Wednesday 7 August 2024

Dana was in Always in The Woods



(We're flying right above the clouds as Margaret speaks.

Once, when she was a girl... 
a very little girl... 
Dana was in The Woods. 

(The sun shines as leaves fall.

It was autumn
(Little Dana is running through the woods.
She had always been a tomboy, unlike her sister, Melissa

(Dana is holding a B.B. gun as her brothers point out how to use it and things about it.

For her birthday, Dana's brothers had given her 
a B.B. gun and were showing her how to use it. 
(William Scully Jr. puts a tin can down on a log.
Their Father had told them only to shoot cans... 

(William Jr. picks up a garter snake from a pile of leaves.

But in a patch of grass, Bill Jr. found a garter snake. 

(He tosses the snake off and aims his B.B. gun at it, along with his brother. Dana joins in and all three shoot at the garter snake.

And they began shooting. 
Wanting to fit in with her brothers
Dana also shot at The Snake. 

(The bullets pierce the ground near 
The Snake as it tries to get away.

It squirmed wildly, desperately fighting for life but as the boys continued to shoot The Snake began to bleed

When she realised what she had done... 

(Dana lowers her gun and walks over to the dead snake. She kneels down, picks it up and begins to cry.)
Dana began to cry with irrevocable guilt. 
Through her tears, she was saying that... 
something was missing from The Snake. 
She had taken something 
that was not hers to take. 

And although deathly afraid of snakes
Dana held the animal as if sheer 
human will could keep it alive

The Snake, its blood on her hands, died
There was nothing she could do to bring it back. 

(We see Mrs. Scully and 
Mulder are sitting at a table.

It's too soon, Mrs. Scully. 
We can't give up. 

That day in The Woods
I felt for my daughter. 

But at this moment, 
I know how my daughter felt. 

(The Door opens and Mrs. Scully stands up. A man walks in carrying something. She walks over and he lifts the cover off. Mulder walks over, looks at it, and turns away. It is a tombstone, and it reads 

1964 -------- 1994 

"The Spirit is the Truth." JOHN 5:07 

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