Showing posts with label Darkseid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Darkseid. Show all posts

Wednesday 28 September 2022


"The Governor paused and looked reflectively over at Bond. He said : ‘You’re not married, but I think it’s the same with all relationships between A Man and A Woman. 

They can survive anything so long as some kind of basic Humanity exists between the two people. 

When all Kindness has gone, when one person obviously and sincerely doesn’t care if the other is Alive or Dead, then it’s just no good. That particular insult to The Ego – worse, to The Instinct of Self-Preservation – can never be forgiven. I’ve noticed this in hundreds of marriages. I’ve seen flagrant infidelities patched up, I’ve seen crimes and even murder forgiven by the other party, let alone bankruptcy and every other form of social crime. Incurable disease, blindness, disasterall these can be overcome. 

But never The Death of Common Humanity in one of the partners. I’ve thought about this and I’ve invented a rather high-sounding title for this basic factor in Human Relations. 

I have called it 
‘The Law of The Quantum of Solace.’

Bond said: ‘That’s a splendid name for it. It’s certainly impressive enough. 

And of course I see what you mean, I should say you’re absolutely right. Quantum of Solace – the amount of comfort. 

Yes, I suppose you could say that all Love and Friendship is based in The End on that. Human beings are very insecure. When the other person not only makes you feel insecure but actually seems to want to destroy you, it’s obviously The End. The Quantum of Solace stands at zero. You’ve got to get away to Save Yourself.’

The Governor paused. ‘Pretty extraordinary, really. A Man like Masters, kindly, sensitive, who wouldn’t normally hurt a fly. And here he was performing one of the cruellest actions I can recall in all my experience. It was My Law operating.’ 

The Governor smiled thinly. ‘Whatever her sins, if she had given him that Quantum of Solace he could never have behaved to her as he did. As it was, she had awakened in him a bestial Cruelty – a Cruelty that perhaps lies deeply hidden in all of us and that only a threat to our existence can bring to The Surface. Masters wanted to make the girl suffer, not as much as he had suffered because that was impossible, but as much as he could possibly contrive. And that false gesture with the motor-car and the radio-gramophone was a fiendishly brilliant bit of delayed action to remind her, even when he was gone, how much he hated her, how much he wanted still to hurt her.’ 

Bond said: ‘It must have been a shattering experience. 

It’s extraordinary how much people can hurt each other. 

I’m beginning to feel rather sorry for The Girl. [ You would. I feel sorry for Masters. ]

What happened to her in The End – and to him, for the matter of that?’ 

The Governor got to his feet and looked at his watch. ‘Good heavens, it’s nearly midnight. And I’ve been keeping the staff up all this time,’ he smiled, ‘as well as you.’ 

He walked across to the fireplace and rang a bell. 

A Negro butler appeared. The Governor apologised for keeping him up and told him to lock up and turn the light out. 

Bond was on his feet. 

The Governor turned to him. ‘Come along and I’ll tell you the rest. I’ll walk through the garden with you and see that the sentry lets you out.’ 

They walked slowly through the long rooms and down the broad steps to the garden. It was a beautiful night under a full moon that raced over their heads through the thin high clouds. 

The Governor said: ‘Masters went on in The Service, but somehow he never lived up to his good start. After the Bermuda business something seemed to go out of him. 

Part of him had been killed by the experience. He was a maimed man. Mostly her fault, of course, but I guess that what he did to her lived on with him and perhaps haunted him. 

He was good at his work, but he had somehow lost the human touch and he gradually dried up. Of course he never married again and in the end he got shunted off into the ground nuts scheme, and when that was a failure he retired and went to live in Nigeria – back to the only people in the world who had shown him any kindness – back to where it had all started from. 

Bit tragic, really, when I remember what he was like when we were young.’

Sunday 21 August 2022


Darkseid Returns

ALL KNEEL, before 
The Risen God of All Evil
Desaad :
Welcome Home, 
oh, Mighty Darkseid. 

Darkseid :
Arise, My Children. 
Let this meaningless battle 
for Control end today. 

Of course, Lord. 
We had thought ourselves 
bereft forever. 

Darkseid :
Only the slimmest of chances 
has allowed me to 
overcome My Death 
at the hands of Superman

But let The Universe howl 
in Despair, for 
I have returned

What is Your Will, My Lord? 

Darkseid :
As Ever, to Search for 
The Anti-Life Equation
that I may bring Order 
to This Aimless Universe. 

But first... Superman must 
Suffer for Killing Me

His adopted world 
will die, screaming. 
Only then will I seek 
The Ultimate End

Desaad :
Forgive me, Lord. 
But an attack on Earth 
would violate Your Pact 
with Highfather

New Genesis would 
doubtless retaliate

Darkseid :
Where Do You Think 
I'm Going next?

Friday 30 July 2021

Why Narcissists Must Hurt And Punish You

Why Narcissists Must Hurt And Punish You

Being purposefully Hurt and Punished 
is not part of A Normal Relationship.

Only a highly disintegrated being
one that is malfunctioning
is capable of doing this to Someone Else.

A Narcissist is This Type of Being.

If you don't agree with The Narcissist or you question them, 
or you want them to be held accountable for something then 
You are Not Serving Them and 
You're Bucking The System.

If you're not giving The Narcissist 
what he or she deems is necessary 
then you must be punished 
and while in A Narcissistic Rage they will 
line you up and attack you mercilessly.

In my latest Thriver TV video I go into detail on 
What They're Doing, 
Who They Are 
What They're After. 

I also draw parallels between these 
Personality-Disordered People 
and celestial 
Black Holes 
so you understand that 
Nothing Will Ever Appease Them.

I want you to have 
The Knowledge and Deeper Understanding 
To Take Your Power Back
just like myself and thousands 
in This Community have.

📥 Claim your free 16-day recovery course:

✔️Join the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program:

📘 Order your copy of You Can Thrive After Narcissistic Abuse:

👀 Read hundreds of free articles on my blog:

💛 Connect with the Thriver Community:​​​

#WhyNarcissistsMustHurtAndPunishYou #melanietoniaevans

Judge-Advocate Commadore, 
Imperial Navy :
Cadet Solo --
Still can't decide whether you're 
Brave or Stupid --

Cadet H. Solo :
Well..... I'd like to think, 
I'm a little of both, Sir.

Ah, Moff -- Sir.

Judge-Advocate Commadore, 
Imperial Navy :
It's Commodore.
And if you think that smartarse 
is the way to go here, you're sorely mistaken.

Cadet H. Solo :
Commodore --
Fellow Imperials, 
if You'll Allow Me --

[ HINT : They Won't. And They Aren't Going To. ]

Onyx-II was flanked by headhunters --
If I'd followed Command's Directive and returned to formation, instead of going after him, 
he'd be dead now  --

Judge-Advocate Commadore, 
Imperial Navy :
No Place for Daredevil Heroics 
in His Emperor's Imperial Navy --

Cadet H. Solo :
I'm not trying to be A Hero, 
Commodore, trust me.

Judge-Advocate Commadore, 
Imperial Navy :
Well, congratulations --
Your Not One.

This Tribunal -- ME, in particular -- finds you 
Guilty of Disobeying a Direct Order -- 
and you are hereby reassigned 
to The Infantry.

Tuesday 20 April 2021

From Hell’s Heart, I Stab at Thee

Trapped forever with a raging madman at your throat until time itself came to a stop.

It's done, it's done! 
Finished, finished. 
It's done. It's done. 
It's done, it's done. 


Done. No! 
Don't! Not you! 

(Kirk leans into the saucer - and vanishes.


(Kirk goes into that negative space and finds that there is nowhere to run to. Then suddenly he's on the ground on the planet again. Or is he? He walks over to the saucer and is greeted by uninjured Lazarus -- QWA-Lazarus.

Welcome, Captain. 
I wasn't expecting you.

No, Him

Yes, Him. You understand.

Not completely. 
This is a parallel universe? 

Of course. 


Here, yes. 

And if identical particles meet —

The End of Everything. 
Civilisation, Existence, all gone. 
I tried to stop him, Captain. 
That's why I took your dilithium crystals. 

He has two more. 

That's very bad, Captain. 
If he comes through at a time of his own choosing. 

But I think if we hurry and you will help me, he can yet still be stopped. 
There's little time left. 

He meant to come through. 
When you accidentally passed through, it drained his crystals. 
It'll take him about ten minutes to re-energise with the equipment aboard his ship. 
That should give us enough time. 

Exactly what did I pass through? 

That's hard to explain, Captain. 
I call it an alternative warp. 
It's sort of a negative-magnetic corridor 
where the two parallel universes meet. 

It's sort of a safety valve. 
It keeps eternity from blowing up. 

This corridor, is it what caused the magnetic effect, 
the winking out phenomenon? 

Precisely, Captain, but not because of its existence. 
Because, because my foe entered. 

The corridor is like a prison, 
with explosives at the door. 

Open the door, 
and the explosives might go off. 
Stay inside -- 

And The Universe is safe.
Both universes, Captain. 
Yours and mine. 

Surely Lazarus must realise what would happen if you should meet face to face outside the corridor.
Of course he knows, Captain, but he's mad. 
You heard him. He's lost his mind. 

When our people found a way to slip through the warp and prove another universe, an identical one, existed, it was too much for him. 

He could not live knowing that I lived. 

He became obsessed with the idea of destroying me. 

The fact that it meant his own destruction, and everything else, meant nothing to him. 

So you're the terrible thing, 
the murdering monster. The creature. 

Yes, Captain. Or he is. 
It depends on your point of view, doesn't it? 

It's ready, Captain. 
If we can force him into the corridor while I'm waiting for him, we can put an end to this. 

But if he comes through at a time of his own choosing and breaks into this universe to find me —

I understand. 
What do you want me to do? 

Find him. Force him through his threshold, 
while I'm waiting for him, into the corridor, 
and I'll hold him there. 

You can't hold him forever.
Can't I, Captain? 
You destroy his ship.

If I destroy his ship, 
won't yours also be destroyed? 

It will. 

And your door will be closed. 

Yes, and so will his. 

You'll be trapped inside that corridor with him forever. 
At each other's throats throughout time. 

Is it such a large price to pay 
for the safety of two universes? 

I'm ready. 

Send him to me. I'll be waiting. 

(Lazarus activates his crystals manually, and Kirk vanishes, then reappears on 'our' planet and gestures to Spock who has come down with two guards.


(Kirk jumps him while he is distracted and knocks him down.)

Stand back. 

(But Lazarus has him in a bear hug, and they struggle together for a while until Kirk finally gets the upper-hand again.

No! No! No, I'm not ready! I'm not ready!

(Kirk throws him through the threshold.

Take these crystals to the Enterprise. 

I must destroy that ship completely. 

What of Lazarus? 

And what of Lazarus?


Activate phaser banks. 

Phaser banks activated. 

Stand by to fire. 

(The bright dot appears on the planet surface.

Phasers standing by, sir. 

Fire phasers. 

(A sustained burst hits the little saucer, while the two Lazarus' wrestle in non-space. Finally it disappears.

All right, Mister Lesley, let's get out of here. 
Ahead warp factor one. 

Warp one, sir. 

Everything's all right, Mister Spock, for us. 

There is, of course, no escape for them, sir. 

There is, of course, no escape. How would it be? 
Trapped forever with a raging madman at your throat until time itself came to a stop? 

For Eternity. 
How would it be? 

Captain, The Universe is safe. 

For you and me. 
But what of Lazarus? 
What of Lazarus?

Wednesday 11 April 2018

Carelessly Disrespecting Your Culture - Honour Thy Father

Alexander De Large :
Why, drunken man, must you think
everything I Do and Say 
comes from My Mother?

King Philip "The One-Eye" II of Macedon: 

Because I know Her Heart, by Hera...
and I see her in your eyes.

You come at This Throne too much...

Yeah, Good Luck with That...

King Philip II 
"The One-Eye"of Macedon:
You go, boy!

You ride that horse, 
and by Zeus I Say, 
You can Rule The World.

Alexander DeLarge :
That's what I'll call you. 
Strong and stubborn.
Bucephalus and Alexander.
Come now, let's ride together.

Cleitus, The Royal Retainer
He's got some Titan in him yet.

King Philip "The One-Eye" II of Macedon:
Attalus! Cleitus! 
For Zeus' sake, 
he beat you, man!

Alexander :
Now, Bucephalus, show them --

King Philip "The One-Eye" II of Macedon:
My Son.
My Son!


A Cave at Pella, Macedonia :
[ Because There's always A Cave... ]

King Philip "The One-Eye" II of Macedon:
You remember Prometheus...
 who stole the secret of fire and gave it to Man.

It made Zeus so angry...
 he chained Prometheus 
to a rock in the great Caucasus...
and each day, his eagle 
pecked out the poor man's liver.

[ He wasn't 'a Man', he was a turncoat rebel Titan who sided with the Olympians in the War to overthrow Cronus and the Titanocracy ]

 Each night, it grew back again 
so that it could be eaten 
the next day.

Miserable fate.

[ The sentence was commuted by Zeus - eventually.  It wasn't an eternal punishment. ]

Oedipus -  tore out his eyes 
when he found out...
he'd murdered his father...
and married his mother. 

Knowledge that came too late.

He went East and brought back 
The Golden Fleece...
and married A Barbarian Wife, Medea.

Later, when he left her for a younger wife...

Medea slaughtered their two children in vengeance.

Alexander :
My Mother would never hurt me.

King Philip "The One-Eye" II of Macedon:
It's never easy to escape Our Mothers, Alexander.

All your life, Beware of Women. 
They're far more dangerous than Men.

I'm sure you remember Achilles from Tales of Troy.

Alexander :
He's my favorite. 

King Philip "The One-Eye" II of Macedon:

Alexander :
Because he loved Patroclus and avenged his death.
 Because he lived without fear, and slew Hector.

King Philip "The One-Eye" II of Macedon:
 Some say he was a hotheaded fool...
who fought for himself and not the Greeks.

Alexander :
 But he was a hero, the greatest at Troy.

King Philip "The One-Eye" II of Macedon:
And his fate?

Alexander :
That he must die young but with great glory.

King Philip "The One-Eye" II of Macedon:
Did he have a choice?

Alexander :
Oh, yes. He could have a long life, but there would be no glory.

King Philip "The One-Eye" II of Macedon:
You dream of glory, Alexander. 
Your Mother Encourages you.

There's no Glory without Suffering, 
and this she will not allow.

She makes you weak.

The gods have never made it easy for man.

Look, Herakles.
Even after he accomplished his 12 labors...
he was punished with madness, slaughtered his three children.

[ actually, Hera afflicted him with the fit of madness before he embarked upon his 12 Labours, with the idea being that they were to be his pennance for murdering his wife and family (for which Greek Culture regarded him as being responsible for and bearing the burden of guilt for, in spite of his insensibility and derrangement - what came after the completion of the Twelve Labours was almost worse, Hera this time tricked his new wife into presenting him with a deadly and irremovable poisoned shirt which caused him to suffer ever-increasingly extruciating pain until he was forced to place himself in the midst of a funeral pyre to release himself from the pain - and that is the point at which Zeus finally stepped in to over-rule his wife, separated his divine spirtual essence from his earthly form (being born a demigod, by his nature), and elevated him to full godhood, having earned his place on Mount Olympus, seated by the throne of his divine Father (which his divine Step-Mother and Animus liked it or not). ] 

Poor Herakles.

Great Herakles.

All greatness comes from loss.

Even you, the gods will one day judge harshly.

When I'm king like you, Father?

King Philip "The One-Eye" II of Macedon:
 Don't rush the day, boy. 
You risk all.

My father threw me into battle before I knew how to fight.

When I killed my first man, he said:

"Now you know. "

I hated him then, but I understand why now.

A king isn't born, Alexander.

He's made by Steel and by Suffering.

A King must know how to hurt those he loves.

It's lonely. Ask Herakles.

Ask any of them. Fate is cruel.

No man or woman can be too powerful or too beautiful without disaster befalling.

They laugh when you rise too high and crush everything you've built with a whim.
What glory they give, in the end, they take away.

They make of us slaves.

Truth is in our hearts, 
and none will tell you this but Your Father :

Men Hate The Gods.

The only reason we worship any of them is because we fear worse.

What's worse?

King Philip "The One-Eye" II of Macedon:

The Titans.

If they were ever to be set free...
it would be a Darkness 
such as we have 
never seen before.

Alexander :
Could They ever come back?
Can Zeus imprison he Titans forever 
under Mount Olympus?

King Philip "The One-Eye" II of Macedon:
It's said that when Zeus 
burned Them to dust 
with his lightning bolt...
They took the Titans' ashes 
and, in a cold revenge...
Mixed it with those of mortal Men.

Alexander :

King Philip "The One-Eye" II of Macedon:
Who knows these things?

One day, things will change.
Men will change.
But first, The Gods must change.

But all this you'll forget, Alexander.
That's why we call them 'Myths'.

....We can't bear to remember them.

Alexander :
I'll remember.
And one day, I'll be on 
walls like these.....


Ptolomy the Historian :
Alexander once said to me :
" We are most alone when we are with the myths. "