Showing posts with label Mister Black. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mister Black. Show all posts

Saturday 30 March 2024

Trip Six -- Drake Dreams

Change, My Dear --

Welcome -- Doctor.... I, Late for something....?

I was beginning to Think 
You had lost Your Self....(!)
-- please, Do Sit Down.

Doctor Who | 4k Remaster | 5th Doctor 
Regeneration | The Caves of Androzani

Saturday 20 November 2021

What Would The Valeyard Say?

Q. ) What Would The Valeyard Say?

A.) He would say,

[Outside Ryan's home]
Our Lady
What did you mean in your speech, 
you thought you'd run out of Time? 

Oh, well, er, I had cancer and er... 

Well, strictly speaking, 
I'm still in remission, three years gone. 

And Grace was my chemo nurse. 
That's where we met and fell in love. 

So by rights, I shouldn't even be here. 

Have you got Family? 

Our Lady
No. Lost them a long time ago. 

How do you cope with that

Our Lady
I carry Them with Me. 
What They would've Thought 
and Said and Done

I make Them 
a part of 
Who I Am. 

So even though They're gone from The World, 
They're never gone from Me

That's the sort of thing 
Grace would have said. 

I really must curb these urges — I've no wish to be contaminated by your whims and idiosyncrasies. 

Mister Six
Quite so. But what I •don’t• comprehend — 

(The Valeyard vanishes.) 

He's over ‘ere, Doc — 
Slippery customer, 
Your Other Persona. 

Mister Six
What I don't comprehend 
is WHY You want Me DEAD

No — No, let me rephrase that — 
It would satisfy my curiosity 
to know why you should go to such extraordinary lengths…. 
to KILL Me. 

[ Because, of course, he would have to get Someone ELSE to Do it FOR Him. ]

(The Valeyard relocates to the dunes.)

Come now, Doctor. 
How else can I obtain My Freedom?
Operate as a COMPLETE entity — unfettered by YOUR side 
of My Existence? 

[ Which means, therefore, that He IS still IN there, somewhere — Buried Alive.

Otherwise, why would He need to get rid of Him in The Past…? ]

Only by ridding myself of you and your misplaced morality
your constant crusading, 
your —

Idiotic honesty? 

OAF. •Microbe•. 

Oh Pardon me for trying to help. 
I'm neutral in this set-up, you know. 

(The Valeyard returns to the Doctor.) 

Only by releasing myself from the misguided maxims that you nurture can I be free. 

(The Valeyard vanishes.) 

Sounds to me like Armageddon's beckoning you, Doc. 

With you destroyed and 
no longer able to constrain me, 
and with unlimited access to the Matrix, 
there will be nothing beyond my reach.