Showing posts with label Tenet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tenet. Show all posts

Sunday 27 December 2020

What's Happened, Happened, It's An Expression Of Faith In The Mechanics Of The World, It's Not An Excuse For Doing Nothing.


RIMMER stands beside the road with his thumb out, his back to the truck, which is approaching backwards. 

The box lying spins around and lifts itself into the open back of the truck.


There's a perfectly rational explanation for all of this.



(In backwards speech) Tifl a tnaw uoy fi nwot otni gniog m'i. 


Then again, possibly not.

9 Ext. London street.

Shots of traffic in London, running backwards. We hear the conversations inside the van.


HOLLY, what the smeg is going on? 

KRYTEN: (VO) We're going backwards. 


It's perfectly consistent with current theory. Everything starts with a Big Bang, right? And The Universe starts expanding. Eventually, when it's expanded as far as it can, there's a Big Crunch, right? And everything starts contracting. Perfectly possible that time starts running in the opposite direction, as well.

During this last speech, shots of RIMMER and KRYTEN walking forwards in a crowd walking backwards, change leaping into people's hands from a busker's guitar case, a man sucking smoke from the air and putting it back into a cigarette, waist-down shot of a couple walking backwards.


So, is this Earth? 


Oh, it's Earth all right, only Earth where time's going backwards.