Sunday 17 March 2024

Saturday 16 March 2024

So What? It's a Free Country.

The sun is shining brightly and Liberty 
is back on her pedestal where she belongs. 
The Mayor and a host of officials are commemorating her return. 
The Ghostbusters, Dana, Janine and 
Louis are there as honoured guests. 
The Mayor comes out with a giant gold key, 
symbolic of The Key to the City.

Notice Janosz Poha and Jack Hardemeyer 
standing to the left of the podium.

The Mayor shakes hands with Peter, then hands the key over to him. Peter accepts it, then hands it down to the other members of the team.

(looking up at the statue)
Pretty impressive, huh?

It's probably the first thing my grandparents 
saw when they came to this country.

From where -- Neptune?

They came from Ostrov in Eastern Poland.

Ostrov? I've been there. Good party town.

(in a similarly reflective mood)
My great-grandparents were Swiss
I still have the pictures they took of 
The Statue from the boat when they arrived.

Oh, right, you told me that. 
They came to America seeking other 
kinds of cheese, as I recall. 
How about you, Winston?

My people weren't taking any pictures from those slave ships, 
man. And there wasn't any Statue in Charleston Harbor 
to welcome them, either. 
What are you, Dana?

Miss Blue Blood? Her family's 
been here since the year 12.

That's not true. It was 1620.

Same difference.

What's your story, Pete?

Me? I'm a little of everything. Some Irish, 
some German, some French, Dutch -- 
the women in my family slept around.
And that's what made this country great.

That's a terrible thing to say.

So what? It's a free country.
(looking up at the statue)
Thanks, Lib.

They all look up at the Statue.


Slimer flies out one of the observation windows, THEME MUSIC KICKS IN and the CAMERA PULLS UP and AWAY FROM the island TO a HIGH SHOT of the Statue, lower Manhattan and the shining sea beyond.

I LIKE That Shirt, Friend!

Stantz, Spengler and Winston come downstairs wearing new Ghostbuster uniforms. The uniforms are ridiculously overdone and over-decorated with military berets topping off the whole ensemble. Venkman notes the unhappy looks on their faces.

(trying to bluff his way through)
Incredible! This is a very good look.
We look like the Bronxville High School Marching Band.
Will you just trust me on this? It's all part of the new plan -- higher visibility, lower overhead, deeper market penetration, bigger profits. Just wait until we open the boutique.
What boutique?
The Ghostbusters Gift Boutique. It's a natural. I've been working on it all day.
(he reads from a list)
Ghostbuster tee-shirts, sweatshirts, caps, visors, beach towels, mugs, calendars, stationery, balloons, stickers, Frisbees, paperweights, souvenirs, tote bags, party supplies, motor oil, toys, video games.
(suddenly inspired)
Ooh, I'm grossing myself out -- Ghostbusters breakfast cereal.
Breakfast cereal.
(thinks better of it)
Okay, forget the cereal. But this could be a gold mine. 
We get this junk cheap from Taiwan or Korea and all we have to do is stick our logo on it. We'll be laughing.
Our primary concern should be the continued integrity of the biosphere. It's a responsibility shared by all conscious beings.
Isn't that what I just said?
(to Venkman)
Look, Venkman. We don't have time for this. We've got customers waiting-- paying customers. You can wear pink huggies and go-go boots if you want. We're sticking with the old coveralls.
They go upstairs to change uniforms. Venkman follows them to the foot of the stairs.

Let’s Run Some Red-Lights


The Ghostbusters cross to ECTO-1A.

There's definitely something going on in that studio. 
The PKE levels were max-plus and the 
Giga-meter was showing all red.

I'd put my money on that Vigo character.

Yeah, that's a safe bet.
(to Stantz)
You and Spengman see what else you can 
dig up on Vigo and this little weasel Poha. 
Those two were made for each other.


The Ghostbusters are driving back to the firehouse. Stantz is at the wheel. His eyes are vacant, he seems distracted and very tense. Stantz swerves suddenly and HONKS the horn angrily.

(to another driver)
Move it, you jerk!

Venkman and Winston exchange surprised looks.


Stantz drives extremely fast, HONKING vindictively, weaving dangerously through traffic.


Winston looks at Ray, concerned.

Going a little fast, aren't we, Ray?
Stantz turns on him.

Are you telling me how to drive?

No, I just thought --

Well don't think!

He HONKS again and tromps hard on the accelerator.


Ecto-2 is now barreling down the avenue. 
Pedestrians leap to safety as Stantz runs a red light.


They hang on to the safety straps as Stantz continues his maniacal ride.

(to Stantz, really worried now)
Are you crazy, man? You're going to kill somebody!

Stantz looks at him and smile demonically.
No, I'm going to kill everybody!

He swerves off the road.


The car heads right for a big tree.


At the last possible moment, Winston cold-cocks Stantz, grabs the wheel and steps across to stomp on the brakes.


The car skids into the tree and stops. The Ghostbusters stumble out dazed and shaken, but unhurt. Stantz rubs his eyes and looks at the others, completely at a loss.

(himself again)
What happened?

You just picked up three penalty points 
on your driver's license.

Are you all right?

Yeah, I guess so. It was the strangest thing. 
I knew what I was doing but I couldn't stop. 
This really terrible feeling came over me and -- I don't know -- 
I just felt like driving into that tree 
and ending it all. Whew! Sorry, boys.

They inspect the damage to the car.

(confidentially, to Spengler)
Watch him, Egon. 
Don't even let him shave.

The Elder Gods

“I've thought of this from a from a narrative 
point of view or from a symbolic point of view — 
in Old stories in folktales and fairy tales you often have uh, 
um  — Cyclops or one-eyed Giants, and there's a 
sexual connotation to that which is which is apropos, 
that the psychoanalysts would would certainly point out, 
but The One Eye Idea is that this thing is gigantic 
and wants ONE thing, and so that's another way 
that is conceptualising the fundamental 
structure of the human psyche is that 
it's a Dwelling-Place full of one-eyed Giants 
and they're constantly at War — one of them 
wants to be the largest ONE Giant 
and dominate everything else."

The Elder Gods

"So one of the claims -- I suppose this would be an Enlightenment claim;
is that people do have a drive to knowledge and that that drive 
is in fact what underlies the production 
of such things as philosophy —

But Nietzsche questions that — because he's trying to bring us back to consideration of the fact that you can't separate the Philosopher's Mind from the philosophers being he's first and foremost a living creature and he's up to something and the question is what is it that he's up to and so you can see the earliest manifestations in a paragraph like this of what later developed into deconstructionist thought and that that was mostly French Continental philosophers who pursued that particular line of reasoning and it it is derived exactly from this kind of statement by n so for example someone like Derrida would say say it doesn't matter what the content of the text is what matters is that The Text can be used as a tool for Power and that whether the person who wrote the text knew it or not that's what they were doing and they were doing it in a way to privilege themselves above other people and that's really I would say the fundamental deconstructionist claim and it's a powerful claim it's an utterly corrupt claim but it's a really powerful claim and it's related directly to the sorts of things that n was referring to to in this paragraph what is it that the person's truly up to now the problem with the deconstructionist claim is that it's an it's an open invitation to cynicism to thoughtless cynicism I can just make the presupposition that whatever it is that you're telling me you're you you're telling me merely to dominate regardless of what it is that you claim to be doing well the problem with that approach is that it's predicated on the implicit assumption that the only value that people actually have is the value to is the desire to dominate and of course that's a purely like that could be the case and I also think that it's even reasonable to posit that to some degree that it is the case but to take that from a contributing factor and to make that the highest God because that's essentially what the deconstructionists are doing those are entirely different things and you have to be aware of people who take a single causal element and elevated to the stature of single comprehensive cause you know it's more reasonable to assume that people are complex in their motivations and that many different strands of biological and cultural motivation are in some sense primary and that what happens is that they come together to weave a kind of tapestry rather than to make the automatic assumption that you can reduce the entire set of human motivations to a single principle like that of power now you know I would say nich is also responsible to some degree for the deconstructionist claim that it's power because one of his most famous utterances was that the fundamental motivating force in life is the will to power but he wasn't so much because nich is a subtle thinker he wasn't so much attempting to reduce human motivation to power he was attempting to redefine what it was that we conceptualized as power where that is what the deconstructionists are doing at all because fundamentally they're marxists and they believe that you know they've ins sconed themselves within an economic Viewpoint where within a philosophical Viewpoint where economics is Paramount and where all that matters is power construed as socioeconomic domination fundamentally you know and that's in in turn is embedded in metaphysics that's even deeper which is a metaphysics that presumes that people are are fundamentally materialist and all of those things are qu you know all of those things are Highly Questionable so I'm going to skip ahead a little bit in the paragraph when Nature talks about the motivations of you might consider them people who are working in the middle ranks of bureaucracies whether they're scientific or otherwise so they're in some sense acting as cogs in a particular machine and so that's what he's describing here he says in the case of Scholars or in the case of really scientific men it may be there may really be such a thing as an Impulse to knowledge some kind of small independent Clockwork which when well wound up Works away industriously to that end without the rest of the scholarly impulses taking any material part therein the actual interests of the scholar therefore are generally in quite another Direction it is the family or in moneymaking or in politics it is in fact almost indifferent at what point of research his little machine is placed and whether the hopeful young worker becomes a good philologist someone who studied the origin of words a mushroom Specialist or a chemist he's not characterized becoming this by this he's not characterized by becoming this or that nich's point there fundamentally is that even when you do analyze people who in whom the the will to knowledge might actually be operative even though he wouldn't be willing to Grant it the status of highest motivating power that even in those people people where that will to knowledge does exist the probability that that is in turn subordinated to some other principle that's higher in the value hierarchy is very very high and it's hard to tell exactly what that additional principle might be but he points out such things as well maybe they're primarily interested in serving the interests of their family or they're primarily interested in making money or maybe they're primarily interested in status and maybe they're interested in stat status becomes it because it makes them more sexually attractive and that sort of thing so but the the the question of what is it that's lurking in the background is always Paramount so another detour in this particular paragraph whoever considers the fundamental impulses of man with a view to determining how far they may have here acted as inspiring geni or as demons will find that they have all practiced philosophy at one time or another and that each of them would have been only too glad to look upon itself as the ultimate end of existence and the legitimate Lord over all of the other impulses that's another like Beyond Good and Evil to think of it as a book is a really foolish framework you know because this is what a book is when people think about a book you know it's like a material entity it's it's 8 in high and 6 in wide and 2 inch thick and weighs a pound and it's made out of paper and it's between two two covers you know and that's a materialist that's the a prior sort of axiomatic view of a book but n's Beyond Good and Evil isn't a book at all it's a series of bombs and each sentence is a bomb and each sentence blows things up that people don't even know exist and so one of the things with this sentence for example here's how he's conceptualizing a human being so the first thing he talks about is that the F there are fundamental impulses of human beings okay so that that BS the questions well what do you mean by impulse and what do you mean by fundamental and both of those are extraordinarily complicated problems so an Impulse you can think of an Impulse as a drive you could think about it as a biological Instinct you could think about it as an aim or a goal you could think about it as an act of will like there's there's endless questions that that hang off that question but we could start with the idea that we perhaps can't Define it but we are willing to go with the proposition that people do have impulses and I think maybe that's manifest to you more most particularly when you're attempting to do something voluntarily and something involuntarily interferes with that you know so maybe you're sitting down to to try to get some work done and the work is not of any particular intrinsic interest but you regard it as necessary you know necessary element in some higher order scheme and so you're attempting to organize yourself so you will in fact concentr on that particular relatively mundane activity but what you find when you sit down to actually engage in that is you can't do it you have to go do the dishes or you have to clean under the bed or you have to have a sexual fantasy or you or or there's some other thing that you could do that's useful but that you wouldn't normally do that you'll go do instead or that you fall asleep or that you get hungry or like there's an endless number of let's call them impulses that might arise to interfere with your conscious movement forward well exactly what are those things well 

n certainly conceptualizes the human being as a place where those things live and he does mean live too because he wouldn't refer to them as de demons or or Genies without introducing the metaphorical conception of something that lives and so partly what n reveals in those sentences is that he conceptualizes a human being as the the Dwelling Place of spirits and some of them are Genie let's say that's the root word of genius that's the terribly powerful thing that exists in the terribly small compartment right that you have to call forth and some of them are demons and demons are things that have their own autonomous will and that generally aren't aiming for the good so then so those are all things n just lays out as implicit parts of the sentence so he activates all those ideas whether you know or not in your mind to the degree that you process the sentence and those things start to take on life of of their own those ideas and so then he he adds another dimension of complexity to that by saying well you you're full of demons and and and and genies and they're all doing their own thing whatever that happens to be but each of them if left to their own devices would it attempt to remake the entire world in their form and so I I 

I've thought of this from a from a narrative point of view or from a symbolic point of view in in in in Old stories in folktales and fairy tales you often have uh um Cyclops or oneeyed Giants and there's a sexual connotation to that which is which is app propo that the psychoanalysts would would certainly point out but the one eye idea is that this thing is gigantic and wants one thing and so that's another way that n is conceptualizing the fundamental structure of the human psyche it's a Dwelling Place full of oneeyed Giants and they're constantly well one thing one way of looking at it is they're constantly at War one of them wants to be the largest onee Giant and dominate everything else 

and then one of the things that so n takes that argument further and he says not only is this always happening in human beings but that if you look at philosophy what it is is it's a continual revelation of the attempt of some singular minded psychic monster psychological monster to dominate the entire psychological structure and therefore the entire cultural structure and therefore the entire world and then you can you can see in that the entire religious structure struggle of mankind to take this vast polytheistic vision of reality and to organize it into some sort of monotheistic and integrated structure which you could also consider indistinguishable from the civilizing the impulse that operates in human beings to become civilized because on the one hand it might be a terrible thing that one oneeyed monster emerges to attempt to dominate all the others but then on the other hand there's no difference between that and organizing something because to organize something is to bring it all into a hierarchical structure with some sort of singular value at the Forefront and then the question might be well what should that singular value be and then n would that ties the whole argument back into the first sentences that he wrote at the beginning of the paragraph which is is well what is it that the philosopher is up to what is the force that he's serving what is the unifying impulse that's another way of looking at it if there's a unifying impulse and he's not only Fallen prey to some internal demon if there's a unifying impulse to bring all of this together into some sort of functional structure what exactly might that look like for every impulse is imperious and as such attempts to philosophize that's part of that sort of nich's idea of Will To Power in in its nent form like all of these unconscious entities that inhabit the human psyche are all alive and they're trying to live they're trying to they're trying to climb up the dominance Archy and dominate because of course that's partly what life does because let's say from an evolutionary perspective and this is probably more true for males because they're less effective in their attempts to replicate the distinction between climbing up a dominance hierarchy whatever that might happen to be and success is there may be no distinction at all and then you might say well that just shows that there's nothing but will to power but that still doesn't answer one of the most fundamental questions is that power in relationship to what because that's the question okay so you can shut that off

Friday 15 March 2024


Black and White

The Brood — "I Disgust You"

Canadian Police Pathologist :
Our friend has very strange eyes.
They have irises, but no retinas.
I should think his 
vision of the world 
is very distorted.
I'm pretty certain he sees things 
only in black-and-white.
No colours.

The upper lip is cleft.
Real harelip, but the palate is not.
And the tongue is too thick and 
inflexible for proper speech.

It has no teeth,
but you can get a pretty nasty bite...
from these strange, beak-like gums.

Canadian Homicide Detective :
Why did it die?

Canadian Police Pathologist :
I found some sort of collapsed, fleshy sac 
between the little fellow's shoulder blades.
It contains traces of a solid nutrient material...
A bit like the yolk sac of certain fish, or a camel's hump.

Basically, it's a gas tank that was full at birth.

Once the hump material is completely assimilated,
I think the creature simply starves to death.
Runs out of gas, so to speak.

And that brings us to the last point of interest.
There's an external deformity.
I mean, apart from the lack of sexual organs.

It's extremely subtle and extremely provocative.
I wonder if either of you have noticed it.

David Cronenberg's FictionSuit :
It has no navel.

Canadian Homicide Detective :
No what?

David Cronenberg's FictionSuit :
No bellybutton.
The thing has no bellybutton.

Canadian Police Pathologist :
That's right.
And that means this creature 
has never really been born.

At least, not the way 
human beings are born.

Canadian Homicide Detective :


Izzy :
You know, it really would be 
quicker to take a plane.

A plane’s too risky.
The Country needs us.

Izzy :
What happened, guys?

They say the building’s 
too small for this cyclotron.

Izzy :
Get them together with the architects.
When’s this place supposed to open?

Two months.

Izzy :
Robert, you’re the great improviser, 
but this… you can’t do 
in your head.

Four divisions.
Experimental, theoretical, metallurgical.

Izzy :
Who’s running theoretical?

I am.

Izzy :
That’s what I was afraid of. 
You’re spread too thin.

So you take theoretical.

Izzy :
I’m not coming here, Robert.

Why not?

Izzy :
You drop a bomb and it falls 
on the just and the unjust.
I don’t wish the culmination of three centuries 
of physics to be a weapon of mass destruction.

I don’t know if we can be trusted with such a weapon. 
But I know the Nazis can’t.
We have no choice.

Izzy :
Then… The second thing you have to do 
is appoint Hans Bethe to run 
the theoretical division.

Wait, what was the first?

Izzy :
Take off that ridiculous uniform.
You’re A Scientist.

Groves is insisting we join.

Izzy :
Tell Groves to go shit in his hat.
They need us for who we are.
So be yourself.
Only better.

Thursday 14 March 2024

Farming Dirt

Callie Yells At Phoebe - Ghostbusters: Afterlife



Callie :
We’re barely hanging on here.

Phoebe Spengler :
You don’t understand.

Callie :
I understand you drove around town
destroying expensive property.

Don’t you think Your Father 
came out here for a reason?

Callie :
NoNo. I think he was a sad old man who 
turned his back on his family, his partners.

And for what? For a stupid farm in 
a town nobody cares about.

Where, by the way, everybody 
thought he was nuts.

Yeah, great decision, Dad.

Phoebe Spengler :
He was special
He loved science, like me.

Why didn’t you tell me 
My Grandfather was 
Egon Spengler?


Callie :
Hey, I’m glad you found 
yourself here. I really am.

But all I see are reminders that 
I didn’t mean a thing to him.

He never cared about me.

Phoebe Spengler :
He’s not nuts.

Callie :
Well, then he’s an asshole.
Welcome to The Family.

Assholes : A Theory establishes the 
philosophical understanding of the subject. 

For example, according to James, an asshole "allows himself 
to enjoy special advantages in social relations out of 
an entrenched sense of entitlement that 
immunises him against the complaints 
of other people." 

As Martin Patriquin wrote in Maclean's, the author "spends 
214 quite convincing pages arguing that “assholeness” 
is less inattention than a permanent state of mind [...]"

What is The Grail representing, then?


What is The Grail representing, then?

Well, The Grail becomes the, what we call it, 
That Which is Attained and Realised by People 
Who Have Lived Their Own Lives. 

So The Story very briefly is of this — 
I’m giving it now as Wolfram gives it — 
but this is just one version. 

The Grail King was a Lovely Young Man
but he had not EARNED that position. 

And The Grail represents The Fulfillment 
of The Highest Spiritual Potentialities 
of The Human Consciousness. 

And he was a Lovely Young Man, 
and he rode forth from His Castle 
with The War Cry, “Amor!” 

And as he’s riding forth, a Moslem, 
a pagan warrior, a Mohammedan warrior, 
comes out of The Woods, A Knight. 

And they both level their lances at each other, 
they drive at each other, and The Lance 
of The Grail King kills The Mohammedan, 
but The Mohammedan Lance 
castrates The Grail King.

What that means is that the Christian separation of Matter and Spirit, 
of The Dynamism of Life and The Spiritual, Natural Grace 
and Supernatural Grace, has really castrated Nature. 

And The European Mind, The European Life, 
has been as it were, emasculated by this; 
True Spirituality, which would have 
come from this, has been killed. 

And then what did 
The Pagan represent? 

He was A Person from 
The Suburbs of Eden. 

He was regarded as A Nature Man, 
and on The Head of His Lance 
was written The Word, “Grail.” 

That is to say, Nature intends The Grail. 

Spiritual Life is The Bouquet of Natural Life, 
not a supernatural thing imposed upon it. 

And so The Impulses of Nature are what 
give Authenticity to Life, 
not Obeying Rules come from 
a Supernatural Authority, 
that’s the sense of The Grail.

Wednesday 13 March 2024

Conspiracy Theory

Mel Gibson exposes some of the dark minds of Hollywood in 1998 | (FRIGHT...

The Hounds of Love

Kate Bush - Hounds of Love - Official Music Video

The words "it's in the trees, it's coming!" heard at the beginning of the track are sampled from the British 1957 horror film Night of the Demon and are mouthed by an actor from the film, Reginald Beckwith, who plays a medium channelling a character played by Maurice Denham, who provides the voice.

A music video was made for the song, which Bush herself directed. It was inspired by Alfred Hitchcock's thriller film The 39 Steps (1935) and a Hitchcock lookalike also features in the video (a nod to the director's famous cameo appearances in his movies).

Tuesday 12 March 2024


He sensed My Power
as he senses yours --
and he FEARED it.

The net of Heaven is vast
yet it misses nothing.

WATCH: Jordan Peterson’s Full Testimony Before Congress

I would like to start by expressing my uh appreciation for the privilege awarded to me to testify here today it it really is an honor to be asked to do so I'm not here to talk about January 6th or about any particular threat Insurrection or protest political or ideological real or imaginary I'm here to talk about the already extent and expanding collusion of government and Corporation in restricting the individual freedom and autonomy upon which the productive generous and stable psych psyche economy and state are themselves necessarily founded 

I'll begin my comments therefore 
in the most general terms to shed 
light on the mounting problem : 
There are now 700 million CCTVs in China 
under the rule of the Communist Party --
The System to which those electronic eyes 
are attached is the most complete State-apparatus 
of surveillance yet imagined
with the ability not only 
to recognise faces at a distance, but gait itself when facial features are hidden or obscured.

Such capability can 
and will soon be augmented 
to the point where the movement 
of eyes themselves monitored by 
high resolution and intelligent cameras 
will soon be sufficient to identify 
any aware and active party

The demented, naive and 
prideful Engineers who so enthusiastically 
helped build this System call it SkyNet --
after the Rogue and all-seeing technology 
that took such a dreadfully wrong term turn 
in the famous science fiction movie Terminator series 
featuring artificially intelligent robot intelligences 
hellbent on protecting themselves 
by destroying Humanity. 

The name also refers to a well-known Chinese phrase 
describing the reach of the Divine itself the net of Heaven is vast yet it misses nothing; which aptly describes the capabilities of the new state apparatus the system is integrated with the so-called Chinese social credit system which Awards its involuntary participants with a score indicating their compliance with the dictates of the Chinese Communist Party allowing for full full control over access to everything they possess electronically most ominously their savings and their access to travel certainly all modern means of travel but increasingly as the electronic Gates come up even by walking if you're a Chinese or a visitor your access to the world can be reduced to zero if your social credit score Falls Beyond an arit arbitrary minimum this allows you purposefully to be shut out of all activities that can be virtualized and in a rapidly virtualizing world this increasingly means all activities driving shopping working eating finding shelter even fraternizing with friends and family as merely being in the presence of someone with a low social credit score means that your own score can be lowered this has also opened up the opportunity for the government to extract slave like labor from its citizens so burdened as the donation of free work to the state still constitute one means by which aing Chinese men and women can increase their score and remain part of human society this is precisely the payment system most desired by the most tyrannical not the work for me and benefit thereby that constitutes the contractual Arrangement undertaken by free and Sovereign citizens but the work for me and I will lift the deprivation I imposed that has always been the late motif of the slaver why is any of this relevant to people in the west well because the technology that the Chinese Communist party employs is an extension of Western technology because we already fell prey to the terrible temptation of lockdown employed by that state in the face of hypothetical crisis once and in the very recent past because we're walking step by step in the same direction partly because of the hypothetical convenience of universal and automatic recognition of identity and partly because any problem whatsoever that now confronts us can easily be used to justify the increasing reach of the security in Nanny state it is said that stone AG people first confronted with cameras and their resultant photographs by modern anthropologists objected to having their images captured as they feared the Captivity of their souls it turns out that such fear was preent the images that we leave behind while navigating virtual space are such close duplicates of our actual selves that the capture of our Essence is at this point all but guaranteed we all now have our doppelgangers we all live so much in the virtual world in consequence of our purchasing habits and modes of electronically mediated communication that our very selves have become reducible to a frightening degree to data the modern equivalent of our footprint with the same data making up an image of our identity an identity which can be and is increasingly bought and sold by the invisible corporate Brokers that still mostly use it to sell us what we so desperately and carelessly and conveniently want but can also be used to track Monitor and punish everything we do and say behavioral scientists facilitate this process with their reprehensible nudging the practice of pushing people in a given ideologically determined Direction by manipulating invisible incentives behind the scene corporations track purchasing decisions developing algorithms that with increasing accuracy track our patterns of attention and action allowing for the prediction of what might next be most enticing doing so not only to offer us what we want but to determine and shape what we need governments can and are colluding with these corporate agents to develop a picture not only of our actions but of our thoughts and words so that deviation from the desired end can be mapped rewarded and punished the development of the digital identity and currency is nothing more than the likely end consequence of such inclinations and the combination of both can and will facilitate the development of a surveillance State the scope of which optimistic pessimists of totalitarianism such as George Orwell could scarcely imagine the new AI systems which are so rapidly emerging do nothing but increase this danger providing for the possibility of a super surveillance whose scope exceeds anything that mere un augmented humans could imagine while also making it certain that even the perceptions that in the real world shape our attitudes conduct and personality can be can be manipulated to the degree that we will not even be able to see a reality outside which that has been constructed by the superstate the ultimate fascist collusion between gigantic self-interested corporations and paranoid security obsessed anti-human governments we're already selling our souls to the superstate for the purposes of immediate gratification while being enticed to do so by Fe Mr chairman could the witness be asked to summarize please D do I have my five minutes or do I know you've gone over five minut oh I'm sorry I can I can certainly I can the can summarize we're always a little lean with the time if you can summize take 10 more seconds 

--sure. With increasing ability to monitor 
not only the actual attention patterns and behaviours 
of its citizens but to predict those that are 
most likely, the persecution of even potential crime 
becomes ever more likely if you have nothing to hide you will have nothing to fear will be the slogan commandeered by those most likely to turn to surveillance to protect and control what was the famous Soviet totalitarian joke attributed to laventi Baria head of the secret police show me the man and I'll show you the crime those words were true enough in the time of Stalin's KGB and the police were secret enough then as well but that's nothing compared to what we can and likely will produce now a police so secret that we will not even be able to detect their comprehensive and subtle activity monitoring crime so perace of that everyone under the dictates of the system will have something to hide.