Sunday 25 August 2024

Evil against Evil

“Text after Farber 2014 : 155, translation mine

Lamashtu was the most articulated and identifiable of the forces of evil between the rivers. 

Note, incidentally, that the only Hollywood film in which ancient Mesopotamian evil is taken to be alive and kicking, the monstrous production of 1973 entitled The Exorcist, attributed the spectacularly disfiguring possession of a young but increasingly green girl by a ‘demon’, who appeared right at the outset of the film, when most people were probably still parking or leaving their coats. 

This so-styled ‘demon’ in fact was our good Pazuzu, a hero to human beings and definitely on OUR Side, for the very sight of Pazuzu was anathema to Lamashtu, and he could always be relied on to see off the savage, baby-consuming demoness Lamashtu

That poor Pazuzu was blamed for what happened in that film is nothing short of solicitor-activating slander.

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