Showing posts with label Influencer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Influencer. Show all posts

Friday 2 August 2024



You have one of The Greatest 
Influences I have ever seen -- 
Do You Know How Big 
Your Influence is..?

It's greater than You know --
Just know, that Your Influence
is second to none.

-- The Personal, Face-to-Face 
bit of Supportive Encouragement that 
Donald Trump supplied to Alex Jones 
when Trump first travelled down 
to Austin, visited with Alex at the 
InfoWars Media-Hub 
Studio Complex, 2016.  


(The TARDIS materialises amongst the ruins 
and The Doctor rushes out. Thunder rolls.)

Tom : 
Come out, meddlesome, interfering idiots
I know you're up there so come on out 
and show yourselves!

(Sarah sneaks out cautiously with a torch.)

Tom : 
Messing about with My TARDIS -- 
Dragging us a thousand 
parsecs off course.
SJS : 
Oi, have you gone potty
Who are you shouting at?

Tom : 
The Time Lords, who else
Now, You see? You see? They haven't 
even got the common decency 
to come out and show their ears.

SJS : 
They're probably afraid 
of getting them boxed
the way you're carrying on.

Tom : 
It's intolerable
I won't stand for 
any more of it.

SJS : 
Oh look, why can't it have 
just gone wrong again?

Tom : 

SJS : 

Tom : 
What? Do you think I don't 
know the difference between 
an internal fault and an 
Oh, no, no, no. There's
 something going on here, some 
dirty-work they won't touch 
with their lily-white hands
Well, I won't do it, 
Do you hear!

(Thunder rolls in reply.)