Showing posts with label Van Helsing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Van Helsing. Show all posts

Saturday 27 November 2021

Escape is Not His Plan.

The Lawyer, Johnathan Harker has fallen and lies prone, weak and enfeebled upon the ramparts of Castle Dracula, 
unable to move, and barely able to speak -- 

He is Dying.

Spare me. 



Answer me. Johnny, "How?"
How do I spare you? 

[ Meanwhile, back in The Present -- ]

How indeed, Mr Harker? 
Mr Harker? Mr Harker... were about to explain how you escaped from the castle. 

Yes. Y-you've read my account. 

Yes. Perhaps it will help to refresh your memory. 

(She shows him the ledger, and he reads, with growing alarm.)

"Dracula will be served." 
What is this? "
Dracula is my master. 
Dracula will be obeyed. Dra... 
"Dracula is the beginning and the end. 
"Dracula is all things. Dracula is God." 
What? I-I didn't write this. 

When you were first brought here, 
you asked for a pen and paper. 
You were up all day and all night, 
and this is what you wrote. 

No, no, no, no, no. 
I-I thought I'd... 

You thought you'd written an account of your stay at Castle Dracula. 
The only account you've given is the account you're giving right now
It's time to finish your story. 

Johnny, how? 
How do I spare you? How? 

Let me go. 

You know why I'm going to England. 
You know that I'm going to kill people. 
lot of them. As many as I need -- 
And perhaps even more...

..I won't... 

You won't what? 
Oh, you won't tell anyone about me? 
Or try to stop me? 

You'll just let me slaughter all those innocents, 
No Questions Asked? 
Some lawyer you turned out to be, Johnny! 

I promise. I...I swe... 
I...I swear. I... I... I swear. 

All right, then. Do that



I'm going to England to destroy everything and everyone you love, 
but if you give me Your Word that you won't try to stop me... 

..I'll spare you. 

It's a trick. 

Give me Your Word. 

No... You're going to kill me anyway. 

Look me in the eye 
and give me Your Word

Count Dracula... 
..I give you My Word. 
If you let me out of this place... 
..if you let me live... ..then I... 
..then I will do everything in My Power to Stop You

Quite right

That's My Johnny. 
Welcome to The Mountaintop


Back in The Present :

I'm not breathing....

Sometimes you do, but I think it's mostly habit. 
You have no heartbeat, either. 

I'm Dead. 

Undead. But apparently, not yet a vampire. 
One must cling on to any good news that there is


I Do Not Serve Dracula. 

No, but He's in Your Mind. 

The Question is
Why are you not 
in one of His Boxes? 

I Don't Know. 

It's not something one ever anticipates asking, but 
What Happened AFTER You were Murdered? 

[ Back at Castle Dracula : ]

Oh, my goodness, that was quick. 


Johnny, Johnny, Johnny... 
Usually, people have a lie-down first. 


You're going to be a lively one, aren't you? 
You came back so quickly

That was impressive. 
You even have the beginnings of 
a Will of Your Own
None of the others have much beyond Hunger
but look at you go

Well, don't you see? 
This changes everything
Stay. Stay! You could be 
My Finest Bride. 

The others just became beasts
but you've kept Your Spirit.

Johnny, You're Like Me

I am not Like You! 


[ Back in The Present, again. ]

That's everything. 
That's... That's all I remember. 

But why did he scream? 
What did you do

Nothing, I did nothing. 
I... I looked at him, 
and the next thing I remember 
was that I was here. 

Oh, yes, yes, never mind that. 
We know what happened next. 

No, I... I don't... 
I don't remember. 

The River bore you out to sea, 
and the fishermen found you, 
caught in their net.

A drowned man 
walking and talking 
arouses a certain amount of curiosity, 
and you were brought to me, 
babbling of a girl called Mina whose face you had forgotten 
and an evil count who had stolen your soul

Why was I brought to you? 

I am known to have some expertise in the realm of witchcraft and the occult. 

You're a nun! 

We can discuss my imperfectly-suppressed fascination with everything Dark and Evil another time. 
For now, we will focus on why Dracula screamed. 


You were facing The Sun! 
Yes. I have sought 
to find God all My Life, 
and never found 
A Sign of Him anywhere
Why now
Why you? Why him

I don't understand. 

Then, think! 
Count Dracula fears The Cross. 
He fears The Symbol 
of Our Lord. 

The Girl didn't. 

Never mind The Girl. 
She was nothing. 

Dracula, Prince among Vampires, fears The Cross. 
Do you understand what that means

No. Tell me. 

God is RealGod is Real, 
and I've found him at last. 

You have found The Devil. 

If it takes the Devil to bring me to My Lord, then I say, 
"Bring on the Devil!" 

I don't! 

And why not
God saved you for a reason, don't you think? 

I'm not Saved! I'm Nothing. 

Would Mina think that? 

If she could see me, yes, she would. 
Look at me. I can't even remember Her Face. 

Yes. I think you have proven that to our satisfaction. 


Mr Harker, I apologise for the deception. 
It was necessary she heard the story from your own lips. 
You may have forgotten your fiancee's face... 
....but I have not lost you yet

Saturday 2 October 2021

The Vulcan Ego

Lt. Saavik
What happens if Reliant fails to follow us into the nebula?

Capt. Spock
I think we can guarantee she'll follow us, Lieutenant —

Remind me to discuss with you 
the concept of 
The Human Ego.

Dracula :
Do you really think provoking me is CLEVER…?

Van Helsing :
Yes. Yes, I Do —
I want to 
Learn More ABOUT You.

“Mr. Spock,

I am not very good at writing letters so I will make this short. I know that you are half Vulcan and half human and you have suffered because of this. My mother is Negro and my father is white and I am told this makes me a half-breed. In some ways I am persecuted even more than the Negro. The Negroes don’t like me because I don’t look like them. The white kids don’t like me because I don’t exactly look like one of them either. 

I guess I’ll never have any friends.

Los Angeles, Calif.

Leonard became so interested in this girl’s situation, FaVE [the magazine] offered him this chance to tell everyone what Mr. Spock did when he faced this problem.

As you may know, only Spock’s mother was human. His father was a Vulcan. Spock grew up among Vulcan children and, because he was different, he had to face the problem of not being accepted. This is because people, especially young people it seems, and Vulcans, too, tend to form into groups, kind of like wolf packs. They often demand that you be just like them or you will not be accepted. And the Vulcans were no different than humans are when it comes to prejudice.

Most of the Vulcan kids didn’t like Spock because he was half human. So they wouldn’t include him in all the things they did. He was very lonely and no one understood him. And Spock was heartbroken because he wasn’t popular. But it was only the need for popularity that was ruining his happiness. The question was which was more important, being ‘popular’ with the pack who might turn against him at any minute or being true to himself?


It takes a great deal of courage to turn your back on popularity and to go out on your own. Although inside you’re not really like the members of the pack, it’s still frightening to decide to leave them, because as long as you’re popular, you at least have someone to hang around with. But if you do leave, then you may end up all alone.

Now, there’s a little voice inside each of us that tells us when we’re not being true to ourselves. We should listen to this voice. Often we try to talk ourselves into believing our actions are good – ‘it’s okay to pick on that person’ we say because it may make us popular for awhile with the pack.

But usually there is no good reason for picking on anyone. He’s only bullied or turned away because of his background, because of the way he looks or talks or thinks. It’s always only because he’s different – not worth less personally than anyone else.


“Spock learned he could save himself from letting prejudice get him down. He could do this by really understanding himself and knowing his own value as a person. He found he was equal to anyone who might try to put him down – equal in his own unique way.

You can do this too, if you realize the difference between popularity and true greatness. It has been said that ‘popularity’ is merely the crumbs of greatness.

When you think of people who are truly great and who have improved the world, you can see that they are people who have realized they didn’t need popularity because they knew they had something special to offer the world, no matter how small that offering seemed. And they offered it and it was accepted with peace and love. It’s all in having the patience to find out what you yourself have to offer the world that’s really uniquely yours.

So – the answer to the whole problem, the answer that Spock found when he had to make his big decision, is in overcoming the need to be popular. It’s in choosing your own personal goal and going after it and forgetting what the others are saying. If you do this, then the ones who accept people for the right reasons – for their true worth – will find you and like you.

So Spock said to himself: “OK, I’m not Vulcan, so the Vulcans don’t want me. My blood isn’t pure red Earth blood. It’s green. And my ears – well, it’s obvious I’m not pure human. So they won’t want me either. I must do for myself and not worry about what others think of me who don’t really know me.


Spock decided he would live up to his own personal value and uniqueness. He’d do whatever made him feel best about himself. He decided to listen to that little voice inside him and not to the people around him.

He replaced the idea of wanting to be liked with the idea of becoming accomplished. Instead of being interested in being popular, he became interested in being intelligent. And instead of wanting to be powerful, he became interested in being useful.

He said to himself: ‘Not everyone will like me. But there will be those who accept me just for what I am. I will develop myself to such a point of excellence, intelligence and brilliance that I can see through any problem and deal with any crisis. I will become such a master of my own abilities and career that there will be a place for me. People of all races will need me and not be able to do without me.’

And that’s just what he did. And when I see him standing there on the bridge of the Enterprise, facing danger and life-and-death problems so cooly and with so much intelligence, I’m sure he made the right decision.”

Captain, I'm afraid you'll have to remain here. 

Spock, Doctor McCoy, 
come with me.


I cannot go with you.

Why not?

I Belong Here.

I don't understand.

Sybok! You are My Brother, 
but you do not know me. 

I am not The Outcast Boy you left behind 
those many years ago. 

Since that time, 
I Have Found Myself and My Place 
and I Know Who I Am. 

I cannot go with you.

I er... 
I guess you'd better count me out, too.

Then I'll see you on 
The Other Side.

Wait! ...You know we'll never 
make it through The Great Barrier.

What if we do? Will that convince you that My Vision was True?

Your Vision..?

Given to Me by God. 

He Waits for Us 
on The Other Side.

You are Mad.

Am I? ...We'll See.

[Enterprise-A bridge]
They Say no ship can survive this.
I say They're Wrong. 
I say the danger is an illusion.

We have no instrument readings. 
Is it there or isn't it?

Mister Sulu, 
...full ahead.

Full ahead, aye.

[Enterprise-A forward observation room
Is it possible?


Are we dreaming?

If we are, then Life is a Dream.

(camera pans down to plaque on ship's wheel 'To boldly go where no man has gone before')

[Enterprise-A bridge]

Instruments are back on line. 
There's a power source emanating from the planet like nothing 
I've ever seen.

Sha Ka Ree.

KORRD: Qui'Tu.

Vorta Vor.


About The Ship.

The Ship needs its Captain.

No special conditions?

No conditions.

What makes you think I won't turn us around?

Because you too, must know.

Sunday 6 June 2021

But Even That Extraordinary Physical Feat is Surely NOT The Point of Interest.

"Help us."

Van Helsing : 

So it struck you as strange, of course.


Well, clearly, there was someone

trapped in The Castle.

Van Helsing :

No. No. The writing

"Help us."


It was upside-down.

Van Helsing :

Well, yes, of course

because whoever wrote it 

was obliged to hang that way.

But even that extraordinary physical feat 

is surely not the point of interest.


Then what is?

Van Helsing :

What is remarkable, Mr Harker,

what is convenient, is that 

The Words were in English.



I didn't think of that.

Van Helsing :

Of course not.

You are an -- 

A combination of presumptions beyond compare.



Well, I knew I had the day to myself,

so I determined to find the room above mine

and see if anyone required my assistance.

Astronaut TAYLOR :

That completes my final report until we touch down.

We're on full automatic, in the hands of the computers.

l've tucked my crew in for the long sleep, 

and l'll be joining them soon.

In less than an hour we'll finish

our sixth month out of Cape Kennedy.

Six months in deep space.

By our time, that is.

According to Dr Hasslein's theory of time in a vehicle traveling nearly the speed of light, the Earth has aged nearly 700 years since we left it, while we've aged hardly at all.

It may be so. 

This much is probably True :

The men who sent us on this journey are long since dead and gone.

You who are reading me now are a different breed.

I hope a better one.

I leave the 20th century with no regrets. 

But one more thing...

If anybody's listening, that is.

Nothing scientific.

It’s purely personal.

Seen from out here, everything seems different.

Time bends. 

Space is, boundless.

It squashes a Man's Ego —

I feel lonely.

That's about it.

Tell me, though... 

Does Man, that marvel of the universe, that glorious paradox who has sent me to the stars, still make war against his brother, keep his neighbor's children starving?


Are you all right?



Astronaut TAYLOR :

We're in the soup. She's sinking.

Dodge, read The Atmosphere.

Landon, get out a last signal.

Astronaut LANDON :

What signal?

To Earth. That we've landed.

The air's OK. 

Blow the hatch before we lose all our power.

It’s no use. The power's gone.

Astronaut TAYLOR :

Forget it. Abandon ship.

Astronaut LANDON :

She's sinking.




Astronaut TAYLOR :

OK. We're here to stay.

Astronaut LANDON :

Well, where are we? 

Do you have any notion, skipper?

Astronaut TAYLOR :

We're 320 light years from Earth on an unnamed planet in orbit around a star in the constellation of Orion.

Is that close enough for you?

Astronaut DODGE :

That could be Bellatrix.

Astronaut LANDON :

It’s too white for Bellatrix.

Astronaut DODGE :

You didn't have time to read the tapes. 

So you really don't know, do you?

Astronaut LANDON :

What went wrong? 

We weren't programmed to land in the water.

Astronaut TAYLOR :

The Question is not so much 

where we are as when we are.

We've had enough sleep for a while.

Let's start earning all that back pay.

Dodge, run your soil test.

Got your sensors?

Astronaut DODGE :


Astronaut TAYLOR :

Geiger counter?

Astronaut DODGE :

Got it.

Astronaut TAYLOR :

Let's see... One pistol, 20 rounds

ammo, a medical kit, camera, TX9.

We've got Food and Water enough 

for three days.

Astronaut LANDON :

How long is a day?

Astronaut TAYLOR :

That's a good question.

Landon... Hey, Landon.

Join the expedition.

Astronaut LANDON :

Sorry. I was thinking about Stewart.

What do you suppose happened?

Astronaut TAYLOR :

Air leak. She died in her sleep.

Astronaut LANDON :

You don't seem very cut up about it.

Astronaut TAYLOR :

It's a little late for a wake.

She's been dead nearly a year.

Astronaut LANDON :

That means we've been away

from Earth for 18 months.

Astronaut TAYLOR :

Our time.

You've gone gray.

Apart from that you look pretty

chipper for a man who's 2,031 years old —

I read the clocks :

They bear out Hasslein's hypothesis.

We have been away from Earth for

2,000 years, give or take a decade.

Still can't accept it? 

Time's wiped out everything you ever knew.

It's all dust.

Astronaut LANDON :

Prove it.

If we can't get back, it's still just a theory.

Astronaut TAYLOR :

It's a fact, Landon. Buy it. 

You'll sleep better.

Astronaut DODGE :

Nothing will grow here. 

There's just a trace of carbohydrates.

All the nitrogen is locked into the nitrates.

Astronaut TAYLOR :

No dangerous ionization?

Astronaut DODGE :


Astronaut TAYLOR :


If there's no Life here, we've got just 72 hours to find it.

That's when the groceries run out. 

Let's go. 

Astronaut DODGE :

Which direction?

Astronaut TAYLOR :

That way.

Astronaut DODGE :

Any particular reason?

Astronaut TAYLOR :

None at all.

Come on...

Everybody all right?

Water check.

Eight ounces.

Astronaut LANDON :

It doesn't add up. 

Thunder and lightning,and no rain. Cloud cover at night.

Astronaut DODGE :

That strange luminosity, yet no moon.

If we could just get a fix.

Astronaut TAYLOR :

What would that tell you? 

I've told you Where You Are and When You Are.

Astronaut LANDON :

All right, all right.

Astronaut TAYLOR :

You're 300 light years

from your precious planet.

Your loved ones are dead and

forgotten for 20 centuries.

20. Even if you could get back, they'd think you were something that fell out of a tree.

Astronaut DODGE :

Taylor, quit riding him.

Astronaut TAYLOR :

There is just one reality.

We are here and it is now.

You get hold of that, 

or you might as well be dead.

Astronaut DODGE :

I'm prepared to die.

He's prepared to die —

Doesn't that make you misty? Chalk up another victory for the human spirit.

Clue me in on something, will you?

Why did you sign on for this trip?

You volunteered. Why?

Never mind. I'll clue you in. You were

the golden boy of the class of '72.

When they nominated you,

you couldn't turn it down.

Not without losing your all-American image.

Astronaut LANDON :

Climb off, will you?

Astronaut TAYLOR :

And the glory. Don't forget that.

There's a life-size bronze statue

of you standing out there somewhere.

Probably turned green by now 

and nobody can read the nameplate.

But never let it be said we forget our heroes.

Astronaut LANDON :

Taylor, climb off my back.

And there's one last item. Immortality.

You wanted to live for ever, didn't you?

Well, you damn near made it. Except for me and

Dodge, you've lived longer than anyone ever born.

And with our lovely Lieutenant Stewart dead,

it looks like you're the last of the line.

You got what you wanted, Tiger. 

How does it taste?

Astronaut LANDON :

OK. You read me well enough.

But why can't I read you?

Astronaut TAYLOR :

Don't bother.

Astronaut LANDON :

Dodge, there. He's not like me at all. 

But he makes sense.

He'd walk naked into a live volcano if he thought

he could learn something that no other man knew.

But you... You're no seeker. 

You're negative.

Astronaut TAYLOR :

And I’m not prepared to die.

Astronaut LANDON :

I'd like to know why not.

You thought life on Earth was meaningless. 

You despised people.

So what did you do? You ran out.

Astronaut TAYLOR :

No. It's not like that, Landon.

I'm A Seeker too. But My Dreams aren't like yours :

I can't help thinking somewhere there has to be something better than Man. Has to be.

Astronaut DODGE :

Taylor, over here.


Where there's one, there's another. 

And another and another.

Astronaut TAYLOR :

Let's find 'em.

Astronaut DODGE :




Astronaut TAYLOR :

Let's see.

To hell with the scarecrows.


Hey. Yay. Yay.



Whoo. Whoo.



Look at this.

Taylor, look.

They didn't leave much, did they?

Well, at least they haven't tried to bite us.

Astronaut TAYLOR :

Blessed are the vegetarians.

Astronaut DODGE :

They look more or less human,

but I think they're mute.

Astronaut LANDON :

We got off at the wrong stop.

Astronaut TAYLOR :

You're supposed to be the optimist,

Landon. Look on the bright side.

If this is the best they've got around here,

in six months we'll be running this planet.


Which one was wearing the strange clothes?

This one.

Will he live?

I don't know.

This beast has lost a lot of blood.

- There's no probe here. Find one.

- Yes, sir.

This place is dirty, Doctor.

Doctor, these animals are dirty.

They stink. They carry diseases. Why aren't

they cleaned up before they're brought here?

- You don't sound happy in your work.

- l'm little more than a vet in this laboratory.

You promised to speak to Dr Zaius about me.

I did. You know how he looks

down his nose at chimpanzees.

But the quota system's been abolished. 

You made it. Why can't I?

What do you mean "made it"? 

I'm an animal psychologist, that's all. 

We have no authority.

You do all right getting

space and equipment.

That's because Dr Zaius realizes our work has value.

The foundations of scientific brain

surgery are being laid right here 

in studies of cerebral functions of these animals.

They're still dirty, doctor. 

And their bite is septic. 

There. Look at that.

Hold his jaw.

Good morning, Dr Zira.

Morning, Julius. 

How's our patient?

No change. The minute you open

the door, he goes into his act.


And what do we want this morning?

Do we want something? Come on. Speak.

Come on, speak.

Do we want some sugar, Old-Timer?

You could get hurt doing that, doctor.

Don't be silly. 

He's perfectly tame.

They all are, ‘til they take a chunk out of you.

Well, Bright Eyes. Our throat feeling better?

Still hurts, doesn't it?

See? He keeps pretending he can talk.

That Bright Eyes is remarkable.

He keeps trying to form words.

You know what they say —

Human see, human do.