Friday 15 September 2017


[Ashildr's home]
(Ashildr is challenging a shadow cast on a skin by candlelight.)

So, we meet again, Fake Odin. 
Valhalla burns around you, your army is destroyed 
and now it is time for you to die

(She attacks her model of Odin with a wooden stave. The Doctor stands in the doorway and clears his throat.)

How long have you been there? 

Dr. Disco :
What's that? Is that a puppet? 
Oh, I love puppets! 

I make puppets sometimes, when I'm...

Dr. Disco : 

When the raiding parties go out, 
I make up stories about their battles... 

Dr. Disco :
...because if you make up 
The Right Story, 
then you think it will Keep Them Safe 
and They'll all Come Home. 

That's okay. 

You're not the first person 
to ever have done that. 

Why are you here?  

Dr. Disco :
I'm looking for something I'm missing. 
What do you think our chances are tomorrow? 

We will be cut down like corn. 

By this time tomorrow, 
every single one of us will be dead. 

Dr. Disco : 

(He picks up an illuminated bound book and briefly leaves through it.)

Dr. Disco : 
You could go

There's nowhere for me except Here. 

This is My Place. 

The Sky, The Hills, The Sea -- The People. 
Is there nowhere like that for you? 

Dr. Disco :
Oh, I like a nice view as much as anyone. 


Dr. Disco :
Can't wait for the next one. 

I pity you. 

Dr. Disco : 
I will mourn for you. 
I know which I'd prefer. 

You think They're all idiots, don't you? 

Dr. Disco : 
What, you mean The Rest of The Universe? 
Basically, yes, I do. 

But They're Kind and Brave
and Strong, and I Love Them

Dr. Disco : 
Good. Good
But that won't Save You. 

I've always been different. 
All my life I've known that. 
The Girls all thought I was A Boy. 
The Boys all said I was just A Girl. 

My Head is always full of Stories. 
I know I'm Strange. 
Everyone knows I'm strange. 
But here I'm loved

You tell me to run to Save My Life. 
I tell you that leaving This Place 
would be Death Itself. 

(Her Father enters.)

I cannot keep you Safe. 
I Do Not have The strength. 
But I will try to, till the last beat of my heart. 

(The baby cries as Einarr hugs Ashildr.)

If you seek to mock me in this moment....

Dr. Disco : 
No. No. No, you go ahead and you cry all you like. 
Speaking of crying, is that baby getting closer? 

(Lofty walks through the village carrying the baby.)

Dr. Disco : 
Why has Lofty stolen a baby?

That's His Child. 

Dr. Disco : 
Oh. Where's he taking her? 

The boathouse. 
He takes her to the boathouse when she won't settle. 
She likes the fish. 

Dr. Disco : 
Why would she....? Fire in the water. 

Fire in the water. Fire in the Fire in the water. 
Fire in the water? Fire in the water! 

That's it. That's it. That's what I've been missing. 
Clara, I've found it! 

(He runs out.)

Dr. Disco : 
Clara! Clara! 

The Urban Hermit

"...that idea of The Far-Off Man, way, way out there,  but what does the Hermit tell us...?

If you try this get as lonely as you can get, you become visibly aware which you can't get away from it, because when you get very lonely very fast you become extremely thin and everything that goes on is or now ordinarily unnoticed cum spiritum 

First of all, you will find that there is a  Community of Insects.

And they are tremendously interested in You, and not necessarily hostile, in maybe some cases they are so.

But alone in The Forest, when you get really quiet, you'll notice little creatures will come and inspect you look you all over and they'll go away and tell their friends and they'll come and look to see what it is and you become aware of every single sound and you realize that alone you're in the midst of a vast burning crowd - it may not be human but it's everything else - so that the the point of being honest, The Discipline leads you to understand that 

You can't Resign

The Lonelier You Are, 
The More You're Joined Together with everything else. 

Look at it - from another point of view, supposing I say everybody's playing the game Me First  - now, I'm going to play the game You Firstto use the phrase of Bonhoeffer who called Jesus The Man for Others now let's see if we could play that game instead of 

Me First, You First 


"I'm the one see who's so generous I'm the one who's so loving so self-effacing and all you insolent brats ...."

Thursday 14 September 2017


XANDER: (nervous) 
Hey, Tara, this is probably crazy ... but Spike got me to thinking. 
This spell we did ... it's having consequences, isn't it? 
I mean ... it sure seems like it. 

And I was just wondering ... did you know that this might happen?


Do you think ... could someone have known?

Willow is a talented witch, and she would never do anything to hurt anyone.

I know, I know, huh? 
(raises his hands
Backing off quickly, hands in the air. (sighs
I just meant-


Xander and Tara look over at Willow, who is at the counter, still looking through the books. We see Anya and Dawn with their heads on the table, jerking awake at Willow's shout.

She's possessed!


DAWN: (to Anya) 
You're right.

Xander and Tara go over to Willow.

I'm not possessed. 
I-I think I figured it out. This demon, i-it's not a demon we let out.
It's a demon that we made.

We made a demon? Bad us.

Thaumogenesis is when doing a spell actually creates a being. 

In this case it was like, a, a side-effect, I guess. 

Like a price.

DAWN: What?

Think of it like, The World doesn't like you getting something for free, and we asked for this huge gift. 


A-and so The World said, 

'Fine, but if you have that, you have to take this too.' 

And it made the demon.

Well, technically, that's not a price. 
That's a gift with purchase.

Um, but, if we made the demon, how come we can't see it?
 I mean, all we see is us. 
Doing stuff.

Well, I, I think it's out of phase with this dimension. 

Like, its Consciousness is here, but, but its body is caught in the ether between Existing and Not Existing.

It doesn't have a body, so it's borrowing ours. 
I-it borrowed Dawn and Anya...

Or, or it's manifesting copies of them, like, like it did when Buffy came at us...

It's using them to do stuff. To scare us, attack us.

So we need to uncreate it, right? We need to send it the rest of the way out of our world.

Except that ... 
it's linked to the spell.
 So, if we sent it away ... it would be like the spell doesn't exist. Like it never happened.

Like it never brought Buffy back.

WILLOW: (softly) 

The Wilderness

Wildernesses are good places, I notice, for voices.

They tend to get a reverberation which is often lost in the more crowded places.

Archangel Michael, Protect Us in Battle

O glorious prince St. Michael,

 chief and commander of the heavenly hosts,

 guardian of souls, vanquisher of rebel spirits, 
servant in the house of the Divine King 
and our admirable conductor,
 you who shine with excellence 
and superhuman virtue deliver us from all evil
, who turn to you with confidence 
and enable us by your gracious protection
 to serve God more and more faithfully every day.



St. Michael the Archangel, 

defend us in battle. 

Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. 
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, 
and do thou, 
O Prince of the heavenly hosts, 
by the power of God, 
thrust into hell Satan, 
and all the evil spirits, 
who prowl about the world 
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen..


  Mickey: [Flashback] 
Ah come here Rock. My God, you're ready ain't ya? 
That Apollo won't know what hit him. 
You're gonna roll over him like a bulldozer, an Italian bulldozer.

You know kid, I know how you feel about this fight that's comin' up. 'Cause I was young once, too. 

And I'll tell you somethin'. 

Well, if you wasn't here I probably wouldn't be alive today. 

The fact that you're here and doin' as well as you're doin' gives me-what do you call it-motivization? Huh? To stay alive, 'cause I think that people die sometimes when they don't wanna live no more. 

Rocky Balboa: [Present day, remembering] 
Nature's smarter than people think... 

Mickey: [Flashback] 

And nature is smarter than people think. 

Little by little we lose our friends, we lose everything. 

We keep losin' and losin' till we say you know, 
'Oh what the hell am I livin' around here for? I got not reason to go on.' 

But with you kid, boy, I got a reason to go on. 

And I'm gonna stay alive and I will watch you make good... 

Rocky Balboa: [Present day, remembering] 
I'll never leave you.

Mickey: [Flashback] 
...and I'll never leave you until that happens. 

'Cause when I leave you you'll not only know how to fight, you'll be able to take care of yourself outside the ring too, is that okay? 

Rocky Balboa: [Flashback] 
It's okay. 

Mickey: [Flashback] 
Okay. Now I got a little gift for you. 

Rocky Balboa: [Flashback] 
Ah, Mick you don't have to. 

Mickey: [Flashback] 
No, wait a minute, now, wait a minute. Hey look at that. 

[Takes off his golden glove necklace]

See that? This is the favorite thing that I have on this Earth. 

And Rocky Marciano give me that. 
You know what it was? His cufflink. Huh? 

And now I'm givin' it to you and it, it's gotta be like a, like an angel on your shoulder see? If you ever get hurt and you feel that you're goin' down this little angel is gonna whisper in your ear. 

It's gonna say, 

'Get up you son of a bitch...! 
'cause Mickey loves you'. 


Rocky Balboa: [Flashback] 
Thanks Mick. 

[Hugs him]

I love you too. 

Mickey: [Flashback] 
Go after him kid, go after him.

Wednesday 13 September 2017

Ashes in The Fall

I loved being you. 

Every second of it. 

Oh, the way you burn like a sun. 

Like a whole screaming world on fire. 

remember that feeling, and I always will. 

And I will always miss it. 

Perfect 10:
Where are you now..? 

Nyssa & Tegan? 

Cybermen & Mara & Time Lords in funny hats?

And the Master? 
Oh, he just showed up again, same as ever. 

The Chorister : 
Oh no, really? Does he still have that rubbish beard? 

Perfect 10: 
No, no beard this time. 

Well, a wife. 

The Chorister: 
What can I say? 
Thank you, Doctor.

Perfect 10 : 
Thank you. 

The Chorister: 
I'm very welcome. 

(The Chorister vanishes. Perfect 10 flips some switches and brings him back to return his hat.

Perfect 10 : 
You know, I loved being you.

Back when I first started at the very beginning, I was always trying to be old and grumpy and important, like you do when you're young. 

And then I was you, and it was all dashing about and playing cricket and my voice going all squeaky when I shouted. 

I still do that, the voice thing! 

I got that from you. Oh, and the trainers, and :-

(He puts his BrainySpex on.

Perfect 10 : 
Snap. Because you know what, Doctor?
You were my Doctor.

The Chorister : To days to Come. 

Perfect 10: 
All My Love to Long Ago. 

Ashes 2 Ashes,
Funk 2 Funky,
We No Mjr. Tom's a Junky :