Sunday 9 October 2016


"In the year of our lord 992, The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu set sail in their longboats on a voyage to rediscover the lost continent. 

After many months on perilous stormy seas, their search was fruitless.

Just when all seemed lost they discovered...


Mythic vs. Mythical

This one stands as a Litmus Test Shibboleth for all self-identifying Free Thinkers and Men of Science.

"Mythic" presumes that it may actually exist; "Mythical" presumes that it doesn't exist, nor could it possibly have any basis in fact or material realism.

Hence we do not need to look for it, because it won't be there.

Again, I stress "realism", over "reality", as it explicitly invokes the Thought Crime of Imagination and Creative Reason ("Logocentrism")

I am Logocentric and Proud.

Saturday 8 October 2016


PHALLOCENTRISM OR PHALLOGOCENTRISM: The privileging of the masculine (the phallus) in understanding meaning or social relations. 


This term evolved from deconstructionists who questioned the "logocentrism" of Western literature and thought, i.e. the belief in the centrality of Logos, understood as cosmic reason (affirmed in ancient Greek philosophy as the source of world order and intelligibility) or, in the Christian version, the self-revealing thought and will of God. 

The term is also associated with Lacanian psychoanalysis, which understands the entrance of subjects into language as a negotiation of the phallus and the Name of the Father. (See the modules on Lacan.) Feminists illustrate how all Western languages, in all their features, are utterly and irredeemably male-engendered, male-constituted, and male-dominated. 

Discourse is "phallogocentric" because it is centered and organized throughout by implicit recourse to the phallus both as its supposed ground (or logos) and as its prime signifier and power source; and not only in its vocabulary and syntax, but also in its rigorous rules of logic, its proclivity for fixed classifications and oppositions, and its criteria for what we take to be valid evidence and objective knowledge.

Yes I Can

"You can achieve more with one of these....  

...than with a million of these..."

And I already have one of those :

In fact, I already have TWO of those :


Offensive Speech


- watch out wherever you run into this term "Discourse", because that's 

" Another thing. This idea of "I'm offended". 

Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? 

Life is offensive. You know what I mean? 

Just get in touch with your outer adult. 

And grow up. And move on. 

Reasonable people don't write letters because... 

A: They have lives and 
B, they understand it's just TV. 
C: If they see something they don't like, something they do like might be on later. 

I've seen many comics I've hated. 
I've seen many shows that have offended me. 
I've never written a letter. 

I just go about my life. " 

- The Dark Poet

-+- Postmodernism -+- 

Many people who observe the lunatic pageant of the modern campus may conclude that the professors and administrators are all crazy. So they are. But there is a definite method in the madness, a philosophical system or doctrine which dictates the specific policy demands of political correctness. 

One generic name for this is postmodernism, which claims that the raving irrationalists Voltaire, Rousseau, and the rest of The Enlightenment were The Age of Reason, but that now The Age of Unreason is upon us.

[Deconstructionism] began its triumphal march through American universities in 1966, when Derrida appeared at Johns Hopkins University to tell American academics that the structuralism of Levi-Strauss was dead and that the future belonged to deconstruction. 

Derrida is now stronger in the U.S.A. and the Anglo-American sphere than in France, and dominant in much of Ibero-America, Francophone Africa and the Middle East, and eastern Europe. 

If you want tenure, an endowed chair, a foundation grant, government financing, you have to learn to talk the pedantic deconstructionist gibberish. 

Deconstructionists are like the cynics and skeptics of the ancient world in that they, like Diogenes and Pyrrho, refuse to profess or affirm a doctrine of their own, but only negate the ideas of others. 

Deconstruction is very eclectic. Derrida's world of ideas can be compared to a great sewer into which empty the various gutters and waste waters of the past two or three centuries. Each of these channels contributes to the great Cloaca Maxima of deconstruction. Note that we are here reviewing the disastrous state of human knowledge as we go towards the year 2000. 

-+- Hatred of Reason -+- 

Deconstructionism is an attack on Judaeo-Christian western European civilization powered above all by rage

Derrida hates and resents Reason and Creativity, which he identifies with the "epoch of Christian creationism and infinitism when these appropriate the resources of Greek conceptuality." (*Of Grammatology*, p. 13). 

Western European culture is guilty of logocentrism, says Derrida. 

The Western Cultural Paradigm always aspired to be based on Reason

This must be rejected. 

The Western Cultural Paradigm also gives Priority to Speech, to The Spoken Word, with most literature made to be read aloud or even sung, from Plato's dialogues to Dante and Chaucer to Shakespeare and Schiller. 

This is the hated "phonocentrism" which Derrida also wants to get rid of. 

Derrida delves into Plato in an attempt to show that the overtones of The Logos are exclusively paternal and male dominated, giving rise to the further charge of phallologocentrism, which soon enough gives rise to the notion of "phallocentrism" assailed by the maenads of feminist literary theory. 

[Derrida concludes that] the real problem with the West is that our culture is entirely permeated by what he calls "metaphysics. "

... For Derrida, metaphysics evidently means anything that cannot be boiled down to sense certainty. 

Derrida sees "metaphysics" as the principal enemy to be destroyed. Under the heading of metaphysics he lumps God, the self or soul or individual, causality, substance, essence, action, and most other concepts of any importance. 

They must go, for reasons that are never remotely explained. 

For Derrida, the author is dead, by definition. He never existed. The human self and ego have collapsed into an X marking the spot where they once were... 

All that Derrida will talk about is a text, a written text of black on white, with punctuation, type faces, paragraphs, margins, colphons, logos, copyrights and so forth... 

Everything is a written text in the sense that every thought, utterance or "discourse" is a story that we tell each other about something which exists in the most detached way in a written form. Therefore, says Derrida, there is nothing outside of the text. 

Everything is a text. 

There are no more works of art. 

All black writing on white paper is a text -- Shakespeare, the telephone book, Mickey Mouse, the racing form... all are texts, each one equivalent to the other. 

-+- Deconstructionism's Targets -+- 
Deconstructionists can target any of the written documents which are constituve of civilization itself. Take theology... Deconstructionist theology is quite a feat, since the ban on metaphysics means that this will be a theology without God. 

[Deconstructionist theologian Mark C. Taylor overcomes this difficulty as follows:] 

"One of the distinctive features of deconstruction is its willingness to confront the death of God squarely if not always would not be too much to suggest that deconstruction is the 'hermeneutic' of the death of God." Taylor calls for "the death of God, erasure of the self, and [an] end to history.

Since deconstruction sees all writing as the same, it can also be unleashed in the field of law, with devastating effect. Listen to Clare Dalton of the Critical Legal Studies group at Harvard Law School: 

"Law," she writes, "like every other cultural institution, is A Place Where We Tell One Another Stories about our relationships with ourselves, one another, and Authority."... 

Sanford Levinson, professor of constitutional law at the University of Texas at Austin, chimes in: "The death of 'constitutionalism' may be the central event of our time, just as the death of God was that of the past century...

The Clinton White House is redolent of deconstructionism and political correctness. The Clinton Cabinet is dysfunctional, but it certainly respects the distributive requirements of race/sex/class/sexual [orientation]... Donna Shalala of HHS helped to promulgate a code on offensive speech at the University of Wisconsin... 

Vice President Gore's favorite book is reportedly Thomas Kuhn's *Structure of Scientific Revolutions*, which has become a manual for New Age paradigm shifters. We appeal to all of those who share our regard for the potential of the human mind to join us in exposing and defeating the deconstructionists.

Friday 7 October 2016

Art Bell

Art Bell Threatens Lawsuit Over Weblog Comments

Talk radio host Art Bell is threatening to sue me over comments posted by readers on Workbench.
At first I thought it was a hoax, but the emails check out. Writing from the Philippines with an email address at KNYE, the radio station he founded while living in Pahrump, Nev., Bell suggested several times he'd pursue a lawsuit in an email exchange that began Wednesday (full transcript):
I am the real Art Bell and your column and the responses to it have just been called to my attention.
I am contacting my Atty to determine what Legal action can be taken against those that have made actionable statements. ...
I would begin by taking the site down right away. I am a reasonable person but I can assure you as I tried in my email that what is contained in that thread goes way beyond the bar in even the case of a PUBLIC PERSON. I am shocked that as a media person you would not be well aware of this. Accusations of Child Molestation and Murder are actionable. Please review what you have allowed to be posted. What at the very least I expect is a written apology as well as the entire disgusting mess to be taken down right away. ...
If you are unable to eliminate the obvious Libel, it can be done at a far greater cost to us both. I am not talking about your article, I am talking about the comment's made and carried by your page. Please review it. I will not contact you again, my Lawyer will.
I've written about Bell three times in the last year, drawing more than 2,300 reader comments:
When Bell shared details about his wife's death and subsequent remarriage with his radio audience, which numbers in the millions, a bunch of his listeners found this blog in Google searches and commented on the subject. Some of the speculation was pretty savage, and no one familiar with his show would be surprised at the number of conspiracy theories offered in explanation. I've never engaged in any of that speculation.
Though I give readers wide latitude in the comments they post, I remove libelous comments when they're called to my attention, as I told him in our email exchange. But I'm under no legal obligation to do so, thanks to Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act:
No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.
I'd prefer not to get sued, but if he wants to test Section 230 in court, I think it's a principle worth fighting for. The blogging medium thrives on its receptivity to reader feedback. I've taken 13,000 comments on Workbench and more than 300,000 on my other sites. If a blogger was treated as the author of every statement made by a reader, there would be no way to accept comments without reviewing each one prior to publication, turning a medium for boisterous public discussion into something as controversy-averse and excessively careful as a newspaper's letters to the editor section.


That is just incredible.
He isn't even listening. And too damn busy or lazy to even do a copy/paste it appears.

I think Rogers should ban anyone who used the term "Art Bell". Outing the guys real name like that is something he bans people for.
Ah, I fondly recall getting banned at for using the name of a poster... who's login ID was his own name... when Rogers said he was banning me for "outing" the guy's name, I thought he was either joking or insane! Turns out he is just stupid.
# 2 | JustSomeGuy | 2006-10-23 04:30 PM | link | edit

Tell Art to Go Fuck Himself!

I have to agree with Art, however: Rogers really should shut his sites down.
His most popular "site" is only so because he has to piggyback on Matt Drudge's success. So pathetic.
# 4 | justsomeguy | 2006-10-23 07:24 PM | link | edit

Wow, justsomeguy appears to still be crying over his internet punishments. Why don't you get a life and stop being such a baby?
# 5 | mike siesel | 2006-10-23 09:07 PM | link | edit

Not to mention he's obviously got something against the constitutional right to free speech.
# 6 | Anna Montana | 2006-10-23 10:45 PM | link | edit

Justsome guy: "just pathetic."
yes, and here YOU are.
# 7 | Sam Barber | 2006-10-23 11:22 PM | link | edit

First thought...
The idea that Art Bell is mad at Rogers cos of a thread that was rife with unfounded speculation when the man himself built a freakin' career on unfounded speculation, sketchy theories and wildly implausible guests (always selling a book or a tape or tour or a teeshirt or sommat) is not only ironic to the nth degree but also begins to approach "hypocritical mass".
Second thought...
If Art Bell thinks that any part of wot he is undertaking with this proposed lawsuit will in any way shape or form decrease the amount of speculation surrounding his admittedly tacky and unthoughtful behaviours, then he is wrong.
May as well take out an whole page ad in the Enquirer.
Short of releasing a sex tape of himself, his new wife, and Paris Hilton, Spud can't imagine a better way fer Art to recieve even more unwanted attention on this subject.
Hopefully Art will figure this out before too long.
Be Well
# 8 | dethspud | 2006-10-23 11:24 PM | link | edit

I really highly doubt someone would pursue filing a lawsuit on such feeble grounds. At any rate, as the article states, the one who runs the site that has the comment can't possibly be held responsible... cause if he is, then does that mean that the ISP providing the website now becomes liable? That the makers of blogging script are now liable? That the rest of the blog-commenting community now becomes responsible?
This is really an example of someone who can't take what's coming to him.

I wonder if the U.S. has an extradition treaty with The Philippines.
# 10 | Dinosaur Hunter | 2006-10-24 01:04 AM | link | edit

Glad to see I can still provoke a reaction out of a mouthbreather like Mike Speigle. Hey Speigle, I'm still waiting for my broom order.
Kind of funny that you chime in, however, since it was YOUR name I was banned for "outing". Kind of amazing how I can "out" the name of someone who uses his real name on a message board... but that must have been the exact kind of warped logic RCade put on display to get him ostracized from Pajamas Media, huh?
Can't blame those guys: I wouldn't want to be associated with a loser like Rogers, either. That's why Realpolitik does not, and never will, work: the end never justifies the means. Morality will always win, so be careful who you are friends with.
I'm not made about being banned, I'm amused. And since RCade wanted to delete any reference to the incident, I'm amused to keep bringing up the embarassing incident and seeing how many posts of mine he feels like deleting.
Free speech is a bitch, especially when you don't want people knowing about your actions, isn't it?
That's why it's important for progressives to weed out people like Speigle, Cadenhead, and others who want to be "Democrat" flavored liars and propagandists. Things don't improve if you keep the same KIND of people in charge. Filter out the low class people, and empower those with respect for truth, honesty, and morality.
Rogers might delete this post, but seeing as how less than twenty people visit this site, it doesn't really matter either way.
Rogers: I'm serious- this blog will never take off unless you can work Drudge's name into this one, too.
# 11 | justsomeguy | 2006-10-24 11:46 AM | link | edit

"ostracized from Pajamas Media"
Holy crap... I'm in tears laughing. Keep them coming, "justsomeguy"... you're an unintentional comedy goldmine.
"it doesn't really matter either way."
SHUUUURRE it doesn't matter... it doesn't matter to you at all, does it, as you come back to post your pathetic, rambling manifestoes ("LOVE ME DADDY!! LOVE ME DADDY!!)

Waaa? Don't you love me?

justsomeguy -
So... you're saying RCade is a loser because he has a site that hardly anyone reads...
But you're reading it - and more, you're actually taking the time to post to it.
So... what does that make you?
You're a guy who's reading and posting to a website run by someone you think is a loser.
Nice going.
# 14 | justyourmom | 2006-10-24 03:36 PM | link | edit

Via my sources deep inside the Majestik 13 operation, Major Ed Dames has informed me via Remote Viewing via Dr. Johnson Jameson's Saskatchewan bunker that Art is probably pissed over something else, specifically the fake email dissing Filipinos that has been making the rounds again.

Wow... can I stir up the Fundie pants pissers or what?
It's great being able to just log in and rile you sissies up. Works like a charm. Amazing how some people keep trying to kick that football, every... single... time! No wonder they keep voting for Republicans: they are just not able to fight the compulsion to keep repeating their mistakes!
Come on, make more justifications for your loseritude. Keep em coming, people!
# 16 | justsomeguy | 2006-10-24 03:48 PM | link | edit

Ah... I think it was "BlogAds" which told Rogers to cram his homage to Matt Drudge up his wazzoo, not Pajamas. Either way, Rogers is just some dude on the outside looking in, sniffing around the edge of the real progressive blogosphere.
I actually thanked him for banning me, since now I'm contributing my time on blogs which, you know, actually matter in the grand scheme of things. Drudge is a fun distraction where I could log in and throw down and piss off a lot of people then laugh at them when I make them look like morons. But as far as doing anything meaningful, that was about the last place on these internets where that would happen.
So, when I feel like making stupid people angry, I just post a few comments here and watch the losers get their panties in a wad. Always good for a few laughs! And then, later, I just go do something which actually has some relevance.
# 17 | justsomeguy | 2006-10-24 04:06 PM | link | edit

JSG: This is around the fourth or fifth time you've told me that I'm insignificant. If you keep this up, I'm going to start feeling important. Go sniff the progressive blogosphere.

Art Bell.....Go Fuck nasty old pervert!!!!!!!
C2C, I am sick of hearing this man go into his long renditions of screwing his wife...I want to go back to hearing about paranormal
I don't even think he's the father. He is too damn old and diseased.
Get this Bum off the air.
# 19 | GoToHellArtBell | 2006-10-24 05:32 PM | link | edit

Where is Doctor Evil and Yeti?
oooohhh.....this coulda been fun .
# 20 | visitor | 2006-10-24 08:44 PM | link | edit

I wrote a series of 4 posts about Rcade and got 1800 posts....He didn't sue, he banned.....I guess there is a little Art Bell in Rcade....
P.S. Haven't seen many giant threads for a awhile Rogers....good business move, old salt......
# 21 | King Rex | 2006-10-25 12:30 AM | link | edit

Care to let us know how many hits you get per hour?
I don't have to make you feel insignificant: your own statistics can do.
# 22 | justsomeguy | 2006-10-25 09:05 AM | link | edit

Workbench serves around 8,000 pageviews a weekday, which is 10 percent of the total pageviews all of my sites pull.

That's JUSTSOMEGUY's 6th post folks. He's now posted 6 times on a site that he says no one reads and that only loser go to. Six times.
Every time he posts, that's more hits and thus ad revenue for Cadenhead, isn't it? I'm beginning to think that JUSTSOMEGUY is actually Cadenhead trying to make himself more money. Nice try, Cadenhead, but we're on to you!
# 24 | justyourmom | 2006-10-25 02:32 PM | link | edit

JSG has never been known for his towering intellect.....ahahahahahha.... .Just kidding Jizzy, come on over to the PWZ....we will train you up real quick.......I will have you saying Demofundie and Secularfacist right quick.....
# 25 | King Rex | 2006-10-25 05:56 PM | link | edit

Full marks to Rogers for having the cojones to be a public persona, and consistently standing up for something worth standing up for, namely providing a public forum for the exercise known as freedom of speech. That his services are abused isn't where Art Bell needs to direct his ire.  
It's those who insulted you Art, if anyone at all.
You too are a public persona Art. From that flow the benefits and the negatives thereby. You enjoy earning a living by being Art Bell, public personality. You don't care to participate in the darker side of that money maker, otherwise known as our freedom to be slack-jawed moronic mouth-breathers, pontificating like idiots on your publicity? Funny, I got the impression you liked the way you made your living.
Get a life Art. You pander to nutbars yet demand folks like Rogers shield you from them when they gravitate towards you. Here's a thought don't become a target. Too late? Then live with it. You earned every link you forged, all these long years.
Regards, etc.
# 26 | ThePerfectStorm | 2006-10-25 11:13 PM | link | edit

Regards, is that you? where the hell you been old friend?
# 27 | King Rex | 2006-10-26 12:33 AM | link | edit

Alive and well my friend. How's the market been taking care of you? I'll bet you've been riding that bull to millionaire status at this point.
What's up with this real estate market thing too by the way? I've been waiting for news of folks starting the feedback loop of getting their debt pulled because of the loss in equity, having to sell and thereby depressing prices yet further. Have you been seeing much of that in the northwest?
Regards, etc.
# 28 | ThePerfectStorm | 2006-10-26 01:26 AM | link | edit

It is right on the cusp of being a real problem.....people forget about 1994 and the stock/real estate market.....Where loan defaults and bankrupcy were the can happen again if Bernenke doesn't ease up and lower rates by about 2 basis points.....I was real estate 'repo man', I know how easy it is to lose your home in a down market....
After my big google/msft/apple beating, I was out of the market for the decline......I got in on some MSFT at 22 and Apple at 54.....I sold them both, I couldn't take the pressure of day trading anymore, I am learning a whole new method....
Hows the IT business treating you?
# 29 | Rex | 2006-10-26 02:58 AM | link | edit

>> Workbench serves around 8,000 pageviews a weekday, which is 10 percent of the total pageviews all of my sites pull.
Ok, so lets see... that means Drudge, which probably provides almost all of the "all my other sites", is mainly repeated hits from the same people.
Any stats on, say, UNIQUE users? Or are you just playing pufferfish with your numbers, crying that you aren't Kos or Atrios (or even Patriotboy)?
Big "howyadoin" to Rex and TPS. Always nice to bump into my fellow people who are so smart they don't post at Roger's "I wish I were Matt Drudge" website anymore. If Matt wants to decimate Rogers, he should put in a comments section.
# 30 | justsomeguy | 2006-10-26 12:50 PM | link | edit

Way WAY too busy. I'd rather not be drinking from the fire hose so to speak. I'll drop by for a visit sometime. Thanks for the links.
JSG? post at Roger's other "I'm glad I'm not Matt Drudge" site then?!
Good to see you.
Regards, etc.
# 31 | ThePerfectStorm | 2006-10-26 08:42 PM | link | edit

Hey Flawless Tempest! 
Howzitgoing already?!
Waaaaaay long time no see, so to speak.
Last time we spoke Spud remembers you as defending Harpers new regime and saying sommat about how they weren't gonna suck ass. Spud has soooo wanted to bust yer ballz about Bush-lite since ya disappeared cos Stevie Harpersbizzarre & Co do, in Spuds considered opinion, actually suck out loud. Spud sed the man was a neo-clown in conservatives clothing and wot do ya know Spud was right.
Defense of Religion Act?
Three Strikes yer out?
Calling out Ignatieff and the entire liberal party as anti-semites?
Ya gotta admit it's all starting to sound a li'l "deja vu all over agin", eh?
On Topic?
Has Bell backed down yet?
Has someone explained to Bellbottom about blogworld and such?
Perhaps Ted Stevens gave his enlightening "series of tubes" speech!
Maybe Richard Hoagland remote viewed Art losing the suit?
Maybe the Viagra kicked in and Art no longer has the cranial bloodflow neccesary to contemplate such a suit.
In any case, Art don't have a case and to try and make a federal case out of it (so to speak) Art would have to be a headcase.
So sez Spud!
Be Well.
# 32 | dethspud | 2006-10-26 09:58 PM | link | edit

> JSG? post at Roger's other "I'm glad I'm not Matt Drudge"
> site then?!
>Good to see you.
No, I got suspended for "outing" the name of a Drudge user who's user name... is his real name. THEN after the suspension was over, I was banned for telling people the reason Rogers suspended me. Seems Rogers, like Bush, believes there are limits to free speech, especially when they find the truth personally embarrassing.
After my suspension, I basically told Rogers via email I was done being his liberal whipping boy so he can score "Fair and Balanced" points with the Bob Novak crowd. I also thanked him for making me realize I was wasting my time on his site, since in the grand scheme of the progressive blogosphere, Rogers truly doesn't matter (which is why BlogAds could care less about him and his Matt-Drudge-wannabe site).
The funny thing is Rogers has deleted some of my posts over here saying what happened, so every so often when I feel like getting a laugh I drop by and give him something else to delete. Ticking people off is the only thing I miss about The Retort, and it's amusing to watch Rogers get in touch with his inner Republifundie by demonstrating his pro-censorship feelings.
Take care Spud. Tell Lisa she will always be the cutest little bovine in the trailer park.
# 33 | Justsomeguy | 2006-10-27 02:07 PM | link | edit

Oh - hello again, "justsomeguy" - I mean ROGERS CADENHEAD! Come on, Cadenhead! Give it up! We all know that you're justsomeguy!
# 34 | justyourmom | 2006-10-27 02:13 PM | link | edit

Yawn. One of my internet stalkers. So who are you, 101-got-pwned-by-JSG? Or maybe Mike Spectacle, aka OzarkLiar?
It's pretty funny to see you stalking my posts. It must have been pretty boring for you these past few days, clicking refresh and praying for me to post something.
Have fun, and keep clicking that refresh button. Who knows? Maybe I'll post something... maybe I won't...
Or maybe I will! Muahahahahaha!!!!
# 35 | Justsomeguy | 2006-10-27 02:19 PM | link | edit

Ooops, addressed the reply (in my 2:07 post) to Spud and not TPS. Doh!
Hi to you both, and take care.
# 36 | justsomeguy | 2006-10-27 02:22 PM | link | edit

Your grasp on facts isn't what it could be, JustSomeGuy. First you claimed I was ostracized from Pajamas Media, which is incorrect because I've never been a member. Now you say I'm on the outs with BlogAds, which is the current ad server on the Retort.
To get this taunt right, read the post about how I was kicked out of the Liberal Blog Advertising Network.

I corrected myself, Rogers ( 2006-10-24 04:06 PM ). See? Even YOU don't read your crappy blog.
But whatever. As I said, there are a great many people who could care less about both YOU and your site(s).
BTW, any insight into those uniqueness stats I asked about? Or are you too embarrassed to admit that all your traffic comes from the same 50 computers?
I mean damn, I've been half the traffic on Workbench this week.
# 38 | justsomeguy | 2006-10-27 04:57 PM | link | edit

Cadenhead, this is getting super boring, dude! Can't you liven this thread up? Conservatives are the sexy ones now - sex scandals and all that. Make your Conservative guy funnier!
# 39 | justyourmom | 2006-10-27 07:55 PM | link | edit

hmmm, wonder if someone's private opinion, made public, can be litigated???
Can someone be taken to court for believing and stating that they believe, that someone is a 'murderer'?
Methinks artie protests far too much (isn't there a saying like that?).
At any rate, u can read about his shortwave radio antics at 
btw, Artie has threatened many a HAM with litigation of one sort or another over the years.

Art Bell just keeps proving what an infantile jerk he is. I still think he is has narcissistic tendencies. What a sue-happy creep, hiding behind his lawyers all of the time! I plan on letting my Streamlink subscription lapse. I see no reason to help someone pay for his lawyers to deny us of the freedom of speech he enjoys.
# 41 | Laurie | 2006-10-29 06:35 PM | link | edit

I can see both sides of this. Accusations of murder and child molestation are certainly a bit over the top but public figures who make public statements about their very public actions might want to expect to hear negative comments. Mark Foley was called everything but a child of God, too.
Personally, I couldn't care less what Art Bell does. It's his business. The only thing I question is how someone his age could possibly find anything in common with a 21-yr-old. Even a hot piece of tail gets old eventually.

WTG!! Art thinks everyone has to do as they are told. PLEASE!!!..Lay off the pain meds Art!! get a grip the world does not revolve around you. Art this is my opinion..You are one sick puppy...
# 43 | Ryan Neil | 2006-10-30 12:37 AM | link | edit

I don't see what the problem is. RCade has proven he has no problem with deleting posts. It's not like Rogers has any respect for free speech.
# 44 | yawn | 2006-10-30 08:54 AM | link | edit

RC doesn't have "respect for free speech"?
This is RC's personal website, not the government's - why can't he delete any posts he wants?
I'm a Republican, and we believe that people can do whatever they want with their private property. This blog is RC's property, and he can choose to keep or delete whatever posts he cares to. What don't you people get about that - especially the angry so-called "Conservative" dude?
You act like you should be able to post any sign you want on RC's front lawn. You can't. It's his lawn. This blog is RC's lawn, and he'll keep or burn whatever signs he wants.
# 45 | Darla Funk | 2006-10-30 02:51 PM | link | edit

I don't blame Art Bell for being alarmed. All kinds of stuff goes on in Manila, and there are all kinds of characters there with strange personalities and hidden agendas. Art probably just wants himself and his wife to be safe. Perhaps the comments should be removed, as courtesy. On the other hand, as a blogger myself, I understand and empathize with your reluctance to remove material. It's an ethical dilemma, of sorts, but the final decision is YOURS!
Cheers! Dave

# 47 | Art | 2006-10-31 01:16 AM | link | edit

Art Bell will not win. He should give up and relax...
# 48 | Ames Tiedeman | 2006-10-31 07:52 AM | link | edit

I don't agree, Dave. If this was the first time that he had threatened to sue someone, it would be different. If that was his concern, he could have written to RC and explained how some of the comments would have impacted him and Airyn in Manila. Instead, he comes out RIGHT AWAY with the threats.
Bell has been quoted as saying things like "sometimes you have to slit a few throats," and "I'm the kind of guy who moves in next to someone and forces them to move". (Paraphrased - I don't remember the comments verbatim.)
Bell has a reputation of threatening people who disagree with him. He is little better than a schoolyard bully and I am glad RC is standing up to him!!!
# 49 | Laurie | 2006-10-31 10:07 AM | link | edit

My spirt guide says this will go all the way to the suprme court. And we knopw I am always right well 90%..err..85%..well around 50%..well anyway...S.B.
# 50 | Sylvia Browne | 2006-10-31 01:37 PM | link | edit

All the post on Hamfanz are total BS. They are lies and fabrications from the mind of a delusional old manically depressed woman.
# 51 | The Avenger | 2006-10-31 10:52 PM | link | edit

It appears that my comments on Mike Fox's faked palsy were inadvertenly was erased by a wrong key movement here. So here goes again.
My comments are based on a fair amount of experience observing people afflicted with palsy or seizures. They are not quite the same thing. But close enough for normal non-medical discussions.
So, a family member worked with palsied people and another associate worked with them. So I can spot someone how is faking it. And the real thing.
Thus Mike Fox is FAKING IT because he can speak clearly and rock back and forth in rhythm at the same time. These two events do NOT happen at the same time. People with very heavy disfunction in certain brain lobes can either speak with minor evidence of palsy or just simply rock back and forth for long periods of time in which they do not utter cohesive language. They moan or shriek.
In conclusion, Rush L was RIGHT about Mike Fox faking it. In fact, I think any person with normal intelligence could spot that Mike Fox was ACTING.
BTW, I'm an old radio guy and somewhat a fan of Rush L. It's like hearing a radio guy off the air at a bar. However he does go on and on and on with topics, which is the affliction of those in talk radio. Then I can use two knobs on my radio. The on/off knob. Or the station selection knob. And that affliction is gone for me. :)
Thank You! 
Hal Evans
"It is better to light just one little candle than to curse the darkness."

Dear Art,
I just channeled Edgar Caycee concerning your situation. He told me to tell you you are a filthy old boinker and if you don't act decent you will fall into a huge hole in the earth and dwell in eternity with a horrible pooka.
# 53 | woohoo | 2006-11-02 09:53 PM | link | edit

I appreciate the open forum for people to discuss and speculate on items of interest. Is Art suggesting that we shouldn't be interested in the weirdness surrounding his life and his wive(s)? We have to be!!! It's just all too weird!!! It's may be a little far out to suggest that he had something to do with Ramona's death but the facts surrounding his lightning quick mourning period and remarriage, they stand on their own. And again, it's just all too weird.
So, Art's personal life is definitely a three ring circus. I'm going to guess it has been for years. But I suppose that's what makes him Art Bell. King of weirdnss and strangeness. I think the odds are against a storybook life with 21 year old Airyn in America but I wish them well, especially with their baby on the way.
# 54 | Spudnik | 2007-01-05 09:00 AM | link | edit

Here is how the story goes.
Ramona at 47 was getting old, ugly and fat, so Art caused her death so he could get a slim cute younger version.
He fled to the Philippines in case he might be charged with the crime.
After he was confident that he had gotten away with it, he returner to Pahrump with his new wife.
# 55 | The Shadow Knows | 2007-02-08 06:49 PM | link | edit

Art Bell is known for crying lawsuit when someone says or posts something about him.
I would imagine by the sudden marriage to this girl that Bell had been waxing his carrot to her for quite some time. She has got it made now. A small time celebrity with a decent income and pregnant by the small time celebrity. She is set for life when she decides to leave him and gets permant residence status. Payback is a bitch and the people Bell has wronged will see the "what goes around...comes around" in action.
# 56 | Doctor Madd | 2007-02-15 01:55 AM | link | edit

Art Bell and all of those panty wasters cryin n whining bout what someone said or wrote about me...waaa.....waaa....Im goona sue you.....waaa... Gues in Arts worlds there is no freedom to speak your mind......Corps cant sue living breathing people....if ya know what I mean....

I think that Art doth protesteth too much, if you know what I mean.
# 58 | FREEDOM30 | 2007-03-13 12:32 PM | link | edit

First, my comments in no way shape or form are the opinion of the company I work for..they are mine & mine alone. (I am e-mailing from company).
I really do not believe that there was any foul play in the death of Ramona..I like Art Bell very much, but I did think he kind of 'rushed' into another marriage. Every person is different, however, and maybe at his age he just decided he did not want to wait around and feel sorrow indefinetly. I think you start to look at life differently after a certain age. Still, I think his new wife is a little young for him, and age does matter, no matter what you hear. If only 10-15 years, maybe that is workable, but this something like 40 years age difference??? Anyway, that is his choice. Maybe he and Ramona had discussed together how they would handle each other's respective death(s), and maybe she had told him that she would not want him to be alone, so who can say?
As for the comments posted, I think you can defend freedom of far as slander to someone's reputation, I am not sure how it will stand up in court. 
# 59 | sheri | 2007-03-29 04:57 PM | link | edit

I love the way you wallow in your selfimportance and grand texting.
Funny stuff, keep up the bad work.
# 60 | The Blogster | 2007-04-04 02:32 PM | link | edit

I just found about about Ramona, and the re-marry. Art has lost it.
# 61 | Low Rider | 2007-04-24 08:20 PM | link | edit

Art Bell has NO GROUNDS for a legal suit, based upon the post 
from someone he is referring to, in his email complaint to the 
web-site owner.
From the info provided, no 'accusations' of fact were made. 
What was stated, our mere 'speculations' a person or persons
have in regards to Mr. Bell's questionable actions and behaviors
of late.  
A public figure is a public figure, and paid handsom for it.  
Audiences have EVERY right to use their thinking caps, which often
includes SPECULATIONS!  
Does Mr. Bell really believe he has the legal right to silence
anothers ponderings?
The person who posted the questions Mr. Bell is angry about, was
merely asking a plausible question, not stating fact or fiction.
It only becomes libel and slander, if the person is stating something to be true about another, yet it is really false.
A person is also allowed 'legally' to state any personal and truthful experiences
they have had with another person, even if it is ugly truth...just
as long as they can back up their experiences to be valid.
# 62 | Reader1 | 2007-04-30 02:17 AM | link | edit

Seems to me, Art is just being pissy, because he can't hack
anyone talking negatively about him. Perhaps he is even fearful that if too many people read such comments, they too may begin to think and ponder over such possibilities, which could lead someone to investigate further. If he has nothing to hide, then he should have nothing to worry about, and he would just blow if off, and pay no mind to what others say. Hollywood stars do it all the time, in regards to BS they read about themselves in the toilet tabloids.
If he cannot tolerate
criticism, then he should not volunteer to be a paid public figure, making the big bucks!
# 63 | Reader1 | 2007-04-30 02:26 AM | link | edit

Libel is a written lie about someone and slander is a verbally stated
lie, while the person claiming such lies about another, reports it
as fact, when it is not.
All I read, are people asking valid questions, and venting  
frustrations against Art Bell, because obviously, from what I read, Art has
let his fans down.
Well, when Art's new wife starts breast feeding the baby, maybe she
will share some with Art.... whaa whaa...after all, he is crying
over split milk! LOL
# 64 | Reader1 | 2007-04-30 02:39 AM | link | edit

Why do those who make all their personal business public, get so ticked off when others make negative remarks about them????
Hey Art, if you really are bothered by the public making negative remarks about you and your new wife, back off from telling us every little thing you and her do! It's NOT that interesting and most of us don't give a crap about your personal business anyway!
While I'm at it.....Art, your vision must be really bad, because your new wife don't hold a candle to the beauty of Ramona. In fact, I think she's a dog! I sure wouldn't be bragging about how beautiful she is, if I were you. It makes you seem as dumb as shit! Don't you think the rest of us can see????
# 65 | April | 2007-05-31 06:22 AM | link | edit

Because there is only ONE CREATOR of 'a l l' things (JN.1.3;PROVS.16.4;ISA.45.7; ROMS.9.13-26;11.8,22,23; JN.6.29;
16.7-15;LK.1.35;JER.31.22;1 JN.5.7,8;ISA.9.6,7;51.5; MT.28.18-20) whose IMAGE...and...after whose L I K E N E S S 'the born
again man' is (a work in in) 'becoming (JN.1.12;3.3-8;
HEBRS.5.8-14;MT.5.8,37,43-48;1 COR.3.19;4.5;ISA.51.5; JN.12.48;LK.14.
26-35;19.27;EZK.18.32; REV.2.23;DT.18.15-19;30.19; 1PET 4.12,17;ECCLES
.12.13,14;MT.18.3;LK.22.31,32; JN.8.31;1 COR.15.50-58;JER.31.22,33,34;
ZECH.4;5;PSS.2;110;118;122; 126;127;REV.22.2)'...,one needs to FIRST
find out if the human entity (himself, or another) is or is not
going in the ONE WAY (JN.14.6) THAT his MAKER "THE ONE GOD OF
-LADY ELIJAH""(JER.31.22;2JN.; ZECH.4.5;REV.5;10;11;12; ISA.9.6,7;
42.13,14;66;JN.1.21;3.31;2 KGS.2.11;MAL.3;4;JN.16.7-15; MT.17.11;1 JN.5.7,8;GAL.3.21,28; 4.26,akjv) says is 'lawful' for a man to go 'in' to come by ALL TRUTH "HIM" (JN.1.1-14;10.1,7,9;17.17.21; MT.
5.8;37,43-48;1 COR.3.19;4.5)---JN.21.19-23.
With THAT said---received---understood, the QUESTION here then...
regarding Clear Channel Communications' Premiere Radio Networks
affilate Coast to Coast A M 'WEEKEND" host 'Art Bell' & Art's
'Kingdom of NYE (thing)', aka, Art's "WORKS/WORKINGS (to include
who/what Art, as a man, husband, father, and fellow human being
is being...privately...and...publ icly)",it should be, JUST WHERE IS
ART BELL AT IN HIS 'receiving & serving' TRUTH "GOD",per se (JN.1.
1-14;17.17,21), as opposed to Art's receiving what consists of
SATAN "THE LIAR & THE MURDERER (JN.8.44;REV.2.9;3.9;12.4; PS.2.1-3;
2 THESS.2.1-4;2 COR.11.13-15;JUDE 9;DAN.12.1;REV.12.7;EPHS.6.12- 20;
LK.17.21;PS.127.5;GEN.28.17; MT.11.12;ISA.14;JOB 41;2 PET.2.4;REV.9;
MT.27.1-10,25;1 JN.5.7,8;EX.32.34), aka, "GOD'S OPPOSITION"?
Remember, ART BELL 'himself'...did often...and he still does...present himself to be a supporter (therefore a participator)
in the sorcerers sorceries/WITCHCRAFT...with his wife 'Witch Ramona
Bell' and Ramona's friend "Witch Evelyn Pagalini"...among the
thousands of millions of others whose WORKS so say of them to
(in one way or one degree or another) involved
(heart and soul...mind and body)...engaged doing the same EVIL/
UNRIGHTEOUSNESS...,as it so is that GOD "THE CREATOR" of all things so calls the WORKS which same sorcerers do: yes, to include the
membership of Satan's Synagogue (REV.2.9;3.9) & Satan's Church (Rev
.12.4;17;18;2 COR.11.13-15;PS.2.1-3;MAL.3.6- 10;REV.9.20,21;GEN.28.20-22; MT.4.1-10;6.18-20,24,33; PS.8.4;LK.11.29;14.26-35; 19.27;JN.15.14,15
;MT.12.40,50;GAL.1.8,9;2 JN.10-11;ISA.5.20;ZECH.4;5;1 PETER 4.12,17;
PSS.2;50;94;149; ECCLES.12.13,14;MT.25.31-46; REV.20)
same said mentioned SATANISTS are only THAT because they serve 
'Satan' whose been a LIAR & A MURDERER since the beginning (JN.8.44;REV.2.9;3.9;2 THESS.2.1-4;2 COR.11.13-15;LK.11.29;MT.5.37;
1 COR.3.19;4.5;1 PETER 4.12,17;JN.12.48;EZK.18.32; DT.18.15-19;30.19;
32.39;EX.20.3,5;34.14;S of SOL.8.6;ISA.13.13;42.13,14; 66.4;PS.2.4,5;
PROVS.1.26,33;EZK.18.3; ROMS.11.32;MT.18.3; LK.22.31,32;JN.8.31;15.14,
15;MT.12.50). As it was by you 'The People' so The
People vs. Stevens (case)---"THE COURT RULED THAT YOU CAN S H O W
OTHER"....which was brought up---and was by you 'The People' used
to convict CHARLES MANSON and certain others of his all that "YOUR JUDGEMENT" is so recorded of you---in the prosecuting
attorney "Vincent Bugliosi (with Curt Gentry)'s book, "HELTER SKELTER
". Therefore, in accordance to your 'The People's' own makings---
your own 'social rules/laws'...IT IS "OBVIOUS" to one and to all that
C 2 C AM (weekend host) "Art Bell"'s acknowledged support of his
own family's sorcery/WITCHCRAFT...that he is (heart and soul...mind
and body) the servant of (who is to GOD "THE LAWGIVER",) "THE LIAR &
THE MURDERER (JN.8.44;2 COR.11.13-14;REV.2.9;3.9;12.4; 2 THESS.2.3,4;
JOB 41;ISA.14;JUDE 9;DAN.12.1;REV.12.7,9,12; EPHS.6.12-20;HAB.1.5;3.13
;JN.12.48;ISA.51.5;1 PETER 4.12,17;PSS.2;50;94;149;1 COR.4.5;1 COR.6.
2,3;LK.14.26-35;19..27; GAL.1.8,9;2 JN.10-11;JN.14.21,23,24; MT.11.27;
DAN.2.28,34,35,44,45; JN.15.14,15;MT.10;11.12; 12.40,50;MK.10.39;REV.
2;3;ZECH.4;5;HOS.6.2;REV.22.2) . YUP! According to your 'The People's
' own made 'laws/social rules'...Art Bell's WORKS say of him to all---to be THE LIAR & THE MURDERER's SERVANT---as much a practicing WARLOCK as his WITCH WIFE Ramona practiced the same SOCERY/WITCHCRAFT
---likened to that which The Roman Catholic Religion's House has
been 'practicing' ever since certain GOD-OPPOSERS changed JESUS
CHRIST's DOCTRINE-TEACHING-PREACHING to mean what has become of The
House of Organized-External Religion (to this day (May 31, 2007).
The simple REALITY here cannot be SERVING "GOD" and that
same said mentioned GOD's "OPPOSITION (The EVIL ONE/Satan-The Devil-The Old Serpent...and...who/what is of him 'LEGION', EPHS.6.12)",
and at the same time be serving GOD "THE LAWGIVER"/"TRUTH" (JN.1.1-
14;17.17,21;REV.1-22)--- EX.20.3,5;34.14;MT.4.1-10; 6.18-20,24,33;
LK.14.26-35;19.27;JN.12.48;1 PETER4.12,17;ECCLES.12.13,14; REV.17.17
18.4,8,10;REV.2.23;EZK.18.32; MT.18.3;LK.22.31,32;JN.8.31; 16.7-15;
Re. Your "The American People" Federal---states---counties--- cities---towns---villages--- reservations---territories (own made law) 'social
rules'which in-effect,Art Bell is said to threaten"WORKBENCH-ROGERS 
CAPENHEAD" that he's going to to sue him at: THAT IS A BELLY FULL OF
HOWLS (PS.2.4,5;PROVS.1.26; ISA.9.6,7;13.13;42.13,14;66.4; REV.2.23;
ISA.51.5;JN.12.48;Ps.2.10-12; EZK.18.32;ECCLES.12.13,14): for, what
consists of "LAW (EX.20;MAL.4.4;MT.5.17,18; JN.15.14,15;MT.12.50;
GAL.3.21,28;ECCLES.12.13,14;1 TIM.1.8;JN.4.22,24;GEN.49.10; ROMS.11.
8,22,23,32) "NOT" being recognized by you 'the Earthlings'
as 'worthy' of your serving & obeying (ISA.9.6,7;42.13,14;66.4;
LK.11.29;PS.8.4;MAL.3.6-10; REV.9.20,21;MT.4.1-10;6.18- 20,24,33;
1 TIM.1.8;MAL.4.2,4,5,6;JN.16.7- 15;1 PETER 4.12,17;ECCLES.12.13,14).
Summed up---and---simply put, what your "the Earthlings (give or take
), six and a half BILLION people)" BABEL/BABBLING (GEN.11.1-9)...
whether called by you your own made law/talk---,or otherwise talk/
speech-language---words, other than you all laboring diligently 24/7
---"THE POT CALLING THE KETTLE BLACK (thing------you behave as said
of the dog and of the sow in 2 PETER 2.22. Art Bell's (so called
'lawyer'/LK.11.52,Jn.12.48; Eccles.12.13,14;REV.2.23; DT.18.15-19;30.19
.30;32.39;MT.25.31-46;REV.20) going to use your 'the people's' 
BABEL/2 PETER 2.22;GEN.11.1-9;1 COR.3.19;4.5;6.2,3;LK.19.27; PS.149;
JUDE 9;DAN.12.1;LK.17.21;GEN.28.17; REV.12.7,9,12;MT.24.21;REV.1- 22;
ZECH.4;5;PSS.2;110;118;122; 126;127;GAL.3.21,28;4.26) in court, WE
(ISA.51.5;JN.16.13;MAL.3.1; 4.2,4,5,6;1 JN.5.7;MT.28.18,19;ROMS.1.20;
COL.2.9) liken to BOZO THE CLOWN going to The Barney & Baily Circus side show to behold there that side show's main attraction AN HALF
SNAKE-HALF MAN (creature) of your 'the Earthlings' MAD SCIENTISTS
own creation.  
Had Clear Channel Communications' Premeire Radio Networks' Affiliate
Coast To Coast A M "WEEKDAYS HOST" George Noory...of been "RIGHT" in his LOVING & SERVING YOU "ALL HUMANKIND (equally)" a MAN OF GOD
(EX.20.3,5;PS.2.10-12; JN.15..14,15;MT.12.50;JN.1.12; 3.3-8;5.30;14.21
.23.24;MT.11.27; DAN.2.28,34,35,44,45; JER.31.22,33,34;MT.
pleasing HIM "JEALOUS (EX.20.3,5;34.14;ZECH.1.14; MAL.3.1-3;ROMS.9.13
;ISA.62.1,5), then, George would of TAKEN TO YOU "ROGERS CAPENHEAD"
fathers begetting evil children (nations consist of men-people...the fathers and the children,Mal.4.5,6) who all have the same "ONE
GOVERNOR" who be HIM-IN-ME (PS.22.28))...sums up your 'The Earthlings" 24/7 laboring...THE DEATH & CURSING SEEKERS (DT.30.19;32
.39;MAL.4.6;REV.2.23; ECCLES.12.13,14;ISA.66.24).
In all ACTUALITY, when I speak to you of GOD's "OPPOSITION",that
only intends to refer one CREATOR's FORCES OF EVIL (SATAN & who/what's of Satan, REV.2.9;3.9;12.4;2 THESS.2.3,4;JN.8.44;JOB 41;
ISA.14;2 COR.11.13-15;MT.25.31-46; REV.20)...who are "OPPOSING"
Art Bell needs to go to the "LOOK-IN GLASS (THE MIRROR)" look into his own SOUL (into his own EYES)--so to 'there/his soul's mirror
-in that place(LK.17.21;MT.11.12; EPHS.6.12;GEN.28.17;PS.126;1 COR. 6.
2.3,4,4.5;6.2,3;LK.14.26-35; 19.27;DT.18.15-19;30.19;32.39; GAL.1.8,
9;2 JN.10-11;16.7-15;17.17.21; 18.36,37;21.19-23) "TELL IT LIKE IT
(JN.4.24) IS BEING IN-SPIRIT...and...IN- TRUTH...,so to be "REALLY"
a man "UPHOLDING" TRUTH/GOD, per se (JN.1.1-14;5.3-;6.63;15.14,15;
17.17,21;18.36,37;19.15,19; 21.19-23;MT.12.50;EX.20.3,5; MAL.4.4;
ECCLES.12.13,14; JER.31.22,33,34): afterall, should not Art's 'words'
crediting him to be being so 'law upholding' match his that that same ART BELL is not beheld by the Planet Earth's (give or take) six and a half BILLION people as Art being what is to GOD
"THE LAWGIVER", but a 'HYPORCRITE"? Besides, now that WITCH RAMONA 
BELL is in & with her husband Art Bell and Art's new wife Airyn Bell's baby girl 'ASIA' being ASIA's GUIDE (in The PARENTAL
sense of the way...),whatsoever is thought to be 'UNFINISHED BUNINESS
'between and among them/you-the earthlings and those who have passed 
on'shall continue on...and...on...and on: inotherwords, IT (MT.25.31-
46;LK.14.26-35;19.27;DT.18.15- 19;30.19;32.39) AIN'T OVER TIL IT'S
OVER (ECCLES.12.13-14;REV.20-22) ...and just becaise one departs
their earthy vessel (regardless of the reason or the cause why,)
IT their entity's existing...continues on. THE WICKED TAKE NOTICE!
(ISA.66.24;2 PETER 2.17;JUDE 13;REV.20;ZECH.4,5;ISA.5.20; LK.11.52,
You and C2C A M's host George Noory labor 24/7, doing as you do,
with your sincere INTENTION being to come by the KNOWING OF TRUTH/
GOD, per se, (JN.1.1-14;14.6,9;10.1,7,9; 14,21,23,24;MT.11.27;DAN.2.
28,34,35,44,45;JN.5.30;17.21; HOS.6.2;ZECH.4;5): therefore, for now,
in behalf of"bringing forth"THE TRUTH-THE MAN-CHILD(REV.12.5;ISA.66; 1Sam.1.11;8.7;JN.1.11;19.19; 21.19-23) to both of you 'your HEART's
desire' I've gifted you the herein testimony.(REV.10.11;MAL.3.1; 4.2,
4,5,6;JN.16.7-15;2 Jn.;ZECH.4;5).
BEHAVE WISELY (PS.2.10-12;1 COR.3.19;4.5;JN.16.7-15; MAL.3.1;4.2,4,5,6
;HEBRS.5.8-14;12.6-8,29; REV.3.19;MT.18.3;LK.22.31,32; JN.8.31;ROMS.9.
13-26;11.8,22,23,32; MT.12.40,50;HAB.1.5;3.13; JER.30.7;ISA.30.26;ZECH.
4;5;PSS.2;110;118;122;126;127; GAL.3.21,28;4.26;MT.5.8,akjv).
# 66 | LORD OF HOSTS ELIJAH(Mal.3;4;Mt.17.11,akjv) | 2007-05-31 02:37 PM | link | edit

I like Art Bell. He should not be affected by any comments made on your or anyone elses site. The world is full of Idiots. Let them say what they will. Art you know the truth and your fans like myself take this BS with a grain of salt.
# 67 | Mike D | 2007-06-05 01:33 AM | link | edit

Calling his wife a dog. Preaching to him. Wow what is up with these people. The inside makes a person beautiful. This is lesson 1
And as for Mr. Religeon Let me ask you a simple question.
It is obvious angels and such are Angelic. Satan was an angel. God knows everything right? 
Then why did he throw Lucifer to the earth and give him dominion over it.Knowing he had powers we in no way could defeat.
Then he put man here in what he knew was a no win situation.
I believe in god. But do not believe 100% in the bible.
Let me let you in on a fact of life. Name 1 thing man has put his hands on he has not corrupted? YOU CANT. We murder rape lie cheat and steal. Books were left out of the bible and it was put together by man for brain washing. I believe in god. But I also believe we have no clue as to anything outside that. We have been programed to believe mans version.
Well bud. Take a good look around. As Humans we are pathetic. We certinly to this point have dropped the ball.
# 68 | Mike D | 2007-06-05 01:46 AM | link | edit

Sir you are the lowest piece of dog shit that ever walked on earth. Making money by just being crue to people is cruel. I have alerted the Drudge Report as you using his site. You are the afterbirth of a gang bang
# 69 | Keff | 2007-06-17 07:16 PM | link | edit

"LORD OF HOSTS ELIJAH(Mal.3;4;Mt.17.11,akjv) | 2007-05-31 02:37 PM | link"
This guy is obviously heavily invested in scroll button manufacturing.
Devious SOB.
Is this thread still open?
Yer waiting till Art dies to shut it down aren't ya?
Speakin' o' devious...
Be Well.
# 70 | dethspud | 2007-06-20 11:34 PM | link | edit

I think that Art Bell talks too much and should be shut. He is just a smart guy wannabe. He talked about a lot of nasty things against Filipinos which I think is not right. Hope this reaches him, Mr. Art Bell, please REST IN PEACE.
# 71 | John Thomas S. Marc | 2007-06-21 02:08 AM | link | edit

If Art Bell and his new wife are happy, then let them be. Asian women come from a different culture and look for security and mutual affection more than good looks or romance like westerners do.
If Art is really angry or threatening to sue about people's comments, he shouldn't be. It goes with the territory. At least, noone broadcasted he carried Vicodin like Rush.
# 72 | visitor | 2007-06-22 09:18 PM | link | edit

At least, noone broadcasted he carried Vicodin like Rush.
Sorry, meant Viagra
# 73 | visitor | 2007-06-22 09:19 PM | link | edit

I think it's very hard when you have a talk show host, or any celebrity, whom you think is strong and wise, then do something off the wall with their lives.
Art fell apart when Ramona died, even though he always knew she could someday die of her illness. With him talking about killing himself, many felt he wasn't the same person he had made himself out to be, for years on the radio. They felt he had not been honest and had presented a totally made up person to put on the air for show.
Then when Art ran off and got married to a mere girl, young enough to be his grand daughter, it was too much for many. In our own family we would not condone this type of behavior and wonder if the man was mentally ill. It certainly doesn't show integrity, and can be seen as childish behavior by many. What if your Dad went and married a girl young enough to be your sister? Wouldn't you think he was out of his mind?
Art has stated that many just don't understand he actions and his love for Ayrin....Oh, I think we do. We also understood Anna Nicole Smith and her marriage to that rich old goat. Trouble is, we understand all too well.
To top that off, he had a baby with this girl. So many these days don't think about the child they are bringing into the world. By the time Art's child is 10, he will be 72, if he lives that long, which I doubt. That means this child will not have her father in her life for the better part of her growing up years. Years which are very important to anyone. Worse, she will have to stand by the grave side of her father and watch as they lower his casket into the ground....nice, huh? What a horrible thing to have a child go through.
If you have ever known a person who's parent died when they were very young, you will notice the inner sadness they always carry with them. It's like a piece of them is missing. They mourn for that lost parent their whole live through and they feel cheated.
Art has played hard and fast with the lives of those he says he cares for. Does he really care for them, or does he only care for himself? Many think it's the latter. He has stated his retirement, to share all the time he has left with his new family, but that is for his benefit. What about after he is gone? Most likely his wife will remarry and have more children. Art's child will have only pictures and maybe some memories of her father, to comfort her in times of need.
It was lust, and lust alone which powered this marriage and resulted in this child being born, Art's lust. Not true love, for how can one truly love another, in the very short time Art knew this girl? He had no time to even truly get to know her, before they embarked on a trip down marriage lane. She, no doubt had dollar signs in her eyes, as he had dreams of sexual positions to try out and long nights of lust come true.
This was none other than an old man's lustful folly, all dressed up in romance and called love.
It's a very sickening thing to see, and even sicker to have pointed out on the radio show, everytime one turns around. Frankly, I'm very glad he has decided to retire.
The true advocates of the paranormal do not want someone whom the world is laughing at, to do a show on something we all want to be taken seriously. We want a host with enough integrity to present the show and the subject matter, in an intelligent way. The way in which Art has presented his personal life and the choices he has made in it, has dishonored his position as a serious talk show host.
Art has stated that many just don't understand his love for Ayrin...Oh, I think we do, Art. We also understood Anna Nicole Smith and her love for that rich old goat she married. Trouble is, we understand all too well.
# 74 | Gladhesgone | 2007-07-02 08:15 PM | link | edit

I'm still thinking about Art's announced retirement (for the billionth time)that he made last night on his Sunday night show. I am reluctant to criticize his decision to marry a Filipina as I am dating one myself that I met a year ago, also in Manila, PI. Nonetheless, I can't see anyone running off to Manila to rush into a half-baked, rushed marrige, right after his wife passed away!
I defended him for a long time: when he was hyping up Y2K, peddling "human growth hormone" pills, the stupid "sounds from hell" tape, pitched as psuedofact, all of Richard Hoagland's lame ranting about that "face" on Mars, etc. His slaphappy decision to marry a girl he hardly knew (over 50 years his junior) was *it* for me. It felt like a slap in the face to the memory of poor Ramona (RIP).
I'd like to say this to the Art Bell defenders: blame Art. He was the one who spent all that time on air, justifying what he did, even posting those bizarre pictures of him and his child-wife. Revolting.
Art, if you're reading this: thank you for your shows on the paranormal, time travel (John Titor), and EVP's; they were truly incredible. I guess Ramona's passing was so hideously painful that you were willing to do anything, no matter how rash and weird, to erase that pain. Enjoy your retirement, but please, don't "unretire" this time. Nothing personal, Art, but: I'm done defending you.
# 75 | NOT SURPRISED | 2007-07-02 09:11 PM | link | edit

It's very common for widowers to quickly remarry. They just can't live alone. Nothing weird about it.
# 76 | truth | 2007-07-04 05:10 AM | link | edit

Section 230 is irrelevent. Are you Section 8?
# 77 | visitor | 2007-07-04 06:20 AM | link | edit

I gotta say you guys post some really mean and hateful remarks. You're cowards hiding behind web posts. It's no wonder sites have started shutting them down, it seems to be the only way to keep the stalkers from trolling them.
Isn't it Art Bell's life anyway? Why do any of you even care what he's said or done or married for that matter? Geez...Get a life people.
Art retired from Coast to Coast Radio Show, good for him.
Art's first wife Ramona was Philipino.
Art's taken a new wife who happens to be Philipino, good for him again. Why get your panties in a wad about it? What's wrong folks? Did he dis you when you called in east or west of the rockies?
Coast to Coast is one of the most listened to shows on the air. Art should be laughing all the way to bank because he is the one who actually did something with his life and he seems to be very happy.
I don't blame Art one bit for wanting this taken down from the website because it's disgusting. I hope he takes legal action against each person here who has made defaming statements against him, his wife, and his deceased wife Ramona.
Have I ticked you guys off? Good, now you have something else to attack.
# 78 | Relax | 2007-07-14 08:22 PM | link | edit

Art Bell is not what he wants the public to think he is. He has spoon fed the public tid bits of his life, giving us the impression that he is a descent man with good intentions, when that is far from the case. He has left out the parts of his life that cast a bad light on him. His last marriage was his FOURTH!
He has grown children from a marriage when he was twenty. Those children are Lisa Minei, 38 and Vincent Pontius 41. Their mother is Sachiko Toguchi, an Japanese woman. She met Art Bell in Okinawa.
Art Bell left this wife and these children and didn't look back. If one wants to read more, do a Google search with the name "Vincent Pontius." That will bring up the article and all the details of what kind of relationship these children now have with Art....and it's not very pretty.
These are his marriages as listed on Wikipedia....
*Sachiko Toguchi, divorced. Children: Vincent Pontius, Lisa Minei. These children were not acknowledged publicly until July 2007. 
*Sukiyaki Sakamoto Kyo Bell, divorced. Children: Art "Scooter" Bell IV. 
*Ramona Bell, 1990 January 5, 2006  
*Airyn Ruiz, April 11, 2006 present. Children: Asia 

So Mr. Bell has four children to date. Two of which he never acknowledged until July 2007.
And THAT is why, folks, he retired so quickly! He put his tail between his legs, in shame, and ran like the dog he is.
# 79 | Mary | 2007-07-18 05:57 AM | link | edit

More unbelievable garbage and filth being broadcast by this worthless cadenhead web site. It should be called #!%$heads because that's the audience that feeds on it.
Art Bell did not write those hatred-filled comments, you morons! Just because some #@#hole writes "Hey you, my name is Art Bell, and I hate Filipinos. Look, here's what I think..."
Unbelievable!!! You people are complete morons!!! How did you manage to turn on your computer let alone get your underwear on straight this morning?
Go crawl back under your rocks where you belong and shut the %*(@# up. Un freaking believable. ART, sue the freaking CRAP out of this place.
# 80 | C2C Fan | 2007-07-18 10:28 PM | link | edit

Rogers Cadenhead? What the hell kind of name is "Rogers"? Is that supposed to be "Roger's Cadenhead", like, Cadenhead is a THING, or it's the name of the web site, and it belongs to Roger, or Rogers is your real name? Pfft.
Pfft!! Hah hah hah!
Hi, my name is Johns.
Hey, Johns, nice to meet you, I'm Daves.
Huh? Dave's what?
No, that's my name, I'm Daves.
Daves? WTF do you mean?
Hey guys, Rogers here. Be nice to each other.
Hmm, I wonder if anyone has thought of digging up some crap on Rogers Cadenhead and then post it all over the freaking web, and sell advertising on it. one gives a damn about someone named Rogers anyway. Never mind.
# 81 | Snoop Cat | 2007-07-18 10:33 PM | link | edit

You sorry Art Bell fans, catch a clue! Art Bell is horse shit on a hot day! He has proved this and deserves to have his name ruined and go hide his head in shame. Which, by the way, is why he retired!
Some of you dumb ass's love George Bush too. Even though the guy has put this country in the garbage with the war in Iraq, left our borders wide open for every criminal alive to cross, and is trying to continue to screw this country by secretly pushing the North American Super Highway, you morons still think he's the best thing since sliced bread. What's your IQ? Something like 10? maybe? DUH! Think maybe old George cares a crap about you or this country? Think again.
Art has made his bed and now has to face the consequences of his actions. NO body made him go nuts over a young girl. NO body made him go off and marry her. And NO body made him knock her up and have his kid. HE did all that of his own freaking will. AND, just a few months after " the love of his life" died! So you shit heads want to give him an award? Go suck on it!!!!
# 82 | Jake | 2007-07-19 03:43 AM | link | edit

Hey, Arts wife wanted to go back and live in the Philippines! He knew there would be a problem with him doing the show from there, so the only thing to do was retire.
That's what happens when men get pussy whipped! She probably told him she was going back home, with him, or without him! HA! Art doesn't know it, but he's got two kids to raise...his very young wife and his new baby!!!
# 83 | Richard | 2007-07-20 03:44 AM | link | edit

That tribute show was so obnoxious...I asked 20 people if they knew him;was told they never heard of him. The show was would think a saint was being canonized. There is nothing wrong with people reminiscing over an old friend..but we don;t want to hear it? You would think funeral arrangements were going to be announced? Where do we send the flowers? Have these people had their lessons in how to curtsey and bow? Had to shut it off!
# 84 | Robin | 2007-07-20 09:01 AM | link | edit

That was no garbage about Art having two kids that he did not acknowledge until this month. They are now 41 and 38 and have kids of their own. That is truth....period.
I think that tribute to Art was to close the door, so to speak, so he wouldn't come back. He never had a tribute given to him before and he always came back to the show again. So maybe it was felt that if they gave him a send off tribute, he wouldn't feel like the door was open for him to come back. At least I've got my fingers crossed that he won't.
Then again, maybe he has no choice this time. Maybe the radio station said "Enough", and gave him the boot. I think too many listeners got tired of hearing about Art's personal life and just couldn't take it any more. After the news of his two grown children, which he didn't acknowledge until this month, I think it was like the straw that broke the camels back. It's not very nice to walk off and leave your kids and not try to see them for forty years. As a matter of fact, they looked him up, not the other way around. What does that tell you about Art?
I didn't even bother to listen to the show Wednesday night because I knew I wouldn't be able to take the mushy type tribute to him. But I have to say, George has taken the high road in giving Art such praise and the tribute show. However, I think even some of Art's closest friends have been taken aback by this last bit of news with his two unknown children. I mean, how many people can turn their backs on their children for forty years? Even if his ex-wife did tell him it may be better if he didn't contact them, I sure would have after they became of age and could decide for themselves, if they wanted to have a relationship with me or not, had I been Art.
But Art just didn't care, so he didn't even try to contact them.  
I've lost respect for Art, and I imagine a lot of other people have too. Radio hosts have to have an audience that likes them, not one that can barely stand them. I, for one, have enjoyed the show much more since George has been hosting it. Art had been having only people on the show, which HE found interesting. I was getting very bored with him. I'm glad he's gone too!
# 85 | Mary | 2007-07-21 03:55 AM | link | edit

I agree with Mary 100%. The reality is Art came to treat all of us, the Coast to Coast listeners, as well as George and Ian, like we were his two unknown adult children. He couldn't care less about us. And like his unknown children, we have lost interest in having any further connection with Art. Best wishes to both George and Ian on continuing the franchise. Both of these guys are gentlemen and loving fathers to their own children. Coast to Coast will continue just fine...
# 86 | A. Pismo Clam | 2007-07-21 09:22 PM | link | edit

It's really telling of what kind of man Art is, when you consider he told his audience supposedly, "everything" and proclaimed he was always, "honest" with us. When in fact he was not being honest with us or the two kids he fathered in his first marriage.
His daughter of 38, had to look her father, Art Bell, up. She found him and told her brother, Vincent Pontius, she had found their birth father. She made contact with her father, Art Bell, and this was TEN YEARS ago! So why didn't Art bring this up??? Was THAT being honest with us and telling us everything???? Think about this for a moment and allow it to sink in.
It happened TEN YEARS AGO!!!!!!!!!
This story is all over the internet and all one has to do is search for the name Vincent Pontius to read it. It's not a "LIE" like Art claimed of the story he was supposed to have written about him hating Phippinos. This is TRUTH! Ugly as it is, it is the truth. Why do we know this?
Because Art Bell has not denied it!!!!! Funny, that now, when this story has come out, he decides to retire suddenly, to enjoy his child bride and their love child. But that should not be a surprise to us, because Art seems to have a habit of running from things.
What a joke this so called man (Art Bell) has turned out to be! And to think I used to admire him!!!!!
Ya know, it would only be fitting if Art's son Vincent, and his daughter, took over for Art and hosted the Coast to Coast program. I mean, those two have gotten nothing else from their "Sperm Donor" father.
I think Vincent and his sister should have a shot at fame and fortune! They'd probably do a much better job than Art EVER did! Maybe we should all write to the producer of Coast to Coast and demand Vincent and his sister Lisa, get a chance at hosting the show on Saturday night.  
I know I'd enjoy them more than Ian. As a matter of fact, I think I'd enjoy anyone more than Ian!!!!! Sorry Ian. Hosting is just not your talent. Stick to religion.
# 87 | Eddie | 2007-07-25 03:44 AM | link | edit

I refuse to listen if Art Bell ever is on the radio again. AND, I have e-mailed the producers of Coast to Coast to tell them that.
I hope those who feel Art has disgraced himself and is not a decent person, do the same.
For those of you who feel he is worthy of listening to, I feel sorry for you.
# 88 | Dan | 2007-07-25 06:58 AM | link | edit

If you all would do a little research(which I just did myself)I had no knowledge of the incident on to why Art Bell has kept it quiet about his older son...then you would all retract your statements here abut him so called "disgracing" himself. A terrible thing had happended to his older son. Something so horrific, I can understand and sympathize with his decision to leave the show.
# 89 | Robin | 2007-07-29 02:42 AM | link | edit

"Robin", you are confused.
Art Bell the 4th, son of Art Bell and his Fourth wife, was a gay student who contracted HIV AIDS from a male substitute teacher.
The teacher was convicted of spreading AIDS knowingly, not of rape or kidnapping. Art and his lawyer pushed for those charges, but if you search the Nevada court records, the sex was consensual (cons). This was back in the 90's and a subject for Art to retire and run away yet again (his 5th I think). Art threatened a lot of people with lawsuits because he felt the whole issue of a gay son with AIDS was too much for him. Art was being called constantly on air about the matter, and he blocked out many calls. Also the nature of his bluster led some to falsely accuse Art Bell Sr. of impropriety with his son. Check out the Wikipedia entry.
The recent article in the Philadelphia Weekly revealed that Art Bell had married and had 2 kids with his first wife on Okinawa. Art abandoned them when the kids were small and never paid alimony or child support. The PW article is about the son who first saw Art on Larry King. Art was cold and doesn't want a relationship. It also came about that these kids were molested as well. Art panicked and quit amid molestation rumours for this the 7th time.
So who knows for sure? Art Bell is a mess in his life, and now at 62 has fathered a child with a twenty year old Filipina mail order bride, his 5th wife.
Google Vincent Pontius and see (that's his son's name in the PW article).
# 90 | St. Francis of Ascii | 2007-07-29 08:32 AM | link | edit

Okay St. Francis..maybe you are right about Art...but a STUDENT..and his TEACHER...there is no debate on this one!!! I don't care how gay the son is or not.. a minor with a TEACHER is one of the biggest NO NO's in this universe! The teacher is always at fault..always! Even if a 30 year old student has sex with his college's taboo..and you and everyone else knows this. I think anyone in this world who would go through the trauma of that happening to a child..would make them nuts..Unless they were not human! Right is right and wrong is wrong!
# 91 | Robin | 2007-07-31 10:46 AM | link | edit

That tribute was a joke. They were acting like he was some kind of deity. I notice how they didn't bring up how he lied - Airyn is 26 and now it turns out she was probably 19 when he was pursuing her. As for her being a teacher, unless you can graduate from college at 17 or 18, I doubt if that is true. As for his timing, three weeks? And she is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen? Right after his soul mate and love of his life died. His bleating, "Have you seen the picture?"
As for these kids from the first marriage, he is very cold!
# 92 | Laurie Hoven | 2007-07-31 02:29 PM | link | edit

The tribute show make me sick to my stomach. They were trying to make one feel we should all be on our knees worshipping this god who is coming down from Olympus. Please give me a break. As for the beauty, well, that is in the eye of the beholder. So we can't say too much on that. What I have read about the other children makes me skeptical about him now..but what happened to the boy is heart-wrenching to say the least. We shouldn't judge of course, but this honoring stuff is way off base.
# 93 | Robin | 2007-07-31 05:37 PM | link | edit

Get a life or a wife like I did
# 94 | Art Bell | 2007-08-04 10:52 AM | link | edit

Ok, first off, the bible quoting fanatic is just that, a fanatic. These posts are truly interesting because accusations of any kind are usually admissions of the accusor's own errors and guilts, which he or she displaces by reflecting them onto the accused.
Any child knows this, hence the saying repeated by them to their childish accusors: "It takes one to know one."
Wadaphuck is a "cadenhead", Rogers? M. Websters didn't help :-(
We all gotta make a buck...youse people outta leave the cadenhead alone.
Inna words of Rodney King; "Can't we all just get along?"
You go, Art my man, sensationalist extrodinaire, keep on keeping on with your sensational self..... it gives these punkin-heads, and lunk-heads, dunder-head and wanna-be-heads and cadenheads sumthun to do with their boring lives. 
Me, i just had too long of an old geezer power nap and am up too late with too much energy....course i ain't got a young woman waiting for me betwix the covers either...incidently, good on you Art, nice work there at age 62 !!!
Ok, look people, you might think you somehow own these entertainment personalities, and can therefore dictate behavior for them but you would be full of excrete and kinda sick thinking like one owns any body, ever....wake up, all you've really got is yourself and times wasting while you should be making something out of it.
Sign me off "Stillcrazy".........Aloha
# 95 | visitor | 2007-08-05 07:38 AM | link | edit

I certainly don't think I "own" anybody and sure as hell don't care what others do, usually.
But when I hear repeatedly, the details of another's life, by them, I sure as hell have a right to say what I feel. If that doesn't give one a right to state what they feel, what does?
If Art Bell didn't want any speculation about his actions, he should have kept his private life to himself. But Mr. Bell loves to brag about what he does and it was an EGO FEST for him when he got himself a child bride....or so HE thought. Then when she got knocked up, he went into another one of his announcements about how old he was to be able to father a child. Give me a break!
Art Bell is a sick old man and needs to stay off the air. Coast to Coast is supposed to be about the paranormal, not about Art Bell the ABNORMAL!
I feel sorry for his kids, who have to live with the fact that they came from his sick, low life loins. What a curse for those poor innocents to bare! His new baby will, no doubt, grow up hating her mother for making such a bad choice in men. But then, you can't hold the retarded responsible for their actions, I guess.
# 96 | Frank | 2007-08-05 07:07 PM | link | edit

You could fairly say I was (am) a fan of the Art Bell show, though not rabidly so.
I am not that much a fan of Arts' personnal life - insofar as what I probably know about it that is probably true.
I've enjoyed his show for many years because I am interested in (most of) his topics and I appreciate that most of his guests seemed reasonably informed and intelligent.
I think Art is a good interviewer and consistently demonstrated both skill and talent at keeping his shows on topic and paced.
However, I will grant you that his personal life seems to be a mess. But, as has been said, fish swim and birds fly and a having a talent or ability in one field doesn't guarantee having it in all or even any other field.
Perhaps he is a bit of an 'idiot-savant' (sp?). Van Gogh, for example (and for whatever reason), painted well but couldnd't seem to handle his personal affairs.
I agree completely that it WAS 'strange' that Art repeatedly stressed his 'love' for his wife, seemed to fall so much apart when she died unexpectedly, and then a short few months later falls in 'love' again - this time with a young foreign girl close to only 1/3 his age (and a lot less money then he has), marries her practically overnight and then has a child with her. This whole scenario wouldn't have been concocted even by the writers of the worst grade B mid-day television drama of the 70's.
But then, it's pretty obvious Art is an above average creative talent and perhaps a good streak of craziness just comes with each does of creativity.
However, it is my personal opinion that Art stepped across to the wrong side of a line when he had a baby with his new wife. I can understand that at his age he might have been interested in cementing a legacy through a child; or perhaps he came to realize that he had made errors with his previous children which he now hoped to correct; or perhaps his new wife was the real instigator and just wanted to make sure that his millions stayed with her after Art was gone (a real good bet).
In any case, he now has a small child that will, unfortunately, probably grow up with few personal memories and virtually no functional interaction with her real father. Art is no spring chicken. His daughter will have only massive file cabinets of old radio show tapes, piles of photographs, and boxes of newspaper clippings. Not much there to hug before bedtime and get tucked in by at night, to run to when she's scared or joyful or to walk down the aisle with when she gets married. It's a bit sad really, the world already has too many Paris Hiltons.
I could live with his hasty remarriage but his bringing a child into the world who will probably grow up without a father just doesn't sit quite right with me. If anything, he could have adopted.
I hope Art is around, functioning, and active in his field - and his daughters life - for many years to come. Unfortunately, that's probably not overly likely; but I would bet my last two dollars that when Art does eventually pass, his young wife won't be letting moss grow as she beats a hasty path to the bank, fills her suitcases with cash and catches the first plane back to the Phillippines.
But all of this is just my opinion.
# 97 | Ron from Northville, Michigan USA | 2007-08-06 12:12 AM | link | edit

I think it is quite amusing how people assume that Art Bell is going to drop dead anyday now? How strange? You act as if he was Anna Nicole's husband, the 90 year old. This man I believe is in his early 60's. My God, he could live another 30 years. He has plenty of time to tuck in his little one at night, see her graduate from high school. Even walk her down the isle. People are living longer these days. 60 is now the new 45. I would not assume the man is dying next year. He may outlive us all. Nobody knows. I do agree the tributes and all that garbage is ridiculous and he is no major mega star. Half the people , I know and talk to never heard of him. Wish him good luck and send him positive thoughts. Who cares what his does.
# 98 | Beth | 2007-08-06 11:34 AM | link | edit

Excuse me, but Art is 62 years old, according to Wikipedia.
People are living longer, yes...those who have taken very good care of themselves. But for those who smoke, and have smoked for a very long time, a long life is very unlikely. Last time I checked, doctors could not do miracles.
Smokers can look forward to getting any one of the many lung diseases, at some time in their lives, if they don't get lung Cancer first. Then there is the damage that smoking does to the heart and blood vessels.
Stroke and heart attacks are also higher among those who smoke. Not to mention Cancer of the mouth or throat.
Also, second hand smoke has been proven to be even more harmful to the lungs an smoking. Art's last wife, Ramona, probably would have lived longer had she not been with a smoking partner. People who live with a smoker get ill from it just as much as the smoker himself.
Art has said many times that he loves beef and will never stop eating it. Beef is very high in cholesterol and most doctors will tell their patients to not eat beef, but instead eat chicken and fish. Art is not likely to listen to anybody about his bad habits. As we have seen, Art will do what he wants regardless of the consequences. Art seems like a man who cannot control his hungers or his lust for young women. And it's clear he has sex and love very confused.
The saddest thing about Art's life, is while he could be surrounded by his grown children now, and enjoying his grandchildren, he has separated himself from them, and will probably die without really knowing those grandchildren. So it could be said that the old man is doing what he has done from a very young age......he's fathering another child he is going to leave before she grows up. This last child makes number four (4).
# 99 | Wayne | 2007-08-08 02:49 AM | link | edit

I am shocked at Art. First off, he is very amusing on his show. His over the top border line racist, down right offensive behavior and diolect on air is hilarious when you are listening in the morning in front of your computer, especially when the day is going slow. However, let's keep in mind everyone that his show is for entertainment. He's like the Howard Stern of political talk radio. Let's not forget his station mate, nut bag, wack job Mike Savage with the Savage Nation bit. I am a black female in America who listens to them religiously for a good laugh. Oh, did I forget Niel Bortz!!! The people you should be mad at are the callers who call in to the show who really feel the way these idiots pretend to feel for a buck or two!!! Those people are real and some where out there like a loaded gun ready to do all kinds of criminal acts because of their beliefs such as hate crimes, the use of racial slurs which is a felonious offense if seriously pursued!! (Check the books)I think we should get real with our selves and address real issues like if their shows really bother you that much start taking action to get the off the air but insulting them and attcking their private lives, being slanderous, and abbrassive on blogs make you no better than them!!!
# 100 | Carmen | 2007-08-08 04:26 AM | link | edit

It is unbelievable how these people keep coming back with so much negativity! The comment was made that Art Bell is in his early 60's and he could live for many years yet. Then a comment is made that he is 62 as if saying early 60's was not accurate enough? The commenter goes on to say how he smokes, eats beef, etc. etc. All the negative comments will come back on you. You must have a sad life and sounds like envy? I am glad I don't have your nerve in my tooth!!! Nobody here can make a comment on how long a person will live.. If it is true and that is a big IF, that Art lives an unhealthy life, we still cannot judge him. I know 90 year old people who smoke. Not that one should smoke but why do you care so much about him not growing up with his child? As for lust for young women, what about men(of all ages) running around with young women in this day and age , use them for sex , have babies with them ; then go to the next one??? At least this one was made into an honest woman. He married her! She doesn't have to address him as "MY BABY'S DADDY" !
# 101 | Pat | 2007-08-08 06:24 AM | link | edit

Sounds like you should file an action In Pro Se against Art for interstate harassment and get him to spend a few dollars in Federal Court explaining himself before a Federal Judge. Frankly I'm very disappointed in Art, he seems to like to "sue" everyone or threaten to sue them. Maybe he was picked on too much in school.
# 102 | Disappointed With Art | 2007-08-13 12:16 AM | link | edit

Art Bell, author of more than 40 books and a professor at The University of San Francisco, returns to the program to discuss another text he's penned. The book, McGraw Hill's Guide to Banishing Speaker's Nerves, tackles a subject that most people have a lot of trouble with and we were glad to talk to him about it. brings you live updates of NFL Football events, Free NFL picks, Football

I always thought it was strange that he said he thought about Ramona and wanted to take a bottle of Valium, but changed his mind. I also found how he described all the details of how she died a bit disturbing and somewhat rehearsed. And when within a couple of months, he'd run off and married a Phillipino the size of a child and barely of legal age and whom he professes undying and unequalled love for, I was suspicious that he killed Ramona so he could be with this girl. Did he have Ramona's body cremated?
Me thinks all is not well in Knye Land these days. Something is amiss. He sure took off awful fast. Maybe he'll resurface and his wife and baby will be gone! I can't believe she'd be faithful to an old geezer like him. Of course she married him for his money, forced herself to have sex with him and get pregnant so she could ensure the money stayed with her and her family. Or maybe they will resurface sans Art Bell! I always liked him a lot before this. After this, I lost respect.
# 105 | Sam10 | 2007-08-28 06:57 PM | link | edit

I actually don't find any of this grounds for disliking Art, there is no proof of his having any wrong doing. Until there is proof that Art actually did something illegal or unethical it will not shake my opinion of the man. If he has however done something underhanded it will come out in time, though i highly doubt he is guilty of any crime. Saying that someone is merely forcing them self to be with someone is totally unfounded seeing as you not only don't know anything but the public face of Art, you know nothing about his new wife or her family either. "I can't believe she'd be faithful to an old geezer like him." judging by the previous quote you open yourself up to being borderline closed minded. There are plenty of couples that have a dramatic age difference, you can't put an age limit on true love, her age is totally legal. Well in closing i don't find any reason to lose respect for Art, as i have seen nothing but circumstantial evidence posted on this forum. I will admit; however, that it does look very strange. ~~Vahn~~
# 106 | Vahn | 2007-08-31 12:54 AM | link | edit

Take the high road and do the right thing. Take down anything that is offensive and libelous. Actually, I was very taken back by the comments on those threads; they were obnoxious, slanderous and completely insensitive. It doesn't matter what article upholds your right to allow such libelous and hurtful remarks to be written. Just because a loophole in the system allows for unethical behavior to continue doesn't make it right.
# 107 | Rosie | 2007-09-03 08:41 PM | link | edit

Art Bell was forced out of his regular gig by Premier Radio. They were taken over by Clear Channel and they wanted to clean house. Art Bell and his main spokesman at Premier, Kraig Kitchins, were forced out. Management has decided to go with the safe alternative of George Noory and Ian Punnet. Now Art Bell's rabid fans at the Fantastic Forum have started a libelous campaign to slander George Noory. All at the behest of Art Bell. Their slander campaign caused Premier to pull the plug on the Streamlink Forum at the Coast website. Some of their work can be seen at godlikeproductions and radioratingz. These are a handful of seriously disturbed individuals who are accusing George Noory of the very actions Art Bell got fired for, everything from nuisance lawsuits, questionable military history, and ex wives. So far George has taken the high road and said nothing, but I'm sure the old hags of the Fantastic Forum will accuse me of being George Noory himself. Just watch and see.
# 108 | visitor | 2007-09-04 10:12 AM | link | edit

Wans't Art Bell in the Guiness book of records for a radio marathon? It was to raise money for "operation babylift" near the end of the Vietnam war. Art doesn't crow about this, but the Coast 2 Coast website does in his bio. They say he chartered a DC9 to fly 130 Vietnamese orphans to the US and Canada. hmmm. Oddly enough, just prior to this, a C-5 galaxy with 300 sponsored kids crashed on take off and all but 130 kids survived. 130. Art doesn't brag about this. Google and see. Art Bell, HARD on Asians. Ramona wasn't the first....
# 109 | visitor | 2007-09-04 10:17 AM | link | edit

Art Bell is known for crying lawsuit when someone says or posts something about him.
I would imagine by the sudden marriage to this girl that Bell had been waxing his carrot to her for quite some time. She has got it made now. A small time celebrity with a decent income and pregnant by the small time celebrity. She is set for life when she decides to leave him and gets permant residence status. Payback is a bitch and the people Bell has wronged will see the "what goes around...comes around" in action.

# 111 | aaa | 2007-09-06 06:20 PM | link | edit

I disagree with your premise that you have no responsibility for the content of you blog site. You said, "I remove libelous comments when they're called to my attention", and I applaud you for doing this. Take it a step further and refuse to print any further comments on the objectionable subjects. As difficult as this would be, you would be setting a higher model of ethics in a area with few regulations.
What few readers are lost will be replaced be those who respect you for setting the line a little higher.
# 112 | CS Perkins | 2007-10-18 06:27 PM | link | edit

Take it a step further and refuse to print any further comments on the objectionable subjects
If I review comments prior to publication, I lose the legal protection of Section 230. I would be legally responsible for every comment I chose to publish.
That's not an option I could afford to take. If Section 230's protection ever goes away, I'd have to drop comments entirely.


I think all this has gone more than far enough. This site is
a discrace. People, even people in the public eye should be
allowed to live their lives as the wish without the kind of
low life comments seen on this site and supported by advertising
for profit.
If there is legal action taken because of things printed here
I would support it 1000%.
# 115 | Maiden | 2007-12-23 06:10 PM | link | edit

I personally think Art Bell is a pathetic waste of oxygen, and should be considered the lowest scum on the foodchain. He sets people off and sits back and watches the show, and to me that is just plain ignorant. I say BOYCOTT ART BELL..... Folks, this guy is a real piece of work, so-called know all of aliens, and a jack of all trades, master of none. This guy is so full of garbage (crap) that he can even make a dog barf on demand. So if you think you know the KING of KNYE, guess again. He is nothing more than a spectical wanna-be. Look at his life.... DISGUSTING if you ask me.... no morals, no nothing.... makes me want to go out to the airport and ask for dozen's of barf bags.......
# 116 | dude | 2007-12-27 04:50 AM | link | edit

principle. well, that's a fine word. no harm would have been done to anyone had the scurrilous comments quietly gone away. the cda would still have been in force. that would have been The Right Thing. politics have nothing to do with it, whether mr bell is a fool or scoundrel has nothing to do with it, whether he is a litigious lout has nothing to do with you anticipate, i could go on like that for paragraphs. principle. the comments could have been quietly stricken. note: not edited, but stricken. no announcement, no nothing. instead, you have a cause celebre. it's clear what principle is the motivation here. depressing, but not surprising.

Adam: Bell was taking the position that I must delete all discussion about him on my weblog. He wouldn't identify which comments he considered to be libelous. So the principle I stood up for was to err on the side of free discussion.
As I said in this weblog post, I have no desire to host libelous remarks and will review and potentially delete them if they are called to my attention. Bell eventually figured this out and identified the specific comments he objected to.

Sounds to me like Mr. Bell doesn't like media hype when it isn't making him money. Like all of these so-called "important people", he thinks he has a right to speak louder than we do.
Down to the bottom dollar: It sucks to be on radio making money, and realizing you don't have a universal say in someone else's speech.
It REALLY sucks to be Art and then realize someone doesn't like you, and finally decided to say so. It sucks to be on the OTHER side of that fence don't it now Art? YOU are not shy about running YOUR piehole, god forbid I do the same..........
Too bad his open lines which are closely monitored are not like real life, like here.
Easy enough. MY free speech, but unlike Art, I don't make a dime from it.
Suck it up Art, this is life. You don't have more of a right to the 1st Amendment than I do. Or anyone else.
# 119 | CaptainSlappy | 2008-01-06 02:22 AM | link | edit

the problem of free speech is that people tend to have no obligation towards what they say especially on the internet... all your reactions are based on what you've initially read about a person and most of the time you based your opinion on another person's opinion making your comments as gossips...
people are so keen on posting their rude comments against another person because there's no one to punch them immediately after you make your derogatory statement...
negative critics online are cowards...
why doesn't people just talk about cleaning the environment??
# 120 | John | 2008-04-22 01:03 PM | link | edit

art bell,
learn the ART of silence, before your BELL rings.

very well said May Munoz. We, Filipinos have values not like you ART BELL.
# 122 | RON R. | 2008-05-22 11:37 PM | link | edit

This is in regards to any comment, not specifically regarding freedom of speech, or the main topic of "Art Bell": I'm really sorry for those that posted after "justsomeguy", because I could no longer read on. There needs to be some form of editing regarding TOPIC. When posts start to violently veer from the main topic, it's just plain "aggro" for those of us who don't have hours of free time to throw away. Don't get me wrong, I will die for your right to say anything, but please, can we just stay on topic. I'm sure there were great comments on the subject. (As I type, I can see "ART of silence", great 80's industrosynth dance band, being referenced. Wait, was that Art of Noise? Sorry, I digress.) Anyway, would be nice to edit out egomaniacal rants that have nothing to do about actual subject matter. P.S. Just scrolled up to make sure I got "justsomeguy" right and happened upon "LORD OF HOSTS ELIJAH". OMG! & WTF! ( I have never, in my life, been forced to use those two acronyms, together, in my life!) P.P.S. I like ,comma's, (parenthesis), and "quotations".Thank you.(psalm 69)
# 123 | StatetheSmash | 2008-07-04 12:15 PM | link | edit

Wait, I forgot: "LOL". That would've been an hat trick. Damn!
# 124 | statethesmash | 2008-07-04 12:55 PM | link | edit

Who is Art Bell again? I've never heard of him and whatever he says has no importance to me.
# 125 | A Filipina | 2008-08-12 02:00 PM | link | edit

I really used to like Art Bell until he married that extremely young girl not very long after Ramona died. My opinion of him went way down.
I understand why he would be upset but this is a freedom of speech issue.
# 126 | Cosmic Girl 33 | 2008-08-14 05:28 PM | link | edit

I used to like listening to Art Bell until the 9/11 disaster. After that he hung up a few times on callers who wanted to talk about Israel and Palestine, and wouldn't heed the suggestion that someone besides Arabs could have been responsible for the World Trade Center disaster. It seemed to me like he was being paid to promote only one viewpoint. I don't say he WAS being paid, only that at the time it seemed that way to me because of the information being withheld by his tirades against these anti-Israli callers, and hanging up on them. Up until that time I thought Coast to Coast AM was about free speech, and allowing callers to express their views. This is what originally turned me off to Art Bell's program. I have reservations about George Noory too but nothing so dramatic as what I felt about Art Bell keeping us from getting another side to the information about what might have caused 9/11.
This is coming from just an average housewife - not from anyone pursuing any political viewpoints. My issue was/is free speech and information control.
As for his marriage to a young woman only a few months after Ramona's death, this isn't such a terrible thing. He was lonely and met someone else. Good for them... and I wish them much happiness with their new daughter.
# 127 | Janice | 2008-11-22 06:28 PM | link | edit

I stopped listening to his radio show when he didn't reply any of my fan mails. George Noory on the other hand is a real class act. He replied to my first fan mail and gave me an autograph photo of himself. You gooooo GEORGE!!!
# 128 | Ken | 2009-02-06 05:03 AM | link | edit

How would you feel if the public took your comments about your life and twisted them like people have done to art bell. People are implying rediculous things about him. I know any of you people would absolutly hate it. I hope he gets all this slander taken care of.. The fact he is taking legal action should be reason enough for you strange people to think, maybe he is not doing any of these crazy things you think he is. He wants it to be brought to court. HELLO. Do you really think he is doing anything criminal?? Do you think he deserves all these things people are saying about him on the internet?? I think anyone who said anything negative and untrue about artbell should apologive to him. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.right?? wtf?? He shared some of his life with his listeners. He did not slander any of you people who are slandering him. That's just not cool. Don't you all know how it feels when someone you dont even know tells you that you have done something you have not?? Even if its a silly minor thing.. its wrong. But, In this poor mans case they are telling 1000s of people that they think he has done terrible things. Not one of you actually knowing. Not one.
# 129 | Justin | 2009-04-02 05:19 AM | link | edit

Justin says, "Not one of you actually knowing. Not one."
It is very easy to discover the truth of the matter, it is on and any real journalist would research the issue, and before repeating the slander without investigation.
These comments will probably be removed, though, and even though they defend Bell against any casual reader's adoption of the slanderous propaganda they might see in the original (UNREMOVED) article. That's the neo-journalism of the internet for you.
# 130 | tadowe | 2009-04-02 02:14 PM | link | edit

God bless Art Bell.

The original post for this thread is nearly three years old......I wonder how Art Bell's lawsuit is going? Apparently he said "I will not contact you again, my Lawyer will." I wonder if his Lawyer ever did?
# 132 | tomtomgo | 2009-04-03 11:43 AM | link | edit

Art Bell and I met in the middle. He identified the comments he thought were libelous, and I reviewed them and deleted the ones where I agreed. I also have deleted a few comments where somebody passes along the false claim that he wrote a column bashing Filipinos.

someone should change art's wikipedia page then.
# 134 | kraut | 2009-04-03 08:29 PM | link | edit

I used an effect like that like 9 months ago on a job i had

Now the truth begins

The Coast to Coast lie is coming to and end.

hey commenter, "outlanders," what happened to your lame website? George Noory may not cut it as host of Coast To Coast, but you guys suck even more! What a lame website you had up for all of 3 days...hahaha
# 138 | the Outlander suck | 2009-11-13 09:28 PM | link | edit

I realize this is four years old, but damn.
How the hell did Art Bell ever piss anyone off enough to be called a child molester?
If you don't like the dude's show, that's cool -- don't listen to it.
Personally, I love it, even if I know more than half of it is BS. Sure, there are nutcases on the show. But for every guest talking about something ridiculous, there's a Michio Kaku (physicist) or a Graham Phillips (journalist) talking about strange -- but real -- stuff.
What other radio show is going to feature a long form, four-hour interview on things like string theory and brane theory? What other show will interview an archaeologist for three hours about the Antikythera Mechanism and its implications on ancient technology?
The show is known for its lunatics, but in truth I think it's only a very small percentage who actually believe the more outrageous stuff. The rest of us just like it for its entertainment value and not-infrequent episodes focusing on real science, archaeology and social issues.
So again, even if you hate the show and you don't like Art Bell as a radio host, it's going just a little bit too far to accuse the guy of child molestation or murder.
# 139 | Plan | 2010-01-27 12:22 AM | link | edit

I see your point. I personally do not think you should be sued. I can't really blame Art either though. Especially after what happened when he was framed for making comments about Filipino's. It looks like theres actually still some people out there who think Art said those things about Filipinos.
I can't blame Art for getting mad from reading disgusting things. Theres alot of sick people with no lives out there. I do think the comments should be taken down out of common courtesy but I acknowledge its not your fault when others choose to make asses of themselves.
I love Art Bell and Coast to Coast.

Most comments that are posted on Blogs etc are moderated in an effort to stop such comments are they not? Apparently you have decided to allow the slanderous comments without moderation, this makes you complicit in the slander.
The freedom of speech card does not apply in the case of slander by following this tack you tell us a lot about yourself.
Not having the courage to attack Mr Bell face to face you've done it the cowardly way.
You are pathetic.
# 141 | Felix | 2010-03-07 09:56 PM | link | edit

Most comments that are posted on Blogs etc are moderated in an effort to stop such comments are they not?
No. Most blogs have unmoderated comments.

I would take some comments down, not to avoid being sued, but because it is hurtful to Art Bell to be publicly talked about with reference to claims about child abuse or homicide. Sure, legally you can win, but why not show the man a little kindness?
# 143 | Douglas Westerman | 2010-06-30 05:35 PM | link | edit

After posting this blog entry, I deleted several comments at his request and have deleted a few new ones like the hoax about how he hates Filipinos.

Here is a breaking news that Art Bell (and George Noory) were waiting for in years about the elusive story of life on earth. It seems very serious and extremely logical. Check for yourself; the name of the website tells it all: Nice videos also and absolutely surprising theory (discovery).I hope someone will transmit it to Art Bell and George Noory.
# 145 | Gamma | 2010-08-02 07:36 PM | link | edit

so sad. his latest kid looks unhappy as hell. fake, pained smile. why wouldnt she be so severely sad? she's got an ancient dad who probably gave her faulty sperm (look at studies of old male sperm).
Kid's stuck with a great-grandpa for a bio-dad who has no clue and a mother who chose him and wants many others. they're all losers in the game of life.
he puts up pictures of his kid that make her look horrible. Faked, pained kid smile.
r those the best he's got? God, the whole house is suffering. Where's Ramona and the cats? Oh, she's dead. Now, that was a hppy home.
u believed all the good lies chip conned u with. Masturbated to chip before you conned her into marrying you or was it the other way around? After a few good whacks via email, Ramona was doomed.
Why did u run off to the Phillipines? No extradition? U Murdered Ramona for some puss that ain't got no hair, only open lips (and the door is open when u ain't home lol), but u already know that, but feel helpless to do anything about it.
Anyone who listened to ab's ramblings after the murder knows he did it. Question is, was chippy in on it?
LE knew he did it, just couldn't prove it. A few good email blow jobs, a kiss and a promise was all it took to murder Ramona, who was great person, not like shrimp chip, which dumbass ab is fakes finally int figuring rumpimg "amirha,")
Oh, yea, he respects the soul of all life. NOT! Everyone knows that ab and whore murdered Ramona. Everyone in the world knows it, but some can't feel normal emotins, at all...
my opionion only, all of this, yf, ab and whore. Good pre-game bj's, Gramps. How's tej afrlife? Ain't no way ur getting rid of this one so slick. byee, byeee, ab.
Chippy will dump him eventually if she can. Probably already screwed the "pool man" many times. And he is only one of the guys she's f'ed. Grandpa takes naps and she takes all the f.ks for relaxation. Watch your back, Grampa.
What a fool. They r both killers, & deserve each other. Both better watch their backs good. Match made in heaven. Evil creeps.
I miss you, Ramona. ab was the (fake) best, a good (fake) guy to me before he and gf murdered u. Now, he's just a non-arrested murderer...and so is his replacement "wife" who popped out a dough-baby.
hia kid is r, a, ug, and emotionally stnted.
gth, ab. gfys.
# 146 | visitor | 2010-09-25 07:58 AM | link | edit

I had no idea who Art Bell was until today. I find it very curious that his wife died 'unexpectedly' while on vacation and within weeks the man was remarried to some women in the PI.
# 147 | Jesse Toler | 2011-03-15 02:43 PM | link | edit

All Art Bell, All Romance, All the Time

I'm surprised the mainstream media has no interest in the love life of radio host Art Bell, which has become a lot more interesting than you'd expect of a 60-year-old man. In the last three days, more than 3,000 people have hit Workbench from search engines looking for information on Bell and wife, posting more than 480 comments.
I covered the news because people were showing up here Sunday looking for it, thanks to this blog's top placement in Google for the term Art Bell's wife.
There's something deeply wrong about letting incoming traffic dictate the topics you cover, but I enjoy the idea of feeding the news jones of the world about any random subject that brings them here in great number.
I can't find a link to back it up, but I read about a newspaper in Mexico that makes editorial decisions based on the hit counts of stories when they go online. The most-read stories go on the front page and reporters receive bonuses based on traffic. The end result is a paper that favors attention-grabbing fluff and tabloid-style sensation over real news, which naturally caused subscriptions to skyrocket along with profits.
I've attached the audio of Bell telling his Coast to Coast listeners about his marriage Saturday night, which is every bit as weird as people are making it sound:
Airyn and I began having two- or three-hour videoconferences virtually every day. This is pretty personal stuff. In fact, after you have talked to someone for two or three hours and seen their picture in a videoconference, which can be done across the world, every single day, you get to know more about them than I think the average couple -- which usually jumps in bed with each other and then tries to find out about the other person afterwards -- will ever know. Still, you know, I still had not physically met Airyn but I was quickly falling in love. There's simply no question about it.
I've heard his radio show off and on and listen to it to get a good laugh. Art Bell sounds like the flakiest person I've ever listened to both on air and in his private life. How can you be madly in love with someone one minute and then the person dies and in little over 3 months you've met and "fallen deeply in love" again and have remarried!! What a flake!! Good riddance...may he stay in the Phillipines - we've had enough of him here in the U.S. where we have more than our share of flakes!!
# 1 | Betsy from Cincinnati | 2006-04-19 03:16 PM | link | edit

I was glad to see this audio link posted, because I missed the the first hour of the show. I also missed the show when Art returned after the loss of Ramona. I would like to hear that too. I am sure he was broken up at the time as he explained what happened to his soul mate. I wonder if he was already 'in love' with this new girl at that point.
# 2 | visitor | 2006-04-19 03:26 PM | link | edit

nice going my friend, good website, thanks a billion for the Mp3, however a zillion people must be downloading it, because its slow as all hell...
# 3 | DJ Fresh | 2006-04-19 03:49 PM | link | edit

"There's something deeply wrong about letting incoming traffic dictate the topics you cover"
Someone's gonna turn that idea into a million dollars...
Imagine a wordpress or MT plugin that inserted "People are coming to your blog looking for x, y and z-- Maybe you should write more about that stuff" at the top of the posting form.

Art Bell should be more discreet. I was really upset that he married a farm college girl half his size and actually began the romance 30 days after the love of his life died suddenly. Did someone put a chip in his head? I think it is in very poor taste, I don't care how happy he is. It's like Katie Couric announcing her husband died and two months later marrying a little Amazonian indian and running off to do the news in the Amazon. He should have kept it to himself
# 5 | Komatin | 2006-04-19 11:33 PM | link | edit

Did Art Bell say he was giving up "Coast to Coast" just because he's moving to the Philippines? I find it hard to believe--he loves radio too much to give it up. Why could he not do streaming audio from there?
# 6 | Liz from NJ | 2006-04-19 11:38 PM | link | edit

I really felt crushed when I heard his broadcast after Ramona died. But as time went on, he seemed to not want anyone to express condolences or talk about her. Little did we know that he was already in contact with Airyn. I can't believe that he grieved very much about Ramona -- sure it's painful, but it needed to be processed. To suddenly marry & gush the way he did on Saturday, it really sickened me & cheapened Ramona's memory. So if he comes back in awhile, saying the new marriage didn't work out, I won't get suckered into feeling sorry for him next time.
# 7 | Surprised in TX | 2006-04-20 12:30 AM | link | edit

If anybody wants to post them on higher bandwidth, give us a hand will ya?
# 8 | visitor | 2006-04-20 10:33 AM | link | edit

Crushed already!
Here's what you didn't get to see, email me at
if you have a better bandwidth 
1. "Damn You Wife of Air" - This could refer to Ramona, as she was on the air many times, his 'on air wife.' It could also be interpreted as
referring to his 'radio show' / "wife of the air/on air/radio" but who knows. It may also be "Airyn" as he described on the announcement
that he calls his new wife "air-in" and not "IRENE" as it is supposed to be pronounced.
2."I am Full of Shit There is No Way Out" this is self explainitory I think.
3."She Went Very Slowly At the Very End" - Could he be referring to his wife's death? Or perhaps his wedding night, either way its distrubing.
4."Evade the Law" - This sounds like "evade the law" to me, who knows.
5."Yeah I'm Uncertain" - Pretty clear on this one.
6."Hurt My Wife" Once again, is he talking about Ramona's emotions or something else?
7."Fell Down Now I'm A Wolf That Eats It Up" - This is what this line sounds like to me, you decide.
8."I'm Free" - The reversal is obvious.
10. "Get Out" - Is his wedding an 'escape'?
11."Fell Down Snakes" - just plain creepy, this one comes up again! Only this time its snakes not a wolf.
# 9 | visitor | 2006-04-20 10:35 AM | link | edit

I felt sick to my stomach when I heard Art make his announcement. I have been listening since 1994 and love the show. I had great respect for him. Not anymore - this is absolutely sick! He seems to be such a bright person, doesn't he realize he is getting dangerously close to child molestor status?
I'm in full agreement with all the other people posting here who wonder if Ramona's death could have been suspicious. Yes, she had asthma, but it would have been easy to hide her breather. Even if she did die on her own, without his help, there is no way to look at his marrying a teenage golddigger as anything but gross. And so soon after the loss of the supposed love of his life. I'm sure there is huge financial gain for Airyn and her family in this deal, otherwise it would never ever happen.
# 10 | Guest | 2006-04-20 01:06 PM | link | edit

# 11 | visitor | 2006-04-21 04:42 AM | link | edit

Are the comments sections closed in the other two posts regarding Art Bell???
# 12 | C2Curious | 2006-04-21 03:06 PM | link | edit

Except that the previous entry to yours is timestamped 2006-4-20 02:01 PM and your post is timestamped 2006-04-21 04:42AM
I was reading the recent posts (LOTS of posts) from today when the server apparently crashed and now here we are - all that is lost.
# 13 | MissingPages | 2006-04-21 03:07 PM | link | edit

The original thread 'CSI Pahrump on Art Bell Remarries, Will Leave U.S.' is truncated mid-post on an entry from 4-18-2006 and no new comments can be added... that's the "main" thread for this subject, the one with all the speculation regarding this situation... did a buffer overflow somewhere, or is this something.... unexplained?
# 14 | MissingPages | 2006-04-21 03:13 PM | link | edit

Check out this weird picture of Art from a Vegas newspaper today:
Is that a guilty grin or a lecherous one? Hard to say...
The 'thumbs up' sign (something he does quite often) reminds me of the Abu Graib photos...
# 15 | National Tattler | 2006-04-21 03:16 PM | link | edit

Looks like someone is trying to censor the post..Maybe Arts lawyers are making some calls??
# 16 | CSI Pahrump | 2006-04-21 03:31 PM | link | edit

Right after the old story of Art's son going on a rampage in April 2000 and 'Inspector CLUE-So' posted his theory of Art's indiscretions leading to Ramona's untimely death... maybe hitting too close to the truth?
# 17 | National Tattler | 2006-04-21 03:39 PM | link | edit

I was wondering what was going on. How does Rogers feel about everyone posting on here?
# 18 | visitor | 2006-04-21 03:43 PM | link | edit

"I was wondering what was going on. How does Rogers feel about everyone posting on here?"
Since he's the moderator/host, and he's getting massive traffic, I'd guess he must be OK with it... if he wanted to take it down, he'd take it down altogether.
# 19 | National Tattler | 2006-04-21 03:54 PM | link | edit

I think there are 2 things going on with Art. One is that he wants a companion and wife who will be very domestically servile and take care of his every need. This doesn't mean she can't express herself, but I think he missed having the servant aspect of a wife. Secondly, I think he has been hysterical since Ramona died. This move he is pulling is an emotionally dangerous one, however he is 60 and maybe it will work out.
# 20 | rox | 2006-04-21 09:57 PM | link | edit

I think Art Bell has flipped his lid.The man is just running away from his grief,trying to forget about the things that he had loved in the past.How could he just abandon his cats????I give this so-called marriage a few months at most.Then ,hopefully,Mr.Bell will come to his senses and agree that this union with a super young girl was all rebound stuff.
# 21 | cherie | 2006-04-21 11:48 PM | link | edit

Art Bell is the king of conspiracy theories. Well... what does one think about the "sudden" death of his long-time wife, only to be followed by the fairly quick (3 months)remarriage to a young Filipina? And then quickly relocating to the Phillippines? Usually those girls want to come to the states. Seems a little fishy. Hmmm ... I think we may need to reinvestigate the "natural causes" death a little bit. Maybe he doesn't want to remain in a place where he can be investigated. Is "Monk" around? (lol) Oh, for the record, he plans to continue his radio show after he relocates to the Phillippines.
# 22 | tco | 2006-04-22 12:06 PM | link | edit

Art is the guy who believed the official story on 911..what a flake!
# 23 | R. Kerb | 2006-04-22 12:26 PM | link | edit

"Fell down snakes" sounds like "fell down steps" to me which he did awhile ago, remember?
# 24 | Mary Hill | 2006-04-23 05:41 PM | link | edit

When I first heard about Art's wife and listened to the grief expressed on his show, I was truly saddened for him. A few weeks later he was interviewing a woman and told her how attractive she was (he was looking at her book jacket photo). I was startled at the comment, as it was not only sexist and unnecessary, but given the fact Art had just lost his wife, it was incredribly inappropriate. It was at this time that I realized Art was in the O ZONE. He is making decisions that he will come to regret.
# 25 | Shelley in Jupiter | 2006-04-24 01:23 PM | link | edit

I remember thinking the same thing. That was a female physicist - I think she was from Harvard. He went on and on about how good looking she was. "You are one attractive woman," he kept saying. I am surprised he didn't add "Honey" to the end of it.
# 26 | Laurie | 2006-04-24 03:25 PM | link | edit

everyone deserves to be happy, however a little discretion certainly can't hurt. why set yourself up for ridicule as a love sick puppy!!! Some people just can't be alone......
# 27 | Debra / 2006- | 2006-04-24 05:04 PM | link | edit

Looking at Art's comments on the fabulousforum website, he keeps saying "life is short" over and over. And his latest photos he looks really thin. Maybe he is ill and this is really is his last shot at life. I hope not, but just a thought.
# 28 | Just Curious | 2006-04-24 07:24 PM | link | edit

Art has been sick with the Flu, or so George Noory has reported, and unable to do the show the weekend of April 22-23.
If Ramona was in the Philippines, she'd be on the next plane to come to his bedside and care for him.....but where is Airyn????
Funny, Art said he and Ramona were never apart, not even for a day. Now he marries a woman that won't even come with him to help him pack up his things!!! He is clearly making ALL the sacrifices for this relationship.
It's clear by his new brides attitude, that she will not do anything she is not comfortable with, no matter how it may hurt her husband.
Art is in love with the youth of this woman and her sexual favors. This is NOT love, BUT LUSH. To have a wife who was so devoted to him, as Ramona was, then marry this one who is clearly selfish, is the sign of an old fool. He is going to have a major heartbreak when he realizes this. Then what? More talk of suicide? The man is not stable.
I was a long time Fan of Arts, but no more. He has allowed his emotions to over rule his head, like a irresponsible teenager. And he has lowered himself to the point of losing all my respect, and the respect also, of millions of other people. Had he just waited and gone the course, it would not be so bad to have him marry this woman, after say one year. That's not to say he couldn't have seen her, even lived with her.
But one can not, and should not, expect to air their personal lives to the public and get no flack.  
Even if he had announced his marriage with more respect to Ramona, would have been nice. But to call his new bride the "most beautiful woman I have ever seen", then top that off with dedicating a song to his new wife....the same song he had played just weeks before and dedicated to Ramona? This is the most disgusting thing I've ever heard!!!!
# 29 | Sickaya | 2006-04-24 08:00 PM | link | edit

I think Ed Dames. Gordon Michael Scallion, Sylvia Browne, and Sean David Morton should get together and remote view Ramona Bell's death. Then we'll absoutely get to the bottom of this for sure! They will exonerate Art Bell, and Art could then get on with his life with his child bride.
# 30 | Chloe O'Brian | 2006-04-24 08:36 PM | link | edit

Like everyone else, I was shocked to hear Art say he had remarried. Clearly, the man is unstable at this point in time. This marriage and relocation is his way of running from the grief and loneliness. He needed a support group where he could talk it out with others who are in the same boat. I'm afraid he will soon regret this decision and return to the US within 2 years, alone and with much less money.
Act in Haste, Repent in Leisure.
# 31 | Pat | 2006-04-24 09:44 PM | link | edit

My daughter is a Gemini and this is typical behavior for that sign, they are fickle it's just their nature, and they can say they are deeply in love but get over it quickly it doesn't run very deep for them.
# 32 | Marie | 2006-04-24 10:43 PM | link | edit

You're interest in people who are different has gotten you into trouble before.
I was hoping you'd learn some lessons from recent events. Avoid the tabloids and people with obvious mental instabilities.
You won't be able to help and the extra traffic is NOT coming from segments you'd like to hang with.
Maybe Art would like to join the RSS board... could RSS be used to monitor extra-terrestial communications or connect to the "other side"? Frankly, I don't see any thing in the spec preventing such uses.
Keep scanning the skies for great news.
# 33 | McD | 2006-04-25 01:16 PM | link | edit

There's something deeply wrong about letting incoming traffic dictate the topics you cover, but I enjoy the idea of feeding the news jones of the world about any random subject that brings them here in great number.
Papal Whore.
# 34 | Scotty | 2006-04-25 06:13 PM | link | edit

YETI, are you there? You seem to know what's going on. Why was the "Art Bell Remarries" Workbench site closed for comments and where have you all gone?
# 35 | TAM | 2006-04-25 11:29 PM | link | edit

Morons. Did you really think that you could post all the crap you posted without Cadenhead shutting you off? Good lord, the only thing I can think to say is, about damn time. I mean keeripes man, how many 10 year olds does it take to ruin a good site? Poor Tam, looks like youll have to go off and find your beloved Yeti the hairy PUSSY on another site. WAHHH piss and moan...LMAO. LOSERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# 36 | ONLY A MATTER OF TIME NOW | 2006-04-25 11:57 PM | link | edit

Morons. Did you really think that you could post all the crap you posted without Cadenhead shutting you off? 
Cadenhead didn't shut anything off ... there were simply TOO MANY comments for those with ancient modems to download in a reasonable period of time.
Thus ... THAT page is closed.
# 37 | ONLY A MATTER OF TIME NOW | 2006-04-26 01:23 AM | link | edit

Rogers Cadenhead is my kind of guy!!
Thank you Rogers.
# 38 | visitor | 2006-04-26 01:41 AM | link | edit

Wasn't it great to hear Art on C2C tonight?
# 39 | big fan | 2006-04-26 01:44 AM | link | edit

Oh yeah, about as good to hear Art Bell as it is to hear George Bush.
Same old thing, blah, blah, blah.
Face it Art Bell Fans, he's made a fool of himself and is heading out of Dodge.
# 40 | No Fan | 2006-04-26 04:32 AM | link | edit

Art has a lot of great new ideas for broadcasting from the Phillipines!
George had better watch out! Art might steal the show back and it will be just like the old days !!!
# 41 | big fan | 2006-04-26 05:57 AM | link | edit

Maybe Airyn can be on the show like Ramona used to be and we can learn all about her !!!
Carl Richardson is a high-level computer consultant. Maybe he can have a segment on the show for computer geeks !!!!
I am SOOOO excited by the possibilities !!!!!
Let's all help make this a real success for this new adventure in Art's life!
# 42 | big fan | 2006-04-26 06:09 AM | link | edit

I could say a lot about the ideas he may's just so hard not to!!!!
I mean, talk about an opening for all kinds of nasty things one could say!!!!
But, I have more class than that, so I won't. Too bad Art hasn't got as much class.
The news has it that Art will only be doing two weekends per month, after he's in the Philippines. THAT is 4 days LESS than he was doing. As I see it, he's getting LESS of the shows, rather than more or even the same as he had.
Art Bell fans better get ready to say Bye, Bye to Art Bell. He's flying really high, and really fast for an old fart, who smokes too much and has a young wife to keep him up late, night after night. When I was in my "Twenty Something" age, I liked to go to the night clubs, dance and get drunk. After I got married at the young age of Twenty-Five,I wanted to go even more often. The thing about being married and tied down made me
rebellious, because it seemed so final. I have a feeling that looking at Art's old face, day after day, night after night, may take it's toll on Airyn, and make her feel like she is
getting old before her time.....thus, she will strike out and want freedom once again.
Airyn: "Get me out of this apartment and away from this OLD MAN! If I have to listen to one more of his stories, about the GOOD OLD DAYS, I'm going to JUMP out of this 12th floor window!!!!
# 43 | Feed On The Ground | 2006-04-26 06:19 AM | link | edit

Give Art a break! He just lost his soul mate Ramona. He needs time to adjust and come to enjoy life again.
Lets cheer him on and get him out of the dumps he's been in ever since Ramona's tragic passing.
# 44 | big fan | 2006-04-26 06:22 AM | link | edit

I have a feeling that looking at Art's old face, day after day, night after night, may take it's toll on Airyn, and make her feel like she is
getting old before her time 
I wouldn't worry about that. Filipino women come from a different culture.
In the Phillipines, men are accepted as equal to women. There is no matriarchal hierarchy, as in the United States, where men exist to be slaves to women ... to be used as their own personal burros and then cast aside when they are no longer wanted or needed.
That's one of the MANY reasons that Filipino women are better than their American counterparts.
# 45 | big fan | 2006-04-26 06:30 AM | link | edit

Future Headlines............
The Philippine Times
Last night the police visited the apartment building that the famous Talk Radio Host, Art Bell lives in with his young bride Airyn. There they found his wife dead, face down on the pavement and it was obvious she had jumped from the window of their apartment.
Art Bell was questioned about what had happened that night and if he was home when his wife jumped.
He said she had been upset, but then felt better after a time, so they went to bed. A short time later, he said, he awoke to find she was not in the bed with him, so he went to find her to see if she was OK. At that time he found she had jumped out of the window and fallen to her death.
Police released Mr. Bell and said there was no evidence of foul play. Mr. Bell said she had been his "Soul Mate # 2, and the most beautiful woman he had ever seen."
One Week Later.......On the Radio.....Art Bell......
Folks, I've always been honest with you and I'm not going to change now. I've been getting to know this very lovely young lady, Airyn's little sister, and I am IN LOVE! She is ALMOST twenty something and Folks, you have no idea how happy I am to say, I'm married!!!!! The pictures are up on the web page if you'd like to see her.....she is the most beautiful woman I've EVER SEEN! WE are SOOOO in LOVE!!!! SOOOO IN LOVE
# 46 | CAPTAIN OBVIOUS | 2006-04-26 06:40 AM | link | edit

Are they soulmates too?
# 47 | big fan | 2006-04-26 06:44 AM | link | edit

# 48 | Large Wind-Moving Device | 2006-04-26 07:06 AM | link | edit

Large Wind-Moving Device 
The hole in your mouth?
Your rectal orifice?
# 49 | big fan | 2006-04-26 03:41 PM | link | edit

Large Wind-Moving Device 
The hole in your mouth?
Your rectal orifice?
# 50 | big fan | 2006-04-26 03:41 PM | link | edit

You should get more computer savvy, big fan, because when you post your comment, you have to wait for a browser to upload it to the webpage. That way you avoid posting your shit all over and all over again. Or maybe you should upgrate you connection from a pre-historic dialup to something faster.
# 51 | Anti Big Fan | 2006-04-26 04:17 PM | link | edit

Bad mouse, booby.
It happens.
I'll get another just to make you happy.
Got anything meaningful to say?
Guess not.
# 52 | big fan | 2006-04-26 05:06 PM | link | edit

Anyone else notice a LOUD DRONING sound coming from this place when a certain individual of the FAN-boy persuasion posts?
As for bodily orifices, the least said the better. Why advertise?
# 53 | Wwwwwhhhhhhiiiiirrrrrrrrr | 2006-04-26 05:44 PM | link | edit

He left. He said on the other page that we were making him laugh himself to death.
What a freakazoid.
He was spoiling our pARTy.
# 54 | Laurie | 2006-04-26 05:49 PM | link | edit

Nutty Host=Nutty Fans
Makes sense to me! Ha!
Art Bell can't attract anyone now except for those who don't want to make comment on National Radio or those who are as nuts as he is.
OR.....those you are interested in getting a free airplane ticket to the Philippines to meet a wife.
# 55 | Sickaya | 2006-04-26 06:46 PM | link | edit

In regards to the comment above by Big Fan, about American women dumping their
husbands when they get tired of them or they get old.......or some nonsense
I've been married to my American wife for 30 years. Unlike some of my other service
buddies who married Asian women after we were in Vietnam, I am the only one who's
marriage hasn't ended in divorce!
Culture differences are a bigger problem than most would think. And the problem didn't
exist with Art's first wife, Ramona. If think it's fair to say Ramona was about as
American as one could get. Here's why........
1) Ramona did not send for all her relatives to come over here to live.
2) Ramona didn't have 5-6 kids.
3) Ramona didn't have an accent and spoke beautiful English. So much so, that she was once a radio host.
4) Ramona did not leave Art after a few years of marriage!!!!!
# 56 | Dan | 2006-04-26 07:02 PM | link | edit

Not to make too much of this--and I swear, I won't mention it again--but has anyone noticed that Big Fan's writing style fluctuates wildly? Some of his posts consist entirely of high-pitched, heavily punctuated drivel...and in other comments, he invokes the DSM and uses phrases like "matriarchal hierarchy" and "rectal orifice."
Pretty sneaky, Art. You should have stuck with the deliberately dumbed-down fanatic persona. But your ego always wins out, doesn't it?
# 57 | Bell's Hell | 2006-04-26 08:03 PM | link | edit

There is a disease process going on ... in all of us.
Every time anyone posts lies re: Art Bell and his current situation ... their personal disease process is worsened.
Don't bother responding because I don't care what your response to this is ... kill yourself over time for all I care.
If you die of cancer 5 years sooner, it's your doing, not mine.
My own personal opinion is that the AB/Airyn situation seems suspicious in very many ways.
I think that a very thorough investigation needs to be done and let the chips fall where they may.
Until that has been done, no one here knows what the hell they're talking about.
# 58 | mob mentality | 2006-04-26 08:30 PM | link | edit

Hey, Mob! Who wants to live five more years, when the Earth's magnetic poles are going to reverse themselves, destroying the world as we know it (according to C2C)? The cancer that you say is forming in our bodies will scarcely have time to metastasize by then.
I bet you're a buzzkill at parties, man.
# 59 | Bell's Hell | 2006-04-26 08:42 PM | link | edit

I used to think Art's farts were stinky, but Ham Hock's are the worst. Meeooowww!!
# 60 | Shadow | 2006-04-26 08:50 PM | link | edit

Not to make too much of this--and I swear, I won't mention it again--but has anyone noticed that Big Fan's writing style fluctuates wildly?
Bell's Hell | 2006-04-26 08:03 PM 
Anyone ever think he may not always be the same person?
Guess not.
Why do you think I always wear black?
You and I both know that I am the only one posting.
# 61 | Bell's Hell | 2006-04-26 08:53 PM | link | edit

The last 5 years are the worst anyway.
Art Bell is a jerk. Ham Bone is a fatty.
P.S. The Mayan calendar ends in 2012, so we all have only 6 years left anyway. Party Hardy!
# 62 | Jam bo ree | 2006-04-26 08:54 PM | link | edit

Hey, Mob! Who wants to live five more years, when the Earth's magnetic poles are going to reverse themselves, destroying the world as we know it (according to C2C)? The cancer that you say is forming in our bodies will scarcely have time to metastasize by then.
So, people like you really do believe all that garbage then?
Unfortunately for you, that trash IS trash.
What I say is true.
Go ahead, disbeliever.
I really DO NOT CARE what you do to yourself.
# 63 | mob mentality | 2006-04-26 08:57 PM | link | edit

I am remote viewing Mob, and he is whacking it while looking at the link posted by Face Cancer. Sick, Dude.
# 64 | Ed Dames | 2006-04-26 09:13 PM | link | edit

I am remote viewing Mob, and he is whacking it while looking at the link posted by Face Cancer. Sick, Dude.
Ed Dames | 2006-04-26 09:13 PM | link
--- But if you think he is sick ... you have no idea the sick things that I can teach him.
# 65 | Ed Dames | 2006-04-26 09:19 PM | link | edit

BRAY, Okla. -- A man is causing an uproar in his rural southwestern
Oklahoma town by advertising that he'd like to pay for a young
virgin to be his bride.
Michael Theleman, 45, said he doesn't understand the problem and
thinks he just has some wicked neighbors.
Theleman has caused an uproar in the southwestern Oklahoma town of
Bray with his search for a bride. He put a sign in his yard Sunday
saying he'll pay $1,000 for a virgin bride between the ages of 12
and 24.
One of his neighbors said she feels like she's living near a
pedophile. As of Wednesday, there were no offers.
Theleman said he doesn't understand. He said his grandmother
married "a much older man" at age 14.
After complaints, he put up a new sign Wednesday without the ages.
The new sign said he's not interested in a "pig-worshipping,
heathen, white-supremacist wife."
Stephens County District Attorney Gene Christian said Theleman's
sign likely is legal.
# 66 | visitor | 2006-04-26 09:33 PM | link | edit

"All who say they are "Light Workers" are engaged in the battle against God on Lucifer's behalf."
What's the name of GN's new book?
# 67 | visitor | 2006-04-26 09:59 PM | link | edit

Bell's Hell, Oh, I think you hit the nail on the head. Art being his own Big Fan that is. Narcissists are always their own best fans and I'm sure he would be happy to argue on his own behalf in the persona as his #1 Fan. Big Fan, just get a big mirror and talk to yourself.
# 68 | visitor | 2006-04-26 10:36 PM | link | edit

Ed Dames, Oh Ed....Between your mail order bride and the end of the world happening again this week for the 5000th consecutive week, where do you find the time?
# 69 | visitor | 2006-04-26 10:39 PM | link | edit

Has anyone considered that, since are is the King of Conspiracy Radio, that maybe, just maybe, you're all being bamboozled?

Carl Richardson's statement to the public
I see he does not deny being Art's new bro-inlaw

Ahhh, what's that smell?
Hmmmmm, the burning flesh of liars in Hell.
See you all there!
------------------------------ ------------------------------
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor ... ~
# 72 | satan never sleeps | 2006-04-26 10:57 PM | link | edit

Texas, yes, I thought this is a great publicity stunt. The controversy, however, has caused the reporting of past events he would rather no one knew about. He is cast in a very unfavorable light.
# 73 | visitor | 2006-04-26 11:03 PM | link | edit

Satan get lost!
# 74 | floozie | 2006-04-26 11:05 PM | link | edit

Hey, lady, don't complain to me!
It is YOUR God that makes up the rules ... I just carry out the punishments.
See you in Hell !!!
# 75 | satan never sleeps | 2006-04-26 11:08 PM | link | edit

Texas, yes, I thought this is a great publicity stunt.
Ramona and Andy Kaufman are both still alive ... living in a 7-11 with Elvis.
Anyone seen Hitler lately? Is he still living in Argentina?
# 76 | visitor | 2006-04-26 11:12 PM | link | edit

Sorry, didn't mean to imply R was still living. Bet the ratings have gone through-the-roof though. Still think he should be hung by his thumbs.
# 77 | visitor | 2006-04-26 11:18 PM | link | edit

Did Art get a prenup?
# 78 | visitor | 2006-04-27 01:54 AM | link | edit

Carl Richardson's statement to the public I see he does not deny being Art's new bro-inlaw
I can't say I feel sorry for the guy. It's great to be linked to the famous when you gain by it. But when one gets with the big shots, they have to plan on being linked to the crap
they do as well. "Birds of a feather" so to speak.
He should just be glad that Art wasn't smuggling drugs! Then his ass would REALLY be in trouble!
# 79 | Sickaya | 2006-04-27 02:58 AM | link | edit

Was a long time fan of Art Bell. I called in the show more than once to ask questions I enjoyed him for endless entertianment. I often enjoyed chatting about him in the aol chat rooms. His website was the first I even visited.
I am shocked at this news. You have to wonder about the whole thing. It's just too sensational to believe.
Well, I too met a younger woman and married and moved out of the country. But the age difference is not 30 years. IT's 3.
Jeesh. Art Bell always was great at making sensational stories. Even in retirement, he is entertaining.

Art announced on Wednesday night's show, that about 3% of his audience didn't understand his marriage to Airyn and they just weren't happy, unless HE was UNHAPPY.
( I thought that was pretty stupid to say.) He said he just couldn't see living in the same place he and Ramona did, and slowly die, and he was going to choose life. He also said he wasn't going to sell the house or his radio program, and that someone was handling that for him. So you see, he just HAD to go get married right away, or he'd JUST DIE!!!
How dramatic! Does HGH do that to you??? WOW!
He's not going to believe the space issues when living in a condo! The noises from other condo's, the space issues and there is no outside area to have for yourself. After having so much room to himself, to shoot his gun, play around or just glaze at the stars, he's going to be miserable after that, in a condo. He'll be moving very soon, I'll bet. Then all
that set up expense to do his radio show in the condo, will be down the toilet. I wonder how long the Clear Channel boss is going to go with Art's every whim.
Art just isn't dealing with anything that is not part of his fantasy. And of course George was his all kissy self to Art....thanking him over and over for his choosing him to Host the
Show when he retired.
One thing Art said that made me think was, "Well, I'm giving the dice a toss!"
Boy, THAT is an understatement if I ever heard one. I imagine that while he was home trying to get things packed and set up, he began to realize just what a big move he was making. And I think he's going to try to move his new bride back here after a while.
That is why he's keeping the house and property, I'll bet.
I'm getting a very weird feeling about all this more and more. I can't put my finger on it, but something is for sure.......none of this is going to work out for him. I can just feel it.
And I'm the type that when I feel something, it's time to set up and take notice.
At least, that's what my husband says.
# 81 | Cat | 2006-04-27 05:52 AM | link | edit

Art's Horoscope for Thursday April 27th
Maybe you need to clear a quiet space for yourself to be aware of what really is beginning now. Maybe it will just be an insight into the past or yourself, which gives you the key on how to change the future. Mars in Cancer can make you unusually intense and rather sensual, so pleasure will be high on your priority list at the moment. Just do not be too impulsive or reckless about taking on new commitments just to impress other people.
Interesting, Huh????
# 82 | Cat | 2006-04-27 06:14 AM | link | edit

[quote]that about 3% of his audience didn't understand his marriage to Airyn [/quote}
Only 3%??? Seems kinda low, considering the poll on the streamlink forum was 80% against.
Also, did anyone notice, that even with all the ass-kissing the last two nights, George still hasn't congratulated him on the marriage.
# 83 | yeti the cat | 2006-04-27 06:14 AM | link | edit

George must HATE Art for doing this. He is a moral man. The show must go on though.
There are just some things an that show that the public needs to hear, forgetaboutthealiens.......
# 84 | Tom | 2006-04-27 07:36 AM | link | edit

If I could find an Airyn I would be on a plane today, but I think I would get tired of everyone telling me what a pretty daughter I have.
# 85 | WA2CMD | 2006-04-27 08:50 AM | link | edit

It's weird but just let him be happy and don't worry about it. Live your own life right and don't judge.

Cat, I remember Art whining about suicidal thoughts briefly after Ramona died. I have a feeling you're right about this new marriage swirling down the bowl. He will be back in America before we know it, just like a stubborn cockroach that nothing can kill.
Note to Mob Mentality: I doubt anyone here would be discussing Art Bell if Art Bell hadn't done it so much himself.
# 87 | Bell's Hell | 2006-04-27 10:18 AM | link | edit

Did anyone else get the feeling we were having a Leona Helmsley moment? The rules only apply to the little people.
# 88 | visitor | 2006-04-27 10:34 AM | link | edit

Note to Mob Mentality: I doubt anyone here would be discussing Art Bell if Art Bell hadn't done it so much himself. 
Bell's Hell | 2006-04-27 10:18 AM | link
Well, it's all about Art, isn't it?
For some reason he needed to poke his personal life (as he always has) right into the public eye, once again.
Perhaps he bit off a bit more than he could chew, this time.
He is so used to the adulation of his sychophants that he thought he could do no wrong.
He does seem to be a bit of a sociopath ... guilty of wackiness ... but I am not willing to accuse him of any kind of criminality (even though I may tend towards believing it) until I see some sort of better proof. There certainly was motive, means, and opportunity ... and many signs point to it.
I DO hope that there is an investigation going on ... but Captain James T Kirk and Little Beaver Blake are still walking around free ... and O.J. is still scouring golf courses all over the world trying to find Nicole's REAL killers.
If Art had simply kept his mouth shut about himself, he could have avoided all this ... but Art will NEVER keep his mouth shut about himself.
# 89 | Lynch Mob | 2006-04-27 03:10 PM | link | edit

It's weird but just let him be happy and don't worry about it. Live your own life right and don't judge. 
David Krueger | 2006-04-27 10:03 AM | link
I agree.
Deep down, Stalin, Hitler, and Mao were all good people.
I hope they were happy and "I" certainly was never one to judge them.
After all, if you judge someone, then you must be willing to be judged, yourself, at some point in time.
Even though I feel I could pass the scrutiny, I know that many effete white liberal bleeding-heart, hate-your-own-race, know-better-than everyone-else, do-gooders who use the Bible to support their points of view (but don't believe in it) ... are made very uncomfortable by thoughts of personal responsibility.
Therefore, predicated on not wanting them to be made unduly uncomfortable by the realities of life ... I decided never to judge others.
Let them do as they will and be happy.
Nite, Adolph. Nite, Joseph. Nite, Mousey Tongue.
# 90 | unwillingtojudge dredd | 2006-04-27 03:23 PM | link | edit

Now, what young Filipina could resist a guy with hooters like Art's?
# 91 | Bell's Hell | 2006-04-27 04:07 PM | link | edit

Bell's Hell, are you Dr. Evil's cousin? LMAO
# 92 | visitor | 2006-04-27 04:31 PM | link | edit

Thank you, Visitor! That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me. I only wish I WERE Dr. Evil's cousin. Where has that rascal gotten off to?
# 93 | Bell's Hell | 2006-04-27 04:44 PM | link | edit

He is closer than you think.
# 94 | visitor | 2006-04-27 04:51 PM | link | edit

"Also, did anyone notice, that even with all the ass-kissing the last two nights, George still hasn't congratulated him on the marriage."
Yes, I noticed that. I also noticed that Wed. night, when Art said he's always been honest with his listeners, George commented, "Maybe a little TOO honest!"
Also, George asked Art if he knew how lucky he was to find two women in his life, that loved him so much. Art said it had to do with the Man upstairs. I guess Art has found
religion now.
What those who say we "should just mind our own business" and "live and let live", fail to understand is, the nature of a celebrity and his fans. True fans really care about Art. 
Unlike the little kids who swoon over a Rock Star, we are adults who have kids and live in America just like he does. WE relate to Art on a personal level.  
Art has taken us on several "Rides" that he didn't have to. He seems to delight in sharing all the details of his life with his audience, but then whines when we don't like what he does. I personally would have been happy with just listening to his program and him keeping his business to himself. But it seems he wants it both ways, and that is NOT a mature attitude to have.
# 95 | Cat | 2006-04-27 08:37 PM | link | edit

Who cares about what old leather schlong Art Bell is doing. He is just trying to live his life, be happy, and fulfill his personal needs. It's none of our business at all. An neither was Jeffrey Dahlmer's.
# 96 | Jam Bo Ree | 2006-04-27 09:04 PM | link | edit

Art is like a part of our families and when your family gets a raw deal, it upsets you. He didn't have time to get out and meet anyone else until this Airyn swooped down and picked him up like a hawk does a baby chick. Lacking the good sense to react
appropriately, he fell for the bait.  
Nobody can tell me that a "twenty something" woman would be interested in a 60 year old man, if she didn't know about his wealth. Keep in mind, Art didn't even get a foot out the door to meet anyone until this Airyn,
e-mails him and "continues to e-mail" him, as he stated himself on the radio. This indicates she was after him, and I won't believe anything else!

HE WAS VULNERABLE!!! Now, those who think it's cool to get a sweet young thing when at the age of 60, are the same types that surf the Internet for Porn and the younger the better! These are not the type of people I want to know and I dare say, most people don't want to live next door!
We've seen the seedy underbelly of Art Bell and it hurts because we were taken for a cruel ride for years. It is not wrong to expect a grown man of 60 to act like a grown man of 60! The Art we thought we knew, is not that Art in reality.
My Gawd! Many Grandparents are younger than he is! How would you explain to your kids, how Grandpa went off and married, just 3 months after Grandma died, AND their new Grandma is only twenty something and a Philippino????? Further, how would you
explain that he MUST move to the Philippines now?????
To those who say don't judge, I say GROW UP!!! Morals and values are all ABOUT judging. I tell my teenager he'd BETTER judge! Because if he is out with the wrong crowd and gets picked up by the police, they will sure as Hell judge him!!!!!
# 97 | Sickaya | 2006-04-27 09:05 PM | link | edit

You seem to have all the answers ... what more can be said?
# 98 | visitor | 2006-04-27 09:41 PM | link | edit

"My Gawd! Many Grandparents are younger than he is! How would you explain to your kids, how Grandpa went off and married, just 3 months after Grandma died, AND their new Grandma is only twenty something and a Philippino?????"
As a 60 year old man ... why would you need to explain your life decisions to ANYONE?
You Americans are all f*cking crazy!
Political correctness is going to destroy your country and you are allowing and abetting it.
You deserve what you get!
# 99 | visitor | 2006-04-27 09:47 PM | link | edit

Well, I think "Political Correctness" is when someone says only what will not offend those who are acting or behaving badly. You should get your verbiage correct before posting
on an American Forum.
Frankly, I think that those who toss aside all common sense to pursue a fantasy, are the ones who are crazy. I can not imagine that a 60 year old man could find much else besides sex with a twenty one year old woman. The life experiences that they have to share are going to be minimal, and there will be, no doubt, a sense of loss to the young woman, as she sees the years pass, and her elderly man needing more and more care as he gets frail.
Oh, I suppose one can talk about the shortness of life and the rare occurrence of true love. But I think that is the stuff of playwrights and movies, of where everything is solved in an hour and a half, and there is always a happy ending. In the real world things are far more complex. And usually, far more complex than the simple minded can or will cope with.
That is why there are such high divorce rates today, in every country.
I found Art's marriage announcement to be very troubling, in that he seemed to be overly romantic and dramatic, even mantic. My heart went out to him, as I knew he was not his self and would be regretful of his actions before the year is out.
I am 58, so Art's and my ages are close. I would have to tell a young woman, who was speaking of love or marriage to me........My dear, you are lovely and had we met in another time or world, I would marry you in a heartbeat. But, I would not, and could not ask that you make that sacrifice. You have many years ahead of you and hopefully will meet another, marry and raise a family with your beloved. Please understand, it is my love for you that calls me to seek your best interest, above my own. Anything less, would be
selfish on my part. To me, that is true love.
# 100 | Frank | 2006-04-27 11:37 PM | link | edit

Frank, your ideal of love and Art Bell's are two different things. I believe that Bell loves only himself, which is the reason why so many people here feel sickened by his abrupt nuptials. You, on the other hand, seem really to care about the feelings of others.
Therefore, I think any woman of any age would be lucky to know you, to love you, and to spend the rest of her life with you. You're only 58, for God's sake--you're hardly Methuselah!!! Clearly you have much to give in the way of love, life experience, and wisdom. Don't sell yourself short.
Goodnight, all.
# 101 | Bell's Hell | 2006-04-27 11:57 PM | link | edit

"Well, I think "Political Correctness" is when someone says only what will not offend those who are acting or behaving badly."
Obviously, you don't think, because political correctness also applies to how YOU behave, not only how you speak.
And don't lecture me on American forums, you maggot. My family, including me, has fought hard, ever since the Revolutionary War to secure your American freedoms ... but some people, apparently, believe in pissing those freedoms away.
If it were my business ... I, too, would consider Art's decisions to be, at least, questionable, if not troubling.
But, unless Art has committed a crime, it IS none of my business.
And to think that my 86 year old father owes me an explanation about what choices he might pursue for his own happiness (unless he was mentally incompetent) ... is entirely ludicrous!
People like you are really arrogant bastards who want to control others ... and are simply posing as people who care.
# 102 | visitor | 2006-04-27 11:57 PM | link | edit

If anyone had any doubt as to Bell's character, you should have tuned into him on shortwave. He has a roundtable gab session with a bunch of adoring ham clowns. Everything revolves around him big time and he is as arrogant as can be. Long before the child bride, I tuned into him on shortwave and was disgusted by him and his buddies. He can't take criticism at all, and he must always be running everything. If he thinks you're "boring" he'll just ignore or talk over you.
I also think Ramona is the reason behind his success in radio. Before her, he was a complete nobody, some loser DJ somewhere. I have a feeling he'll once again sink into obscurity, if Manila doesn't do him in first.
# 103 | Hell's Bell | 2006-04-28 12:08 AM | link | edit

I do seem to recall on a russian or an asian one..can't remember..mail order bride website that they at this time do not allow people from the united states to place "orders" due to a bill that in currently in the house and may become law.
# 104 | visitor | 2006-04-28 01:04 AM | link | edit

# 105 | visitor | 2006-04-28 01:12 AM | link | edit

"Obviously, you don't think, because political correctness also applies to how YOU behave, not only how you speak.
And don't lecture me on American forums, you maggot. My family, including me, has fought hard, ever since the Revolutionary War to secure your American freedoms ... but some people, apparently, believe in pissing those freedoms away."
Excuse me, but you said, "You Americans" so I naturally assumed you were NOT an American. Or are you one of those "Special Americans" we so often hear about?
I have the right to speak my opinion, just as you do, granted under the Constitution of the United States. If you don't like my opinion, that's fair, because I don't like yours or your attitude.
But no matter how I may disagree with you, I would never lower myself to call you names. I think you should review your manners.
By the sound of your rant, I think you have some very deep emotional problems, which you should seek help with. I don't feel you should engage in these kinds of discussions if
you are going to be so upset by them.  
Seriously, take a deep breath and step away from your key board. It's for your own good.
# 106 | Frank | 2006-04-28 01:36 AM | link | edit

Bell's Hell,
Thank you for the kind comments, however, I am not the kind of man that could marry a woman so young. It's very distasteful to me to think some older men would like to marry my 20 year old niece. And I'm sure many would. But, none the less, it tends to upset my stomach to think about it.
I have found that other countries do indeed have different ways than we do in America.
But, I don't feel that is reason enough to throw off our values, in order to have a young wife in bed with us. It has been my understanding that many American men go to different
countries for the soul purpose of finding very young wives. I feel this should be against the law. Children should not marry and there are many reasons why. Maturity should not
be taken lightly, when it comes to being able to handle a relationship. The many divorces prove this.
I did not marry until I was thirty and had the means and the maturity to give a wife the relationship and life she deserved. My wife was twenty-five when we married and we have had a very good relationship and two beautiful children. It was the first and only
marriage for both of us, and we found we had much to learn about being married, and learn we did. 
We both feel that anything worth having, is worth waiting for. My son thought he wanted to quit college and get married until we sat him down and asked him some very important questions. He didn't do well in answering them, so changed his mind and we were relieved. He and his gal decided to have a long engagement, which we feel is wise.
There is just no way one can learn all they need to know, to marry someone, in hundreds of hours over the Internet. Interaction with each other over a years time, would be more in line for those who really want to make good decisions in regards to marriage. As often is the case, it's the children of these hasty marriages that suffer. I feel this is the biggest
cause of the decay we are seeing in our country. The millions of angry children in our country is very disturbing. I just hope Mr. Bell has some birth control ready. Children
should not be made to suffer the bad choices of adults.
# 107 | Frank | 2006-04-28 02:11 AM | link | edit

It's ALL so sad. Ramona's passing - Art's issues - and all these people here judging, guessing, wondering, fanaticizing. The only truth is simply that which none of us can know but Art himself, and it is enough that we deal with knowledge of our own personal lives. Right now, with all that is wasted on pure speculations one way or the other, let us hope we can ALL DO BETTER and live and let live with loving discernment as our guide, myself included! It's just all so sad.
# 108 | Ojai Druid | 2006-04-28 02:59 AM | link | edit

Yes, it IS all so sad. But life in general, is sad many times, but we must go on. Putting a bullet in one's head is the coward's way out.
I think Art's hermit type life style is what got to him after Ramona's death. People who suffer the loss of a spouse usually have a fuller life than Art had. They have lives with
friends, belonged to clubs and had interaction with people who shared hobbies with them.
Also, they have family in their lives, which I'm not sure Art has had, even with his own son. But for all we know, Art's family has throw up their hands at his behavior and is done with him.
Art said he chose life, and thus is going to his love to live in the Philippines. He made it sound like he'd die if not for this young woman. I'd hate to think any of my close family members would not consider their family worth living for. Art made it sound like a Romeo and Juliet play or something! Honestly, he sounded and still sounds, like a man
I was sad to hear Art had been in the Philippines, instead of visiting family and trying to get himself together. There are millions of beautiful women his age in the United States, that wouldn't expect him to move to a different country and endanger his career, to be with them.
Some are so willing to fool themselves and keep reality at a distance, that what is most wanted, is argued for against any conscience that may try to bring them to their senses. A man may consider himself forever young, and able to do as he once did, but it's a fool's game, that wise men won't play. And it goes for women as well.
There's a time to every purpose. I think Art has had a great life and one most would envy. But he is not satisfied and wants more, but not in the manner that most men his age
have. George seems much more stable and has the family ties and his career, that seems to make him happy. I'm sure George has women in his personal life, and that has been
enough for him. It's too bad Art couldn't take a clue from George and get back on his feet before rushing into marriage with this young woman. I look for George to carry the Radio Show in his steady stance, and Art will go out like a fading flame. He has been anyway, for quite some time now. Yes, I think it's over for Art Bell.
# 109 | Cat | 2006-04-28 04:36 AM | link | edit

"I have the right to speak my opinion, just as you do, granted under the Constitution of the United States."
You need more education, son. The Constitution is a contract between the government and the people ... not the people and the people.
For example, if I were running this forum, I could censor you anyway I chose to.
I would not censor you, but I could if I wanted to.
As far as thinking is concerned, I think that you think too much about things that aren't meant to be thought about by thinking people such as you.
Lighten up ... I don't take this nonsense seriously ... especially in a forum like this.
If you think I was on a rant, you are very mistaken.
Nobody on this board is any better than Ham Hocks, including me ... that includes you, too. I was pulling your chain to see who you really are.
Laugh a little, stop taking life (and yourself) so seriously. If you have ever killed children who were running at you with hand grenades tied to their bodies (I have), you would know the difference between what is serious and what is not. I came back from Nam physically whole and mentally intact ... unfortunately many of my friends did not and many did not come back at all.
We will all reach the same destination in many different ways. It's not a big choice. As a matter of fact, you have no more choice about it than you have about paying your income taxes.
I apologize if I offended you. Peace out, brother. You're a good man.
# 110 | visitor | 2006-04-28 06:33 AM | link | edit

Where have all the judges gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the judges gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the judges gone?
On this forum every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?
They won't. They are still right here in Salem, drowning witches and burning them at the stake.
# 111 | unwillingtojudgewithoutproof dredd | 2006-04-28 06:44 AM | link | edit

"There are millions of beautiful women his age in the United States, that wouldn't expect him to move to a different country and endanger his career, to be with them."
I will say it again for the 1000th time ... no man in his right mind wants an American woman, if he can help it, for obvious reasons.
As far as Art's career is concerned, he has 170 million dollars ... he does not NEED a career.
Beat a donkey in the head with a 2 by 4 and he still will never understand ...
# 112 | visitor | 2006-04-28 06:50 AM | link | edit

quote from Visitor: "I will say it again for the 1000th time ... no man in his right mind wants an American woman, if he can help it, for obvious reasons."
Why? Because the American women I have known and loved are beautiful, sexy, independent, empowered, intelligent, well-educated, health-conscious, powerhouses of everything a female should be. I think Visitor doesn't feel comfortable with a real woman and would prefer an uneducated, impovershed, totally dependant, boot-licking slave.
I'm sure Visitor has a whole lot to offer.(wink,wink) Because if he were a real man, he would be attracted to someone on equal footing as himself. Visitor has a self-esteem issue probably for the obvious reasons.
I'm sure you can figure out what I mean by SMALL GUN.
# 113 | To The Misogynist named "Visitor" | 2006-04-28 12:54 PM | link | edit

"I'm sure Visitor has a whole lot to offer.(wink,wink) Because if he were a real man, he would be attracted to someone on equal footing as himself. Visitor has a self-esteem issue probably for the obvious reasons.
I'm sure you can figure out what I mean by SMALL GUN. "
Yeah, right.
Oh, your clever and scathing comments hurt me soooooo much. Please stop. I give up.
# 114 | visitor | 2006-04-28 05:11 PM | link | edit

Audio of Art Bell announcing Ramona's death
Audio of Art Bell announcing his marriage
Audio of Art Bell announcing something "really wild unfolding" 3 weeks after Ramona's death, later confirmed by Art to be his upcoming marriage
# 115 | Boo Radley | 2006-04-28 07:35 PM | link | edit

Bell's Hell, you don't sound like the same Bell's Hell that was posting here yesterday.
# 116 | visitor | 2006-04-28 08:13 PM | link | edit

I am beginning to think that Bell's Hell has a real identity crisis going on ... possibly a schizophrenic.
In my early 20s, I worked for 2 years in a "nuthouse," mainly taking care of mobility-limited patients. You would be absolutely AMAZED at how rational someone could seem at one moment and then incredibly irrational the next.
possibly Bell's Hell is some female who simply has her panties in a bunch about this whole sordid affair. Believe me, I fully understand how she might react this way.
At any rate, it's becoming clearly impossible to consider any of his/her/it's maniacal raving posts as having any crediblity.
I am particularly offended by the post that suggests that the VietNam vet (if he had any brains) should have gone to Canada.
# 117 | just my 2 cents | 2006-04-28 10:36 PM | link | edit

PS - the B.H. post I referred to is on the other board.
A despicable posted reply to a VietNam vet.
# 118 | just my 2 cents | 2006-04-28 10:40 PM | link | edit

2-cents, do you work for Premier?
# 119 | visitor | 2006-04-28 10:43 PM | link | edit

"2-cents, do you work for Premier?
visitor | 2006-04-28 10:43 PM | link"
No, I am a fraud investigator for the I.R.S., why do you ask?
# 120 | just my 2 cents | 2006-04-28 10:47 PM | link | edit

You work for the Internal Revenue Service?
# 121 | visitor | 2006-04-28 10:53 PM | link | edit

Honeymoon over so fast, Art? Got some time on your hands?
I know your writing style, and anyone here with brains knows mine, and never the twain shall meet. You wrote the post by the alleged Vietnam vet, because you spelled "Vietnam" the same way in both of these threads, in all the posts in which you mention it. There are other aspects about your writing that I recognize, but I won't point them out. Better to let you wonder what they are.
Just TRY to fix your writing to read anything like mine. You will never succeed, because you are not a trained writer, and thus you have no idea of what you're doing.
Now, go away, little girl, and don't bother us anymore.
# 122 | Bell's Hell | 2006-04-28 11:13 PM | link | edit

Methinks that thou protest a bit too much.
You sound as nutty as Art, to me.
# 123 | bell's hell's a nutcase | 2006-04-28 11:32 PM | link | edit

"Methinks that thou protest a bit too much"???
Did you even graduate high school?
# 124 | The Ghost of Shakespeare | 2006-04-28 11:40 PM | link | edit

"Did you even graduate high school?
The Ghost of Shakespeare "
I did ... but Shakespeare didn't.
Fool! LOL
# 125 | i'm talking to you, moron | 2006-04-28 11:43 PM | link | edit

Ooooh...looks like I hit a grand-slam home run all the way to Manila!
# 126 | Babe Ruth | 2006-04-28 11:48 PM | link | edit

I honestly don't believe that many men fall that deeply in love with a woman, especially the one they end up marrying. That may sound absurd, but think about it. They usually marry someone they are comfortable with and aren't jeopardized by. While I'm not here to judge the situation, it does not seem normal to me for a woman who is probably more than half Art Bell's age to be with a 60 year old man. The statement, that men who lose their wive's end up marrying again quickly, is an excuse, and I guess that statement has been said over and over by society to do exactly that...give a man an excuse. Why can't a man just say, I'm lonely, I need to have SOMEONE there regardless of whether I love her or not? I need someone to cook and clean and take care of me, and want sex with an attractive woman.
I have enjoyed Art's shows over the years and unfortunately someone in the spotlight has to guard their personal life very carefully. I'm sure Mr. Bell's emotions change from day to day, and perhaps the pain is so intense that he can't deal with everyday life as it was. He may or may not regret this decision down the line - time will tell for him and on him. If it's good, it's good, but if it's bad, it can turn out horribly. He may have found a girl whose motivations are genuine, or one who needs to be taken care of monitarily. Put all of that aside and it comes down to this - we are all accountable and in the end have to live with our decisions. I sure would have drawn up a pre-nup and hope he did that prior to the marriage. I think prenups should be mandatory for everyone who marries. I hope this turns out well for Mr. Bell, because there is enough bad in the world. I just hate to see people leap and make risky, hasty decisions in their grief. Again, we all have to live with our choices.
# 127 | Cindy | 2006-04-29 03:27 AM | link | edit

Art Bell has talked the owners of into taking the articles down. I was told that after having an e-mail conversation with david oates, that Mr. Oates told them not to fight with art.
# 128 | visitor | 2006-04-29 04:10 AM | link | edit

LOL, that's funny.
If anyone would know, it would be David Oates, wouldn't it?
# 129 | visitor | 2006-04-29 06:38 AM | link | edit

Art has gone to the Philippines to retire.
In order to do it lawfully, he had to do a lot of paperwork and come up with $50,000 US plus. Here are the steps required:
Accomplished Philippine Retirement Authority (PRA) Application form. 
Valid passport 
Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) Medical Examination Form #11 accomplished by a licensed physician from the applicant place of origin, duly authenticated by the Philippine Embassy Consulate or PRA Medical Certificate (RSSC Form #002) accomplished by a licensed physician in the Philippines. 
Certification by a PRA shortlisted bank of the requisite deposit amount of US$1,500.00, US$50,000 or US$75,000.00 whichever is applicable. 
Police Clearance issued abroad and duly authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate, or National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) in the Philippines. 
Photographs, 1x1 and 2x2, six (6) pieces each. 
If the spouse is joining the applicant, original copy of Marriage Contract if the applicant's marriage was solemnized in the Philippines or original copy of Marriage Certificate duly authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate nearest to the applicant's residence abroad if the marriage was contracted abroad. 
If dependent/s is/are joining the applicant, original copy of Birth Certificate/s of dependent/s born in the Philippines or Birth Certificate/s or Household Register duly authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate nearest the applicant's residence abroad. 
Payment of a total of US$2,000.00 (for 35 to 49 years of age) of US$1,500.00 (for 50 years and above) as service and processing fees and US$1,500.00 for former and overseas Filipinos.
As you can see this is all government red tape. I'm sure it took a couple of months for it to go through. That means that Art decided to leave and had the ball rolling by January 29th when he said "ask me in a year".
In less than 3 weeks since his "Soulmate's" death, he had looked up all the info, and had his lawyers start the paperwork for him to move to the Philippines today (april 29th).
Also the reason he garage saled all his stuff is this:
"Exemption from customs duties and taxes for one time importation of personal effects, appliances, and household furniture worth US$7,000.00 which should not be of commercial quantity and must be availed of within 90 days upon issuance of SRR"
He couldn't take much more than some personal items and a suitcase of Cialis for his "desert limp".
Also he announced on April 16th (after 3 weeks in the Philippines), he had bought a condo. BUT, he already had to be an approved retire:
"Resident retirees may avail of the following investment opportunities: 
Purchase of a condominium unit." 
Once all the paperwork is in, it takes another 5 days after you arrive to get your SRRV passport. I am assuming Art got this when he went for his 3 week mail order bride honeymoon.
Here's the link:
# 130 | Cicero | 2006-04-29 02:59 PM | link | edit

"Yahoo! for Good: Read a child bride's story, and make a difference through Global Giving." This banner asking for donations is on Yahoo's home page.
Supposedly, there is a bill in Congress making it illegal for citizens to purchase brides from other countries.
When is media going to lift the gag order?
# 131 | ?? | 2006-04-29 03:16 PM | link | edit

A brilliant post (by "Psyche") was left on Art Bell's marriage site:
Essentially, the diagnosis is that Art Bell is Narcisisstic:
Diagnostic criteria for 301.81, Narcisisstic Personaliy Disorder:
A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior) hypersensitivity to the evaluation of others, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by at least five of the following:
(1) Reacts to criticism with feelings of rage, shame, or humiliation (even if not expressed) 
(2) Is interpersonally exploitive: takes advantage of others to acheive his or her own ends. 
(3) Has a grandiose sense of self-importance, e.g., exaggerates acheivements and talents, expects to be noticed as "special" without appropriate achievement 
(4) Believes that his or her problems are unique and can be understood only by other special people. 
(5) Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, beauty, or ideal love. (6) has a sense of entitlement: unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment, e.g, assumes that he or she does not have to wait in line when others must do so 
(7) Requires constant attention and admiration, e.g., keeps fishing for compliments. 
(8) Lack of empathy: inability to recognize and experperience how others feel, e.g, annoyance and surprise when a friend who is seriously ill cancels a date.
(9) Is preoccupied with feelings of envy. 
Brilliant, it hits the nail on the head.
# 132 | Cicero | 2006-04-29 03:26 PM | link | edit

"Thanks, Rog, from all of us who hate bigotry."
LOL, you mean that as a joke, right?
What a stretch! After everything you people have said about Filipinos?
They love bigotry, Rog, they absolutely LOVE it ... as long as it's their own! 
# 133 | visitor | 2006-04-29 04:23 PM | link | edit

"In order to do it lawfully, he had to do a lot of paperwork and come up with $50,000 US plus. Here are the steps required:"
When you work for the NSC ... you are above the law, and money is no object.
# 134 | visitor | 2006-04-29 04:32 PM | link | edit

"My comment hit a nerve and may have resulted in the N&F posts seen on this set of blogs.
Cicero | 2006-04-29 03:04 PM | link"
Cicero, you WAY overrate your influence here.
# 135 | visitor | 2006-04-29 04:43 PM | link | edit

"Essentially, the diagnosis is that Art Bell is Narcisisstic: ...
Diagnostic criteria for 301.81, Narcisisstic Personaliy Disorder: ...
Brilliant, it hits the nail on the head.
Cicero | 2006-04-29 03:26 PM | link?"
No professional ever makes a diagnosis without first meeting with a client.
You, sir, are a f*cking fool ... and I don't have to meet with you to make that assessment.
Guess that destroys my first sentence, doesn't it?
# 136 | zigmund | 2006-04-29 04:56 PM | link | edit

Somebody brought up that Bell didn't bring his mail order bride back home to Pahrump with him before returning to the Phillipines. I wonder why he didn't. Something funny about this.
# 137 | Jack Bauer | 2006-04-29 06:24 PM | link | edit

"["My comment hit a nerve and may have resulted in the N&F posts seen on this set of blogs. 
Cicero | 2006-04-29 03:04 PM | link"]"
"Cicero, you WAY overrate your influence here. 
visitor | 2006-04-29 04:43 PM | link"
!!!Believe it or not!!!, it's up to you, don't you think so, visitor?
Cicero doesn't force anybody to fall for it....and even if he does, it's still up to you to be influenced by him.
# 138 | Jeane | 2006-04-29 06:33 PM | link | edit

"!!!Believe it or not!!!, it's up to you, don't you think so, visitor?
Cicero doesn't force anybody to fall for it....and even if he does, it's still up to you to be influenced by him.
Jeane | 2006-04-29 06:33 PM | link"
I agree with you.
My comment means that Cicero actually thinks that he has a high degree of influence here.
He does not ... a testament to the intelligence of many posters on this forum.
# 139 | visitor | 2006-04-29 09:07 PM | link | edit

"Somebody brought up that Bell didn't bring his mail order bride back home to Pahrump with him before returning to the Phillipines. I wonder why he didn't. Something funny about this.
Jack Bauer | 2006-04-29 06:24 PM | link"
Jack, you miserable slut ... are you really THAT stupid?
Do you think any foreigner can enter and leave this country any time they want to, whenever they want to, whereever they want to, and stay or go at their own whim???
Jack, you are ... ooops, sorry Jack.
I apologize.
I forgot about the Mexican border.
# 140 | visitor | 2006-04-29 09:20 PM | link | edit

Do not compare ugly Filipino mail order whore brides to the not for sale Mexican women. Mexicans come here to work, asshole. So go lick an ass.
# 141 | Jasmine | 2006-04-30 12:04 AM | link | edit

Sounds like you are one of those who came across the border, spread her legs and popped out a litter.
Now they are all "American citizens" ... so, you got your anchor babies, didn't you?
If Mehico is so God-damned great why don't you all stay there?
If it's not ... stay there anyway, and fix it.
Don't come over here and spit in the eyes of America while trying to keep your fucking flags, language, and traditions while you steal the anthem of this country.
Yes, I am a naturalized, American citizen and, if there is any hyphen in my heritage ... "American" always comes first!
It took me 11 years to get in the LEGAL way, while fucking illegal whores like you continue to infest this country (like rats and other vermin) and live off the largesse of the American taxpayer.
As far as asses are concerned, there are too many on this board to make a choice. If I really had to, I suppose I would choose yours ... since it is obviously the biggest.
# 142 | to jasmine, the illegal | 2006-04-30 01:21 AM | link | edit

Art can do what he wants.

You ROCK Jasmine!
Losers like Visitor don't realize that hard working people pay taxes when ever they spend money. Even those he calls "illegals". Every dollar made and spent is taxed, with direct sales taxes or hidden taxes. These dollars go to fund everything from roads and the military to public welfare programs that "bad back" losers like Visitor defrauds just to sit at home on their doughy white asses, watch Fox News and berate everyone but their mothers of being Jewish, Black, Gay, or evil.
Feel pity for poor Visitor, he is a dying breed. The lazy ugly American who rips off health insurance and thinks everyone else owes him. Also pity Art Bell, who took his millions overseas to a poor country, and the only reason he's there is becasue it's the only place on the planet with women desperate enough to fondle his sagging old-man balls for cold hard cash.
Poor ugly American.
# 144 | Cicero | 2006-04-30 03:14 PM | link | edit

Well said, Bimbo.
# 145 | visitor | 2006-04-30 03:14 PM | link | edit

Poor Cicero.
# 146 | visitor | 2006-04-30 03:16 PM | link | edit

"Do not compare ugly Filipino mail order whore brides to the not for sale Mexican women."
Jasmine | 2006-04-30 12:04 AM |
But the Mehicans (illegal ones)ARE selling themselves here, don't you know mamacita Jasmine?
# 147 | Another visitor | 2006-04-30 04:08 PM | link | edit

Art Bell Blames The World Again...06/17/99 
by Mitch Battros (ECTV)
Art Bell announced last night on his radio talk show, that those who disagree with him personally, or who disagree with his supporters such as Keith Rowland, are responsible for causing heart trouble.
Mr. Bell has stated his web master Keith Rowland has suffered some type of heart trouble most likely related to stress. He went on to refer millions of his audience to go to a web link that outlines a slanderous and defaming lawsuit against Robert AM Stephens and David John Oats. Ironically, this is the very thing Bell is suing for (slander and defamation). Go figure.
Haven't we heard this before. It seems every time people challenge his perspective, he charges them with what amounts to attempted murder. Once again Art Bell has gone too far. It has been stated by Art himself that people are leaving his show by the thousands, most likely due to his flippant and arrogant style. Which includes this ongoing venomous attack on others.
Not surprising, Art Bell has been quoted as saying:
" I go after someone until there is nothing left of them"
" I am vengeful, I am filled with revenge"
" I am the type of person who moves right next to someone and drive them out of town"
"One of my favorite quotes - Sometimes you have to spit in your hands and SLIT SOME THROATS"
Art Bell is often referred to as "The Bully On The Playground." Anytime someone upsets him, he waves his "law suite" threatening all who will listen. He often tells us of the ten "John Does" yet to be announced. It has been speculated by many, that Mr. Bell uses this to ward off those who disagree with his slat on life.
In March of this year, another Art Bell supporter, Richard Hoagland, suffered a heart problem. Below is an exert of an article written March 10th.
"Response to Art Bell's comments directing shame to those who have been critical of Mr. Hoagland and holding them responsible for their actions, I say this...Art Bell, you should be ashamed of yourself for using this time to lash out with spite and vindictiveness, when compassion and stillness are needed. Your comments tell more of your true essence, than any other. It is you who so often reflect statements such as " I am filled with revenge, I go after someone until there is nothing left of them, I am vengence"....One needs only to reflect what you did to Courtney Brown and Robert Stephens among others. You appear to always gang up on people. I've noticed two your favorites are Whitley Strieber and Richard Hoagland when you selectively strike out and "attack"....Sorry Mr. Bell, I will not follow your lead."
I think it's time to call the principal out to the school grounds and have this bully taken away. Anyone who supports this type of irresponsible proclaiming of victimization, may need to change schools as well.
Oh, the bell just rung. Time to go back to reality.
Mitch Battros 
Producer - Earth Changes TV 
# 148 | Deja Vu | 2006-04-30 05:19 PM | link | edit

Bred and born in America, thank you. How about you, 'visitor'? Grand daddy fought in World war 2, thank you. How about yours, Visitor? I fly the American flag proudly, English is my first language, what's yours? People ask me my nationality I tell them, 'American'. Go back to your country, fool. Don't invade ours. I thought we were supposed to be discussing Art and his child bride, Stupid.
# 149 | Jasmine | 2006-04-30 05:49 PM | link | edit

This is to fucking visitor, what the fuck is your problem with Mexicans? son of the bitch I know you are one of those filipinos that are so ugly it makes people vomit when they see you! and yes it took you 11 fucking years to get your permit to be legal because there is nobody to buy you so that you can be legal.You aliens have no say in this the great United States of America you repulsive bug! go back to your filipino partners and die there in a pile of SHIT!
# 150 | Anastacia | 2006-04-30 06:16 PM | link | edit

Why are you people commenting on politics? Go to another website to sound off!! Art Bell is a big dummy if he thinks she would have looked twice at him had he been a 60 year old Filipino.
# 151 | Kayla | 2006-04-30 06:25 PM | link | edit

"This is to fucking visitor, what the fuck is your problem with Mexicans? son of the bitch ...
Anastacia | 2006-04-30 06:16 PM | link"
Chill out, take a pill, have your doctor prescribe much stronger meds for you.
I have no problems with legal Mexicans or legal anyone else.
I am married to a formerly Mexican woman ... she is now an American of Mexican heritage.
If you don't want to be a real American citizen (most of you don't) then drop your shit-litter of little rats and vermin on the Mexican side of the border ... and not over here.
I love legal Mexico. I love legal Mexicans. I am an American of Mexican heritage ... but I am NOT a Mexi-American!
By the way, don't you think that Vicente should take that thing out of George's butt so that George could stand up straight once in a while and act like a real American too?
# 152 | visitor | 2006-04-30 06:50 PM | link | edit

Okay visitor, I apologize. I see where you're coming from now.
I have heard that Islam (Muslims) are financing much of the border crossing activity from Mexico.
They know that this is a big security issue (a nation with no borders) and they want to continue to exploit this weakness so that they can get more small nukes into the country before the next attack.
And, yes, I still hate filipinos and many other races!
****************************** *****************************
A nation without borders is not a nation ~ Thomas Jefferson
# 153 | anastacia | 2006-04-30 06:58 PM | link | edit

"Bred and born in America, thank you. How about you, 'visitor'? Grand daddy fought in World war 2, thank you. How about yours, Visitor? I fly the American flag proudly, English is my first language, what's yours? People ask me my nationality I tell them, 'American'. Go back to your country, fool. Don't invade ours. I thought we were supposed to be discussing Art and his child bride, Stupid. 
Jasmine | 2006-04-30 05:49 PM | link"
I see you never said that YOU fought in the war, asshole ... let them men die, not us women, right?
Just because you are born in this country does not make you a good American.
You epitomize why no man in his right mind should marry an American woman.
My family has been in America since 1632 and we have fought in all American wars up to the present one. Guess what, I fought too!
Sounds to me as if visitor is a much better American than take-my-freedom-for-granted American you.
Oh, I forgot, I married a Filipino woman 35 years ago and we are still "happily" married. She has been an Amercan citizen for 24 of those years. She uses her American freedoms but does not abuse them or feel that others are entitled to have them without exchanging something of value in return, such as ... loyalty to the country and the Constitution?
And, yes, she would die in defense of this country if she had to. You, on the other hand, would be running towards Mexico to get the hell out!
"We are taging yore cundry, gringo, and you cand stop us!" LOL
People like Jasmine are the reason why. I am sure her granddaddy would be rightfully ashamed of her.
Right on, visitor, you are a good American.
We need more like you.
# 154 | aaron | 2006-04-30 07:19 PM | link | edit

Who the fuck are you to use my name, asshole? Get your own balls and use your own name, Fucko.
Formerly Mexican? Did you remove the nopal from your forehead? I still have mine. I am Mexican. I came here legally 35 years ago. You are a shame to your people. You are probably one of those wetbacks who claims to have forgotten their Spanish. You come here wearing leather sandals and as soon as you put on a pair of Nikes, you are American. Get real, loser.
And to the fucko using my name in the comment before this, use your own name and your own words, not my name and not Jefferson's words.
# 155 | The real Anastacia | 2006-04-30 07:27 PM | link | edit

Don't bring it over here !!!!!
# 156 | visitor | 2006-04-30 07:28 PM | link | edit

That last post from the so-called REAL anastacia was not from me.
# 157 | anastacia | 2006-04-30 07:29 PM | link | edit

Why can't we just all get along?
# 158 | I love you | 2006-04-30 07:31 PM | link | edit

REAL anastacia ... you need some kind of anger management. You really do need help. There are also good medications on the market these days. Much better than even 5 years ago.
If you want my private e-mail, let me know and a can send you some resources.
Please let me help you.
# 159 | visitor | 2006-04-30 07:33 PM | link | edit

"Why can't we just all get along?
I love you | 2006-04-30 07:31 PM | link"
LOL. Rodney King, is that you?
How's that PCP doin ya, bro.
I bet those millions you got from LA taxpayers bought a lot more, didn't they.
Peace, bro.
Good smoke, coke, and horse.
# 160 | visitor | 2006-04-30 07:35 PM | link | edit

Re: visitor | 2006-04-30 07:33 PM | link
Agree. And I also think that she needs a big bar of antivulgar soap to wash her mouth and brain. Hey, vulgar Real Anasta, your barking is not even funny, so why don't you you know what......
# 161 | Another visitor | 2006-04-30 07:41 PM | link | edit

"You are probably one of those wetbacks who claims to have forgotten their Spanish. You come here wearing leather sandals ...
The real Anastacia | 2006-04-30 07:27 PM | link"
Actually, I speak 7 languages but am only fluent in five ... one, of course, being Spanish (including 3 dialects).
I also have a post-doctoral degree in Electrical Engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago, IL.
And I have never worn sandals or any other kind of open-toed shoes.
Please tell me more about some of YOUR accomplishments.
Oh, and what does "FUCKO" mean?
It's not a word in common usage ... at least not within my particular circle of friends.
Waiting for your answer with bated breath ...
# 162 | the really real real anastacia | 2006-04-30 07:44 PM | link | edit

I'm sorry; I do need therapy and medication.
# 163 | anastacia | 2006-04-30 07:48 PM | link | edit

Fake Anastacia, you know that you are a weak loser of a man. If I knew who you were I would wring your tukey neck. Yes, I am psyco and you're lucky to never meet me in person. Figure out what fucko means yourself. I'm not here to teach you.
# 164 | The real Anastacia | 2006-04-30 07:52 PM | link | edit

Ok, I have my controls on now. Please forgive my outburst. Sorry.
# 165 | The Real Anastacia | 2006-04-30 07:55 PM | link | edit

# 166 | This Isn't About Mexico | 2006-04-30 08:04 PM | link | edit

oh, i forgot ...
A nation without borders is not a nation ~ Thomas Jefferson
# 167 | little anastacia | 2006-04-30 08:13 PM | link | edit

I have fought not due to the simple fact that I am a woman. Why would I put myself in the position to get raped by the enemy? They would invade every hole that I have. There is nothing worse.
Being born in this country makes me better than those not, including Art Bell's Filipino wife.
I am an awesome wife, thank you.
If it's true that you did fight in a war, I thank you for that. Truly.
If I were called to duty, I would go, why would I run to Mexico? There is nothing for me there. I wouldn't mind shooting in that direction to tell the truth. No skin off my back.
As for your Filipina wife, I could care less how happy your life is with her and your stinking mud kids. Ha.
# 168 | Jasmine | 2006-04-30 08:19 PM | link | edit

I am sorry for my rude comment. Let's talk about Art.
# 169 | Jasmine | 2006-04-30 08:23 PM | link | edit

Whoever is using my name to be so fuckingly nice better knock it off before I knock your head off. I never say that I'm sorry so stop trying to make me look normal and nice. You're ruining my rep. For that veteran who is married to a fucking Filipina and doesn't even know what fucko means, what kind of American are you? You don't even know our slang. Go feed your half dozen ugly skinny Filipino bugs.
# 170 | Anastacia | 2006-04-30 08:32 PM | link | edit

So Anastacia is not the only one with a clone. I never say sorry either.
# 171 | Jasmine | 2006-04-30 08:33 PM | link | edit

I just got my GED. Ha Ha.
# 172 | Anastacia | 2006-04-30 08:35 PM | link | edit

We need to go somewhere else to post. We are not smart enough for this subject. Bye.
# 173 | Jasmine and Anastacia | 2006-04-30 08:36 PM | link | edit

Late Night Radio Storm As Art Bell 
Draws Fire For Guest-Bashing
Trouble In Dreamland
By Michael Goodspeed
On April 17th of 2001, national talk show host Art
Bell posted on his web site a letter from his
syndicator, Premier Radio Networks, to National
UFO Reporting Center founder and president Peter
Davenport. In this letter, PRN Vice President Alan
Corbeth asserts that Davenport did not wish to
appear on Coast to Coast AM with Bell replacement
Mike Siegel unless he was compensated financially,
and that Davenport repeated this request to Art
when Art scheduled him for a guest appearance on
February 5th of 2000. Corbeth stated categorically
that this is not the policy of PRN, and criticized
Davenport for appearing on other talk shows
without financial reward. 

The decision of Bell to go public with this allegedly
true information has left many in the UFO
community flummoxed, because Peter Davenport
has been one of the most respected independent
researchers in the field of UFOlogy, as well as a
valued guest on Art's show, since the early 1990s. 

Some find it a bit too coincidental that this
accusation has been posted just days after the
Seattle Chat Club removed the name "Art Bell" from
their moniker, because of their investigation into the infamous Jonathan Reed/Robert Raith "alien
burrito" tale. It's been known for some time that a
number of UFOlogists in Washington (where the
NUFORC is based) were doing legwork into the
claims of Reed and Raith. The Seattle Chat Club's
investigation found that Robert Raith and one "Dr."
Chacon, a reported microbiologist who claimed to
have done DNA analysis on Reed's physical
"evidence", are actually co-workers at a gas station
and mini-mart, and that Mr. Chacon is certainly not
a doctor, nor did he "flee the country in fear for his
life," as has been asserted by both Reed and Raith. 

It's also worth noting that the UFO Watchdog web
site, which has published numerous exposes on
popular Bell guests, recently posted an email from
Peter Davenport where Davenport states
categorically that Jonathan Reed is a liar and has
confabulated his tale. 

So the question is worth asking: Is Art Bell
attempting to damage the credibility of Peter
Davenport, simply because Davenport is not willing
to support apparent hoaxes like the Jonathan Reed

Did Art really believe that his audience needed to
know about Davenport's alleged desire to be
compensated financially? What was the news
worthiness of this information? Why not keep it "in
house" and resolve the matter privately? Is Peter
Davenport not worthy of the most perfunctory
professional courtesy? 

I know of no instances when Davenport has
intentionally "dissed" the Bell show, for obvious
reasons. He has always been one of Art's most
loyal, popular, and CREDIBLE quests, which makes
this situation even more perplexing. 

Davenport is not the only former Bell guest who has
recently come under fire. Last week on C2C,
Richard Hoagland claimed that Tom Van Flandren
has allegedly doctored a Mars photograph for his
Meta Research presentation. This is especially
shocking, because Van Flandren has long been
Hoagland's most credible ally and supporter. And
like Davenport, Van Flandren is an almost
UNIVERSALLY respected researcher whose ethics
are viewed as above reproach. I personally know
many long time friends and colleagues of Tom's
who are nothing less than appalled by Hoagland's
accusation, which has not been supported by
anything resembling fact. 

What gives here? Is Hoagland worried that Van
Flandren might be "stealing his thunder" as the
world's leading proponent of artificial structures on
Mars? Is Davenport being damaged because he
has the audacity to stand on principal and not
support people and agendas he knows to be
fraudulent? Are Art and his compadres sending a
warning shot to all independent researchers, that
they must NOT challenge the Bell agenda, lest they
suffer the most dire consequences to their careers
and reputations? 

Consider the fact that Davenport and Van Flandren
are not the first Bell guests to have their characters
assassinated on national radio. Take a look at the
long list of popular "alternative" personalities who
are either banished from C2C or have been actively

Dr. Richard Sauder, author of Kundalini Tales.
When Sauder contacted Whitley Strieber about
appearing on Dreamland, Sauder was told that his
book Kundalini Tales and the theories within were
"too conspiratorial" to be presented on the air. This
was very perplexing, because it was WHITLEY
STRIEBER who wrote a positively glowing forward
to Sauder's book. 

David Icke, author of numerous books on the NWO,
CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergers, and
one-world conspiracies. To my knowledge, Bell has
never publicly addressed why Icke is no longer
allowed on his show. Like Sauder, Icke has stated
on other talk shows that he believes C2C to be a
promoter of disinformation. 

Courtney Brown, PhD, remote viewer. Remember
the Hale-Bopp fiasco of 1998? Brown refused to
give the name of the man responsible for doctoring
the photo of the infamous Hale-Bopp "companion,"
and was subsequently reamed by Strieber and Bell
in an on air tag team match. Never mind that it was
Bell who mercilessly promoted the photo on his
show for weeks, ignoring public opinion that the
photo was a fake. Did Bell need a fall guy to take
the blame for his own lack of judgment and

There are numerous other researchers, journalists,
remote viewers, and UFOlogists who have been
overlooked by C2C, while the usual suspects
named Scallion, Dames, Reed, Hoagland, and
Morton continue to thrive. This strikes many people
as just a tad incongruent, as Art continues to feature blatant frauds and hoaxers while simultaneously slamming anyone who either challenges him or gets too close to the truth. 
# 174 | Trouble In Dreamland | 2006-04-30 08:37 PM | link | edit

# 175 | george | 2006-04-30 08:47 PM | link | edit

Art really makes me sad. He sounds too happy to be with a girl young enough to be his grandchild.
# 176 | Angela | 2006-04-30 09:33 PM | link | edit

We steel sell oar leetle gorls to American gringo peegs for beeg dollarz.
# 177 | anastacia and jasmine | 2006-04-30 11:31 PM | link | edit

I'm thinking that dumb old Art is going to be slithering back to the states like the snake he is when his so-called idylic life with Philippina Child comes to an end.That is if he doesn't have something to hide and he feels safe returning.Will he still have fans to welcome him back? I'm sure he'll blame it all on his crazed grief over Ramona,how he was trying to "replace" the wonderful woman he had lost but now he sees the folly of his ways,blah blah,blah.Are we going to buy that crap?
# 178 | Beach Lady | 2006-05-01 01:16 AM | link | edit

The shock of Ramona dying and then Art taking it so hard, only to have him jump up 3 months later and announce he had been married, was too much for us all to digest.
I actually felt sick to my stomach when I heard him on the radio, talking about how the "twenty something" Philippine woman he married was, quote, "the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life".
That is when, Art had become a monster I did not know. A man with no heart, unable to realize he had just insulted the wonderful woman he had been married to for 15 years. His jubilance and gigginess was almost more than I could take. I wondered, what on earth had become of Art? Was this a joke? Was I going to hear 'The Twilight Zone' music any minute? I was shocked, stunned for days, whenever I thought about it. It was like I had heard my good friend had committed murder, and I had just had dinner with him the night before!
I think also, the reason many are reacting the way they are ( including myself) is due to the world we currently live in. Since 911 there hasn't been much we can count on. Our borders are not protected, and there is no reason why not. Our jobs are not secure at all, and there is no reason to believe we will have them tomorrow. A terrible hurricane hits New Orleans and the government and Fema fail the people there miserably. Day by day our civil rights are being taken from us. Basically our country is going down the drain. And it seems that everyday we hear another little bit of news, that proves it.
That is why the wild posts on this page. That is why the outrage, the anger and the contempt spoken here.
WE are beginning to get very tired of it all and want it to stop. Enough of the crap! Enough of the indecency! Enough of the lying, and back stabbing, cheating, and taking the easy way! WE want to strike out at something, or somebody, so we strike out at each other.
I could not remain friends with a person who has behaved like Art has, and I don't think many could.
There's a message that Art has given us that tells us about his true self....his soul. And it's not a bit pretty.
He has proven that he is a coward, willing to take a quick fix for his grief, no matter what the cost.
I simply can not bare to hear Art on the Radio again, and plan to turn it off if he is on again.
I'm becoming more and more of a cynic. I can't place my faith in much anymore. And certainly not in people I don't really know. And we really didn't know Art Bell.
Ramona was a Witch, and we all know that. I can't help but wonder how many fellow witches out there have cast a very bad curse on Art Bell. I can't help but wonder what is going to happen to him. But I have a feeling he will pay, and pay dearly, for his cowardice and his ill chosen words and actions. He has angered thousands of people and many are Witches. But even if not one curse is cast against him, all this negative thinking of him can't be good for his health. (smile)
# 179 | Cat | 2006-05-01 04:47 AM | link | edit

This from yahoo groups art and airyn
All The Ham Radio Operators Are So Happy That Art Is Leaving The
by "Fred" Apr 29, 2006 at 07:32 AM
Last night on the 75-meter ham band, all the hams were celebrating
joyously about Art's leaving the country today. They are apparently
all really sick of Art getting on the air and acting like "King Shit".
They were making all kinds of fun of him and ridiculing all the stupid
mistakes he has been making ever since Ramona died. They all seem to
believe that Ramona was the person responsible for his radio success,
and that without her he will collapse into the dung heap that he is
because he is such an inveterate fuck-up. Art was conspicuously
absent from the conversations, but he was obviously listening because
he did telephone several people (who he thought were his friends!) to
complain about what was being said about him. Those so-called
"friends" then got on the air immediately and told everyone everything
Art said because they can't stand him, either. He seems to have very
few, if any, friends left. And I must say that I agree with the hams
who dislike Art. He makes me sick. What a disingenuous hypocrite he
is. I hope he goes away and never comes back to disgrace the shores
this wonderful country again, and I hope Premier Radio now understands
what a complete pain in the ass he is and lets Noory, et al, take over
his show. What was really funny, though, was how Art decided he was
going to "clean up" the ham bands (by which Art means, get rid of
anyone who ever criticizes him) singlehandedly, and he called Chief
Enforcer Riley Hollingsworth every day to make false charges against
his fellow hams until he had completely ruined his reputation and
credibility with Hollingsworth. Hollingsworth even had to write a
letter to one ham that Art had falsely accused of jamming, saying that
the charges levelled against him by Art were "fake". I'll bet Art
loved that! Hey, and how about that really cool haircut and hair dye
job he got after Ramona died, to try to make himself look younger?
That was really funny, too. It made him look like the old fart that
is, only one with brown shoe polish applied to his hair. I'm telling
you, this guy is a complete fuck-up!!
# 180 | Dee | 2006-05-01 10:16 AM | link | edit

Does Art's mail order child bride come with a money back guarantee?
# 181 | Chloe O'Brian | 2006-05-01 03:24 PM | link | edit

No, but you can sell her to someone else.
# 182 | visitor | 2006-05-01 04:42 PM | link | edit

Thanks to "Cat" for her 4:47 AM post today. Those are EXACTLY my thoughts. (I guess great minds DO think alike.)
# 183 | Elvira | 2006-05-01 07:11 PM | link | edit

I'm not surprised if hams are pissed with Art. His style is very conceited, he always seems "above" everyone.
I wonder what he'll do for an antenna in Manila? Kinda hard to erect a monster loop antenna hundreds of feet high from inside a condo!
# 184 | ham bone | 2006-05-02 01:33 AM | link | edit

What the hell does yesterday's demonstration have to do with Art Bell?
You want to discuss Mexico, go here:
There are, I'm sure, a million other places where they would welcome your comments as well.
# 185 | Get Back To Your Corners, Damn It! | 2006-05-02 12:30 PM | link | edit

Art is going to the Phillipines, we are coming to America!
Same thing.
# 186 | pedro ramirez | 2006-05-02 04:37 PM | link | edit

Wonder if Mr.Bell will ever broadcast again? Also wonder if the Filipino people will accept and trust him? I predict that when all the commotion dies down he will hightail back to the states with or without his baby bride.
# 187 | Kung Pao | 2006-05-03 12:35 AM | link | edit

Who in their right mind would trust that speckly sleaze? I don't often wish cancer on people, but in Bell's case I'll make an exception.
# 188 | Malignant Melanoma | 2006-05-03 07:52 AM | link | edit

She is a far cry from Heidi Klum. But then again Art Bell isn't exactly Seal. Ha.
# 189 | jasmine | 2006-05-03 08:57 PM | link | edit

Seal is quite ugly! Ha.
# 190 | visitor | 2006-05-03 09:24 PM | link | edit

Seal makes beautiful music. The only music Art makes comes out of his ass.
# 191 | Flapping My Tail on Fisherman's Wharf | 2006-05-04 05:03 PM | link | edit

i just listened to that audio again.
art bell was as giddy as a school girl
and twice as ditzy.
after a self-described blind man calls 
to congratulate him on his marriage, art continues to insist that he LOOK at the
web-pix of his beautiful young wife. lol!!!
then there was the old perv that promised to send him lots of "little
blue pills"(viagra)!
dirty ol'dogs can be as foul as they wanna be in a third world country,...
good riddance.
# 192 | Kiki Jensen | 2006-07-09 02:15 AM | link | edit

It's absurd.
Art Bell has not only lost hs mind, he has called into question the death of his wife, which was seen at the time as related to a 'medical condition'. Whether or not any investigation comes out of this, or questions ever get asked, his reputation will forever be blackened, and those that did their best to stomach him in the media will be unable to from here out.
I'm actually a bit sickened to think that shortly after the death of his wife, Bell jumped on a plane bound to Manila and enjoyed a 3 week sex trip with an underage girl. It's disgusting to say the least, if not premeditated.
After listening to the audio, I also feel like many others, the Bell comes of Narcissistic and sociopathic. On the coast to coast website other audio is available that is just downright creepy.
But ... was there ever any other outcome for Art Bell than this?
# 193 | daddy daddy | 2006-07-10 01:58 PM | link | edit

Freak. Just stay off the air. I don't even listen anymore when i know he will be on the show. And you know George can't think much of it either...but hey, what can he say.
# 194 | Coast Listener | 2006-07-29 07:47 PM | link | edit

Great going Art! Isn't it great that Asian women have a thing for older more experienced men over the waxed hairless Guns and Roses junkie types or the Brad Pittless types. You go guy! A lot of Americans are sick of our own uptight culture so why not get out before it all goes down the s*itter. You were a great neighbor just down frequency from the Possum Lodge on 3843kHz for years (except for that crazy over driven redneck chick who was barely qualified to operate a toaster, of course). Give use a holler if you get back to the states.
aka Headley O. Possum
# 195 | Mikey | 2006-08-25 12:50 AM | link | edit

Art Bell, Noory, Streiber, and the whacked-out ex-NASA Mars obsessed guy - these people are all getting rich on the gullibility of rednecks and seniors who have slipped towards senility. they disgust me!
# 196 | dayll | 2006-09-10 08:33 PM | link | edit

This is sad... Sounds like a very latent mid-life crisis to me. How can ANYONE fall in love so FAST, especially 2-3 months after losing a soulmate in life. Yep, sounds like his little submissive fillipino asian concubine is a security blanket and trophy for Art's aging ego. What could possibly be in it for her, an eventual citezenship and free ride to America, once Art realizes the mistake he made by moving there? 
I used to listen to Art Bell back when he still had his senses and Romana. I'd have a bit more respect for him if he spent a little more time to grieve and get in touch with himself. 
~ PEACE ~ 
# 197 | Pixie | 2006-09-11 12:24 AM | link | edit

Just a thought, maybe Art did in his last wife. She died from a acute asthma attack. Don't you think that he would have reacted since he was in the same room that night. Now he lives in another country and his new wife does not care to live in the U.S., and we have individuals from various countries trying to sneak in to this country.
# 198 | R.M. | 2006-09-11 02:44 AM | link | edit

... there sure seems to be a lot of anger and hatred in these comments that are posted ... i am not very familiar with art bell's history, past or more current ... just wanted to get an update on art since i used to hear his radio show years ago ... 2006 has been active ...
# 199 | keno | 2006-09-18 06:54 AM | link | edit

i get the impression that most of the people here who are critical of art are either fat, ugly, broke, angry, or all of the above. i'm 26, but if i were art's age and had the opportunity to marry a beautiful 20-something flower from the philippines, i'd be crazy not to do so. those of you who have taken this whole thing so personally should go develop a facial cancer. and to the idiot who said george is better at hosing coast to coast than art ever was... what can i say? you probably only started listening in the last 2 or 3 years and now you consider yourself quite the expert. please close the gaping hole in your face until you can come up with something you're capable of speaking about with some authority... like glory-holes and hamsters. wanker.

Have you noticed that Art is now focusing on how everyone must trust the government and approve of the new spying measures aimed at US citizens, all the while he ran off to another country? He had an expert who laid out the new NSA protocols to datamine and record phonecalls, and Art just dumped on him. Why the government is hunting terrorists! Art the former libertarian is now Art the blind republican. But what could have brought on this fear spawned transformation?
The reason of course Art is so pro government clampdown is because Art is paranoid about that Philipines letter that has resurfaced. You know, the one that states his supposed hatred for Filipinos. Each show has Art's plea to forgive and forget the letter in the first 2 minutes. Art said he didn't do it, that the FBI is looking into the matter (and therefore not hunting the terrorists). He says he can't give much info about where he is because of daily death threats, but he tells everyone that he walks to a local Pancake House before every show. He posts pictures of his building and his neigborhood. I guess the murderous stalkers aren't fans of the show. I think he is still trying to deflect public scorn and questions about his latest transition and recent behaviour. Someone must have struck a nerve.
Art is getting old and wierd. It's time he retired again and came out to do the odd special from time to time. He has no love for the show, he pontificates about the county he abandoned and chastises guests and callers for doubting the government's ability to track the bad guys who are all out to get us (and presumably Art who is walled in his 19th floor condo). Too bad Art didn't have a tracking device implanted a few months back, then the cops could have backtracked and traced his whereabouts when Ramona died. But back then Art was an American libertarian, now he's an American on the lamb.
# 201 | Cicero | 2006-10-02 12:33 PM | link | edit

Now Airyn is pregnant. We will have to listen, ad nauseum, to the old geezer brag about his prowess (September 13 - he/she is "made in China").
Then he talks and talks about the pregnancy test, as though there are no pregnancy tests outside the Philippines.
Oops, he had to take her to the hospital for a small problem, but she is "taking it easy now." Art seemed to be more concerned with impressing on his followers "what date could it be?", just to drive home the point he is getting some action.
He brags about how he is going to be a daddy. Art, honey, you already are a daddy, or did you forget Art III. You never mention him any more.
She'll have non-stop diapers from now on. First the kids, then the dad's
# 202 | Laurie | 2006-10-09 12:16 PM | link | edit

Jimeny crickets! Give Art a break already will ya? I lost my finance to a seizure when I was 28. It hurt like hell for the next 10 years and I DID love her dearly. However, that did not stop me from going on dates almost every weekend soon afterwards. It took my mind off the pain.
You know what soothes severe pain? A pretty girl! Should he have married her? It's his life, who cares!
I do have to say that I was torked by the way he treated his guest Roger Tolces last week myself, it was pretty bad. I had to turn it off. Had I been the guest I would have walked off.
I'm chalking it all up to the pain from losing Ramona. I have listened to Art since 94 and that is saying something, both about the man's talent and humanity. He deserves the benefit of the doubt, besides, no one is perfect. I hope he finds happiness.
# 203 | Mike | 2006-10-09 01:51 PM | link | edit

Art's becoming a daddy! He never talks about his son, interesting. By the time his kid is twenty-one he'll be an eighty-two year old geezer if lung cancer doesn't do him in beforehand. Things are different in the Phillipines not only does his child bride now owns him, so does the rest of her family. Enjoy the ride Art!
# 204 | David Palmer | 2006-10-09 04:06 PM | link | edit

OH Sick! Art bell is sooo old and grody. He smells like provolone cheese.
# 205 | jim jam | 2006-10-09 08:00 PM | link | edit

Maybe Coast to Coast should do a program on this topic?

I'd like to hear Art Bell 'splaining to George Noory how this one went down, without sounding like a "kook".

ahaha good luck art bell! HAHAHAHA
# 208 | breast milk | 2006-10-24 04:05 AM | link | edit

i dona no what da big deel is bout fart smell, ah mean arte belle, so he maybe pillow head da furst wifey and find a new pussy cat to play wid, who cares. a good pussy cat is worth da riske of what he done,
# 209 | jesus filapanaganbanga | 2006-10-29 07:20 AM | link | edit

I believe it's human nature to think that Art's falling in love shortly after Ramona died is wrong. If he's happy with his new love then he shouldn't let mourning stand in the way. It's better to get through the mourning process as fast as possible, carry on with your life and remember the good times.
# 210 | Tonymon | 2006-11-05 05:34 AM | link | edit

I personally think that Art Bell is an asshole in disguise. He has no morals or feelings of any sort, the only person Art Bell loves is Art Bell. I have listened to his bullshit for several years now on the air and on amateur radio and I have never run across such horseshit in all my life as Art Bell. He moved to Manilla huh? Good riddence to the loser!

" Get off it already! My god people. Both of them are adults. All you goody two shoes out there shove it up your back side. Love is something that happens unexpectedly and regardless of your silly attempts to controll fate we are all just pawns! Sheep following blindly to the wolfs den. when someone takes life in there own hands everyone else sits back and nit picks with jealousy GET OVER IT AN CHANGE YOUR OWN LIFE. Quit worrying about everyone else. DEATH TO THE HATERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!"
# 212 | Chris | 2006-11-26 08:33 AM | link | edit

Disgusted Art Bell non-fan, I don't think there is any "in disguise" about it.
# 213 | zipper | 2006-11-26 02:05 PM | link | edit

that old fart making a baby? HOPEFULLY HIS BTYCH WIFE HAS INSURANCE ON HIS OLD ASS. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwww
I am so sure we will get to hear about this pregnant bytch for the next 6 friggin months. DISGUSTING. No more C2C for me on weekends. I think the King of Conspiracy did his own lil conspiracy on Ramona.
# 214 | ohgawd | 2006-11-29 11:30 PM | link | edit

Art may just be a weak man who feels intolerably lonely in the world and is in desperate need of company, whatever the age or race. Lets not judge the man, he has commited no crimes we are aware of.
# 215 | Delusively Retreating | 2006-12-26 09:13 AM | link | edit

Art Bell is back in the KINGDOM OF NYE! Oh geesh! That's what he announced earlier this a.m. Pregnant child-bride and pussycats in tow. Wonder how the 3rd asian Mrs. Bell will enjoy life in the desert of Nevada? LOL!
# 216 | greeneyes | 2006-12-29 04:36 AM | link | edit

I thought I heard him say that it took to a year to a year and a half get "this" wife processed into the U.S. Gheeee, I didn't think Ramona had been deceased that long.
# 217 | BooBoo | 2006-12-31 02:39 AM | link | edit

I woke up in the middle of the night and turned on Coast to Coast hoping against hope that Art Bell was not on. The first word out of his mouth was "Erin". Disappointment immediately set in when he started going on and on and on about the fascinating topic of her amazement and love of the American baked potato. zzzzzzzzzzzz Btw when did he get call screeners?
# 218 | rys | 2006-12-31 04:59 AM | link | edit

i clicked on th webcam and wanted to puke...
at first, second and third glance the picture looks like a sweet fostergranddaughter to an old, pathetic, brown-shoe-polish-haired old fogeyman...
it's just creepy, plain creepy.
# 219 | fkc | 2007-01-01 01:09 AM | link | edit

And a happy happy new year to you and I love American baked potato and we make them tonight for dinner and so thank you and happy happy new year to you......GUESS HER EDUCATION WASN'T A DECIDING FACTOR IN THE MARRIAGE, EH?
# 220 | visitor | 2007-01-01 04:21 AM | link | edit

.....maybe she was just fascinated by the sound of her own voice?
# 221 | visitor | 2007-01-01 04:23 AM | link | edit

Ariyn is 4ft./8in. Art is way over 6ft. But then love has a way of filling in all the gaps quite nicely.
# 222 | BooBoo | 2007-01-01 04:48 AM | link | edit

Are those Filipinas really that desperate for a man?
# 223 | poop eater | 2007-01-01 05:40 AM | link | edit

Wish there was a way to get sugardaddy taken off the radio ,
# 224 | visitor | 2007-01-01 05:00 PM | link | edit

Has it ever occurred to anyone here, that Mr. Bell may be part of a globalist plan to create one world government? By so publically presenting his Asian child-wife to the world at a time when the powers are promoting/pushing integration between Asia and North America, Mr. Bell kind of helps break down divisions between borders. And for all his fans who like to copy-cat, this makes a lot of them want to run out and marry Asians. Anyone ever thought Mr. Bell may have a pivotal role in all this globalization? Everything he's doing seems to be promoting this. It is also entirely possible that Ramona is still alive.
# 225 | TsiTsiFly | 2007-01-06 02:09 PM | link | edit

hmmmm... i had a paragraph and a half long bit of screed against art and his revolting personal life and it's disappeared right off the board... wonder why?
# 226 | fkc | 2007-01-07 01:59 AM | link | edit

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thinks that Art has gone (more) nuts.
# 227 | nuclearpenguins | 2007-01-08 01:12 AM | link | edit

Art bell is smarter than 99% of all you people posting on this site.

i never said that the man wasn't smart - but being smart doesn't have anything to do with being a megalomaniacal narcissistic pedophile who makes me feel queasy and itchy because he can't stop puking up his personal life all over coast...
i'm sure he's brilliant - nobody is arguing that fact...
keep up, steve... you're showing your ignorance...
# 229 | fkc | 2007-01-09 02:46 PM | link | edit

And a happy happy new year to you and I love American baked potato and we make them tonight for dinner and so thank you and happy happy new year to you!
# 230 | Famous Potatoes | 2007-01-14 11:35 AM | link | edit

I always had great respect for Art Bell, but he lost that pretty fast when I heard about his new wife...which he married just a few weeks after his wife's mysterious death... I'm all for moving on, but give me a break. A few weeks??
# 231 | Ryan | 2007-01-14 09:30 PM | link | edit

Oh my God! Bless her heart. The man has an ego and an attitude. What more can be said?

Well, I for one was not surprised to hear that old Art and his new bride are in the U.S. Duh! Doesn't everyone know that every single Filipino is born with one goal in life: to immigrate to the U.S. Filipino women will marry anybody they can get their hooks on in order to come to this country. Just wait, in a few months, you'll hear about how Aryn has brought her mother, siblings, and who knows who else to live in the states. That was a no-brainer so when Art said he was going to live indefinitely in his adopted country, I figured it would just be a matter of months before he came back, dragging his child bride with him. I got to hand it to her, though, she must have a steel stomach to wake up to his face every morning. Ugh! I don't listen to his diatribe anymore. And George Noori is no better. He has turned the show into a boring nightly waste of time talking about politics, healthcare, and other mundane topics. The only reason I tuned in in the first place was because of the ghost stories, shadow people, dopplegangers, ufos, etc. Those are few and far between. Well, so long for now. Would love to read your responses.
# 233 | Bobbie | 2007-01-21 03:12 PM | link | edit

I notice everytime someone puts negitave things about mr bell they take it freedom to express your self
# 234 | visitor | 2007-01-21 11:41 PM | link | edit

i'm glad somebody else notices this...
it's bullshit
# 235 | fkc | 2007-01-22 11:41 PM | link | edit

I notice everytime someone puts negitave things about mr bell they take it freedom to express your self
I'm not interested in hosting anonymous or pseudonymous comments accusing Art Bell of crimes.

The clock is ticking Art until you are a daddy. The clock is ticking on your marriage to your child bride. When she gives birth, that's when the fun is going to really start. Enjoy whatever money you have while you still have it. It'll be gone before you know it!
# 237 | Jethro Gibbs | 2007-01-30 06:37 PM | link | edit

Oh Art's in trouble and he doesn't even know it. Too sad.
I was a long time listener of C2C, starting back in around '93 or so when all he did was news and current events and Dreamland only on Sunday's. I always enjoyed him, but stopped listening when Striber and Sigel took over (the content was boring, and there were WAY too many commercials).
That being said, I haven't listened or thought of the show much since.
I was sad to hear that Ramona passed, and was even sadder to find out he married an asian child bride. My ex-husband did the same and paid dearly for it.
He was having a "video/IM relationship" with a Thai girl, roughly 21 years old and when I found out I threw him out and divorced him (we were married 14 years--he was 40 years old). The divorce took 90 days to complete and he was married to the Thai babe no more than 7 days after that--in Thailand (like Art, they'd never actually met). Now, 5 years later, he's raising their 3 children (which he didn't want) and 4 days after she got her citizenship she divorced him and moved to the opposite coast with money she'd syphoned off to an account he didn't know about. Which is ironic, because he did the same thing to me to save the money to go to Thailand and collect her, and he wonders where she got this idea.
Technically, Art's marriage to this woman in Manilla isn't legal in the US until they come back to the US and get a weddng certificate and have it notarized by a judge or other licenced clergy. So technically, this wedding isn't legal unless they've gone through the proper paperwork in the US. (they would have had I believe 90 days after entering the US together to complete this paper work)
# 238 | MelsNeighbor | 2007-02-12 01:11 AM | link | edit

As a big fan of Art Bell I must say he is a wonderful radio dude with awesome, crazy, interesting programing that is truly one of a kind. I don't however find his love life fabulously interesting. The dude wants to hook up with a cute young chick, who cares? Let him be emarassed by his baloney tits.
# 239 | Margarita from Oregon | 2007-02-13 10:24 PM | link | edit

Poor Art Bell, his wrinkle is not wrinkled anymore cause he's so old but he still wants a woman?!
# 240 | Lolita | 2007-02-13 10:37 PM | link | edit

Nothing Art Bell suprises me anymore. What suprises me is that people still believe the garbage that his cronies spew. Coast to Coast may have bought him a Camaro or something of the like, but he is still a lowlife.
# 241 | Leesy | 2007-02-25 06:39 PM | link | edit

Hello everyone,
First this:
Then, this:
I have been in the media and on radio many times over the years, but watching this true sociopath in action was a crowning glory in verifying he was bought by his parent radio company at 'Psychos-R-Us'.
Incredible lifeform and hard to imagine he is part of the same DNA as the rest of us. Art, 'anal' probe that from all those aliens.
Hail, NASA.
Robert A.M. Stephens, LLC - 
NASA Fine Art Documentation Program - 
Vision Motion Dynamic-FX-FX

Oh, and yes, for all those that suspect that sites are being shut down, he does this and has for about 10 years now. Before he sued me for $60,000,000 he had 5 of my sites taken down till I had the FBI put a stop to HIM. He was a little pouty at me for defending NASA and showing that his favorite guest, Richard Hoagland, was a pathological liar. Told him so on air, verbatim, while I was on. He went 'psycho' as ever, and the rest was a nightmare. But, the goal of getting him off air and out of the country did work.
Now, he is back for a time.
"Hi Art, I'm baccccccccccccccccccccccck!"
Robert A.M. Stephens, LLC - NASA Fine Art Documentation Program - Vision Motion Dynamic-FX-FX

I think Art Bell is a lot smarter than people think. He is a multi millionaire with a smokin HOTT wife!!! I wish I could be so lucky!
I believe he truely loved his deceased wife and that her death was from natural causes. Otherwise Law Enforecement would have gotten involved.
As far as the age difference in him and the new wife. I say Go for IT! I think alot of people are simply jealous! I also believe that a middle aged woman has every right to marry a young man. As long as its legal, and Arts wife IS an adult!
ROck On Art.
# 244 | Kent | 2007-05-05 09:33 PM | link | edit

I hate to think this way, but I can't help but to be suspicious about the way that Ramona died. I don't think I would have suspected foul play if it weren't for the fact that Art ran off and married so soon after her death. I too, was shocked and appalled by Art's declaration of true love over the airwaves so soon after his wife died! It just looks bad! I have tried to give him the benefit of the doubt but my gut feeling is that something is terribly wrong with Art! I don't think it is right to accuse him of any crime, (without proof) but he certainly made himself LOOK guilty by his actions!
I don't blame Airyn for latching onto the old coot! She did it for herself and her family! Art is her ticket out of poverty! She is young, probably uneducated, and she knows that she will be set for life! I can imagine I would have done the same thing If I were in her shoes, no matter how old and gross the guy is!
But it's Art's behavior that I don't get! Personally, I would not be able to stand being married to someone that much younger than myself! I can't imagine how frustrating it must be to try and have an intelligent conversation with someone that young and uneducated! The generation gap is so huge that you would be hard pressed to find something you have in common to talk about at all! I know that he married her for the sex, dah, but he's got to talk to her sometime! They can't have sex ALL the time! When the sex wears off Art will be bored and lonely again.
So she has her meal ticket and he has a trophy wife to lust after. Irregardless of the opinions expressed on this forum, Art is educated and worldly. The only thing they have in common is the baby they made together! For the kid's sake, I hope it will be enough!
# 245 | Eris Discordia | 2007-05-27 02:53 AM | link | edit

NEWSFLASH!!! Art's now a daddy! His mail order bride just gave birth. If Art is a multi millionaire he won't be for long. She now has him by the.....
# 246 | Jack Bauer | 2007-05-31 04:25 PM | link | edit

The best couple of hours in radio each week, so get over it !
# 247 | marcel | 2007-06-01 10:01 PM | link | edit

"Art's now a daddy!"
Congrats. Good thing his mail order bride has so much practise already changing Arts diapers. Changing the baby's diapers will be much easier than Arts and prolly not as smelly.
Be Well.
# 248 | dethspud | 2007-06-03 04:58 AM | link | edit

Hey wonder how art would feel if some 60 year old married his daugther when she is 20 years old ,wouldnt that be neat,lol
# 249 | visitor | 2007-06-09 07:07 PM | link | edit

Art Bell is a Great American and is not afraid to question things. This makes him a flake? I think not.

He's doing it again! "Leaving" his weekend stint on Coast...declined
to give details of why[always tries to be mysterious even in departure],
but it is 'for his family'. Probably figures he'd better spend his money
while he can since he's undoubtedly not quit smoking.
One thing I won't miss is his editorializing on his right-wing
allegiance to 'the war on terror'. Anytime a guest says anything
contrary to his opinion, he won't hesitate to quickly 'correct'
the guest's statement, God forbid we should be left with the
'wrong' idea. 
His late wife Ramona was a moderating influence on him I think;
his new wife is likely the stereotype of the subservient Asian
spouse, and knows nothing of US politics. He's finally got his
geisha, Filipino-style.
# 251 | Kenny | 2007-07-02 02:11 AM | link | edit

Spud always wondered how you avoided these pimpbot programmes.
Spud's never actually seen one hereabouts.
Be Well.
# 252 | dethspud | 2007-07-06 04:35 AM | link | edit

You are all a bunch of psychopaths who have nothing better to do with your time than attack someone you don't even know, and then make jokes about his personal tragedies. Listening to someone on the radio does not give you any insight into their personal lives, you bunch of #@$holes.
I have an uncle who is 70 years old, who lost his wife to cancer after 5 years of battle, and he remarried in just three months. It wasn't a young girl, it was a woman close to his age. But it as very soon after his lost his wife. Some people are very insecure and get lonely, need companionship. Art's marriage is none of your %$*(@# business, any of you, stupid #*@#heads.
I hope Art does sue the crap out of this web site for allowing this garbage to remain. It should all be taken down because it's just a bunch of worthless filth wasting web space.
# 253 | C2C Fan | 2007-07-18 10:11 PM | link | edit

What if he really has no legal recourse on what people say over the internet, and the only way to get the speculation to die is to get off the air for awhile?
# 254 | DeadRinger | 2007-07-23 11:18 AM | link | edit

I don't know. It just bothered me so when Art supposedly fell in love, only months after Ramona died, then went off and got married like a silly kid. I mean, how well can you know someone after only a couple of months? But I guess many think it's OK, like, off with the old and on with the new!
I was a strong Art Bell fan, but then after Ramona died, was very ashamed of it when Art acted like he did. Now, with the news of the two children he never "Shared" with us, I feel he is a low life.
I say "shared", because when he told his audience about his "New" love Aryin, he said he had always been honest with us. Well, it's clear now that Art is a liar, or he would have shared his first two children with us as well. And from the article I read on the Internet, Art had been contacted by his 38 year old daughter Lisa, TEN YEARS AGO. So Art has kept this information tightly under wraps for ten long years. Talk about deceptive! If that is being honest with us, I'll eat my hat!
If you have never heard of these two kids he abandoned, just look on the internet for the name Vincent Pontius. But beware, it's a really sad story. Art should be hung for allowing these kids to go through what they did, by walking away from them and never even enquiring if they were dead or alive.
Some have tried to say that Art is just a guy who made mistakes, and everyone should understand and not judge him.
I'm sorry.......not all of us have made mistakes as parents, of this nature. Not even close!
But then of course, you have to BE THERE to make mistakes. Walking away from your kids and thinking they are better off without you, is just a lame excuse. I'm a parent, and there is no way I could just walk away from my kids forever. NO FREAKING WAY!
Art's heart is obviously in his Dick!
# 255 | Joe | 2007-07-25 05:51 AM | link | edit

I think it is a real reflection of where Art Bell's head is at when he shared with C2C listeners the story of his latest child's birth.
{The mother Airyn Ruiz, who in early 2006 Art said was a "26 year old teacher" is now listed on all web correspondence as NOW being 21, so that that she was well under 20 when Art married and impregnated her.}
Airyn started having contractions so what does Art do? He jumps in the shower with her! heh heh heh, with that stupid sick dirty old man giggle of his.
Children to Bell are an impediment and potential competitors for his woman's attentions.
# 256 | Jim Beam | 2007-07-26 10:58 PM | link | edit

# 257 | ADOLF HITLER YABLONSKI | 2007-07-28 02:56 AM | link | edit

Well, for all who really detest Art Bell, and would like to NEVER hear him on C2C again, I hope you will take a few minutes to write to the producers of that show and tell them what you think.
Then, if he comes back to do a show, turn the damned radio off!
I doubt very much we have heard the last of him and as far as I'm concerned, him doing one more show is too much. Might as well toss that show down the toilet, for all that it's worth.
For those who defend Art and say it's none of our business what he does in his personal life......I would have loved NOT TO HEAR all about his personal life!!!!!!
But Mr. Bell insisted we all know what he was doing and went into details, (which many of us really did NOT care to know), when ever he talked about his personal life. What the F#&K!!!!! Just how does one STAY out of someone's personal life when that person shoves it down our throats!
# 258 | Jessica | 2007-08-05 06:40 PM | link | edit

I thought it was funny when after writing two books on how we were all doomed to see the end of the earth, "The Quickening" and "The Coming Global Super Storm", Art got an e-mail from somebody telling him he should be ashamed to bring a baby into a world which was about to end.
Funny, Art has been saying we are all on the way out, because of the way things are in the world, then, turns around and is so positive and happy when he hears he was to be a father.
What the &%#*????
I really don't think Art knows if he is coming or going. But my hope is, he is going and will stay gone. What a nut case!!!
# 259 | Jeff | 2007-08-05 07:30 PM | link | edit

" Tell the producers not to hire Art Bell back"
For one, he made the show, it was his making, no one elses. producers have nothing to say about it.
All of you posting these booklong manifestos have way too much time on your hands.
# 260 | GN | 2007-08-21 06:10 PM | link | edit

I definitely missed the memos. Boy, did i miss the memos!! Whoah!!!
# 261 | !!! Out of touch former Art Bell listener ??? | 2007-08-22 06:03 AM | link | edit

I think Art takes the C2C program as entertainment, and not even half seriously. How could a person live with such bs and paranoia as comes on that progam? The good thing about it, the thing I like, is that you will hear things that you never will on 'straight' media, and some things filter through that are embarrasing to the various establishments and powerful pressure groups in this land.
I also think a person's private life should probably remain as such. A person's competance in his field does not always relate to competance in his personal life.
The problem of Art is that he kept mentioning Ramona and segments of his personal life, so that kind of opened the door for query and commentary by the rest of us.
I think Clinton was a pretty darned good President, but not an exceptional spouse. I think Art is good at what he does professionally, but perhaps has sacrificed personal and emotional development in his pursuit of his career.
What scares me are the probabilities. The probability that Ramona died in the next room while he lay sleeping, knowing that she was not well. THe probability that he just met that young girl so soon afterwards, and this first relationship after Ramona's death so quickly lead to marriage. The coincidence that Art would often, daily on his show, mention his beloved Ramona but for the months preceding her strange and sudden death, during which there was no mention of her at all on his show. I wondered at the time if she were ill and he was being heroic, stoic, about it. Or, perhaps they were no longer getting on so well. Why the silence right before her 'sudden' demise?
These things open the door to some scary speculation, but then again, it is easy to speculate about someone who I have never met, whose reality is akin, to me, as a character on South Park.
I am also wondering - if I had a show with some bona fide psychics on and had done something dastardly, perhaps I would find it wise to cut and run, too?
All I can say is, God bless you, Ramona, and I hope you are at peace on the other side, and that Art's new wife does not also meet your fate.
# 262 | unome | 2007-12-28 10:32 PM | link | edit

Art Bell retired to be with his new wife and baby but the other night, Jan. 4, 2008, he was talking as though his retirement wasn't permanent. The exact quote is on the Downtown Eastside Enquirer downtowneastsideenquirer.blogs

Art Bell just thought "Barry" Obama was going to be the next JFK. Good luck all you coast to coast saps.
# 264 | nick simpson | 2008-03-29 01:53 AM | link | edit

All the aliens are playing with Art's head. They have abducted his penis and implanted in a 21 year old. Good Job aliens
# 265 | dimphil | 2008-04-27 10:05 PM | link | edit

I was a late fan of listening to Coast-to-Coast, with Art Bell, in 2007 - I thought Art was a great talk show host. I was very sad for him when he lost his spouse, Ramona. He appeared very sad and hurt by Ramon's death. He was so hurt about her death, I though he (Art) was going to commit suiside himself. Then like a story tale, he was in love with someome else within a few months. My though was, how could he have found someone to replace Ramona so soon. Maybe he needed a cruch. He sound like someone who lost his mind. But anyway, I wish Art Luck. I could write a book about his fairy tale life.
# 266 | visitor | 2008-05-26 12:22 AM | link | edit

My there is sure a lot of evil meanminded people out there. You people are just jealous that Art has found happiness. Instead of wasting your time being jealous, why not do something useful?? Lloyd

How sick and ignorant is it of people to refer to Art's new wife as "child bride"? Thats a slap in the face of anyone that really has been victimized by a pedophile. I imagine they might see a clear and very obvious difference between child and twentysomething, and between force and free choice.
Besides, you can enter military service, kill and die, at 18 or even younger; you can bet tried as an adult and executed as one if you're even younger than 18 in some especially humane states...
...but you arent old enough to chose whom you want to share your life and bed with in your 20's?
You nutjobs.
Stop bashing people for finding each other, already, whatever their motivation. They're both adults, and if it works for them, who the hell are you to judge?
Wishing you good luck getting your head out your ass,
Reverend Horton
# 268 | Reverend Horton | 2009-04-04 07:00 AM | link | edit

wow, the guy obviously was completely wrecked by the loss of his wife. they were a tight couple. can you imagine being with someone that long and one day they're just gone, because of an asthma attack! he just could not take it in, he could either say yes to life or no at that point, and he found a way to console himself. no, it's not real healthy, but that's all he could do and i'm glad he went that route. it's amazing that he suddenly got married and left his cats even, but that just shows how unsettled he was by events. i hope it works out for the guy, i really do. at that age, men who lose their wives don't fare too well. have a little sympathy.
# 269 | windy eberly | 2009-04-09 06:32 PM | link | edit

BTW my husband is 16 years my senior, and you know what, he's still more immature than I am. After a while you realize we're BOTH getting old, it's not a big deal. Inside every person is a young self that can't believe what they're seeing in the mirror. Even doubling those years would not make a substantial difference in how we relate to each other, because an adult is just an adult, we don't really grow up that much.
# 270 | windy eberly | 2009-04-09 06:46 PM | link | edit

I heard Artsy bellow several times with glee that in the Philippines divorce is illegal.
That being the case, I truly wish Airyn a long life(may God protect her) and when the old (f)Art passes on, she can take his money and link up with someone that she TRULY loves, whoever he may be.
I feel that Art is as selfish and shallow as they come. But the Universe has a way of balancing things out, so I guess he should do whatever turns him on.
By the way, Ian and George(both of them) are light years better than he ever was.
# 271 | kay Zee ess | 2009-04-14 06:42 PM | link | edit

Starting on Halloween of 2009, I am going to tell the truth about the bastards of Coast-To-Coast.

Art flipped his wig.
It's Obama's fault.
# 273 | Vidkun Quisling | 2009-12-13 11:47 PM | link | edit

There is no bigger fool like an old fool. No one can tell me that he wasn't communicating with this little Phillipino sex kitten before Ramona passed away...the time line is way too short. She passes away; three months later,he fall in love and then he is married? Give me a break...please I don't like my intelligence insulted. Art Bell is going to find out that little Miss Phillipino hottie is a money hungry vamp with designs on his assets not his body and his support and money will include her family be assured. No one can tell me that a 20 year old girl can be attracted to an old man of 60..that is rediculous. She communicated with him; flattered his ego; told him what he wanted to hear; and when Ramona died suddenly; she saw a man, devistated by his wife's death; she saw an opening; she closed in and the old fool was a willing subject. She flattered him with things an old man would like to hear and he fell hook, line and sinker. Now not only does he give up his country; his radio program; his life in the U.S., and he goes to the filthiest hell hole in the world to live because he has the hots for a pubescent Phillipino hottie who knew a good thing when she saw it. She saw vonerability and dollar signs. Then to top it off she gets herself impregnated so he is hooked for life with a baby...this girl was very calculating. Notice he came back to the U.S. shortly; she came back too, and then she went back home and the old fool followed her to the filthy hell hole to get her back...Art Bell cannot comprehend what is in store for him..I predict he will come back to the U.S. a broken man.
# 274 | tressa | 2010-02-10 07:34 PM | link | edit

Art Bell 9-11 Outrage

On the morning of Sunday, June 13, 2004, syndicated radio talk show host Art Bell betrayed, slapped in the face, and turned his back on every 9-11 researcher in this country (and the world). He did so by embarking on a venom-filled tirade where he called these truth-seekers “asinine,” “reprehensible,” “horrendous,” and declared that they “didn’t have a shred of proof” to substantiate their claims. Bell also made it known that he “couldn’t believe elected officials would choose to kill thousands of its own citizens.” Now, this isn’t simply ‘entertainment’ as some have suggested. Rather, it is a direct attempt to influence millions of listeners and lead them in a direction that is contrary to some extremely well-researched evidence, and this is something I take very seriously. 

The following day on WING TV we relayed these exact quotes, and the response from the 9-11 community, along with many others, was so overwhelming that it crashed our server. In addition, we received more feedback from this show than any other we have ever broadcast. The reaction was unanimous on every front: Art Bell is a phony, a sell-out, and a disinformation agent.

The following are a sampling of the responses that we received:

Viewer: Finally, somebody points out the obvious about Art Bell. He is a phony!!!! I think he was from the beginning. Bill Cooper wrote some interesting stuff about him too … worth a read …

Well-known activist: Not surprised are you really? He is a government mouthpiece and always has been.

Director of an online news service: Yeah, I heard the turd. He is just another propagandist. Noory seems better, but I fear he is simply there to cast doubts and to neutralize. Time will tell where he really stands.

The recipient of a recent review in the American Free Press: The reason why Art Bell is so huge is because he is one of them. They get the support so they can shout down any real investigators. Everything I have heard of Bell is that he is a farce in sheep’s clothing. He best be shutting up.

Widely acclaimed author: This supports what we privately know about WHY the Art Bell show is such a hit, when in reality it is a pure bullshit propaganda radio machine for the NWO agenda. Eventually every criminal shows his face … though from experience only about 25% who see it actually identify the criminal.

9-11 author and researcher: The closer we get, the louder they’ll yell.

9-11 investigator: Maybe I should offer to take him on, mano-a-mano!

In addition, we also received an e-mail from someone who said that he was the impetus for Art’s diatribe: “I was the impetus for Art Bell’s 9-11 conspiracy comments. On the Art Bell fan message board Fantastic Forum which Art frequently gives a nod to and obviously reads; I posted a thread critiquing his September denial. The thread caused a stir at the Fantastic Forum which I was quite surprised by. Apparently nobody had broached the subject at the forum before. The thread didn’t last long, though, because the moderator deemed it too hot for the forum and didn’t want poor Art to be critiqued. A few days after posting the September 11 thread, Art started railing against the 9-11 conspiracy. My post was definitely the reason Art made those comments.”

Whether this statement is true is certainly open to debate, but I looked into the above-mentioned group and did indeed find page-after-page of material that confirmed this person’s assertions. And even though I don’t have the space to recount every message, the overwhelming sentiment can be summed-up by the following posts: “His publicly aired political views of late truly disturb me and seem extremely incongruent to the Art of the past,” “I was surprised and baffled by Art’s downright refusal to even entertain the subject … it just doesn’t fit that he would flat-out ignore 9-11,” and “something is up, something’s wrong.”

I could continue in this vein, but the big question at this point is: do we have a full-fledged disinformation artist on our hands? Or has Art simply sold-out his audience after signing-on with Clear Channel? Another possibility (albeit an unlikely one) is that Art Bell is simply uninformed. Now, I tend to doubt this scenario, for anyone who has listened to Coast-to-Coast AM knows that Art is one of the most well-read men in the country.

So, to give him the benefit of the doubt, and to also show that we’re willing to play fair, we’ll provide Art with a list of a dozen or so top-notch researchers who we are sure would love to enlighten him on his show. We will also send him copies of all the books we’ve written and published on this subject, including The New World Order ExposedThe New World Order Illusion9-11 ExposedThe Day America Died by John Kaminski, and the soon-to-be-released Where is Flight 77 by Ian Barksdale. Last but not least, if Art would like to discuss this matter in person with us, we are extending an open invitation for him to appear on WING TV – any time, any place.

So, Art, the ball is now in your court, and considering how 9-11 is the pivotal event of the 21st century, we feel that you need to further explain your views. As it stands now, what you have done to all the earnest, well-intentioned 9-11 researchers is inexcusable, for many of these people fall into an audience that has been your bread-and-butter and made you what you are today. More importantly, we aren’t settling for the contrived mass media-government explanation of 9-11, especially since it has more holes in it than a block of Swiss cheese.

On a personal note, Art, I was one of the first 9-11 researchers in the country, and I’ve been saying for nearly three years now that if you had focused as much attention on this subject as you have on ghosts and shadow people, we would be a lot closer to exposing the crimes that were committed by a small cabal of psychopathic monsters inside and outside the government. You reach 9 million people in 550 markets, yet you’ve adamantly refused to pursue many of the underlying truths associated with this event. Why? Who are you protecting?

To close, last Sunday you threw down the gauntlet by making those caustic remarks about my fellow 9-11 researchers. Not only are you utterly wrong in your assertions, but you should also remember one very important point: sometimes when you bite that hand that feeds you, the people holding those hands bite back.

Art Bell’s Response – June 17, 2004 (prior to the above article being written)

Just a quick note from Art Bell. How could I betray you when I was never with you in the first place? I am willing to entertain as many things as possible; however after a review of the evidence, I will NOT entertain the possibility that the U.S. Government killed its own people. The only OUTRAGE in my opinion is people like you who rush to take questions about a complex tragic event and turn them into so-called evidence. People like you who rush to think the nation of their birth and the best nation in the world (by measure of anyone well traveled) could do such a thing. My anonymity needs no protection because I am not ashamed of my opinion.

Art Bell

Victor Thorn’s response

1) Art, not one of the above-mentioned individuals requested that their comments be “off-the-record”. I elected to make them “anonymous” for one specific reason – to protect their privacy.

2) I certainly have not “rushed” to any conclusions regarding 9-11, for I, along with many others, have been painstakingly researching this subject for nearly three years now.

3) I agree with you completely that America is by far the greatest country in the world, and anyone who watches WING TV or reads my articles knows how much I support it. This is why we so adamantly want to know the truth about what happened on the morning of 9-11. One of the best ways to do this is by making ALL the information available in as many forums as possible. Open the doors and HELP US, Art, rather than closing them and blocking us out.

4) Lastly, I agree with you again that the vast majority of elected officials in the United States government would not deliberately kill their own citizens. But 9-11 wasn’t planned, implemented, and covered-up by these individuals. Rather, it was executed by a small cabal of bloodthirsty lunatics inside and outside of our government. This point is crucial in understanding the 9-11 terror attacks.


Art Bell: Burn in Hell 
by Victor Thorn - July 28, 2004

Farewell, Art Bell (March 12, 2005)

Farewell, Art Bell
By Bill Morgan
March 12, 2005
Art Bell has left the building. He could not have shot himself in the foot more certainly than by declaring that ALL those who adhere to ANY 911-conspiracy theory are "wingnuts" (i.e. whackos). What credibility he ever had collapsed with those recent statements and his propagandistic declaration the government's version of the events of September 11 is 100% correct. Farewell, Art. A good portion of your audience is now leaving the building, too.

I am sure there are millions like me, who continue to have a certain fondness for Bell due to many memories of wild and crazy shows enjoyed in the past, both of the informative nature and the signature Art Bell "Wingnut" variety. It was good entertainment, and many of us gave him a lot of leeway simply because he entertained us with wild, weird and wooly things. Was he an "operative" of some kind? Who cared? It was great science fiction most of the time.

But 911 sliced through everything, and at this point it seems that what a person knows and says about 911 is a now measure of that person...and a measure of their intelligence. The vast, stupid majority (as always) accepts whatever it is told and that becomes its firmly entrenched belief. Others have questions and doubts, and by virtue of position or job or family are obliged to uphold, outwardly, the official line. Still others smell a big fat rat, and many have spent years studying every detail of 911 and assembling knowledge, details and facts. Art Bell has either not done any of the latter or he has been quietly told what to espouse. Who knows? Does it matter? In any case, his recent comments about 911 conspiracies and this new feud with Jeff Rense is probably the last straw for a lot of us.

Art has openly, formally proclaimed himself to be on the side of the powers that be. He is anti-investigation. He is completely unscientific. He has drawn a 911 line in the sand and firmly taken a stand on one side of it. For Art, there is no debate and no questions remaining to be answered. Such a stance completely undermines the very "character" he took decades to develop and is contradictory to what we thought he was. One wonders why he would cast aside a persona which took years to create and which made him world famous.

We originally thought Art Bell was the one who asked forbidden questions about hidden things, and investigated mysteries with guests who were often investigators themselves. We thought he the, since he allowed all kinds of crazies to come on and talk to the nation about weird and nutty stuff. Like all radio, however, it was essentially just entertainment. And some of the wacky stuff actually filled a real need people have for novelty - because life, as it is, is sometimes boring. Art explored the "fringe," and there actually are some very interesting ideas out there. And guests like Micho Kaku blew our minds with some of the farthest-out ideas of all..

However, the current situation regarding Art Bell seems to illustrate the axiom that "by 911 shall you be known." Clearly, it was one of the great conspiracies of all time - it is also a vast puzzle. And one's progress in grasping the vastness of ths real-life puzzle is a measure of one's intelligence...and wisdom. It takes time, effort, thought and work to solve a puzzle, so most people - feeling they already have enough problems - just ignore it altogether. Is this Bell's position? It wouldn't seem so, since his persona was built on presenting, investigating and trying to answer things in hidden and mysterious areas. Is Bell then hereby casting off his original public self like a tattered old coat? In the dissonance between the persona of Art Bell and his recent statements, one sees yet another set of illusions dissolve before one's eyes. We bought into the Bell persona, we must now suffer the disillusion.

The feud with Rense is also very unfortunate, but let's face it, people (the "fans") love feuds. To the feuders it may be unpleasant, but the onlookers love it. So again, it all comes out as good enterainment as far as listeners and readers go. (Does this indicate some deeper flaw in the collective unconscious, this delight in fighting?)

Then Bell played the "anti-semitic" card on Rense, and at that point I had to bail out on Bell. Any intelligent person familiar with knows that allegation is absurd. Bell's attack is the equivalent of someone saying someone else is not to be believed because he/she is a "nigger." If Bell is reduced to this level of argument, then there isn't much else to say but "farewell, Bell, I hardly knew ya."

And then Art Bell invited millions of us to tune out...and millions will. Oh sure, we'll follow some of the shenanigans as (yes) more entertainment, but I accept Art's invitation to leave..

It feels oddly like the closing of an era, which means, I guess, the beginning of a whole new era. Art has put millions in the position of children within whom it is suddenly dawning that Santa Claus is a made-up story and completely unreal. In the long run, it's no big deal. And it has been a good, long run, as circuses go. Indeed, Art was a master at it, beyond even P.T. Barnum. And in the end, I have to say, "good show."

Heroes rise and fall, but they are but dreams and illusions of the masses - no more real after they have gone than they were before they appeared. Art had a good run and popularized a whole new genre of entertainment: "weird" radio, or whatever it is that he did for so long. I guess one could say Bell's star has long crossed its zenith, and it doesn't matter much any more what he says. To adamantly asssert that the official version of 911 is 100% correct is to declare oneself ignorant. And to advise all those listeners who disagree to tune out is career suicide.

-- Bill Morgan