Monday 12 August 2024


Clear and Present Danger (1994) - Operation Reciprocity

National Security Advisor 
James Cutter :
....and the situation in East Timor seems
to have stabilised during the day.

Wimp President :
GoodIs that it?

National Security Advisor 
James Cutter :
Except for the other thing.

We've accomplished a lot. We're
seeing tangible results.

Drug shipments are down
Price on The Street is rising.

Perception is that 
The Administration is 
doing something right.

Wimp President :
What's the bad news?

National Security Advisor 
James Cutter :
I'm concerned about 
this latest incident, 
the car bomb coming so soon
after Jacobs' assassination.

It's just the kind of
thing reporters live for.

They'd love to try to
make a connection.

Wimp President :
And you think they will.

National Security Advisor 
James Cutter :
I think it's time the
whole thing went away.

Wimp President :
If that's what you think.

National Security Advisor 
James Cutter :
I think so.

Wimp President :
Then it should go away.
It never happened.

National Security Advisor 
James Cutter :
Yes, sir.

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