Friday 30 July 2021


“ The O’Neal-Adams collaborations were state-of-the-art for maturing fans who wanted themselves and their passions to be taken seriously

Although a great deal of their “criticism” consisted of little more than sarcastic exposés of the logic flaws in stories, much of it had a learned collegiate twang. 

Along with acerbic critiques, fans offered the kind of wildly effusive praise and serious engagement with the work that made creative and editorial staff feel elevated and appreciated. 

These were teenagers who began to insist that comics could and should be for adults, mostly because they didn’t want to let go of childhood and had to find a new way to sell its pleasure back to themselves.

  These older comic-book hobbyists — often collectors of back issues, compilers of price lists, and publishers of DIY fanzines — favored work that was edgy and defensibly mature, distorting the scale of the adult-oriented superhero’s appeal with passionate and clever letters of comment, fan awards, and relentless rubbishing of everything that didn’t fit the strict diktat of a fan culture understandably keen to establish the art credentials of its beloved comics. 

Anxious to escape the mocking echoes of the Batman TV show and the disrepute it had brought upon the “serious” business of collecting and critiquing comics, these adolescent advocates were ready to embrace any development that validated their growing interest in politics, poetry, sex, and expressions of emotional pain. 

They preferred the artfully stressed and heightened photo-realism of Neal Adams’s illustrative technique to the expressionistic gut drawing of Kirby, or the classical power and weight of Curt Swan’s increasingly old-fashioned Superman work, where the figures had come to seem like waxy statues posed and reposed in a stuffy gallery of recycled, reheated Silver Age attitudes. 

They called loudly and relentlessly for superhero stories to be “relevant,” embrace a new realism, a new vocabulary, and a fresh engagement with the headlines; all of which undermined the success of the comics and drastically limited their mass-market appeal

Nevertheless, it was this retreat from the mainstream that gave the comics some quiet R & D time in which to hone a far greater sophistication and develop a “grounded” approach to superheroes that would make them perfect for Hollywood mass exploitation in the twenty-first century. 

As Superman himself might say, leading the charge on-screen with 1978’s big-budget Superman: “IRONIC.”

  Prickly and unself-confident, the new “fandom” especially liked its stories about powerful men and women in Day-Glo Lycra to come embellished with extended Ernest Hemingway and T. S. Eliot quotes, and so more of these odd adventures began to appear — lumpen children of Roy Thomas’s grace notes from Shelley, strange chimeras, that were part cape-and-mask workouts, part campus polemic. At best, there might be a powerful recontextualization of familiar lines played against unfamiliar images. 

At worst, which was more often, the writers became ventriloquist dummies who relied on the proven excellence of others to elevate their ill-conceived and aimless efforts. 

Was it a superhero adventure or an English lit student bitching about pollution with Walt Whitman samples running in ironic counterpoint to the action?

  Aside from the gift to Hollywood of believable superheroes, perhaps the best that could be said for relevance was the way it eliminated any need to hide a comic book inside a poetry anthology for a sneak read in class; lines from “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” were just as likely to appear in both. 

As far as I was concerned, the sincere products of the relevance movement helped me justify the excellence of superhero stories to sneering teachers. Although I was clearly well read and articulate, my ever-encouraging tutors regarded the comics reading habit as a warning sign that I was on a collision course with some catastrophic breakdown of literacy that was almost certain to leave me with a fifteen-word “ZAP! KER-POW!” space monkey vocabulary of neuronal pops and frazzles. So these thoughtful and informed comics were powerful ammunition for me, as they were for all the other earnest teenage fans so captivated by the imaginary universes of Marvel and DC that they’d lingered there past the age of twelve and become trapped like Lost Boys. It was easier to be caught reading comics at school if you could smugly direct an infuriated physics master to the award-winning Green Lantern/ Green Arrow no. 86, with its letter of thanks from the mayor of New York for helping to dramatize the scourge of drugs.


  Thus superhero comics began their slow retreat from the mainstream of popular entertainment to its geek-haunted margins, where their arcane flavors could be distilled and savored by solitary, monkish boys and men — rarely women or teenage girls, who tended to outgrow Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen, while their weird brothers were still taking comfort in those pages. 

(Unsurprisingly, given my profession, I do know a disproportionate number of otherwise reasonable women who grew up reading or still read the better superhero comics as part of a general diet of pop culture adrenaline, but as the scorecard element — the collecting crowd — came in, the demographic skewed heavily toward introverted males in their teens and twenties.

Color TV, too, played its part in the decline of comics sales, but comics still offered the best, most immersive superhero stories available and showcased the work of some genuinely talented artists. 

By 1970, the field had become flooded with brilliant and restless young innovators like Jim Steranko, Mike Kaluta, Bernie Wrightson, and Barry Smith, and O’Neil opened the door to other “relevant” writers such as Elliot Maggin and Mike Friedrich. Maggin wrote the classic, collegiate “Must There Be a Superman?” in which the Man of Steel’s very role was questioned as if he were real, with no clear resolution.”

Why Narcissists Must Hurt And Punish You

Why Narcissists Must Hurt And Punish You

Being purposefully Hurt and Punished 
is not part of A Normal Relationship.

Only a highly disintegrated being
one that is malfunctioning
is capable of doing this to Someone Else.

A Narcissist is This Type of Being.

If you don't agree with The Narcissist or you question them, 
or you want them to be held accountable for something then 
You are Not Serving Them and 
You're Bucking The System.

If you're not giving The Narcissist 
what he or she deems is necessary 
then you must be punished 
and while in A Narcissistic Rage they will 
line you up and attack you mercilessly.

In my latest Thriver TV video I go into detail on 
What They're Doing, 
Who They Are 
What They're After. 

I also draw parallels between these 
Personality-Disordered People 
and celestial 
Black Holes 
so you understand that 
Nothing Will Ever Appease Them.

I want you to have 
The Knowledge and Deeper Understanding 
To Take Your Power Back
just like myself and thousands 
in This Community have.

📥 Claim your free 16-day recovery course:

✔️Join the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program:

📘 Order your copy of You Can Thrive After Narcissistic Abuse:

👀 Read hundreds of free articles on my blog:

💛 Connect with the Thriver Community:​​​

#WhyNarcissistsMustHurtAndPunishYou #melanietoniaevans

Judge-Advocate Commadore, 
Imperial Navy :
Cadet Solo --
Still can't decide whether you're 
Brave or Stupid --

Cadet H. Solo :
Well..... I'd like to think, 
I'm a little of both, Sir.

Ah, Moff -- Sir.

Judge-Advocate Commadore, 
Imperial Navy :
It's Commodore.
And if you think that smartarse 
is the way to go here, you're sorely mistaken.

Cadet H. Solo :
Commodore --
Fellow Imperials, 
if You'll Allow Me --

[ HINT : They Won't. And They Aren't Going To. ]

Onyx-II was flanked by headhunters --
If I'd followed Command's Directive and returned to formation, instead of going after him, 
he'd be dead now  --

Judge-Advocate Commadore, 
Imperial Navy :
No Place for Daredevil Heroics 
in His Emperor's Imperial Navy --

Cadet H. Solo :
I'm not trying to be A Hero, 
Commodore, trust me.

Judge-Advocate Commadore, 
Imperial Navy :
Well, congratulations --
Your Not One.

This Tribunal -- ME, in particular -- finds you 
Guilty of Disobeying a Direct Order -- 
and you are hereby reassigned 
to The Infantry.

Thursday 29 July 2021

Mapping The Phantom Zone

“Why can’t I TOUCH Them?

Why can’t I DO ANYTHING?”

“The Spectre, after listening for a moment, joined in the mournful dirge; and floated out upon the bleak, dark night.

Scrooge followed to the window : desperate in his curiosity. He looked out.

The air was filled with phantoms, wandering hither and thither in restless haste, and moaning as they went. 

Every one of them wore chains like Marley’s Ghost; some few (they might be guilty governments) were linked together; none were free. 

Many had been personally known to Scrooge in their lives. He had been quite familiar with one old ghost, in a white waistcoat, with a monstrous iron safe attached to its ankle, who cried piteously at being unable to assist a wretched woman with an infant, whom it saw below, upon a door-step. 

The misery with them all was, clearly, that they sought to interfere, for good, in human matters, and had lost the power for ever.”

We Live in an Age of Marvels

In Fair Philadelphia, we lay our scene, 
City of Brotherly Love :
Hey, Yo Baby-Creed, Rock-O, remember The Neighborhood!
Hey, Yo, Jazzy Jeff, Fresh Prince —
Spider Rico —
Hey there, Mick, Yo, Paulie —
Hey, Yo, Steps, Little Marie (from The Atomic Hoagie Stand) — Let The Be LIGHT!

Captain Marvel

No, not that one. 

Or The Other One. 

Or, the other, Other One, who was an imposter, but not in a bad way. 

Or, any one of The Girl Ones

Captain Marvel saves Mary from being hit by a snow plow 

Mary Bromfield : 
Oh, my God.

Captain Marvel : 
Mary... Mary, are you okay? 
Are you...

Mary Bromfield : 
How do you know My Name?

Captain Marvel : 
Uh... How do I know your name? 
Uh... One of my superpowers is 

Which is really weird, I bet. 

Uh, it's not as cool as super-strength or super-speed, but it's really helpful when I meet new people. 

Are you Hurt?

Mary Bromfield : 
No, I'm okay. 
Thank you

Um... I just need a second to think. 

This has been such a weird day.

Captain Marvel : 
Um, using my powers of super-observation, I see that you're holding a letter from a college in your hand. 

Are you upset because you didn't get in?

Mary Bromfield : 
[shakes her head, then nods]  
I got in.

Captain Marvel : 
Uh... well, now my superpowers are failing me and I am very confused.

Mary Bromfield : 
Yeah. Me too. I don't know. 

I know I should be excited 'cause This is My Dream and I've worked really, really hard for this, but it's like... 

I don't know. 

Leaving My Family does not feel fun, you know?

Captain Marvel : 
Could I, could I give you a little piece of advice? 
Don't be worried about Everybody Else. 
Always look out for Number One. 
Gandhi said that.

Mary Bromfield : 
I don't think he said that.

Captain Marvel :
Yeah, he did.

Mary Bromfield : 
Gandhi did not say….

Captain Marvel : 
Somebody like Gandhi said that.

Mary Bromfield : 
Take care of Number One?

Captain Marvel : 
It was a really Wise... 
It might've been Yoda. Listen...

Mary Bromfield : 
I'm sorry, no.

Captain Marvel :
Agree to Disagree. 

The Point is, 
You Do You, you know? 

You Gotta Look Out for You. 

And get as far away from this place as you can.

Mary Bromfield : 
I don't know if I want to.

Captain Marvel : 
Of course you do. 
What're you gonna do?
You're gonna live in a Group Home 
for the rest of your life?


Captain Marvel : 
Look, Families are for 
People Who can't Take Care of Themselves, okay? So... 

You Know, and You Can Take Care of Yourself. 

Also, Look Both Ways When You Cross The Street.

“He’s too DANGEROUS to be left alive..!!”


lying in a puddle of slime


They will come from behind...

RAY helps him up

Ah, ah... vhy em I drippings viz goo?


You had a violent, prolonged 

transformative psychic episode.




Sorry we had to hose you down there, 

but you were kind of out of control..!

Hey, man — Let me tell you something : 

I love you.


Yah? Vell, I love you too.

they hug

Anakin and Dooku continue their fight. 

It is intense! 

Finally, in one last energized charge, ANAKIN cuts off COUNT DOOKU's hands. 

The Jedi catches the lightsaber as it drops from the severed Sith Lord's hand. 

COUNT DOOKU stumbles to the floor as ANAKIN puts the two lightsabers to his neck. 

PALPATINE is grinning as he watches COUNT DOOKU's defeat.


Good, Anakin, good

I knew you could do it. 

Now — Kill him. 

Kill him, now!


[ much hesitation. ]

I shouldn't . . .


[ DemonVoice ]

Do it!!

ANAKIN cuts off COUNT DOOKU's head. 

A huge EXPLOSION somewhere deep in the ship rattles everything.


... I couldn't stop myself.


You did well, Anakin. 

He was too dangerous to be kept alive.


lightsaber, moving to PALPATINE.


Yes, but he was an unarmed prisoner.

ANAKIN raises his hands toward PALPATINE, 

who is strapped in The Admiral's Chair

[ Does that not seem AT ALL strange to anyone...? 

On the Command-Observation Deck of the Separatist Flagship, 

in an all-droid fleet that doesn't have any Admirals....? ]

The Chancellor's restraints pop loose.



I shouldn't have done that, Chancellor. 

It's not the Jedi way.

PALPATINE stands up, rubbing his wrists.


It is only natural

He cut off your arm, 

you wanted revenge -- 

It wasn't the first time, Anakin —

Remember what you told me about Your Mother and the Sand People. 

Now, we must leave before more security droids arrive.

The ship begins to list to one side. 

ANAKIN rushes over to OBI-WAN, 

lifts the control console from on top of him, and pulls him free. 

He kneels down and checks out his unconscious friend. 

PALPATINE heads for the elevators.



Anakin, there is no time

We must get off The Ship before it's too late.


He seems to be all right. 

[ It's probably Palpatine, therefore, that is keeping him unconscious (since we known that he can do that, with only his mind), as he clearly believes that that in itself ought to supply Anakin with ample cause and justification for abandoning His Best Friend and Mentor, leaving him to die (alone) on a crashing enemy spaceship in the middle of a War -- it's also unclear exactly why he's unconscious otherwise, after having been clobbered by and trapped under heavy metal wreckage pulled down on top of him by Dooku, as he didn't seem to suffer any concussion or head trauma.  ]

No broken bones, breathing's all right.


Leave him, or we'll never make it.


His Fate will be the same as ours.



Master Windu, may I interrupt? 
General Kenobi has made contact with General Grievous, and we have begun our attack.

Thank you, Commander. 
Anakin, deliver this report to the Chancellor. 
His reaction will give us a clue to his intentions.

Yes, Master.

ANAKIN leaves the room. 

COMMANDER CODY's hologram disappears.

I sense A Plot to Destroy The Jedi

[ Yes -- There is one. It's yours. ]

The Dark Side of The Force surrounds The Chancellor.

If he does not give up his Emergency Powers 
after the destruction of General Grievous, 
then he should be removed from office.

[ Your Opinion. ]

That could be a Dangerous Move ... 

The Jedi Council would have to take control of The Senate 
in order to secure a peaceful transition . . .

[ Okay, they are finishing each other's sentences, which means that this is not just coming out of nowhere, just today -- they're clearly already all already thought about doing this before, A LOT, and more than likely discussed it privately already way ahead of time, perhaps in twos or threes, or even between pair of individual members of The Jedi Council -- Masters Windu and Mundi, certainly.

So that's ALREADY a Conspiracy to overthrow the legitimate Government a replace it with appointed proxies in a Military-Theocratic Coups d'Etats.  ] 

. . . and replace The Congress with Senators 
who are not filled with Greed and Corruption.
[ Good Luck with that -- that's going to make for a pretty abbreviated list of acceptable candidates (and that's even assuming that any of them actually will want to do it, or have anything to do with the Jedi Pustche, given the circumstances -- The Republic is at war, still, technically, in spite of the destruction of Greivous (and no-one appears much concerned, either, about awaiting formal verification of the fact of The Enemy General's death. ]

[ VERY Unhappy with where this is all going. ]
To a Dark Place, this line of thought will carry us. 
Hmmmmm. . . . Great Care, we must take.

ANAKIN brings news to PALPATINE.

Chancellor, we have just received a report from Master Kenobi. 
He has engaged General Grievous.

We can only hope that Master Kenobi is up to The Challenge.

[ He's clearly banking on the very likely possibility that they will end up both killing each other.... Grievous, we know, has already personally murdered numerous Jedi in (rather extremely one-sided) single combat, thanks to his training in the art of Jedi (but not Sith) swordsmanship  by Count Dooku -- Darth Tyrranus saves that shit, clearly, for Asajj Ventress, who everyone clearly assumes is his Sith Apprentice, with Dooku as The Sith Lord Master (which of course he isn't.) ]

I should be there with him.

[ Evil Men never doubt or reproach themselves -- Good Men do, 
all the friggin' time. Especially when it's not even their fault. ]

( Completely ignoring what he just said, notice -- 
(Because he Does Not Care -- 
about Obi-Wan, Anakin, Duty, Loyalty, 
or Anakin's sentimental regret and self-admonishments -- AT ALL. )
It is upsetting to me to see that the Council 
doesn't seem to fully appreciate your talents. 
Don't you wonder why they won't make you a Jedi Master?

I wish I knew. 

[ They don't like you (most of them), they envy and mistrust the rapid rate of your advancement, and your natural talent, some of them don't trust you and look down on you, one of them outright despises you (making absolutely no secret of the fact) -- they resent you, because you are not like them, and moreover, they disapprove of who Your Friends are -- it's guilt by association. 
Pure, undiluted Two-Faced snobbery. ]

More and more I get the feeling that I am being 
excluded from The Council. 

[ That's because you are. They Do Not WANT You. 
However, They find that at the present crucial hour, at this dire and critical moment, 
they NEED you -- desperately. ]

I know there are things about The Force that they are not telling me.

[ Mainly because they haven't got the first clue about most of them themselves.... But also, yes -- 
Because they are afraid of you (as well indeed they should be) and yet cannot even stand to bring themselves to admit it, even to themselves. ]  

They Don't Trust You, Anakin. 

[ TRUE. ]

They see Your Future. 

[ They fear it -- dread it, in fact -- but, TRUE. ]

They know Your Power will be Too Strong to Control. 

[ "....for them." TRUE. ]

Anakin, you must break through 
The Fog of Lies The Jedi have created around you.

[ TRUE. ]

 Let me help you to know the subtleties of The Force.

They walk into the hallway.

How do you know The Ways of The Force?

My Mentor taught me everything about The Force 

[ "...that he knew." TRUE. ]

. . . even The Nature of The Dark Side.

They stop.

You know The Dark Side?!?

Anakin, if one is to understand The Great Mystery, 
one must study all its aspects, 
not just the dogmatic, narrow view of The Jedi. 

[ TRUE. ]

If you wish to become a Complete and Wise Leader, 
you must embrace a larger view of The Force. 

[ TRUE. ]

Be careful of The Jedi, Anakin. 
They Fear You. 


In time they will destroy you. 


Let me train you.

I won't be a pawn in your political game. 
The Jedi are My Family.

Only through me can you achieve a power greater than any Jedi.

Learn to know The Dark Side of The Force, Anakin, 
and you will be able to Save Your Wife from Certain Death.

What did you say..?

Use my knowledge, I beg you . . .

You're The Sith Lord!

ANAKIN ignites his lightsaber.

I know what has been troubling you . . . Listen to me. 


Don't continue to be a pawn of The Jedi Council! 
Ever since I've known you, you've been searching for a life greater than that of an ordinary Jedi . . . 

A Life of Significance
of  Conscience.

[ Jedi under The Order have no conscience or individual significance -- They have The Code, and they have The Hierarchy of Authority according to Rank and Seniority amongst fellow Knights of The Order. ]

You're wrong!

Are you going to kill me?

I would certainly like to.

I know you would.... 
I can feel your anger -- It gives you focus
makes you stronger.
ANAKIN raises his lightsaber to PALPATINE's throat. 
There is a tense moment, then ANAKIN relaxes, and then turns off his lightsaber.

I am going to turn you over to the Jedi Council.
PALPATINE: Of course you should
But you're not sure of their intentions, are you? 

What if I am right and they are plotting to take over The Republic?

I will quickly discover The Truth of all this.

You have Great Wisdom, Anakin. 
Know The Power of The Dark Side. 
The Power to Save Padme.

ANAKIN stares at him for a moment. 
PALPATINE turns and moves to his office.

OBI-WAN gives the LIZARD a swift kick with the heel of his boot, and they take off down the vertical side of the sheer cliff. 

reaches the landing platform where his shuttle is waiting. 

OBI-WAN drops onto the top of the starship with his LIZARD. 

GENERAL GRIEVOUS spins his scooter around and takes off up the vertical cliff face with OBI-WAN and his LIZARD in hot pursuit. 

The sinkhole is engulfed in a great battle between 

The PEOPLE OF UTAPAU cower in whatever shelter they can find.

OBI-WAN and GENERAL GRIEVOUS race through the city at breakneck speed. Passing through battle zones, narrowly escaping EXPLOSIONS, laser bolts, and TROOPS from both sides.
GENERAL GRIEVOUS lays the Scooter down as he goes around sharp turns. Obi-Wan's LIZARD breathes hard as she tries to keep up. They destroy droids, equipment, and clone troops as the JEDI and the GENERAL cut a swath of destruction through the city.
GENERAL GRIEVOUS works his way out onto the rim of the sinkhole, passing some wind blades. The evil Droid General releases the brakes on the lethal blades, and they begin to spin, cutting off Obi-Wan's access to the General. Obi-Wan's LIZARD pulls up short in front of the blades. GENERAL GRIEVOUS laughs and talks into a comlink.
GENERAL GRIEVOUS: Prepare to move out of orbit. I will be up in a few moments.
OBI-WAN sizes up the situation, looking for a way to get to GENERAL GRIEVOUS.
The GENERAL accelerates off the edge, activating his claws, drops, and clings to another nearby grouping of windmills. Obi-Wan's LIZARD attempts to jump to follow and barely makes it, almost falling into the precipice below.
GENERAL GRIEVOUS roars through the stone block tunnel system, riding up on the curved walls as he goes around corners or passes oncoming traffic. OBI-WAN races after the Droid, his LIZARD moving onto the ceiling as they pass traffic. OBI-WAN catches up with GENERAL GRIEVOUS, and they charge through the tunnel, side by side. OBI-WAN grabs the Droid's electronic staff.
Extending from the wall of a small sinkhole is a secret landing platform with a small Federation Fighter sitting in the middle of it. OBI-WAN and GENERAL GRIEVOUS race out of the tunnel system and onto the landing platform.
OBI-WAN yanks on the staff, then jumps off his LIZARD onto the General's scooter, knocking both warriors to the ground. GENERAL GRIEVOUS pulls out a laser pistol and fires at OBI-WAN. The Jedi reaches out his hand, grabs the General's electro-staff and spins the staff, blocking the laser bolts.
OBI-WAN charges GENERAL GRIEVOUS, swinging the staff and hitting the Droid in the stomach, knocking the gun away. GENERAL GRIEVOUS is hit by the staff, and the Force bends his forearm. He pulls OBI-WAN close to him, and they engage in a furious fight. The electro-staff is knocked away. The two engage in hand-to-hand combat. OBI-WAN struggles to avoid the deadly blows of the brutal, unstoppable Droid.
GENERAL GRIEVOUS's stomachplate is loose. OBI-WAN grabs it and rips it off, revealing the alien life form's guts encased in a bag in the Droid's chest. GENERAL GRIEVOUS grabs OBI-WAN, hoists him over his head, and tosses him across the platform. OBI-WAN dangles off the edge of the platform. He clutches the rim, trying to hold on. The DROID then grabs the staff and charges OBI-WAN. At the last second, OBI-WAN reaches out his hand and uses the Force to retrieve the Droid's laser pistol.
The JEDI fires several blasts in the stomach area of the alien Droid, and he EXPLODES from the inside out. The smoldering Droid falls to the ground. OBI-WAN has killed GENERAL GRIEVOUS. He pulls himself up onto the platform and walks by the destroyed carcass.
OBI-WAN: So uncivilized . . .
OBI-WAN brushes himself off. He throws the pistol onto the platform, picks up the electro-staff, and jumps on BOGA. The trusty beast rears up and takes off into the tunnel system.
MACE and the JEDI (AGEN KOLAR, KIT FISTO, AND SAESEE TIIN) are preparing to board a JEDI GUNSHIP to the CHANCELLOR's office. ANAKIN enters the hangar.
ANAKIN: Master Windu, I must talk to you.
MACE WiNDU: What is it, Skywalker? We are in a hurry. We have just received word that Obi-Wan has destroyed General Grievous. We are on our way to make sure the Chancellor returns emergency powers back to the Senate.
ANAKIN: He won't give up his power. I've just learned a terrible truth. I think Chancellor Palpatine is a Sith Lord.
MACE WINDU: A Sith Lord?
ANAKIN: Yes. The one we have been looking for.
MACE WiNDU: How do you know this?
ANAKIN: He knows the ways of the Force. He has been trained to use the dark side.
MACE WiNDU: Are you sure?
ANAKIN: Absolutely.
MACE WiNDU: Then our worst fears have been realized. We must move quickly if the Jedi Order is to survive.
ANAKIN: Master, the Chancellor is very powerful. You will need my help if you are going to arrest him.
MACE WiNDU: For your own good, stay out of this affair. I sense a great deal of confusion in you, young Skywalker. There is much fear that clouds your judgment.
ANAKIN: I must go, Master.
MACE WiNDU: No. If what you told me is true, you will have gained my trust, but for now remain here.
ANAKIN: Yes, Master.
MACE WiNDU: Wait for us in the Council Chamber until we return.
ANAKIN: Yes, Master.
ANAKIN watches as the JEDI leave in their ship.
PADME is alone in her apartment, thinking of Anakin. ANAKIN sits alone in the Jedi Council Chamber thinking of PADME.
PALPATINE: (V.O.) You do know, don't you, if the Jedi destroy me, any chance of saving her will be lost.
PADME: I truly, deeply love you. Before I die. I want you to know.
C-3PO: My Lady, are you. . . . Are you all right?
ANAKIN: I can't do this ... I can't let her die.
ANAKIN rushes out of the Council Chamber and to his speeder. The hangar door opens and he lifts off.
The sky is still blue as a JEDI GUNSHIP lands on the Senate Office Building landing platform. FOUR JEDI exit the SHUTTLE and enter the Senate Office Building. MACE WINDU, AGEN KOLAR, KIT FISTO, and SAESEE TIIN, like gunfighters out of the Old West, walk through the massive hallway, four across.
The FOUR JEDI enter the lobby, raising their arms, and send the Chancellor's aide, DAR WAC, flying against the wall, along with TWO REPUBLIC GUARDS. They storm into the Chancellor's office.
MACE arrives with THREE JEDI to arrest PALPATINE.
PALPATINE: Master Windu. I take it General Grievous has been destroyed then. I must say, you're here sooner than expected.
MACE WINDU: In the name of the Galactic Senate of the Republic, you are under arrest, Chancellor.
MACE WINDU and the other JEDI ignite their lightsabers.
PALPATINE: Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?
MACE: The Senate will decide your fate.
PALPATINE: (burst of anger) I am the Senate!
MACE: Not yet!
PALPATINE stands, a laser sword appears out of his cloak sleeve, and he spins toward the JEDI.
PALPATINE: It's treason, then.
A close shot of PALPATINE as the fight begins. Close shots of THREE JEDI getting cut down by PALPATINE. PALPATINE and MACE continue to fight.
Jedi Master MACE WINDU and the Sith Lord fight their way down the hallway and into the main office area. PALPATINE is able to use the Force to slam MACE against the wall, but he recovers before the Chancellor can cut him down.
ANAKIN lands his speeder, jumps out, and runs down a long corridor toward the Chancellor's office.
In the heat of battle, MACE cuts the window behind the Chancellor's desk, and it crashes away. MACE is forced out onto the ledge, which is twenty stories up. They fight over the precipice. ANAKIN arrives to see PALPATINE and MACE fighting.
They stop as MACE forces PALPATINE to drop his sword. PALPATINE and MACE start yelling at each other.
MACE WINDU: You are under arrest, My Lord.
PALPATINE: Anakin! I told you it would come to this. I was right. The Jedi are taking over.
MACE WlNDU: You old fool. The oppression of the Sith will never return. Your plot to regain control of the Republic is over . . . you have lost . . .
PALPATINE: No! No! No! You will die!
PALPATINE raises his hands, and lightning bolts shoot out. They are blocked by MACE's lightsaber. PALPATINE is pushed back against the window sill.
PALPATINE: He is a traitor, Anakin.
MACE WlNDU: He's the traitor. Stop him!
PALPATINE: Come to your senses, boy. The Jedi are in revolt. They will betray you, just as they betrayed me.
MACE WlNDU: Aarrrrggghhhhh . . .
PALPATINE: You are not one of them, Anakin. Don't let him kill me.
MACE WlNDU: Aarrrrggghhhhh . . .
PALPATINE: I am your pathway to power. I have the power to save the one you love. You must choose. You must stop him.
MACE WlNDU: Don't listen to him, Anakin.
PALPATINE: Help me! Don't let him kill me. I can't hold on any longer. Ahhhhhhh . . . ahhhhhhh . . . ahhhhhhh . . .
MACE pushes PALPATINE out to the edge of the ledge. As the Jedi moves closer, the bolts from Palpatine's hands begin to arch back on him. The Chancellor's face begins to twist and distort. His eyes become yellow as he struggles to intensify his powers.
PALPATINE: I can't ... I give up. Help me. I am weak ... I am too weak. Don't kill me. I give up. I'm dying. I can't hold on any longer.
MACE WlNDU: You Sith disease. I am going to end this once and for all.
ANAKIN: You can't kill him, Master. He must stand trial.
MACE WlNDU: He has too much control of the Senate and the Courts. He is too dangerous to be kept alive.
PALPATINE: I'm too weak. Don't kill me. Please.
ANAKIN: It is not the Jedi way . . .
MACE raises his sword to kill the CHANCELLOR.
ANAKIN: (continuing) He must live . . .
PALPATINE: Please don't, please don't . . .
ANAKIN: I need him . . .
PALPATINE: Please don't . . .
Just as MACE is about to slash PALPATINE, ANAKIN steps in and cuts off the Jedi's hand holding the lightsaber.
As MACE stares at ANAKIN in shock, PALPATINE springs to life. The full force of Palpatine's powerful Bolts blasts MACE. He attempts to deflect them with his one good hand, but the force is too great. As blue rays engulf his body, he is flung out the window and falls twenty stories to his death. No more screams. No more moans. PALPATINE lowers his arm.
PALPATINE: Power! Unlimited power!
His face has changed into a horrible mask of evil. ANAKIN looks on in horror. PALPATINE cackles.
ANAKIN: What have I done?
ANAKIN sits.
PALPATINE: You are fulfilling your destin, Anakin. Become my apprentice. Learn to use the dark side of the Force.
ANAKIN: I will do whatever you ask.
ANAKIN: Just help me save Padme's life. I can't live without her. I won't let her die. I want the power to stop death.
PALPATINE: To cheat death is a power only one has achieved, but if we work together, I know we can discover the secret.
ANAKIN kneels before PALPATINE.
ANAKIN: I pledge myself to your teachings. To the ways of the Sith.
PALPATINE: Good. Good. The Force is strong with you. A powerful Sith you will become. Henceforth, you shall be known as Darth . . . Vader.
ANAKIN: Thank you. my Master.
PALPATINE: Rise, Darth Vader.
Palpatine moves over to his desk.
YODA winces, closes his eyes, and holds his head. He feels a disturbance in the Force.
PALPATINE is putting on his dark cloak: he is now fully DARTH SIDIOUS.
PALPATINE: Because the Council did not trust you, my young apprentice, I believe you are the only Jedi with no knowledge of this plot. When the Jedi learn what has transpired here, they will kill us, along with all the Senators.
ANAKIN: I agree. The Jedi's next move will be against the Senate.
PALPATINE: Every single Jedi, including your friend Obi-Wan Kenobi, is now an enemy of the Republic. You understand that, don't you?
ANAKIN: I understand, Master.
PALPATINE: We must move quickly. The Jedi are relentless; if they are not all destroyed, it will be civil war without end. First, I want you to go to the Jedi Temple. We will catch them off balance. Do what must be done, Lord Vader. Do not hesitate. Show no mercy. Only then will you be strong enough with the dark side to save Padme.
What about the other Jedi spread across the galaxy?

Their betrayal will be dealt with. 


After you have killed all The Jedi in the Temple, 
go to The Mustafar System. 

Wipe out Viceroy Gunray and the other Separatist leaders. 

Once more, the Sith will rule The Galaxy, 
and we shall have peace.


ANAKIN goes to the Jedi Temple with a battalion of Clone Troopers.