Showing posts with label Darth Vader. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Darth Vader. Show all posts

Thursday 7 January 2021

Luke Works Intuitively, Throughout Most of The Movies — Until He Gets to The Very End


Essentially, isn’t Star Wars about transformation?

Well, it is about transformation. 

And — and ultimately it’ll be about transformation of how young Anakin Skywalker became evil and then was redeemed by His Son.
But it’s also about transformation of how his son came to — 

To Find The Call. 

Luke works intuitively through most of the movie until he gets to the very end.

Everything up to that point is very intuitive

He goes back and forth with his emotions about 

Fighting His Father 

Not Fighting His Father.

Finally he comes to that decision to say, 
‘No, this is — this is what I have to do. 
I have to simply throw my weapon down.’ 

And it’s only that way that he’s able to redeem His Father, which ultimately is the issue. 

It’s not as apparent in the first three movies, but when you see the movies I haven’t made yet, that — 

The issue of how do we get Darth Vader back is really the central issue

How do we get him back to that little boy that he was in the first movie? 

That good person who loved and was generous and kind?

Ultimately …

And had a Good Heart.

Had a Good Heart. 

Ultimately, doesn’t it take, particularly in religion, a — a leap of faith? 

What — Kierkegaard’s leap of faith?

Yes. Yes. Definitely. 
And that’s — that’s — you’ll notice Luke uses that quite a bit through the films. 

Not to rely on his senses, not to rely on — on the computers, not to — but to rely on Faith. 

That is what ‘Use The Force’ is, is a leap of faith. 

That there are mysteries and powers larger than we are, and that you have to trust your feelings in order to — to access these things.

Your friend Joseph Campbell called it 
the perfect eye to see with.


How do you develop that eye?

Well, I don’t know. I mean, I don’t know whether I have that eye. But…

Oh, you do. People — your colleagues tell me you’re always making quick decisions, good or bad. 
You’re making intuitive decisions very quickly.





I’m making intuitive decisions because I — I’m — I — I can see the picture in my head even though it’s foggy …

… and I know instantly whether this fits in there or doesn’t.

Do you have to work to keep nurturing your imagination, to keep feeding that interior pool from which these ideas and images …


I’ve — I’ve never had a problem with that. I mean, my imagination runs wild. It’s — it’s — you know, people say, ‘Well, you’re gonna run out of stories, you gonna … ‘ I — I don’t think I’ll ever run — I have more stories than I can possibly do in my lifetime. And more — and I’m interested in more things to do than I can possibly do in my lifetime. And I’m now beginning to confront the fact that the — the amount of time I’ve got is less and less, that I — more and more things are going to have to go by the wayside, and I’m going to have to focus more on the things that really are meaningful to me, you know, ’cause even if I have 30 or 40 years left, it’s not enough.

Saturday 5 December 2020

Is The Machine Going to Crush Humanity, or Serve Humanity?

I think that Star Wars is a Valid Mythological Perspective. 

It shows The State as a Machine and asks: 

"Is The Machine going to crush Humanity, or Serve Humanity?"

And Humanity comes not from The Machine, but from The Heart.


Luke. Help me take This Mask off.


But you’ll die.


JOSEPH CAMPBELL: I think it was in The Return of the Jedi when Skywalker unmasks his father. The father had been playing one of these machine roles, a state role. He was the uniform, you know? And the removal of that mask, there was an undeveloped man there, there was a kind of a worm. By being executive of a system, one is not developing one’s humanity. I think that George Lucas really, really did a beautiful thing there.

BILL MOYERS: The idea of machine is the idea that we want The World to be made in OUR Image, and What We Think The World Ought to Be.

JOSEPH CAMPBELL: Well, the first time anybody made a tool, I mean, taking a stone and chipping it so that you can handle it, that’s the beginning of a machine. It’s turning outer nature into your service. But then there comes a time when it begins to dictate to you. I’m having a bit of struggle with my computer, actually.

BILL MOYERS: Your computer?

JOSEPH CAMPBELL: I just bought one a couple of months ago, and I can’t help thinking of it as having a personality there, because it talks back, and it behaves in a whimsical way, and all of that. So I’m personifying that machine. To me, that machine is almost alive. I could mythologize that damn thing.

BILL MOYERS: There was a wonderful story about, I think, President Eisenhower, when the computer was first being built. You remember that story?

JOSEPH CAMPBELL: Eisenhower went into a room full of computers, and he puts a question to these machines, “Is there a God?” And they all start up and there’s all those lights flashing and wheels turning and things like that, and after about 10 minutes of that kind of thing, a voice comes forth, and the voice says, “There is Now.”

Well, I bought this wonderful machine, IBM machine, and it’s there. And I’m rather an authority on gods, so I identified the god, and it seems to me an Old Testament god with a lot of rules, and no mercy.

BILL MOYERS: It’s unforgiving, isn’t it.

JOSEPH CAMPBELL: Catch you picking up sticks on Saturday and you’re out, that’s all.

BILL MOYERS: But isn’t it possible to develop toward the computer, the computer you’re wrestling with at this very moment, isn’t it possible to develop the same kind of attitude of the Pawnee chieftain who said that in the legends of his people, all things speak of Tirawa, all things of speak of God. It wasn’t a special privileged revelation, God is everywhere in his works, including the computer.

JOSEPH CAMPBELL: Well, indeed so. I mean, the miracle of what happens on that screen, you know, have you ever looked inside one of those things?


JOSEPH CAMPBELL: You can’t believe it. It’s a whole hierarchy of angels, all on slats, and those little tubes, those are miracles, those are miracles, they are.

BILL MOYERS: One can feel a sense of awe.

JOSEPH CAMPBELL: Well, I’ve had a revelation from my computer about mythology, though. You buy a certain software, and there’s a whole set of signals that lead to the achievement of your aim, you know. And once you’ve set it for, let’s say, DW3, enter, if you begin fooling around with signals that belong to another system, they just won’t work, that’s all. You have a system there, a code, a determined code that requires you to use certain terms.

Now, similarly in mythology, each religion is a kind of software that has its own set of signals and will work. It’ll work. But suppose you’ve chosen this one. Now, if a person is really involved in a religion and really building his life on it, he’d better stay with the software that he’s got. But a chap like myself, who likes to play with -

BILL MOYERS: Cross the wires?

JOSEPH CAMPBELL: - the various softwares, I can run around, but I probably will never have an experience comparable to that of a saint.

BILL MOYERS: But do you think that the machine is inventing new myths for us, or that we with the machine are inventing new myths?

JOSEPH CAMPBELL: No. The myth has to incorporate the machine.

BILL MOYERS: A pagan deity?

JOSEPH CAMPBELL: Just as the old myths incorporated the tools that people used, the forms of the tools and so forth are associated with power systems that are involved in the culture. We have not a mythology that incorporates these. The new powers are being, so to say, surprisingly announced to us by what the machines can do. We can’t have a mythology for a long, long time to come; things are changing too fast. The environment in which we’re living is changing too fast for it become mythologized.

BILL MOYERS: How do we live without myths, then?

JOSEPH CAMPBELL: Well, we’re doing it.The individual has to find the aspect of myth that has to do with the conduct of his life. There are a number of services that myths serve. The basic one is opening the world to the dimension of mystery. If you lose that, you don’t have a mythology, to realize the mystery that underlies all forms. But then there comes the cosmological aspect of myth, seeing that mystery as manifest through all things, so that the universe becomes as it were a holy picture, you are always addressed to the transcendent mystery through that. But then there’s another function, and that’s the sociological one, of validating or maintaining a certain society. That is the side of the thing that has taken over in Our World.

BILL MOYERS: What do you mean?

JOSEPH CAMPBELL: Ethical laws, the laws of life in the society, all of Yahweh’s pages and pages and pages of what kind of clothes to wear, how to behave to each other, and all that, do you see, in terms of the values of this particular society. But then there’s a fourth function of myth, and this is the one that I think today everyone must try to relate to, and that’s the pedagogical function. How to live a human lifetime under any circumstances. Myth can tell you that.

There’s a wonderful story in one of the Upanishads, the Brahmavaivarta Upanishad, of Indra, this god who is the counterpart, really, of Yahweh. He is the god patron of a certain people and of historical life and time, with all kinds of rules for people to live by and that sort of thing. And there was a time when a great monster named Vritra had closed all the waters of the Earth, and so there was a drought, a terrible drought, and the world was in very bad condition.

Well, it took this god Indra quite a while to realize that he had a box of thunderbolts there, and all he had to do was drop a thunderbolt in Vritra and then blow him up. And when he did that, of course, he blew Vritra up and the waters flowed and the world was refreshed. And he said, “What a great boy am I.”

So, thinking What a Great Boy am I, he goes up to The Cosmic Mountain, which is The Central Mountain of The World, and so he decided he would build a New World up there, a New City, and particularly his palace was going to be a palace worthy of such as He. 

So he calls Vishvakarman, the main carpenter of the gods, and gives him the assignment to build this palace. So Vishvakarman goes to work, and in very quick order he gets the palace into pretty good condition, and then Indra comes, but every time Indra arrived, he had bigger ideas about how big and grandiose the palace should be.

So finally Vishvakarman says, “My gosh,” he says, “we’re both immortal and there’s no end to his desires. I’m caught for life.” So he decided to go to Brahma, known as The Creator, and complain

Well, now, Brahma sits on a lotus, this is the symbol of divine energy and divine grace, and the lotus grows from the navel of Vishnu, who is the sleeping god, whose Dream is The Universe. 

So here’s Brahma on his lotus, and Vishvakarman comes to the edge of the great lotus pond of the universe, and down, and he tells his story. Brahma says, “You go home,” he says, “I’ll fix this up.”

So next morning, at the gate of the palace that’s being built there appears a beautiful blue-black boy, with a lot of children around him, just in admiration of his beauty. So in comes the boy and Indra on his throne, he’s the king god, he says, 

“Young man, welcome, and what brings you to my palace?” 

“Well,” says the boy, with a voice like thunder rolling on the horizon, “I have been told that you’re building such a palace as no Indra before you ever built” 

And he said, 

“I’ve surveyed the grounds and looked things over, it seems this is quite true. No Indra before you has ever built such a palace.” 

Well, Indra says, 

“Indras before me! Young man, what are you talking about?”

The boy says, 

“Indras before you?” 

He says, “I have seen them come and go, come and go.” 

He said, “Just think: 

Vishnu sleeps in the cosmic ocean, the lotus of the universe grows from his navel. 

On there sits Brahma The Creator. 

Brahma opens his eyes, A World comes into being, governed by an Indra. 

Closes his eyes, The World goes out of being. Opens his eyes, the world comes into being; closes his eyes 

… And the life of a Brahma is 432,000 years, and he dies. 

The lotus goes back, another lotus, another Brahma. 

And then think of the galaxies beyond galaxies in infinite space; each a lotus with the Brahma sitting on it, opening his eyes, closing his eyes with Indras. 

There may be wise men in your court who would volunteer to count the drops of water in the oceans of The World, or the grains of sand on the beaches, but no one would count those Brahmas, let alone those Indras.”

And while he’s talking, there comes in parade across the floor of the palace an army of ants in perfect range. 

And the boy laughs when he sees them. 

And Indra’s hair goes up, and he says to the boy, “Why do you laugh?” 

And the boy says, “Don’t ask unless you are willing to be hurt.” 

And Indra says, “I ask. Teach.” 

The boy says, “Former Indras, all. 

Through many lifetimes they rise from the lowest conditions spiritually to highest illumination, and then they drop their thunderbolt in Vritra, and they think, 

‘What a good boy am I,’ and down they go again.”

And then Indra sits there on the throne and he’s completely disillusioned, completely shot, and he thinks, well, let’s quit the building of this palace. 

He calls Vishvakarman and says, 

“You’re dismissed, you don’t have to” so Vishvakarman got his intention, he’s dismissed from the job and there’s no more house-building going on. 

And Indra decides, “I’m going out and be a yogi and just meditate on the lotus feet of Vishnu.” But he had a beautiful queen named Indrani, and when Indrani hears this, she goes to the priest, the chaplain of the gods, and she says, “Now, he’s got this idea in his head, he’s going out to become a yogi.” “Well,” says the Brahmin, “come in with me, darling, and we’ll sit down and I’ll fix this up.”

So he talks to Indra, they come in and they sit down before the king’s throne, and he tells him, “Now, I wrote a book for you some years ago on the art of politics. You are in the position of the king. You are in the position of the king of gods. You are a manifestation of the mystery of Brahma in the field of time. This is a high privilege, appreciate it, honor it, and deal with life as though you were what you really are.” And with this set of instructions, Indra gives up his idea of going out and becoming a yogi, and finds that in life he can represent the eternal in the way of a symbol, you might say, of the Brahmin and the ultimate truth.

So each of us is, in a way, the Indra of his own life, and you can make a choice, either to go out in the forest and meditate and throw it all off, or stay in the world and in the life either of your job, which is the kingly job of the politics and achievement, and as well in the love life with your wife and family, you are realizing the truth. Now, this is a very nice myth, it seems to me.

BILL MOYERS: Do we ever know the truth? Do we ever find it?

JOSEPH CAMPBELL: Well, each person can have his own depth experience and some conviction of being in touch with his own satyananda, his own being, true consciousness and true bliss. 

But the religious people tell us we really won’t experience it until we go to heaven, you know, till you die. 

I believe in having as much as you can of this experience while you’re alive.

BILL MOYERS: Our bliss is now.

JOSEPH CAMPBELL: I think in heaven you’ll be having such a marvelous time looking at God that you won’t get your own experience at all. 

That’s not the place to have it. 

Here’s the place to have the experience.

BILL MOYERS: Here and now.

Tuesday 19 February 2019

How Rick Grimes Became Darth Vader

You Have to let go of both The Fear of Failure AND The Desire for Succeess
(Which, not-coincidentally, also involves letting go of The Desire for Failure AND The Fear of Success)

Darth Vader is Not a Person;
Darth Vader is a Spirit

"Well, look at that. 
Dawn is breakin'. 
It's a Brand-New Day, Rick! 


I want you to think about 
What Could Have Happened... 

Think about What Happened -

And think about 
What Can Still Happen.

"Lonely, Solitary."
Carl Grimes is Wiser Than His Father — 
Because He Only Has One Eye

He locks his girlfriend Enid in a closet to keep her safe from an Evil neither could yet know or comprehend, and save her life while he and his Father and the warriors of The Tribe ride our and sally forth to face 

The Worst Thing in The World.

But immediately afterward, he lets her out, explains the reason for his actions, which she acknowledges and accepts.

And then, 
He lets her go Her Own Way, 

and thereafter 

Contends with her as an Equal.

Carl :
(Speaking Directly to his Unconscious Dad's Unconscious)

I killed three walkers. 


 They were at The Door. 
They were gonna get in, but I lured them away. 

I killed them. 
I saved you. 
I saved you.

I didn't forget while you had us playing farmer. 

I still know How to Survive.

 Lucky for us. 
I don't need you anymore. 
I don't need you to protect me anymore. 

I can take care of myself. 

You probably can't even protect me anyways. 
You couldn't protect Judith
You couldn't protect -


Hershel or Glenn or Maggie. 
Michonne, Daryl, or Mom. 

You just wanted to plant vegetables. 

You just wanted to hide. 
He knew where we were and you didn't care
You just hid behind those fences and waited for... 


They're all gone now. 

Because of You! 
They counted on you! 
You were their Leader! 


But now 
You're Nothing. 



(food bags rustle)

I'd be fine if you died. 


Damn it.

You shouldn't have risked it, going out there like that.

It's dangerous.

I was careful.


It's good that you found more food.

I found even more.
But I ate it.

What was it?

112 ounces of pudding.


I know we'll never get things back to the way they used to be.

What? I only clung to that for you.

For Judith.
Now She's gone.
And you, you're a Man, Carl.

You're a Man.

I'm sorry.

You don't need to be.

Sunday 12 August 2018

Daedalus + Icarus

The Most Fundamental Meaning to 
Daedalus + Icarus 
is this:

He was willing to Sacrifice his son (i.e. The Future), in order to become FREE.

There is an art to flying, or rather a knack. 

The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. ... Clearly, it is this second part, the missing, that presents the difficulties.

" Darth Vader is The Ultimate Father - that is why He is MORE Powerful than Luke. "

- George Lucas

Luke Skywalker has no son - he sacrificed his birthright to Fatherhood in exchange for True Wisdom.

"What is it that You Think You Know
That I Know-Not..?"

Email to the Universe

"Dreams of flying appeared in the collective unconscious before the reality of flight existed in technology, and I suspect that 

if we understood our dreams better we would use our technology more wisely . . .

I suggest that we contemplate what our children look at every Saturday morning on TV.

 One of the most popular jokes in animated cartoons shows the protagonist walking off a cliff, 
without noticing what he has done. 

Sublimely ignorant, he continues to walk - on air - until he notices that he has been doing the "impossible," and then he falls . . .

Daedalus who, imprisoned in a labyrinth (conventional "reality"), invented wings and flew away, over the heads of his persecutors; and Icarus, the of Daedalus, who flew too close to the Sun Absolute and fell back to Earth. 


Like Porky Pig walking off a cliff, Icarus' fall contains a symbolism many have encountered in their own dreams . . .

Daedalus means "artist" in Greek . . . 
Daedalus, inventor of wings that took him from Earth to Outer Space - 

Why does he represent Art, instead of Science? . . .

The genius of an artist, Aristotle says, lies in his texne, the root from which we get our word "technology"; but texne basically means skill or craft, or the ability to
make things that never existed before. 

Negative entropy
i.e., information . . .



The Muse-ician and The Architect
The Poet and The Physicist --

 all inventors of new realities 

-- all such Creators may be best considered late evolutionary developments of the type that first appears as 
The Shaman. 

Please remember that shamans in most cultures are known as 

"They Who Walk in The Sky,

just like our current shaman-hero, 

Luke Skywalker

Han Solo (for example) isn't ANY of those things - 
He's a Pirate King
a Plunderer.

Leia is The Hearth.

But I can't believe She was so foolish to think that She could send Her Son away, and for any good to come of it....

Yes I Can, though.

The ironies of Swift and Aristophanes, and the myths of the fall of Icarus and Donald Duck, indicate that 

Your Point Being...
The Collective Unconscious contains a force opposed to our Dreams of Flight

This appears inevitable . . .

But what if we begin to regrow healthy organs of Poetic Imagination and flight

What if we 
"put on wings and arouse the coiled splendor within," 
as Liber Al urges? . . .

Joyce did not name his emblematic Artist merely 
Daedalus, but Stephen Daedalus 
-- after St. Stephen the Protomartyr
who reported a Vision and was stoned to death for it . . .

Those of us who have no avocation for martyrdom must learn, when we realize how much neophobia remains built into the contraptions of "society" and "the State," the art of surviving in spite of them. 

"Even Back When You Had Two Eyes..."

In a word, we must 
"get wise" 
in both the Socratic meaning of the phrase and in the most hardboiled street meaning. 

Neophobia functions as an Evolutionary Driver, 
forcing The Neophiliac to get very smart very fast."

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy states: "There is an art to flying, or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. ... Clearly, it is this second part, the missing, that presents the difficulties."

You must learn how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. Pick a nice day and try it. The first part is easy. All it requires is the ability to throw yourself forward with all your weight and the willingness not to mind that it's going to hurt. That is, it's going to hurt if you fail to miss the ground. If you are really trying properly, the likelyhood is that you will fail to miss the ground fairly hard.

Clearly, it is the second part, the missing, which presents the difficulties.

One problem is that you have to miss the ground accidentally. It's no good deliberately intending to miss the ground because you won't. You have to have your attention suddenly distracted by something else then you're halfway there, so that you are no longer thinking about falling, or about the ground, or about how much it's going to hurt if you fail to miss it.

It is notoriously difficult to prise your attention away from these three things during the split second you have at your disposal. Hence most people's failure, and their eventual disillusionment with this exhilarating and spectacular sport.

If, however, you are lucky enough to have your attention momentarily distracted at the crucial moment by, say, a gorgeous pair of legs (tentacles, pseudopodia, according to phyllum and/or personal inclination), or a bomb going off in your vicinity, or by suddenly spotting an extremely rare species of beetle crawling along a nearby twig, then in your astonishment you will miss the ground completely and remain bobbing just a few inches above the ground in what might seem to be a slightly foolish manner.

This is the moment for superb and delicate concentration.

Bob and float. Float and bob.

Ignore all considerations of your own weight and simply let yourself waft higher.

Do not listen to what anybody says to you at this point because they are unlikely to say anything helpful.

They are most likely to say something along the lines of "Good God, man, you can't possibly be flying!" It is vitally important not to believe them or they will suddenly be right.

Waft higher and higher. Try a few swoops, gentle ones at first, then drift above the treetops, breathing regularly.



With more experience, you will learn how to land properly, which is something you will almost certainly screw up, and screw up badly, on your first attempt.

Flight School

There are private flying clubs you can join which help you with the all important moment of distraction. They hire people with surprising bodies or opinions to leap out from behind bushes and exhibit and/or explain them at the critical moments. Few genuine hitchhikers will be able to afford to join these clubs, but some may be able to get temporary employment at them.