Showing posts with label 1984. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1984. Show all posts

Sunday 24 May 2020


“And so then, The Student would leave the room, have a real let-down and then begin to exhibit acute neurotic symptoms, as well as a complete inability to do Intellectual Work.

In effect, if you begin pulling-up in Analysis what had happened to these people, on an unconscious level, the effect was as-though a large, slightly-more-than-man-sized black beetle had performed sodomic rape on them.”

"It doesn't kill you. 

What it does is make you feel like you're in a noisy little dark room... naked and ashamed... and there are things in the dark that need to hurt you because you're bad... little pinching things that go in your ears and crawl on the inside of your skull. 

And you know that if the noise and the crawling would stop... that you could remember how to get out... 

But you never, ever will."

— Glory describing the effects of her brain suck to Tara, 
Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Described in the Illuminatus! novels as Chapel Perilous. All the principal characters have to "walk that lonesome valley" to the Chapel and confront their deepest and most primal fears before moving on. Some require repeat visits.

Room 101 in George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four is the Black Bug room made manifest. With, for Winston Smith, extra added rats.

Thursday 6 June 2019


"It is from Schmitt that 
Samuel Huntington got his idea that 
An Enemy Image is absolutely necessary 
for the cohesion of any society. 

In reality, however, it is primarily an oligarchical society which 
requires an enemy image, 
because that society is based on 
an irrational principle 
of domination 
which cannot stand the scrutiny 
it would receive in peacetime. 

George Orwell understood this aspect well
when he suggested in 1984 that 
The Endless War among Oceania, 
Eurasia,and Eastasia was really 
A War waged by each of these states 
against its own population, 
 for the purpose of perpetuating 
a hierarchical society. 

The key concept dates back 
at least to Ibn Khaldun
the 13th century father of Sociology
who noted that The Arabs only 
stopped fighting each other when 
it was necessary to unite against 
An Outside Enemy.


Leo Strauss was the product of three main intellectual and political influences. 

First among these was the proto-Nazi Friedrich Nietzsche, who was designated by Nazi ideologist Alfred Rosenberg as one of the four precursors of Hitlerism (the others were the operatic composer Richard Wagner, the anti-Semitic LaGarde, and the racist Houston Stewart Chamberlain). 

A second was the card-carrying Nazi Martin Heidegger, who praised Hitler in his inaugural speech as rector of the University of Freiburg. 

Finally, there is the card-carrying Nazi Carl Schmitt, the main legal theorist of the Third Reich. 

Schmitt’s ideas have directly contributed to the shattering of the US political consensus under the Bush regime. For Schmitt, politics comes down to the distinction between friend and foe. Starting from this extremely meager reduction of human motivation, he goes on to equate politics with warfare: if there is no warfare or conflict, then politics is dead, and life is no longer worth living. Schmitt therefore wants politics to be the monopoly of a strong state, and he does not like the idea that the state or the government could be influenced by the citizens. Schmitt’s thought is thus revealed as authoritarian, dictatorial, fascistic. It is from Schmitt that Samuel Huntington got his idea that an enemy image is absolutely necessary for the cohesion of any society. In reality, however, it is primarily an oligarchical society which requires an enemy image, because that society is based on an irrational principle of domination which cannot stand the scrutiny it would receive in peacetime. George Orwell understood this aspect well when he suggested in 1984 that the endless war among Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia was really a war waged by each of these states against its own population, for the purpose of perpetuating a hierarchical society. The key concept dates back at least to Ibn Khaldun, the 13th century father of sociology, who noted that the Arabs only stopped fighting each other when it was necessary to unite against an outside enemy. 

The card-carrying Nazi Schmitt was also a bitter opponent, not just of the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations, but of international law and international treaties in general. Like his neocon descendants of today, he was an ardent unilateralist. Here are some of Schmitt’s typical comments about international law: “We are talking again about basic rights, about the basic rights of peoples and of states, and especially about the basic rights of those states who have, mindful of their own race, gotten themselves into the proper domestic order. Such a state is the national socialist state, which has led the German people back to an awareness of itself and its race. We proceed from the most self-evident of all basic rights, the right to one’s own existence. This is an inalienable, eternal basic right, in which the right to self-determination, self-defense, and to the means of self-defense is included. . . . From our solid standpoint we can see through that world of legalistic argumentation and that huge apparatus of treaties and pacts, and assign this tower of Babel to its rightful place in the history of international law.” 

Schmitt was the author of Article 48 of the 1919 Constitution of the Weimar Republic, which was the clause that allowed the Reich President to declare an emergency or state of siege and thereafter rule by decree. Schmitt’s activity during the 1920s was largely devoted to agitating in favor of the dissolution or marginalization of the Reichstag (parliament) and the institution of a dictatorship of the President of the Reich. One of Schmitt’s favorite sayings was that sovereignty meant the ability to declare a state of emergency. If you can find what organ of government has the ability to call out the state of siege, suspend the legislature, and impose martial law, Schmitt reasoned, you have found the place where sovereignty is actually located. 

For Schmitt, the concept of emergency rule is a totally lawless realm; under it, the ruling authority can do literally anything it wants, without regard to law, separation of powers, constitutional freedoms, equity, or anything else. In one of his essays Schmitt approvingly quotes a speech by the Reich Justice Minister Schiffer to the Reichstag on March 3, 1920, in which Schiffer points out that under Article 48, the Reich President can attack “German cities with poison gas, if that is, in the concrete case, the necessary measure for the re-establishment of law and order.” (Schmitt, Die Diktatur, 201) Schmitt was adamant that the emergency provisions of the Weimar constitution were theoretically and practically unlimited, and could be used to justify the greatest imaginable atrocities. We see here a tradition of thought, alive in the Schmittian-Straussian neocons of today, which would have no trouble in accommodating a crime on the scope of 9/ 11. 

In July, 1932 the Nazis and their allies carried out a cold coup against the minority Social Democratic caretaker government in Prussia, the largest political subdivision of Germany. The pro-Nazi government in Prussia then became the springboard for Hitler’s seizure of power via a legal coup in January 1933. Carl Schmitt was the lawyer for the coup forces in the German supreme court in Leipzig. (The parallels of this action to the Schwarzenegger/ Warren Buffet oligarchical coup in California in 2003 are more than suggestive, since California is the largest US political subdivision in the same way that Prussia was in Germany.) Schmitt also provided legal services for Hitler’s seizure of power in January, 1933. 

Carl Schmitt wrote articles for the gutter-level anti-Semitic tabloid Der Stürmer, edited by Julius Streicher. In 1934, when Hitler massacred the brown-shirted SA leader Ernst Röhm and his faction for supporting a second revolution against the financiers, industrialists, and the army, Schmitt quickly emerged as one of Hitler’s most shameless apologists. In his scurrilous pamphlet, “Der Führer Schützt das Recht” (“ The Führer defends the law”), Schmitt endorsed the Byzantine theory according to which law is a successful act of strength by the stronger party against the weaker. Schmitt wrote that the primary task of the Führer was “to distinguish friend from enemy . . . The Führer takes the warnings of German history seriously. That gives him the right and the power to found a new state and a new order. . . . The Führer protects the law from the worst abuse, when he–in the moment of danger–through the power of his leadership as supreme judge, directly creates law. His role as supreme judge flows from his role as supreme leader. Anyone who wants to separate one of these from the other is trying to unhinge the state with the help of the justice system. . . . the Führer himself determines the content and scope of a crime.” (Schmitt 200) 

This opens the door to every arbitrary outrage under color of law. While these ideas, so dear to today’s ruling neocons, have been applied to Abu Ghraib, it is also clear that they are equally applicable to 9/ 11.

Friday 14 September 2018

Ideas Cultivate Human Beings

 " Fincher used to toss around the, you know, 
sort of The Buddhist Thing that :-

You've Gotta Kill Your Parents,
and then

You've Gotta Kill Your God,

and then

You've Gotta Kill Your Teacher
[ If you can...]

I think  Tyler helps Jack reject The Value System of His Parents, and then, at the end, he has to reject Tyler, if Tyler's his Teacher, he has to sort of pull back - 

And y'know, Tyler helps him through the initial steps towards Enlightenment -

But in The End / By The End, he has to pull away from Tyler, even, to define himself as separate from Tyler.... "

- Ed Norton,
Fight Club DVD Commentary Track,

That's Not The Case, at all...

Palinhuk reiterated and really drummed ths point Home in particular over the 10-Issue run of Fight Club 2,
 15 years on :

Ideas are Real,
We are Not.

He is NOT Seperate from Tyler -
He isn't Real -
He Doesn't Exist -


Tyler Durden DOES Exist...

Sunday 30 April 2017


There are 3 Forms of Hurt :

The Hurt That Heals

The Hurt That He Accommodates


The Hurt That is Not Felt

Of These, only the last is deadly.

I Hurt myself 2day 
2 C if I still feel 
I focus on the pain 
The only thing that's real 
The needle tears a hole
The old familiar sting 
Try 2 kill it all away 
But I remember every thing 

What have I become 
My sweetest friend 
Everyone I know goes away 
In the end 
And U could have it all 
My empire of dirt 
I will let you down 
I will make U Hurt 

I wear this Crown of Thorns 
Upon my liar's chair 
Full of broken thoughts 
I cannot repair 
Beneath the stains of time 
The feelings disappear 
U are someone else 
I am still right here 

What have I become 
My sweetest friend 
Everyone I know goes away 
In the end 
And you could have it all 
My Empire of Dirt 
I will let you down 
I will make U Hurt 

If I could start again 
A million miles a way 
I would keep my self 
I would find a way....

Some Day This Pain Will Be Useful to You

Keep Praying

Monday 1 August 2016

Hillary - TALK 2 RUSSIA

"I will not sacrifice the Black Sea Fleet. 

We've made too many compromises already. 
Too many retreats. 

They reunify Germany, and we fall back. 

They assimilate entire Warsaw Pact nations, and we fall back. 

Not again! 

The line must be drawn here... 

THIS far, 
NO further! 

Hillary, talk to Russia before it's too late

Before it's too late, before it's too late

Hillary, talk to Russia before it's too late
Before They blow up The World

You can go to the zoo, but u don't feed guerrillas

U can't feed guerrillas, left wing guerrillas

Go to the zoo, but don't feed guerrillas
Who wanna blow up the world

Oh yes, baby

Hillary, if you're dead before I get to meet ya
Before I get to meet ya, before I get to meet ya

Hillary, if you're dead before I get to meet ya

Don't say I didn't warn ya

Hillary, talk to Russia before it's too late

Before it's too late, before it's too late

Hillary, talk to Russia before it's too late

Before They blow up the world

Before They blow up The World

(Don't blow up my world)

Don't you blow up my world

by James Corbett
July 24, 2016
Hillary Rodham Clinton is a Wall Street-backed warmonger whose potential election as President of the United States this November poses an existential threat not just to Americans but to all of humanity.
As First Lady and then as Senator, she actively supported the US’ illegal wars of aggression abroad:
BILL CLINTON: “Today, our Armed Forces joined our NATO allies in airstrikes against Serbian forces ,esponsible for the brutality in Kosovo.”
HILLARY CLINTON: “You know I voted for the Iraqi resolution.”
CLINTON: “The President understands this. He’s fully aware that it’s going to take a lot of patience and pain-staking planning and we’re gonna support him!”
CLINTON: “…including thousands of chemical weapons. Large volumes of chemical and biological stocks. A number of missiles and warheads. A major lab equipped to produce Anthrax.”
She not only admitted the US role in creating Al Qaeda:
CLINTON: “When the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, we had this brilliant idea there we were going to come to Pakistan and create a force of Mujahideen, equip them with Stinger missiles and everything else, to go after the Soviets inside Afghanistan.”
But then, despite this admission, as Secretary of State her support of the war on Libya and the jihadis in Syria directly led to the rise of ISIS and the migrant crisis in Europe:
CLINTON: “The transition to democracy in Syria has begun and it’s time for Assad to get out of the way.”
“President Assad is not indispensable and we have absolutely nothing invested in him remaining in power.”
“I think based on definitions of war-criminal and crimes against humanity, there would be an argument to be made that he (Assad) would fit into that category.”
CLINTON: “Libya was a different kind of calculation and we didn’t lose a single person.”
CLINTON: “We came. We saw. He died! (laughter)”
She was the one who announced the US’ so-called “Asia-Pacific Pivot” that has seen more US forces being placed in the Asia-Pacific as a direct military threat to China:
CLINTON: “…and we look to the Asia-Pacific region, as we have for many decades, as an area where the United States in uniquely positioned to play a major role.”
CLINTON: “The United States is not seeding the Pacific to anyone.”
And she has stated in no uncertain terms that Russia and Iran will be militarily targeted in a Clinton presidency, and that the “nuclear option” is, as always, “on the table”:
CLINTON: “And we will make sure the Iranians and the world understand, that the United States will act decisively if necessary including taking military action.”
“There will have to be consequences for any violation by Iran and that the nuclear option should not at all be taken of the table. That has been my position consistently.”
CLINTON: “And Russia has to support the international community’s efforts sincerely or be held to account.”
CLINTON: “That Russia and China will pay a price. Because they are holding up progress, blockading it. That is no longer tolerable.”
And unlike her many, many political statements of convenience that are merely a reflection of what is most politically acceptable at the moment:
CHRIS MATTHEWS: Do you think New York State should recognize gay marriage?”
CLINTON: “I support marriage for lesbian and gay couples.”
CLINTON: “I represented Wall Street as a Senator from New York and I went to Wall Street and in December of 2007 before the big crash that we had. And I basically said ‘cut it out, quit foreclosing on homes. Quit engaging in these kinds of speculative behaviors.'”
“Now who’s exactly the blame for the housing crisis? Now I think there’s plenty of blame to go around. Home-buyers who paid extra fees to avoid documenting their income, should of known that they were getting in over their heads.”
“I take a back-seat to no one when you look at my record on standing up and fighting for progressive values.”
“I get accused of being kind of moderate and center. I plead guilty.”
HILLARY CLINTON: “We went through a thorough process to identify all of my work-related emails.”
JAMES COMEY: “Lawyers doing the sorting for Secretary Clinton in 2014 did not individually read the content of all of her emails.”
CLINTON: “So that the emails were immediately captured and preserved.”
COMEY: “There was no archiving at all of her emails.”
…we can be assured that these threats of potential nuclear world war by Clinton are not idle threats. A future Clinton president would be assured of a like mind in the new Prime Minister in the UK, who has stated in no uncertain terms that she is willing to launch a nuclear strike that would kill hundreds of thousands:
GEORGE KEREVAN: “Let me congratulate the Prime Minster on her new rule, but can we cut to the chase? Is she personally prepared to authorize a nuclear-strike that could kill 100,000 innocent men, women and children?”
THERESA MAY: “Yes. And I have to say to the honourable gentleman, the whole point of a deterrent is that our enemies need to know that we would be prepared to use it.”
Hillary Clinton is a neocon, a war hawk, a liar, an unindicted criminal and a Wall Street puppet. Why is it, then, that those on the so-called “progressive” left who would be warning against her if she had an “R” next to her name are instead lecturing other leftists that it is now their duty to fall in line and help her get elected?
NOAM CHOMSKY: “If Clinton is nominated and it comes to a choice between Clinton and Trump, in a swing state, a state where it’s going to matter which way you vote, I would vote against Trump, and by elementary arithmetic, that means you hold your nose and you vote Democrat. I don’t think there’s any other rational choice. Abstaining from voting or, say, voting for, say, a candidate you prefer, a minority candidate, just amounts to a vote for Donald Trump, which I think is a devastating prospect, for reasons I’ve already mentioned.”
JUAN GONZALES: “We in SDS refused to vote. We wouldn’t support McCarthy. We wouldn’t support Humphrey. Our slogan was “Vote with your feet, vote in the street.” I’m—I’m here to tell you that the slogan was right, the tactic was wrong. And I think that the country, in retrospect, there would not have been a substantive change, there would have been a positive change, if Nixon had not been elected. But you learn from your mistakes. Hopefully, other generations learn from the mistakes of those who came before them.”
ELIZABETH WARREN: We’re all here today because we’re with her. And we’re going to work our hearts out to make Hillary Clinton the next president of the United States.
BERNIE SANDERS: “She will be the Democratic nominee for president, and I intend to do everything I can to make certain she will be the next president of the United States.”
The message here is as clear as it is predictable and disappointing. Once again those with the influence to shape these events and ignite a genuine protest movement against Hillary’s coronation at the Democratic National Convention are falling back into their roles as partisan ideologues, advocating for “their” candidate over the “other side,” taking the two-party system as a fait accomplis and complicity with that system as the only way forward.
But as Michel Chossudovsky of points out, this election is fundamentally different. This time, the fate of the world hangs in the balance.
MICHEL CHOSSUDOVSKY: “In so many words Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy stance is ‘to blow up the planet.’ She has made statements to the effect that a first-strike nuclear attack against Russia or Iran is on the table. So that if she is in the White House she could in fact unleash the unspoken, which is World War 3. I think this is something we have to address both in terms of analysis and also political choice. That anyone who wants to blow up the planet is not ‘progressive.’
“Secondly, she has a criminal record. Not only in regards to the email scandal but also in relation to The Clinton Foundation, which is involved in fraud, money laundering, political cronyism, etc. It is amply documented.
“So that, in effect, the choice for the American people is to elect a war-criminal.”
Too many people become attached to the personality of these political personas or fixated on the “D” or the “R” after their name. This clouds their judgement and stops them from seeing their policies and agenda for what they really are.
As Diana Johnstone, author of Queen of Chaos: The Misadventures of Hillary Clinton points out, Hillary is best understood not as a person, but as the instrument for the think tanks, Wall Street financiers and other connected insiders who want to embroil the United States in more illegal wars and plunder the country and its people even further.
DIANA JOHNSTONE: “I mean Hillary to me is not even an interesting person. She is simply a shallow, ambitious woman. Who has decided to make herself the instrument of the Washington think-tank persuasion and is using that too pose as a great expert on world affairs to be elected as President. She simply is the embodiment of all that is terrible in American foreign-policy that has developed over the past decades.”
It is no hyperbole to say that the election of Hillary Rodham Clinton as president this November would be one of the greatest tragedies in the history of the United States, and perhaps the world. It is incumbent on people of all stripes–American and non-American, Republican and Democrat, progressive and libertarian, anarchists, and those who have never thought about politics a day in their life–to protest her nomination at the Democratic National Convention, work against her campaign for President, and avert the nuclear nightmare that is now coming into view.

Sunday 31 July 2016

How to Marry Well and Stay Married : Female Liberation by Any Means Necessary

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

Mark 8:36 

"That's our motto. 

We want freedom by any means necessary. 

We want justice by any means necessary. 

We want equality by any means necessary. 

We don't feel that in 1964, living in a country that is supposedly based upon freedom, and supposedly the leader of the free world, we don't think that we should have to sit around and wait for some segregationist congressmen and senators and a President from Texas in Washington, D. C., to make up their minds that our people are due now some degree of civil rights. 

No, we want it now or we don't think anybody should have it."

Tuesday 26 July 2016

The New Æon

The World is changed

I feel it in The Water. 
I feel it in The Earth. 
I smell it in The Air. 

Much that once was, is lost.
 For none now live, who remember it. 

It began with the forging of the Great Rings. 

were given to The Elves, immortal, wisest and fairest of all beings. 

to the Dwarf Lords, Great Miners and Craftsmen of the Mountain Halls. 



Nine rings were gifted to The Race of Men, who above all else desired power.

 For within these rings was bound the Strength and Will to Govern each Race.

  But they were all of them, deceived -  for another ring was made. In the land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount Doom, the Dark Lord Sauron forged in secret, a Master Ring, to control all others and into this ring, he poured his cruelty, his malice, and his will to dominate all life. 

One Ring to Rule Them All.

   One by one the free lands of Middle-earth fell to the power of The Ring. But there were some who resisted. 

A Last Alliance of Men and Elves marched against the armies of Mordor and on the slopes of Mount Doom, they fought for the freedom of Middle-earth. 

Victory was near but the power of The Ring could not be undone. It was in this moment when all hope had faded that Isildur, Son of the King, took up his father's sword... 

The Enemy of the Free Peoples of Middle-earth was Defeated.

The Ring passed to Isildur, 
who had this one chance to destroy Evil forever. 

But The Hearts of Men are easily corrupted. 

And The Ring of Power has a Will of Its Own. 
It betrayed Isildur to His Death. 

And some things that should not have been forgotten, were lost

History became Legend
Legend became Myth 
and for two and a half thousand years, The Ring passed out of all Knowledge until, when Chance came, it ensnared a new bearer. 

The Ring came to The Creature Gollum, who took it deep into the tunnels of the misty mountains and there it consumed him. The ring brought to Gollum unnatural long life. For five hundred years, it poisoned his mind. And in the gloom of Gollum's cave, it waited.

Darkness crept back into the forests of the world. Rumour grew of a shadow in the East, whispers of a nameless fear and the ring of power perceived its time had now come. 

For the times will soon come when Women will shape the fortunes of all..."