Monday 13 February 2023

Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow

Tomorrow, and tomorrow -- Ian McKellen analyzes Macbeth speech (1979)

Macbeth Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow soliloquy | Marquee TV

I have almost forgot the taste of fears;
The time has been, my senses would have cool'd
To hear a night-shriek; and my fell of hair
Would at a dismal treatise rouse and stir
As life were in't: I have supp'd full with horrors;
Direness, familiar to my slaughterous thoughts
Cannot once start me.

Re-enter SEYTON

Wherefore was that cry?

The Queen, My Lord, is Dead.

She should have died hereafter;
There would have been a time for such a word.
To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

Enter a Messenger

Thou comest to use thy tongue; thy story quickly.

Gracious my lord,
I should report that which I say I saw,
But know not how to do it.

Well, say, sir.

As I did stand my watch upon the hill,
I look'd toward Birnam, and anon, methought,
The wood began to move.

Liar and slave!

Let me endure your wrath, if't be not so:
Within this three mile may you see it coming;
I say, a moving grove.

If thou speak'st false,
Upon the next tree shalt thou hang alive,
Till famine cling thee: if thy speech be sooth,
I care not if thou dost for me as much.
I pull in resolution, and begin
To doubt the equivocation of the fiend
That lies like truth: 'Fear not, till Birnam wood
Do come to Dunsinane:' and now a wood
Comes toward Dunsinane. Arm, arm, and out!

If this which he avouches does appear,
There is nor flying hence nor tarrying here.
I gin to be aweary of the sun,
And wish the estate o' the world were now undone.

Ring the alarum-bell! Blow, wind! come, wrack!
At least we'll die with harness on our back.



Frank Sidebottom - First TV Appearance on 'TX' (1985)

Thought lost to the ravages of time but rediscovered amongst my many vhs tapes - here it is, in all it's glory - 
Frank Sidebottom's first national TV appearance 
(as far as I'm aware) on the show 'TX' (1985). 
It features a very green-around-the-gills Tony Slattery, 
and the incomparable Professor Stanley Unwin.... 
'I am indeed-lobe'. 
RIP Frank/Chris.... hope this helps 
keep the memories alive forever!

Being Frank: The Chris Sievey Story reviewed by Mark Kermode

'Being Frank: The Chris Sievey Story' explores the extraordinary secret life of artist Chris Sievey, best known as his alter ego Frank Sidebottom, the maverick Northern comedian in a fake head. 
Frank Sidebottom, his greatest creation, became a star - a manic, insane, mercurial star burning brightly from within a papier mâché head - a star who obscures his own creator. 

But who really knew Chris Sievey, 
the fractured genius underneath the mask? 
Chris Sievey was a musician, songwriter, artist, comedian,
 filmmaker, performance artist and wayward genius 
who created an alter ego that he grew to resent. 

Director Steve Sullivan pieces together Sievey's split personality through an extensive archive of personal notebooks, movies, art and music, alongside insights from his closest confidants, including Johnny Vegas, Jon Ronson, 
John Cooper Clarke, Ross Noble, and more. 
What he uncovers is an intimate portrait of a sensitive,
 tortured outsider artist, forever on the outside looking in.

Filth - 2014 - James McAvoy - Frank Sidebottom - Best Scene

Detective Sergeant Bruce Robertson wants a promotion. 
He is clearly the best man for the job - 
the rest of his colleagues are just idiots.

Annoyingly, there's been a murder 
and Bruce's boss wants results. 
No problem for Bruce. He's in Control 
and when he solves the case and wins the promotion, 
his wife will return to him. No problem.

But is life that simple? 
Is Bruce the man he really thinks he is? 
The tragic, hilarious and memorable answers 
unfold in FILTH...

FILTH, a Jon S. Baird film based on 
the acclaimed novel by Irvine Welsh (Trainspotting). 
FILTH stars James McAvoy, Jamie Bell, Imogen Poots, 
Joanne Froggatt, Jim Broadbent, Shirley Henderson.

Sunday 12 February 2023


The Tragedy Of Macbeth -- (1971) - Banquo's Ghost

“ I wanna add that : History show us that NUTS are not the only ones capable of Evil Deeds — That Gentlemen of Principle and Power, and Genteel Manner, can  arrive at Very GRIM Decisions —

If They commit crimes, it’s not because they harbour murky, or perverse impulses, but because they feel compelled to deal with The  Dangers to their Way of Life.

This doesn’t mean that They are motivated by purely financial reasons — although, that is a very real consideration, I think  — but They equate their vital interests with the wellbeing of Their Society and The Nation : — in this case, the wellbeing of The Cause of Southern Rights.

And far from being immoral, or unscrupulous, they are individuals of Principles that are SO lofty, as to elevate Them above the restraints of ordinary morality —

They don’t act on sudden impulse — The Feeling grows amongst Them that ‘Something Must Be DONE — Something That is Best for All.’; that ‘The Situation is Becoming Intolerable.’

They move gradually towards The Position..... the change is gradual, and yet so compelling that when They •arrive• at their decision, They’re no-longer shocked by the extreme measures that They are willing to employ —

The Execution of The Unsavory Deed is made all-the-easier by delegating it’s commission down to more lower-level operatives.

Most of The Evil — most of The Evil in HISTORY is perpetrated, not by monsters or by LONE psychotics, but by Men of Responsibility and Commitment, whose most unsettling aspect is the apparent• normality of their deportment..... 

It’s like, Child Molesters, we’re finding.....!

There’s Danger in The Stranger’ — it’s not The Stranger, we find, that you wanna watch out for......"



Heart-warming, funny, emotional 
behind the scenes footage 
from the day 
an Autistic film maker 
met and interviewed 
the man who inspired 
him to make films - 
Doctor Who. 

In the BBC1 
Drama series 
The A Word
Christopher Eccleston plays The Grandfather 
of  an autistic child
film-maker Gerard Groves shares.

“I’m Gerard Groves
I’m 18 years-old, and 
I love making stuff : 
films, comedy sketches, 
project ideas… 
Basically anything 
people can watch and enjoy 
or laugh at or learn from. 

I’ve been making films since 
I was a 12 year old kid dressed up as Doctor Who 
in my back garden; 
My Dream is become a 
cross between Ridley Scott, J.J. Abrams, 
and Quentin Tarantino. 

I’ve just moved from Birmingham to London to start my new job as a 
BBC Production Apprentice 

I’d love to hear your feedback/support/criticism/plans-to-take­-over-the-world! 

Shoot me an email at

Thanks for Watching, I Hope You Laughed or Learnt something.

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Let Him Have It

I'm Sorry -- Don't know What to Say.
They won't discuss The Case 
until The Sentence has 
been carried-out

….which is set for 
9 a.m. tomorrow.”

Derek Bentley Death by Hanging

“ I wanna add that : History show us that NUTS are not the only ones capable of Evil Deeds — That Gentlemen of Principle and Power, and Genteel Manner, can  arrive at Very GRIM Decisions —

If They commit crimes, it’s not because they harbour murky, or perverse impulses, but because they feel compelled to deal with The  Dangers to their Way of Life.

This doesn’t mean that They are motivated by purely financial reasons — although, that is a very real consideration, I think  — but They equate their vital interests with the wellbeing of Their Society and The Nation : — in this case, the wellbeing of The Cause of Southern Rights.

And far from being immoral, or unscrupulous, they are individuals of Principles that are SO lofty, as to elevate Them above the restraints of ordinary morality

They don’t act on sudden impulse — 
The Feeling grows amongst Them that 
‘Something Must Be DONE — 
Something that is Best for All.’; that 
‘The Situation is Becoming Intolerable.’

They move gradually 
towards The Position..... 
the change is gradual, and yet 
so compelling that when 
They arrive at Their Decision
They’re no-longer shocked 
by the extreme measures 
that They are willing to employ

The Execution of The Unsavory Deed is made all-the-easier by delegating it’s commission down to more lower-level operatives.

Most of The Evil — most of The Evil in HISTORY is perpetrated, not by monsters or by LONE psychotics, but by Men of Responsibility & Commitment, whose most unsettling aspect is the apparent normality of their deportment..... 

It’s like, Child Molesters, we’re finding.....!

There’s Danger in The Stranger’ — it’s not The Stranger, we find, that you wanna watch out for......"



YESOD 1 : Imaginary Cakes

In Hebrew, Yesod means Foundation.

It occupies the base position of The Tree of Life diagram (the ‘lowest’ sephira Malkuth, The Sphere of Earth, which dangles ‘below’ Yesod like a pendant, is regarded by some scholars as having at some time been combined with Yesod as one sphere, before the apocalyptic ‘32nd path’ divided and separated them) and is also The Foundation upon which the higher sephira are arranged in their cheerleader pyramid.

Like the physical moon in our terrestrial sky, the archetypal Moon of Yesod is closely linked to Malkuth – the two sephira are deeply connected.

The energies of the entire Tree of Life are distilled down through Yesod, siphoned via the straw of the 32nd path, into our imaginations and thereafter into materiality, where thoughts can be fashioned into solid objects.

Without Yesod, we would not be able to imagine the higher reaches of the Tree. We would not be able to imagine Freedom, or Human Rights, or reality TV.

Therefore, Yesod can be understood, at the simplest level, as the Imaginative Faculty, which places it at the Foundation of magic itself. Lacking the imagination to conceive of better possibilities, we would have no desire to change the material conditions in Malkuth, and no need for ‘spells’ to help us do so.

The Imaginative Faculty, more importantly, is where Magic is born in the sense that our imaginations allow us to add endless, elaborate layers of meaning and significance onto the purely mechanistic, deterministic processes of the material universe, transforming what we are reliably informed is a mindless, motiveless churn of particles into the fabulous theatre of our dreams, the glittering stage whereon we strut our stuff and compose our stories.

Imagination enchants Matter. Imagination brings the Dead to Life. Imagination is the Mother of Empathy.

As mentioned above, certain apocalyptic interpretations of Qabalah suggest that Yesod and Malkuth were fused together to begin with, until the sundering of reality and illusion took place that saw Malkuth slip ‘down’ into materiality while Yesod remained as a kind of upper story for waking consciousness (I’ve talked about the metaphorical event often described as the Apocalypse or Descent of the 32nd path (known as the Aeon or Judgment in the Tarot) which is the path that connects the two spheres on the diagram, whereby the two spheres are re-united).

Astronomers currently surmise that the moon was created when a gigantic chunk of space debris smacked into the earth and hurled a huge mass of material into space. Although no longer part of Earth, as Yesod is no longer part of Malkuth, the moon is still linked via gravity and rotation to the planet of its origin. One or two successful moon visits notwithstanding, we generally cannot touch the moon, but we can see it, we can feel its influence waxing and waning in our blood, our tides, our waters.

So too with Yesod – the imagination is insubstantial, intangible but is the source of all our solid buildings, roads and bridges, books and babies. Ideas born in Yesod become substantial and real when they are condensed into Malkuth’s materiality.

Like the moon, Yesod can be seen but not touched or held, yet its influence is everywhere about us, undeniable.

The work in Yesod, then, is all about developing and mastering the imaginative facility. The mental equivalent of training the main metaphorical muscle groups we’ll be using in magic.

Yesod is often called the ‘astral plane – by closing our eyes and activating our imaginations, we can travel instantly to Paris or Machu Picchu or the lunar surface. We can visualize streets and places and people. We can talk to the dead and visit distant planets – and the more we work this muscle, the more we nourish it with real information in the form of maps and descriptions,  the more real, rich and detailed our voyages may seem.

Some claim that our astral vision can be honed to such a degree that we may travel to distant locations in our minds and bring back accurate information from faraway times and places (we’ll practise Astral Travel and test its limitations, in week 3).

The imaginative space inside our tiny bone skulls is vast enough to contain cities, planets, galaxies, universes, gods, devils, heavens and hells. Inside, we are all immense beyond limit. There’s a lot to explore.

The danger of Yesod, as mentioned above, lies in the potential for delusion – mistaking flights of fancy and daydreams  for Malkuthian solid reality – many aspiring magicians falter here on the lower rungs believing they’ve become magi after a few vivid hallucinations, or seeming ‘contacts’ with disembodied intelligences. Many mediums and channelers stop here in their magical progress. You’ll have met others on this level, who dress like they’re Dungeons & Dragons characters and work hard to cultivate a spooky, theatrical, witchy aura that’s less Golden Dawn and more Hot Topic.

Dreamy and Romantic, creative consciousness in Yesod can also succumb to delirium, intoxication, delusion and madness, where we confuse what we believe with what is real.

Discrimination, in the form of the Sword of Reason is, as always, our best guide.

Our magical patron, in his Hermes guise is the God who can, of course, travel freely between ‘heaven’ and ‘Earth’ just as we intend to do.


Imagine making a cake. Use lunar, female, motifs and images. The cake is also a spell so encode into it your INTENT.


Make the cake in your imagination.

Read up on the ‘memory palace’ concept, which arose during the Renaissance and Enlightenment periods – here we’ll make a small memory palace in the form of a mental recreation of your kitchen.

The tendency of the imagination is to speed up the tedious repetitive processes required for material achievement – you will naturally imagine a much faster egg-whisking time for instance, editing out the number of beats and visualising only the basic pattern a few times so your mind can get instantly to the result.

It’s very hard to get a 1 to 1 ratio but try your best to match your imaginary cake making to real time – while paying attention to exactly how much faster you tend to do the work in your imagination compared to reality.

I’d also imagine the cake would be small enough that thinking through every last speck of icing sugar won’t take weeks – and small enough EAT afterwards without being sick.

Lay out ingredients and try to keep them in mind by continually hitting refresh on your construct. Are the walls still intact? Is the kettle still boiling?

Bake the cake in real time, in your imagination.

Let it cool.

Come back when it is ready. You have now baked an archetypal ultimate cake. It will taste as sublime as you wish it to.

Eat the cake, slowly, savouring each imaginary crumb. Evaluate moisture, sweetness, satisfaction.

Make notes on the taste, feel, smell, and look of the cake.


Repeat the procedure this time recreating the cake in Malkuth – with real ingredients and real kitchen tools.

Once again, eat the cake.

How different is the experience? Is the real cake as good as the imaginary one or vice versa? Or just different?


Simply REMEMBER the cake, superimposing your experiences of the last couple of days.

Remember it intact, remade fresh in a single instant by your imagination. Visualise it in all its glory.

Remember the taste. Or taste the memory.

How does the memory of the cake compare to the reality and the fantasy?

Here we are familiarising ourselves with the differences between Fantasy, Reality and Memory.

Arden, 6.2.20:

Hi Grant!

Thank you again for the curriculum, with all the time at home it's been possible for me to create more of the atmosphere I've wanted for the deep dive into the material. It has been nice in these past few months to feel fully present in my space and to use the quiet for more magickal study.

I completed the cake-baking this past weekend (I even found a gluten-free vegan recipe to complement my new anti-inflammatory diet). I timed how long the cake-imagining exercise on the first day took me, and found I was only off on the real exercise by about two minutes - the largest delay being my lack of properly anticipating how difficult it would be to find certain baking items in my cabinet. Noticing the gaps in my imaginative process (the washing of all the measuring spoons after using them, for example, was a convenient bit to leave out) was enlightening, even when I tried to intend to account for them as best as possible.

I also reviewed the Penczak and completed the chapter on Yesod, though I've set aside the rest of the tome to accompany further instruction for the time being.


Cyclones were The Terror. 
If they struck, they removed 
entire buildings.

Wizard of Oz (1939) 
scene with storm. 

Aunt Em (shouts): 

Baum had a great sense of Transformation. Baum turns The Cyclone 
into something POSITIVE.

Wonderful Wizard of Oz 
In the middle of a cyclone the air is generally still, but the great pressure of the wind on every side of the house raised it up higher and higher, until it was at the very top of the cyclone; and there it remained and was carried miles and miles away as easily as you could carry a feather.

It should have been something 
so DESTRUCTIVE, devastating, 
and yet that becomes Dorothy's way 
of GOING to The Land of Oz.

Judy Garland - The Cyclone Scene - The Wizard Of Oz. 1939

Thursday 9 February 2023


Doctor Who - The End of Time: Part 2 - Reward

reward (n.)
mid-14c., "what one deserves, just desserts," from Anglo-French and Old North French reward, rouwart, back-formation from rewarder (see reward (v.)).

The meaning "return or payment for service, hardship, etc.," also "something given in recognition of merit, virtue, etc., a prize" is from late 14c. Also from late 14c. sometimes "punishment, recompense for evil-doing." The sense of "sum of money in exchange for capture of a criminal or fugitive or for return of a lost item" is from 1590s.

A doublet of regard (n.), reward also was used in Middle English in the senses now given to that word: "a regarding, heeding, notice, observation," also "respect, esteem."

reward (v.)

c. 1300, rewarden, "to grant, bestow;" early 14c. "to give as prize or compensation," from Anglo-French and Old North French rewarder "to regard, reward" (Old French regarder) "take notice of, regard, watch over." This is from re-, here perhaps an intensive prefix (see re-), + warder "look, heed, watch," from Frankish or some other Germanic language, from Proto-Germanic *wardon "to guard" (from PIE root *wer- (3) "perceive, watch out for").

Originally any form of requital, good or bad, for service or evil-doing. A doublet of regard (v.), reward was used 14c.-15c. in the senses now given to that word: "look at; care about; consider." Related: Rewarded; rewarding.

Entries linking to reward

word-forming element meaning "back, back from, back to the original place;" also "again, anew, once more," also conveying the notion of "undoing" or "backward," etc. (see sense evolution below), c. 1200, from Old French re- and directly from Latin re- an inseparable prefix meaning "again; back; anew, against."

Watkins (2000) describes this as a "Latin combining form conceivably from Indo-European *wret-, metathetical variant of *wert- "to turn." De Vaan says the "only acceptable etymology" for it is a 2004 explanation which reconstructs a root in PIE *ure "back."

In earliest Latin the prefix became red- before vowels and h-, a form preserved in redact, redeem, redolent, redundant, redintegrate, and, in disguise, render (v.). In some English words from French and Italian re- appears as ra- and the  following consonant is often doubled (see rally (v.1)).

The many meanings in the notion of "back" give re- its broad sense-range: "a turning back; opposition; restoration to a former state; "transition to an opposite state." From the extended senses in "again," re- becomes "repetition of an action," and in this sense it is extremely common as a formative element in English, applicable to any verb. OED writes that it is "impossible to attempt a complete record of all the forms resulting from its use," and adds that "The number of these is practically infinite ...."   

Often merely intensive, and in many of the older borrowings from French and Latin the precise sense of re- is forgotten, lost in secondary senses, or weakened beyond recognition, so that it has no apparent semantic content (receive, recommend, recover, reduce, recreate, refer, religion, remain, request, require). There seem to have been more such words in Middle English than after, e.g. recomfort (v.) "to comfort, console; encourage;" recourse (n.) "a process, way, course." Recover in Middle English also could mean "obtain, win" (happiness, a kingdom, etc.) with no notion of getting something back, also "gain the upper hand, overcome; arrive at;" also consider the legal sense of recovery as "obtain (property) by judgment or legal proceedings." 

And, due to sound changes and accent shifts, re- sometimes entirely loses its identity as a prefix (rebel, relic, remnant, restive, rest (n.2) "remainder," rally (v.1) "bring together"). In a few words it is reduced to r-, as in ransom (a doublet of redemption), rampart, etc.

It was used from Middle English in forming words from Germanic as well as Latin elements (rebuild, refill, reset, rewrite), and was used so even in Old French (regret, regard, reward, etc.).

Prefixed to a word beginning with e, re- is separated by a hyphen, as re-establish, re-estate, re-edify, etc. ; or else the second e has a dieresis over it: as, reëstablish, reëmbark, etc. The hyphen is also sometimes used to bring out emphatically the sense of repetition or iteration : as, sung and re-sung. The dieresis is not used over other vowels than e when re is prefixed : thus, reinforce, reunite, reabolish. [Century Dictionary, 1895]
*wer- (3)
Proto-Indo-European root meaning "perceive, watch out for."

It forms all or part of: Arcturus; avant-garde; award; aware; beware; Edward; ephor; garderobe; guard; hardware; irreverence; lord; panorama; pylorus; rearward; regard; revere; reverence; reverend; reward; software; steward; vanguard; ward; warden; warder; wardrobe; ware (n.) "manufactured goods, goods for sale;" ware (v.) "to take heed of, beware;" warehouse; wary.

It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Latin vereri "to observe with awe, revere, respect, fear;" Greek ouros "a guard, watchman," horan "to see;" Hittite werite- "to see;" Old English weard "a guarding, protection; watchman, sentry, keeper."

Wednesday 8 February 2023

Paul Revere

The Ride - Paul Revere short educational film piece

Never choose to be a hero, 
’cause heroes die uncomfortable deaths
All I wanted to be was Paul Revere. 

I just needed one heroic moment, you understand? 
“Paul Revere’s Ride” was only one night. 

And then 40 years of him being like, 
“Hey, y’all, remember that time 
everybody was asleep, and I was up, 
and the British was coming? 

Boy, it’s a good thing I was awake, 
n i g g a, everybody be dead. Psh.” [laughing]

Every fucking person that takes a stand for somebody else always gets beat down. And we watch. Over and over and over again, we watch it. We should pay those motherfuckers for blowing the whistle, because they make our lives better, and we could change the narrative. We could make one motherfucker have a good outcome for doing the right thing and that would make another motherfucker brave enough to do the right thing. And if you did that, the n i g g a s like Harvey Weinstein wouldn’t rape for 40 years because a bitch want a stupid ass part.

We should take care of each other. Wouldn’t it be nice to be like, “Remember that time he was gonna kill Jesus but then he got all that money?” [laughing] Real talk, man. It’s not a racial thing. It’s about us making our society better. It’s about like even these women that are coming forward, and everyone says they’re brave, and many of them are. And a few of them –  a few of them sucked the dick and got buyer’s remorse. [laughing]

You know, that’s a huge omission from this narrative. This wouldn’t have gone this far if some women weren’t willing to do it. You can’t ask every woman to hold the line. Some women can carry things heavier than others. So we should fight for one another. We should forgive the ones of us that are weaker and support the ones of us that are stronger. And then we can beat the thing. If you guys keep going after individuals, The System is going to stay intact. You have to have men on your side. And I’m telling you right now, you’re gonna have a lot of imperfect allies.

I’ll tell you what happened, but I can’t say it directly. There’s a book to me that encapsulates my entire experience. Before I left the show. And the book is called Pimp. It’s written by a guy named Iceberg Slim. Yeah, bring it up here. This is Matthew. Matthew’s from France. He’s white. And yet, he has an original copy of this book written by a black American who was a pimp in the ’40s. Iceberg Slim. His real name was Robert Beck. He got the name Iceberg because he was in a bar in Chicago, and there was a shootout in the bar, and a bullet went through this n i g g a’s hat, and he still finished his drink. Pimps love shit like that. They said, “Man, you’re ice cold.” And he said, “I like that.” And it stuck.

This book is so heavy in the front and has a glossary of pimp terms, because the ideas are so foreign to the American ears. For instance, do you know what the phrase “mileage on a ho” means? [laughing] Of course you don’t. Mileage on a ho is a very wild concept. It means that pimps understand there’s a finite amount of bad shit a person can do before they lose their fucking mind. And a good pimp can look at a woman that he’s never seen before and call it. She’s good for 500 fucks. That’s her mileage. Anything over that, that bitch is gonna spill. They do it to you. Why the fuck you think most of us work from nine to five? ‘Cause nine to six might kill a bitch. [laughing]

Iceberg Slim was the one that broke down what a bottom bitch was. Does anyone know what a bottom bitch is? Anyone? What’s a bottom bitch, sir? It’s your, uh– it’s your prostitute that’s the best out of all of ’em, that bring in the most money. That’s right. That’s exactly right. Are you black? [laughing] That’s right. 

A bottom bitch is a pimp’s number one ho. She’s even a bitch that helps him keep the other bitches in line. 

I will repeat

She’s even the bitch that helps him keep the other bitches in line. 

If the pimp was McDonald’s, then the bottom bitch is his French fries. [laughing] The rest of them bitches like fish sandwiches and cherry pies and shit like that. [laughing]

Neglect from The Centre

".... but this has to be done --
Has to be done in one day.
And the new people announced.

Otherwise, there's no Authority at 
The Head of The Government."

The Night Of The Long Knives: 1962.

BBC Documentary written and presented 
by Michael Cockerell, about the most 
notorious cabinet reshuffle in the history of UK politics 
when the British Prime Minister, Harold Macmillan, 
sacked, with no warning, several long serving 
cabinet colleagues, including his 
Chancellor of the Exchequer, 
Selwyn Lloyd.

“I DID feel, very strongly that he was losing his grip a bit on public opinion and of The Party in general.

I was saying really that The Party had lost its sense of direction and it’s sense of conviction — and this was due to neglect from The Centre.

He wrote a polite letter of reply, but otherwise I don’t think there was any reaction at all —

It was [Criticism of his Leadership]! 

Party organisation and Party Inspiration are the secret of Electoral Success, and without Electoral Success, you don’t win elections!”

“ I wanna add that : History show us that NUTS are not the only ones capable of Evil Deeds — That Gentlemen of Principle and Power, and Genteel Manner, can  arrive at Very GRIM Decisions —

If They commit crimes, it’s not because they harbour murky, or perverse impulses, but because they feel compelled to deal with The  Dangers to their Way of Life.

This doesn’t mean that They are motivated by purely financial reasons — although, that is a very real consideration, I think  — but They equate their vital interests with the wellbeing of Their Society and The Nation : — in this case, the wellbeing of The Cause of Southern Rights.

And far from being immoral, or unscrupulous, they are individuals of Principles that are SO lofty, as to elevate Them above the restraints of ordinary morality —

They don’t act on sudden impulse — The Feeling grows amongst Them that ‘Something Must Be DONE — Something That is Best for All.’; that ‘The Situation is Becoming Intolerable.’

They move gradually towards The Position..... the change is gradual, and yet so compelling that when They •arrive• at their decision, They’re no-longer shocked by the extreme measures that They are willing to employ —

The Execution of The Unsavory Deed is made all-the-easier by delegating it’s commission down to more lower-level operatives.

Most of The Evil — most of The Evil in HISTORY is perpetrated, not by monsters or by LONE psychotics, but by Men of Responsibility and Commitment, whose most unsettling aspect is the apparent normality of their deportment..... 

It’s like, Child Molesters, we’re finding.....!

There’s Danger in The Stranger’ — it’s not The Stranger, we find, that you wanna watch out for......"

Tuesday 7 February 2023

Thursday 19 January 2023

The Mercy Seat


I am The Bad Wolf -- create MySelf. 
I take The Words : I scatter them, 
in Time and Space;
A Message to lead MySelf, Here.

Sir, we have a security breach 
to The Time Vaults.

The Omega Arsenal, where all 
the forbidden weapons 
are locked away --

They're not forbidden any more. 
We've used them all 
against the Daleks.

No. No, we haven't.

[Omega Arsenal]

(A plinth is empty.)

The Moment is gone.

I don't understand. 
What is The Moment? 
I've never heard of it.

The Galaxy-Eater. The final work 
of The Ancients of Gallifrey. 
A weapon so powerful, 
The Operating System 
became sentient. 
According to Legend
it developed a Conscience.

And we've never used it.

How Do You Use a Weapon of 
Ultimate Mass Destruction, 
when it can 
STAND in Judgment on You? 

There is only one man 
who would even try.....

[Desert planet]

The Warrior : 
Time Lords of Gallifrey, 
Daleks of Skaro, 
I serve notice on You ALL -- 

Too long I have stayed 
My Hand.... No More

Today, You leave Me NO Choice --
Today, This War will END. 

No More. 

No More.

(The Warrior shifts the sack he is carrying 
on his back and enters a lonely barn.)


(He puts down the sack and reveals 
a brass inlaid clockwork box.)

The Warrior
How.... How Do You work...
...why is there never a big red button?

(He hears scuffling noises, and opens the door.)

The Warrior : 
Hello? Is somebody there?

The Moment : 
It's nothing.

(A blonde woman who looks exactly like Rose Tyler 
is sitting on The Clockwork Box.)

The Moment :
It's just A Wolf.

The Warrior :
Don't sit on that!

The Moment
Why not?

The Warrior :
Because it's not A Chair, 
it's The Most Dangerous 
Weapon in The Universe..!!

(He hurries her from the barn and closes the door behind her. And there she is, sitting on the box.)

The Moment : 
Why can't it be both

Rangers, as a reward for coming on this trip,
I have gotten you each Two Gifts.
Go ahead. Open 'em.

What is this?

That is a Canvas Sheet,
The Most Versatile Object Known to Man --

It can be used to make tents, backpacks,
shoes, stretchers, sails, tarpaulins,
and I suppose, in the most dire of circumstances,
it can be a surface on which to make "art."

What's the second gift?

The Second Gift, 
is The Box, itself.

You have 10 minutes 
to assemble A Shelter,
using only your 
Two Gifts -- Go.