Thursday 15 August 2024

Echoes Fade

Master Kenobi :
Are you alright

The Supreme Chancellor :
Count Dooku.....

Master Kenobi :
This time we will do it together.

Anakin Skywalker :
I was about to say that. 

The Supreme Chancellor :
Get help. You're no match 
for him -- He's a Sith lord. 

Master Kenobi
Chancellor Palpatine, 
Sith Lords are 
our speciality

Darth Tyranus :
Your swords, please. We don't want 
to make a mess of things in 
front of The Chancellor. 

Master Kenobi
You won't get away 
this time, Dooku

Darth Tyranus
I've been looking 
forward to this. 

Anakin Skywalker :
My powers have doubled 
since the last time 
we met, Count. 

Darth Tyranus
Good. Twice the pride
double the fall

The Supreme Chancellor :
Get -

Darth Tyranus
I sense great fear 
in you, Skywalker
You have hate
You have anger
But you don't 
use them. 

The Supreme Chancellor :
Good, Anakin. 
Good — Kill him. 
Kill him, now

Anakin Skywalker :
-- I shouldn't

The Supreme Chancellor :
Do it

You did well, Anakin. 
He was too dangerous 
to be kept alive

Anakin Skywalker :
Yes, but he was 
an unarmed prisoner. 
I shouldn't have done that. 
It's not The Jedi Way. 

The Supreme Chancellor :
It is only natural -
He cut off your arm, 
and you wanted revenge

It wasn't the first time, Anakin. 
Remember what you told me 
about Your Mother and 
The Sand People? 

Now we must leave before 
more security droids arrive. 

Anakin, there's no time
We must get off this ship 
before it's too late. 

Anakin Skywalker :
He seems to be alright

The Supreme Chancellor :
Leave him, or we'll 
never make it. 

Anakin Skywalker :
His Fate will be 
the same as ours

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