Thursday 15 August 2024


The Hunt for Red October (1/9) Movie CLIP - 
Another Possibility (1990) HD

Orion : son of a bitch --
You son of a bitch..!! 

National Security Advisor Pelt :
…you wish to add something to 
our discussion, Dr Ryan? 

Orion :
….well, sir, I was just thinking that 
perhaps there's another possibility 
we might consider. 

Ramius might be 
trying to defect. 

Fleet Admiral :
Do you mean to suggest 
that this man has come... 

Proceed, Mr. Ryan. 

Orion :
Well... Ramius trained most 
of their officer corps, which would 
put him in a position to select 
men willing to help him. 

And he's not Russian. 
He's Lithuanian by birth, raised 
by his paternal grandfather, 
A Fisherman

And he has no children
no ties to leave behind. 
And today is the 
first anniversary of 
his wife's death

Come on. You're just an analyst
How can you read his mind

Orion :
I know Ramius, General. 
He's nearly a legend in the 
submarine community. 
He's been a maverick his entire career. 
I actually met him once at an embassy dinner. 
Have you ever met Captain Ramius, General? 

Admiral Hollis, how long before Ramius could be in a position to fire his missiles at us? 

Four days. 

All right. I'll brief the President. 
That will be all, gentlemen. Dr Ryan, 
would you stay for a moment, please? 

Lord Vader :
I said ‘speak your mind’, 
Jack, but Jesus...!

You slammed the door on 
The General pretty hard, Jack. 

Orion :
…that was not 
my intention, sir. 

Oh, yes, it was. He was 
patronising you, and 
you stomped on him. 
In my opinion, 
he deserved it. 

Listen, I'm A Politician
which means I'm 
a cheat and a liar
and when I'm not 
kissing babies
I'm stealing 
their lollipops —
but it also means that 
I keep my options open

So let's assume for a minute that 
you're right and this Russian 
intends to defect

What do you suggest 
We DO about it? 

Orion :
We definitely grab 
the boat, sir. 

Hey, wait a minute. We're not talking 
about some stray pilot with a M.I.G.
We're talking about several billion 
dollars' worth of Soviet state property : 
They're gonna to want it back

Orion :
Maybe it's enough then just to get some 
people onboard and inspect it. 
Call it whatever you want to... a 
Coast Guard safety inspection. 

So How Do We Proceed…? 

Orion :
FirstWe need to contact 
the commanders 
in the Atlantic directly;
The Russians get one 
whiff of this through the 
regular communications 
circuits, The Game is up

SecondWe figure out how 
we can help them — 
We devise a plan to intercede
ready to go at a moment's notice. 

ThirdSomebody's got 
to go make CONTACT with
Ramius and find out what 
his intentions really are. 

OK. When do you leave

Orion :
Ha ha ha! Wait a minute. The General was right
I am not field personnel. I am only an analyst. 

You're perfect. I can't ask any 
of these characters to go —
Firstly, They don't BELIEVE in it;  
Second, They'd never stake their 
reputation on a hunch
whereas you

Orion :
…are expendable

…something like that. 
I'll give you three days to 
prove your theory correct
After that, I have to hunt down Ramius 
and destroy him. Will you do it?

What gives you The Right to FIRE on My ship?
Your Signal said nothing of a torpedo.


It was necessary to maintain 
the illusion for your crew.

My Crew are being 
rescued, yes? 

Orion :
As We Speak.

Then how did you know our 
reactor accident was false

Well, that was a guess
but it seemed logical. 

Very well — I present you, the ballistic 
missile submarine Red Oktober. 

My officers and I request asylum 
in The United States of America. 

It's a pleasure, sir. 
Bert Mancuso, USS Dallas. 

……Torpedo. The Americans 
are shooting at us again. 

Seaman “Jonesey” Jones :
The pitch is too high. 
The torpedo's Russian

Where the hell did it come from? 
Conn, Sonar. New contact. Sierra - 

Alfa class Soviet submarine. 

Why don't I have a detonation? 

The weapon enabled on the far side of the target. 
It passed Red Oktober before arming. 
Fire again with the right settings 
and reload both tubes. 

Get me power. 
Get that damn thing off my boat. 

It's off. 

I think somebody shot a torpedo at us. 

No shit, Buckwheat. 
Get out of here. 

Where am I... 

Connery :
Borodin, fire control
Uh, Ryan -- Sit here

Orion :
I'm not a naval officer,
I'm with The CIA

Connery :

Orion :
I'm not an agent, I just 
write books for The CIA. 

Connery :
Whatever. Sit down. And 
Do exactly what I tell you. 

DSRVs away. There's a Russian alfa yards to starboard. 

I think it's the Konovalov
Increase the flank. 
Increase the flank. 

Orion :

That knob. Turn right full. All ahead flank. Right full rudder. 

He's shooting again, sir. Go to battle stations. 

Battle stations. Chief of Watch, 
man battle stations. 

Torpedo in the water. Bearing - - . Make range yards. Steer right - - . That's heading into the torpedo. Steady, bearing still - - . Estimated range... yards. Still - - . 

Steer right till 
this reads 180 . 

No, That's Wrong
Ryan, don't turn that 
goddamn wheel - - 

You're heading straight 
into that torpedo. 


Doing what? He's turned 
into the torpedo's path. 


Red October's turned directly 
into the torpedo's path, sir. 

Mother of God. Torpedo steady, bearing - - . 
Range... yards. 
Melekhin, more speed. 
Estimate range yards. Closing awfully fast. 
What's he trying to do, kill himself? 

We have a firing solution on 
The Russian Alfa. Can we shoot back

They didn't shoot at us
I can't attack a Soviet submarine 
without authorisation
Torpedo bearing steady at - - . 
Best range... yards. 

Torpedo impact... 30 seconds. 

Connery (Thinking
HARD, Constantly) : 
...what books? 

Orion :
....Pardon me? 

Connery :
What books did you write? 

Orion :
....I wrote a biography 
on Admiral Halsey called 
The Fighting Sailor, about 
naval combat tactics. 

Connery :
......I know This Book. 

Torpedo impact, 20 Seconds  

Connery :
Your conclusions were 
all wrong, Ryan. 

15 seconds.
Halsey acted 

. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Torpedo impact... now. I'll be damned. 

Orion :
What happened? 

Combat tactics, Mr. Ryan. 

By turning into the torpedo, 
The Captain closed the distance 
before it could arm itself. 

Orion :
So that's it? 

Not quite. Right now
Captain Tupolev is removing 
the safety features 
on all his weapons. 
He won't make the 
same mistake twice.

What gives you The Right to FIRE on My ship?
Your Signal said nothing of a torpedo.


It was necessary to maintain the illusion for your crew.

My Crew are being rescued, yes? 

As We Speak.

Then how did you know our reactor accident was false? 
Well, that was a guess, but it seemed logical. 

Very well —I present you, the ballistic 
missile submarine Red Oktober. 

My officers and I request asylum 
in the United States of America. 

It's a pleasure, sir. 
Bert Mancuso, USS Dallas. 

Torpedo. The Americans are shooting at us again. 

The pitch is too high. The torpedo's Russian.

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