Monday 25 August 2014

The Day Michael Hutchence Died

" "Tell the girls I love them very much and I love you. I have to get off the 'phone. I am going to ring Bob and beg in my knees for Bob to let me see my babies." He sounded desperate. 

Throughout the three years of fighting Bob GELDOF, he would repeatedly say 

"Don't forget I'm above the law."

This sort of behaviour intimidated us because he truly believes he is above the law and has acquired substantial influence and power since Live Aid."

The Geldof Murders from Spike EP on Vimeo.

"Michael wanted to see us all. He didn't sound like he had much more than a drink. After I had been told Michael was dead, I rang Bob and said, "What did you say to Michael?" He said, "It was only a two minute 'phone call." I said, "Are you happy he is dead?" He said "Of course not." In his sarcastic voice he said "I'm distraught."  When he said that he gave a little laugh.  I said "Michael is dead. The girls think of him as their father." I ended the call.

Michael couldn't fight GELDOF. Michael was a very sensitive and caring man, and GELDOF is evil. "

Paula Yates, 
New South Wales Police Voluntary Witness Statement, 
26 November 1997

Description from original source:

"In 1997, we made a documentary on the 30th anniversary of the Georgia Straight newspaper, "The Last Streetfighter".*

This is the uncut interview we did with Bob Geldof KBE for the doc.

The interview happened the day after Michael Hutchence of INXS killed himself. Bob was very gracious to continue with our plans to do the interview in his home."

* - Suspected British Intelligence Front - See Below:

Bob Geldof is not a professional musician - he is a hack music journalist who acquired a backing band.

Okay- so The Georgia Strait was never profitable, always in legal trouble, constantly clashing with the Vancouver city authorities and struggled every single week to pay it's staff....

Geldof traveled to Canada (with his girlfriend, he claims), with the intention of becoming a Gold Miner. (yes, really - he claims he was working in an abattoir in Dublin one month, then in Canada on the promise of being a Gold Miner the next month).

This is despite his having attended the Dublin equivalent of Eton College - and the Queen only ennobles confirmed, avowed loyalists.

Somehow he ended up as a writer for a non-profitable, environmentally conscious "underground" (but nothing of the kind) newspaper...

Britain’s Pacific War Against the United States in the Age of the Anglo-American ‘Special Relationship’
Against Oligarchy
Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D.

"During the 1964 interrogation of Anthony Blunt, the fourth of the Cambridge triple agents to become known to the public, Blunt is reported to have revealed that the Canadian Herbert Norman, another Cambridge undergraduate of the 1930′s, had been recruited by the KGB. Norman had died, allegedly through suicide, in 1957. 

Norman had been a member of Gen. MacArthur’s staff in Tokyo and had attracted the suspicions of Gen. Willoughby, MacArthur’s intelligence chief. Norman was a close associate of Sir Lester Pearson, at that time the Canadian External Affairs Minister and later to become the Canadian Prime Minister. 

James Barros has asserted in his book No Sense of Evil that Norman, while serving in Tokyo in 1950, played a role in encouraging Moscow, Beijing, and Pyongyang to launch the invasion of South Korea.

Barros writes: “In this context we must scrutinize Pearson’s trip to Tokyo in February 1950. During that visit General MacArthur explained to him and to Norman Washington’s policy in Asia and that its defense perimeter in the region did not include Korea, as it was not vital to America’s security. 

MacArthur’s comments were in line with Dean Acheson’s speech a month earlier when he told the National Press Club that America’s defense perimeter In Asia ran from the Aleutian Islands to Japan and from there to the Ryukyu and Philippine Islands….

Acheson’s public comments could not have gone unnoticed in Moscow. Keeping in mind MacArthur’s military role in Asia, his February remarks to Norman and to Pearson, the foreign secretary of a friendly and allied country, would have stimulated Moscow to favor a possibly low-risk North Korean invasion of South Korea. 

In other words, in addition to other information available to Moscow, MacArthur’s comments, if conveyed to the Soviets by Norman – which might have been done – could have led to the assumption that such a scenario would evoke no American response.” 
[Barros, pp. 137-8]

Pearson was one of the most important British Empire political operatives during the postwar decades. In reviewing Pearson’s role in protecting the career of Norman, Barros reviews evidence compiled by the US Senate Internal Security Subcommittee and speculates that “one might even dare to think the unthinkable — that Pearson was Moscow’s ultimate mole.” [Barros, p. 169] Some years earlier the Canadian Prime Minister MacKenzie King had officially stated that Canada had been used as a base for espionage activity against the US."

James Barros, No Sense of Evil: Espionage, 
The Case of Herbert Norman 
(Canada: Deneau, 1986).

"War Plan Red"

London's Canada-based Spy Network within the United States was incredibly extensive from 1940 onwards - and continued afterwards.

Originally set up by Sir William Stepehenson (The Man Called Intrepid), the extent of their criminal destabilisation knew no bounds - from fixing the selection of the Vice President of the United State in the 1944 Election, to the assassination of President Franklin Roosevelt.

And the Irregulars (as they were known) used writers and artists as cover professions....

The Devious Bachelor


Published: October 17, 2008

Roald Dahl is famous for his mischievous children’s stories. But as Jennet Conant reports in “The Irregulars,” he was also a British spy. Conant, who has written popular accounts of the secret development of radar and the atomic bomb, shows that Dahl, a former R.A.F. hero, parachuted himself into Washington blue-blood circles in 1942 and used his embassy post to begin spying on Britain’s closest and most important ally.

Like his chums Noël Coward and Ian Fleming, both of whom also assisted British intelligence during the war, Dahl was firmly in the tradition of the amateur gentleman-spy, and in Washington he soon acquired a taste for a lavish lifestyle that he never lost. To the end of his life, Conant writes, Dahl demanded that his publisher dispatch a Rolls-Royce to collect manuscripts from his home. In Washington, where the grand parties and salons depicted in the Henry Adams novel “Democracy” lingered on, Dahl’s combat record, good looks and charm made him a prize social catch.

Dahl’s entry into Washington high-life was immeasurably smoothed by the avuncular Texas newspaper magnate and oil tycoon Charles Edward Marsh, who had moved to the capital to aid the New Deal. Marsh, who lived in a 19th-century mansion in Dupont Circle, introduced Dahl to his friends. Soon, Dahl was hobnobbing with Eleanor Roosevelt during weekends at Hyde Park, where he also met the president, allowing him to become, Conant expansively concludes, “a back-channel conduit of information” to Churchill.

In 1943 a crafty Canadian industrialist and associate of Winston Churchill, William Stephenson, tapped Dahl to join his spy network, British Security Coordination. Stephenson’s original mandate had been to help push America into World War II. After Pearl Harbor, he was assigned to keep tabs on America’s postwar plans and to counter any lingering isolationist sentiments. Despite America’s entry into the war, a number of conservative newspapers and socialites remained rabid Roosevelt haters and loathed the British Empire. Many of them lived in Washington; according to Conant, “with the playgrounds of Europe closed to tourists, moneyed society was forced to stay home, and Washington was brimming with wealthy dowagers and their bored, unmarried daughters.” What the journalist Joseph Alsop later called the “WASP ascendancy” ruled Washington social life.

Dahl befriended the publisher of the reactionary Washington Times-Herald, Eleanor (Cissie) Patterson, whom Roosevelt had denounced as a social “parasite” more interested in giving tea parties than in aiding the war effort. There was also the hostess Evalyn Walsh McLean, whose son-in-law, Senator Robert Rice Reynolds of North Carolina, had initially blamed the Pearl Harbor attack on the British who, Conant writes, now “monitored his every move.”

McLean, who never received her guests without the 45 1/2 carat Hope diamond dangling from her neck, made Dahl a regular at the glamorous Sunday night dinners she presided over in her Massachusetts Avenue manor house, which featured dance orchestras, previews of first-run movies and a hundred or more guests per gathering. According to Conant, “all Dahl had to do was keep up a cheerful front and eavesdrop his way through the yawning Sunday breakfasts, hunt breakfasts, luncheons, teas, tea dances, innumerable drinks parties, banquets and not infrequent balls.”

Certainly Dahl, as Conant shows, was not slow in compiling a remarkable record in wooing heiresses and dowagers. Conant numbers among his conquests the beautiful congresswoman Clare Boothe Luce and the even more stunning Standard Oil heiress Millicent Rogers, who had eloped to Paris at age 19 with one Count Ludwig Salm von Hoogstraten and, after her divorce, lived in an 18th-century manor in Virginia that was, we learn from Conant, stuffed with a trove of Empire and Biedermeier furniture. Indeed, “inspired by her eclectic finds, from the group of antique clocks to a cluster of superb drawings by Watteau, Fragonard and Boucher,” Conant says, “Dahl vowed that as soon as he had enough put away, he would begin buying paintings for a modest collection of his own.”

Years later, Conant writes, Ian Fleming, about to publish his first James Bond novel, “Casino Royale,” would irk Dahl by having an affair with Rogers in Fleming’s Jamaican retreat, Goldeneye.

How much does all this have to do with the Second World War? Dahl's stream of gossipy reports about the doings of the Washington glitterati were nectar for London, which was terrified the Roosevelt administration would turn hostile after the war ended. Every government, then and now, is always keen to learn the inside dope. But what Conant never makes quite clear is whether Dahl ever supplied any information of real consequence.

Conant herself is so entranced by the glistening details she has managed to excavate from oblivion that she never provides a coherent narrative. It's a pity such a diligent researcher and gifted writer has produced a mere trifle so conspicuously lacking the verve and panache of Dahl himself.

"All they that love not tobacco and boys are fools."

Remark attributed to Marlowe from the testimony of Richard Baines, 
a government informer, 1593.

"Paedophiles can boldly and courageously affirm what they choose ... I am also a theologian and as a theologian, I believe it is God's will that there be closeness and intimacy, unity of flesh, between people ... paedophiles can make the assertion that the pursuit of intimacy and love is what they choose. With boldness, they can say, 'I believe this is in fact part of God's will.'"

Ralph Underwager, 'expert' witness for the defense in scores of child abuse cases and former vocal member of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, in an interview in Paidika (a pro-pedophilia publication), conducted in June 1991

'The Pedophocracy' is term coined by David McGowan. It is the title of his book on the subject of pedophilia as an Elite habit and one of the main tools of control of the visible ruling elites, by those not so visible.

Of all human vices and perversions, pedophilia is probably judged the most shameful and outrageous in the public mind. It thus has vast potential as a source of control.

This is a deeply disturbing subject. In similar fashion to the proposition that elements of the State use terrorist false-flag attacks against their own populations to further their agendas, the public at large simply cannot accept that the very worst depravities of child sexual abuse could be systematically cultivated and used by those same elements as a calculated and deliberate means of Machiavellian control. Many people simply do not want to be told such things - which renders them all too readily reassured by the odd sacrificial minnow. Outrage is thus indulged for a while before relapse into the consensus trance of everyday routine, where fear of strangers and the dark are relegated to the subconscious and the odd bad dream.

To be enlisted to the 'Pedophocracy Novitiate' so-to-speak is a temptation difficult for the psychopathic personality type that aspires to power to decline. To become a 1st degree member is to sell one's soul - and there are probably thirty-odd higher degrees each capable of 'making an offer that cannot be refused' by their 'juniors'. Standard military discipline simply cannot hold a candle to it; Special Forces/SIS-type skills and disciplines clearly make extensive use of the victims of it.

There is a large body of information available on the internet for those with the stomach for it. The deeper the investigation, the greater the unpleasant realisation that the phenomenon is so fundamentally ingrained in Western Establishment power structures that to pursue the truths of the matter is as potentially dangerous as it is stomach churning.

Michael Jackson and the AIDS Question

Was Michael Jackson stricken by falsified Child Molestation charges because he wanted to put hundreds of millions of dollars (not via NIH) into searching for a cure to AIDS..?

In 1992, Michael Jackson was single biggest thing on the face of planet Earth, following his split from Quincey Jones...

Then the whole world fell apart...

 "The only reason [my emphasis] I am going on tour is to raise funds for the newly formed Heal the World Foundation, an international children's charity, that I am spearheading to assist children and the ecology. 

My goal is to gross $100 million by Christmas 1993. I urge every corporation and individual who cares about this planet and the future of the children to help raise money for the charity. 

The Heal the World Foundation will contribute funds to paediatric AIDS in honour of my friend, Ryan White. 

I am looking forward to this tour because it will allow me to devote time to visiting children all around the world, as well as spread the message of global love, in the hope that others will be moved to do their share to help heal the world."

On 29 August, Jackson performed in front of 47,000 on his 35th birthday in Singapore.

During his visit to Moscow in September, Jackson came up with the song "Stranger in Moscow" which would be released on his 1995 album HIStory: Past, Present and Future, Book I. It was during a time when Jackson felt very alone, far away from his family and friends, yet every night throughout his tours fans would stay by his hotel and support him.

The tour was to last longer, but it was various health problems and injuries that made Jackson end the tour in Mexico. Jackson began taking Valium, Xanax and Ativan to deal with the health problems. After the tour ended, Jackson voluntarily entered a rehabilitation program. In a taped statement, he credited Elizabeth Taylor, his sister Janet Jackson, and his family for support during the difficult times.

In her autobiographical book Shockaholic, Carrie Fisher claims that Evan Chandler was her dentist, and was known as the "dentist to the stars," happily accommodating questionable requests by the famous in exchange for being associated with them. 

In the late 1980s, addict Fisher would get unnecessary dental surgery just to obtain morphine from him. Fisher claimed Chandler could be persuaded via financial incentives or "favors" to come to a patient's house to administer drugs. His license plate read "SLEEP MD". 

In the book, Fisher refers to Chandler as "strange", referring to him as "this freak", saying Chandler told her in the privacy of a dental visit that "My son is VERY (unsettling smile, raised eyebrows, maybe even a lewd wink) good looking... It was grotesque. This man was letting me know that he had this valuable thing that Michael Jackson 'wanted'". 

She describes how shortly afterwards, he reversed himself and in 1993 told Fisher he was bringing charges against Jackson, and at that time was "shocked with moral indignation". 

Fisher then states, "This was the time I knew I had to find another dentist. No drug can hide the feeling of one's skin crawling...I never thought that Michael's whole thing with kids was sexual. Never. 

As in Neverland. Granted, it was miles from appropriate, but just because it wasn't normal doesn't mean that it had to be perverse.

Those aren't the only two choices for what can happen between an adult and an un-related child hanging out together...and yes, he had an amusement park, a zoo, a movie theatre, popcorn, candy and an elephant, but to draw a line under all that and add it up to the assumption that he fiendishly rubbed his hands together as he assembled this giant super spiderweb to lure and trap kids into it is just bad math."

"My son is VERY (unsettling smile, raised eyebrows, maybe even a lewd wink) good looking..."

...and so, the vultures began to gather...

According to celebrity biographer, J. Randy Taraborrelli, Evan Chandler was forced to admit the controversial sedative sodium amytal was used when he extracted a tooth from Jordan in early August.

On May 3, 1994, KCBS-TV news reported that Chandler claimed the drug was used for tooth extraction and that the allegations came out while Jordan was under the influence of the drug.

Mark Torbiner, the dental anesthesiologist who administered the drug, told GQ if sodium amytal was used, "it was for dental purposes."

Sodium amytal is a barbiturate that puts people in a hypnotic state when injected intravenously. Studies done in 1952 debunked the drug as a truth serum and demonstrated it enabled false memories to be easily implanted.

Dr. Phillip Resnick, a noted Cleveland psychiatrist said it was a "a psychiatric medication" and "People will say things under sodium amytal that are blatantly untrue."

In mid-May 1994 in Napa County, California, Gary Ramona won his lawsuit against his daughter's therapist and the psychiatrist who had given her sodium amytal.

The psychiatrist claimed the drug helped Ramona's daughter remember specific details of sexual molestation by Ramona, but a court brief written by Martin Orne, a University of Pennsylvania psychiatrist who pioneered research of hypnosis and sodium amytal, stated that the drug is "not useful in ascertaining 'truth' . . . The patient becomes sensitive and receptive to suggestions due to the context and to the comments of the interviewers."

This was the first successful legal challenge to the “repressed memory phenomenon".

Dr. Kenneth Gottlieb, a San Francisco psychiatrist said, “It’s absolutely a psychiatric drug...I would never want to use a drug that tampers with a person’s unconscious unless there was no other drug available. And I would not use it without resuscitating equipment, in case of allergic reaction, and only with an M.D. anesthesiologist present.”

According to Dr. John Yagiela, coordinator of the anesthesia and pain control department of UCLA’s school of dentistry, “It’s unusual for it to be used [for pulling a tooth]" and "better, safer alternatives are available."

According to Diane Dimond of Hard Copy, Torbiner's records show that Robinul and Vistarol was administered instead of sodium amytal.

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration was investigating Torbiner's administration of drugs in house calls, where he mostly gave patients morphine and Demerol. His credentials with the Board of Dental Examiners indicated that he was restricted by law to administering drugs solely for dental-related procedures, but he had not adhered to those restrictions.

For instance, he had given general anesthetic to Barry Rothman during hair-transplant procedures. Torbiner had introduced Chandler and Rothman in 1991, when Rothman needed dental work.

Sunday 24 August 2014

Is John The Beatle really Michael Adebolajo?

Well, why not...?

False-Flag war provocations - Just ignore them. Eventually, they'll get bored and go home.

Saturday 23 August 2014

The Invisibles of Hollywood

"…it means… I don’t know. It means, basically, that some movies are clearly being made by Invisibles and they contain messages for other Invisibles. 

Invisibles talking to each other in ther own secret language… 

the movies are signals, they let us know that others are out there…”

The Guardian's Mark Honigsbaum spoke to several eye witnesses to the Edgware Road tube bomb on July 7th. He reported "an explosion this morning under the carriage of the train", and went on, "some passengers described how tiles, the covers on the floor of the train, suddenly flew up, raised up". Victims also told him the train "had been derailed by this explosion", again suggesting the bomb was under the carriage. A man caught by the blast was reported to have "very, very bad injuries to his legs". 

Bruce Lait, injured by the Aldgate East tube bomb was interviewed on the 11th July by a reporter from the Cambridge Evening News. Mr Lait explained that as he was being led to safety, "The policeman said 'mind that hole, that's where the bomb was'. The metal was pushed upwards as if the bomb was underneath the train. They seem to think the bomb was left in a bag, but I don't remember anybody being where the bomb was, or any bag". 

Speed is about human evolution, right? It’s so obvious. The bus represents the world. Watch it again – they’ve got every nationality on there. Not only that, but it’s being driven to disaster by this guy who’s either made up to look Cro-Magnon or chosen becasue he looks that way. He’s our brutal evolutionary heritage, driving the world to armageddon while everybody argues. The whole thing’s symbolic… Just look at the amount of times you see the number 23. it’s in scene after scene. That’s not coincidence. The whole things a coded message.

…and finally, after the whole tantric love trip on the subway train at the end, they burst out into the street in front of a cinema showing 2001-A Space Odyssey…”

“I see this weird stuff every time I watch a movie. Think about Pulp Fiction – the glowing thing in the 666 suitcase is Marcellus Wallace’s soul, right? The band aid on his neck in the bar scene with Bruce Willis is where the soul was extracted. I mean I could go on all day. Check out Speed next time you watch it, just keep in mind that the bus is the World and that big gap in the highway construction is the Apocalypse.

…it means… I don’t know. It means, basically, that some movies are clearly being made by Invisibles and they contain messages for other Invisibles. Invisibles talking to each other in ther own secret language… the movies are signals, they let us know that others are out there…

"I remember looking at the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia when I was a little kid. That’s what I love about illusions; they’re right up there in front of you but somehow you don’t see them… until suddenly you do… 
"No immediate announcement was made of the Second Continental Congress's vote for independence, and thus the bell could not have rung on July 4, 1776, at least not for any reason related to that vote. 

Bells were rung to mark the reading of the Declaration of Independence on July 8, 1776, and while there is no contemporary account of the Liberty Bell ringing, most historians believe it was one of the bells rung. 

After American independence was secured, it fell into relative obscurity for some years. In the 1830s, the bell was adopted as a symbol by abolitionist societies, who dubbed it the "Liberty Bell." 

It acquired its distinctive large crack sometime in the early 19th century—a widespread story claims it cracked while ringing after the death of Chief Justice John Marshall in 1835.

The bell became famous after an 1847 short story claimed that an aged bell-ringer rang it on July 4, 1776, upon hearing of the Second Continental Congress's vote for independence. Despite the fact that the bell did not ring for independence on that July 4, the tale was widely accepted as fact, even by some historians. 

Beginning in 1885, the City of Philadelphia, which owns the bell, allowed it to go to various expositions and patriotic gatherings. The bell attracted huge crowds wherever it went, additional cracking occurred and pieces were chipped away by souvenir hunters. The last such journey occurred in 1915, after which the city refused further requests."

and I saw that I lived in a world where the symbol was more important than the reality. 

Where the menu was supposed to taste better than the meal.

They’re bombing Planet Hollywood… those terrorists know exactly where the power lies. None of it’s real.

Kennedy was a good man. 
Nixon was a bad man. 
Is that true or is that just what we’ve been told is true?

Half of the stars in Hollywood are gay pretending to be straight… 
Walt Disney was a shit.

The moon landings happened in a studio.

The America I thought I lived in was a trick; I’d only ever really seen it on TV, in comic books and movies… especially movies. 

The Rosicrucians who built this country wouldn’t know where they were if you brought them here, would they? 

Not until you showed them Independence Day.

That night when I pissed down over Manhattan, I saw time. I saw time itself… 

America has been in a declared state of national emergency since March 9th, 1933, giving the president powers to suspend freedom of speech and take control away from all communications media at any time.

Who cares? Bruce Willis is here to save us all.

The more I looked, the less real America became. And the less real it became, the stronger it got. 

Planet Hollywood.

Once, We Were Angels...

We were all of us once angels, 'til we walked upon the Earth...

"Don't ask me what you know is true.

I told you that we could fly
'Cause we all have wings...

But some of us don't know why."

The End of the Alliance - The Kennedy Family vs. The House of Windsor

President John F. Kennedy meets with Chief of the Defense Staff of the British Armed Forces Lord Louis Mountbatten, First Earl Mountbatten of Burma (center) and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Lyman Lemnitzer (right) in the Oval Office, White House, Washington, D.C., 1961.

Chapter V - In 1961, European and U.S. Publications Revealed the Defense Intelligence Agency's Support of the Revolting French Generals.

Before the attempted assassination on DeGaulle by Thiery of Permindex and even before Maurice Gatlin, the New Orleans business associate of Guy Bannister, had acted as courier of assassination funds for Permindex between New Orleans and Europe, a large hassle had developed publicly over the Pentagon and the Defense Intelligence Agency acting in concert with the revolting French generals in Algeria. These were the same French generals who were working with the Defense Intelligence Agency and Division Five of the FBI through Permindex, Centro Mondiale Comerciale (World Trade Center) and Italo American Hotel Corporation in the attempted assassination of DeGaulle in March of 1962. At the time these facts were put into general circulation, neither Permindex, Centro Mondiale Comerciale (World Trade Center) nor Italo American Hotel Corporation had been brought to public light, although we now know their operations, connections and purposes.

The story was considered important enough in May, 1961, to be the subject of the lead editorial in Le Monde, the most respected and influential newspaper in France:

It now seems established that some American agents more or less encouraged Maurice Challe, whose experience in NATO should have put him on guard against the dealings of these irresponsible people and their Spanish and German colleagues. Kennedy obviously had nothing to do with this affair. To make this plain he considered it necessary to offer aid to General De Gaulle, well-intentioned certainly but inopportune.

Columnist Marquis Childs noted that some people at the top were aware of the Defense Intelligence Agency's involvement. 

Childs wrote:

As one of the highest officials of France put it: "Of course your government, neither your State Department nor your President, had anything to do with this. But when you have so many hundreds of agents in every part of the world it is not to be wondered at that some of them should have got in touch with the generals in Algiers."


And l'Express devoted two full pages to Challe and the DIA in a report the content of which obviously bore the imprint of high officialdom. Among other things, l'Express affirmed that:

Knowing the sobriety, the prudence and the ambition of General Challe, all of his close friends are convinced today that he was encouraged by his companions (at NATO). In the course of the final conversations which he had in Paris certain American agents have told him "succeed quickly - in less than forty-eight hours - in a technical coup d'etat and we will support you."

When the first stories of DIA and NATO involvement in the revolt were being published on April 22, 1961, some of them were launched cautiously "by officials at the Elysee Palace itself" according to Crosby S. Noyes in the Washington Star.

At least a half dozen foreign newsmen were given privately to understand that the generals' plot was backed by strongly anti-Communist elements in the United States Government and military services. The leader of the revolt, General Maurice Challe, was reported to have received assurances that any move to keep Algeria under permanent French domination and out of Algerian hands would be in the interests of the United States. There also was a strong implication that a change in the NATO policies of General DeGaulle would be welcome as one of the results of a successful coup d'etat.

Paul Ghali of the Chicago Daily News reported that:

French army circles in the French capital made it known that they had 'irrefutable' documents proving that Pentagon agents in Paris and Algiers promised General Challe full U. S. support if the coup succeeded. Simultaneously, the Polish  Ambassador in Paris, Stanislaw Gajewski, volunteered the same information with even more precision to colleagues and social acquaintances.

Said Il Paese in Rome:

It is not by chance that some people in Paris are accusing the American secret service headed by Allen Dulles of having participated in the plot of the four 'ultra' generals . . . Franco, Salazar, Allen Dulles are the figures who hide themselves behind the pronunciamentos of the 'ultras'; they are the pillars of an international conspiracy that, basing itself on the Iberian dictatorships, on the residue of the most fierce and blind colonialism, on the intrigues of the CIA . . . reacts furiously to the advance of progress and democracy. . . .

Pravda reported that:

Taking part in the war against the Algerian people is not only the France of the arms manufacturers.. The war in Algeria is a war of NATO. This was openly and cynically stated by American General Norstad, Commander in Chief ofthe Armed Forces of the Atlantic Bloc. U.S. reactionary quarters are helping the French colonialists. . . . The traces of the plotters lead to Madrid and Lisbon, these hotbeds of fascism preserved intact with the money of American reactionaries and with direct assistance of top NATO circles. The traces from Spain and Portugal lead across the ocean to the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency of the U.S. . . .

A version with a new twist appeared in a non-Communist Paris newspaper. It was written by Genevieve Tabouis. Madame Tabouis assured her readers that "the fact that the effort of Challes was encouraged, if not supported, by the most Atlantic of American services, is from now on a secret everyone knows.

About this time, General James M. Gavin, United States Ambassador to France, attended a luncheon of the French American Press Association. Also on hand was Pierre Baraduc. Ambassador Gavin stood up to answer questions from the guests. One of the guests was Sam White, an Australian and Paris correspondent for the irreverent London Evening Standard. White, a man of blunt and simple Anglo-Saxon words, handed Ambassador Gavin a bombshell of a question: "Now that the story that the Pentagon played a part in the Algerian mutiny has received the blessing of the Quai d'Orsey, what steps does the American Ambassador propose to take to kill it?"

By this time, the Defense Intelligence Agency, Division Five of the FBI and the NATO generals' involvement with the French Algerian generals was so well established that General Gavin declined to make any form of denial.

Digressing somewhat but expanding further, it is desirable to document further the connection between the Defense Intelligence Agency, Division Five of the FBI, the Defense Industrial Security Command, the members of the Kennedy assassination cabal, it's employees and their common, connecting links and objectives.

The Defense Industrial Security Command is a direct subsidiary of the Defense Intelligence Agency under the command of Lt. Gen. Joseph Carroll, who was a long time friend of Hoover and former Assistant Director of the FBI. The Defense Industrial

Security Command was in operation before the Defense Intelligence Agency was formed in early 1961. However, before that time, it had worked with the separate armed forces intelligence agencies which were all brought together under General Carroll. The DISC was a police, security, investigative, intelligence and employee clearance arm of the sprawling military industrial complex consisting of the Atomic Energy Commission, NASA, the munitions makers and suppliers of the Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps and the employees of all of those agencies and those companies who held contracts with them.

It is not in the least surprising that the syndicate and the Mafia worked well into the Defense Industrial Security Command because of their members' ownership in many of the huge corporations manufacturing munitions and supplies for the Pentagon, Atomic Energy Commission and NASA.

Henry Crown's and Patrick Hoy's ownership of the controlling block in General Dynamics between 1960 and 1966 is well known by the few who bother to keep up with such things. Henry Crown's close association with the Chicago Mafia figures has been well documented in Captive City by Demaris.

Joe Bonanno's (the New York, Tucson and Montreal Mafia head) connection with the munition manufacturing corporation, Lionel, is also well known. Roy Cohn of Lionel, Ed Levinson, Clifford Jones and Cleveland mobster, Morris Dalitz, and their business connections are also totally established.

Joe Bonanno keeps his personal lawyer on retainer (and has for years) in order to handle the intricate high financial legal moves in connection with his ownership of munitions, aerospace and other corporations registered on Wall Street. Bonanno's attorney is William Power Maloney who is also General Counsel for the Securities and Exchange Commission, the regulatory agency over the stock exchanges with headquarters in New York City. And, J. Edgar Hoover until 1959 vehemently denied that the Mafia even existed. He said there was no such organization as the Mafia.

The Nazi rocket scientists are on management level also in the munitions and aerospace industry. Walter Dornberger, the Nazi general, left the space agency in the 1950's to become a high official in Bell Aerospace Corporation and he was followed by over thirty of the Nazi scientists to control level in the corporations manufacturing munitions and aerospace material. This still left well over sixty of the scientists at command level in NASA.75

The Nazis, Mafia and gambling syndicate members were all brought together under the large umbrella of the Defense Industrial Security Command and even the larger joint umbrella of the Defense Intelligence Agency and Division Five of the FBI. Of course, General Joseph Carroll of DIA could not possibly participate in any venture without the approval of the Joint Chiefs of Staff sitting over him in the Pentagon.

The host of munitions and aerospace manufacturing companies with Mafia Members in the leadership positions began to surface during the 1960's and one of such connections surfaced as is shown in theAssociated Press Dispatch of October 28,1969, which reads as follows:

A Pennsylvania manufacturing firm linked to the Mafia by a Senate subcommittee has won millions of dollars in defense contracts from the Pentagon. Medico Industries Inc. of Pittston, Pa., currently is working on a $4 million contract to produce parts for rocket warheads used extensively in Vietnam. Since 1966, the firm has received about $12 million in Army, Navy, and Air Force contracts. Pentagon records indicate it has performed well on all its defense work.

Medico Industries' present contracts do not involve classified material. However, a Pentagon spokesman said the firm and its principal officers had a security clearance from Jan. 28, 1968 to June 20, 1968. It was terminated at the company's request - a request which Pentagon sources said came after security officials asked for additionalinformation about its officers.

The company's name has cropped up in the organized crime investigations of a Senate subcommittee headed by Sen. John L. McClellan, D Ark. In 1964, McClellan's subcommittee listed Medico Electric Motor Co., later to become known as Medico Industries, as a principal hangout of Russell A. Bufalino, whom it described as "one of the most ruthless and powerful leaders of the Mafia in the United States."

William Medico, former president and now general manager of Medico Industries, was listed in the same report as among the "criminal associates" of Bufalino.

James A. Osticco, the firm's traffic manager, was present in 1957 when New York State Police broke up the Apalachin Conference - a meeting of top Mafia figures from throughout the United States. The participants also included Bufalino and Vito Genevese, once described as "king of the rackets."

Bufalino has been battling deportation since 1952. According to the McClellan committee's 1964 report, the Sicilian-born Mafia leader has been active in narcotics trafficking, labor racketeering, and dealing in stolen jewels and furs. Last year, Bufalino was charged with transporting stolen television sets across state lines.

Investigators say Bufalino and Medico have been friends since Bufalino moved to Pittston from Buffalo, N.Y. in 1938. A confidential report in the files of state and federal law enforcement officials refers to a company listed in the Senate report as being owned by Bufalino and says: "One of the silent partners in this enterprise is said to be William Medico . . . who is believed to have money invested in a number of places where the subject (Bufalino) acts as front man."

In a telephone interview, Medico said he has no business interests with Bufalino. He said he has known Bufalino all his life.

As for the McClellan committee report that Bufalino frequents the Medico plant, Medico said, "Sure he comes to see us. We're selling his equipment; he's a customer. I can't tell him to get the hell out."

The firm's record of getting government contracts goes back to the 1950's. It has produced such items as maintenance platforms for the Air Force and Navy, rebuilt generators for the Signal Corps, rebuilt machine tools and hydraulic wing jacks for the Army, Navy and Air Force. It also has had contracts from the cities of New York and Detroit.

In 1963 it competed with eight other firms to take over management of a government- ammunition plant in Scranton, Pa., but lost out to a lower bidder.

In 1968 Medico Industries was one of the 166 companies from which the Army sought bids to produce parts for 2.75-inch rocket warheads. Ten firms, including Medico, responded and six got contracts. Medico was not among them.

But in the summer of 1968, the Army announced it needed still more warheads to fill Vietnam requirements. The four unsuccessful bidders on the earlier round were invited to bid again. All four, including Medico, got contracts. The Medico contract, awarded September 19, 1968, called for supply of 510,000 parts for $3,090,600.

Then, in December 1968, Medico was among the producers invited to submit proposals for shifting to production of a different and costlier type 2.75-inch warhead. The firm received a contract on Dec. 31 to supply 380,000 parts at a cost of $4,012,800. That contract is still in effect.

Under Defense Department regulations, a company can not be cleared for work on classified projects until its key personnel are given a National Agency check. This includes a search of FBI name and fingerprint files.

If any derogatory information is found, it is up to the Defense Industrial Security Command at Columbus, Ohio, to determine if it is serious enough to warrant further investigation. If such a determination is made the case is referred to a higher level for review. No such reference was made when Medico's application was processed.

In addition to security checks, all prospective defense contractors also undergo a pre-award review to determine their ability to produce. The personal background of company officials is not a factor in such reviews.

Medico Industries' success in obtaining government contracts has helped it expand from a small electrical company housed in a former mule barn to a large modern plant on the outskirts of Pittston. With a work force of about 400 during peak contract periods, the firm is one of the largest employers in the coal mining area.

William Medico and his four brothers, all officers in the family firm, are often in the news as participants in civic affairs, charity drives and occasionally politics, in the city of 13,000 midway between Scranton and Wilkes-Barre.


To return momentarily to some of the employees of the DIA and DISC involved in the DeGaulle assassination attempt, it needs to be pointed out that Jerry Brooks and a number of other witnesses confirmed to District Attorney Jim Garrison that Maurice Gatlin had carried funds to Europe to finance the DeGaulle assassination attempt. It was also confirmed that Jack Ruby was a close associate of Maurice Gatlin and that Gatlin, Robert Ray McKeown of Baycliff, Texas, (adjacent to the Houston NASA headquarters), and Jack Ruby were all very closely associated over a period of at least ten years. As a matter of fact, Jerry Brooks told Garrison that Gatlin was the one who called Jack Ruby and Robert Ray McKeown in and ordered them to drop their plans to ship surplus army jeeps to Fidel Castro in the spring of 1959.

Ruby, of course, was also very closely connected with L. J. McWillie of Havana and Las Vegas, the business partner of Clifford Jones, Ed. Levinson, Morris Dalitz, Bobby Baker and Roy Cohn. When questioned by the Warren Commission, Jack Ruby had this to say about L.J. McWillie:

Mr. Ruby: . . . As a matter of fact, on the plane, if I recall, I had an article he sent me, and I wanted to get it published because I idolized McWillie. . . .

Mr. Ruby: A fellow whom I sort of idolized is of the Catholic faith, and a gambler. Naturally in my business you meet people of various backgrounds. And the thought came, we were very close, and I always thought a lot of him, and I knew that Kennedy, being Catholic, I knew how heartbroken he was, and even his picture - of this Mr. McWillie - flashed across me, because I have a great fondness for him.76

Also buried deep in the twenty-six volumes of the Warren Commission report are the following statements which, of course, show that Ruby had contact with McWillie, Jones, Dalitz of the Stardust Motel and others in Las Vegas about two and one half weeks before the assassination time:

GILBERT COSKEY, Casino Cashier, Stardust Hotel, advised that about four weeks ago an individual from Dallas, Texas, believed by the name RUBY approached the casino credit department and attempted to have a check cashed. COSKEY recalled that the man talked about owning the Vegas Club and another night club in Dallas. COSKEY stated he took the check to JOHN TIHISTA, Credit Manager, for approval informing TIHISTA that the customer reportedly was from Dallas and owned night clubs in that city. COSKEY stated that if he recalls correctly TIHISTA refused to cash this check since the customer had no previous credit with the hotel. He could recall nothing more concerning this incident, but after seeing a photo of RUBY in the paper and reading about his background, he was certain that RUBY and the person attempting to cash a check at the Stardust were one and the same.77

JOHN TIHISTA, Credit Manager, Stardust Hotel, advised that about one month ago GILBERT COSKEY, Cashier in the hotel casino cage, came to TIHISTA with a check from a customer to determine whether or not it should be cashed.

According to COSKEY, the customer wanting to cash the check had no previous credit; however, COSKEY stated that the man was from Dallas and owned a night club in that city. He believed COSKEY had stated the man's name was RUBY. TIHISTA stated that apparently this incident occurred on a weekend since they were unable to contact the customer's bank, and therefore, did not accept the check.

TIHISTA reviewed hotel registration recorded for the months of September, October, and November (1963) but could not locate a registration for the name RUBY or RUBENSTEIN. 

TIHISTA stated there was no credit application for the name RUBY or RUBENSTEIN at the Stardust.78

JOSEPH STEFAN, Caddymaster, Tropicana Golf Club . . . . advised that when the news of RUBY'S killing of  L. OSWALD; first appeared on television, he had the impression that at one time RUBY might have played golf at that course, since he is sure that at some time during the past year, a player from Texas, had given him a card from the Carousel Club in Dallas and told him to look him up if he ever got to Dallas. . . .79

Ruby was simply being guided and advised by his superiors in the gambling syndicate and Mafia section within the Defense Industrial Security Command.

DISC also has within its group the secondary command level of the U.S. Information Agency whose duties are propaganda. Fred Korth, in addition to his close connection with Nazi Walter Dornberger as fellow board member on Bell Aerospace Corporation, has been active Director of U.S.I.A. and its subsidiary, Radio Free Europe.

In any event, one may well rest assured that in the fall of 1969 and 1970, the Defense Industrial Security Command was continuing its activities on East Broad Street in Columbus, Ohio and at the George Marshall Space Center and Old Redstone Arsenalalong the Tennessee River in Northern Alabama.

When F. Lee Bailey was called to represent Captain Ernest L. Medina in December of 1969, he was employed by DISC and he had never seen Medina until both were flown to Columbus, Ohio. After being together in Columbus a few days and after a number of propaganda stories were ground out from there, Medina and Bailey were flown to the Pentagon where they met the national press. 

After Ross Perot had flown around the world with food for North Vietnam prisoners of war as a propaganda venture, he flew to Columbus, Ohio where new and effective news releases were issued after several days there in January, 1970. The Columbus group had earlier secured lawyers for James Earl Ray, Sirhan Sirhan and others.

The Defense Industrial Security Command, the police agency of the munitions manufacturers successors to the German cartels, has many and varied functions.

Chapter VI - Permindex and Double-Chek Agents and their Activities.

Double-Chek, a Florida corporation organized and operated by the CIA and the American counterpart of Permindex and Centro Mondiale Comerciale, was taken over by Division Five of the FBI and was used as one of the principal funding agencies for President Kennedy's death planners. Another was the Tolstoy Foundation, the Russian Solidarist funding source with its principal offices in New York City and Munich in Germany, and the Kentfield Fund in Dallas.80

The Solidarist world network is connected through the old Orthodox Catholic Church of North America and Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia which church connected organization used one of its priests, David Ferrie, in New Orleans as an agent in the planning of the Kennedy assassination.

Ferrie became a priest and agent for the Solidarists when he dropped out of the Roman Catholic Seminary in Ohio and joined the Byelorussian Liberation Front at 3308 West 43rd Street, Cleveland, Ohio in 1946.81

Donald P. Norton told Jim Garrison he was impressed into the agency's service in 1957 under threat of exposure as a homosexual. In September, 1962, Norton was dispatched from Atlanta to Mexico with $30,000 for an anti-Castro group. He said he registered in the Yamajel Hotel in Monterrey, Mexico, per instructions, when he was contacted by one Harvey Lee, an exact duplicate of Oswald except that his hair seemed slightly thicker.82

In exchange for the money, Lee gave him a briefcase containing documents in manila envelopes. According to plan, Norton delivered the briefcase to an employee of an American oil firm in Calgary, Alberta, who repeated the pass phrase, "The weather is very warm in Tulsa."83  Breck Wall and Joe Patterson were in close contact with a person who called himself Archison, and Jack Wohl from Calgary.

Norton also told of how he met David Ferrie earlier in his career. In early 1958, he was assigned a courier trip to Cuba and told to meet his contact at the Eastern Air Lines counter at the Atlanta airport. The contact was a man who called himself Hugh Ferrie. "Here are your samples," Ferrie remarked, handing Norton a phonograph record. "It is in the jacket." The jacket contained $150,000.00, which Norton duly delivered to a Cuban television performer in Havana. Norton asserts he went to Freeport, Grand Bahama, on an Agency assignment late in 1966, and upon his return to Miami, his contact instructed that "something was happening in New Orleans and that Norton should take a long, quiet vacation."84

He did, and began to worry about the "people who have died in recent months--like Ferrie." Then he contacted Garrison. Norton was given a lie detector test, the result of which was that he was telling the truth.85

Jules Rocco Kimble said that on the day after David Ferrie died, he drove a top KKK official, Jack Helm, to Ferrie's apartment. Helm came out with a satchel of papers which he placed in a bank safe deposit box. Kimble said that in 1962, he had flown to Montreal, Canada with Ferrie on business. He promised the District Attorney's investigators that he would gather more information and report back to them.86

Shortly afterward, he phoned his wife from Atlanta, saying he had met an Intelligence contact. "They'll never get me back to New Orleans," he said. A few days after that, he called from Montreal, Canada. Kimble came back to Tampa, Florida, where he was arrested by the city police. Interviewed by Garrison's men, he said that he had once worked special assignments for U.S. intelligence agencies, and in verification named his Agency contacts and the box number at the Layafette Street station they assigned him.87

He averred he had re-contacted the Intelligence agency after Walter Sheridan had counseled him to say nothing to the District Attorney and go to Montreal where he named some contacts. 

Sheridan was the liaison man with Bobby Kennedy for Joe Carroll of the Defense Intelligence Agency. Sheridan was subsequently indicted by a New Orleans grand jury for public bribery for attempting to induce witnesses to make false statements against Garrison.88

David Ferrie was in Dallas, Texas on the night of November 24, 1963. Ferrie talked to Bob Mulholland, an NBC news man from the Chicago office, in Dallas the night of the 24th and admitted that he was connected with Jack Ruby's Carousel Club. Ferrie even knew the emcee at the club and spoke freely exhibiting a friendship with Jack Ruby and a knowledge of an number of Jack Ruby's associates in Dallas.89

We shall return to Ruby, Ferrie and their activities, but now is as good a time as any to add one more piece of evidence to the mountain of such inculpating the Defense Industrial Security Command.

Gary Underhill, a CIA agent with Walter Kostow and Harold R. Isaacs at the Center for International Studies at MIT, told friends in early 1964 in New York that a group within the U.S. Intelligence agencies had planned and brought about the death of John Kennedy and that he was going to expose them. A few days later he was found dead in his apartment in Washington, D.C., a bullet in his head behind his left ear - but Underhill was right handed.

Harold R. Isaacs, ex-Newsweek Magazine editor, was the subject of a suppressed Warren Commission document. David Ferrie, Maurice Brooks Gatlin, Guy Bannister and Mike McLaney of New Orleans, Robert Ray McKeown of Houston, Jack Ruby of Dallas and L.J. McWillie of Las Vegas began a partnership in 1953 with Carlos Prio Socarras, Cuba's President from 1948 to 1952, before Batista. Prio and his group were working well with Batista in operating all of the Cuban gambling houses until about 1957 when Batista began to shake Prio's group down for more than they felt was reasonable.90

Ex-President Prio, Ruby, McWillie, McKeown and the gambling partnership in 1957 contacted Castro who was then in the mountains and secretly began supporting him on Castro's promise of a more reasonable government tax on the gambling profits.

Prio's partner, Jack Ruby, spent a good part of 1958 directing the smuggling of arms to Cuba from the Keys in Florida with James Woodard, an ex-Dallas policeman.91 The arms, ammunition and supplies were furnished until the Castro takeover of Cuba in January, 1959. As had been promised, Prio, McWillie, Ruby, McKeown and the other partners continued to run the Havana gambling casinos until 1961 when Castro evicted McWillie, the last one to leave.92

McKeown, McWillie, Ruby, Prio, McLaney, Gatlin, Bannister and Ferrie immediately began working with other anti-Castro exiles, Division Five of the FBI and the CIA to overthrow Castro.93

After the Bay of Pigs disaster, the Prio-Ruby group under Bannister's direction continued to work with the Cuban exiles toward an invasion of the Cuban mainland. Bannister, as a free agent. worked with Warren DeBrueys, Division Five of the FBI's resident agent in New Orleans. DeBrueys was also a White Russian and a member of the Solidarists.

DeBrueys' chief assignment in the summer and fall of 1963 was to maintain a close vigil over Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans and Dallas. This he did, and after Oswald's death, DeBrueys gathered all of Oswald's personal belongings and carried them to J. Edgar Hoover in Washington, D.C.94

On November 22, before it was known that Kennedy was dead, Warren Debrueys walked into Parkland Hospital and tried to force his way into the room where President Kennedy was being attended. 

Two Secret Service agents had a terrible fight with DeBrueys, before he was subdued in the room just outside of Kennedy's. He was held down by Secret Service agents until help arrived.95 

L.J. McWillie, one of Jack Ruby's partners in the ex-President Prio-Bannister-Ruby group, was a conservative dressing, highly polished, international socialite who traveled with the professional golfers in the U.S., Britain and Western Europe.

McWillie entered the partnership with Clifford Jones and Bobby Baker in the Thunderbird gambling casino in Las Vegas, Nevada in 1962. The Dallas and Oklahoma City police who knew McWillie thoroughly had him officially designated as a "murderer and gambler" on his many-page arrest records.96As all people of this sort do, McWillie used a number of aliases. Some of these were Lewis J. Martin, L.J. Chapman, Lewis Olney and others.97 

Robert Ray McKeown of Baycliff, Texas, near Houston, another of Ruby's partners in the President Prio-Bannister association, also had a many-paged criminal record. McKeown's aliases included J.T. Brown, H.J. McAllister, Max, Dick McKeown and others.98 Jerry Brooks further confirmed the close relation between McKeown, David Ferrie, L.J. McWillie and Ruby when he reported Maurice Gatlin put a stop to their plan to sell jeeps to Castro in 1959.

Lee Harvey Oswald was recruited into Division Five of the FBI by David Ferrie in 1956 before joining the USMC.99

Oswald was taken to Memphis, Tennessee, by Division Five of the FBI while in the Marine Corps. There he received the highest level of covert espionage activities training during June, July and August of 1957 at the Naval Intelligence school located on the Memphis Naval Base. The school is of such a highly secret nature that Oswald's official Marine Corps records were doctored so as not to reflect his training there.100

Lee Harvey Oswald was paid by J. Edgar Hoover through a subterfuge account with the Department of Immigration and Naturalization, a Division of the Justice Department, and consequently, he could testify before the Warren Commission without being technically guilty of perjury that Oswald was not on the FBI payroll. Fred Cook in The FBI Nobody Knows reveals this device which Hoover uses in paying covert agents through the Department of Immigration and Naturalization. Oswald's pay slip number, which was revealed by the Dallas Sheriff's office, was the number assigned him out of the San Antonio office of the Department. Oswald was paid at the Dallas office of the Immigration Department and their address in the Rio Grande Building was found in Oswald's notebook.

Oswald was tutored by the Solidarists on the Russian language and his duties as an FBI espionage agent. The Russian newspapers and literature which Oswald received were of Solidarist origin. Just prior to going to Russia in 1959, Oswald received a Solidarist agent in a long visit at Santa Ana, California. In 1959 Oswald admitted his connections were "White Russians".101

The agent came from the San Francisco office of the Solidarists. The San Francisco office went under the cover name "Federation of Russian Charitable Organizations," 376 Twentieth Avenue.102 Oswald had always been a Solidarist and Division Five of the FBI agent. He had never been employed by the CIA.103

Dallas Chief Deputy Allan Sweatt said in a Secret Service document that Oswald was being paid $200.00 per month by the FBI and he even furnished Oswald's informant number, S-172.104 Dallas District Attorney, Henry Wade, and Texas Attorney General, Waggoner Carr, in a secret meeting with the Commission on January 24, 1964, gave absolute confirmation of this.

George DeMohrenschildt with his long years of experience in intelligence roles, testified to facts connecting Lee Harvey Oswald and Max Clark and his wife, Gali, to Division Five of the FBI and the Defense Industrial Security Command through the Henry Crown, Patrick Hoy dominated General Dynamics. He further revealed the name of the Division Five agent in charge in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Here is what DeMohrenschildt said: 

Mr. DeMohrenschildt: . . . . . . . in my mind Max Clark was in some way connected with the FBI, because he was chief of security at Convair (General Dynamics) he had been a chief of security. And either George Bouhe or someone else told me that he is with the FBI to some extent. . . .

Mr. Jenner: Who is Walter Moore?

Mr. DeMohrenschildt: Walter Moore is the man who interviewed me on behalf of the Government after I came back from Yugoslavia - G. Walter Moore. He is a Government man - FBI . . . A very nice fellow, exceedingly intelligent who is, as far as I know - was some sort of an FBI man in Dallas. Many people consider him head of FBI in Dallas. . .

It should be pointed out here that Albert Jenner, one of the top lawyers on the Warren Commission staff, had been the personal and corporate lawyer for Henry Crown, Mafia-connected head of General Dynamics for a long number of years. Both live in Chicago.105

Gali Clark is a White Russian who was born of royal blood in exile in France. She was Princess Sherbatov. She and her husband, Max, both Solidarists and close friends of John Connally, were the first Defense Industrial Security Command contacts with Lee and Marina Oswald when they got back from Russia in 1962. They visited in each others homes and were closely connected until after the assassination.

The Director of Security at General Dynamics, Max Clark and his wife were also members of the Tryall Compound in Jamaica.