, and tell the rest of us, especially because it was so weird and cryptic;

He said :  "Wait a few days before you waste your prayers."

And he doesn't explain it. (Of course)

But apparently nobody said anything to him, either (obviously). Because it's Prince.

And naturally no-one else really ever would have in that kind of situation - especially when the man has invited you into his home to hear him play for you like that, the way he ALWAYS would for people - when a man welcomes you with that sort of kindness, you don't stand on his rug, in his house, and in front of his family interrupt the regular get-together and question everything in sight, and it would be foolish to expect any kind of meaningful answers to the questions you put to him. And not just because it's Prince, because it's completely self-deluded and ego-maniacal to even ask : "I don't understand  the way you've decorated this room - please clarify for me the your intent behind your choice of those curtains, how you came to conclude they would work in relation to the ambient lighting during that day and what made you decide to pick that specific lamp to pick up any slack?

What kind of an answer would you really expect to get that would help you along, or even mean anything more than exactly what he had originally said - Prince is often cryptic, but always plain-spoken. To him, God is Truth.

He always says exactly what he means, he means exactly what he says, and he never tries to say anything more simply than he already has by making the way in which he says it longer and more complicated, using more and bigger words.

if you have to explain a joke, it's not a joke - it's a formula for trying to create humour, which does not work, like bad alchemy. A failed experiment, that gets abandoned after it's clearly heading nowhere.

And had I been in that room, it probably never would have occurred to me to give it another moment's thought, it certainly never have troubled my mind afterwards to question it and try to figure out what exactly he meant by that - "Wasted Prayers", as a concept, is verging on being a total oxymoron. 

Except to an atheist, in which case, they're all wasted prayers. 
Or a fundamentalist monotheist, who sees people offering prayers to gods he considers to be false.

But those people would not be wasting prayers by directing them and worshipping any false or lesser gods - from his perspective, by offering worship to a false god, you are not doing something that is wasteful, you are doing something that is wrong; either due to them being a bad person who has malicious intentions, which causes them to do something they know is wrong, in which case they would be Evil Prayers, or anti-prayers, sometimes called curses,or hex, or the Left-Hand Path; 


they are in error. (As the Catholics say). 

Somehow, they ended up believing something which that is incorrect, either because a mistake was made at some point, or a misunderstanding occurred, but the person doesn't know any better,  through no fault of their own, resulting in a sincere and well-intentioned belief in things not based in Truth.

And though the person means well, the prayers that originate out of sincere compassion and genuine love their minds are able to generate are the result of a mistake, because the person believes something which isn't true. Prayers not the product of Truth, not nourished from its good soil will go to waste, because they are unnecessary to redeem the untruth which prompted such such a reaction of compassion and love.

Those are the only wasted prayers.

Like seeds fallen on stoney ground.

And so almost, although not actually a self-nullifying idea.

So sure, slightly strange as it may have seemed at the time, especially with such a peculiar wording in what he said, but if anyone present in the room and felt it would qualify for a spot anywhere in the run down of the All-Time Top 250 Rundown of Peculiar, Baffling or Crypitically Worded Statements Made by Prince, I would have been very, very surprised - Prince has said or sung way more strange and peculiar things than that over the past 57 years, he's never felt the need to further explain what he meant by any of them, and nobody would have expect to suddenly start now.

For those of us still trying completely understand what he means by "There's a lion in my pocket, and Baby, he's ready 2 roar !!" over three whole decades since hearing him say it and thinking "That's.... rather peculiar.... What does that even mean?!", and still  not feeling entire confident that we are able to fully comprehend what it is exactly he's really getting at when he said that (I think I probably have, at best, understood about 80% of the meaning of that statement, and I still find it completely baffling whenever I hear it), "Wait a few days, don't waste your prayers" just sailed right past us like a schooner in full sail without causing a ripple in the Zeitgeist.

And again : it never would have even occurred to anyone present in the room at Paisley that night to  think to ask him, even if a few of them heard it and wondered "What is that supposed to mean, exactly?"

And they didn't say anything, because it's Prince.

So he turns to this group of strangers he invited into his home that night to perform for them, to his audience, to the fans, to us; 

He speaks to us and he says "You will shortly be told something which you may believe to be true when you hear it, and if you believe it, you will want to offer prayer to set it right and heal the hurt it causes in you, praying for what you have been told to be redeemed and return to The Truth.

But it's just a story you will be told.

Your prayers will be wasted, but only if you accept the untruth and pray to have it redeemed and restored to Truth by the soothing of our grief and healing of the hurt it caused in us.

It's not necessary to offer prayers to redeem that which is untrue.

And you don't need to pray that we all be restored to and reunited in The Truth, because The Truth was never gone from us.

We just told ourselves a story to try and frighten ourselves so much that we forget it was untrue.

It's just a story."

And then he walked away. 

And just after the dawn of the very next day, (or so they say), his lifeless body was discovered, having apparently collapsed alone inside DeElevator by an assistant at Paisley, who sent for paramedics, and was pronounced dead at precisely 10:07 a.m. 4/21/16. 

So they say.

Episodic 'Flu

When I came down with the 'flu last Winter, it was just awful.
Just couldn't seem to shake it, for months this carried on.

How was I meant to know I had been put onto the installments plan before I got given a dose this year...?

When contracting a virus, always insist they accept only Cash on Delivery.

 Episodic 'flu is apparently a real diagnosis in use today in Russia and elsewhere by the more reasonably priced private physicians to explain cases of intermittent chronic symptoms very high temperature, fever, white blood cell production and T4 cell count, broken up by often quite lengthy periods (anywhere from a few minutes, to up to several months or years in some cases), when the sufferer suddenly becomes completely asymptomatic, having appeared to make a complete recovery until one day you just drop dead inside your own locked bathroom right before elevenses, 3 months later without any warning - or, they instead switch over to being a highly contagious carrier of the deadliest  new strain of influenza, but no longer present any outward symptoms of chronic infection.

None of which is true, of course.

Episodic 'flu  basically just like is like having normal 'flu, with all of the usual  chronic symptoms of infection, only in installments. Like paying for a new carpet, or watching the final season Box Set of The Sopranos.

None of which is true, of course.

So that's what the doctor hired to be one of the Fox News Commentators hired to supply medical expertise says may well have happened to Prince.

None of which is true, of course.

Because they say he had had the 'flu for around 3 weeks before being found dead.

None of which is true, of course.

To support this potential diagnosis, he points out that Prince's plane had to make an emergency landing on April 14, requesting an ambulance and paramedics to rush him straight to hospital. The pilot reported that they had a non-responsive male patient on board, and that was the emergency - when Prince arrived at the hospital, he was seen being carried into the Emergency Room.

None of which.... Oh, you get the idea.

Then he discharged himself 3 hrs later and flew back home the same night.

He appeared to be completely fine the following morning.

And then he performed a two hour set, playing and signing live on-stage in the Atrium at Paisley Park (which is also his house) in a free party the following night.

And finally, a whole week later after that, night before he died, he performed ANOTHER two hour set at ANOTHER free party for a small group of fans, and anyone that wanted to come along, in the Atrium of Paisley Park (which is his studio, and his practice room, and his house - these were fans he would invite into his home to hear him play to them, and often.)

And right toward the very end of his performance, right at the very end of playing his set, before leaving the stage, he spoke to the audience, addressing his fans and all of the people that love him and said something really strange, that didn't appear to make much sense, but which he clearly wanted everyone who was there to remember him saying to them, and tell the rest of us, especially because it was so weird and cryptic;

He said :  "Wait a few days before you waste any prayers."

And he doesn't explain it. (Of course)

But apparently nobody there said anything to him or tried to get him to explain it, either (obviously). Because it's Prince.

And naturally no-one else really ever would have in that kind of situation - especially when the man has invited you into his home to hear him play for you like that, the way he ALWAYS would for people - when a man welcomes you with that sort of kindness, you don't stand on his rug, in his house, and in front of his family interrupt the regular get-together and question everything in sight, and it would be foolish to expect any kind of meaningful answers to the questions you put to him. And not just because it's Prince, because it's completely self-deluded and ego-maniacal to even ask : "I don't understand  the way you've decorated this room - please clarify for me the your intent behind your choice of those curtains, how you came to conclude they would work in relation to the ambient lighting during that day and what made you decide to pick that specific lamp to pick up any slack?"

What kind of an answer would you really expect to get that would help you along, or even mean anything more than exactly what he had originally said...?  We know Prince is often cryptic, but always plain-spoken. To him, God is Truth.

The Truth is only to be found by the proper understand of words, even if there is only one of them you are able to make out clearly until you figure out that there is  only one. 

The Word. 


He always says exactly what he means, he means exactly what he says, and he never tries to say anything more simply than he already has by making the way in which he says it longer and more complicated, using more and bigger words.

If you have to explain a joke, it's not a joke - it's a formula for trying to create humour, which does not work, like bad alchemy. A failed experiment, that gets abandoned after it's clearly heading nowhere.

And had I been in that room, it probably never would have occurred to me to give it another moment's thought, it certainly never have troubled my mind afterwards to question it and try to figure out what exactly he meant by that - "Wasted Prayers", as a concept, is verging on being a total oxymoron. 

Except to an atheist, in which case, they're all wasted prayers. 

Or a fundamentalist monotheist, who sees people offering prayers to gods he considers to be false.

But to the fundamentalist those people would not be wasting prayers by directing them and worshipping any false or lesser gods - from his perspective, by offering worship to a false god, you are not doing something that is wasteful, you are doing something that is wrong; either due to them being a bad person who has malicious intentions, which causes them to do something they know is wrong, in which case they would be Evil Prayers, or anti-prayers, sometimes called curses,or hex, or the Left-Hand Path; 


they are in error. (As the Catholics say). 

Somehow, they ended up believing something which that is incorrect, either because a mistake was made at some point, or a misunderstanding occurred, but the person doesn't know any better,  through no fault of their own, resulting in a sincere and well-intentioned belief in things not based in Truth.

And though the person means well, the prayers that originate out of sincere compassion and genuine love their minds are able to generate are the result of a mistake, because the person believes something which isn't true. Prayers not the product of Truth, not nourished from its good soil will go to waste, because they are unnecessary to redeem the untruth which prompted such such a reaction of compassion and love.

Those are the only wasted prayers.

Like seeds fallen on stoney ground.

And so that's an almost, although not actually exactly a self-nullifying idea of a prayer being wasted or futile.

So sure, slightly strange as it may have seemed at the time, especially with such a peculiar wording in what he said, but if anyone present in the room and felt it would qualify for a spot anywhere in the run down of the All-Time Top 250 Rundown of Peculiar, Baffling or Crypitically Worded Statements Made by Prince, I would have been very, very surprised - Prince has said or sung way more strange and peculiar things than that over the past 57 years, he's never felt the need to further explain what he meant by any of them, and nobody would have expect to suddenly start now.

For those of us still trying completely understand what he means by "There's a lion in my pocket, and Baby, he's ready 2 roar !!" over three whole decades since hearing him say it and thinking "That's.... rather peculiar.... What does that even mean?!", and still  not feeling entire confident that we are able to fully comprehend what it is exactly he's really getting at when he said that (I personally think I probably have, at best, understood about 80% of the meaning of that statement, and I still find it completely baffling whenever I hear it), "Wait a few days, don't waste your prayers" just sailed right past us like a schooner in full sail without causing a ripple in the Zeitgeist.

And again : it never would have even occurred to anyone present in the room at Paisley that night to  think to ask him, even if a few of them heard it and wondered "What is that supposed to mean, exactly?"

But they didn't say anything, because it's Prince.

So he turns to this group of strangers he invited into his home that night to perform for them, to his audience, to the fans, to us; 

He speaks to us and he says "You will shortly be told something which you may believe to be true when you hear it, and if you believe it, you will want to offer prayer to set it right and heal the hurt it causes in you, praying for what you have been told to be redeemed and return to The Truth.

But it's just a story you will be told.

Your prayers will be wasted, but only if you accept the untruth and pray to have it redeemed and restored to Truth by the soothing of our grief and healing of the hurt it caused in us.

It's not necessary to offer prayers to redeem that which is untrue.

And you don't need to pray that we all be restored to and reunited in The Truth, because The Truth was never gone from us.

We just told ourselves a story to try and frighten ourselves so much, we ended up forgetting it was untrue.

But it's just a story."

And then he walked away. 

And just after the dawn of the very next day, (or so they say), his lifeless body was discovered, having apparently collapsed alone inside DeElevator by an assistant at Paisley, who sent for paramedics, and was pronounced dead at precisely 10:07 a.m. 4/21/16. 

So they say.

And so if you're the same as me, you love and live and abide in Truth and know that Truth can set you free, but know enough to recognise and appreciate the skill involved storytelling, and what a well-golf and clever story tells us about ourselves, and how there is an unbroken line of evolution that leads from stories to myth to legends to heroes to gods and ultimately to God - whenever you come across a well-told story, or recognise one of the storytellers, hiding in plain sight, as they spin their yarn;

Let them know you too know and love the Truth and shout-out to them "Go #TeamPurple ! " to show respect for their story-telling, and we also know what Time it is.

Ain't nuttn' but a muffin.

Friday 29 April 2016

Last Will & Testament of the Legal Person Formerly Known asPrinceRogers Nelson

"Wait a few days before you waste any prayers [on me]" 

"We expect Brother Nelson to be resurrected here on Earth, just like the Bible says, when Jehovah cleanses this Earth of all it's evil,there'll be a resurrection and we will welcome him back - and he'll be right [here] like flesh and blood, like you and me are talking here right now.

It's a deep, deep belief that we have."

"Wait a few days before you waste any prayers [on me]" 

He's asking his fans - us - to exercise caution and skepticism in the immediate future, and just be patient rather that responding in the manner which one would expect [many of] you to react to this thing which is just about occur (by praying for him), because he says those prayers would be WASTED.

People who believe in a God and in the power of prayer never speak of any prayer being a WASTED, because that would infer that the outcome of the attempt is fixed and known in advance, meaning that it was ill-conceived and futile from the outset, and on that basis, not worthy enough even to justify even TRYING to get some help for that person.

There can only be two ways to understand what he might mean by this phrase, and of those two ways, one of them makes complete and perfect sense, assuming you know and seek The Truth, and the other one does not.

But let's go through both, so we are able to know which one makes sense (and is therefore obviously True, provided you have the eyes to see), and why the other makes absolutely no sense coming at it from any angle, and so self-evidently shows itself to be untrue.

In their role as the Paisley Politburo, Entertainment Tonight presents the statement 

"Wait a few days before you waste any prayers [on me]" 

as being related in some way (they don't say how, because they can't, so they just intentionally leave it really vague and try to rush past it, hoping no-one will notice, and for most people, that will work unless they are paying attention) to the Emergecy Landing with the 'flu in Illinois the previous week, and NOT speaking to the fans about something that was about happen which he was unable to refer to directly  without giving the game away.

They present this statement  : 

"Wait a few days before you waste any prayers [on me]" 

As if it actually were worded : 
"What Prince means to say is that he knows people, some of them in this room, probably, have been prayer for him lately after hearing his health has been poor recently and that he had to go to the Emergency Room the other day, but really, he's feeling way better now, and it just got blown out of all proportion and sensationalised to the extent it sounded as though it was far more serious that it actually was.

Seriously, he's completely recovered now. You don't need to pray for him, seriously, it's cool.

Don't waste your time praying for him, he's fine. Pray for someone or something else."

So, again

"Wait a few days before you waste any prayers [on me]" 

is CLEARLY a request or an instruction about some FUTURE incident or event which has not yet occurred or has yet taken place, 

And NOT, as they are trying to frame it, a reference to something which recently occurred, which they are not attempting to suggest he downplayed or failed to take seriously enough, which may turn  out to have been a fatal miscalculation on Prince's part, since no-one had realised just how seriously sick he really actually was, which may turn out to, in the end, to be what actually finished him off. 

That's how Entertainment Tonight try to present what he means, but that isn't what he said : 

"What Prince actually meant to say was this..."

No. He said exactly what he meant.

It means what he said - not something else.

Because why would he be telling people they have no cause to be concerned and ought not to worry about his welfare on account of the emergency landing incident which recently occurred in the PAST by asking them to WAIT, for just a day or two, rather than praying for him during that time on the basis that it it just isn't necessary - The inference being, that he's absolutely fine, he is not in need of people's prayers to aid in making a speedy recovery.

You see how that doesn't make sense, the way the would want to tell you what happened? They want to have their cake and eat it by attempting to make this connecting to something that occcured in the recent PAST, what they want to try to say proves that's what he was referring to is a request that the fans help him out by doing something in the immediate FUTURE. 

"Oh, and incidentally, the thing that you were doing before that could behave been either helpful or useful turned out in fact to be neither useful, nor particularly helpful, and ultimately has proven to be an exercise in achieving a wasted effort - creative inertia, or planned futility, just to make the place appear to be more busy, and see to it that all of the rooms are in use and fully occupied. But you can now stop doing it, because it didn't even mange to help."

Thursday 28 April 2016

All is Vanity (?)

"The original trio recorded a few demos before Prince met the then-named Denise Matthews, a model and Canadian B movie actress, in January 1982. Prince was so taken by her charisma that he decided she would be the perfect frontwoman for his "Hookers" project. Matthews was eventually re-christened Vanity. 

Prince had originally suggested that she use the stage name "Vagina" (to be pronounced /vaginɑ/); she declined and renamed herself "Vanity" instead.

Other versions of the story suggest that it was Prince himself who coined the name "Vanity", as he said that looking at her was like looking in a mirror at the female version of himself. 

Around this time, Prince and Vanity began a romantic relationship. "

Wednesday 27 April 2016

10:07 a.m.

Art Official Age

Artificial Cage

It's extremely rare for a non-responsive body to be pronounced dead at the scene, and I think I am right in saying that a paramedic cannot do so, legally it requires an M.D. to do it - usually, they are loaded into an ambulance, taken to the nearest hospital and declared DOA, Dead on Arrivial.

It's highly unrealistic to suggest that there was a Doctor in attendance, he pronounced him dead on the scene without moving him to a hospital whilst continuing with attempts to resuscitate him on the way and that he declared such a precise time of death (considering he is claimed to have been ALREADY dead when medical aid arrived on the scene) as 10:07.

10:07am is a deliberate clue to the fact he is alive. 

Likewise, Elvis' tombstone reads "Elvis Aaron Presley" and is placed next to his grandmother; everyone knows Elvis's name is "Elvis Aron Presley", and he left instructions that he wanted to be buried next to his mother - he's not in there. It's a wax dummy.

Dead Like Elvis.

"He was pronounced deceased at 10:07 a.m. 

He has been identified as Prince Rogers Nelson of Chanhassen."

"It's been 7 hours and 13 days..."

"I was workin' part time in the 5 and Dime [10] - my boss was Mr. McGee.
He told me 7 Times that he didn't like my kind,
'Cuz I was just too leisurely..."

"In the Beginning, God made the sea,
And on the 7th Day - He made me."

"All 7 and we'll watch them fall,
They stand in the way of love,
And we will smoke them all,
With their intellect and their savior-faire

No one in the whole universe
Will ever compare

I am yours now and, you are mine,
And together we'll love through all
Space and time, so don't cry.

One day all 7 will die."

Ten is the number of The Christ Consciouness, Man created in the living image of God, perfected.

Prince's reported last words were "I'm Perfect".

1 is Man, or Adam, for he was created to be but one.

9 is the highest any created Man can climb, without reassimilating oneself back completely to become one once more with Brahama, Allah or Jehovah, the Infinite Godhead.

10 Therefore represents an ascension onto the next level of spiritual development, The Son of Man, or The Christ or Krishna Consciousness. 

Likewise, 9/11 both represents and states the Lucifarian desire and intent to do a spiritual end-run, to go beyond and higher than God, to surpass and surplant God and all of his Creation to assert superiority and domination over the Created World through Nietchzien force of will, and demonstrate that God is Dead by re-creating oneself in the image of Supermen. 

In other words, Black Magick and Satanism.

7 Represents the FIRST COVENANT Between God and Man 

(Never to repeat The Flood)

Moses contracted the SECOND COVENANT with the parlay at Mount Sinai, sealed within the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies in the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem.

(That Israel was the Nation of the Chosen People of God - The Temple Priests defiled the Holy of Holies, broke the Covenant and rendered it null and void, and the Temple was destroyed and the Ark taken from them)

The Christ represents the THIRD COVENANT 


7 is the most perfect number in all Creation, containing within it the three elements that make up the Golden Ratio.


God created the Heaven and the Earth in 7 days, and on the 7th day He rested, and had it kept holy.

There are Seven Heavens (and two lower realms) in the Qabbalah, navigating the Tree of Life.

The Seven Liberal Arts : Grammar, logic, and rhetoric, arithmetic, geometry, the theory of music, and astronomy.

There are 7 Continents and 7 Oceans on the globe. 

There are 7 Colours in the rainbow and 7 Notes on the musical scale. 

There is a pattern of 7 Stars which are guiding stars (The Big Dipper) and there are 7 Objects in the solar system that are visible to the naked eye. 

There are 7 Metals of antiquity upon which civilisation is based, and 7 Levels in the periodic table.

7 Major Planets in the Solar System, besides the Earth.

Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.

The Seventh Son of a Seventh Son of a Seventh Son.

The Dance of the Seven Veils.

007 - Doctor John Dee's sigil number.


Number 1007 is a combination of the vibrations and attributes of the number 1, double number 0 and number 7.  Number 1 relates to new beginnings, motivation and progress, individuality, self-leadership and assertiveness, achievement and success.  Number 1 encourages you to ‘get out there!’  Number 0 adds its influential energies of magnifying the vibrations of the numbers it appears with.  Number 0 is considered to represent the beginning of a spiritual journey and highlights the uncertainties that may entail.  It suggests that you listen to your intuition and higher-self as this is where you will find all of your answers.  Number 0 stands for potential and/or choice, and is to do with developing one’s spiritual aspects.  Number 0 resonates with eternity and infinity, oneness and wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point.  Number 7 resonates with the energies of spiritual enlightenment and awakening, mysticism and psychic abilities, persistence of purpose, inner-wisdom and inner-knowing, manifesting your desires and good fortune into your life.  Number 1007 is an auspicious number that embodies the ‘new’ with manifesting good fortune.  Remember to be grateful for all that the Universe provides.

Angel Number 1007 indicates that you are on the ‘right path’ in your life’s journey. If you have been feeling fearful or confused, the angels ask that you have faith in the direction and guidance you have been receiving intuitively as this is clearly telling you which direction to take.  Do not be afraid to take a step in a new or different direction. You have good reason to be optimistic about your chosen direction or path as the angels support and encourage you all aspects to do with your Divine life purpose and soul mission. It is time for you to be your authentic self and live accordingly.  Take action in the direction of your true desires.
The repeating Angel Number 1007 is a message encouraging you to listen to your intuition and higher-self and take appropriate action as only you can serve your soul mission and fulfill your destiny.  Take the steps needed to full serve your life purpose, even if it may seem a little unusual or strange to others.  Listen to your own heart about what you want and don’t want in your life. The angels encourage you to maintain a positive attitude and use positive affirmations in order to manifest your highest ideals and aspirations.  

Angel Number 1007 can also indicate that it is time to begin (or expand) a spiritually-based career, practice and/or profession.  It urges you to pursue your spiritual aspirations.  

The Universe and angels will ensure that all you require will be provided for you, and you will find success and fulfilment in the long-term.  Trust your own inner-wisdom, skills and abilities and use your talents to serve humanity and bring illumination to those who seek it.  

Shine your light brightly ...

Number 1007 also relates to number 8 (1+0+0+7=8) and Angel Number 8.

"A CNN crew visits the Kingdom Hall of Prince the Sunday after he 'passed away'."

"We expect Brother Nelson to be resurrected here on Earth, just like the Bible says, when Jehovah cleanses this Earth of all it's evil,there'll be a resurrection and we will welcome him back - and he'll be right [here] like flesh and blood, like you and me are talking here right now.

It's a deep, deep belief that we have."

The Elevator

And if DeElevator tries 2 break u down - Go Crazy.

Put ur HANDS UP!!

L.A. Reid Says Prince Thought Elevators 'Were the Devil', Finds Friend's Death 'Haunting'

by Jackie Willis     11:48AM EDT, April 22, 2016

Prince's friend L.A. Reid is pretty "spooked" that the 57-year-old musician was found dead in an elevator. 

The music executive revealed on CBS This Morning on Friday that Prince did not like elevators and pointed out that he even included the lyric, "Don't let the elevator bring us down," in the 1984 song, "Let's Go Crazy."

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EXCLUSIVE: Prince's Ex-Wife Manuela Testolini Is Building a School in His Memory -- 'I Will Always Love Him' 

Reid also recalled that Prince once brought up elevators to him in conversation. "One time when I was with him privately, he said, 'You know what the elevator is, right?' I said, 'No, what's the elevator?' He said, 'Well, the elevator is the devil,'" Reid shared. "It scared me. I don't like to talk like that, but he said that. So, for me, it was like really haunting when I read that he was found in an elevator."

On Thursday, Carver County Sheriff Jim Olson told ET that the legendary musician was found unresponsive in an elevator when officials responded to a call at Prince's Paisley Park Studios in Chanhassen, Minnesota, at 9:43 a.m.

WATCH: 7 Times Prince Proved He Was the Coolest Human Being on the Planet 

"First responders attempted to provide lifesaving CPR, but were unable to revive the victim," Olson said in a statement. "He was pronounced deceased at 10:07 a.m. He has been identified as Prince Rogers Nelson of Chanhassen."

Prince's autopsy is being conducted Friday, April 22, and while some are reporting that Prince suffered from a drug overdose just days before his death, Reid insisted that the musician led a healthy lifestyle. "I know he was really health conscious. He was a vegan. He didn't abuse alcohol," he said. "I didn't know him abusing drugs. He worked out."

EXCLUSIVE: Carmen Electra 'in Shock' Over Prince's Death -- 'I Didn't Think This Day Would Come' 

Reid added, "That also really concerned me because it made me think, wow, you do all these things to take care of yourself and you die so young. It's so frightening."

A number of other stars close to Prince have been sharing their stories and condolences following the music icon's death. Mariah Carey spoke to ET after hearing the news, saying, "It's such a loss that he's gone. I'll never get over it."

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Are we gonna let The DeElevator break us down...?

Oh no, Let's Go Crazy!!

But Him, They Saw Not

Sheila E appears fairly upbeat.

Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however impossible, must be the truth.

The State would not allow the family to incinerate his remains before establishing whether or not he was murdered - that's impossible.

So, that didn't happen.

"But their eyes were holden that they should not know him....

And when they found not his body, they came, saying, that they had also seen a vision of angels, which said that he was alive.

And certain of them which were with us went to the sepulchre, and found it even so as the women had said: 


9 And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him.

10 Then said Jesus unto them, Be not afraid: go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see me.

11 Now when they were going, behold, some of the watch came into the city, and shewed unto the chief priests all the things that were done.

12 And when they were assembled with the elders, and had taken counsel, they gave large money unto the soldiers,

13 Saying, Say ye, His disciples came by night, and stole him away while we slept.

14 And if this come to the governor's ears, we will persuade him, and secure you.

15 So they took the money, and did as they were taught: and this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day.

The New York Times

MINNEAPOLIS — Family and friends of Prince held a small, private funeral on Saturday after the music superstar’s body was cremated, his publicist, Yvette Noel-Schure, said in a statement.

“A few hours ago, Prince was celebrated by a small group of his most beloved: family, friends and his musicians, in a private, beautiful ceremony to say a loving goodbye,” Ms. Noel-Schure wrote in an email released on Saturday evening. “Prince’s remains have been cremated and their final storage will remain private.”

The pop and rock icon was found dead on Thursday morning in an elevator in his suburban Minneapolis compound, shocking his broad sea of friends and fans. Just a week earlier, the 57-year-old Prince had held two shows in Atlanta, and he appeared at a party at his estate, Paisley Park in Chanhassen, on the Saturday before his death, gleefully unveiling a new purple piano and guitar.

The Carver County authorities are investigating the cause of death, which may not be revealed for weeks as they await the results of toxicology scans taken during an autopsy done on Friday. Sheriff Jim Olson of Carver County said in a news conference on Friday that they did not believe murder or suicide were at play.

Paisley Park staff members found Prince collapsed in an elevator on the first floor of the estate, the authorities said. Medics tried to revive the musician, but he was ultimately declared dead at the scene, the authorities said.

The investigation is expected to closely examine Prince’s medical history, including the circumstances surrounding an emergency landing that his private jet made on the way back from his performances in Atlanta on April 14. About 48 minutes before reaching Minneapolis, the pilot asked air traffic controllers to allow them to make an emergency landing because of an unresponsive male on board, and the flight was diverted to Moline, Ill., according to an airport official there.

It remains unclear what caused Prince to become unconscious, but his publicist attributed the emergency to the flu.

Law enforcement officials said they would review local pharmaceutical records as part of their investigation, but they would not comment on reports that Prince may have been taking painkillers.

The mystery has left the world wondering about the collapse and death of someone who seemed so energetic and healthy.

If you saw him on Saturday, you wouldn’t suspect anything was wrong with him,” said Lars Larson, a former Paisley security guard who attended the party on April 16 as a spectator.

The grieving and celebration have been especially stark here in his hometown. The famed dance club First Avenue, which was featured in the movie “Purple Rain,” has held free parties in his honor since his death. A state senator said she planned to introduce a bill on Monday to make purple the official state color. Mayor Betsy Hodges called Prince “a child of the city.”

He was of us, and we were of him,” she said. “And he never left us. He stayed in the area.”