Thursday 9 July 2015

The Bombing of PanAm Flight 103: Case Not Closed By William Blum (March 2001)

The Bombing of PanAm Flight 103: Case Not Closed

By William Blum – Published March 2001

The newspapers were filled with pictures of happy relatives of the victims of the December 21, 1988 bombing of PanAm 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland. A Libyan, Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi, had been found guilty of the crime the day before, January 31, 2001, by a Scottish court in the Hague, though his co-defendant, Al Amin Khalifa Fhimah, was acquitted. At long last there was going to be some kind of closure for the families.
But what was wrong with this picture?
What was wrong was that the evidence against Megrahi was thin to the point of transparency. Coming the month after the (s)election of George W. Bush, the Hague verdict could have been dubbed Supreme Court II, another instance of non-judicial factors fatally clouding judicial reasoning. The three Scottish judges could not have relished returning to the United Kingdom after finding both defendants innocent of the murder of 270 people, largely from the U.K. and the United States. Not to mention having to face dozens of hysterical victims’ family members in the courtroom. The three judges also well knew the fervent desires of the White House and Downing Street as to the outcome. If both men had been acquitted, the United States and Great Britain would have had to answer for a decade of sanctions and ill will directed toward Libya.
One has to read the entire 26,000-word “Opinion of the Court”, as well as being very familiar with the history of the case going back to 1988, to appreciate how questionable was the judges’ verdict.
The key charge against Megrahi – the sine qua non – was that he placed explosives in a suitcase and tagged it so it would lead the following charmed life:
  1. loaded aboard an Air Malta flight to Frankfurt without an accompanying passenger;
  2. transferred in Frankfurt to the PanAm 103A flight to London without an accompanying passenger;
  3. transferred in London to the PanAm 103 flight to New York without an accompanying passenger.
To the magic bullet of the JFK assassination, can we now add the magic suitcase?
This scenario by itself would have been a major feat and so unlikely to succeed that any terrorist with any common sense would have found a better way. But aside from anything else, we have this – as to the first step, loading the suitcase at Malta: there was no witness, no video, no document, no fingerprints, nothing to tie Megrahi to the particular brown Samsonite suitcase, no past history of terrorism, no forensic evidence of any kind linking him or Fhimah to such an act.
And the court admitted it: “The absence of any explanation of the method by which the primary suitcase might have been placed on board KM180 [Air Malta] is a major difficulty for the Crown case.” 
Moreover, under security requirements in 1988, unaccompanied baggage was subjected to special X-ray examinations, plus – because of recent arrests in Germany – the security personnel in Frankfurt were on the lookout specifically for a bomb secreted in a radio, which turned out to indeed be the method used with the PanAm 103 bomb.
Requiring some sort of direct and credible testimony linking Megrahi to the bombing, the Hague court placed great – nay, paramount – weight upon the supposed identification of the Libyan by a shopkeeper in Malta, as the purchaser of the clothing found in the bomb suitcase. But this shopkeeper had earlier identified several other people as the culprit, including one who was a CIA agent.   When he finally identified Megrahi from a photo, it was after Megrahi’s photo had been in the world news for years. The court acknowledged the possible danger inherent in such a verification: “These identifications were criticised inter alia on the ground that photographs of the accused have featured many times over the years in the media and accordingly purported identifications more than 10 years after the event are of little if any value.” 
There were also major discrepancies between the shopkeeper’s original description of the clothes-buyer and Megrahi’s actual appearance. The shopkeeper told police that the customer was “six feet or more in height” and “was about 50 years of age.” Megrahi was 5’8” tall and was 36 in 1988. The judges again acknowledged the weakness of their argument by conceding that the initial description “would not in a number of respects fit the first accused [Megrahi]” and that “it has to be accepted that there was a substantial discrepancy.” 
Nevertheless, the judges went ahead and accepted the identification as accurate. Before the indictment of the two Libyans in Washington in November 1991, the press had reported police findings that the clothing had been purchased on November 23, 1988.   But the indictment of Megrahi states that he made the purchase on December 7. Can this be because the investigators were able to document Megrahi being in Malta (where he worked for Libya Airlines) on that date but cannot do so for November 23? 
There is also this to be considered – if the bomber needed some clothing to wrap up an ultra-secret bomb in a suitcase, would he go to a clothing store in the city where he planned to carry out his dastardly deed, where he knew he’d likely be remembered as an obvious foreigner, and buy brand new, easily traceable items? Would an intelligence officer – which Megrahi was alleged to be – do this? Or even a common boob? Wouldn’t it make more sense to use any old clothing, from anywhere?
Furthermore, after the world was repeatedly assured that these items of clothing were sold only on Malta, it was learned that at least one of the items was actually “sold at dozens of outlets throughout Europe, and it was impossible to trace the purchaser.” 
The “Opinion of the Court” placed considerable weight on the suspicious behavior of Megrahi prior to the fatal day, making much of his comings and goings abroad, phone calls to unknown parties for unknown reasons, the use of a pseudonym, etc. The three judges tried to squeeze as much mileage out of these events as they could, as if they had no better case to make. But if Megrahi was indeed a member of Libyan intelligence, we must consider that intelligence agents have been known to act in mysterious ways, for whatever assignment they’re on. The court, however, had no idea what assignment, if any, Megrahi was working on.
There is much more that is known about the case that makes the court verdict and written opinion questionable, although credit must be given the court for its frankness about what it was doing, even while it was doing it. “We are aware that in relation to certain aspects of the case there are a number of uncertainties and qualifications,” the judges wrote. “We are also aware that there is a danger that by selecting parts of the evidence which seem to fit together and ignoring parts which might not fit, it is possible to read into a mass of conflicting evidence a pattern or conclusion which is not really justified.” 
It is remarkable, given all that the judges conceded was questionable or uncertain in the trial – not to mention all that was questionable or uncertain that they didn’tconcede – that at the end of the day they could still declare to the world that “There is nothing in the evidence which leaves us with any reasonable doubt as to the guilt of [Megrahi]”. 
The Guardian of London later wrote that two days before the verdict, “senior Foreign Office officials briefed a group of journalists in London. They painted a picture of a bright new chapter in Britain’s relations with Colonel Gadafy’s regime. They made it quite clear they assumed both the Libyans in the dock would be acquitted. The Foreign Office officials were not alone. Most independent observers believed it was impossible for the court to find the prosecution had proved its case against Megrahi beyond reasonable doubt.” 

Alternative scenario

There is, moreover, an alternative scenario, laying the blame on Palestinians, Iran and Syria, which is much better documented and makes a lot more sense, logistically and otherwise.
Indeed, this was the Original Official Version, delivered with Olympian rectitude by the U.S. government – guaranteed, sworn to, scout’s honor, case closed – until the buildup to the Gulf War came along in 1990 and the support of Iran and Syria was needed.
Washington was anxious as well to achieve the release of American hostages held in Lebanon by groups close to Iran. Thus it was that the scurrying sound of backtracking became audible in the corridors of the White House.
Suddenly – or so it seemed – in October 1990, there was a New Official Version: It was Libya – the Arab state least supportive of the U.S. build-up to the Gulf War and the sanctions imposed against Iraq – that was behind the bombing after all, declared Washington.
The two Libyans were formally indicted in the U.S. and Scotland on Nov. 14, 1991.
“This was a Libyan government operation from start to finish,” declared the State Department spokesman. 
“The Syrians took a bum rap on this,” said President George H.W. Bush. 
Within the next 20 days, the remaining four American hostages were released along with the most prominent British hostage, Terry Waite.
The Original Official Version accused the PFLP-GC, a 1968 breakaway from a component of the Palestine Liberation Organization, of making the bomb and somehow placing it aboard the flight in Frankfurt.
The PFLP-GC was led by Ahmed Jabril, one of the world’s leading terrorists, and was headquartered in, financed by, and closely supported by, Syria. The bombing was allegedly done at the behest of Iran as revenge for the U.S. shooting down of an Iranian passenger plane over the Persian Gulf on July 3, 1988, which claimed 290 lives.
The support for this scenario was, and remains, impressive, as the following sample indicates:
In April 1989, the FBI – in response to criticism that it was bungling the investigation – leaked to CBS the news that it had tentatively identified the person who unwittingly carried the bomb aboard. His name was Khalid Jaafar, a 21-year-old Lebanese- American. The report said that the bomb had been planted in Jaafar’s suitcase by a member of the PFLP-GC, whose name was not revealed. 
In May, the State Department stated that the CIA was “confident” of the Iran-Syria-PFLP-GC account of events. 
On Sept. 20, The Times of London reported that “security officials from Britain, the United States and West Germany are ‘totally satisfied’ that it was the PFLP-GC” behind the crime.
In December 1989, Scottish investigators announced that they had “hard evidence” of the involvement of the PFLP-GC in the bombing. 
A National Security Agency electronic intercept disclosed that Ali Akbar Mohtashemi, Iranian interior minister, had paid Palestinian terrorists $10 million dollars to gain revenge for the downed Iranian airplane.  The intercept appears to have occurred in July 1988, shortly after the downing of the Iranian plane.
Israeli intelligence also intercepted a communication between Mohtashemi and the Iranian embassy in Beirut “indicating that Iran paid for the Lockerbie bombing.” 
Even after the Libyans had been indicted, Israeli officials declared that their intelligence analysts remained convinced that the PFLP-GC bore primary responsibility for the bombing. 
In 1992, Abu Sharif, a political adviser to PLO chairman Yasser Arafat, stated that the PLO had compiled a secret report which concluded that the bombing of 103 was the work of a “Middle Eastern country” other than Libya. 
In February 1995, former Scottish Office minister, Alan Stewart, wrote to the British Foreign Secretary and the Lord Advocate, questioning the reliability of evidence which had led to the accusations against the two Libyans. This move, wrote The Guardian, reflected the concern of the Scottish legal profession, reaching into the Crown Office (Scotland’s equivalent of the Attorney General’s Office), that the bombing may not have been the work of Libya, but of Syrians, Palestinians and Iranians. 
We must also ask why Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, writing in her 1993 memoirs about the US bombing of Libya in 1986, with which Britain had cooperated, stated: “But the much vaunted Libyan counter-attack did not and could not take place. Gaddafy had not been destroyed but he had been humbled. There was a marked decline in Libyan-sponsored terrorism in succeeding years.” 

Key Question

A key question in the PFLP-GC version has always been: How did the bomb get aboard the plane in Frankfurt, or at some other point? One widely disseminated explanation was in a report, completed during the summer of 1989 and leaked in the fall, which had been prepared by a New York investigating firm called Interfor. Headed by a former Israeli intelligence agent, Juval Aviv, Interfor – whose other clients included Fortune 500 companies, the FBI, IRS and Secret Service   – was hired by the law firm representing PanAm’s insurance carrier. The Interfor Report said that in the mid-1980s, a drug and arms smuggling operation was set up in various European cities, with Frankfurt airport as the site of one of the drug routes. The Frankfurt operation was run by Manzer Al-Kassar, a Syrian, the same man from whom Oliver North’s shadowy network purchased large quantities of arms for the contras. At the airport, according to the report, a courier would board a flight with checked luggage containing innocent items; after the luggage had passed all security checks, one or another accomplice Turkish baggage handler for PanAm would substitute an identical suitcase containing contraband; the passenger then picked up this suitcase upon arrival at the destination.
The only courier named by Interfor was Khalid Jaafar, who, as noted above, had been named by the FBI a few months earlier as the person who unwittingly carried the bomb aboard.
The Interfor report spins a web much too lengthy and complex to go into here. The short version is that the CIA in Germany discovered the airport drug operation and learned also that Kassar had the contacts to gain the release of American hostages in Lebanon. He had already done the same for French hostages. Thus it was, that the CIA and the German Bundeskriminalamt (BKA, Federal Criminal Office) allowed the drug operation to continue in hopes of effecting the release of American hostages. According to the report, this same smuggling ring and its method of switching suitcases at the Frankfurt airport were used to smuggle the fatal bomb aboard flight 103, under the eyes of the CIA and BKA.
In January 1990, Interfor gave three of the baggage handlers polygraphs and two of them were judged as being deceitful when denying any involvement in baggage switching. However, neither the U.S., UK or German investigators showed any interest in the results, or in questioning the baggage handlers. Instead, the polygrapher, James Keefe, was hauled before a Washington grand jury, and, as he puts it, “They were bent on destroying my credibility – not theirs” [the baggage handlers]. To Interfor, the lack of interest in the polygraph results and the attempt at intimidation of Keefe was the strongest evidence of a cover-up by the various government authorities who did not want their permissive role in the baggage switching to be revealed. 
Critics claimed that the Interfor report had been inspired by PanAm’s interest in proving that it was impossible for normal airline security to have prevented the loading of the bomb, thus removing the basis for accusing the airline of negligence.
The report was the principal reason PanAm’s attorneys subpoenaed the FBI, CIA, DEA, State Department, National Security Council, and NSA, as well as, reportedly, the Defense Intelligence Agency and FAA, to turn over all documents relating to the crash of 103 or to a drug operation preceding the crash. The government moved to quash the subpoenas on grounds of “national security”, and refused to turn over a single document in open court, although it gave some to a judge to view privately.
The judge later commented that he was “troubled about certain parts” of what he’d read, adding “I don’t know quite what to do because I think some of the material may be significant.” 

Drugs Revelation

On October 30, 1990, NBC-TV News reported that “PanAm flights from Frankfurt, including 103, had been used a number of times by the DEA as part of its undercover operation to fly informants and suitcases of heroin into Detroit as part of a sting operation to catch dealers in Detroit.”
The TV network reported that the DEA was looking into the possibility that a young man who lived in Michigan and regularly visited the Middle East may have unwittingly carried the bomb aboard flight 103. His name was Khalid Jaafar. “Unidentified law enforcement sources” were cited as saying that Jaafar had been a DEA informant and was involved in a drug-sting operation based out of Cyprus. The DEA was investigating whether the PFLP-GC had tricked Jaafar into carrying a suitcase containing the bomb instead of the drugs he usually carried.
The NBC report quoted an airline source as saying: “Informants would put [suit]cases of heroin on the PanAm flights apparently without the usual security checks, through an arrangement between the DEA and German authorities.” 
These revelations were enough to inspire a congressional hearing, held in December, entitled, “Drug Enforcement Administration’s Alleged Connection to the PanAm Flight 103 Disaster”.
The chairman of the committee, Cong. Robert Wise (Dem., W. VA.), began the hearing by lamenting the fact that the DEA and the Department of Justice had not made any of their field agents who were most knowledgeable about flight 103 available to testify; that they had not provided requested written information, including the results of the DEA’s investigation into the air disaster; and that “the FBI to this date has been totally uncooperative”.
The two DEA officials who did testify admitted that the agency had, in fact, run “controlled drug deliveries” through Frankfurt airport with the cooperation of German authorities, using U.S. airlines, but insisted that no such operation had been conducted in December 1988. (The drug agency had said nothing of its sting operation to the President’s Commission on Aviation Security and Terrorism which had held hearings in the first months of 1990 in response to the 103 bombing.)
The officials denied that the DEA had had any “association with Mr. Jaafar in any way, shape, or form.” However, to questions concerning Jaafar’s background, family, and his frequent trips to Lebanon, they asked to respond only in closed session. They made the same request in response to several other questions. 
NBC News had reported on October 30 that the DEA had told law enforcement officers in Detroit not to talk to the media about Jaafar.
The hearing ended after but one day, even though Wise had promised a “full-scale” investigation and indicated during the hearing that there would be more to come. What was said in the closed sessions remains closed. 
One of the DEA officials who testified, Stephen Greene, had himself had a reservation on flight 103, but he canceled because of one or more of the several international warnings that had preceded the fateful day. He has described standing on the Heathrow tarmac, watching the doomed plane take off. 
There have been many reports of heroin being found in the field around the crash, from “traces” to “a substantial quantity” found in a suitcase.   Two days after the NBC report, however, the New York Times quoted a “federal official” saying that “no hard drugs were aboard the aircraft.”

The film

In 1994, American filmmaker Allan Francovich completed a documentary, “The Maltese Double Cross”, which presents Jaafar as an unwitting bomb carrier with ties to the DEA and the CIA. Showings of the film in Britain were canceled under threat of law suits, venues burglarized or attacked by arsonists. When Channel 4 agreed to show the film, the Scottish Crown Office and the U.S. Embassy in London sent press packs to the media, labeling the film “blatant propaganda” and attacking some of the film’s interviewees, including Juval Aviv the head of Interfor.   Aviv paid a price for his report and his outspokenness. Over a period of time, his New York office suffered a series of break-ins, the FBI visited his clients, his polygrapher was harassed, as mentioned above, and a contrived commercial fraud charge was brought against him. Even though Aviv eventually was cleared in court, it was a long, expensive, and painful ordeal. 
Francovich also stated that he had learned that five CIA operatives had been sent to London and Cyprus to discredit the film while it was being made, that his office phones were tapped, that staff cars were sabotaged, and that one of his researchers narrowly escaped an attempt to force his vehicle into the path of an oncoming truck. 
Government officials examining the Lockerbie bombing went so far as to ask the FBI to investigate the film. The Bureau later issued a highly derogatory opinion of it. 
The film’s detractors made much of the fact that the film was initially funded jointly by a UK company (two-thirds) and a Libyan government investment arm (one-third). Francovich said that he was fully aware of this and had taken pains to negotiate a guarantee of independence from any interference.
On April 17, 1997, Allan Francovich suddenly died of a heart attack at age 56, upon arrival at Houston Airport.   His film has had virtually no showings in the United States.

Abu Talb

The DEA sting operation and Interfor’s baggage-handler hypothesis both predicate the bomb suitcase being placed aboard the plane in Frankfurt without going through the normal security checks. In either case, it eliminates the need for the questionable triple-unaccompanied baggage scenario. With either scenario the clothing could still have been purchased in Malta, but in any event we don’t need the Libyans for that.
Mohammed Abu Talb fits that and perhaps other pieces of the puzzle. The Palestinian had close ties to PFLP-GC cells in Germany which were making Toshiba radio-cassette bombs, similar, if not identical, to what was used to bring down 103. In October 1988, two months before Lockerbie, the German police raided these cells, finding several such bombs. In May 1989, Talb was arrested in Sweden, where he lived, and was later convicted of taking part in several bombings of the offices of American airline companies in Scandinavia. In his Swedish flat, police found large quantities of clothing made in Malta.
Police investigation of Talb disclosed that during October 1988 he had been to Cyprus and Malta, at least once in the company of Hafez Dalkamoni, the leader of the German PFLP-GC, who was arrested in the raid. The men met with PFLP-GC members who lived in Malta. Talb was also in Malta on November 23, which was originally reported as the date of the clothing purchase before the indictment of the Libyans, as mentioned earlier.
After his arrest, Talb told investigators that between October and December 1988 he had retrieved and passed to another person a bomb that had been hidden in a building used by the PFLP-GC in Germany. Officials declined to identify the person to whom Talb said he had passed the bomb. A month later, however, he recanted his confession.
Talb was reported to possess a brown Samsonite suitcase and to have circled December 21 in a diary seized in his Swedish flat. After the raid upon his flat, his wife was heard to telephone Palestinian friends and say: “Get rid of the clothes.”
In December 1989, Scottish police, in papers filed with Swedish legal officials, made Talb the only publicly identified suspect “in the murder or participation in the murder of 270 people”; the Palestinian subsequently became another of the several individuals to be identified by the Maltese shopkeeper from a photo as the clothing purchaser.   Since that time, the world has scarcely heard of Abu Talb, who was sentenced to life in prison in Sweden, but never charged with anything to do with Lockerbie.
In Allan Francovich’s film, members of Khalid Jaafar’s family – which long had ties to the drug trade in Lebanon’s notorious Bekaa Valley – are interviewed. In either halting English or translated Arabic, or paraphrased by the film’s narrator, they drop many bits of information, but which are difficult to put together into a coherent whole. Amongst the bits … Khalid had told his parents that he’d met Talb in Sweden and had been given Maltese clothing … someone had given Khalid a tape recorder, or put one into his bag … he was told to go to Germany to friends of PFLP-GC leader Ahmed Jabril who would help him earn some money … he arrived in Germany with two kilos of heroin … “He didn’t know it was a bomb. They gave him the drugs to take to Germany. He didn’t know. Who wants to die?” …
It can not be stated with certainty what happened at Frankfurt airport on that fateful day, if, as seems most likely, that is the place where the bomb was placed into the system. Either Jaafar, the DEA courier, arrived with his suitcase of heroin and bomb and was escorted through security by the proper authorities, or this was a day he was a courier for Manzer al-Kassar, and the baggage handlers did their usual switch. Or perhaps we’ll never know for sure what happened.
On February 16, 1990, a group of British relatives of Lockerbie victims went to the American Embassy in London for a meeting with members of the President’s Commission on Aviation Security and Terrorism. After the meeting, Britisher Martin Cadman was chatting with two of the commission members. He later reported what one of them had said to him: “Your government and our government know exactly what happened at Lockerbie. But they are not going to tell you.” 

Comments about the Hague Court verdict

“The judges nearly agreed with the defense. In their verdict, they tossed out much of the prosecution witnesses’ evidence as false or questionable and said the prosecution had failed to prove crucial elements, including the route that the bomb suitcase took.” – New York Times analysis
“It sure does look like they bent over backwards to find a way to convict, and you have to assume the political context of the case influenced them.” – Michael Scharf, professor, New England School of Law
“I thought this was a very, very weak circumstantial case. I am absolutely astounded, astonished. I was extremely reluctant to believe that any Scottish judge would convict anyone, even a Libyan, on the basis of such evidence.” – Robert Black, Scottish law professor who was the architect of the Hague trial
“A general pattern of the trial consisted in the fact that virtually all people presented by the prosecution as key witnesses were proven to lack credibility to a very high extent, in certain cases even having openly lied to the court.”
“While the first accused was found ‘guilty’, the second accused was found ‘not guilty’. … This is totally incomprehensible for any rational observer when one considers that the indictment in its very essence was based on the joint action of the two accused in Malta.”
“As to the undersigned’s knowledge, there is not a single piece of material evidence linking the two accused to the crime. In such a context, the guilty verdict in regard to the first accused appears to be arbitrary, even irrational. … This leads the undersigned to the suspicion that political considerations may have been overriding a strictly judicial evaluation of the case … Regrettably, through the conduct of the Court, disservice has been done to the important cause of international criminal justice.” – Hans Koechler, appointed as an international observer of the Lockerbie Trial by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan
So, let’s hope that Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi is really guilty. It would be a terrible shame if he spends the rest of his life in prison because back in 1990 Washington’s hegemonic plans for the Middle East needed a convenient enemy, which just happened to be his country.
This essay is a chapter in the book, Everything You Know Is Wrong, a sequel to the book You Are Being Lied To. Both books are published by Disinformation Books.


  1. “Opinion of the Court”, Par. 39 
  2. Mark Perry, Eclipse: The Last Days of the CIA (Wm. Morrow, New York, 1992), pp.342-7. 
  3. “Opinion of the Court”, Par. 55 
  4. “Opinion of the Court”, Par. 68 
  5. See, e.g., Sunday Times (London), Nov. 12, 1989, p.3. 
  6. For a detailed discussion of this issue see, “A Special Report from Private Eye: Lockerbie the Flight from Justice”, May/June 2001, pp.20-22; Private Eye is a magazine published in London. 
  7. Sunday Times (London), December 17, 1989, p.14.  Malta is, in fact, a major manufacturer of clothing sold throughout the world. 
  8. “Opinion of the Court”, Par. 89 
  9. Ibid. 
  10. The Guardian (London), June 19, 2001 
  11. New York Times, Nov. 15, 1991 
  12. Los Angeles Times, Nov. 15, 1991 
  13. New York Times, April 13, 1989, p.9; David Johnston, Lockerbie: The Tragedy of Flight 103 (New York, 1989), pp.157, 161-2. 
  14. Washington Post, May 11, 1989, p. 1 
  15. New York Times, December 16, 1989, p.3. 
  16. Department of the Air Force – Air Intelligence Agency intelligence summary report, March 4, 1991, released under a FOIA request made by lawyers for PanAm. Reports of the intercept appeared in the press long before the above document was released; see, e.g., New York Times, Sept. 27, 1989, p.11; October 31, 1989, p.8; Sunday Times, October 29, 1989, p.4. But it wasn’t until Jan. 1995 that the exact text became widely publicized and caused a storm in the UK, although ignored in the U.S. 
  17. The Times (London), September 20, 1989, p.1 
  18. New York Times, November 21, 1991, p.14.  It should be borne in mind, however, that Israel may have been influenced because of its hostility toward the PFLP-GC. 
  19. The Guardian, Feb. 24, 1995, p.7 
  20. Reuters dispatch, datelined Tunis, Feb. 26, 1992 
  21. Margaret Thatcher, The Downing Street Years (New York, 1993), pp.448-9. 
  22. National Law Journal, Sept. 25, 1995, p.A11, from papers filed in a New York court case. 
  23. Barron’s (New York), December 17, 1990, pp.19,22.  A copy of the Interfor Report is in the author’s possession, but he has been unable to locate a complete copy of it on the Internet. 
  24. Barron’s, op. cit., p.18. 
  25. The Times (London), November 1, 1990, p.3; Washington Times, October 31, 1990, p.3 
  26. Government Information, Justice, and Agriculture Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, December 18, 1990, passim. 
  27. Ibid. 
  28. The film, “The Maltese Double Cross” (see below). 
  29. Sunday Times (London), April 16, 1989 (traces); Johnston, op. cit., p.79 (substantial).  ”The Maltese Double Cross” film mentions other reports of drugs found, by a Scottish policeman and a mountain rescue man. 
  30. Financial Times (London), May 12, 1995, p.8 and article by John Ashton, leading 103 investigator, in The Mail on Sunday (London), June 9, 1996. 
  31. Ashton, op. cit.; Wall Street Journal, December 18, 1995, p.1, and December 18, 1996, p.B2 
  32. The Guardian (London), April 23, 1994, p.5 
  33. Sunday Times (London), May 7, 1995. 
  34. Francovich’s former wife told the author that he had not had any symptoms of a heart problem before.  However, the author also spoke to Dr. Cyril Wecht, of JFK “conspiracy” fame, who performed an autopsy on Francovich.  Wecht stated that he found no reason to suspect foul play. 
  35. Re: Abu Talb, all 1989: New York Times, Oct. 31, p.1, Dec. 1, p.12, Dec. 24, p.1; Sunday Times (London), Nov. 12, p.3, December 5; The Times (London), Dec. 21, p.5.  Also The Associated Press, July 11, 2000 
  36. Cadman in “The Maltese Double Cross”.  Also see The Guardian, July 29, 1995, p.27 
  37. New York Times, Feb. 2, 2001 
  38. Ibid. 
  39. Electronic Telegraph UK News, February 4, 2001 
  40. All quotations are from Koechler’s report of February 3, 2001, easily found on the Internet

The "Get LaRouche" Taskforce

The John Train “Salon” Delivered Perjured Testimony in the “Get LaRouche” Trials

Among the crucial evidence illegally withheld from defense attorneys in both the Boston and Alexandria federal prosecutions of Lyndon LaRouche and associates was a June 26, 1986 FBI memorandum from the SAC Boston to the FBI Director. The document was only released, in redacted form, on April 5, 1991, as the result of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed by LaRouche.
The documents is now on file with the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Va. as part of the 2255 motion still pending on appeal.
The FBI memo constituted another critical piece of evidence of the role of the John Train "salon" in not only orchestrating a government-linked slander campaign against LaRouche, but in also foisting perjured testimony for use by federal prosecutors. The withholding of the document constituted yet another instance of fraud upon the court by federal attorneys. Had the three-page FBI memo been made available to defense attorneys in Boston or Alexandria, many of the most important prosecution witnesses—all former LaRouche associates—would have been hopelessly discredited as witting perjurers, in some cases exposed as "victims" of "deprogramming" and other forms of behavior modification carried out by federal agents, by the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (ADL), by the ADL-allied nationwide kidnap-for-hire ring, Cult Awareness Network (CAN), and by key players in the Train salon, including NBC-TV producer Pat Lynch and Dennis King.
The FBI document revealed that: "Over the past three months, through contacts developed by the UNITED STATES ATTORNEY'S (USA'S) OFFICE, Boston, and Bureau OCPA, Boston has identified a series of disaffected former LAROUCHE insiders who have tentatively expressed their willingness to provide information....
"On June 22, 1986, Assistant United States Attorney (AUSA) JOHN J. MARKHAM was introduced to one of these cooperating disaffected LAROUCHE members, [next ten lines of text redacted]
"From this contact [redacted] and from interviewing several other former LAROUCHE supporters, Boston feels that it is fair to characterize them as deprogrammed members of a cult."
The reference to "Bureau OCPA" as a source of the "disaffected former LAROUCHE insiders" provided another critical piece of evidence withheld by Boston and Alexandria prosecutors. The FBI's Office of Congressional and Public Affairs, headed by Assistant FBI Director William Baker, had been contacted on April 2, 1986 by NBC-TV producer Lynch and provided with information about prospective witnesses against LaRouche who could be produced for a then-ongoing Boston federal grand jury. The Lynch call was memorialized in a memo dated April 4, 1986 from ASAC Edward W. Ludemann to SAC Boston. That document was also withheld from defense attorneys and only declassified on April 17, 1991 as the result of the same LaRouche FOIA case. It, too, is now on file at the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals.
NBC-TV producer Pat Lynch was a pivotal participant in the John Train salon sessions, as was New York City "journalist" and paid ADL informant Dennis King. Both attended the initial April 23, 1983 gathering of the Train-assembled collection of 25 journalists, ADL officials and government agents, where a string of libelous slanders against LaRouche was mapped out. At the first of the three known Train salon meetings, Train personally helped arrange financing for King's booklength slander of LaRouche via the League for Industrial Democracy (LID) and the U.S. intelligence-linked Smith-Richardson Foundation. As a direct outgrowth of the Train gathering, Lynch produced the March 1984 20-minute "First Camera" TV news magazine slander of LaRouche, which provided pretext-cover for the FBI's launching of a national security probe of the LaRouche organization under the guidelines of Executive Order 12333.
The first formal activation of the national security probe of LaRouche came at the January 15, 1983 meeting of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB), where three close allies of Henry Kissinger—Edward Bennett Williams, David Abshire and Leo Cherne—all pressed for a formal probe of LaRouche on the phony grounds that LaRouche had suspected hostile foreign intelligence ties.
The Train salon "active measures" propaganda campaign was instigated as part of the PFIAB effort, a fact corroborated by the presence of PFIAB consultant Roy Godson at at least one of the three known Train meetings. According to two other participants, the Train salon sessions were also attended by other unnamed government agents, believed to be representing the FBI and the IRS. The PFIAB discussion of LaRouche was itself the outgrowth of five months of intensive personal lobbying by Henry Kissinger, who first approached FBI Director William Webster to launch a pretext prosecution of LaRouche in July 1982 at the annual meeting of the Bohemian Grove. The evidence of the Kissinger-Webster correspondence was never provided to LaRouche attorneys by government prosecutors, despite its obvious exculpatory nature. It, too, was only declassified and released via FOIA suits.
Despite evidence eventually produced regarding the PFIAB meeting and eyewitness accounts of the John Train salon sessions, throughout the federal prosecutions, government attorneys denied that there ever was an E.O. 12333 probe of LaRouche. However, on July 6, 1989, once again as the result of an FOIA suit, the FBI finally acknowledged that it had maintained an entire investigative file on the LaRouche organization that remained classified under E.O. 12333. Under E.O. 12333, which only dealt with foreign counterintelligence and international terrorism, not even the case number of the investigation could be declassified. LaRouche attorneys had contended during the Boston and Alexandria trials that the government had run unjustified national security probes of LaRouche as a means of illegally disrupting the legitimate political activities of LaRouche and his political association. The contents of the E.O. 12333 files on LaRouche and associates are still classified to this day. 
Defector and Grand Jury Data
Following the contact with FBI Deputy Director Baker, but prior to the June 26, 1986 FBI memo, Lynch and King collaborated to pen a lengthy smear, which was published in the Wall Street Journal on May 27, 1986. The article was based on confidential Boston federal grand jury material that should never have been made available to Lynch and King. It was also based on interviews with two of the LaRouche organization "defectors," who would later play pivotal roles in the federal and state prosecutions.
The two "defectors," Konstanin Kalimtgis and Charles Tate, were identified in the articles by pseudonyms, but the content of their interviews, the descriptions provided by King and Lynch, and their subsequent role in the prosecutions, made their identities evident to LaRouche attorneys.
The Lynch-King Wall Street Journal "story," one of a dozen major media slanders against LaRouche that were commissioned at the Train salon sessions, attended by U.S. government officials as well as reporters and at least one ADL employee, Mira Lansky Boland, provided nearly verbatim formulations that would be used by federal and state prosecutors in Boston, Alexandria, New York City and Roanoke.
Tate, Kalimtgis, and a third former LaRouche associate, Steven Bardwell, would provide government agents with access to a score of ex-members of various LaRouche organizations who would be screened and subjected to intensive psychological conditioning by government specialists as well as agents of the purportedly "private" organization, CAN. The result would be a pattern of knowingly perjured testimony by these former LaRouche associates at all of the subsequent grand juries and trials. 
Train Salon Spawned Halloween Party
On October 6, 1986, 400 federal, state, and county police descended on Leesburg, Va. ostensibly to serve two search warrants and four arrest warrants against longtime LaRouche associates. FBI officials, as well as Loudoun County deputy sheriff Donald Moore, attempted unsuccessfully to get U.S. Attorney's authorization for a search of a farm outside of Leesburg where Lyndon LaRouche was then residing.
Slightly more than three weeks after the raid, approximately 40 of the former LaRouche associates gathered at the Hastings-on-Hudson, New York home of Steven and Gail Bardwell. The guest of honor at the Halloween party was Kalimtgis, who flew in from Florida for the event. According to one eyewitness account, the purpose of the party, as spelled out in a several-page invitation and handout provided to all attendees, was to line up witnesses for the pending trial of the LaRouche organization in federal court in Boston.
The Halloween event was a direct outgrowth of the Train salon. It was the sources drawn together by Lynch, King and the ADL—on behalf of the PFIAB-ordered E.O. 12333 "active measures" campaign against LaRouche and associates—who organized the event and played the pivotal role in lining up new witnesses for the prosecution. By the time the Halloween party took place, a number of the "insider" witnesses had already been brought before the Boston grand jury.
Bolstering the eyewitness account was a series of handouts distributed to all of the party guests. One of the handouts, marked "GAME ONE," was labeled "Pin the Rap on LaRouche." It read:
"BACKGROUND: Lyndon H. LaRouche (aka L. Marcus) has been implicated in a worldwide confidence scheme involving a Panamanian drug-runner. Many of his shells (NCLC: dba USLP, EAP, LODF, COL, etc.) have been indicted by federal prosecutors. One of these prosecutors who has high hopes of burying the undead, will be taking testimony.
"RULES: You have one minute before the cameras to testify as to the single most serious crime committed by L. LaRouche.
"OBJECTIVE: ... to further the career objectives of the prosecutor who is serious about burying the undead."
One of the former LaRouche associates, Mark Stahlman, did in fact videotape the "party." Eyewitnesses reported that Kalimtgis, one of the "sources" for the Train salon-foisted Lynch-King Wall Street Journal story, spoke individually with all of the party guests, sizing up their willingness to cooperate with AUSA Markham in the Boston and later Alexandria prosecutions.
Yet, when attorneys representing LaRouche in the federal trial in Boston attempted to interrogate government witnesses Tate and the two Bardwells about the Halloween event, all three suffered memory lapses and claimed alternately that the Stahlman videotape had been destroyed, or that the videotaping had never taken place.
Nevertheless, the evidence presented to the jury about the Halloween session had a significant impact on the jurors. After over 90 days of trial, interrupted by a judge's order for a renewed search of government files for exculpatory evidence withheld during the pre-trial proceedings, the Boston trial ended in a mistrial. Jurors, stung by the government's abuse of prosecution, polled themselves after being dismissed, and convened a press conference to announce that they would have acquitted all the defendants on all 124 counts in the indictment. The jurors had been convinced that if any crimes had been committed, they were committed by the government against the LaRouche movement.
Six months after the Boston mistrial, through fraudulent means, the government had shifted the case to Alexandria, Va. under a "new" indictment. Throughout the Alexandria trial, Federal District Court Judge Albert V. Bryan, Jr. blocked defense attorneys from pursuing questions about the Halloween party, claiming that brief testimony by Charles Tate was sufficient to show the jury that there was malice towards the defendants. 
Malice or Witness Tampering?
Yet, what the June 26, 1986 FBI memorandum, which was withheld from defense attorneys, showed, was that the Halloween party participants were not merely hostile to the LaRouche movement. According to the FBI document, the witnesses were officially considered "deprogrammed members of a cult."
The FBI formulation was a straightforward admission that the "insider" witnesses had been tampered with, via aversive behavior modification techniques broadly labeled "deprogramming." For the most part, the tracking and initial conditioning of the "defector" witnesses was handled by participants in the Train salon, including Lynch, who was already in active contact with the Cult Awareness Network, a nationwide kidnapping and deprogramming outfit, at the time of the 1984 LaRouche civil suit versus NBC and the ADL.
Beginning in September 1992, details of the "deprogramming" effort began to surface with the indictments of CAN operator Galen Kelly, Loudoun County deputy sheriff Donald Moore and several others, on charges they plotted to kidnap LaRouche associate Lewis du Pont Smith, an heir to the DuPont family fortune. Smith's father, Newbold Smith, was one of the individuals indicted.
Although Kelly, Moore, Smith and the others were acquitted on the conspiracy case, Kelly and Moore were later convicted of kidnapping in another case. Kelly is in jail and Moore is awaiting sentencing.
The CAN prosecutions unearthed details of the "deprogramming" techniques used by such individuals as deputy sheriff Moore and Galen Kelly to "prepare" witnesses for the LaRouche trials in Boston and Alexandria. The methods included sleep deprivation, encounter sessions, sensory deprivation, physical and sexual abuse. 
Chain of Command Under E.O. 12333
The slander and witness-tampering efforts of the John Train-led salon were sanctioned by the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, under the pretext of Executive Order 12333, giving government intelligence agencies extra-legal authority to deal with foreign intelligence agents and international terrorists. The guidelines were wittingly abused under heavy pressure from Henry Kissinger personally.
Wall Street broker and Anglophile intelligence operator John Train took charge of key aspects of the propaganda and witness tampering in the Get LaRouche drive beginning in April 1983, working in league with the Project Democracy apparatus inside the Reagan-Bush administration. Train operated under the illegally invoked umbrella of Executive Order 12333.
Through key salon figures including NBC-TV producer Pat Lynch, and with financial backing of tax exempt foundations later implicated in the entire Iran-Contra "secret parallel government," such as the Smith-Richardson Foundation and the Mellon-Scaife funds, Train oversaw the recruiting and "aversive conditioning" of key "insider" witnesses who appeared at every subsequent LaRouche-linked trial.
Evidence detailing this top-down frameup was systematically withheld from defense attorneys, constituting a serious case of fraud upon the court.

It's Just Identity Politics Gone Mad...

Oh, please tell me they're joking...

...I've always made fun of the fact that they always seem to add an extra letter onto the catch-all Gay acronym every 5 years, but this.... This is just taking the piss.

Sir Humphrey Appleby: "Minister, Britain has had the same foreign policy objective for at least the last 500 years:

To create a disunited Europe.

In that cause we have fought with the Dutch against the Spanish, with the Germans against the French, with the French and Italians against the Germans, and with the French against the Germans and Italians.

Divide and rule, you see.

Why should we change now, when it's worked so well?

James Hacker: That's all ancient history, surely.

Sir Humphrey Appleby: Yes, and current policy.

We had to break the whole thing up, so we had to get inside.

We tried to break it up from the outside, but that wouldn't work.

Now that we're inside we can make a complete pig's breakfast of the whole thing!

Set the Germans against the French, the French against the Italians, the Italians against the Dutch.

The Foreign Office is terribly pleased; it's just like old times!

James Hacker: Surely we're all committed to the European ideal...?

Sir Humphrey Appleby: Really, Minister. [laughs]

James Hacker: If not, why are we pushing for an increase in the membership?

Sir Humphrey Appleby: Well, for the same reason.

It's just like the United Nations, in fact.

The more members it has, the more arguments it can stir up.

The more futile and impotent it becomes.

James Hacker: What appalling cynicism.

Sir Humphrey Appleby: Yes. 

We call it diplomacy, Minister."

It's just Cultural Marxism gone mad.

Transvestites and Lesbians are mortal enemies, and many militant lesbians despise and resent gay men as being disease carrying wastrels and scumbags who bring them nothing but grief, politically.

And they hate Disco, too.

Militant Lesbian lawyers were in the vanguard in California in the 80s, leading the struggle to make AIDS and HIV infection non-reportable, and I can prove it.

They were doing everything they could to ensure it spread as widely as possible throughout the consolidated (male) gay community and kill as many as possible, because they hate men and think they're all rapists and potential child molesters - read "Intercourse" by Andrea Dworkin.

They were the ones who came up with the doctrine of "My disease has Civil Rights" and "HIV is part of my identity as a gay man", which idiots like Stephen Fry still espouse to this day, whilst also claiming that there were to be an epidemic of up to 2 million heterosexual cases of AIDS expected in the U.S. in the next 10 years, which was a lie they made up to get Federal Funding for "treatment" and prevention.

It's just Cultural Marxism gone mad.

Some People Have Strange Ideas About Queer Culture.

EXAMPLE : Mr Lyndon H. Larouche Jr.

LaRouche: Aristotle is the root of the evil we confront today

From EIR September 13, 1991.
Lyndon LaRouche made the following remarks in a taped message to the annual conference of the International Caucus of Labor Committees on Aug. 31.
"The cult of Buggery vs. Cusa and Kepler
Let' s situate the problem in terms of science as such.

What we call modern science-that is, the idea of an integrated, comprehensive mathematical physics, or physical science, began during the second quarter of the 15th century-we might say, in effect, at about the time of the 1439 Council of Florence. From inside science itself, the policy and perspective, the Christian Platonic approach to science typified by the work of Cusa, who is the virtual founder of modern science, by Leonardo da Vinci, and by followers such as Kepler, was essentially uncontested, that is, within science itself, up until about the beginning of the 17th century; and after that period, the foundations of science laid by, principally, Cusa, Leonardo da Vinci, and Kepler, were continued by people such as Desargues, Fermat, Huygens, Leibniz, the Bernoullis. and so forth. into Monge and Poncelet, Riemann, Gauss, and Cantor, in the l9th century.

The problem on which we should focus, both in science-that is, the problem of lack of understanding of what the cold fusion experiments signify, the crisis in science, the epistemological crisis in science prompted by the cold fusion experiments- results, and the witch-hunt itself-both go back to something which happened essentially during the 17th century in England and France. On the British side, the problem was the establishment of what became known as British empiricism by a group of Rosicrucian cultists associated with Francis Bacon, Thomas Hobbes, Elias Ashmole (the founder of British Freemasonry), John Locke and, of course, including Isaac Newton.

These people introduced an anti-Renaissance, what was considered at that period an anti-science, Aristotelian method, which was infused in a very peculiar with one element. This element was the introduction into science of what became known as empiricism, but was originally the central feature of the most notorious, sexually perverted religious cult in the history of medieval Europe - that is, the Cathar, Bogomil, or Bugger cult from the district of southern France associated with Albi and Toulouse.

The same thing happened in France itself. Buggery, in the form of the influence of this cult upon science, manifested itself in the work of Rene Descartes, particularly in Descartes's notion of deus ex machina. This established Cartesianism as a form of Buggery which has been traditional in French science and poisoning it or buggering it to the present day. This is quite literally the case: a Rosicrucian cult (which featured alchemy as one of its claims to fame), which was Aristotelian, cabbalistic, and Bugger (that is, it featured this split between spirit and flesh, as the new materialistic doctrine), which is characteristic of the Buggery cult of south France, of the Rhone district and Albi-Toulouse centuries earlier.

This cult merits a little bit of attention just so we know what we're talking about. Most people don't know this.

Before Christianity, there were established some very vicious cults in the area near Babylon: Oriental cults. These cults led to the various manifestations of a particular form of cult called Manicheanism.
Now, one of these Manichean cults was situated in the eastern part of Turkey in the mountainous areas. For a while, this cult was used - it was a very vicious, bloody-handed cult - by the Caliphate against the Byzantine Empire. Later, according to Gibbon and others, a Byzantine Emperor called Constantine Copronymous took the cult, transplanted it or a good part of it from eastern Anatolia and stuck it in what was then Thrace, which is today modern Bulgaria. This cult was given the position of guarding the northern borders of the Byzantine Empire against these Slavs who were coming down into the area at the time.

As a result, as the cult became embedded there, sponsored by the Byzantine Empire, no less, the cult took a Slavic name, and became known as not only the Cathars, but also the Bogomils. The cult was spread by Venetian bankers working on behalf of the Byzantine Empire, into the south of France, where it was known variously thus, as the Bogomil cult, which is what the Bulgarian branch of the cult called itself, the Cathars, which all called themselves, that is, the Cathars, the "pure," or the purified, and it was also known in France as the Bulgarian cult. So we had the French les bougres, which was translated into English for the convenience of the English speaker, as "the Buggers."
Now, because of this cult's peculiar sexual perversion - that is, the belief that a man putting semen into a woman to impregnate her, was propagating the flesh, and that was evil - it resorted to various other kinds of sexual recreation and thus the name "Bugger" in English became associated with what it has become associated with in English to this day.
So quite literally, Francis Bacon and his tribe buggered science and the result of this was empiricism.
And a similar thing happened in France, in the form of the cult of Descartes, of Cartesianism.
This cult, this pseudo-alchemic cult called "Rosicrucian" during that period, and later called Freemasonic (based on the Freemasonic orders which were spun out of Rosicrucianism by people such as Elias Ashmole, Bacon, Hobbes, Locke and so forth), has been the dominant influence in what is called (or was called partly during the 17th century and more so during the 18th century), "the Enlightenment."
The characteristic of the Enlightenment is that it was anti-Renaissance, and that it promoted materialism. Now, let's look exactly at what that means, and how that affects the kind of problem in science we're dealing with in cold fusion today, how the two things intersect. First, as I said, we'll look, from the scientific side, at the epistemological crisis, and secondly, let's look at it from the standpoint of the cult aspect of the crisis.
The Platonic method
In reality, what we call "modern science" is a highly subjective business. People who run around talking about "objective science" really show that they don't know much about the history of science.
What do we do in science?
Well, science is something which can happen only to a human being - or human beings. Only human beings, as distinct from any other kind of animal, can change the behavior of the human species to such effect, that we not only change our behavior, but through these changes, we increase the potential population-density and the quality of development of the members of the species.
By testing the results of our changes, or our methods of making these changes, against their effects in terms of increase of potential population density, we are using nature, or testing our ability to increase our power over nature, and using that kind of experiment to determine whether the method we are using to make these changes is a sound method (not necessarily a perfect method, but a sound one). And thus science is based on testing not particular experiments, not whether A causes B; but what science actually tests is whether the method we used to attempt to understand the relationship between A and B, and to generate successive ideas above A and B, whether that method, by virtue of the fact that it leads to increases in the potential population-density of mankind, is an effective method.
By method, we mean what Plato called the principle of hypothesis, or the higher hypothesis. And Plato also referred to things such as improving the higher hypothesis, which is known as hypothesizing the higher hypothesis. (Much of this material, I should note incidentally, is the subject of a very special campaign paper on science policy, which I hope will be issued in the not-too-distant future, so you can refer to that as the time comes to do so, but in the meantime, just to indicate what we're doing here.) The result is that science represents, thus, mind over matter. It represents man's creative powers of mind, the powers of valid creative scientific discovery, or the powers of creation in classical musical composition-not in rock, but in classical musical composition. These powers of the human mind exert power over the lawful ordering of the universe through scientific and technological progress, as manifest by the increase of man's power per capita over the universe, as measured in terms of potential population-density's increases. So that's what science is, and that's what science was understood to be, by the founder of modern European science, Nicolaus of Cusa, back in the second quarter and a little bit later of the 15th century, by Leonardo da Vinci, Cusa's student, in a sense, his immediate follower of his ideas in the latter part of the 15th century and early 16th century; by the great follower of Cusa and Leonardo, Johannes Kepler, and so forth, and so on.
Science has always meant that; science has always been subjective in the sense that the subject of science is to look over our own shoulders, as we are developing improved methods of scientific investigation, and to determine what direction of improvements are successful in terms of potential population-density, and which methods are not provable. But essentially, science is the study of the human mind's capability of generating valid science. It is not a study of what happens outside our skins in nature-except through the medium. The only way we can understand nature, is through the creative powers of mind, and therefore, those creative powers of mind, which we watch as we work on nature, and watching our minds work more or less successfully as we work on nature, is the essence of science.
Now what the Bogomils did, and what their followers did, the Rosicrucians, the empiricists, is that they said we will tolerate none of this. We must separate the human mind, i.e., the human spirit, entirely from those things which involve the human flesh, its emotions, its appetites, and so forth - in other words, from the material side. We must have a separate doctrine for the material side, separate from the spiritual side, the mental side. In other words, to use modern Enlightenment language, we would say we would separate the subjective realm from the objective realm, in 19th century German, we would say we must separate Naturwissenschaft from Geisteswissenschaft. That' s the essential separation.
That is the mark of the Enlightenment. That is the mark, for example, of Immanuel Kant, who, while he was not recruited directly to my knowledge to Buggery, nonetheless, by virtue of his defense of both Baconian empiricism and Cartesianism against Leibniz, was actually the lawyer for the Buggers, and thus a Bugger in principle. That's the nature of the problem.
We come to cold fusion. We touch a very special part of this problem, as we do also at the other extreme of the scale in astrophysics. Go back a step to Leonardo, just to remind those who are not familiar with this.
Leonardo da Vinci demonstrated that physical processes, which, in geometric harmonic ordering, are congruent with what's called the Golden Section, are living processes, and that only living process have this harmonic ordering, whereas all processes which are not living processes, have a different harmonic ordering. That's one of the great discoveries of Leonardo da Vinci. It was the central discovery by da Vinci used by Kepler to found modern mathematical physics. In a paper, for example, entitled The Six-Cornered Snowflake, whose publication dates from about 1620, Kepler summarized this case, showing why snowflakes have to be hexagonal in their essential architecture, whereas living processes are different, are pentagonal, etc., and why that is necessarily the case. It's a beautiful paper, and anyone who wants to really pass the equivalent of what would be a good secondary geometry course, would, of course, have mastered that paper. When we get to the large scale, the astrophysical scale, as Kepler shows; or, when we get to the very small, down to the size of an atomic nucleus, or something of that sort, down below 10-10 meters; at these extremes, matter behaves with the same harmonic ordering, that we would otherwise expect from Leonardo's standpoint of living processes.
Now, this would mean that the universe as a whole is, in its astrophysical scale, what we call negentropic, not entropic as most physicists will insist today; that the universe as a whole does not conform to the so-called Second Law of Thermodynamics, and that also in the very small, as we've seen by the work of our collaborator, the late Prof. Winston Bostick and the work of Professor Moon and others, we've seen the same thing is true in the very small. In the very small, the organization of nature is that which conforms to Kepler's physics, not Newton's or Maxwell's, just as is the case in astrophysics: the Second Law of Thermodynamics works nowhere, except to increase the salaries of professors and to get good marks for students of those professors. Otherwise, the Second Law of Thermodynamics, except for bamboozling people, does not work at all. It works only as rhetoric. As a result of this split-the rejection of Kepler by the empiricists and by Descartes, and the attempt to establish a mechanistic or Aristotelian system, that is, a non-living system model, so-called objective science - science since the 17th century has been split into two camps.
What is at stake in the cold fusion is essentially this. If one says, that on the scale of the nucleus, the universe is organized as the students of Newton and Maxwell would have us believe, then cold fusion is virtually impossible - at least, cold fusion of this type. Whereas, if we would say that physics in the very small is organized as Kepler said of the universe generally, as Leonardo said, and as Arnold Sommerfeld, for example, was attempting to explore, then cold fusion is possible. Well, cold fusion has happened. And this, again, would say that physics in the small-that is, in the area of the scale of the nucleus, or half an Angstrom unit, or something of that sort, or an Angstrom unit-but in this scale, nuclear physics is much more interesting, much more as our dear friend Dr. Moon would have suggested.
What we are talking about in physics, or physical chemistry, belongs to the periodic table in this sense, and this goes back actually to Nicolaus of Cusa, who laid out a concept of universal evolution along these lines.
The idea of the periodic table, as Mendeleyev developed it, indicates that the existence of elements, or what we call elements, starts probably from very simple ones, such as hydrogen, or hydrogen and helium, as Dr. Moon's professor, William Draper Harkins, argued, and that it is the combination of the fusion of hydrogen and helium, or something of that sort, out of which all of the elements in the universe that we encounter are built up. The other side of the process, of course, which has been documented by Dr. Tennenbaum and others recently, is that we have a contrary process, that we can also form elements, not only by putting elements together, to build up from those of small atomic number to those of large atomic number, but we can also, by fission, go down the ladder again, and get to smaller elements, from higher numbers. So, to have this kind of process requires something - a universe which, in the small, is Keplerian, not the universe of Aristotle, Newton, and Maxwell. And that's where the teaching of a doctrine derived from empiricism and Cartesianism, a doctrine derived from Buggery, leads science to use a kind of mathematical procedure or mathematical method, which constantly comes into crisis whenever an experiment with the anomalous implications of cold fusion comes along.
So the fact that our students in the schools, to the extent that they're taught mathematics at all, are taught defective mathematics, means that we are producing scientists and others who lack the intellectual capacity to cope with something like a cold fusion experiment. So that's one of the problems which science policy has to address, and that's an area in which the cold fusion experiment's success shows that our science policy in education and so forth is breaking down, and we will have to rebuild the science policy entirely from the beginning.
The second aspect in which this same historical background is relevant, is on the characteristic, the cult features, of this hideous political witch-hunt, completely fraudulent attack, made against cold fusion and the cold fusion scientists over the past 30 months, by people such as the editor of Nature magazine and the New York Times.
Where does this come from? How is it possible, that in an area where we say that people in science are trying to find out the truth about nature, are trying to find out how to do things better, trying to correct their errors, that a completely fraudulent attack, like this political witch-hunt, could have been started and sustained for so long?
Buggery and British empiricism
To understand that, we have to go back again to the case of Bacon and Descartes. Let's concentrate just on Francis Bacon, in order to simplify the discussion for our purposes here. British empiricism was founded by a homosexual cult which is called the Court of King James I, whose big homo- sexual was Francis Bacon.
Now the significance of the homosexuality, is that this was a Buggery cult, a bunch of Rosicrucians; a Rosicrucian cult, whose features were Aristotelianism as to method; cabbalism, another kind of Satanic belief, and thirdly, the spirit-from-matter separation, which has led to modern materialism. This was the Enlightenment.
If you realize the degree to which the teachings of the followers of Bacon, of Hobbes, of John Locke, of cabbalist Isaac Newton-who really discovered almost nothing - and of similar people, dominate the institutions of science today, universities, educational policy, major magazines, such as Nature magazine, the science (mafia's) magazine, we have to realize that, like music, which is administered by a music mafia of about the same morality and disgusting depravity, that science on the administrative side or the institutional side, is effectively under the control today predominantly- not entirely, of course - but predominantly, of a priesthood; a heathen-cult priesthood; a Rosicrucian-Cathar-Bugger priesthood, which responds to the attacks on its interests, that is, its religious dogma, its cult dogma, called empiricism, or Enlightenment views, in the same way that the Buggers as religious fanatics would kill a person who offended their doctrine. And so, to understand the world today, we have to first of all, in this area, in a narrow sense, look at the fact, that science is dominated, not by honest scientists, but by people who are predominantly, when push comes to shove, representatives of a heathen-cult priesthood, rooted in the doctrines of Aristotle, cabbalism, and Buggery; that the same situation exists in the arts; you have an arts mafia, a music mafia, an art mafia, who are a collection of Buggers, pure and simple. The same group. the same crowd, the same faction. And that there is a Freemasonry, a higher-order Freemasonry, which is connected to this process.
There's another lesson which is to be learned from this, and that is a lesson which I've insisted upon many times, but not with as much success as I might have admired. That is, history is not made by the way people respond more or less spontaneously to events. There is no tabula rasa; each person that is born is enculturated; enculturated by language, enculturated by all kinds of ways, so that we step forth into this world, from early childhood, not as a tabula rasa but as a person who is imbued with all kinds of historical legacies.
For example, let' s take the Indo-European language. You speak here, each of you, an Indo-European language. Or you may speak other languages, but you speak an Indo-European language. How old is Indo-European language? Well, obviously, we can go way back to about 8,000, 10,000 or more years ! We can find in the ancient Vedic, and there's evidence to show that this record of the Vedic is not too far off today, at least the people at Poona, in India, have a pretty good picture of it; that that language, was used 8,000 years ago the immediate ancestor of Sanskrit. We can also show, of course, that all of European languages are essentially dialects of Indo-European, that is, the language from which the Vedic springs. So every time you think, in words, in the form of language, you are using a way of conscious thinking which is thousands of years old, and the way you will respond, consciously, particularly because you have to communicate with others, you respond in terms of a heritage of language, which has features in it affecting your judgment, which are thousands of years old.
The same thing is true of other forms of language, such as geometry, which is a language. You think in geometry; the kind of geometry you use, will determine the way you think. And that is a heritage which is thousands of years old.
The same thing is true in every other respect. If you accept Buggery in the form of mathematics, mathematical physics, that is, Newtonianism, Cartesianism, empiricism generally; the separation of art from science, the separation of Geisteswissenschaft from Naturwissenschaft in German; if you accept that Kantian principle, if you are a follower of Kant, you are a Bugger! Because your mind is buggered; you have adopted the separation, what is called, of the subjective from the objective, which is traced back to the Manichean cult called the Buggers in southern France, nearly 1,000 years ago. And to the same Buggery in eastern Anatolia hundreds of years before that.
The way we must fight
The important thing to understand about history, is that we get into messes because society is responding to deeply embedded, historically embedded, false assumptions, which cause the normal reaction of public opinion as well as other institutions to be the wrong one.
Over the past 25 years, we've seen that concretely: Twenty-five years ago, approximately from 1963 on, there was a mass recruitment in the United States to the rock-drug-sex counterculture. You can't separate them; they're all one package. A deliberate cult dogma, created by a Satanic cult - the Crowleyite cult in England - and put into the United -States as the rock-drug-sex counterculture, which is really a form of Satanic religion, which changed the values of our people. At the same time (approximately the same period), this was coupled with a neo-Malthusian cult. If you look at our policy today, you see that people today, in contrast to what they believed 30 years ago, believe today that a post-industrial society is good, that technology is bad, that man must adapt to the animals and to all kinds of strange species we never knew existed, and so forth, and so on. The nuclear family is considered bad, all kinds of things have happened. We no longer behave the way we did; we no longer have the values. We have been subjected to what is called a cultural paradigm shift. The axioms and postulates of our underlying assumptions of belief, have been dramatically altered by these means. Similarly, over the past 400 years, Western civilization has been in the process of being de-civilized, by the influence of a Buggery cult based on the intermeshed bleliefs of Aristotle or followers of Aristotle, of cabbalism, and of Buggery: the Cathar doctrine of the separation of matter from spirit, objective from subjective, and so forth and so on.
Therefore, we should see in this lesson, an identification of the problem which faces us: the Evil problem. It is not enough for us to respond to particular evils around us, to try to correct problems. That's not good enough. It won't work. If the majority of our population and our institutions are committed to policy assumptions, which policy assumptions ate causing these problems, you will not be able to succeed in getting through any remedy which contradicts those policy assumptions. In order to shape history, one must address directly the underlying policy assumptions, the cultural assumptions, which underlie the characteristic response of institutions and populations. That is what we have done, I believe, with more or less effectiveness, over the past couple of decades or so that this association has been in existence.
The reason I'm in prison, is because we're good at it, and because it works. We were not stuck into prison because we said things which displeased somebody. I was stuck into prison with others, and we were subjected to all kinds of evil harassment, terrible lies spread through nearly all of the press repeatedly over and over again - why?
Not because people didn't like what we said, but because we were effective with our methods. What has the enemy said? The enemy has said we will cease to harass you, if you will give up your method, if you will stop doing that, if you will play ball on our terms, if you will make your criticisms or suggestions, within the confines of the kind of behavior which we consider acceptable. You want to say something in science? Say it in Baconian language; use the mathematics of Francis Bacon and Descartes's followers, and we'll listen to you. If you don't want to use that kind of argument, we won't listen to you. But if you use that kind of argument, and you succeed in influencing somebody, we're going to kill you. Because you're taking us back to Cusa, Leonardo, Kepler, and Leibniz, and so forth, and that we will not tolerate.
We attacked the underlying assumptions of the problems in Central and South America, and the result was Operation Juarez. We came within an ace of winning that battle in 1982; if we had won, the world would be vastly different than today, and all of Henry Kissinger's backers and George Bush's backers would be out of business. We were a threat. In the case of the SDI, which was a product of our influence upon the Reagan administration (a part of it), we changed the world somewhat, and had the proposal been in effect, why, then everything that Henry Kissinger's backers and those of Bush represented today, could not have been possible. In these cases, as in Operation Juarez, and our conception of the war on drugs back in 1978-79, where we invented the war on drugs; in each of these cases, we succeeded because we went back into history, went into the fundamentals of science and other things, to search out the underlying assumptions which determined the theorems, so to speak, upon which people were acting. And because we selected our action to attack and to change those flawed, underlying assumptions which were the causes of the problem, rather than to try to patch up the problem after the fact.
That is our contribution so far to history. That is a contribution which today, obviously, is much more needed, or much more urgently needed, than at any time during the past 20 years.
I would hope that in this time frame, that the lessons of that experience, as freshly illustrated by the case of cold fusion's implications, will be assimilated, and that people would find the courage to act, and to act on the basis, not that we are assured of success, but that there is no acceptable alternative but to do what we must do."