Showing posts with label The Judge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Judge. Show all posts

Monday 28 December 2020

It Judges You By The Fact of it’s Existence

Imagine all this Division and Deconstruction was just a corridor we’re passing through. 

All the Fractioning and Separation 

— that’s typical of Horus. 

We can see The Hand of Horus in the Modern-Day tearing down of Monuments and Statues

He’s kicking The Fuck out of formerly stable Systems all around The World. 

That’s exactly what you would expect of This Spirit that Crowley said manifested first in 1913. 

But for me, I think he made his presence felt quite clearly on 9/11.

You can easily organize the evidence to suggest that there is an Aeon of Horus occurring now. 

Where Systems are being taken down, where everything’s being Questioned and Audited, and The Past is subject to major revision

So, there’s also some fun to be had in thinking 

Ok, if this is actually playing out in some symbolic fashion, then 

What might The Aeon of Ma’at look like, artistically?’

What advice do you have for the magicians out there who have a story to tell and want to storm the reality studio?

GM: Tell a different story. Tell a fresh story that speaks to its times and the people around you. A story that offers possibilities, exit strategies, rather than apocalypse and ruin. I can’t see that there’s anything else…

In the Wonder Woman book I’m doing, for instance, I’ve actively avoided writing the boy hero story that’s so ubiquitous as to seem inescapable —  the familiar story of the One, the champion, the Joseph Campbell monomyth thing that drives so many Hollywood movies and YA stories. We’ve seen it. The Lion King. The callow youth loses mom or dad, or his comfortable place in the tribe, and he has to fight his way back to save the kingdom from its corrupt old leader, before claiming the captive princess and becoming the new king and… ad infinitum. The Circle of Life if it only applied to boys. I thought, where is the mythic heroine’s story? In Ishtar Rising, Wilson talks about the myth of Inanna, and how she goes down into Hell and has to give up everything of herself to gain the wisdom and experience she can bring back to her tribe. Privileging the network rather than the sovereign individual.

And so, as I thought about the differences between the hero’s and the heroine’s journey, it gave me a bunch of different modes to work in. Finding ways to avoid telling the boy hero story again was quite liberating. It just gave me a bunch of new ideas, an interesting new way of telling stories that didn’t rely on the framework of the hero’s journey that Campbell talks about.

Playing the devil’s advocate here. Today there is a lot of fervor around identity, and there is one strong of thought that people can never truly understand what it is like walking in the shoes of others. Some may ask why a white man would seek to tell the story of a woman, from her perspective, instead of just sticking to what he knows, being a man. 

How authentically real is that character or story, etc.?

GM: It’s important to air These Feelings for debate. I must admit, with all respect, that I COMPLETELY disagree with The Idea That We Cannot Understand One Another.

Firstly, there’s a major obvious problem about coming at things from this perspective — if fundamentally, we cannot TRULY Know or have any Meaningful Opinion on What it Feels Like to be X, then we may as well STOP LISTENING to ANYTHING Anyone Else has to Say about Their Personal Experience, on The Basis That it can only be IRRELEVANT to Our SPECIFIC Lives!

If I can never TRULY Understand You without Walking in Your Shoes and vice versa, WHAT'S THE POINT of Listening or Talking to ANYONE about Our experience? What’s The POINT of Writing Stories, or Protesting, or Making Art if experience cannot by its nature be communicated and understood by ANYONE who has not shared The Experience of The Artist, or The Writer?

I think we all know it doesn’t really work that way in The Real World. We don’t need to BE a thing to have some Understanding of How it Operates. 

People can be great Veterinarians without personally experiencing the day-to-day Inner Lives of Dogs and Cats. 
I can read Solzhenitsyn and shed empathic tears for The Inmates of the Gulag without having to REPRISE their EXACY experience.

To think otherwise might be, I suspect, a Symptom of Narcissism painted into its inevitable corner, its Private Echo Chamber – destructive, divided, atomized, individualistic to the point of self-abnegation – and indicative of Late stage Osiris pathology.

And you know, We actually DO Understand one another in so many ways. 
We can imagine what it’s like to live someone else’s life –— or we can have our imaginations enflamed by well-told tales of other people’s lives and thrill to the ways they resonate exactly with our own lived experience. 

As a Writer, I KNOW This to Be True.

We’ve been observing one another’s behavior and drawing conclusions since The Dawn of Humanity. 

People AREN'T so complicated or new that the basic functions remain a mystery. 

All our plays, poems, songs and stories are a record of our attempts to understand ourselves and one another. 

The fact that Greek drama or Shakespeare still speaks to us is evidence that basic human nature has remained fairly consistent for thousands of years.

We figured one another out a long, long time ago.

And ultimately, I’ll say again, we are all the same organism. What we’re seeing is ring fingers fighting with thumbs, eyelashes screaming that eyebrows can never understand them! 

To point that out is probably an anathema in this current time of Narcissistic Inflation but it will be understood as a Fact of Nature in The End.

Maybe I’m wrong and we’re all fucked because humans are a kind of cancer-creature and our only purpose is to destroy each other and all other lifeforms on our planet… there’s still time for Agent Smith to be proved right!

I think everyone should have to imagine what it’s like to be someone else. We can all learn from one other but that means communicating; that means starting with the assumption we do have a common basis for genuine understanding even if our specific circumstances can never be repeated or totally understood by anyone other than ourselves. We all hurt, we all feel joy, we all get turned on, or scared. We all experience loss, and lack of self-worth and feel badly treated by the world at times.

And I understand why everyone should talk and tell stories from their own position you know but it’s also very useful – and a major human talent –  to imagine how other people feel and consider how the world might look through their eyes.  

And you do that by staying informed, listening to voices even when you disagree with them –—and by employing empathy and imagination to put yourself in their place as best as you’re able.

These are difficult times. I’m not a guru. I don’t know what to say to make it all better. There’s seven in a half billion people and it often seems they all fucking hate each other! Yet they all want everyone else to agree with their tiny, restricted, localized points of view. And they’ve all got a piece of ground to defend against perceived foes. I get it, but ultimately, we’re all one thing, one massive organism that’s going through difficult growing pains at the moment, so maybe we need to start thinking about what makes us alike, rather than different.

I hope so

GM: Well, this is part of the boiling process. Capitalist Consumer Culture has clearly reached its LIMITS and we either Advance to a More Efficient, Stable, Less-Suicidal and Aggressive Engagement with other people and our environment or we go extinct as a species, taking all the whales and tigers and gorillas with us, before we even figured out how to talk to them and hear their stories! There are few options remaining.

The current questioning, the judgmental audit of where we are and how we got here, is a Horus thing. We can only hope we sublimate from here via Ma’at into something more nurturing and sustainable.

It is a hot moment. Temperatures are rising, Artic ice caps are melting at an alarming rate, and people may be unconsciously registering all that, and doing a horrible job at it. Instead of dealing with one’s own sense of panic, constriction, and fear it looks like many people are just running hot.

GM: I feel like every word we say is now a potential indictment, you know. The last malignant thrashing of the passing Aeon of Osiris. 

The Echoes of The Inquisition, accusations of ‘WrongThink’, The Return of Original Sin, The Demonic GLEE taken in any stumble or falter from The Approved Path seems almost mediaeval. 

It’s terrifying. 

The potential for misunderstanding is almost infinite and its almost fated that we will struggle to abide by Rules That Grow ever more Authoritarian and Specific every day. 

Again, all that feels to me like the last ferocious attempts at asserting its fading Power by The Osiris Energy of The Last 2000 years, now gone Rotten and Unsustainable but trying HARDER to Keep Everything and Everybody under Increasingly Deranged levels of Control in every area of our lives.

Writers and artists can find more reasons to stop their expression than ever before it seems. The voice of Criticism and Judgement is easier to find these days, just doom scroll through various social media sites and it’s all over the place.

GM: I regard it all as new input. As tough as it is, there’s an excitement. It’s Making Me Think, it’s making me question myself and my assumptions, it’s making me write different things. I love ideas that Challenge My Thinking — even if I don’t AGREE with them in The End.

Tuesday 21 July 2020


Criminals are a superstitious cowardly lot. 

So my disguise must be able to strike Terror into their hearts. 

I must be a creature of the night, black, Terrible...



"I've seen Horrors, 
Horrors that you've seen. 

But you have no Right 
to call me A Murderer. 

You have a Right to Kill Me. 
You have The Rightto Do That 
But You Have No Right 
to Judge Me. 

Because it's Judgement 
that defeats Us."

The Batman: 
You're garbage who kills for money.

The Joker: 
Don't talk like One of Them. You're NOT
Even if you'd like to be. 

To Them, you're just a freak... like me..!!

They NEED you right now. 
But when They don't....

They’ll cast you out....
Like a Leper!

"I’m sure you’ve heard old fossils like me talk about 
Pearl Harbor, Yindel. 

Fact is, we mostly lie about it. 

We make it sound like we all leaped to our feet 
and went after the Axis on The Spot. 

Hell, we were scared. 

Rumors were flying, 
we thought the Japanese had taken California. 

We didn’t even have an army, so there we were, lying in bed pulling the sheets over our heads – 
and there was Roosevelt, on the radio, 
Strong and Sure, 
taking Fear and turning it into 
a Fighting Spirit

Almost overnight, we had Our Army. 
We won The War. 

Since then, Presidents have come and gone, 
each one seeming smaller, weaker… 
The Best of Them like faint echoes of Roosevelt -

A few years back, I was reading a news magazine – 
a lot of people with a lot of evidence 
said that Roosevelt knew Pearl was going to be attacked – 
and that he let it happen. 

Wasn’t proven. 
Things like that never are

I couldn’t stop thinking how horrible that would be… 
and how Pearl was what got us 
off our duffs in time to stop The Axis. 

A lot of Innocent Men died. 
But we won The War. 

It bounced back and forth in my head 
until I realised, 
I couldn’t Judge it. 

It was Too Big. 
He was Too Big…”

The Nazis are The Enemy. 

Wade into Them. 
Spill their blood. 
Shoot them in the belly.

When you put your hand into a bunch of goo that a moment before was Your Best Friend's Face --

You'll Know What to Do.

I worry that My Son might not understand what I've tried to be. 

And if I were to be killed, Willard, I would want someone to go to my home and tell my son everything – everything I did, everything you saw – because there's nothing that I detest more than the stench of lies

And if you understand me, Willard, you will do this for me.

Dear Son. 

I'm afraid that both you and your mother will have worried at not hearing from me during the past weeks, but my situation here has become a difficult one. 

I have been  officially accused of Murder by the army. 

The alleged victims were four Vietnamese double agents. 
We spent months uncovering then and accumulating evidence. 

When absolute proof was completed, we acted. We acted like soldiers. 
The charges are unjustified. 

They are, in fact, and under the circumstances of this conflict, quite completely insane.

In a war, there are many moments  for compassion and tender action. 
There are many moments for ruthless action. 

What is often called ruthless, but may, in many circumstances, be only clarity

Seeing clearly what there is to be done, and doing it directly, quickly, awake.

I will trust you tell your mother what you choose about this letter. 

As for the charges against me, I am unconcerned. 
I am beyond their timid, lying morality, and so I am beyond caring. 

You have all my faith. 

Your Loving Father.

Col. Walter E. Kurtz

“This negro, in the eyes of many, has been persecuted. Perhaps as an individual he was. But it was his misfortune to be the foremost example of the evil in permitting the intermarriage of whites and blacks.” 
— Asst U.S. Attourn. Gen. Harry Parkin 
“No brutality, no infamy, no degradation in all the years of Southern slavery, possessed such a villainous character and such atrocious qualities as the provision of the laws of Illinois, New York, Massachusetts, and other states which allow the marriage of the negro, Jack Johnson, to a woman of Caucasian strain.
Intermarriage between whites and blacks is repulsive and averse to every sentiment of pure American spirit. It is abhorrent and repugnant to the very principles of a pure Saxon government. It is subversive to social peace. It is destructive of moral supremacy, and ultimately this slavery of white women to black beasts will bring this nation to a conflict as fatal and as bloody as ever reddened the soil of Virginia or crimsoned the mountain paths of Pennsylvania… 
Let us uproot and exterminate now this debasing, ultrademoralizing, un-American and inhuman leprosy.” 
— Congressman Seaborn Roddenberry 
“It comes down, then, after all to this Unforgivable Blackness.” 
— W.E.B. Du Bois

I watched a, snail crawl along The Edge -- of a straight razor. 
That's My Dream. 
That's My Nightmare: Crawling, Slithering, along The Edge, of a straight razor --
and Surviving.

Have you ever considered any real Freedoms? 
Freedoms from the opinion of Others... even the opinions of yourself?

As long as cold beer, hot food, rock 'n' roll, and all the other amenities remain expected norm, our conduct of The War will only gain impotence.

I've seen Horrors, Horrors that you've seen. 
But you have no Right to call me a Murderer. 

You have a Right to Kill Me. 
You have a Right, to Do That - but You have No Right to Judge Me. 

It's impossible for words to describe what is necessary to those who do not know what Horror means. 

Horror! Horror has a Face, and you must make A Friend of Horror. 
Horror and Moral Terror are your friends. 
If they are not, then they are enemies to be feared. 
They are Truly Enemies.

I remember when I was with Special Forces. 
Seems a thousand centuries ago. 
We went into a camp to inoculate the children. 

We left the camp after we had inoculated the children for polio, and this old man came running after us and he was crying. 
He couldn't see. 
We went back there and they had come and hacked off every inoculated arm. 

There they were in a pile: a pile of little arms. 

And I remember I...I...I cried. 
I wept like some grandmother. 
I wanted to tear my teeth out. 
I didn't know what I wanted to do. 
And I want to remember it. 
I never want to forget it. 
I never want to forget. 

And then I realised, like I was shot — like I was shot with a diamond...a diamond bullet right through my forehead. 

And I thought: 
My God, the genius of that. The genius! 

The will to do that: perfect, genuine, complete, crystalline, pure. 

And then I realised, They were stronger than We, because They could stand it. 

These were not monsters. 
These were men, trained cadres — these men who fought with their hearts, who had families, who have children, who are filled with love — but they had the strength — the strength! — to do that. 

If I had ten divisions of those men our troubles here would be over very quickly. 
You have to have men who are moral and at the same time who are able to utilise their primordial instincts to kill without feeling, without passion, judgement. 

Without Judgement!

Because it's Judgement that defeats us.

We train Young Men to drop Fire on people, but their commanders won't allow them to write "fuck" on their airplanes because it's obscene!

I worry that My Son might not understand what I've tried to be. 

And if I were to be killed, Willard, I would want someone to go to My Home and tell My Son everything – everything I did, everything you saw – because there's nothing that I detest more than the stench of lies. 

And if you understand me, Willard, you will do this for me.

Let me tell you one story here, 
of a Samurai Warrior, a Japanese warrior, 
who had The Duty to avenge 
the murder of his overlord. 

And he actually, after some time, 
found and cornered the man 
who had murdered his overlord. 

And he was about to deal with him 
with his samurai sword, 
when this man in the corner, 
in The Passion of Terror
spat in his face. 

And The Samurai sheathed The Sword 
and walked away. 

WHY Did He Do That?


Because, he was made angry, 
and if he had killed that man then
it would have a Personal Act
of another kind of act, 
and That was NOT 
What He Had Come There to Do.

Thursday 6 December 2018

The Karmic Trickster

A Trickster
who specializes in

Unstuffing stuffed shirts

deflating puffed-up egos,

trivialising the self-important


confusing know-it-alls

The Karmic Trickster 
is normally harmless, even friendly, if left ALONE. 

Once his dignity is dented or his person threatened,
however, it's 
no holds barred — 

The target is in for humiliation, embarrassment and bewilderment. 

ANY tactic is fair game as long as it does not cause actual physical harm to the target. 

Only when the target has surrendered does the Karmic Trickster conclude his vengeance.

Being completely self-centered, the Karmic Trickster normally acts only on his own behalf, but can be convinced to help others — he has a soft spot for babies, innocents, and those who are truly good, and when his sympathy is evoked will go to the 

Sometimes he sows chaos for the sake of chaos, but only when he gets carried away in the midst of one of his campaigns. 

Most of the time he simply wants to be left ALONE, and Heaven help whoever messes with him! 

Given all of their righteous retribution, sometimes these characters can exist somewhere between this, 

Screwy Squirrel 
and borderline  

Neutral Evil 

if their self-righteous attitudes end up attacking characters for little more than existing nearby them and can often just seem like 

Comedic Sociopathy 
if our Trickster operates as a  

Designated Hero,

 regardless of where they sit on the
Trickster Archetype scale 
and the only Karmic anything involved about them is being a  

Karma Houdini.

Between them, Karmic Trickster and Screwy Squirrel comprise two-thirds of the classic Trickster Archetype. 

His actions are as much to teach as to gain revenge, where Screwy Squirrel is the embodiment of mischief for mischief's sake.

See also: Karmic Protection.

May masquerade as The Fool,

vice versa;
whether silly or wise, 

he will always display 
Hidden Depths 
(if only a knack for comedy and Simpleminded Wisdom
whom the audience may laugh at. 

This is not always true of other Tricksters in general, who are sometimes cast as 

cloud cuckoolanders
irrepressible agents of chaos

lesser chaos-bringers 
 who are constantly being taught a lesson themselves, 
cosmic butt monkeys. 

Such traits rarely apply here. 

Indeed, the Karmic Trickster 
 is the least vulnerable to  
Hoist by His Own Petard  
or to 

Counter Zany 

 (which he can often turn to Zany Scheme Chicken).

Hares : Not distinguished from rabbits, either in symbolism or in popular superstition. 

In many ancient civilizations the hare is a "lunar animal," because the dark patches (mana, "seas") on the surface of the full MOON suggest leaping hares. 

Thus in ancient Mex- ico, where the hare (wehtli) is also the eighth of 20 day-symbols in the Aztec calendar and a sign of good luck, the animal is represented in the Codices by a U-shaped lunar hiero- glyph; and in ancient China the lunar hare crushes cinnamon sticks in a mortar and is considered a symbol of longevity. In Bud- dhist, Celtic, Hottentot, and ancient Egyp- tian cultures as well, the hare was associated with the moon. Its further symbolic con- notations have to do with its real or legend- ary characteristics, such as vigilance: the animal is said to sleep with its eyes open, and medieval physicians believed that eating its meat led to insomnia. (In classical anti- quity, on the other hand, eating such a meal was believed to make a person beautiful for NINE days.) The hare is widely spoken of as easily frightened (in medieval symbol- ogy an armed man fleeing from a hare is the personification of ignavia, or cowardice; compare the Grimms' tale of "The Seven Swabians"); its excessive fertility rate and and readiness to mate make it a symbol of lust, whereas a WHITE hare, portrayed at the feet of the VIRGIN Mary, is taken as a symbol of the triumph over "the flesh." The Easter hare, along with the EGG of fertility, plays an important role in Central European tra- ditions for the welcoming of spring. The early Christian Physiologus mentions a fur- ther peculiarity of the hare: with its shorter front legs, it can run fastest uphill, eluding its pursuers. "Seek you likewise the rock, when the evil cur, the demon, pursues you. . . . If he sees you running downhill with your heart set on the earthly things of this world, he comes in ready pursuit, aided by the confusion of your thoughts. But let him see that you run along with the will of God, seeking the true ROCK of our Lord Jesus Christ, climbing to the summit of virtue, then the dog will turn back, as David writes in Psalm 34: Those who would do evil unto me must turn back and come to ruin." This Hare undaunted by an uphill run. J. Boschius, 1702 Hare: Holy Trinity symbolized by three hares. Win- dow, Paderborn Cathedral passage may explain the frequency with which the hare appears in Christian iconography. Its defenselessness makes it a natural symbol for .humanity, which must put its trust in God. Hares nibbling grapes (see WINE) ap- parently symbolize souls in HEAVEN, who can safely enjoy the fruits of eternal life. We occasionally see depictions of three hares in a CIRCLE, their EARS forming a TRIAN- GLE-apparently a reminder of the Holy TRINITY, or of the fleeting (circular) course of time. The ancients attributed predominantly positive characteristics to the hare (which was also the symbol of Iberia). Its speed and vigilance, according to Plutarch (A. D. 46- 120), have a "divine" quality. According to Pliny the Elder (A. D. 23-79) this favorite animal of the goddess Aphrodite is highly beneficial to women: its meat makes sterile women fertile, and eating its testicles favors the conception of male offspring. The ma- gician Apollonius of Tyana (first century after Christ) recommended that a hare be carried three times around the bed of a woman in labor to make her delivery easier. The hare is the fourth sign of the ancient Chinese zodiac (see STARS). A picture of SIX boys surrounding a human with the head of a hare symbolizes the wish, expressed at the time of the lunar festival, that the children in the family might rise smoothly in the civil service. Because of its lunar associa- tions, the hare is a YIN animal. The animal plays a special role in Buddhist legend: a hare, sympathizing with the starving Buddha, sprang into the fire to provide food for him, and thus became a symbol of self- headdress and headgear 165 sacrifice and faith in salvation. In the myths of Native Americans the hare represents a hero of the individual nation, such as GlusKabe or Manabozho, the creator of the world in its present state. 

A trickster figure, the hare outwits larger and stronger animals like BEARS and buffaloes. For psychologically oriented symbologists, neither the speed nor the "timidity" of the hare is critical, but rather the rate at which it multiplies: this makes the animal a symbol of fertility and passionate sexuality.