Monday 12 August 2024


What was My Mother like? You should ask,
'What she is like?' -- She's a wild, 
heavy, elegant old bitch -- yeah,
a really a good, hard-rockerand she's 
like a third-generation Kentuckian --
now, I don't know there.... there probably such 
a thing as a third-generation Oregonian...? 
Lewis and Clark, maybe...? Yeah. 

Too much inbreeding...!

You-People have 
not done well
here, have you?

Dr. Hunter S.  Thompson  Documentary - The Crazy Never Die

that scene zunzun came to Portland last night traded drugs onstage with innocent
children bragged about beating Zaman the death I don't even invest you know call the
president filthy gerbil it offered no solutions to the that Brooklyn and
crippled sad young chaps who brought their families to yours last phases a
device before the Armageddon hain't hunter it's true but the man is
here I don't know what I could say to tell you what you do the phone of the
phone has been ringing literally off the hook for five days and there are so many
people disappointed that they're not here at night it's going to be a wonderful evening he's a great gentleman
it's funny his agent paint has been painting him as this this horror show
this a twisted human being and it's part
of this rap you know he gets next year 500 bucks for me because he says
Hunter Thompson ladies and gentlemen thank you
if it were in church uh I am late you
know and I was in Seattle so was I yeah you
must have earlier train and you didn't break down in despair in personal brief
and mega-tree as I did I had a problem in the wino in Seattle never my family
I can't hear me no back in the back no
well no I didn't come here to lecture you people unsewn I am NOT a sail an
engineer I'm good I'm good I have 80 speakers in my living room but I don't pretend to be a sound engineer
what was my mother like you asked what she is like he's a wild heavy elegant old [ __ ] yeah
I really a good hard rocker
and she's like a third-generation Kentuckian now I don't know they're
they're probably such a thing as third-generation or you're going in hey Lewis and Clark yeah too much inbreeding
and breeding people have not done well
here have you know this one of my
favorite sounds alright well it's true god damnit I don't get mushy for helfen
and you will pay for that one whoever that was I will not get much again you screwed up
your face you're giving me lips make it lips at me I say I I can tell whether
courier shirt there that you probably one of those people come on no way to
read you a fur trapper do it was devised on some days you just want to beat the
living [ __ ] up to somebody and then happen cops can include milk I log into
through the fence haha and then you may know there's the classic oh no of course
we get up and I'm looking down inside it needs all the way down the lake
turbulence one that me only they had the good food really
the character all times go ahead give it move it
well I said been longer depend when a fundamental voice game try to go higher
several do it like I've really these little bastards people ruin the after the golf ball a lumber things by with
these do one of these things is done kind of person well we're going to do I
was behind the fence no I had a second going a major goal again we've got that
when I get seriously busy keep it's
calling every conceivable gonna make you dirty sock dirty stupid bastard I've had
a hold of this he's slinging it yeah well well we were we're an hour away
from perdition oh not to mention the first edition I
don't again I guess we're going to thank you
better without justice ever remember this move I don't mind remote sliders would do it alright I can get two
different drivers there there is one but I was hoping that
you can't see a beat soccer but that's a
bit look get us up now I was ever in
that business never in the business of managing the national economy and neither was Ronald
Reagan and what the horror of it is it neither was anybody else though people
from Wall Street don't care about the national economy they care about here comes Donald Don Regan from Merrill
Lynch and what do you think he cares about the economy in Texas the price of
cotton know he cares about what's happening with Merrill Lynch and he's made chief of staff he made she was deaf
he and Baker had lunch one day and said let's trade jobs
yeah so Jim Baker who is the smartest
politician functioning Washington maybe with his half bastard brother power
those are those two are the best right now Baker said okay I'll just leave this
way to also not going to be secretary of the Treasury and you take over here so
Reagan who was into a deep drool once again I feel sorry for the old man I
really have an affection for him danger is a quality with me which is a profound
intellectual laziness has his back with
some of you yeah even a radio sportscaster on the Mississippi River
somewhere out of Illinois yeah work he thought it was up as Mark
Twain but uh Mark Twain didn't try to be
President and you want to remember that it isn't just an actor's job you know
actors uh somebody care about their roles anything like rigging against old
light bulbs things hello anything and again Zillah Star Wars a brendlin and
Ronald Reagan has endorsed the book of Revelation as a sort of a sketchy guideline for the 80s
I don't know I really feel sorry for the
man because he didn't understand what he's what he's doing he they told they put him up there and he said the handless Dutch and err no he's 76 years
old he almost got away with it all of his life he was elected governor in
California in 1966 and he had allowed for two terms and they call him a genius
meanwhile he ran up and triple budget deficits in California and never paid
any attention to anything the first thing he did was strip the insane out of all the mental health facilities
how about this SOPA shirt I mean this trip is silly she's me it's rayon it's hot now I
shouldn't talk too much here if you want lecturers you really can go to listen to Ronald Reagan who's a very short winded
of light how many of you believed is his statement last week or his speech how
many of you were turned around well when
he explained himself on the terror Commission report he didn't see it up
here oh I don't write evidence for the
argument talked to go with police and look at all this I've never even asked my licenses the cab driver came I am
calling Kevin Rudd and said hey I'm [ __ ] this goddamn okay and when he
came in right behind it was carnage any what's the big iron bar don't work I
have a little little oh you know everything boards just a way anything
ever been we almost get away with enough I'm well I'm little bit
I'm singing a typewriter and again TV set when they give the
backs even at night in that case it's a Firebird so you don't get Michigan you know they you know remember here's my
leather bag and in like four golf clubs did I hear just a stolen TV set on Maxie
like any good horse for boys this carbon
is concerning to me very much

Oliver North is here he's been everywhere isn't he that bastard hey you
talk about a guy who had fun every Oliver North had about as much fun as anybody's head for about five years
in government no one knows who was running the White House it turns out that Oliver North was running the foreign policy and Oliver North's for
six years or so had the run at the whole world he could rent Switzerland he get
by fleets of the Danish boats the government's not involved in Central
America did you hear yeah this is a bunch of
renegades who were prowling around naked in the White House basement [ __ ] the
secretaries and they got no money nobody has nobody treats any money to
the Contras yet they said they got $100,000 but he came from somewhere else however North had what three days that
ed Meese gave him in order to clear out and shred all the files on this hideous
criminal operation that means knew all about me before people knew about it it
was nice Bush Regan and North he
probably saw a formal now well she was that's why I gave her immunity she didn't know all about it so
they given her immunity on the shredding so when the whistle was blown on them
when this Syrian vapor in Iran blew the whistle on the arms deal and the rats
went wild in Washington after that he's said to Oliver North who had been a real
champion he was a Dick Tracy the hero means everything is the administration
how he did that I'll never know so here's only North without putting this in in there was Hawk was born Hall
for three days trying to get rid of documents now have you seen the
documents they got out of there ye gods what came out of there was a monster file of horrible gibberish in
here what the hell were they doing down there Holly North is Vaughn hall and probably
that son of that contra that Cruiser much the same little maniac who was
promising to marry one Hall here's a contra leader in the White House
Situation Room and yet FC basement with a secretary all the time with Oliver
North and and they they shredded everything they could and they tried to
get the computer clean and they couldn't do any of it George Bush had no fun Oliver North had
fun what was Bush's role George Bush's role he I haven't suspect my feeling is
he is the most guilty of all
yeah we have a story here that's gonna be worse than Watergate much deeper is
dirty would cost you end up Iceland yeah I get this a little bit no I can sleep
on people and yeah bring them in they
didn't see the pistol nobody calls me trouble inside illegal but what's the line well yeah well then
I had to get rid of it it's tigey you know the part off hey although you Meucci oh yeah oh yeah
don't have any cigarettes why don't you - was it really cigarettes
right here's the vice president yeah he
had to only at a staff aide named Donald Gregg who ran the aide to the first
phase of the age the Contras operation and he had that max Gomez or alias max
Gomez Rodriguez an old-time Cuban
anti-castro miami type and these people worked out of Bush's office and there's
a an arms trial arms sale trial in New York that was cancelled about two months
ago was 17 really bad people on trial for selling arms to Iran for two billion
dollars and the reason for it was it's a George Bush they said had okayed the
damn thing that was two billion and now they're looking now for nineteen point five million which is clearly
disappeared gone on garbin afar you know ugly little bastard bad temper
uh yeah they're seizing uh what - oh geez airplanes in Salt Lake City
shopping centers but 20 million is nothing these people were in for 2 billion and it was dismissed because
George Bush interfered allegedly in the evidence procedure and that I made far
lane guys silly little fort who let's go I'm
sorry as a force about it used to work for John teller or as a staff assistant
man know what 8:30 volumes I thought he was killing Jim Morrison 8:30 vitamins
for breakfast yeah it was a lame thing but we have
people who nobody here would drink with you know you wouldn't give a ride in your car if they were hitchhikers and
they got in and starts in well I like what you doing man we're going well I'm going to Washington I'm the national
security adviser and yeah I madman I
give them a ride for a while but MacFarlane and Poindexter we're so dumb and so low and ugly and just cheap that
input the amount of the next crossroad almost all politicians and all lawyers
should be castrated for their genes to not be passed along
jeez my jeans I've been selling him for a long time in a massive experiment yeah
at a frankfort kentucky yeah they JCPenney family runs a sperm bank
that's true I don't record I've been selling my sperm to them for about 13 years
you ask me how i live now I pay for my drugs and my whiskey well that's how I do it why can't I fine
what do you need actually take that cup right here you don't have that stuff
right there right use that thing yeah
come on video led myself Erica by getting some out of that I'm going to be doubling up whatever are yeah we'll get
it soon just a sec all right in the
window holes after on the four corner 14 to 15 15 yeah 14 on in work across the
door yeah what we like about the 16 17 18 okay because I didn't truck 4,000 harder
I can I remember every while sticking
stop I bet you do great I never say anything like that my life
[ __ ] them trouble give me the tea and green the dark he
had actually that really good run and hide lesser minds of building over trees and he was eating yet the whole locked
up already when we slides up in the green as I lost my whole it became the
green in the darkness it was 180 yards
7-iron over that over okay what about the next ball the next hole
alright hit three throw it into the end of the butchers right no pop in the par-3 where where I hit it to 20 feet
you a little squibber 100 hundred yards from the feet hit the second shot over the green I make I go get down into for
a three you're sitting over the green and 220 feet if you hit a [ __ ] 7-iron ship that takes one bounce hits the
[ __ ] flagstick and bouncing like a stone fast sanic we're gonna we're in
the lane I never had much to do with
coming strip
well depends on your perspective you know what is your perspective well I'm
going to tell you that people wrote in this country want to be what firemen Cowboys and pimps maybe I ever known but
be sure but nobody grows up here wanting to be a comic strip character do they so
I'm a pioneer and now I don't don't like
it hell no that filthy little animal he has
parents enemy yield they slaves it worked they were humble people and they said
this boring they bored to Yale for four years I only learned to do was a steal other people's work yeah I don't know
it's a shot I don't I don't pay much attention when I was in the middle of
covering the plunger the worst well which is really covering these palm beach now I realize you live out here in
this clean wet air and it isn't like
Palm Beach and you can't imagine how really corrupt those people are and
that's all about all I did was explaining that all beaches like this when nobody works everybody makes a
million dollars a year just clipping coupons and and they fight over inches
of beachfront uh no sand and welcome ever that's three without the freighter
washed up in one of those woman's yard that's Palm Beach she was amused
except her they had 81 Haitians washed
up there one day and they were amused yeah Dan Haitians boat people there's
nothing to Bobby to the funny plane yeah they got a sense of humor they won't put and I would never claim never
guilty I haven't had to go over to Roxanne's house every night when I had
to be in court all of the press contingent was so huge and they had 12
press seats so you had to be there at 7:00 in the morning to sign up Nora worded matter so I would have to stay up
every night at Roxanne's house and those people would take cocaine in bags like
the sort of thing you'd buy in a drugstore would count talcum powder and then shake it out on the kitchen table
and and say what we have to do it all now we've got to go to court in the morning that was rude of me
yeah they were more excessive than I was Nixon's a guy who admits he'll he did
not burn the tape that was his failure you know next it was evil Nixon yeah he
maneuvered Nixon got to his knees on his knees at night in the Lincoln room and prayed to the portrait of Abe Lincoln
and Nixon made weird deals Hilma Kissinger at 3:00 in the morning
Nixon took Manolo the butler out at 5:00 in the morning saying after he drunk
three margaritas which is um excuse me other martinis which was when Richard Nixon drank three martinis that was it
it was like the rest of us eating a lot of acid next thing cannot drink it was
not a racial thing or have stature I always I wondered about it was Kermit
Nixon could not go out with his speech writers and drink with reporters he got not he could not mingle so when he did
even though I don't lean Utz at night and of course his wife was they have a
question mark a pretzel of something and his family I hated him and abhorred him
so he was left at night with Manolo the butler and unlike reagan who takes naps
and goes to sleep Nixon didn't he would prowl all the White House tonight and there was a
anti-war protest of some kind when Nixon grabbed Manolo and said let's go out and talk to them and he went out and talked
to football to them tell me that Ohio State you know like the 15,000 children
underneath the Washington Monument Nixon had a sense of let's go out and play you
know well that's why but he was a player and Nixon's he was evil but he would hurt you yeah just to get into the White
House to talk to Nixon as uh keep you real sharp for a long time
Nixon or north or nice it's the same old [ __ ] nothing we're gonna change well let me just tell
you something sport and I agree with you and I have done that and thought that
way before but let me warn you that this time the urban opposing force and
someone's will have to pick them up this is democracy unless you're a foreign
national or an agent of a foreign power and maybe even then you may be the one to have to pick it up no that's the yeah
we all pray for the Armageddon and the bun fires in the hill and the great shrieking in the yeah oh yeah oh no we
went we want the action but we do live there uh and we're not gonna die not all
of us in this holocaust this is the dark thought and I want to ruin your young
life but it's going to change but nobody I'm not going to take care to change it Mises I'm gonna take here the change you
were going to be a part of that
mentality behind the drug what do you use what kind of stuff you I'll tell you
what are you as a oh I can tell you anything at all good night but I'm gonna
have a little bit dead end lovely moves and I I don't catch them when I beat
them to death this is my hair I'll rub
which is gonna die very soon
hey Elle big oh hell rented for a while
yeah he made the mistake of admitting it one day yeah I would kill them all
well hey I don't know what God's gonna do I've always kept a safe distance from
him but hey lay right now what you've been reading
yeah it turns out there's a ring of truth and we were getting that but I don't think I've said these things I
don't want to go to my grave thinking that they all spoke a different language
maybe the draft maybe the drafts would be back so you'd be really scared
this is a piece of the generation of swine was a game for the 80s

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