Showing posts with label The Book of The Sith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Book of The Sith. Show all posts

Friday 13 September 2019

The Bicameral Sovereignty

Join Me — Together, 
We Can Rule The Galaxy 
as Father and Son!

That won’t work 

This might have :

"Curious. I have brought The Sith to their ultimate victory. Through study, I will soon learn how to defeat deathWhile I may choose apprentices, I will never choose a successor."

 — Darth Sidious, 

Marginalia in The Book of The Sith, 

in the section titled 

"Selecting an Apprentice"

“I Shall Be President ETERNALLY


Lord-President Borusa

The Force is a concept

By which we measure

My Power

I'll say it again

The Force is a concept

By which we measure

My Power

I don't believe in magic

I don't believe in Qui-Gonn

I don't believe in Black Scrolls

I don't believe in Holocron

I don't believe in Vader

I don't believe in Grievous

I don't believe in Dooku

I don't believe in Sentirs

I don't believe in Mantra

I don't believe in Jedi

I don't believe in Yoda

I don't believe in Kings

I don't believe in Jabba

I don't believe in Anakin

I don't believe in Sith

I just believe in Me

Emperor Palpatine

That's Reality

The Dream is over

What can I say?

The Dream is over


I was The Senator

But now I'm reborn

I was Supreme Chancellor

But now I'm The Emperor

And so, loyal vassals

You'll just have to 

Obey My Will

The Dream is over...

“Know This : — Your Apprentice Will Kill You.

The Sith Order is Now a Lineage.

Or Do You Believe That You Will Live Forever....?”

The Book of The Sith