Meades, Remember the Future, 1997
"I remember it as if it were Yesterday....
But it didn't LOOK like Yesterday --
It looked like Tomorrow."
Old Grandfather :
So that's it!
Dorothea :
What? Oh, The Tower.
It's finished!
(The brand new Post Office Tower
rises high above central London.)
Old Grandfather :
Isn't that interesting.
Very interesting.
Dorothea :
It's great, isn't it. Stephen
would have liked it here....
Old Grandfather :
.....You know there's something ALIEN
about that Tower. I can scent it.
Dorothea : (inhaling deeply)
Smells okay to me.
Good old London smoke.
Old Grandfather :
I can feel it's got something sort of powerful. It's..... Look at my skin. Look at that....
I've got that pricking sensation again, the same --
Just as I had when I saw the Daleks,
those Daleks were near....
Dorothea :
Daleks? Who are They?
Old Grandfather :
Oh, er, yes, of course, you, er, you didn't meet them, did you, child? No. No, and I pray that you never will -- ....I really must investigate this.
(The Doctor and Dodo set off for Cleveland Street.)