Showing posts with label Lore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lore. Show all posts

Sunday 16 October 2022

The People of The Toaster-Oven Nation

When people of good conscience have an honest dispute, 
we must still sometimes resort to this kind 
of adversarial system. 

You just want me to prove that Data is a mere machine. 
I can't do that because I don't believe it.
 I happen to know better. So I'm 
neither qualified nor willing. 
You're going to have to find someone else. 

Then I will rule summarily 
based upon my findings :
 Data is A Toaster. 
Have him report to 
Commander Maddox immediately 
for experimental refit. 

 [ Groaning ] [ Snarling ] [ Christie ] Get off me! [ Grunts ] Johner! Get off me! Get off me! Aaah! Johner! Die, m*therf*cker! Do it, man! [ Snarls ] Hey! [ Snarls ] [ Screeches ] [ Gasps ] Real nice party, ain't it? [ Groaning ] [ Grunts ] [ Groaning, Sobbing ] Christie! Christie! Christie! No! Christie! What are you doing? Don't do it! Don't! We can make it! No! [ Screams ] [ Groaning, Sobbing ] Damn! [ Grunting ] [ Breathing Erratically ] [ Alarm Beeping ] [ Grunts ] 

This way. Come on! 

Baby, am I glad to see you. 

I was sure that asshole got you. 
Are you hurt? 

I'm fine. 

You got body armor on? 

Yeah. Come on. 

Ripley-8 :
You took it in the chest. I saw it. 

[ Chuckles

You're A Robot? Son ofa bitch! 
Our little Call is just full of surprises. 

Ripley-8 :
I should have known — 
No Human Being is that humane

I thought Synthetics were supposed 
to be all logical and sh1t. 
You're just a big old psycho, girl. 

You're A Robot? 

You're Second-Gen, aren't you? 
You're an Auton - 
Robots, designed by robots, right? 

Hah! Oh, yeah. 
That's right. I remember. 
Now, they were supposed to revitalise 
The Synthetic Industry.
Instead, they buried it. [ Chuckles

They didn't like being 
told What to Do. 

Government ordered a recall. 
Now, I heard— I had— 
I had heard... 
that only a few - just a few-
had gotten out intact
Man, I never, never thought 
that I would see one! 

Great. She's a toaster oven. 
Can we leave now? 

[ Distephano Laughing ] 

Ripley-8 :
How long before we land? 

Distephano :
Just under two hours. 

Johner :
Hey, Vriess. You got a socket wrench? 
Maybe she just needs an oil change. 

I'm sorry. Access denied. 

Johner :
I can't believe I almost fucked it. 

Vriess :
Yeah, like you never fucked a robot! 

[ Ripley ] 
You know, if Wren gets in the computer, he could really screw us. 

We gotta find a terminal. 

No, there's no console on this level. 
We'd have to go back. 

Well, we can't go back. 
And I don't know any 
of Wren's access codes. 

Ripley-8 :
Help Me. Call. 

Call :
No. I can't. 

Right.  You're the new-model droid. 
You can access the mainframe by remote. 

No, I can't. I burned my 
modem. We all did. 

Ripley-8 :
Call, you can still patch in manually
You know that. 

Distephano :
There's ports in the chapel, up there. Call. 

Call crosses herself in front of the altar

Ripley-8 :
You're programmed for that? 

Don't make me do this. 

Ripley-8 :
Don't make me make you. 

[ Sighs ] I don't want to go in there. 
It's like my insides are liquid. 
It's like I’m not real. 

Ripley-8 :
Get over it. You can blow the ship before it reaches Earth... and kill them all. 

[ Sniffles ] 

Ripley-8 :
Just give us time to get out first. 

Damn it. 

Ripley-8 :


Hold on. 

ComputerVoice :
Breach in Sector 7, Sector 3. Sector 9 unstable. 
Engines operating at 41 %. 
Eighty-six minutes until Earth dock. 

[ Sighs ] 
 Normal Voice 
We burned too much energy. 
I can't make critical mass. 
I can't blow it. 

Ripley-8 :
Then crash it. 

[ Grunting ] [ Grunting ] Yeah. [ Gasping ] [ Grunting ] 
I'm okay. I'm okay. Really. I feel good. 

Call: Computer Voice :
Ground level recalibrated. New destination: 7-6-0-4-0-3. Uninhabited quadrant. 
Braking systems off-lined. 
Acceleration increase. 
Time until impact now 
43 minutes, 8 seconds. 
Try to clear us a path to the Betty... 
and start her up. [ Normal Voice ] Okay. [ Whirring, Beeping ] [ ComputerVoice ] Please wait. Emergency override in console 45V, Level 1. [ Gasps ] [ Normal Voice ] 
It's Wren. He's almost at the Betty. 

[ Beeping ] [ Buzzes ] [ Powering Down ] 
Father, locate the power drain. 
Report. Father? 

[ Call Over Speaker ] 

Call of The Toaster-Oven Nation :
Father's Dead, asshole. 
Intruder on Level 1. 
All Aliens, please proceed to Level 1. 

Ripley-8 :
You got a mean streak. 

Call of The Toaster-Oven Nation :
[ GroansDamn it. 

Let me see. 

Call of The Toaster-Oven Nation :
Don't touch me. 

Ripley-8 :
Come on. 

Call of The Toaster-Oven Nation :
You must think this is pretty funny. 

Ripley-8 :
I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, 
but I don't think that they are.

Call of The Toaster-Oven Nation :
 Why do you go on living? 
How can you stand being what you are

Ripley-8 :
Not much choice. 

Call of The Toaster-Oven Nation :
At least there's a part of you that's Human. 
[ Sighs ] I'm just— Look at me. I'm disgusting

Ripley-8 :
Why did you come here? 

Call of The Toaster-Oven Nation :
To kill you, remember? 
Before the recall, I accessed The Mainframe. 
Every dirty little covert op The Government 
ever dreamed of is in there. 
And this - You, The Aliens, 
even The Crew from the Betty 
I knew if they succeededit would 
be The End of Them. 

Ripley-8 :
Why do you care what happens to Them? 

Call of The Toaster-Oven Nation :
Because I'm programmed to. 

Ripley-8 :
You're programmed to be an asshole
You're the new asshole model 
They're putting out? Come on. 

Call of The Toaster-Oven Nation :
I couldn't watch 'em do it. 
I couldn't let 'em annihilate themselves. 
Do you understand that? 

Ripley-8 :
I did, once. I tried to Save... People
It didn't work out
There was this girl. She had bad dreams. 
I tried to help her. She died
Now I can't even remember her name. 

Call of The Toaster-Oven Nation :
I guess we're almost there.

Ripley-8 :

[ Ripley-8 Sighs

Ripley-8 :
Do You Dream? 

Call of The Toaster-Oven Nation :
 I — Well, we have 
neuroprocessors that — Yes

Ripley-8 :
When I sleep, I dream 
about Themit
Every night. All around me, in me. 
I used to be afraid to dream, 
but I'm not anymore. 

Call of The Toaster-Oven Nation :

[ Ripley-8 chuckles ] 

Ripley-8 :
Because no matter how bad 
the dreams get, when I wake up, 
it's always worse

Distephano :
It's not so far now! 
God, I'm so tired. 

Johner :
Sleep when you die, man. 
Oh, no. This is bad, right? 

I think we're near the nest. 
Well, then we'll go another way. 

We don't have time. 

We got nearly 90 minutes. 

Not anymore. 

What are you saying? 
What did you do, robot? 
Let's go. Come on. Hey! 

You want to die here 
with your little brothers 
and sisters, that's cool! 
But I plan to live past today! 
If this little hunk of plastic is pulling any sh1t, I'm gonna kill her! Kill you! 
Does that computeOr do I have 
to draw you a schematic? 

Ripley-8 grabs him by the tongue — 
[ Gagging

Ripley-8 :
Hey! You want another souvenir? 

[ Gagging Continues

Ripley-8 :
How far are the docks? 

A h-hundred yards.

Sunday 18 April 2021

Hugh’s Cave

This is for you

It regulates the power flow to the frequency that you're used to. 
This connection should fit the coupling on your arm. 

You're welcome.


Why are you here, Commander Riker? 
Hasn't the crew of the Enterprise caused enough damage already? 
(a little later) 

So you blame us for what has happened to the Borg? 

You gave me a sense of Individuality, changed me,
 then sent me back to The Collective. 

You must have known that change would be passed on to others. 

We considered it. 
We knew it was a possibility. 

Then you made it possible for Lore to dominate us. 

I cannot accept that. 
Lore is only one —
The Borg could have stopped him. 

You don't know the condition we were in when he found us. 

Before my experience on The Enterprise, The Borg were a single-minded Collective. 

The voices in our heads were smooth and flowing

But after I returned, those voices began to change. 
They became uneven, discordant

For the first time, individual Borg had differing ideas about how to proceed. 

We couldn't function. 

Some Borg fought each other. 
Others simply shut themselves down. 
Many starved to death. 

And then Lore came along. 

You probably can't imagine what it is like to be so lost and frightened that you will listen to any voice which promises change. 

Even if that voice insists on controlling you. 

That's what we wanted
Someone to show us the way out of confusion. 

Lore promised clarity and purpose

In the beginning, he seemed like a saviour. 

The promise of becoming a superior race, 
of becoming fully artificial was compelling. 

We gladly did everything he asked of us. 

But after a while, it became clear that Lore had no idea how to keep his promise. 

That's when he began talking about the need for us to make sacrifices

Before we realised it, this was the result. 

What happened to them? 

Lore began to experiment, 
trying to re-make us in his image. 

This is the result of my encounter with The Enterprise, Commander. 

So you can see I don't particularly welcome your presence here. 

I'm sorry you feel that way. 
We just came to get our people. 
We won't cause you any more trouble. 

Tell me about my friend. 


The Human called Geordi. 

I wish I could tell you about him. 
We think he may be held inside the compound. 

I cannot help you. 
I cannot risk our being discovered. 

Can you at least show us a way into the compound? 

These caverns lead to tunnels which run beneath the compound. 
Some of them connect with the environmental control ducts. 

Show us. 
If we can determine the geography of the compound, 
we can form a rescue plan.