Showing posts with label 619. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 619. Show all posts

Thursday 29 September 2022

A Trick I Learned from An Old Friend


Spock : 
Fascinating — You are
Montgomery Scott.
You are, in fact, 
The Mister Scott who postulated 
The Theory of Transwarp-Beaming. 
Scotty : 
That's what I'm talking about.
How'd you think I wound up here?
I had a little debate with My Instructor
on the issue of relativistic physics
and how it pertains to subspace travel. 
He seemed to think that the range of transporting
something like a, like a grapefruit,
was limited to about a hundred miles;
I told him that I could
not only beam a grapefruit 
from one planet to the adjacent
planet in the same system — 
— which is easy by the way — 
— I could do it with a lifeform
So, I tested it on,
Admiral Archer's
prized beagle. 
Wait, I know that dog —
What happened to it? 
Scotty :
I'll tell you when it reappears….
I don't know.
I DO feel guilty about that…..
Spock :
What if I told you that Your Transwarp Theory was correct?
That it is indeed possible to beam onto a ship
that is travelling at warp speed? 
Scotty :
I think if that equation had been discovered,
I'd have heard about it. 
Spock :
The reason you haven't 
heard about it, Mister Scott,
is because you haven't 
discovered it yet. 
Scotty :
I'm a, uh, what...
Are you from The Future? 
Yeah. He is, I'm not. 
Scotty :
Except, the thing is, even if I believed you,
right, where you're from,
what I've done — I don't, by the way —
— you're still talking about
beaming aboard The Enterprise
while she's traveling faster-than-light,
without a proper receiving pad --
The notion of Trans-Warp Beaming is like,
trying to hit A Bullet with a smaller bullet,
whilst wearing a blindfold,
riding a horse --
What's that?
Spock :
Your Equation for achieving
Trans-Warp Beaming. 
Scotty :
(mumbles something)
Imagine that — It never 
occurred to me to think
of Space as the thing that was moving
KIRK: (to Spock)
You're coming with us, right? 
Spock :
No, Jim. That is not 
My Destiny. 
Your dest... He... 
The other Spock is not 
going to believe me.
Only you can explain 
What's Gonna Happen. 
Spock :
Under no circumstances, can he
be aware of My Existence.
You must promise me this. 
You're telling me I, 
I can't tell you that
I'm following your own orders.
Why not? What happens? 
Spock :
Jim, this is one rule you cannot break.
To stop Nero, you alone must take
command of Your Ship. 
How? Over your dead body? 
Spock :
Preferably not. However, there
is Starfleet Regulation-619.
619 states that any Command Officer
who's emotionally compromised
by the mission at hand, must
resign said command.
So, so you're saying that I have to
emotionally compromise you guys?
Spock :
Jim, I just lost my planet
I can tell you, I am 
emotionally compromised. 
What you must do is
get me to show it. 
Your coming Back in Time,
changing History — 
it's Cheating
Spock :
A Trick I learned from
An Old Friend.
(he does The Salute)
Live Long and Prosper.