Showing posts with label Clockwork Orange. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clockwork Orange. Show all posts

Saturday 27 June 2020

The Problem That Confronts Us is SIN

"America, and The World, has a Sin Problem." -- Why....? Because All Lif...

"If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door." 

Well, I looked at lots of translations for this. 
Actually, the next line is, 

"And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him." 

Alex : 
No. No! NO! 

Stop it! Stop it, please! 

I beg you! This is sin! 
This is sin! This is sin! 

It's a sin, it's a sin, it's a sin!

Dr. Brodsky : 

Alex : 
That! Using Ludwig van like that! 
He did no harm to •anyone•. 
Beethoven just wrote music!

Dr. Branom : 
Are you referring to the background score...?

Alex : 

Dr. Branom : 
You've heard Beethoven before?

Alex : 

Dr. Brodsky : 
So, you're keen on music?

Alex : 

[ Here comes the Rational-Liberal Torture Justification]

Dr. Brodsky : 
Can't be helped. 
Here's The Punishment Element perhaps.

Yes. What God actually says is something like this… "Things aren’t going so well for you, but if you were behaving properly, they would. But, instead, this is what you’ve done. Sin came to your door, and sin means to pull your arrow back and to miss the target. Sin came to your door. But he uses a metaphor. The metaphor is something like, "Sin came to your door like this sexually aroused cat-predator thing, and you invited it in. And then you let it have its way with you." 

It’s like you entered into a creative — he uses a sexual metaphor. "You entered into a creative exchange with it, and gave birth to something as a consequence. 

What you gave birth to, that’s Your Life. And you knew it. 

You’re self-conscious, after all. You knew you were doing this. You conspired with this thing to produce the situation that you’re in. 

Jung said something similar about the Oedipal mother situation. What he said was very politically incorrect. Of course, every single he wrote was politically incorrect. That’s how you could tell that he was a thinker, by the way. He talked about the unholy alliance between hyper-dependent children and their mothers. He said, well, it’s actually—Freud thought about it as a maternal thing. I’m not putting Freud down. Freud mapped out the Oedipal situation brilliantly. I’m not putting Freud down. But, you know, Jung was taking the ideas and expanding them outward. He said that there as actually an unholy alliance between a hyper-dependent child and an Oedipal, over-dependent mother. The alliance was, the mother would always offer—so maybe the kid is supposed to go off and do something that would require a little bit of courage and effort. The mother says, well, are you sure you’re feeling well enough to do it? And then the child could say, yes, or the child could say no. But the thing is, the child made the damn decision, too. You might think, well, that’s pretty harsh. But just because children are little, that doesn’t mean they’re stupid. 

You don’t know children if you don’t know how children know how to manipulate. They are staggeringly good at that. They’re studying you nonstop, trying to figure out, A, what you’re up to, and B, how they can get what they want in the way that they want it. They can play a manipulative game, no problem, especially if they’re well schooled in it. It’s sort of like that. Maybe the mother is a little timid and a little inclined to over-protect, and maybe the child is a little manipulative, and a little willing to not take that courageous step out into the world, and to regress into infantile dependency, instead. Then you get a terrible dynamic building across time that is like a vicious circle, or like a positive feedback loop. It just expands and expands and expands. Sometimes, in families, you see a hyper-dependent child and a perfectly independent child, and the same mother. Mothers are very complex, and mother for child A and mother for child B are not the same mother, even if they happen to be the same human being. The literature’s quite clear on that, but you get my point. 

God’s idea was that, not only are you not doing well, but you’re not doing well because you’ve actually really spent a lot of work figuring out how to not do well. This is like creative effort on your part. If you want to read about truly malevolent people, you could start with the Columbine killers. They left some very interesting diaries behind. I would recommend them. There’s plenty of serial killers you could read about, and the people who’ve really gone out and done dark things. I’ve read more than my fair share of that sort of thing, and I understand it quite well. If you really want to have your countenance fall and be wroth, 10 years of brooding on your own catastrophe, sort of alone, and letting your fantasies take shape, and egging them on, allowing them to flourish and, let’s say, take possession of you…That’s exactly the right way to think about it. That will get you somewhere like this. There are more people who are like that than you think, and you’re more like that than you think. 

So, Cain is obviously not very happy about this whole answer. The last thing you want to hear if your life has turned into a catastrophe and you take God to task for creating a universe where that sort of thing was allowed, is that it’s your own damn fault, and that you should straighten up and fly right, so to speak, and that you shouldn’t be complaining about the nature of being. But that is the answer he gets. Then what happens? Well, we have to infer that, if Cain was angry before, he’s a lot more angry now. Of course, that’s exactly what the story reveals.... "

The Seven Works of Corporeal Mercy

  • Bury The Dead
  • Visit The imprisoned
  • Feed The Hungry
  • Shelter The Homeless
  • Clothe The Naked
  • Visit The Sick
  • Refresh The Thirsty

Wednesday 25 July 2018

The Tramp in A Clockwork Orange DOESN'T HAVE A DOG

 Sin? What's all this about sin?

[Alex has the tramp pinned down]

Well, go on, do me in you bastard cowards! 

I don't want to live anyway, 
not in a Stinking World like this!

Oh..? And what's so stinking about it...?

It's a Stinking World because there's 
No Law and Order anymore!

It's a Stinking World because it lets 
The Young get on to The Old
like you done. 

Oh, it's No World for An Old Man any longer

What Sort of a World is it at all? 

Men on The MOON....! 
And Men spinning around The Earth
and there's not no attention paid to Earthly Law and Order no more!

[He starts singing another song, and Alex and his droogs proceed to beat him]

Cause Rick is incorrigible. 
He shows up at my brother's house, fucked up.

Nice place, nigger!

So he had these dirty cowboy boots on. 
Pushed us out of the way, barged in the house. 
My brother had these brand new couches, they were suede, right? And he gets on the couch and says...


And just started grinding mud all into the couch, man.

Yeah, I remember grinding my feet into Eddie's couch.

You remember why you did it?

Cause Eddie could buy another one.

Fuck your couch, nigger! 
Ha ha! Buy another one, ya rich motherfucker. 
Fuck your couch, nigger. Fuck your couch! 
Darknesses! Darknesses!

Cause of my complexion, he used to call me darkness. 
He calls me and my brother darkness. Darkness brothers. See, this was long before Wesley Snipes, back then we was the blackest niggers on the planet according to Rick James.

Eddie and both of them darkness. Twin brother darkness.

And we're standing there looking at him and he's looking right in our eyes as he grinds this mud.

See, I never just did things just to do them, c'mon I mean, what I'm gonna do just all of the sudden just jump up and grind my feet in somebody's couch like it's something to do? 
Come on, I got a little more sense than that. 
...Yeah, I remember grinding my feet into Eddie's couch.


See, I never just did things just to do them, c'mon I mean, what I'm gonna do just all of the sudden just jump up and grind my feet in somebody's couch like it's something to do? Come on, I got a little more sense than that. ...Yeah, I remember grinding my feet into Eddie's couch.

But then it was like 
'You know what? Let's handle this' 
We went over there and we held him down and we just wailed on his legs.

Awwww! You Darkness.!!
You black. Midnight. Evil motherfuckers!!! 
Black magic, darkness. Darkness. Delirious motherfuckers. You are cold as ice.

But still, Rick James, even after taking a beating like that.

Fuck your couch, nigger!

This motherfucker's goin out, his legs is like linguine.

I've been kicked out of better homes than this. I'll be back, you black motherfuckers. 
Wide nose having motherfuckers. 
They should've never given you niggers money!!!
 You don't know how to appreciate shit. 

You know you can get another couch. 
But what am I gonna do about legs!

My brother, you know, he's a lot more compassioniate than I am. 
He's lookin' and the limo's driving off and he says 
'Wow man, Rick really needs help'. 

I was like 
‘Yo, we just gave him some help!’ 

Busted his fuckin' ass.

'I betcha he won't come over here and disrespect like that again.'

You're talking about Rick James, man.

Cocaine's a helluva drug.

Wednesday 27 June 2018

Alexander De Large

"I felt the old tigers leap in me and then I leapt on these two young ptitsas. This time they thought nothing fun and stopped creeching with high mirth, and had to submit to the strange and weird desires of Alexander the Large which, what with the Ninth and the hypo jab, were choodessny and zammechat and very demanding, O my brothers. But they were both very very drunken and could hardly feel very much. 

When the last movement had gone round for the second time with all the banging and creeching about Joy Joy Joy Joy, then these two young ptitsas were not acting the big lady sophisto no more. They were like waking up to what was being done to their malenky persons and saying that they wanted to go home and like I was a wild beast. They looked like they had been in some big bitva, as indeed they had, and were all bruised and pouty. "

Thursday 13 October 2016

The Esoteric Kubrick : Arthur Bremer, Mind Control and A Clockwork Orange

Chicago Tribune
August 22nd 1972

"He kept a diary - and prior to that, he had never kept a diary before. It seems to me, that all these so-called political assassins keep diaries."
Governor George Wallace on Arthur Bremer

"We know Bremer wasn't a loner - something stinks 
about the whole thing"
First Lady Lurmilla Wallace

"Die, Die, Die, RFK Must Die"
Sirhan Sirhan's automatic writing

''I will finish what Hinckley started... RR must die... He [John Warnock Hinkley] has told me so in a prophetic dream. Sadly though, your death is also required. You will suffer the same fate as Reagan and others in his fascist regime. 

You cannot escape.

We are a wave of assassins throughout the world.''

Edward M. Richardson,
Letter to Jodie Foster,
April 1981

 George Wallace survived the assassination attempt. He gradually developed the view that one Nixon’s aides ordered the assassination. To gain revenge he announces he is to become a third party candidate. However, Wallace’s health has been severely damaged and reluctantly he had to pull out of the race.

In a comprehensive analysis of Hunt’s work published in The New York Review of Books in 1973, Gore Vidal argued that Hunt might have written the diary that was found in the car of Bremer, the man who attempted to assassinate George Wallace of Alabama.

In May, 1974, Martha Mitchell visited Wallace in Montgomery. She told him that her husband, [Former U.S. Attourney General and CRP  John N. Mitchell, had confessed that Charles Colson had a meeting with Arthur Bremer four days before the assassination attempt.

In his book, The Taking of America, 1-2-3 Richard E. Sprague argued that Donald Segretti and Dennis Cassini, supplied money to Bremer before he attempted to assassinate George Wallace. Others have claimed that Bernard L. Barker, one of the Watergate burglars, was used to pass this money to Bremer. Gore Vidal has also suggested that Bremer's diary was a forgery and had been written by E. Howard Hunt.

Arthur Bremer was released from the Maryland Correctional Institution on 9th November, 2007.

[CTRL] How the US Navy Brain-Trains Political Assassins

The controversy over whether the U.S. Government has ever made use of "political assassinations" seems certain to take a new turn after a remarkable disclosure last week by an officer in the US Navy, In the course of a conversation during a NATO[North Atlantic Treaty Organization]-sponsored conference in Oslo, it was said that the US Navy has been seeking out convicted murderers for retraining in a "political" role. The suggestion was supported by details of this training which, if they are true, might have been taken from the screenplay of Kubrick's film "A Clockwork Orange." 

The details come from Lt. Commander Thomas Narut, a psychologist working at the US Naval hospital in Naples. He was attending a NATO conference held last week in a hotel near Oslo at which about 120 scientists, including five from Britain, exchanged information on psychological research designed to help people in tough jobs�especially soldiers�to cope with stress. 

Dr. Narut's story was later categorically denied-but no explanation was offered why a Navy officer should or could volunteer the detailed descriptions he did. 

The conference heard papers on the effect of battle stress on soldiers in the Yom Kippur War, as well as on the blacking out of supersonic fighter pilots and on the long-term effect of interrogation in enemy hands. 

Dr. Narut's paper appeared to be much the same: the abstract circulated before the meeting was entitled: "The use of symbolic model and verbal intervention in inducting and reducing stress." And in the course of a 110-minute discourse on it he did no more than hint at his work in teaching "combat readiness units" to cope with the stress of killing. It was only under private questioning afterwards with a small group of his listeners, and then later alone with Insight reporter, Peter Watson, that Dr. Narut began to unfold his remarkable story. 

Dr. Narut is in his mid-thirties. He completed a doctoral thesis several years ago on whether certain films could provoke anxiety and whether forcing a man to do tasks irrelevant to the film while watching it might help him cope with such anxiety (a technique described in "Clockwork Orange"). He began his speech to the conference by saying that in the U.S. Navy scientists were well provided with facilities for research. Psychologists, for instance, had access to computerized records, including psychological tests, of large numbers of personnel. 

His naval work involved establishing how to induce servicemen who mar not be naturally inclined to kill, to do so under certain conditions. When pressed afterwards as to what was meant by "combat readiness units," he explained this included men for commando-type operations and-so he said-for insertion into U.S. embassies under cover, ready to kill in those countries should the need arise. Dr. Narut used the word "hitmen" and "assassin" of these men. 

The method, according to Dr. Narut, was to show films specially designed to show people being killed and injured in violent ways. By being acclimated through these films, the men eventually became able to dissociate any feelings from such a situation. 
Dr. Narut also added that U.S. Naval psychologists specially selected men for these commando tasks, from submarine crews, paratroops, and some were convicted murderers from military prisons. Asked whether he was suggesting that murderers were being released from prisons to become assassins, he replied: "It's happened more than once." 
Another American delegate present in the group, Alfred Zitani, from New Jersey, was sufficiently surprised to remark to Watson: "Do you think Dr. Narut realizes what he has just said? That kind of information must be classified." 

Later in private conversation with Watson, Dr. Narut described the training in which he had been involved. It had, he said, been in three phases: 


Research on those given awards for valour in battle has shown, said Narut, that the best killers are men with "passive aggressive" personalities. They are people with a lot of drive-though they are well-disciplined and do not appear nervous who periodically experience bursts of explosive energy when they can literally kill without remorse. Dr. Narut says he and his colleagues have, therefore, been looking for men who have either shown themselves capable of killing in this premeditated way (in Vietnam perhaps, or in a murder in the barracks) or whom the Navy's test show as potentially capable of it. 

Among the tests used is the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. This consists of hundreds of questions, and rates personality on many traits including such things as hostility, depression, psychopathy. Also used is the famous inkblot test in which the subject describes in detail what the various inkblots make him think of. Dr. Narut said that on this test he looks for men who respond at the extremes to the coloured cards rather than purely black and white. In clinical terms this is generally accepted as indicating that a patient is violent, The patient who responds excessively to the black and white cards is often regarded as a depressive. 

Stress reduction training

The men selected are brought either to the Navy's neuropsychiatric laboratory in San Diego, California (which also trains spies in techniques to counter interrogation), or to the laboratory where Narut works in the U.S. Naval Medical Center in Naples. They are first taught to shoot, and then the "Clockwork Orange" training begins in earnest, to rid them of any qualms they may have about killing. 

According to Dr. Narut, men are shown a series of special films "to heighten their dissociative powers with regard to killing." The films are gruesome and as the training proceeds they get progressively more horrific. Even so the trainee is forced to watch. His head is bolted into a clamp so that he cannot turn away and a special mechanism ensures that he cannot close his eyelids. 

Dr. Narut said that one of the first films a trainee sees is a brutal, blow- by-blow account of an African youth being crudely circumcised by fellow members of his tribe. No anaesthetic is used and the knife is obviously blunt (this film in fact is one regularly used in psychological experiments "to create experimental stress"). 

When the film is over the trainee is asked such questions as, "What color was the belt on the doctor's trousers?" or "What was the motif on the handle of the knife with which the circumcision was made?

>From here the trainees proceed to films with people from a little nearer home. In one the camera follows the movements of a man at work in a saw mill, slicing planks of wood along their length. The film shows his thrusting movements, back and forth until suddenly he slips-and cuts his finger off. 

In this way, said Dr. Narut, many of the trainees learn how to cope with even the most gruesome scenes with complete detachment. If physiological measures- like heart and breathing rate-which respond dramatically during the early films, calm down and resume their normal patterns as more bloodthirsty scenes are shown, the men are judged to have completed this stage. Many do not adjust, said Dr. Narut; presumably they are "failed." 

Dehumanization of The Enemy

In this last phase, the idea is to get the men to think of the potential enemies they will have to face as inferior forms of human life. They get lectures and films now which portray personalities and customs in foreign countries whose interests may go against the US. But the films and lectures are specially biased to present the "enemy" as less than human: the stupidity of local customs is ridiculed, local personalities may be presented as evil demigods rather than legitimate political figures. 

The process, according to Dr. Narut, takes a few weeks and the men are passed on. He refused to say where the men went, arguing that he did not have the necessary security clearance. However, at one point in our conversation he used the Athens Embassy as an example and he also said that his busiest time, when the largest batch of men went through this training, was towards the end of 1973, at the time of the Yom Kippur War. 

Since our reporter returned from Oslo on Thursday, Dr. Narut has not been either at his home or his laboratory in Naples to comment on the issues raised by the disclosures. 

When we gave the details to the US Embassy in London, they referred us to the U.S. Navy office here.

The Pentagon in Washington last night denied categorically that the US Navy had ever "engaged in psychological training or other types of training of personnel assassins." They also denied that any such training had ever taken place either in San Diego or in Naples. They had been unable to contact Lt. Commander Narut. All they were able to confirm was that he was indeed on the staff of the Navy Regional Medical Center in Naples as a psychologist. 

- Yipster Times Feb. '76 

Thursday 13 August 2015


"TARA first came to notice in the late sixties when the group issued a statement in the press claiming to be 'the hard core of Protestant resistance', and it is thought that the organization was set up as a counter to the civil disturbance associated with the NICRA [Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association] marches.

The name TARA is derived from the place where the ancient high kings of Ireland were crowned and is, therefore, an unusual choice of title for a Loyalist paramilitary group.

Operating from its HQ at Clifton Street Orange Hall, Belfast, as The Orange Discussion Group, TARA was organized initially into platoons of 20 or so men and run on military lines not unlike the old Ulster Special Constabulary (B Specials). Membership is drawn almost exclusively from the Orange Order and each platoon has a Sgt/QM (Quartermaster) and IO (Intelligence Officer). 

Contributions: 50p per month - half to a central fund - half at ptn [platoon] level. Ptns are able to draw on the central fund if the opponunity to buy stores arises. Training includes radio, weapons and guerrilla tactics.

The OC is William Mc.GRATH. He is a known homosexual who has conned many people into membership by threatening them with revealing homosexual activities which he himself initiated. He is a prominent figure in Unionist Party politics and in the Orange Order.

McGRATH uses a non-existent evangelical mission as a front for his homosexual activities and also runs a home for children on the (236) Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast (Tel: Bfast 657838).

Also at *** Newtownards Road (B'fast [no. blocked out]).

The TARA 2 i/c is Roy GARLAND, he said he resigned, a close personal friend of MCGRATH and his former employer. 

McGRATHs ADC  is Clifford SMITH  who  lives  with McGRATH, and the groups Admin Officer is David BROWN from Bangor Co Down. BROWN is Deputy Editor of Rev PAISLEYs Protestant Telegraph.

Other people closely associated with MCGRATH and aware of his activities are Thomas PASSMORE, Rev PAISLEY, Rev Martin SMITH [sic], James MOLYNEAUX and Sir Knox CUNNINGHAM QC MP."

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Ted Heath

Heath OUT.

Colin Wallace (second from right) in the company of PM Ted Heath 
Kincora Childrens Home, 1972

Kincora - Merlyn Rees, Mountbatten and the Cause of the Long War in the North of Ireland from Spike EP on Vimeo.
At the end of the war, in June 1945, the British King, George VI, the father of Queen Elizabeth and puppet of the Queen Mother, sent the former MI5 officer, Anthony Blunt, to the Kronberg Castle of Prince Philip’s sister Sophie, and her Nazi husband Prince Christoph of Hesse, to recover correspondence between the British Royal Family and their Nazi relatives, for propaganda aimed at convincing the aristocrats of Britain they had not been in contact all along.

Blunt was the ‘surveyor of the Queens Pictures’ and a world expert in the paintings of Poussin, the initiate who painted pictures called ‘The Shepherds of Arcadia’ which related to the Rennes-le-Chateau mysteries. Blunt was named as a member of a KGB unit inside British Intelligence along with Burgess, MacLean, and Philby, the fifth man was never named, but was in fact, Lord Victor Rothschild."

"Few people in this country understand the enormous political power wielded by our security services.

Officers of MI5 and MI6 swear their absolute, personal allegiance to Her Majesty the Queen, which they feel elevates them above elected government, according them the power to do whatever they like.

These men have always been hostile to Labour politicians, to the trade Union movement and to all socialists, almost as though they felt that we were all secret subversive agents of the KGB..."


He's wrong - the Privy Council is in fact 799 years old...

“Lord Louis Mountbatten had the nickname “Dickie” …and for good reason. Philip’s uncle Dickie was the last viceroy in India 
where he was a known paedophile who sexually exploited young working class Indian peasant boys”.

Mountbatten is also linked to the paedophile ring who abused boys living at the Kincora Care Home 
in Belfast Northern Ireland. An excellent website, dedicated to exposing the Royal Family, have this to say about a book written on that paedophile ring entitled ‘The Kincora Scandal’:

“The Kincora Scandal connects Lord Dickie Mountbatten to a child prostitution vice ring in Belfast, Ireland. Authorities failed to intervene at the Kincora care home for boys until 1981, despite reports over the years of child sexual abuse”.

The operators of the Kincora child prostitution ring were eventually convicted in 1981 of the RITUAL sexual abuse of defenceless young boys who were sold like prostitutes. No charges were ever brought against the VIP customers made up of Royals, Politicians, lawyers, and Judges. However, Belfast citizens finally had reason to celebrate when Prince Philip’s paedophile uncle was killed by an IRA bomb planted in his boat”.


from Spike EP on Vimeo.

"What was the state of the IRA at the beginning of 1974?"

"They were on their knees." 
- Former MI5 Officer

"Could the War have been won then?"

- Former MI5 Officer

In Britain, there has always been a fierce rivalry between MI5 and MI6 - my researches indicate that historically, MI6 have long been aligned with the interests of NATO and the European Union, whilst MI5 still owes it's allegiance solely to the British Crown.

Therefore MI6 is perfectly capable of going around, pretending to be the IRA, blowing up British cabinet ministers and members of the Royal Family in order to prevent the outcome of a united Ireland outside of NATO.

Lord Mountbatten, Airey Naeve and Enoch Powell were all Right-Wing and Anti-NATO.

Enoch Powell - Odd Man Out (1995) from Spike EP on Vimeo.

"The prospect of a Russian conquest of Western Europe is one for which history affords no material. The theory that the Russians have not advanced from the Elbe to the Atlantic because of the nuclear deterrent is not more convincing than the theory that they have not done so because they do not want to do so and have never envisaged, unless perhaps in terms of world revolution, a Russian hegemony in Western Europe... Of all the nations of Europe, Britain and Russia are the only ones, though for opposite reasons, which have this thing in common: that they can be defeated in the decisive land battle and still survive. This characteristic, which Russia owes to her immensity, Britain owes to her moat."

- Speech to The Hague (17 May 1971),
from The Common Market: Renegotiate or Come Out

"It depends on how you define the word "racialist." If you mean being conscious of the differences between men and nations, and from that, races, then we are all racialists. However, if you mean a man who despises a human being because he belongs to another race, or a man who believes that one race is inherently superior to another, then the answer is emphatically "No." "

- Powell explicitly rejects White Supremacy when asked by David Frost if he was "a racialist", 3 January 1969

" depends indeed on whether the immigrants are different, and different in important respects from the existing population. Clearly, if they are identical, then no change for the good or bad can be brought about by the immigration. But if they are different, and to the extent that they are different, then numbers clearly are of the essence and this is not wholly – or mainly, necessarily – a matter of colour. 

For example, if the immigrants were Germans or Russians, their colour would be approximately the same as ours, but the problems which would be created and the change which could be brought about by a large introduction of a bloc of Germans or Russians into five areas in this country would be as serious – and in some respects more serious – than could follow from an introduction of a similar number of West Indians or Pakistanis."

Any Questions?, BBC Radio (29 November 1968), from Reflections of a Statesman. The Writings and Speeches of Enoch Powell (London: Bellew, 1991), p. 395.

Enoch Powell: Now, we were invaded by the Danes, they did alter the country and we fought them for two hundred years. If that's what is meant – to be allowed to happen?

Marghanita Laski: Were we wise to do so? Didn't they add to us in the end? Wasn't there much more suffering and misery because we fought them?

Enoch Powell: Only because we fought them, and eventually subjugated them and Christianised them. 


- Any Questions?, BBC Radio (29 November 1968), from Reflections of a Statesman. The Writings and Speeches of Enoch Powell (London: Bellew, 1991), p. 396.

"Once you go nuclear at all, you go nuclear for good; and you know it. Here is the parting of the ways, for from this point two opposite conclusions can be drawn. 

One is that therefore there can never again be serious war of any duration between Western nations, including Russia—in particular, that there can never again be serious war on the Continent of Europe or the waters around it, which an enemy must master in order to threaten Britain. That is the Government's position. 

The other conclusion, therefore, is that resort is most unlikely to be had to nuclear weapons at all, but that war could nevertheless develop as if they did not exist, except of course that it would be so conducted as to minimise any possibility of misapprehension that the use of nuclear weapons was imminent or had begun. The crucial question is whether there is any stage of a European war at which any nation would choose self-annihiliation in preference to prolonging the struggle. 

The Secretary of State says, "Yes, the loser or likely loser would almost instantly choose self-annihiliation.

I say, "No. The probability, though not the certainty, but surely at least the possibility, is that no such point would come, whatever the course of the conflict."

Speech in the House of Commons (1 March 1967).

"The right finds it easy to explain what is and to justify what is, but not to account for change. The left finds it easy to justify change, but not to account for what is, and what is accepted...Parties come and go, governments come and go. But if we lose the power to make and unmake governments, to make and unmake parliaments, then everything else is changed. Even if I were convinced that the result of doing what Michael Foot has described—regaining what we ought never to have given away—even if I were convinced that the result of that would be that we would have Labour administrations for the rest of my lifetime, I would say: well, so be it. But at least we have retained the power to decide under what general principles this nation is going to be governed."

- 10 June 1973

By the way, what Iain Paisley is talking about in relation to Kincora is a Children's Home/Boy Brothel operated by MI5 in Northern Ireland during the 1970s for the purposes of political blackmail against senior British Politicians of both parties.

Former British Army Information Officer Colin Wallace, responsible for concocting "Black Propaganda" in the run up to the two General Elections of 1974 against British Politicians was fired when he leaked details of the dirty tricks project (code named CLOCKWORK ORANGE) to a Times Journalist - five years later, he was framed for murder and jailed, but later had the conviction quashed on appeal.

One of those credibly rumoured to have been ensnared by the Kincora honey trap was Edward Heath (bachelor), who was at the time, the Conservative Prime Minister and had just taken Britain into the EU. Which MI5 and the Crown did not like.

Colin Wallace (second from right) in the company of PM Ted Heath at Kincora childrens home.

David Icke further developed information that Heath was not just a paedophile, but a child murderer, who liked to strangle his victims, and wrote this in The Biggest Secret in 1999, after offering Heath the right of reply, which Heath declined to challenge; Icke was never sued, by Heath or anyone else named in the book.

Such as Sir Jimmy Saville, OBE, Knight Comander of the Papal Order of St. Gregory.

Of course, no-one paid any attention, because "Icke's a nutter."

Merlyn Rees was first Minister for Northern Ireland and then Home Secretary in the 1974-1979 Labour Government.

He was also MP for Leeds South.
Denis Healy was Minister of Defence from 1964-1970, and then Chancellor of the Exchequer in the 1974-1979 Labour Government.
He was also (with Hugh Gaitskill) a founding member of the Bilderberg Group, and MP for Leeds East.
The Yorkshire Ripper Series of murders occurred between 1975 and 1981, almost exclusively in and around the Home Secretary's home constituency of Leeds South. Which was incredibly embarrassing.

That picture of Savile was taken in the late 1970s with members of the West Yorkshire Metropolitan Police Force in Leeds.

In Dewsbury police station, Peter Sutcliffe was waiting for an opportunity to confess. Inspector John Boyle was talking to him.

Boyle continued... I believe you put the false number plates on to conceal the identity of the vehicle in the red-light district."

Sutcliffe "That is not true. To be honest with you, I've been so depressed that I put them on because I was thinking of committing a crime with the car." Boyle " Why did you leave your car and go to the side of that house?"

Sutcliffe " To urinate."
Boyle "I think you went for another purpose. Do you understand what I am saying? I think you are in serious trouble."
Sutcliffe " I think you have been leading up to it."
Boyle " Leading up to what?"

Sutcliffe " The Yorkshire Ripper"

Boyle "What about the Yorkshire Ripper?"
Sutcliffe " Well, it's me. I'm glad its all over"

Ripperology from Spike EP on Vimeo.
"'When you tell me, then I'll start taking it in. So have you done it or what?' An' he says, 'I haven't done 'em all. I'll tell you that now. But I've done six or seven of them, aye." So I says, 'Well, that's it then," an' we sat down."

What Carl knew was mainly what his brother had told him on his first visit to see him in Armley. "He said he hadn't done them all." He said to me, "They aren't really as bad as they say." "He hadn't really ripped them to bits", he said."

Peter Sutcliffe wrote to his brother Mick. "Don't take so much notice of any ignorant talk about me as the public in general know absolutely nothing about me or the type of person I am. It is all absolute rubbish that has been printed so far."

In another letter to Carl he says. "Don't feel too bad because soon you will know the whole truth of this matter."

In every case the reaction was one of stunned disbelief. Sonia's mother, Maria Szurma, told reporters: "We just can't believe it. Peter is so loving, so generous, so thoughtful. He would do anything for anyone if he could. Nothing was too much trouble for him."

"I just can't believe Peter is the man who killed 13 women. It is not possible. I will not believe it. Even if it comes from his own mouth I will never accept that he is the Yorkshire Ripper. He was worried about the Ripper and used to drive me about when I had to go out at night so I would be safe."

Tony Benn's Diary - 30 9 1976 - Labour vs the IMF Bankers from Spike EP on Vimeo.
The IMF in the New World Order, or
Institutions never die, they simply find a new mission
Osvaldo Croci

Prepared for the Round Table The Asian Crisis and the IMF: What does it all mean? Laurentian University, Department of Economics, February 26, 1998.

In this presentation I will retrace the origins of the IMF and describe its main role until 1971. Then, I will examine the brief identity crisis faced by the IMF and its adoption of a new mission in the late 1970s. I will finish with some brief considerations on the role of international institutions in the new Global Economy.

The IMF was one of the products of the July 1944 Bretton Woods conference. At this conference the victors of World War II laid out the main features of the post-war international economy. These features were largely the result of the historical lesson provided by the Great Depression of 1929-1933, and of a compromise between the views held by the two most influential participants, namely the American Harry Dexter White and the British John Maynard Keynes. Regulation of what was still a system of international economic relations, as opposed to a global economy, was to be based on the following principles:

Promotion of an open trading environment. This objective was to be pursued primarily through the ITO. When the ratification of the relative treaty failed in the US, it was pursued through the GATT. The promotion of an open trading environment was, at the same time, to be favoured by:

The attainment of currency convertibility and the establishment of a system of fixed (but adjustable) exchange rates.

Acceptance of “the welfare state” or, if you prefer, the notion that the state had a legitimate role to play in the management of national economies and, more precisely, had a responsibility for the promotion and maintenance of a high level of employment and income. This meant that states had to be given the necessary fiscal and monetary levers to steer their economies towards these objectives. Given the fact that a choice had been made in favour of a system of fixed exchange rate, the necessity to grant states effective fiscal and, above all, monetary levers precluded the adoption of another principle that liberals at least would have very much liked to see in place, namely, free private capital mobility. This is due to what Benjamin Cohen has called the “unholy trinity” that is to say the fact that in a system of fixed exchange rates and free capital mobility any attempt to pursue autonomous monetary objectives would sooner or later provoke potentially destabilizing flows of speculative capital. Hence the fourth principle of Bretton Woods:

Acceptance of limitations on the free flow of capital.

It was within the context of the establishment of a system of fixed, albeit adjustable exchange rate that the IMF was conceived and set up. The basic structure of the IMF could be compared to that of a credit union. Its members were countries (39 at its inception, 182 today) that subscribed quotas proportional to the size of their economy and their wealth. At the same time countries could borrow from the IMF in case their national finances deteriorated, because of Balance of Payments problems or downward pressures on their currencies that made it difficult for them to maintain the rate of exchange agreed upon. Already at this time there were elements of “conditionality” especially if the credit demanded exceeded the so-called “reserve tranche” and even more if it went beyond the first “quota tranche.”

In terms of its original, stated objectives (achievement and maintenance of currency convertibility and exchange rate stability, and expansion of international trade), the performance of the IMF between 1945 and 1971 can be said to have been very positive, especially if one compares it with the situation of the international economy in the 20 years preceding the creation of the IMF. After a period of domestic economic recovery and stabilisation, all major currencies became convertible by 1958, apart from occasional readjustments, exchange rates were kept reasonably stable, and finally, international trade experienced a period of unprecedented growth.

November Surprise 1974 - Henry Kissinger, The Nugan Hand Bank and the Dismissal of the Australian Government from Spike EP on Vimeo.
"Jerry Aaron's interpretation of the Shackley Cable is shared by former CIA agent Ralph McGehee. Was Shackley in a position to be ordering ASIO about, I mean, you worked under Shackley in Vietnam. Is he a senior CIA officer?"

Ralph McGehee: Oh, yes, he was a top CIA officer. He was also one of Ed Wilson's closest friends. Ed Wilson, of course, was head of Task Force 157. Prior to that, Wilson had been in the CIA. And there are all sorts of evidence that Task Force 157 was also orchestrating the efforts to overthrow the Whitlam government.

Clyde Cameron: Well, ASIO has always been a compliant service for the American CIA. They have always done that. They have been quite sympathetic towards the CIA and let's not forget that the Australian intelligence organisations were the ones who were responsible for acting as a conduit for the CIA and Pinochet in 1973 when the CIA-backed Pinochet Junta moved in and overthrew the elected government of Chile. I know that members of the Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS) were active in Santiago at that time and were acting in cooperation with the CIA because the CIA weren't able to function in Chile under President Allende. They had to do their dirty work through somebody else and they chose the Australian intelligence organisations.

When I became Minister for Immigration I was appalled to discover that we had an immigration officer in Santiago who was in fact an ASIO spy. He wasn't a genuine immigration officer at all but was an ASIO spy who had been put on by my immigration establishment as a bona fide immigration officer and I sought to have him removed but the Prime Minister intervened and prevented the removal from taking place.

I remember that when the Prime Minister discovered that ASIS had been active in Santiago he ordered that the ASIS operative in that area be withdrawn that they just ignored it, refused to do anything about it, and it wasn't until Whitlam took firm action and threatened to put the knife through a lot of these people who were responsible for ignoring his direction that they were withdrawn. But by that time, of course, the coup had occurred, Allende had been assassinated and Pinochet had been installed.

Ian Wood: That was former Whitlam Cabinet Minister Clyde Cameron. Before that you also heard former CIA agents Victor Marchetti and Ralph McGehee, Jerry Aaron, the co-author of Rooted in Secrecy, and Kelly Johnson of the Christopher Boyce Alliance. Next week, Watching Brief looks at the CIA interference in Australian and New Zealand trade unions.

Joe Haines from Spike EP on Vimeo.