Showing posts with label False Fear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label False Fear. Show all posts

Tuesday 6 September 2022

False Fear

Superman :
You made contingency plans to stop 
everybody in the League 
just in case any of us 
ever went bad.

The Batman :
My contingencies were intended 
to immobilise, not kill.

Superman :
But Savage came up with The Plan to bury you.

The Batman :
I assume so. It wasn't one of mine.
Was that it?

Superman :
With all that talk about unchecked power, 
you're still so arrogant you didn't 
bother to come up with A Plan 
to stop yourself?

The Batman :
I DO have A Plan.
It's called “The Justice League”.

Superman :
Just wanted to be sure.

The Batman :
What is it?

[ it’s a Kryptonite Bullet. ]

Superman :
If The League ever did go over to the wrong side 
I want there to be somebody I can trust
to keep the planet safe.
Even from me.

The Batman :
HalHal, listen to me.
However it looks, this 
wasn't your fault.

Hal Jordan :
Who's fault was it, then?
I was the one with 
the most powerful
weapon in the universe.
I was the one whose arrogance
led to this girl's death.

The Batman :
I know more than a little
about arrogance.
I also know about dead bodies,
and that isn't one.

She's a sophisticated android.
They all were.

The entire scenario 
was created to convince you 
that you made a bad call.
But you didn't.

Hal Jordan :
I was afraid that --

The Batman :
NoYou weren't afraid. 
Not really.
You were dosed with 
a synthesised version of 
The Scarecrow's fear gas...
...because Will is the 
source of Your Strength.
And Fear is The Enemy of Will.

The Batman :
I've got the antidote to the fear gas.

Hal Jordan :
Don't need it.
[ picks up The Ring ]
Robots, advanced drugs,
psychological profiling —
No way Star Sapphire
came up with this on her own.

The Batman :
I did this to you.
To all of you.