Showing posts with label The Lion in Winter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Lion in Winter. Show all posts

Wednesday 12 January 2022


Becket 1964 - Excommunication scence (Eng/Vietsub)

King Henry II :
I detect ill, devious Becket here.
What Game are You Playing, Thomas?

Becket :
No Game, My Prince.
Lord Gilbert Murdered A Priest.
I want The Guilty punished.

King Henry II :
The Guilty of what?
This Priest was a scandal to His Parish.

Becket :
That was never proved.
Gilbert should've handed 
The Accused over 
to The Church for 
Process of Law.

If Guilty, WE would have 
determined His Punishment.

King Henry II :
I am The Law.

Gilbert will recourse to me, 
I gave him leave 
to arrest This Priest.

Becket :
I can't allow any of My Clergy 
to be Thrown into Prison 
and Tried by The Civil Authorities.

Neither can I Stand by 
and Let My Priests be Murdered.

King Henry II :

You “can't allow”?
You “can't stand by”?

Are You Taking Yourself 
as Archbishop?

Becket :
I AM The Archbishop, 
My Prince.

King Henry II :
By MY Grace.

Are you demented

You're Chancellor of England.
You're MINE.

Becket :
I'm also The Archbishop 
and You have introduced me 
to DEEPER Obligations.

King Henry II :
And if I won't charge Gilbert?

Becket :
I can't force you, 
but there is always 
A Final Judgment 
BEYOND The King's Justice.

King Henry II :
Oh that -- Lord Gilbert 
will face His Fate 
on The Day of Judgment
as We all will.

I'm sure he'll have 
a great deal MORE 
to answer for than 
Killing a Felonious Priest.

Becket :
Lord Gilbert will 
come to That Judgment 
already DAMNED, Sire.
I intend to excommunicate him.

King Henry II :
You are demented.

Don't you understand that 
When You Attack My Nobles
You Attack ME
and When You Attack ME, 
You Attack ENGLAND!

Becket :
There is more to England 
than The Crown.

You must learn to face that eventually, My Prince.

King Henry II :
Damn you, don't lecture me!

You once told me 
you didn't know 
What Honor was
and I laughed at you.

But now, to Betray Me, 
to Challenge My Power....

Becket :
I Do Not Seek Power, My Prince.
It is only that 
I finally discovered 
A Real Honor to Defend.

King Henry II :
Whose Honour?
Whose Honour is greater 
than The King's?

Becket :
The Honour of God.
Forgive Me.

King Henry II :
Hmm, you give 
The Lions of England 
back to me, like A Little Boy 
who doesn't want 
to Play anymore.

I would have Gone to War 
with all England's Might 
behind me and even against 
England's interest 
to Defend You, Thomas.

I would have 
Given Away My Life 
laughingly for You….

Only, I Loved You and 
You DIDN'T Love Me 
that's The Difference.

Stay away.

But Thank You for this last gift 
as You Desert Me.

Now I shall learn to be alone.

Striving to Put Right What Once Went Wrong