Don’t Stop Me Now
if You Think That
You Have Heard
This One Before : —
A Married Man
goes out, after Dark,
Late at Night —
Frustrated, in Anger,
Fed up with Marriage & The Way Things are Going,
He becomes Determined
To Make a FOOL of Himself —
and in consequence,
His Wife along with him —
But then, he meets up with A Hooker, who knows him, who sees what he has in mind to do —
and She is Dead Against it.
I suppose you're wondering why you're here?
It had crossed my mind.
(Drops lid)
What's it all about?!
Sit down and I'll tell you.
It's a Question of
Your Resignation.
Go on.
The Information in Your Head
is priceless.
You don't realise
You're a Valuable Property.
You're worth
a great deal.
Who brought me Here?
I know how you feel.
Believe Me,
They've taken quite A Liberty.
Who are "They"?
A lot of people are curious
Your Resignation.
You had a brilliant career,
an impeccable record.
They want to know why you left.
What people?
Personally, I believe you,
that it was
a matter of principle.
But what I think
doesn't count, does it?
One has to be sure about such things.
So you poke your nose into
My Private Business?!
I have to check Your Motive.
I've been checked!
Of course — but when A Man knows as much as you do,
a double check does no harm, does it?
I don't know Who You Are,
or Who You Work For,
and I Don't Care.
I'm Leaving.
Haven't you realised
There's No Way Out?
I have something that will interest you.
Good evening.
Good evening.
I'm Dr. Harford.
One of My Patients was admitted This Morning.
Miss Amanda Curran.
Could you please give me
her room number?
Certainly, Doctor.
Her Name again?
Amanda Curran.
Miss Amanda Curran?
That's right.
I'm sorry, Doctor.
Miss Curran died this afternoon.
She died this afternoon?
Yes, at 3:45 p.m.
I'm sorry.
“Because it could cost me My Life...
...and possibly yours.”
[ It could possibly cost her His Life. ]
Yes, this is Dr. Harford.
Tonight? No, no, that's okay.
Please tell him I'll be there in about 20 minutes.
Come in.
Bill, I appreciate you coming.
Sorry to drag you out here.
Let me have your coat.
I was out anyway.
Thank you.
How about a drink?
Are you having one?
What would you like?
Just a little scotch.
Good. How do you take it? Neat?
That was a terrific party
the other night.
Alice and I had a wonderful time.
Well, good.
It was great seeing you both.
Were you playing?
No, I was just knocking
a few balls around.
Beautiful scotch.
That's a 25-year-old.
I'll send you over a case.
No, please.
Why not?
You feel like playing?
No, thanks. You go ahead, I'll watch.
I was just...
Listen... The reason I asked you to come over is...
...I need to talk to you about something.
It's a little bit awkward.
And I have to be completely Frank.
What kind of problem are you having?
It isn't a medical problem.
...it concerns you.
I know What Happened last night.
And I know what's been going on since then.
And I think you just might...
...have the wrong idea
about one or two things.
I'm sorry, Victor, I... .
What in the hell are you talking about?
Please, Bill, no games.
I was There. At The House.
I saw everything that went on.
What the hell did you think you were doing?
I couldn't even begin to imagine... ...how you'd heard about it...
...let alone got yourself through the door.
Then I remembered seeing you
with that prick piano player...
...Nick whatever the f*ck his name was, at my party.
And it didn't take much to figure out The Rest.
It wasn't Nick's fault.
It was mine.
Of course it was Nick's fault.
If he hadn't mentioned it to you, none of this would've happened.
I recommended that cocksucker to those people...
...and he's made me look like a complete asshole.
What can I say?
I had... ...absolutely... ...no idea you were involved in any way. I know you didn't, Bill. But I also know that you... . You went to Nick's hotel this morning... ...and talked to the desk clerk.
How do you know that?
Because I had you followed.
You had me followed?
Okay, okay, I'm sorry. All right? I owe you an apology.
This was for your own good, believe me.
I know what the desk clerk told you.
But what he didn't tell you is... ...all they did was put Nick on a plane to Seattle.
By now he's probably back with his family... ...banging Mrs. Nick. The clerk said he had a bruise on his face. Okay, he had a bruise on his face. That's a hell of a lot less than he deserves. I don't think you realize what kind of trouble you were in last night. Who do you think those people were? Those were not just ordinary people there. If I told you their names-- I'm not gonna tell you their names... ...but if I did, I don't think you'd sleep so well. Was it the second password? Is that what gave me away? Yes, finally. But not because you didn't know it. It's because there was no second password. Of course it didn't help a whole lot that those people arrive in limos... ...and you showed up in a taxi. Or that they found the receipt from the rental house in your coat... ...made out to you-know-who. There was a woman there... ...who tried to warn me. I know. Do you know who she was? She was a hooker. Sorry, but... ...that's what she was.
A Hooker.
Suppose I told you... ...that everything that happened to you there... ...the threats, the girl's warnings... ...her last-minute intervention... ...suppose I said that all of that... ...was staged.
That it was a kind of charade. That it was fake. Fake? Yes. Fake. Why would they do that? Why? In plain words... ...to scare the living sh1t out of you. To keep you quiet about where you'd been... ...and what you'd seen. Have you seen this? Yes, I have. I saw her body in the morgue. Was she the woman at the party? She was. The woman lying dead in the morgue... ...was the woman at the party. Well, Victor, maybe I'm missing something here. You called it a fake, a charade.
Do you mind telling me what kind of f*cking charade...
...ends with somebody turning up dead?
Okay, Bill, let's
cut the bullshit. All right?
You've been way out of your depth for the last 24 hours.
You want to know what kind of charade?
I'll tell you exactly what kind.
That whole play-acted, ""take me"" phony sacrifice... ...that you've been jerking off with had nothing to do with her real death.
Nothing happened after you left that hadn't happened to her before.
She got her brains f*cked out. Period.
When they took her home, she was just fine, and the rest is in the paper.
She was a junkie. She OD'd.
There was nothing suspicious.
Her Door was locked
from the inside.
The Police are Happy.
End of Story.
Come on, it was always gonna be just a matter of time with her. Remember, you told her so yourself.
You remember, the one with the great tits who OD'd in my bathroom?
Listen, Bill, nobody killed anybody. Someone died.
It happens all the time.
But Life goes on.
It always does...
...until it doesn't.
But you know that, don't you?
We’ll need The Body [ of Your Friend ] for evidence.
What Do You Desire..?
….Number 1.
I’ll Take You.
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