Sunday 14 August 2016


The Succession of Colour-Band shifts 
in The Wormhole, initiated by 
the launch of the Drop-Pod Capsule 
match the 8 colours of The Chakra Points, 
starting from 
Red (Ochra/Materialism)
following though a linear progression 
until ultimately reaching 
Gold (Enlightenment/O.H.M.S.S.).

My mind was formed by studying philosophy, Plato and that sort of thing. 
Werner Heisenberg

According to a recent theory the Universe could be a dodecahedron. It is surprising that Plato used a dodecahedron as the quintessence to describe the cosmos! Plato (c. 427 BC – c. 347 BC) also stated that time had a beginning; it came together with the universe in one instant of creation.
A polyhedron bounded by a number of congruent polygonal faces, so that the same number of faces meet at each vertex, and in each face all the sides and angles are equal (i.e. faces are regular polygons) is called a regular polyhedron.
One morning the young Werner Heisenberg discovered reading Plato's Timaeus a description of the world with regular polyhedra. Heisenberg could not understand why Plato being so rational started to use speculative ideas. But finally he was fascinated by the idea that it could be possible to describe the Universe mathematically. He could not understand why Plato used the Polyhedra as the basic units in his model, but Heisenberg considered that in order to understand the world it is necessary to understand the Physics of the atoms.

Bohr, and Werner Heisenberg on the right side with his wife in Greece (Acropolis , Parthenon 1955), Heisenberg's father was a professor of medieval and modern Greek studies at the University of Munich in Germany. Heisenberg had more a “humanistic” education, i.e. more Latin and Greek than in natural sciences.
... the five so-called Platonic figures which, however, do not belong to Plato, three of the five being due to the Pythagoreans, namely the cube, the pyramid, and the dodecahedron, while the octahedron and the icosahedron are due to Theaetetus.Geminus
Theaetetus (c. 414-367 BC), was a member of Plato's Academy. He was a son of Euphronius of Sounion, student of Theodore of Cyrene. Theaetetus died on his return to Athens after he was wounded at the Battle of Corinth. His friend Plato dedicated one of his dialogues to him. Euclid's elements chapter X and XIII are based on the work of Theaetetus.
Hippasus, from Metapontum in Magna Graecia (south Italy), who wrote around 465 BC about a "sphere of 12 pentagons" refers to the dodecahedron. Hippasus performed acoustics Experiments with vessels filled with different amounts of water and with cooper discs of different thicknesses.
Besides tutoring Eudoxos, some historians assume that Archytas also tutored Plato in mathematics point during the ten years that Plato spent in Sicily and Southern Italy. Plato was impressed by Archytas showing him that only five regular solid forms exist; the tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron and the icosahedron. Plato develop a whole mathematical theory using these geometrical objects to associate these with the four elements the fire, earth, water and air. And because one polyhedron was left he introduced the “ether” or “quintessence”. In using triangles as building blocks for the geometric objects he developed something like our “quarks” as building blocks of the “Platonic solids”. He was impressed by the mathematical beauty like today superstring theorists are impressed by the mathematical beauty of their theory independent of the existence of any experimental verification. In this way he was the first “theoretical elementary particle physicist...“
To earth, then, let us assign the cubic form, for earth is the most immovable of the four and the most plastic of all bodies, and that which has the most stable bases must of necessity be of such a nature. Now, of the triangles which we assumed at first, that which has two equal sides is by nature more firmly based than that which has unequal sides, and of the compound figures which are formed out of either, the plane equilateral quadrangle has necessarily a more stable basis than the equilateral triangle, both in the whole and in the parts. Wherefore, in assigning this figure to earth, we adhere to probability, and to water we assign that one of the remaining forms which is the least movable, and the most movable of them to fire, and to air that which is intermediate. Also we assign the smallest body to fire, and the greatest to water, and the intermediate in size to air, and, again, the acutest body to fire, and the next in acuteness to air, and the third to water. Of all these elements, that which has the fewest bases must necessarily be the most movable, for it must be the acutest and most penetrating in every way, and also the lightest as being composed of the smallest number of similar particles, and the second body has similar properties in a second degree, and the third body, in the third degree. Let it be agreed, then, both according to strict reason and according to probability, that the pyramid is the solid which is the original element and seed of fire, and let us assign the element which was next in the order of generation to air, and the third to water. We must imagine all these to be so small that no single particle of any of the four kinds is seen by us on account of their smallness, but when many of them are collected together, their aggregates are seen. And the ratios of their numbers, motions, and other properties, everywhere God, as far as necessity allowed or gave consent, has exactly perfected and harmonized in due proportion.“PlatoTimaeus (55d-56c) p 1181
Plato held the view that mathematical objects "really" existed so that they are discovered by mathematicians (in the same way that new continents are discovered by explorers) rather than invented. Plato believed that mathematics provided the best training for thinking about science and philosophy. The five regular solids are named "Platonic Solids" today after Plato.
Of the 5 solids, the tetrahedron has the smallest volume for its surface area and the icosahedron the largest; they therefore show the properties of dryness and wetness respectively and so correspond to FIRE and WATER. The cube, standing firmly on its base, corresponds to the stable EARTH but the octahedron which rotates freely when held by two opposite vertices, corresponds to the mobile AIR. The dodecahedron corresponds to the UNIVERSE because the zodiac has 12 signs (the constellations of stars that the sun passes through in the course of one year) corresponding to the 12 faces of the dodecahedron.

The 5 regular Platonic Polyhedra: Convex solids with identical regular polygon faces and identical vertices
4 triangles
Earth-Cube (solid)

6 squares
Air-Octahedron (gas)
8 triangles 
(Ether, Quintessence)-Dodecahedron
12 pentagons 
Hippasus (Pythagorean)?
20 triangles 
Theaetetus ?
user action
applet reaction
dragging (left mouse button pressed)rotating about an axis in the picture
releasing left mouse button while draggingspinning about an axis in the picture
SHIFT key pressed plus vertical draggingzooming
SHIFT key pressed plus horizontal draggingrotating about an axis perpendicular to the picture
CONTROL key pressed plus vertical draggingchanging focal length

Plato explains the four elements and their transformations:
In the first place, we see that what we just now called water, by condensation, I suppose, becomes stone and earth, and this same element, when melted and dispersed, passes into vapor and air. Air, again, when inflamed, becomes fire, and, again, fire, when condensed and extinguished, passes once more into the form of air, and once more, air, when collected and condensed, produces cloud and mist--and from these, when still more compressed, comes flowing water, and from water comes earth and stones once more--and thus generation appears to be transmitted from one to the other in a circle. Thus, then, as the several elements never present themselves in the same form, how can anyone have the assurance to assert positively that any of them, whatever it may be, is one thing rather than another? No one can. But much the safest plan is to speak of them as follows. Anything which we see to be continually changing, as, for example, fire, we must not call 'this' or 'that,' but rather say that it is 'of such a nature,' nor let us speak of water as 'this,' but always as 'such,' nor must we imply that there is any stability in any of those things which we indicate by the use of the words 'this' and 'that,' supposing ourselves to signify something thereby, for they are too volatile to be detained in any such expressions as 'this,' or 'that,' or 'relative to this,' or any other mode of speaking which represents them as permanent. We ought not to apply 'this' to any of them, but rather the word 'such,' which expresses the similar principle circulating in each and all of them; for example, that should be called 'fire' which is of such a nature always, and so of everything that has generation. That in which the elements severally grow up, and appear, and decay, is alone to be called by the name 'this' or 'that,' but that which is of a certain nature, hot or white, or anything which admits of opposite qualities, and all things that are compounded of them, ought not to be so denominated. Let me make another attempt to explain my meaning more clearly. Suppose a person to make all kinds of figures of gold and to be always remodeling each form into all the rest; somebody points to one of them and asks what it is. By far the safest and truest answer is, 'That is gold,' and not to call the triangle or any other figures which are formed in the gold 'these,' as though they had existence, since they are in process of change while he is making the assertion, but if the questioner be willing to take the safe and indefinite expression, 'such,' we should be satisfied. And the same argument applies to the universal nature which receives all bodies--that must be always called the same, for, inasmuch as she always receives all things, she never departs at all from her own nature and never, in any way or at any time, assumes a form like that of any of the things which enter into her; she is the natural recipient of all impressions, and is stirred and informed by them, and appears different from time to time by reason of them. But the forms which enter into and go out of her are the likenesses of eternal realities modeled after their patterns in a wonderful and mysterious manner, which we will hereafter investigate. For the present we have only to conceive of three natures: first, that which is in process of generation; secondly, that in which the generation takes place; and thirdly, that of which the thing generated is a resemblance naturally produced. And we may liken the receiving principle to a mother, and the source or spring to a father, and the intermediate nature to a child, and may remark further that if the model is to take every variety of form, then the matter in which the model is fashioned will not be duly prepared unless it is formless and free from the impress of any of those shapes which it is hereafter to receive from without. For if the matter were like any of the supervening forms, then whenever any opposite or entirely different nature was stamped upon its surface, it would take the impression badly, because it would intrude its own shape. Wherefore that which is to receive all forms should have no form, as in making perfumes they first contrive that the liquid substance which is to receive the scent shall be as inodorous as possible, or as those who wish to impress figures on soft substances do not allow any previous impression to remain, but begin by making the surface as even and smooth as possible. In the same way that which is to receive perpetually and through its whole extent the resemblances of all eternal beings ought to be devoid of any particular form. Wherefore the mother and receptacle of all created and visible and in any way sensible things is not to be termed earth or air or fire or water, or any of their compounds, or any of the elements from which these are derived, but is an invisible and formless being which receives all things and in some mysterious way partakes of the intelligible, and is most incomprehensible. In saying this we shall not be far wrong; as far, however, as we can attain to a knowledge of her from the previous considerations, we may truly say that fire is that part of her nature which from time to time is inflamed, and water that which is moistened, and that the mother substance becomes earth and air, in so far as she receives the impressions of them. Plato: Timaeus (49b-51c) p 1176

The Dual of a Solid

There are two important relationships between the dodecahedron and the icosahedron. First, the mid-points of the faces of the dodecahedron define the points on an icosahedron and the mid-points of the faces of an icosahedron define a dodecahedron. The same is true of the cube and the octahedron. If we try it with a tetrahedron, we just get another tetrahedron. Each is called the dual of the other solid where the number of edges in each pair is the same, but the number of faces of one is the number of points of the other, and vice-versaPlato probably did not know this. Plato describes the basic elements of the “polyhedral atoms”:

Now is the time to explain what was before obscurely said. There was an error in imagining that all the four elements might be generated by and into one another; this, I say, was an erroneous supposition, for there are generated from the triangles which we have selected four kinds--three from the one which has the sides unequal, the fourth alone framed out of the isosceles triangle. Hence they cannot all be resolved into one another, a great number of small bodies being combined into a few large ones, or the converse. But three of them can be thus resolved and compounded, for they all spring from one, and when the greater bodies are broken up, many small bodies will spring up out of them and take their own proper figures. Or, again, when many small bodies are dissolved into their triangles, by their total number, they can form one large mass of another kind. So much for their passage into one another. I have now to speak of their several kinds, and show out of what combinations of numbers each of them was formed. The first will be the simplest and smallest construction, and its element is that triangle which has its hypotenuse twice the lesser side. When two such triangles are joined at the diagonal, and this is repeated three times, and the triangles rest their diagonals and shorter sides on the same point as a center, a single equilateral triangle is formed out of six triangles, and four equilateral triangles, if put together, make out of every three plane angles one solid angle, being that which is nearest to the most obtuse of plane angles. And out of the combination of these four angles arises the first solid form which distributes into equal and similar parts the whole circle in which it is inscribed. The second species of solid is formed out of the same triangles, which unite as eight equilateral triangles and form one solid angle out of four plane angles, and out of six such angles the second body is completed. And the third body is made up of one hundred and twenty triangular elements, forming twelve solid angles, each of them included in five plane equilateral triangles, having altogether twenty bases, each of which is an equilateral triangle. The one element [that is, the triangle which has its hypotenuse twice the lesser side], having generated these figures, generated no more, but the isosceles triangle produced the fourth elementary figure, which is compounded of four such triangles, joining their right angles in a center, and forming one equilateral quadrangle. Six of these united form eight solid angles, each of which is made by the combination of three plane right angles; the figure of the body thus composed is a cube, having six plane quadrangular equilateral bases. There was yet a fifth combination which God used in the delineation of the universe with figures of animalsPlatoTimaeus (54b-55c) p 1180

The last statement sounds strange and the meaning is not so clear. Plato also says “The Earth, if to look at it from above, is similar to the ball consisting of 12skin's pieces"
I have found different explanations by others:
The French geologist de Bimon and Poincare considered that the form of the Earth represents by itself the deformed dodecahedron. The Russian geologist Kislitsin also used in his researches the idea about the dodecahedral form of the Earth according to which 400-500 millions years ago the geo-sphere of the dodecahedral form was turn into the geo-icosahedron. As the result the geo-dodecahedron appeared to be inscribed into the frame of the icosahedron.
Others consider these animals to represent the zodiac cycle (since zoo means animal in Greek).
Another explanation maybe is that the pentagon is associated with the golden section and the corresponding ratio is observed in various biological systems.
Wherefore it is clear that the very ratios of the planetary intervals from the sun have not been taken from the regular solids alone. For the Creator, who is the very source of geometry and, as Plato wrote, ‘practices eternal geometry,’ does not stray from his own archetype.” Thus, God, the eternal geometer must have given us the Platonic solids on behalf of the planetary orbit structure. They were made for each other
Johannes Kepler, “Harmonies of the World”, translated by Charles Glenn Wallis, Great Books of the Western World, Vol. 16, (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1952), pp. 1017-18.

Kepler was also influenced by Plato's Ideas and he used Plato's regular solids to describe planetary motion as shown in a Figure above. He assigned the cube to Saturn, the tetrahedron to Jupiter, the dodecahedron to Mars, the icosahedron to Venus, and the octahedron to Mercury.
Luca Pacioli (1445-1517), inventor of the double bookkeeping method, in a stamp shown with a dodecahedron.
Pacioli devotes the second part of his book De Divina Proportione, published around 1509, to the Platonic solids. He writes:
As God brought into being the celestial virtue, the fifth essence, and through it created the four solids . . . earth, air, water, and fire ... so our sacred proportion gave shape to heaven itself, in assigning to it the dodecahedron . . . the solid of twelve pentagons, which cannot be constructed without our sacred proportion. As the aged Plato described in his Timaeus.
It is interesting to note that nature likes some of these geometrical shapes for example in crystals. We find basic crystal units in the form of a cube, octahedron in NaCL and CaF2 respectively.
Back to Heisenberg:
...But the resemblance of the modern views to those of Plato and the Pythagoreans can be carried somewhat further. The elementary particles in Plato's Timaeus are finally not substance but mathematical forms. "All things are numbers" is a sentence attributed to Pythagoras. The only mathematical forms available at that time were such geometric forms as the regular solids or the triangles which form their surface. In modern quantum theory there can be no doubt that the elementary particles will finally also be mathematical forms but of a much more complicated nature. The Greek philosophers thought of static forms and found them in the regular solids. Modern science, however, has from its beginning in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries started from the dynamic problem. The constant element in physics since Newton is not a configuration or a geometrical form, but a dynamic law. The equation of motion holds at all times, it is in this sense eternal, whereas the geometrical forms, like the orbits, are changing. Therefore, the mathematical forms that represent the elementary particles will be solutions of some eternal law of motion for matter. This is a problem which has not yet been solved. Heisenberg,Physics and Philosophy: The Revolution in Modern Science

Finally there is also a interesting comment by Nicholas Gier and Gail Adele:
... the most amazing vindication of Plato has come from recent surveys of the universe that indicate that the universe may indeed be a dodecahedron, whose reflecting pentagonal faces give the illusion of an infinite universe when in fact it is finite. See New Scientist (October, 2003). See

What is time and did time exist before the Universe was created? Plato's answer is that: time is an image of eternity:
When the father and creator saw the creature which he had made moving and living, the created image of the eternal gods, he rejoiced, and in his joy determined to make the copy still more like the original, and as this was an eternal living being, he sought to make the universe eternal, so far as might be. Now the nature of the ideal being was everlasting, but to bestow this attribute in its fullness upon a creature was impossible. Wherefore he resolved to have a moving image of eternity, and when he set in order the heaven, he made this image eternal but moving according to number, while eternity itself rests in unity, and this image we call timeFor there were no days and nights and months and years before the heaven was created, but when he constructed the heaven he created them alsoThey are all parts of time, and the past and future are created species of time, which we unconsciously but wrongly transfer to eternal being, for we say that it 'was,' or 'is,' or 'will be,' but the truth is that 'is' alone is properly attributed to it, and that 'was' and 'will be' are only to be spoken of becoming in time, for they are motions, but that which is immovably the same forever cannot become older or younger by time, nor can it be said that it came into being in the past, or has come into being now, or will come into being in the future, nor is it subject at all to any of those states which affect moving and sensible things and of which generation is the cause. These are the forms of time, which imitates eternity and revolves according to a law of number. Moreover, when we say that what has become is become and what becomes is becoming, and that what will become is about to become and that the nonexistent is nonexistent – all these are inaccurate modes of expression. But perhaps this whole subject will be more suitably discussed on some other occasion. PlatoTimaeus 37c-38b

Comments by others
Ha Le:
... Plato tells how Timaeus of Locri thought of the Universe as being enveloped by a gigantic dodecahedron while the other four solids represent the "elements" of fire, air, earth, and water. Euclid's monumental treatise, the Elements , begins with the equilateral triangle, and culminates in the five Platonic solids, which are again the subject of the extra books XIV and XV (added a few centuries later). Sir D'Arcy W. Thompson once remarked that Euclid never dreamed of writing an Elementary Geometry. What Euclid really did was to write a very excellent account of the regular solids, for the use of Initiates.

Robinson Fredenthal, Sculpture, University Library Gallery, Baltimore, 1981.

I can’t think of anything more perfect than a tetrahedron. If someone came here from outer space, I’d hand them a tetrahedron, and they would understand. I’m sure people discover these things over and over again in different cultures. They are essential parts of the universe; they are parts of order, and, as such, they represent our order. Art of the Tetrahedron

Plato's Molecule , Prinzbach, H., et al. Gas-phase production and photoelectron spectroscopy of the smallest fullerene, C20. Nature 407, (7 Sept)60, 2000.
Interesting Links
Werner Heisenberg on the development of quantum theory 900 kb
Werner Heisenberg on language in quantum theory 800 kb

Michele Emmer. Art and mathematics: the Platonic solids. The Visual Mind, 215-220, Leonardo Book Series, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1993

Van Allen

President Kennedy's News Conferences
News Conference 32, May 9, 1962
President John F. Kennedy

State Department Auditorium
Washington, D.C.
May 9, 1962
4:00 P.M. EDST (Wednesday)
341 In Attendance

QUESTION: Mr. President, it has been the stated policy, as you said earlier, for this government to restrict Outer Space for peaceful objectives only. Will not the proposed H-bomb explosion 500 miles up jeopardize this policy and objective?
THE PRESIDENT: No, I don't think so. I don't think so. I know there has been disturbance about the Van Allen belt, but Van Allen says it is not going to affect the belt. (laughter)
But it is a matter which we are -- I have read the protests, and it's a matter which we are looking into, to see whether there is scientific merit that this will cause some difficulty to the Van Allen belt in a way which will adversely affect scientific discovery, and this is being taken into very careful consideration at the present time. But I do -- I think that -- so that I want you to know that whatever our decision is that, in regard to the Van Allen belt, it will be done only after very careful scientific deliberation, which is now taking place, during this past week, and will go on for a period. In regard, generally, what we are attempting to do is to find out the effects of such an explosion on our security, and we do not believe that this will adversely affect the security of any person not living in the United States.


Now u must purify yourself in the waters of Lake Minitanka.

Apollonia Rebounds in Video, Film Roles

Late night TV showings of Lupe Velez's "Mexican Spitfire" films of the 1940s are more than a pastime for recording and film star Apollonia Kotero. They're homework for Kotero, who said she would like to portray the stormy comedienne on film.
Kotero, who gained fame as Prince's co-star in "Purple Rain," talked in an interview about her glory days, her recent fallout with mentor Prince and her tabloid-splattered drug-related arrest in 1989.
The entertainer said she is working to jump-start her once-promising career that included hit records (such as "Sex Shooter"), videos and prime-time TV appearances ("Falcon Crest").
Watching her ease in front of the camera in a photo session evoked memories of her modeling past when she was Patty Kotero, the Santa Monica native, whose Mexican parents raised her, she said, with "a ruler in one hand and rosary beads in the other."
In high school, the teen-age Apollonia entered what she called "cornball" beauty contests and reached the Miss California pageant finals in 1976. A stint as an L.A. Rams cheerleader followed, as did featured roles in a few Mexican exploitation films.
At 21, the young Mexican-American gained a feisty reputation in the local Chicano community when, as Miss Black Velvet Latina of 1980, she denounced that beauty competition for allegedly fraudulent advertising practices and broken promises.
So why hasn't the public seen Apollonia's Latina side since then? "Since I worked with Prince, people assumed that I was black," she said.
Kotero said she declined a part in the "Purple Rain" sequel, "Graffiti Bridge."
"I was under contract to do it, but with Prince writing and directing, I said, 'No, thanks.' I then spent a year getting out of all my contracts with Prince and Warner Brothers Records. That's what terminated my friendship with Prince," she said.
Stymied by the fact she wasn't being considered for Latina roles, Apollonia said she proposed her own TV movie script ("Homegirl") about a Latina involved in gangs and drugs. She maintains that her 1989 arrest for allegedly buying drugs came while researching that explicit story.
The misdemeanor drug charges were later dropped, but the bad press generated in the tabloids practically put her career, she said, "in a holding tank."
But things are looking up. An aerobics video ("Go for It With Apollonia!") is in post-production. She has been promoting her latest film, "Black Magic Woman," in which she co-stars with Mark Hamill of "Star Wars" fame. Despite the film's evocative title (taken from Santana's hit song), the thriller does not typecast Apollonia in another ethnic part. Instead, she's a sexy yet vulnerable siren hounded by Hamill as an art gallery owner and Lothario.
The richly textured paintings of local artist George Yepes provide a vital backdrop for the film and Apollonia says she's an avid fan of Yepes' artwork. "Black Magic Woman" is now available on video.
Apollonia and her husband, Kevin Bernhardt, are collaborating on a film about a female bullfighter. Then, she'd like to concentrate on the Velez project.

Robert Newman - Dependence Day (1994)

Churchill's Cocaine Lozenges 

Lake Minnetonka

Purify yourself

This Prince tribute graffiti on a Lake Minnetonka bridge is PERFECT

Last weekend Ellen Gustafson was out on a boat cruise around Lake Minnetonka.

The local photographer and her boyfriend scored big when his sister and brother-in-law bought a boat this spring. Almost every weekend the couples hit the lake in the name of fun, sun, and relaxation.

It's not uncommon for them to catch an eyeful of graffiti on the Arcola Bridge coming or going from Crystal Bay. Usually the tags are the uninspired scribblings of a neighborhood vandal. But last weekend Gustafson spotted something different, something photo-worthy.

Scrawled across the industrial-looking bridge was a simple message and nod to fallen music icon Prince: 

“Purify yourself.”

Monday 8 August 2016

Wonder Woman

"Not even girls want to be girls so long as our feminine archetype lacks force, strength, and power. 

Not wanting to be girls, they don't want to be tender, submissive, peace-loving as good women are. 

Women's strong qualities have become despised because of their weakness. The obvious remedy is to create a feminine character with all the strength of Superman plus all the allure of a good and beautiful woman."

Sunday 7 August 2016

The Number 7

The Number 7 

THE number 7 stands in symbolism for the Planet Neptune, and represents all persons born under the 7, namely those who are born on the 7th, 16th, or 25th of any month, but more especially influences such persons if they were born from the 21st June to July 20th-27th, the period of the Zodiac called the" House of the Moon." The Planet Neptune has always been considered as associated with the Moon, and, as the part. of the Zodiac I have mentioned is also called the First' House of Water, the connection of Neptune whose very name is always associated with Water is then logical and easily understood. Now, as the number of the Moon is always given as a 2, this explains why it is that the number 7 people have as their secondary number the 2, and get on well and make friends easily with all those born under the Moon numbers, namely, the 2nd, 11th, 20th, and 29th of any month, especially so if they are also born in the" House of the Moon," from the 21st of June to the end of July. Let us read about qualities of Number "7" people General Characteristics People born under the number 7, namely, on the 7th, 16th, or 25th of any month, are very independent, original, and have strongly marked individuality. At heart they love change and travel, being restless in their natures. If they have the means of gratifying their desires they visit foreign countries and become keenly interested in the affairs of far-off lands. They devour books on travel and have a wide universal knowledge of the world at large. They often make extremely good writers, painters, or poets, but in everything they do, they sooner or later show a peculiar philosophical outlook on life that tinges all their work. As a class they care little about the material things of life; they often become rich by their original ideas or methods of business, but if they do they are just as likely to make large donations from their wealth to charities or institutions. The women of this number generally marry well, as they are always anxious about the future, and feel that they need some rock to rest on lest the waters of Fate sweep them away. The number 7 people have good ideas about business, or rather their plans are good if they will only carry them out. They have usually a keen desire to travel and read a great deal about far-off countries. If they can they will become interested in matters concerning the sea, and in trade or business they often become merchants, exporters and importers, dealing with foreign countries, and owners or captains of ships if they can get the chance. Number 7 people have very peculiar ideas about religion. They dislike to follow the beaten track; they create a religion of their own, but one that appeals to the imagination and based on the mysterious.

Favorable Dates & Days 

Number 7 people should endeavour to carry out their plans and aims on all days that fall under their" own number," such as the 7th, 16th, or 25th of any month, but more especially when these dates fall in the" period of the 7," namely, from the 21st June to July 20th-27th-and less strongly from that date to the end of August. The days of the week more fortunate or "lucky" for them are the same as for the number 2 people, namely, Sunday and Monday, especially if their" own number" falls on one of these days, or their interchangeable numbers of 1, 2, 4, such as the 1st, 2nd, 4th, l0th, 11th, 13th, 19th, 20th, 22nd, 28th, 29th, or 31st. 

Lucky Colors and Jewels 

Their" lucky" colours are all shades of green, pale shades, also white and yellow, and they should avoid all heavy dark colours as much as possible. Their" lucky" stones are moonstones, "cat's-eyes," and pearls, and if possible, they should wear a moonstone or a piece of moss agate next their skin.

Saturday 6 August 2016

Our Lives Matter

Mayor John Pappas:
 I was warned not to come here. 
I was warned. 
They warned me, 
"Don't stand behind that coffin.

But why should I heed such a warning, when a heartbeat is silent and a child lies dead?

 "Don't stand behind" this coffin.

That boy was as pure and as innocent as the driven snow.
 But I must stand here, because I have not given you what you should have. Until we can walk abroad and recreate ourselves; until we can stroll along the streets like boulevards; congregate in parks free from fear, our families mingling, our children laughing, our hearts joined - until that day we have no city.

 You can label me a failure until that day. 

The first and perhaps only great mayor was Greek. 
He was Pericles of Athens, and he lived some 2500 years ago, and he said, 

"All things good on this Earth flow into the City, because of the City's greatness." 

Well, we were great once. Can we not be great again? 

Now, I put that question to James Bone, and there's only silence. 

Yet could not something pass from this sweet youth to me? 

Could he not empower me to find in myself the strength to have the knowledge to summon up the courage to accomplish this seemingly insurmountable task of making a city livable? 

Just livable. 

There was a palace that was a city. 
It was a PALACE! 


A PALACE, in which there is no king or queen, or dukes or earls or princes, but subjects all: subjects beholden to each other, to make a better place to live. Is that too much to ask?


Mayor John Pappas: 
Are we asking too much for this?


Mayor John Pappas: 
Is it beyond our reach?

Some Audience Members:

Mayor John Pappas: 
Because if it is, then we are nothing but sheep being herded to the final SLAUGHTERHOUSE! 

I will not go down, THAT WAY!

[the audience begins shouting approval]

Mayor John Pappas:
 I choose to FIGHT BACK! 

I choose to RISE, not fall! 

I choose to LIVE, not die! 

And I know, I know that what's within me is also WITHIN YOU.

Audience Member:

Mayor John Pappas: 
That's why I ask you now to join me. 
Join me, RISE UP with me, RISE UP on the wings of this slain angel.

[Audience members begin shouting "Yes" at every pause]

Mayor John Pappas: 
We'll rebuild on the soul of this little warrior. 

We will pick up his standard and RAISE it high! 



I am with you, little James. 

I am you.

Friday 5 August 2016

Christopher Biggins is Inappropriate

All comments are capable of causing offence :
[ especially around "showbiz types" { RAGING QUEENS } ]

"That's not your best side"
"You have a bit of crap on your face, just here *indicates corner of mouth* "
"I loved you on 'Casualty' last year - you had that leg crushed by that forklift!"


"...euphemism and absurd circumlocution. 

Karl Marx had demagogically promised that his philosophy would change the world
the Deconstructionists only want to change all the names

There is no more right or wrong, good or evil, only appropriate and inappropriate. 

Language is supposedly being purged of : 



Nobody is fat anymore; 
they merely possess an alternative body image. 

The bald must be called "follicularly challenged" or "differently hirsute." 

To be dirty is to be "hygienically challenged," to be tall is to be "vertically endowed."
 If you're old, you become "chronologically gifted.

It will be noted that this supposed rebellion afflicts language with all of the horrors of the worst Pentagon bureaucratic prose

Think of "collateral damage" when targets were "serviced" during the Gulf war, killing innocent civilians.

 "Ethnic cleansing" is a politically correct term for Genocide

Thus, political correctness offers no hope to the homeless, but it demands they be called "underhoused," "involuntarily undomiciled," or "houseless." 

The jobless become "non-renewed.

Political correctness is radical nominalism, in which the verbal signs take the place of ideas and things. As always, this radical nominalism is never very far from paranoid schizophrenia, where the victim believes that by changing the name or sign, he has altered reality itself. 

As the experience of Baroque Europe (Lyly, Marino, etc.) shows, such ways of talking go together with