Thursday 1 August 2024



"And so we are left to wonder if Superman was aware of the threat and did nothing, was he then complicit in The Capitol tragedy?" 

Perry White :
Still no Kent? 

"His disappearance 
raises questions." 


"There are still so many unanswered questions. 
Chief among them, whether Superman was involved in the planning of this attack. 
I mean, here's an individual 
who has unlimited Power, 
yet did nothing to stop the bomb 
just a few feet away from him. 
It just doesn't add up for investigators. 

Burn him, burn him, burn him. 
Burn him, burn him, burn him. 

For $20 American, he didn't see you. 
Same for me. 

Now one FBI official familiar with this case 
told me they found, quote, :
"A jackpot of bomb materials 
inside Keefe's apartment. " 

What they need to determine now 
is whether he had any help 
in the planning and execution 
of the bomb. 
And they haven't ruled out the idea that Superman was a co-conspirator

Now, my sources are telling me 
they are getting a barrage of anonymous 
and credible tips with all roads 
in this investigation leading to 
The Kryptonian visitor. 

Gotham Cop :
All right, Lois. 
You gotta go. 

Lois Lane :
He didn't know he was gonna die. 
He just bought groceries. 

The Martian Manhunter :
The Wheelchair and The Bullet 
from The Desert were made 
from the same metal. 

Lois Lane :
I know. The Desert. The Hearing
Everywhere Superman goes
Luthor wants Death

The Martian Manhunter 
ButLuthor goes through 
all of that Trouble..
Creates Bomb out of 
and then alters it to 
reduce The Blast? 

Lois Lane :
What do you mean...? 

The Martian Manhunter 
The inside of The Chair 
was lined with Lead.
Lois Lane :
….You couldn't stop it;
You couldn't see it. 

On a Mountaintop :

Johnathan Kent's Ghost :
Something, isn't it? 
We Men of Kansas live on a pancake, 
so we come to The Mountains. 
All downhill from here, 
down to the floodplain. 
Farm at The Bottom of The World. 

I remember one season 
The Water came bad
I couldn't have been 12. 
Dad handed out the shovels 
and we went at it all night. 
We worked till, I think, I fainted. 
But we managed to Stop The Water. 
We Saved The Farm. 
Your grandma baked me a cake. 
Said I was A Hero. 
Later that day we found out 
we blocked The Water all right. 
We sent it upstream
The whole Lang farm 
washed away. 
While I ate My Hero-Cake, 
their horses were drowning. 

I used to hear them 
wailing in my sleep. 

Clark :
Did the nightmares 
ever stop

Johnathan Kent's Ghost :
Yeah. When I met 
Your Mother. 
She gave me Faith that 
There's Good in This World. 
She was My World. 
I miss you, son. 

Clark :
I miss you too, Dad. 


Alfred :
You know you can't win this. 
It's suicide

Bruce Wayne :
I'm older now than 
My Father ever was. 
This may be the only 
thing do that matters

Alfred :
20 years of fighting criminals 
in Gotham amounts to nothing

Bruce Wayne :
Criminals are like 
weeds, Alfred. 
Pull one up, another 
grows in its place --

This is about 
The Future of 
The World

This is My Legacy

My Father sat me 
down right here. 
Told me what 
Wayne Manor 
was built on. 

real estates, 
and oil. 

The first generation 
made their fortune 
trading with The French. 
Pelts and skins. 
They were Hunters

Alfred : falls The House of Wayne. 

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