Showing posts with label Gods of Ragnarok. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gods of Ragnarok. Show all posts

Sunday 28 April 2019


Wise men have regarded 
The Earth as A Tragedy, 
A Farce, even An Illusionist's Trick
but all, if they are truly wise and not 
merely intellectual rapists, recognise that 
it is certainly some kind of stage 
in which we all play roles, most of us being 
very poorly coached and totally unrehearsed 
before The Curtain rises.

Is it too much if I ask, tentatively, that 
we agree to look upon it as A Circus, 
a touring carnival wandering about The Sun 
for a record season of four billion years 
and producing new monsters and miracles, 
hoaxes and bloody mishaps, wonders and blunders, 
but never quite entertaining The Customers 
well enough to prevent them from leaving, 
one by one, and returning to their homes 
for a long and bored Winter's 
sleep under The Dust?

Then, say, for a while at least, that 
I have found an identity as Ringmaster
but that crown sits uneasily 
on my head (if I have a head) and 
I must warn you that the troupe is small 
for a universe this size and 
many of us have to double or triple 
our stints, so you can expect me 
back in many other guises. 

Indeed do many things come to pass.

Time’s Champion
The Climax of My Act, Gods of Ragnarok, 
requires something you do not 
possess in great abundance

That is, Imagination

And it starts, with 
A Piece of Metal. 

This Piece of Metal once belonged, to A Sword
and that sword, belonged to A Gladiator. 

(The Doctor throws the piece of metal into the air
where it transforms into A Gladius, and then 
A Broadsword drops into His Hand.

And that gladiator fought and died 
in this ring to entertain you.

I have fed you enough, Gods of Ragnarok; and 
You found what I have to offer indigestible

So, I have taken myself 
off The Menu. 

La comedia e finita. 

We command you. 

You cannot stop. 

Time’s Champion : 
I already have. 

Then you will die. 

Time’s Champion : 
Probably not
It's all a matter of Timing
don't you know --

(The Doctor points the sword to the ground.)

[Stone chamber]

Oi, sarcophagus face! 

(The Captain turns and Mags kicks the medallion out of his hand and into the well. 
It lands on the sword and the Doctor uses it to reflect the Gods' laser bolts back at them. 
The Eye in the well grows.